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Meeting of February l8. 1946
Th~ Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor S~
~entworth Hortqn at Greenport. on Monday. February 18. 1946. The
',':"';i- meeting was called to Order at 1 ;30 P.M. with the following
pres:ent: ,Supervisor Horton;.JusticesTerry, Hawkins a.ndGase;
........,., Town Superintendent of Highways Price; Town At~o~~ey ~erry and
"-.,' Town. Clerk Booth.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly approved as
The bond for .Justice of the Peace Radford C. Shanklin for $1,000..
was presented to the Board.
Moved by Justioe Hawifins, seoond~d by Justice crase =
BBSOJhVED: . .Toot the.l.'own Board approve the bond of Justice Radford
a. Sh~in written by the United Sta'tes Fidelity and. Guaranty
cro. as to its forrfL, manner of ex.eC:~tion and su.:tficiency of
Unan1m:ously adop ted.
M'a t.te:us of interest to the town were disoussed at considerable
Move-d.by JUstioe Hawkins, seoonded by Justice crase:
BE-SOIP1ED: 'I'hat regular monthly /:ludit meeting of the Town
Board. be 1le,W.cl)n Wednes.day lJ.aroh 6~ Hj46~ at 1.:30 P.M.
Una~~~ly adapted.
-;.../i ~lle meei;ing ]'lias postponed un1Jll March 8, 1946 at l:30 P.M.
Adjo~nment was at 3:00 P.M.
Ralph P. Booth
ToWIl Clerk
Meeting of Southo1d Park District
February 19. 1946
Call of meeting was read by Town alerk~ H.P. Booth.
Dr. Paul Dietenbaaher was elected chairman of meeting..
Dr. S.B.' Elsher was unanimo11iS1y elected member of Park c:ommissioB
1'0,1" a term of three years.
An appD'spriation at .$25.0CJf1'or the maintenance of the Park D1s-
trict, properties was '{oted. Total votes oast 7 yes.
11 Suggestion that the commission bar the ;use 0-1' liEluor at the wharf
:premises Was made by Dr. Diefenbacher.
'Fhe .matter of acquiring the use of the M.T. Smith Estate property
either by oontract or purchase was brought up for~discussion.
Meeting adjourned.
Edward L. Donahue
SecretaI'\J of meeUng