HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 RECEIVED MAY "J. 0 'lggo OFFICE OF TIlE STATE COHPTROLLER 47 2~ 7900 0600 SOUTHOLD PARK CER1/FZCATE OF CHTEF F~SCAL OFFTCER IPlease Prin~) (Name of and thai this report, to the best of my I<no~ledge, information and belief, is a tr~ and correct siate~,ent of the financial and fiscal condition for {he fiscal year. ended i.~1~{ , Si~a~ure Till. Official Address Office Pixie H~er PLEASE HAZL REPORT TO: STATE OF OFFZCE OF THE STATE COIqPTROLLER DZVZSZOH OF ItUN/CZPAL RESEARCH AND STAT/ST/CS ALFRED E. SHZTH STATE OFFZCE BUILDZNG { lOth. FLOOR) ALBAHY, NEH yORK 1ZZ36 ATTEHT/ON: HARG~E HOSLEY ZF YOU HAVE ~UEST~ONS RELATZNG ~O mE ~NUAL FTNANCZAL REPORT, ASSETS Cash lr~estments Prepaid Ex.arises Deferred C~rges Acc~ts Receivable State & Federal Receivables Due fret Other ~overnments EDPCODE 7P~8~ 7P399 BALANCE SHEET '~ AS OF LZABZLZTTES Aocount s payable A~cr~ed Liabilities Due to-Other ~overr~e~ts Deferred Revenue Notes Payable ;~onds Payable Other Liabiliti~ EDPCOOE 7P600 7P60! 7P691 7P6ZO 7P699 Fixed Assets: Cost Accumulated Depreciation Not Fixed Assets O~her Assets 7P199 7p~t~9 Cmtri~ted C~i~l Furg~lanc~/~etair~iEamings 7P800 7P909 TOTAL /~ETS: For offioe use only 7PDATEF TOTAL LI'AB. ZLZTZES AND E~UZTY public Health Culture ;md Recreation Ho~e and Cmm~y Services Debt 6o~d - Prir~l~l ~ - In~eres~ D~pr~cia~ion Ad.~us'men'~s *l:o balance TOTAL EXPENDZ TURES/E)~'ENSES E~UZTY END OF YEAR 7P8021 7PSO1Z 7P8015 7P10~0 7P1999 7PZ660 7PZ~IO 7PZ~O! 7PZq99 7P~999 EDPCODE 7P1999 7P~999 7Pq999 7P5999 7P6999 7P7999 7P8999 7P9099 7P97896 7P97897 7P97886 7P97887 7P199q~ 7P1888 7PSOZ9 $~q~q. Persor~l Services ! STATEHENT OF ZNDEBTEDNESS ltonth Current Outstanding Oo Not I~cluge Rsr~als He~ ~tsia~i~ Fiml [List ~tely ~ Date of Issml ED~ ~ Inte~st Y~ Rate T P 1 3 5 7 / rotal Tax ~tigi~ti~ ~t~ 7P1~1 l~ ~tici~ti~ ~t. / / / ~4]N NEN ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT I~H ISSUE DATE. (IN RENEHAL, PLE/iSE ZNSERT LATEST RENEHAL DATE. PLEASE 'rNSERT 4 D/GITS~ EXAMPLE: JANUARY~ 19~ HO~.D BE 01,~6. STATEHEHT OF TI~)EBTEDNESS wON NEH ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NE# I~UE DATE. EXAMPLE JANUARY: 19~6 HOULD BE 01/86. ~N RENEHAL, PLEASE THSERT LATEST REFL:HAL DATE. PLEASE XNSERT · D/GXTS.. !/ STATEHEHT OF /HDEBTEDNESS I~'~h Curre~ Ou~sta~cilng Oo Hot Include Renm~ls (Lis~ ~ely by Da~e of Zss~) ED~E a~ In~e~t ~i~i~ Of Iss~ ~ri~ Paid ~ri~ E~ Of y~ ~te Fis~l Y~r Fis~l Y~r :is~l Y~r Fis~l Y~r Date T p 1 ~ 5 7 To~al ~ 7P1~7 ~AL ALL ~E~ 7P1~ ~u~AL /~EBTE~ Pl~se note c~llable features of bcnd issues ~nd any reserve funds a ~ HEH zSSUE$, PLEASE TNSERT NEff TSSUE DATE. (~1 RENEHAL, PLEASE THSERT LATEST REHEHAL DATE. PLEASE TNSERT · DZG~TS- EXAVdPLE: JANUARY, 1966 HOUND BE 01/86. 7 HOTZCES OF TORT CLAZHS FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR ENDED Ham of Unit: TOTAL NU~ER OF CLAZHS TOTAL AHOUNT OF CLATHS TOTAL AHOUI~ pATD ON CLATY'~- EDP CODE NUt'IBER EDP CODE M~OUHT EDP COOE AHQUHT claiss pending - 8eglming of Year Involving CodefendaniYThird Par~oy Defendant Other C lai~* ~otices Filed During the Year Involving Codefendant/Third Party Defendant Other Claims 7PTRiO 7PTRI! 7PTR15 7PTR16 7PTRZO 7PTR21 7PTRZ5 7PTRZ6 -~alms disposed of during ~h~ year prior to =t of court actlo~: -By ~it - Claim disposed of during ibc year after c~.encem~nt of court action: -By Unit -Zn~ur~mce Carrier -By ~t ~r ( I 7PTR30 7PTR31 7PTR3Z 7PTH~O 7PTR~I 7PTR~Z Equala: Claims pending - End of Year In~olvlng Co~fend~t/Tl~i~d Party Defendant other claims Article 4, Sectim~ 50-f of the General H~icip~l L~ · a. each officer charged ~i~ of s~ ~ici;1 ~tim of ~ clo~ of ~ fis~l y~r of s~ ~ici~l =~ti~ or of ~ ~brity or ~zssz~ A ~ici~l ~tim, ~ri~ or ~zssz~ ~i~ ~ s~tim ~ir~ of ~ ~l vici~l 8 SCHEDULE OF T/HE DEPOS/TS AND XHVESTNENTS HAi~ET VALUE BOOK VALUE (COST) AT BALANCE SHEET DATE COLLATERAL EDP CODE NqOUNT EDP CODE AIgOUNT EDP COOE ~OUNT LOCA~ ~ ~C~X~ A B C LEGEN~ in Time Deposits - To include all in~eres~ bearing accounts, ie., savi~gs~ no~, st~per r~, mo~ey m~rket ac~ot~ts, arid certificates of dsposit. Collateral - Xnsur~r~e (FDIC, e~¢) a~t ,~curities. A - ~curiiy in possession of loeal I~°~err~ial · - S~curi~t held by third par~y ~usi~xiial ba~k. C - ~rit~ held by teading I~rtner. LOCAL GOVEP. I~IEHTAL IL,I~T ;lUESTIOHitlIE ~Audi~ Coverage Survey~ 1. Is an at.ual flr~ncial r~port pr;p~r~t for your l~o~r,.,-~tal unit? En~e~ I iT yss, EDP CODE RESPONSE 7P1AFR ( If the answer to quesiim~ I is yes. please e~ter i if your rel~rt is pre~re~, internally or Z if your report is prepared by an ir~p~r~t auditor. 7PlPREP I Ha~e of Fir,m Address of Fir~ 7PZ1CO ~ of C~nt~ct ir~ tJ~ fln~nclal trans~ctlons for lmur local goverr~t ~it r~port~d by a~y ~u~icipality in its m~nual finm~ial report? If yes pl~se speclfyrmme of the ~icip~lity 10 Please enter 1, ~, or ~ as appropriate for t~e I~si$ of acco~ntlng ~hich ~ost accurately describes t~e ~ethod of r~portlng financial for yo~. u~it. BASIS OF ACCOUNTTNG RESPONSE Cash 1 Nocli f :ie.:i Accrual Z EDPCODE RESPONSE Hill or have ~he official statements for ymur unit been audited by an irxlq~andent auditor [public ecoountan~ or certified public ~r~ fiscal year ~cJed in 1989. Enter ] if yes, Enter 2 if r~, EDPCODE RESPONSE If the answer to questlo~ 1 above is yes, p!~asp indicate t~e folli~ing informtio~ for the principal auditor: FOR STATE COMPTROLLER'S U~E ONLY If a sir~le ~udit is required for y~r ~it, ~ill the ;radii s~tisfy the financial, inter~l control ~md oo~pli= r~luirssmis of t~ Singls Audit A~t of Enter I if yes, Enter 2 if no EDP COOE RESPONSE 7P6C01 11