HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941No. 07-s48-41 Know all Men b~t these Presents: That we, PAUL L. DIEFENBACN1~.;~, as Principal, and the UNITED STATES FImELrrf AND GUARANTY COMPANY, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of M~,~rland, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto SOUTHOLD PARK COm~ISSION~ SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, in the sum of -ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 ........ Dollars ($1~000.00 ) lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be m~de, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, ~minlatrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Wberes~ the above bounden PAUL L. DrI~I~F~BACHER~ was duly elected to the poslt$on of Treasurer of Southold Park CommSsslon~ Southold, New York~ for the term of three years~ beginning March lst~ 1940. Now, Therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the said PAUL L. DIEtrENBACHER~ ~h~l! well and faithfully perform all the duties of his said office, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. It is Understood and Agreed, and this bond is given and accepted on the condition that the Surety shall in no way be held liable for any loss, costs, ~amages or expenses of any kind caused by the failure of any Bank, Institution or Depository of any kind to pay, deliver over or properly account for any money, moneys, papers, securities or property of any kind placed on deposit therein or in its custody by or for said PAUL L. DIEFENBACHER~ as such Treasurer or in any other capacity. It is Further Understood and Agreed between v/l parties hereto, timt ff the Surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by giving thirty (80) days notice in writing to the SOUTHOLD PARK ¢0MMISSION~ S00THOLD~ NEW :fORK and this bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of the said thirty (30) days, the said Surety re~i.l.g liable for ail or any act or acts covered by this bond, which may have been committed by the Principal up to the date of such cancellation, under the terms, conditions and provisions of this bond, and the Surety shall, upon sur- render of this bond and its release from all liability thereunder, refund the premium paid less a pro rata part thereof, for the time this bond shall have been in force. Signed, sealed and dated, this o. ~. 144 4th ~ ~ February 19 41. United States Fidelity and Guaranty Compan~l ~ .................... ~ t t~ ' "' -6[-'fi~'~-'['~'2~'~ ~'~'~Lt:i~'~'~:' ~/~i4i'~''' State of New York, County of Ne~7 Yoek, ss: On the , dav~l-- , befo~e-~ne ~ersonally came did depose and say that he resides in the City of New York; that he is Attorney-in-xac~ ox ~ne u~.w.e,,u, ~L FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY,the corporation de?cr~ed in, and. which executed the withi~ instrument~t,h~ he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to sa~d instrument ~s such c?.rpor.ate, ae.a.l.; tha. t. it was.s.o. ~; ~e by order of t~e Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto oy tike erucr; an9 said Company has received from the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York a certificate of sol, enemy and of its sufficiency as surety or guarantor, under Section 109-A of the Insurance Law of the State of New York, and that such certificate has not been revoked. And the saidwlLt, lAM $. further said that he is acquainted with~. ~K ~ and knows him to be the Attorney-in-fact of said Company; that the signature of said ~ ~NK ~ , subscribed to the within instrument, is in the genuine h~ndw~ting of said ~, ~ H~ , and was subscribed thereto'by llke order of said Board of Directors, and in the presence of him the said ~, L,L~y~,~.,~f~,.· ~h~g~ C~["Clk's g,. ?r!iScat~ filed ht ' / ] At a meeting o~ the Board of I)irectors of the COMPANY, held at the office of the Company, in the C~ty o~ ~~.- ~a~.~.fi~., on t,n.e l~7,tn day o~ July, A. I). 1940, at which was present a quorum o~Cq~t~sts~ot~l~aaatl~d ~o ac~ ~n tne premises, on motion is was unanimously: Resolved, That ALONZO GORE OAKLEY Or WILLIAM H. ESTWICK or ADOLPHUS A. JACKSON or KENNETH H. WOOD or S. FRANK HELVES or CHARLES E. FINKEN or KEARN J. MULLEN or ALBERT J. ROWLAND or WILLIAM S. H~IN~ or EDWARD J. O'SHAUGHNESSY or C. B. BRAI)BURY Or PHI'LIp SAFFER or FREDERIC H. SCANLAN be and they hereby are appointed At- torneys-in-Fact of this Company in the State of New York, and each of them is authorized and empowered to execute and deliver and to attach the seal of the Company to any and all bonds and undertakings for, or on behalf of the Com- pany, in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or private trust and the perform- ance of contracts other than insurance policies, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and other undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law required, including co-suretyshlp and reinsurance a .greements and all other bonds, undertakings or guarantees of whatsoever nature not specifically covered by the foregoing authority, and to give and execute waivers of citation, admissions of service of notices of motions, and consents to the entry of orders in proceedings wherein the said Company is interested as surety; such bonds, undertakings and agreements to be attested in every instance by one other of the persons above named, as occasion may require, provided, that if such bonds, undertakings and agreements are not executed by either A~ONZO GORE O~cr.~.Y or WHJ~AM H. Es~v~c? or ADOLPHUS A. JACKSON or S. FRANK HELVES or WILLIAM S. HERING, then and in such event, said bonds, undertakings and agree- ments shall be attested by either the said ALONZO GORE OAKLEY or WILLIAM H. ESTWICK or ADOLPHUS A. JACKSON or S. FRANK H~ES or WILLIAM S. HERINO and the aforesaid Atterneys-in-Fact are, and each of them is hereby authorized and empowered to certify a copy of this resolution under the seal of this Company. State of New York, County of New York, ss: Attorney-in-f avL HOWA~9 L. Cox being duly sworn, says that he is an Assistant Secretary of the UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, that he has compared the foregoing resolution with the original thereof, as recorded in the minute book of the said Company, and does hereby certify that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original resolution, and that the same is now in full force and effect. ~__~/~ Sworn to I~ore me this ~ Assistant Secretary. 4' dayef FEB 1941 '~ ~ Attorney-in-/ac~ NOTARY pUI~LIC,~Ki.g~ C,~unt! I King~ Co. CI!'~, No. d,2~: R.e;. N~, 1174 / J~ T A T E M E N T Br0n~ Co. C]],. : ' ' ' n ~u~ ' C. C ks No. 1764 Beg. N~. $84~ o.~ We[-;tche~ and ~chm0n8 C*upti~ o~Tzmw~E, MARYLAND Commission Expires M~ch 30, I~T CLOSE OF BUS'ESS SE~E~ER 30, 1940 ASIIETS Cash on hand and in bank~ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... $ ?,906,414.S2 Bonds and Stocks* ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 89,959.004.93 Loans secur~ bY pledge of collateral ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2,0SS,sog,9s Pr~niums in com'~e of ecllection, not over 90 d~Y~ due ........................................................................................................................................................ 6,565,?11.42 Reinsurance due and secured claims ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 150,682.01 Depaalts, Workmen's Campenaation Reinsurance, U. S. Aviation Funds ......................................................................................................................... $48.499.87 Comvan~s offioe buildtngs~l~s depreciation reserve ............................................................................................................................................................. S,2S6,908.84 E. ASBURY DAVIS, G. PORTER HOUSTON, President. Treasurer. State of New York, County of New York, ss. .............................................................................................................................. , being duly sworn, says: that he is the Attoeney-in-fact of the ~[¥~ STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the financial conditlen.ef said,C~mpany, as of Sep,tember 30, 1940, and that the financial condition of said Company is as favorable now as it was when suen statement was maoe. Subscribed and sworn to Ilefore me ___ ~~~ this 4dayof ~-kB 1941 Kings C~. CIVs N*. ~,7~; Reg. N*. 1174 ,~ ' Bronx Co. ~lk's N,. 37. Reg. No. 141B41 // ~ N. Y. C,u Cik's ~,~. 5'JL ~g. No. 1113~7 [] qu~ns Co. Ck. , . 1;;4, Reg. No. ~84~ W~stche~' a.d Richmond C.unfiq~ United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company BALTIMORE, MARYLAND