HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984PUBLIC OFFICIAL DIVISION ..4 ~ THE HARTFORD OFFICIAL BOND BOND NO. 1~4395997 Know All Men By These Presents, That we, F~K A. LEKIClt of 1350 Wells Ave., Southold in the State of and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company ing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Connecticut bonds in the State of New York York as Principal, , a corporation duly organized and exist- , and authorized to become sole surety on unto $outhold Park , as Surety, are held and firmly bound in the State of lle~ York , in the full and just sum of FIV~ ~0U,~ID A~ID 00/100 ........................................ Dollars ($ 5,000.00 ) lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and sealed this 10th day of Whereas, the said Frank A. Lekich has been duly elected or appointed to the office of in and for the Southold Park District for the term beginning on the 27th day of and ending on the 27th day of January A.D. 19 84 February ,19 84 February ,19 85 Now, Therefore, The Condition of the Above Obligation is Such, that if the above bounden F~ANK A. I~KICH shall, during the aforesaid term, faithfully and truly perform all the duties of his office and shall pay over and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office of Treasurer as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. In Witness Whereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said Hartt~ord Accidont & Ind~mnity Company has caused these presents~.to he-si~nedJsv'dts/~ficers proper for the purpose the day and year first above written. .......... Principal Surety By ........ : .................................... l/ary ~urld~-Al~torney In Fact State of /d/~ ,~ Before me,~/this ~fZ~ day of ~~ , A.D. 19~ personally appeared the said ~ank ~ ~k~h TM to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same.~ r ''r~t~'' ' ''~ ~ , ' U, i , ~ ] ~'~ Comr,;kzim; ~xpires March ~0, Form S-3720.1 Printed in U.S.A. OFFICIAL BOND BOND NO. THE HARTFORD On Behalf of In favor of Dated ...................................................................... 19 ...... Expires ................................................................... 19 ...... Form S-3720-1 Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Hartford, Connecticut Financial Statement, December 31, 1982 (Cents Omitted) ASSETS U.S. Government Bonds ....... Bonds of other Governments State, County, Municipal and ... Miscellai~eous Bonds ...... Stocks ..................... $ 223,579,364 402,522,461 1,410,738,371 692,493,746 $2,729,333,946 Real Estate ................. 2,007,575 Cash in Offices and Banks ..... 973,419 Agent's Balances (Under 90 Days) 0 Sundry Assets ............... 383,880,712 Total Admitted Assets ........ $3,116,195,652 STATE OF CONNECTICUT, SS. COUNTY OF HARTFORD, LIABILITIES Reserve for Claims and Claims Expense ....... Reserve for Unearned Premiums Reserve for Taxes ............ Miscellaneous Liabilities ....... Total Liabilities ............. Capital Paid In . $40,000,000 Surplus ....... 919,289,910 Surplus as regards Policyholders . Total Liabilities, Capital Stock and Surplus .............. $1,395,595,973 408,343,716 18,534,335 334,432,618 $2,156,905,742 $959,289,910 $3,116,195,652 D. C. Thomas, President of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, being duly sworn, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the assets and liabilities of the said Company as of December 31, 1982 and in witness whereof said President has hereunto signed and caused the corporate seal to be affixed hereto. Acknowledged and sworn to before me this 5th day of March, 1983 Notary Public commision expires April 1, 1983 Attest: ~y C. Thomas, President Vice President and Group Comptroller Farm CS-19-3 U A & I Printed in U.S.A. HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by the~e pre.sofa, That the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COM- PANY, a corporation duly organized un,er the laws of the State of Connecticut, ~ having It~ l~fncipal office in the City of Hartford, C~Jnty of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute am:l C. P. LANG, WZLLIAM A. FOP. AN, MARY BURKE and PEC-~Y LADISLAW Of WOODBURY, NE)/ YORK its true and lawful Attorney(si.in.Fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(si-in-Fact, in their separate capacityif more than.one is named above, to~ign, execute and acknowiadge any and all txxlda and undertokings and other writi~g~ o~igato~/in th~ catur~ thereof on Oeflalf of the company in its business of g~l~suif~ th~ fid~ity Of per~s holding p~cas or pobllC or peyote trust; guarant~n~ the p~formance Of cor~l~ts other ~ ~nauranas pelves; guaran)asmg the pertomlar~ca of mns~rence cor~trasts wn~re surety Ix~da.are acc~ted by states ~nd municidel~es, and executing or guaranteeing ponds and undertakmgs required or ~rrmtted ~n alt actions et- proceedings or by law allowed, and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof Ware signed by an Executive Officer Of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEM NITYCOMPANY and sealed and affested by one other of such Officers, acd ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(si-in-Fact may do in porsuanca hereof. This power of attorney is granted by and under auth~ity of the following provisions: (1) By-Laws adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly cailed and hatd on the 10th day of Fdoruary, 1943. ARTICLE IV {2} ~xc~rpt 1rom tha Minutas o* a m~-lng of ~ 8o~'d of Diractor* of the HARTFORD ^CCI~NT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY duly called ~ held on the llth day of June, 1976: This power of attorney is signed and sealed by fac~mile under and by the authoeity of the foltowing Reantutio~ adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORO ACCIOENT AND IN DEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly caJled and held on the 6th day of August, 1~)76. th Wlthesa WItece~f, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has cauaed these prace~ts to he signsd by its A s sistant V(ce-President, and its corporate seal to de hereto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary, this 1 st day of AbriL 1983. Attest: HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND iNDEMNITY COMPANY STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ) R~w~ N. H. COUNTY OF HARTFORD, ~ ss. .~;s,ua~ On this 1st day of Abril, A.D. 1983, before me personslly came Robert N. H. Saner, to me know~, who heing by ma duly sworn, did depose and say: that he resides in the County of Hartford, State Of Cormactldut; that he is the Assistant Vice- President of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corpo~flon described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of seld corcorstion; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said cor~oraflo~ and that he signal his name thereto by like order.~ Q ~ ~ STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ~ G~da Mazoms, ~o~,~y · COUNTY OF HARTFORD, ~ CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Connecticut Corporation, DO HER EBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and. has not been revoked; and furthermore, that Article IV, Sections 8 and 11, of the By-Laws of the Company, and the Resolutions Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. Dated the 'J 0t~t day of ~'at~tt~, 19 STATE OF HL:1¢ YORK 1 COUNTY OF Naa~au )ss · 5auuary 10, 1984 On .......... . ............................ before me personally Mary Burke came .................................................... to me know11, who, being the by me duly sworn, did depose and say the he/she resides in X/=eola, N,Y. .., N.Y.; that he/she the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY CONPANY Attorney-in-fact of the ................................................. the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he/she knows the seal of said corporation; that the se:l affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said .corporation, and that he/she signed his/her name thereto by 1.ike order; and the affiant did.further depose and say that the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York, has, pursuant to Section 327 of the Insurance LaW of the State of New York, issued to HARTFORo ACCIOENT AND INOEMNITY COMPANY ..his/her certificate of qualification evidencing the quatfficatton of said Company and its sufficiency under any law of the State of New York as surety and guarantor, and the propriety of accepttn~ and approving it as such; and that such certificate has not been. revoked. p£~Y LXDI,~4.~W NOTARY PIIBLIC, Strte of New ¥otX E~. 30-4658687 THE HARTFORD Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 RECEIVED FEB 1. ? 1984 Tew~ Cled~ Sou~eld Form 8.3323-2 Printed in U.S.A.