HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983 RECEIVED JAN ~. 3 ~ ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER Revised, 12/83 OF (Nm ef Olsttlct) TOWN 'OF COUNTY OF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 AUTHORIZATION A~tlcle 3, Sect/on 30 of the General Munl¢ll)el law STATE OF NEW YO. RK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS A¢¢mJnt Cade Cash 200 Cash in Time Deposits 201 Petty Cash 210 Cash from Budget Notes 220 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes 222 Cash for Bond Interest and Matured Bonds 223 Cash, Special Reserve Funds 230 Total Cash Accounts Receivable 380 Due fram Other Funds 391 State and Federal Governments 410 Due from Other Governments 440 Total Receivables Inventory of Materials and Supplies 445 Temporary Investments 450 Investments, Special Reserve Funds 452 Total Investments TOTAL ASSETS 8009 ,b-73/-/'. LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Accounts Payable 60Q Customers Deposits 615 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable 621 Budget Hates Payable 622 Bond Intmest and Matured Bonds Payable 629 Due to Other Funds 630 Duo to Other Governments 631 Overpayments and Collections in Advance 69Q Total Liabilities Reserve for Encumbrances, Current Year 700 Reserve for Encumbrances, Prior Years 701 Reserve for inventory of Materials and Supplies 720 Reserve for Accounts Receivable 730 Reserve for Repairs 882 Reserve for Bonded Debt 884 Total Reserves Fund Balance 909 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE 8019 -1- REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEMS: Real P~operty T~xea St~clal A.seaJments Total R~I P~ Tax I~s DEPARTMENTAL INCOME: REVENUES 1001 1030 1091 Total Detmnmeatal Incama USE OP MONEY AHD PROPERTY: Immct and Earnings Total Uea of. Money and SAI. E OF PROPERTY AND COMPEN- SATION FOR LOSS: Saieo of Scrap and Excesl Sclea of Equipment TM-* Sclea ead C4.menoMM ~ L~.. MISCELLANEOUS: Re~undl d Al~Hatlen E~N~.el o~ PrIM Yew. Total Mieaallaneaea INTERFUND REVENUE~ Tm.oM MN. STATE AID: Fund Total State Aid FEDERAL AID: Total Non. Revenue Receipt. Tct(d Ceah Receipts 2701 SOQO 5999 6Q00 S /c~7. ?~ S /o 7. ?:- ' /~/. oo -2- EXPENSES Total Operating Expenses PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL ! 2 4 0 I 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: State Retirement 9010.8 Social Security 9Q30.8 Workmens Compensation 9040.8 Life Insurance 9045.8 Unemployment Insurance 9050.8 Disability Insurance 9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance 9060.8 Total Employee Benefits 9199.0 INTERFUNO TRANSFERS: Transfer m Fund -- Transfer to Fund m Total Intorfund Transfers DEBT SERVICE: PRINCIPAL: Serial Bonds 9710.6 Statutory Bonds 9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.6 Capital Notes 9740.6 Bu,:get Notes 9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.6 Total Principal INTEREST: Serial Bonds 9710.7 Statutory Bonds 9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.7 Capital Notes 9740.7 Budget Notes 9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.7 Total Interest 9899.7 Total Debt Service Total District Expenses (Transfer to page 4) 9900.0 NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS: Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements 9998.0 Total Disbursements 9999,0 s 97 -3- ANAlySIS OF FUND BAL.AI, CE Fufld Balance - Beginning of Add: Ilev~nue~ (fffom page Total Deduct.. Al)pfollriatlon ~xllenSe8 (fflm~ page 3) Balance ~ Adiusmants 8021 8022 8O23 8024 8O25 Adiu.tme.t~: Olhm. Addition.se (sl~cl{y) Olhm, DEductions: (~lfy) Fumi Balance - End of Pl#d Yem' 8O26 -4- CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET Name of Acsa4~nt Ced~ Cash H200 Cash in Time Deposits H201 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes H222 Total Cash Due from Other Funds Deposits with Other Governments Total Receivables H391 H395 Temporar/ Investmeflts H450 Obligations Authorized, Unissued H470 Financing to be Provided from Othe~ Funds H47! Financing to be Provided from State Sources H472 Financing to be Provided from Fede~ol Sources H473 Financing to be Provided from Other Sources H474 Encumbrances H521 Total Other Debits TOTAL ASSETS H8009 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND BALAHCES Accounts Payable Retained Percentages, Coflt~ests Payable Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable Bond Anticipation Notes Payable Due to Other Funds Due to Othe~ Govemmaats Total ~.iabiilties Rese~e for Encumbrances Earnings on Deposits und Temperas/ Investments Premiums on Securities Issued Accrued Interest on Socuritiel Issued Total Reserves Authorizations Unneeded Balances of Authorizations Total Other Credits Capital Reserve Balances TOTAl. I. IABll.ITIES, RE- SERVES AND BALANCES H600 $ H605 H621 H626 H630 H631 HTOO fl850 HBS1 H8S2 H890 S H911 H920 H8019 -S- CAPITAL FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES PROM OTHER L.OCAL. SOURCES~ .~Ca#ital Pmlsuts, Oth~ L.ocal GovMnm~nte Inte~eot Eoming. Oih$ ~ Donations ~c~ Im~eot sa ~r~winga Total Revenues frmu OthM L.ocal bwcoc INTERFUND REVENUE$~ Trsusfm. him Fund Tmnsfe~ from Fund T~*ansfm* f~wu Ftmd Total IMM Rov~wsu STATE AID PeR CAPITAl. PROJECTS~ (zf~oalfy) ToNi Stme Aid. FEDERAL. AID FOR CAPITAL. PROJEC'rSz Cspeclfy) TMal Ped~ai Aid Total Rev~ues NON-REVENUE RECEIPTSr Advances from OthM Funds O~M H~R~mue Reflipts 1,12397 1,12401 H270S H2710 H2710 H2770 H2 H2 H2 H2 N3 1,13 H3 H3 H3 1,13 H3 H4 1,14 H4 H4 H4 1,14 H4 1,14 H5075 HSQE5 HSQ95 Obligmimte Issued.. Serial ~aMs H5710 · B~nd Anticipation Nates 1,1S730 Ca~itd Notes HS74Q R~ ~icipmion ~8 H~ T~ No~R~ue Receipts TOTA~ C~H RECEIPTS CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF FISCA~ YEAR H8061 TOTA~ RECEIPTS AND BALANCE H8064 S -6- CAPITAL FUHD CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE EDP CODE Capitol Project Cash Payments INTERFUND TRANSFERS: (Unneeded Authorizations, Interest Earnings, Premium and Accrued Interest) Transfer to Fund H Traflsfer fo Fund H Transfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H Total Intorfund Transfers Total Capltai Proiec?s and Intorfund Transfers NON-PROJECT EXPENDITURES: Redenvptlon of Bond Anticipation Notes H9930.5 Redemption of Revenue ~nticipation Nates N9970.5 Repayment of Advances to Other Funds H9975.5 Payment of Retained Percentages H9977.5 Purchase of Investments H998S. 5 Accounts Payable H9995.5 Other (specify) H Total Non-Project Expenditures TOTAl. CASH DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE AT END OF FISCAL YEAR H8067 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE H8068 ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Cal)ttol Proiects (specify) Total Capitol Projects H H H H H H H H H H H H H Hg0Q0 CAPITAL OUTLAY .2 -7. TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BALANCE SHEET Ca~h T200 C:a~ In Time Del~oltta T2Q1 Total Fund Balanb-e (T10-T72) T8019 CASH . BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMEHTS BEGINHING BALAHCE RECEIPTS OISBU RSEM EH TS ENOING PERFQRMAHCE DEPOSITS G~a~ant~ and Bid Del~slta Retained Pm~e~tages, C~..,;..~ta Payable Ovm~ayments and collectlonl in Advan~-e Total T30 T T T T T T71 T72 $ S $ S -8- SUMMARY OF CASH-ALL FUNDS SINGLE ENTRY Cash 8alan. ce Cash Cash Cash Baloflcp EDP Title January 1, ~ Receipts Disbursements December 31, Coda 1 3 5 7 Capital Fund 8308 .:.. / ;, 3o 9.$0 116/.y', ~/ o /3 '/7¢. . _ T,,., ..d *o.nc, Bm ~,~7 '3.~ ,~'-~ .~ Z 0 / '~'Fg, ?~ CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS DOUBLE ENTRY Title Fund Total Code G....., Fu.d 8301 S ~--g 17. 06 Capital Fund 8308 15 ~/7/-/. / Total All F.ndl S ~O ~3~. / BANK BALANCES Nome of Bank Bank Balance ~ Outstanding Checks Net Bank Balance December 31, g..~ December 31, j~ December 3~, ~ DETAIL. STATEMENT OF INDEBTeHES$ · ' ~ AUTHORIZATIOH I, ..................................................................... de hMeby certify that I am t~ t~anum~ M the (Pfel~ PrM M T~) 4md that t~ fa~ein~ I~ a t~e and ~aff~b-t mper~ ef the said dlit~l~:t fM t~e ~ ended Decemlm~ 31, 19 ~.,~ and that ¢nt~ mtwff eg~ee wl~ rite official -10.