HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987~NNUAL REPOR~ OF ~l~E I~SURER OF (NA~ OF DI~fRICT) JUL 11 1988 AU~IORIZATION Article 3, Section 30 of the General Nunicipal L~ eel ~ever~;aa i~prove~ent and special district shall annually mite a report of its financial condition to the conptroller. Such report sh~ll be nde by the chief fiscal officer of each ~unicipal corporation~. Such reports shall include the financial transactions of joint servicse defined by section one hundred nineteen-n of thia chapter~r~. $o All reports shall he certified by the officer ukin~ the na~e and shall be filed with the conptroller within aixty days after the close of tha fiscal year of such ~unicipal corporation, district~. Ever~ such officer shall alsos ~lthin sixty days after the expiration of his .~ of offic., hi. resisn.tion or r--al therefron, .ks . report to the comptroller of the financial condition of such ~mnicip.l rSti°nSdiStric°rts *** on the date of the expiration of his ret1 of office, or his resignation or re~oval from offiCes as the case nay be. The refusal or vlllful neglect of such officer to file a report as herein prescribed shall he a misdemeanor and subject the financial of£icer so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day*a delay beyond the sixty days to be paid on deland of the cceptrollero*~ STAll~ OF NEI4YORK OFFIC~ OF TI~ STATE COHPTROLLER DIVISION OF ~gNICIPAL tl~AIRS ALBANYs N~ YORK 12236 ~vtsed 1986 PARK DISTRIC~ ~s~TS EDPCODE Tl~e Deposits SP20]. Pec~y Cash EP210 Obligations SP220 Revenue Anticipation Notes SP222 Fiscal A~eat SP223 Cus CoMr's Deposits SP23S Total Cash IridesCent in Securities ~::~:vl:~nP~:cBase Asreeuents $P4~0 SP451 Accounts Receivable SP380 l~ss= Allonance for Receivables SP389 Ir. et Accounts Receivable ~e r-ton Ocher Funds SP391 State and Federel, Receivables SP410 Due f-rou Other Coverrdnents Inventory SP445 Restricted Assets si Depostte~ Special Reserves SP231 Invesment in Securities~ Special Reserves SP452 Inwest~eat in Repurchase A~ree~ents, Special Reserves SP453 Total Restricted Assets IDTAL ASSE~S $ S S ( $ S $ $ S 'S LIABILITIES AND FUND E(IUITY Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities Due to E~p. Retirement Sys. EDPCOD~ SP600 SP601 SP637 Total Accrued Liabilities s aq a' q. Notes Paysble Revenue Anticipation SP62! BudEet SP622 Total Notes Pebble Other Liabilities - Custoner Deposits SP615 Overpalments SP690 Total Other Liabilities Due to Other Funds SP6~O Due to Other Govermaenta SP65! Accrued Interest Payable SP651 Deferred Revenues SP691 Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances SPTO0 Inventory SP720 Repairs SP8B2 l~bt SP88~ Total Reserved Fund Balance - Unreserved Approprlated-Ensuin8 Year's Budget Unappropriated Total Unreserved Fund Equity SP91I TOTAL LIABILITIES AND I~IND E~UITY S $ S S S S S S S S $ S S S t I-~.6~. - S PARK DISTRICT FUND ANALYSIS OF CIiANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* Prior Per~od ADJUS~N~S:(~) ADDITIONS ADDITIONS SP802! $ SP8012 $ SP8012 D~I~JC~ONS SP~5 DEDUC~I~S ' SP~15 Net Prior Period Adjustments R~STATED Fund Equity - Beginnin8 of Fiscal Year J~l: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and O~her Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of FlscalYear* SP8029 *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. **Limited to adjustments off previously issued financial statements resultin8 from either chanses in accountln8 principles or correction of errors. REAL 'PROPERTY TAX I~14S $~ecis~ Assean~ents (Ad Valorem) ~tal Assean~ents (~be~) Total ~al ~operty T~ It.s D~ IN~ PtPd( DISI~IC1 I~N9 * DETAIL OF REVENUES A~ (FIllER SOURCES ~PCODE SP1001 SP1028 SP1030 Total Departmental Income ~y. nOFFI)NEYAND PROPERTY retest and Earnings SP2~01 Con~lssions SP2&50 To/~I Use of ~ney and Property S~T~ OF PROPERTY AND CO~ENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Hatertals SP2650 ~ales of Equipment SP2665 Y_nsurance Recoveries SP2680 SP Total Sales of Prop. and Comp. for Loss ~ISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures SP2701 ~otal ~4is~ellaneous Local Sources ~L~-%qLAID S sP $ SP SP ' SP~ S SP280! SP SP $ TRANSFERS SP5031 TRANSFERS l~t DEBT SERVICE SP5050 PI~iz~S OF OBLIGATIONS TOT-AL REVENUES A~ ~ SOURCES SP57__ SP SP SP SP PAP~ UISll~IC! FU~D DETAIL OF [~(pENDIT~IES AND OTI~R USES pERSONAL E(~IIq~Jq~ AND CO~X1JAL SERVICES ~PX~L ~Y E~E~I~S I 2 ~ ~.~o EI~LOYEE BENEFITS 8 ~ S~NEFI~S State Retirement SP9010.8 Social Security SP9030.8 T~orkers CGmpennation SPg0~O. 8 LiFe Insurance SP90~5.8 ~ne~loyuent Insurance SP9050, 8 Disability Insurance SP905S, 8 ~ospitalsHedical & Dental Ins. SP~06Oo8 SP ,8 Total Employ~ Benefits ~ FRLqCIPAL Tern Bonds SP97~.6 ~rial ~s SP9710,6 Sta~uto~ Instal~nC ~ndo · 8~720.6 M ~ttcipatlm ~tes ~7M.6 ~pital ~tes S~7~.6 InstallMnt ~rchase ~bc S~78S,6 Te~ ~s SP97~. 7 ~rial ~nd8 SP97iO, 7 Sts~to~ Ins~l~nC ~df SP9720.7 ~d ~ttctpa~ion ~te8 SP9730.7 ~iCil Notes S~7~. 7 ~C ~tes SP97~. 7 Rev~ ~ttcipaCt~ ~tes S~770.7 Instal~nt ~Fch~e ~bt SP9785.7 Totsl Debt: Prin. and Interest TOTAL EXP~m~S S -~ ~ o-1 s TRAHSXq~S ~0: EDPCOI~ Other Funds SP9901.9 ~apital ~oJ~ts ~ SP9950.9 Total lnter~d ~ofer8 I~AL EXPENDITURES AND O~HER USES Cash Tine Deposits l~venue Anticipation Notes Total Cash ? Invesmunt l~ Securities Invesment in Reimrchsee Asruenmnts CAPITAL PROJECTS IIJHI) * RAla~HCK SItKI~. * ]~ ~)~' LIABILITIES AND FUND Ha0Z ,222 frae 0~her Funds De~.~_eits with O~her GoveFnlnents S~te iud Federal. Receivables $ E~.SL i1391 H395 $ H~10 $ Restricted Assets Cash. Special Reserves H230 Cash in Time Deposits. Special Reserves H231 ~nvesment in Securities. Special Ressrvun N&52 ~nvesmeot in Repurchase Agreenent8. Special Reserves N453 Tots1 Restricted Assets Accounts Payable Accrued Llabllites Accrued Liabilities Tota~ Accrued Llsbllities Notes Payable Revenue Anticipation Bond Anticipation Total Notes Payable Retained Percentases. Contracts 'Payable Due to Other Funds Dee to Other GoveFnments $ Other Linbllitiea Deferred Revenues Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Reserved gnctnbrancem Capital Reserve Total Reserved Unappropriated Total UnFeserved Fund Equity TO~AL Assm TOTAL LIABILITIES AND I~JNDEQUITY N60! H621 H62& E605 N630 H631 H H691 11700 E878 N911 S S $ S $ S s. S S S S STATf~I~I~ OF IHDEB~EDEESS INDSBI~DNESS NOT ~ FR(]4 CG~S~I~JTIONAL DEBT LIMIT Lis{ b7 Purpase EDFCOI~ and Interest aesinnins of Issued [~rin$ Paid Durin8 End of ~urity Year* hte Fiscal Y~r Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year DaCe T P ~ 3 5 7 ! I I ! To r..al ~.,.a,. 2P1877 State or. Authority, 1,~,n. AP1879 e~se note callable features of bond issues and shy reserve funds available tO pay debt (include also in the Notes to Financial Statements). ISSUES, PLEASE INSEI~ ~ ISSUE DATE. ON RKNEI~L. J~YASE INSEI~ LA,ST RENEWAL DAIS. PLEASE INSER~ /* DIGITS. 14. JANUARY 1986 h~ULD BE 01/86. 13 BANK RKCONCILIATIO# CASH BY PUNDS, PER BALAN(~ SHEETS (Include Petty Cash) t'lhis seovnt should asree with the ~otel Adjusted Bank Bela~c~ and Petty Cash, BANK BALANCES (Identify bank balances with fends by lietin$ the applicable Code letters) ) ooo. - 9000. .) ooo .'-- 100oo --' ' ' Add: Petty Cash Fund(s) Adjustments (Please specify) HOTE: ~ Office of the State Comptroller lay confirm bank balances directly with the bank. 16 (Please Print or Type) (N~ of District) y~ar ~nd~O ~c~r 31s It I~ s ~d .~ha~ ~ls re~r~ a~e~s ~ ~ official (St~re of ~easumr) P.O. Address ~ 0,~' a? 17