HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984R~vised 12/83 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE RECEIVED TREASURER OF (Name ef District) TOWN 'OF COUNTY OF FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19 ~"//~ AUTHORIZATION A~tl¢le 3, Seetlen 30 of the Gene, a,/Munlclpel Law STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 AC 1965 (Rev. 11/82) P~int Code ~ ANNUAL REPORT OF NOTICES OF TORT CLAIMS FISCAL YEAR ENDING 19~_,~ (Name of Municipality) Claims Pending at /~eginning of Year NoNcel of Claims Filed During Year ~,~ NUMBER C~aims Disposed of During Year Prior to Commencement of Court Action: 40 By Municipality 4b By Insurance Carrier CZaims Disposed of During Year After 5a By Municipali~, 5b By Insurance Carrier By Judgment Other (explain) COUNTY RECEIVED Town Clem Soultmld 60 6b 7 8 Number Amount Amount Paid of of on Claims Claims Claims fo O NUMBER TOTAL C~ $. XXXX XXXX XXXX TOTAL CLAIMS DISPOSED OF DURING YEAR -- $ Claims Pending at End of Year (Line 3 minus Line 7) (~ $ ~'~ AUTHORIZATION 3. a. Each officer charged with the duty of making and keeping the record of clolms shall make an annual report thereof, in summary, Report Prepared by: Nome Title Address Note: It is not necessary to furnish any additional information or details of the above claims or notices of claims. If there were no notices of Tort Claims flied or disposed of, please state "NONE" and return this rep~'t with the Annue! Financial Report. OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 ,,, ,, , GENERAL FUND BAL~HCE SHEET ASSETS Account CQda Cash 200 $ Cash in Time Deposits 201 Pefly Cash 210 Cash from Budget Notes 220 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes 222 Cash for Bond Interest and Maturnd Bonds 223 CoBh, Special Reserve Funds 230 Total Cash Accounts Receivable 380 $ Due from Other Funds 391 State and Fnd~fal Governments 410 Due from Other Govemmeflto 440 Total Receivables Inventory of Materials and Supplies 445 $ Temporary Investments 450 Investments, SSteclal Reserve Funds 4S2 Total Investments TOTAL ASSET~ 8009 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Accounts Payable 600 Guatemala Deposits 615 Revenue Antlclpctton Hotos Payable 621 Budget Hotos Payable 622 Bond Imat and Mctufnd Bonds Payable 629 Due to Other Funds 630 Due te Other Govemnmflts 631 Ovofpaymeflts and Collections In Advance 690 Total Liabilities Reserve for Encumbrances, Current Year 700 Reserve for Encumbrances, Prior Years 701 Recef~ for Inventory of Materials and Sut~plies 720 Reserve faf kcceuats Receivable 730 Reserve for Repairs 882 Recerv~ faf Bonded Debt 884 Total Reserves Fund Balance 909 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AHD FUHD BALAFICE 8019 -1- REAL PROPERTY TAX ITEM~ Re.l P~)eff~ Toxes Tohd R~ P~ T~ I~. DEPARTMENTAL INCOM~ REVENUES 1001 $ I030 I0t'1 S USE OF MONEY *J4D PROPERTY: ImeNct and Earnings TMM Ucc el ao.iy end SALE OF PROPERTY ~40 COMPBN- SATIQH FOR ~O~ In~ ToM MIIcetlaneluc IHTERFUND REYENUE~ Tm,MM tam Fu,,d Tm.i/M bee, PM ToM IM, I/(I.M ~ STATE AID~ TMel St.m Aid FEDERAl. AIDt Toed FM Aid TM-] Ol ctttL, t Rwc NO. REVENUE RECEIPT~ ToM Nm~ReV~me Recclpta TMai C41~ Receipts 2701 5999 6000 $ $ yO,O / 17 0 . oo -2. EXPENSES Total Operating Expenses PERSONAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT EXPENSES TOTAL 1 2 4 0 ~o~, ~7 ~ ~fo~, ~7 I 2 4 0 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: State Retirement 9010.8 Social Security 9Q30.8 Workmens ¢ompeflmatlon 9040.8 Life Insurance 9G45.Il Unemployment Insurance 9050.8 Disability Insurance 9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance 9060.8 Total Employee Benefits 9199.0 IN?ERPUND TRANSFERS: Transfer to Fund Transfer to Fuod Total Intorfund Transfers DEBT SERVICE: PRIHCIP&L,: Serial Bonds 9710.6 S Statutory Bonds 9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.6 Capital Notes 9740.6 Bu':get Notes 97S0.6 Revenue Aeticipation Notes 9770.6 Total Principal INTEREST~ Serial Boflds 9710.7 $ Statutory Bonds 972Q.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.7 Capital Notes 9740.7 Budget Notes 9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.7 Total Interest 9899.7 Total Debt Service Total District Expenses (Transfer to page 4) 9900.0 NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS: Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements 9998.0 Total Disbursements 9999.0 S x~, o o S -3- ANAI. Y$1S OF FUND BAI.ANGE , ,. ~' * Fund Balance - Beginning of F~icd Year Add: Revmwe~ (h~m page 2) Tetal ~Q21 8022 8O23 8O24 102S Adiustmintm ~ Addlflmlm (~lfy) O~ D~b~tlenm Fund Balance - End ef FIKM Yee' -4- CAPITAL FUND BAbANCE SHEET ASSETS Coab H200 Cash in Time Deposits H~K)T Cash br Rev~flue &nticipotlon Notes H~ Total Cash Due fram Other Funds Deposits with Other G~vemmeots Total Receivablen H39 I H395 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND BALANCES Account, Payable Rotalnnd Pe~¢entagen. Contract, Payable Revenue Anticipation Note~l Payable Bond ~lclp~l~ N~e~ DH ~ O~ FuMi D~ m ~ ~vWs P~iml ~ So,titles Ac~ ~n~ot ~ hcurities T~ol ~iz~ions Un~d hl~ces of ~orlzotion, ~opttal Res~e TOTAL LIABILITIES. RE- SERVES AND H6QO H60S H621 H6~6 H630 H631 H700 HIS0 H851 H8S2 H89Q H911 H920 H8019 -5- CAPITAL FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES PROM OTHER LOCAl. SOURCESt Gifts and DonMienl Accrued Intrust en Bernwings Financing frms Other t~s.t hui'L'~s (spewlfy) TMII RwMs f~em 0thru LMM Sim INTERFUND REVENUES: T,~nsfer M T~ ~ Tml~ ~ TMM I~ STATE ~D FOR ~IT~ PROJE~ (~1~) T~.;,,:' Sta/e Aid. FEDERAL MD FOR CAPITAl. PROJECTS: TMd FedMai Aid TMd Emi HON-REVEHUE RECEIPT~, H2397 H2401 H2710 H2710 H2770 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 Nd H4 H4 H507S H5085 HSQ9S ObhgMIofll Issued: SMIM Bends H5710 'BaMI AntlSilsatien No/es HST3O Capitd Mi H5740 Term H~Rivenue Receipts TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS CASH BAt.,l~CE AT BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR ' H8061 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BALANCE H8064 S s -6- CAPITAL FUND CASH DISBURSEMENTS &ND ENDING BALANCE EDP CODE Capitol Project Cash Payments INTERFUND TRANSFERS: (Unneeded Authorlzctlons, Interest Earnings, Premium end Accrued Interest) Trmsfer to Fund H Tranlfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H Transfer to Fund H Total Interfund Transfers Total Capital Projects and Interfund Transfers NON-PROJECT EXPENDITURES: Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes H9930.5 Rndem~tion of Revenue Anticipation Notes H9970.5 Ropaymeflt of Advances to Other Funds H9975.5 Payment of Rctalnnd Percentages H9977.5 Purchase of Investment. H9985. 5 Acco~nta P~y~blo H9995. 5 Other (specify) H ToNI Hah*Project Expenditures TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE AT END OF FISCAL YEAR H8067 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE H8068 ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $ $/~ Capital Pro~ects (specify) Total Capital Projects H H H H H H H H H H H H H H9000 CAPITAL OUTLAY .2 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS -. BALANCE SHEET ASSETS To*el Fund hi,mu (T10-T72) TI019 CASH - BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS BEGINNING IAI. J/del RECEIPTS OISml RS&V BiTS PAYROLL FUNDS Ceeldlda~d Pay~ll TIO S~e Im Tm~ T21 hmnm Exoimtleell Aomehltiim and Union Dues T24 U. S. S4n, Jng. Bondo T2S bid Seb-urHy T2~ Hew Ymb City Ineeme Tax S $ $ S PERPORMAHC8 DEPOSITS Guaranty and Bid Delso.its T30 T T T T T 171 Ov~lU,eymeats (md coile~lo~s To~d -8- SUMMARY OF CASH, ALL FUNDS ...... SINGLE ENTRY Cash Balance Cash Cash Cash Balance Tiff. Cod.EDP January I, ~/ Rec. ipt. DJ.bur. emac.. D.c. ber 31, ~/~/'- 1 3 5 7 Trait and Ag~ey 8312 CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS DOUBLE ENTRY Title Fund Tatal Code General Fund 8301 S Co.,,.t F..d 8308 /~/ Total All Funds $ * I BANK BALANCES Name of Bank Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Net Bank Balance December 31, ._~f~ December 31, -- December 31, -- Co~ ~ ,o~d .............................................................................. / O~ .0~ To,o, co.h-~a~.~o~do~.~d .................................. .00.. S /~T.~' DETAIL STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS AUTHOR IZATION d ~lt ~ IIIptlll I. · tlul d ·IIIl~t nlplff Il ~ Hid dlltl, lcl fl Itl ~ Indld Oe~lllilf 3|, 19.~..~, end IIiit l~ll IIIIIit IIllll Will Ibl ~ltl~lel rods. P. 0. Addles ........................ ~ ....................................... ~ .......................... .'- ...~.~.......e.~...~.~.~zz.. ........ .10.