HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985P. ,.avm UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY I JUL 2, i935 NEW HARTFORD, NEW YORK DUP LI CATE Bond No. SU.....3.~.9,..2..~, ........ PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND BROAD FORM Frank A. Lekioh KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I ...................................................................................................... of ..... *l.380...We.l.l.e.,.Ave,..,..Seut.h<>l.d.~...New..¥o~]~ ....... .',.'t .................................. as Principal, and Utica Mutual Insurance Company, a corporation formed and existing under the laws of New York, with its Home Office located in New Hartford, New York, and authorized to do business in the State of ..... ~W-"~ .............................................. ~ as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto ...~.~.~...~...~.~,~,~g~ ........................................................ in the penalty of ..... ~a~~~~T~~T~~7- to the payment whereof, well and truly to be made and done, the said Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors and adminis- trators, and the said Surety binds itself, Its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this ........ 2.0~ ....... day of ................ .~e ............................... A.D., 19 ....~ ......... WHEREAS, the said Principal was duly elected or appointed to the office or position of ...... ~~. .................... .............................................................................. for the term beginning .....~ ~G~ _3 ~. ......... 19.8~ ............. and ending ~...~.~ .......... 19 -'86 ............. NOW, THEREFORE, The Condition of The Foregoing Obligation is Such, that if said Principal shall well and truly perform all the duties of his said office or position, and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office or position as required by law, then this obligation shah be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. F~k A. ~k~ ~" F~ ~'"': ....... ~, '~i'[" ~ .................. ................................ 8-B-5 Ed.10-78 UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW HARTFORD, NEW YORK · 34928 Bond No. Su ....................... PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND BROAD FORM Frank A. Lekich KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I ...................................................................................................... of ..... ~.%5..D...W.e.i],a..A~.,,.,...:~.u.t~Q~,d~..AiP,.w...[Qmk ....... 1/,9.%1 .................................. as Principal, and utica Mutual Insurance Company, a corporation formed and existing under the laws of New York, with its Home Office located in New Hartford, New York, and authorized to do business in the State of .....NP-%q..kZ. or,.k .............................................. ~ Southold Park District as Surety, are he~d and firmly bound unto ................................................................................................................ in the penalty of ~.~..T~e..n..~..T...h~.~.~u.~.s..~a~..~....a.~n...d....0~9~.`~..0..~.:~T..-.r~.-..-~.~F...-.~-...-..-..-~5~.~r~.~r~- ~...7..-.r~.-~.-.~..-.r..-~-..~-..~.~.-..-."-..-"-.~.-~..-~.-..-...-..-."-..-..-...-"-..-..~:.-...-.~.~.-.~..-..-...-~.-"-..~.-...-..~r.~-..~.~.5~"ars ($ ...}.9...0..0...o..:..o..o....), to the payment whereof, well end truly to be made and done, the caid Principal binds himself, his heirs, e×eoutors end adminis- trators, and the said Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. SIGNED, sealed and dated this ..... ;..~,Q.~,.i ..... day of ................ .J....t)--T~f~. ............................... A.D., 19 .....8..5. ......... WHEREAS, the said Principal was duly elected or appointed to the office or position of ...... ~D..a..s...u../?..~.~ ..................... .............................................................................. for the term beginning ..... .~..~ .3,~ ............... 19 .~.~. .............. and ending ....... _~.~..y,.~3_.l ................ 19 ..8.6, ........ i .... NOW, THEREFORE, The Condition of The Foregoing Obligation is Such, that if said Principal shall well and truly perform all the duties of his said offica, or position, and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office or position as required by law, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. Frank A. LeMich 8-B-5 Ed.10-78 OF SURETY Utica Mutual Insurance Company [-] Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company New York ST^ o, ......... ......... '1 "': COUNTY OF ................................ 20th June 85 On this._......;~. ................... da~ o~,. ........................................................................ 19 ........ , ~ore me ~ ~e ............................... ~.9.~.~....~.~.~ ................................................. ~ me ~o~, who, ~g by me d~ &d d~ ~a ~y: ~t he ~d~ ~ .............. ~!~9.~.~.gE.9.L.~W....~.gE~ ........................................................... ~t he ~ A~m~-~-F~ of ~e Co~ra~on d~ ~ ~d w~ ex~ ~e at~ ~t; ~t he ,kno~ ~e ~al of ~d ~ ~t ~ ~1 ~ ~ ~d ~ent ~ su~ ~ ~a~ ~t it ~ ~ ~ p~t ~ ~r ~e~ on hi~ ~ a P~ of A~mey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d ~ra~on ~d ~at he ~ mid ~ent ~ A~m~-~-F~ ~~fi~ pu~u~t aumo~ty. M,CHA~[ 3. HUSS ~. // // / OF...~*~-- ......... STA~ ........ .......... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: to ~ ~e B~vid~l desc~c~Xecu~ ~e lo.gong ~e~t, ~d he a~owl~g~ ~ me ~t he ex~u~ ~e ~ ~ ~ of ~y~ ~ ~ STATE OF ................................... COUNTY OF ............................... On this .............................. day oI .......................................................................... 19 ........ , before me personally came ........................................................................................................................................ , a member of the Co-partnership of ................................................................................................................................................ , to me known and known to me to be the person who is described in the foregoing instrument and he acknowledges that he executed the same as and for the act and deed of the said Copartnership. NOTARY PUBLIC PRINCIPAL'S CORPORATE ACKNOWLI~GMENT STATE OF ................................... COUNTY OF ............................... On this .............................. day of .......................................................................... 19 ........ , before me personally came .............................................................................................................................................. , to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides im ............................................................................................................ ; that he is ...................................................... of ...................................................................................................................... , the Corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the Corporate Seal of said Corporation; and the Seal affixed to said instrument is such Corporate Seal; that it was so affixed by orde~ of the Board of Directors of said Corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. 8-B-40 Ed. 7/74 NOTARY PUBLIC UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW HARTFORD, NEW YORK POWER OF ATTORNEY NO~67 ~ Know ,ql nmn by thee Pm~nt~, the UTICA .MUTUAL INSURANCE COM- PANY, a New York Corporation, having its principal office in the Town of New Hartford, County of Oneida, State of New York, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Rosemary Wadas Utica~ New Yo~k its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact in their separate capacity if more than one is named above to make, execute, sign, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as suretyand as tt"s act and deed (without power of redelegation) any an~i all bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof (except bonds guaranteein'g the payment of principal and ~nterest of notes, mortgage bonds and mortgages) provided the amount of no one bond or undertaking exceeds I~q'LIMITEB ............... -~- r.--'---Dollars ($ ~_ ). The execution of such bonds and undertakings shall be as binding upon said UT. ICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and to all intents and purposes as if the same had been duly executeo and acknowledged by i~s regularly elected officers at its Home Office in New Hartford, New York. This Power of Attorney is granted.under and by auihority of the following resolution adopted by the Directors of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY on the 27th day of November, 1961. 'R. esoh,ed, that the president or an), Vke-Pre~ident, in conjunction with ~he Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, be and they are hereby ~ha~e~ d and empowered to al~point Attorneys-in-fact of th.e. Company, in its name and as its acts, to execute and acknowledge for and on i~ a.~ as Sureq, any and ~11 bonos. ~cogmzances, contracts of indemnity and all other writings obligatory in the nature ther~o~, with power to .atta, c,h theft? me seal of the Company. An~, auch writings so executed by such Anorney~-in- fact shalFo~ a~ binding upon the Company as if they nao men amy acknowledged by the regu,ariy elected Officers of the Company in dieir own propor persons. Naa The~fore, the s~gnatures of such officer~ and the seal of the Company may be affixed to an), such Power of A~torne~ by a facsimile and an)' such Power of Attorney bearing such facsimile signatures or seal shall be valid and b nd ng upon the Company." In Wltn~ Whilom, the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE CQMPANY has caused thesg presents to be signed by its Authorized Officers, this 10th day of oune ., 19ug . UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF NEW YORK ] COUNTYO¥ONE1DA ~ SS: On this 10th . . June oay o~ __ ,19 , ~etore me, a motary FUDliC in aha for the State of New York, personally came J. B. RIFFLE and JOHN P. SULLIVAN tO me known, who acknowledged execution of the preceding ~nstrument and,being by me duly sworn, do de~se and say, that they are Pres~mt and Secre~ ~s~vely of UTICA MURAL INSU~NCE COMPANY; that the ~al affixed to said instrument is the ~rate ~al of UTICA MUTUAL INSU~NCE COMPANY; ~at s~d cor~rate ~al is ~xed ~d their signatures sub~fi~ to said instrument by autho~ and order of the Board of bir~tors of said Cor~radon. In ~mofl~ ~r~, I have hereunto set my ~nd at New HaRford, N~ ~rk, the day and year flint COUNTY OF ONEIDA I RzehaPd G. Rust · ' Assistant Scc:eta~ of the UTICA MUTUAL I NSU~NCE COMPANY do.hereby ce~ify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy ora Power of Attorney, executed by said UTICA MUTUAL INSU~NCE COMPANY, w%ich is stir in full force and effect. In WRne~ Wh~, I hav~ ~[[eunto ~t my hand and affixed the Seal of the said Coq~radon at New Hartford, New York, this z u un day of Jun a , 19 ~ ~. UTICA,&I, UTUAL INSURANCE COI ,NY' '~' NEW HARTFORD, NEW YORK FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1984 From Annual Report Filed with New York Insurance Department ASSETS U.S. Government Direct and Guaranteed Bonds $ 58,195,984 All Other Bonds ............................. 487,086,951 Stocks ..................................... 25,034,201 Mortgages ................................. ~ Cash ...................................... 7,807,373 Equities & Deposits in Pools and Associations .. 8,381,503 Premiums in Course of Collection ............. 46,147,469 Interest Due and Accrued .................... 16,086,434 Other Admitted Assets ....................... 30,852,206 Total Admitted Assets ............... $679,592,121 L/ABILITIES AND SURPLUS Reserve for All Losses ....................... $341,168,078 Unearned Premiums ........................ 128,120,519 Reserve for Claim Expense .................. 70,981,360 Dividends .................................. 9,643,653 Taxes Accrued .............................. 5,376,820 Federal Income Tax ......................... ~ Miscellaneous Accounts Payable .............. 26,750,176 Total Liabilities ...................... $582,040,606 Surplus Funds: Dividend Reserve ........... $ 3,245,399 General Voluntary Reserve... 1,500,000 Special Contingent Surplus .. 1,700,000 Divisible Surplus ............ 91,106,116 Surplus as regards Policyholders ............. 97,551,515 Total .............................. $679,592,121 STATE OF. NEW YORK COUNTY OF ONEIDA ss: JACK B. RIFFLE, President and Chief Executive Officer of the UTICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Now Hartford, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is the above described officer of said Corporation, and that on the 31 st day of December 1984, all of the assets shown above were the absolute property of the said Corporation, free and clear from all liens or claims thereon except as above stated, and that the foregoing statement is a full and true exhibit of all assets and liabilities of the said Corporation at the close of business December 31, 1984, according to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 16th day of March, 1985 Notary Public, State of New York Appointed in Oneida County, No. 8247400 My Commission Expires March 30, 1986 8-B-50 Ed. 3-85 Attest [] GRAPHIC ARTS MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NEW HARTFORD, NEW YORK BOND N SU 3q:928 on behalf of Frank A. Lekieh in Favor of SOuthold Park District 8-B-II Kd. 8-65