HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-07/29/1940A special meeting of the Southold ~ark District was
held at ~ommunity Hall, in said District, on July 2.~,
The 1~eelfing was opened at 8 P. M., DST,
by Town Clerk Davison,
who read the call of the meeting and certified that the
meeting had been duly advertised, as required by law. He
then asked the meeting to nomin:,te for a chairman. The name
of Dr. S. B. Fischer was placed in nomination and was seconded.
There being no other nominations , Dr. Fischer was unanimously
elected Chairman. 'The Chairman appointed Alvah B. Goldsmith
Clerk; and Joseph Bennett and Harold Richmond, Tellers. All
of the officers of the meeting were sworn in by the Town Clerk.
The meeting decided informally that it would vote first
on the proposition:authorizing the Commissioners to construct
a Jetty, so that the budget raised could be made to fit the
requirements. The vote was cast. The Tellers counted the ballot
and announced the vo,te as follows: Total Vote 26
Yes ......... 16
No ........ 9
Blank ...... 1
On the vote on the Budget, the Tellers announced the
results as follows: ..Yes ........ 21
No .......
Total ....
Jo missioners Stokes and Fischer gave informal reports
on conditions in the parks of the District. They told of the
improvements made and of others contemplated. They stated that
they hoped the proposed Jetty would make a considerable stretch
on new beach for the district on the west side of the present
dock. Several people spoke warmly praising the Commissioners
for the improved conditions in the parks. On motion of Earl
Hagerman, which was seconded by R. L. Davison, the meeting gave
the Commissioners an enthusiastic and unanimous vote of confidence
and appreciation for their efforts.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45P. ~.
Alvah Goldsmith, Clerk.