HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980AC 2183 f2/80) OF THE ~ TREASURER OF 198! (Name of District) TOWN 'OF COUNTY OF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 ~0 AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Sect/an 30 of tl~e General Municipal law "1, *** eve~, *** Improvement and special district shall annually make a report of its financial condition 1o the comptroller. Such repor~ shall be made by the chief fiscal officer of each municipal corporation e.*. Such repo~ts shall include the financial transactions of joint services defined by section one hundred nineteen.n of this chapter. ***. 5. All ~epe. s shall be certified by the afficer making the same and she be f ed w th ha comptro er w th n s xty dayl after the c ese of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation, district. ***. Every such officer shall also, w th n s xty days after the exp rat on of his term district *** on the date Itheexplratlon of hie term of offca ar hi res gnat on ar ramova fromoffca as the cose may be. Therefusal or wi fu neglect of such off cat to f lea report ae here n prescribed shall be a misdemeanor and subject the flnanclaJofficer so refusing or neglecting 1o a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty daye to be paid on demand of the compWoller.°' STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 Total Operating Expenses EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: State Retirement 9010.8 Social Security 9030,8 Workmens Compensation 9040.8 Life Insurance 9045.8 Unemployment Insurance 9050.8 Disability Insurance 9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance 9060.8 Tota~ Employee Benefits 9199.0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS: Transfer to Fund -- Transfer to Fund __ Total Interfund Transfers DEBT SERVICE: PRINCIPAL: Serial Bonds 9710.6 $ Statutory Bonds 9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.6 Capital Notes 9740.6 Budget Notes 9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770,6 Total Principal INTEREST: Serial Bonds 9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds 9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.7 Capita1 Notes 9740.7 Budget Notes 9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.7 Total Interest 9899.7 Total Debt Service Total District Expenses (Transfer to page 4) 9900.0 NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS: Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements 9998.0 Total Disbursements 9999.0 EXPENSES PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL I 2 4 0 s ~'/17. 77 //7. 77 -3- ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE Fund Balance - Beginning of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues (from page 2) TotaJ Deduct: Appropriation Expenses (from page 3) Balance before Adjustments 8021 8022 8023 8024 8025 $ $ $ $: Adjustments: Other Additions: (specify) Other Deductions: (specify) Fund Balance- End of Fiscal Year 8026 8027 8029 -4- CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Home of Account (:mb Cash N200 Cash In Time Deposits H201 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes H222 Total Cash Due from Other Funds Deposits with Other Governments Tote! Receivables H391 H395 Temporary Investments H4S0 Obligations Authorized, Unissued H470 Financing to be Pmvidnd from Other Funds H471 Financing to be Provided from State Seqrcell H472 Financing to be Provided from Federal Sources H473 Financing to be Provided from Other Sources H474 Encumbrances H521 Total Other Debits TOTAL ASSETS H8009 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND BALANCES Accounts Payable Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable Bond Anticipation Notes Payable Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governments Total L. iabillties Reserve for Encumbrances Earnings on Deposits and Temporary Investments Premlume on Securities Issued Accrued Interest on Securities Issued Total Reserves Authorizations Unneeded Balances of Authorizations Total Other Credits Capital Reserve Balances TOTAL LIABILITIES, RE- SERVES AND BALANCES H600 $. H60S H621 H626 H630 H631 HT00 $ H850 H851 H852 H890 $ N911 H920 H8019 -S- CAPITAL FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES FROM OTHER LOCAL SOURCES: Capital Projects, Other Local Governments Interest Earnings Gifts and Donations Premium on Borrowings Accrued Interest on Borrowings Financing from Other Local Sources (.specify) Total Revenues from Other Local Sources INTERFUND REVENUES: Transfer from Fund Transfer from Fund Transfer from Fund Transfer fram Fund Total Interfund Revenues STATE AID FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS: (specify) Total State Aid FEDERAL AID FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS: ~specify) Total Federal Aid Total Revenues NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS: Advances from Other Funds Sale of Investments Other. Non-Revenue Receipts (speaifyJ H2397 N2401 H2705 H2710 H2710 H2770 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 NSO00 H5075 H5085 H5095 Obligations issued: Serial Bands H5710 Band Anticipation Notes H5730 Capital Notes H5740 Revenue Anticipation Notes H5770 Total Non-Revenue Receipts TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR H8061 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE H8064 s ,-~7./, o/ -6- CAPITAL FUND CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE EDP CODE Capital Project Cash Payments INTERFUND TRANSFERS: (Unneeded Authorizations, Interest Earnings, Premium and Accrued Interest) Transfer ta Fund H Transfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H TotaJ Interfund Transfers Total Capital Projects and lnterfund Transfers NON-PROJECT EXPENDITURES: Redemption of Band Anticipation Notes H9930.5 Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes H9970.5 Repayment of Advances ta Other Funds N9975.5 Payment af Retained Percentages H9977.5 Purchase af Investments H9985.5 Accounts Payable H9995.5 Other (specify) H Total Non-Project Expenditures TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE AT END OF FISCAL YEAR H8067 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE H8068 ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Capital Projects (specify) Total Capital Projects H H H H H H H H H H H H H H9000 CAPITAL OUTLAY .2 $ $ -7- TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash T200 Cash in Time Deposits T201 Total Cask Assets T8000 Total Fund Balance (T10-T72) T8019 CASH · BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS BEGINNING BALANCE RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS ENDING BACANCE PAYROLL FUNDS Consolidated Payrol~ T10 Group Insurance T20 State Income Tax T21 Federal Income Tax T22 Income Executions T23 Association and Union Dues T24 U. S. Savings Bonds T25 Social Security T26 New York City Income Tax T28 $. $ S $ PERFORMANCE DEPOSITS Guaranty and Bid Deposits Other (specify) T30 T T T T T Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable T71 Overpayments and collections in Advance T72 Total $ $ $ -8- SUt4ktARY OF CASH - ALL FUNDS SINGLE ENTRY C~sh Balance Cash Cash Cash Balance Title EDP January 1, ~) Receipts Disbursements December 31, Code 1 3 5 7 Trust and Agency 8312 CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS DOUBLE ENTRY Title EDP Fund Total Code General Fund 830~ $ Capital Fund 8308 Trust and Agency 8312 to,a A. Fu.ds I BANK BALANCES Name of Bank Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Net Bank Balance December 31, ~.t~C~ December 31. ~O December 31. ~ Cash on Hand .:;TAILSTATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS Year Interest Outstanding issued Redeemed Outstanding of Rate January T, 19 During During December 1, 19 Title cf iss~ Code Issue Year Year T P I 3 ~ 7 ' S i$ $ $ Tc~al $ S S $ $ S $ Total $ S $ S Note: Please repo~t all water district debt above and not in the Super¥1sor' s Annual Report far Towns. AUTHORIZATION (Please Print orl Type) .............. ~..0. ..~.~0.?....i ....... .. .I?.~.~ ......... ~.. /..s..~ j..o.. ~ ....... ~ ..................... ,. ,~. ~o. 0, (NaM of District) ........... ~,u.~.o~ ....................................... Cou.,, o, ...... .~0..~.~...~ ...................... and that the foregoing is a true and correct report of the said district for the year ended Decembr 31 19,~ and that this report agrees with the official records. (Signature of Treasurer)