HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-74.-1-35.53 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jill Doherty, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator' v(~ Date: May 17, 2010 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for GILDA PRINCIPI SCTM#1000-74-1-35.53 Richard J. Principi, Jr. on behalf of GILDA PRINCIPI requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit for the complete structural restoration of the existing wood frame cottage; new 14'X 14' patio; install a 10'X 6' deep drywell for roof run-off; construct beach stairs with landings; re-vegetate the bluff; and remove stockade fence and re-vegetate upland areas around cottage with native vegetation. Located: 4690 Blue Horizon Bluffs, Southold. SCTM#74-1-35.53 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the below Policy Standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards, The following management measures to minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards are suggested: Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. 1. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as practical. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. Avoid hazards by siting structures to maximize the distance from Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas. The proposed action is not a water dependent use. It is recommended that the Board require that the structures be relocated landward to minimize risk of property damage from erosion and/or slope failure resulting from storm surge damaging the toe of the slope. Figure 1. Subject Site Move existing development and structures as far away from flooding and erosion hazards as practical. Maintaining existing development and structures in hazard areas may be warranted for: a. structures which functionally require a location on the coast or in coastal waters. b. water-dependent uses which cannot avoid exposure to hazards. c. sites in areas with extensive public investment, public infrastructure, or major public facilities. See above response. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town ~f Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus~ each answer must be explained in detaiL listing both supporting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold ' s website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Plarming Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. SCTM# PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board [] Planning Board [] Building Dept. [~Board of Trustees Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) (b) (c) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) Permit, approval, license, certification: Location of action: ?~1~ ~~~ Site acreage: I.Z Present zoning classification: If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: ~"1.1~0~ (c) Telephone number: Area Code (t~ 7',-~ff~' '2~J ~(~ (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ~/No [~] If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate thc project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ,~es F--] No [] Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRPjSection III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria [72/1~1 Yes [~ No [] Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ~Yes ~-~ No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ~/~ Yes ~ No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes No [ otApplieable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Q~e_s/ No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [--'~ot Applicable / Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southoid. See LWRP Section III - Policies Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ~ Yes [~ No ~Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section 1II - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. [~ Yes~ No [~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See/LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. [~ Yes [] No~[ w l Not Applicable . ~ ~- Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ~Yes ~ No [] Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Yes [] No ~Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ~-~ Yes [] No ~-~Not Applicable b . Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP . /' NEW 10'O X0' DEEP DSYWE ' FOR ROOF RUNoFLL~''~' ~ POSTS - STEEL, T OR U SHAPE TYPE { 2" HARDWOOD FENCE - WOVEN WIRE 14.5 GAUGE ESH OPENING FILTER CLOTH - MIHAF1140N 35' MIN, FENCE PDST~ UNDIOrURGED GSOUND ~X~' SILT FENCE NOTES: 1, WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 112 GAUGE MAX, 6" MESH SPACING) WITH FILTER CLOTH OVER FENCE. 2 FILTER CLOTH TO BE EASTENED SECURELY TO WOVER WIRE FENDS WITH TIES SPACED EVERY 24' AT TOP AND MID SECTION, 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH ADJOIN EACH OTHER THEY SHALL BE OVERLAPPED SY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. 4. MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN 'BULGES' DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. WOVEN WIRE FENCE (MIN. 14 112 GAUGE MAX. 6" MESH SPACING) POSTS FLOW EMBED FILTER INTO GROUND SECTION 36" MIN, FENCE POSTS. MIN. INTO THE GSODSB GROUND (SEE SECTION} ELEVATION SILT FENCE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS: GENERAL NOTES EROSION CONTROL MEASURES THE PROPOSED ON-SITE DRAIHAGE SYSTEM TO PROWDE STORAGE FOR A 2' 1, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE DSEPA GENEHAL RERMIT AND THE NYSDEC, DURING THE RAINFALL STCRAGETOBEEROVIDEDINPSOPDSED10'DIAMSTERDRYWELLS 1, ALLMATER1ALSANDMETHODSOFCONSTRUCT1ONSHALLSONFONMTOTHESTAREARDSAND COURSEOFCONSTRSOTION, CERTAINEROSIONANDSEDIMENTCONTSOLMEASURESMAYBECOME PROVIDING 68,42 C F PER VERTICAL FOOT OF STORAGE. THE DSSIGN IS BASED SPECIFICATIONS OF TH E TOWN OF SOLd'HOLD AND THE SCLq~O[D TRUSTEES AS REQUIRED, NECESSARY TO PREVENT THE TRAN SPORT OF REDIMERT TO OFF-SITE AREAS, PONDS, WATER COURSES, DRAINAGE INLETS, RECHARGE BASINS, ETC. ACTUAL EROSION CONTROL ~cASORES WILL BE DICTATED LONG ISLAND SOUND ON THE F(~_LOWINS RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS ROOF 1.0, CONCRETE 1.0, AND Z TOPOGRAPHIC AND EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS FROM SURVEY DATED 3/~4110 BY HANDS BY FIELD CONDITIONS AS CONSTRUCTION PGOSRESSES, BUT THE FOLLOWING GENERAL CONDITIONS LANDSCAPING 0 30. ON SURVEYING SHALL BE OBSERVED DRAINAGEAREA 3. COASTALEROSIONHAZARDLINEASDEPICTEDONTRECOASTALEROSIONHAZARDAREAM~PTOWNOF - EXISTINGVEGETATIONTOREMAINSHFJ-LBEPROTECTEDANOREMAINUNDISTUDSED. STORAGE REQUIRED: SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUN~f, NEW YORK PHOTO NO 57-55~83 SHEET 6 OF 49. CLEARING AND GRADING SHALL BE SCHEDULED SO AS TO MINIMIZE THE SIZE OF EXPOSED AREAS PAVEMENTAREA 1SESFX1DSX2'/12 = 33CF ANDTHELENGTHOFTIMETHATAREASAREEXpDSED. ROOFAREA, 67BSFXl.~0 X2'/12=-113CF 4, LOTAREAASPERMETESSSOUNDS 54~509SO. FT,= 1.251ACRES - THELENGTHANDSTEEPNESSOFCLEAREDSLOPESSHALLSEMINIMIZEDTOREDDCESONOPF LANDSCAPE AREA: 4,493 SF X D,3D X 2~112 = 224 CF VELOCITIES 370CF 5 CURRERT ZONING RR & R- 40 RR; 22,274 SQFT R~40 32~235 SO.FT. - SEDIMENT SHALL BE RETAINED ON THE SITE. PROJECT LOCATION STORAGE REQUIRED MEAN HIGH WATER MARK 370 CF/~§ 42 CFNF = 5 4 VERTICAL FEET REQUIRED 6 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION ANB DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE SPECIFIC METHODS AND MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION IS OBSERVED COMMENCEMENT OF WORK THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED ALL SUBSURFACE INFORMATION SHOWN ON CONTROL MEASURES SHALL CONFORM TO THE 'NEW YORK GUIDELINES FOR EROSioN AND SEDIMENT ON NOVEMBER 2, 2~]9 STORAGE PROVIDED: THESE PLANS IS CONCEFRJAL AND MUST SE CONFORMED ACCORDINGLY IN THE FIELD. CONTROL', J USE 1 - 10' O X 6' DEEP DRYWELL 7 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REREODSIBLE PON SECURING ALL NECESSARY RERUITS BEDSRE 2 SEDIMENT BARRIERS (SILT FENCE, HAY GALES OR AERROVED EQUAL) SHALL BE INSTALLED AR REQUIRED PROPOSED STAIRS TO BEADS COMMENCING WORN ALONG THE LIMITS OF DISTU R~ANCE FOR THE DU RATION OF THE WORK NO SEDIMENT FROM THE SITE U3 SHALL BE PERMITTED TO WASH ONTO ADJACENT pROPERTIES, WETLANDS OR ROADS 8 ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WTIH TOWN, COUN]Y, DISPOSING DF AU_ UNSUTIABLE MATERIALS OFFSITE. DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE BURIED O~S rTE. TEMPORARY SEEDING AS REQUIRED, SEED MIXTURES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SOIL E, GORING CONSTRUCTION, EROSION AND SEBIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE OTILIZED AR NECESSARY TO CONSERVATION SERVICE RECOMMER DATIONS. BLUFFTOBEREPLANTEDW~TH ~ PREVENTTHETRANSPORTOFSEDIMENTTOOFF~SITEAREAS, SONDS, DRAINAGEINLSTS, ETC THE 4, DRAINAGEINLETSINSTALLEDASPARTOFTHEPROJECTSHALLBEPROTECTEDEROMDSDIMERTBUILDUP :V"G ATION,SEEP S ' M""ODSANDMATERU, LSBMALOYED'RTHE'"STA TIONARDMA' RA"CBOF DS'ONGONTRDL THGOUG, THEDSEOFSED,MERTRAR,,ERS. G.,MERT S. STCAR,ECO,"DS. BY LANDSCAPE ARCNITEC~ ~' MEASURES SHALL CONFORM TO 'THE NEW YORK GUIDELINES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL", ~-* / 10, ALL PRECAST STRUCTHRES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH SOFFICIERT STEEL REINFORCEMENT TO CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION FOP T~E GAY AND AFIER HEAVE C~ PROLONGED SILT FENCE AND WITHSTAND RASUTO H-20 TRAFFIC LOADING ALONG WITH TEMP~RATHRE AND SHRINREGE~ TRANSPORT TO STORMS, MAINTENANCE MEASURES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, CLEANING AND/OR REPAIR OF THE SITE AND SITE CONDITIONS AS SHOWN ON THE pLANS SEDIMENT BASINS OR TRAPS, SEDIMENT BARRIERS, BERE~ DIVERSIONS AND INLET PROTECTION /STEPSTOMEET f 11. ALLERECASTSTRUCTURESSHALLSEMANUFACTUREDWITH4,~00PSICONCRETEANDSHALLBEDESIGNED, 6. APPROPRIATEMEANSSHALLREDSSOTOCONTROLDUSTDSRIINGCODSTRUCTIDN. CONSTRUCTED AND INSTALLED TO SOPPORT AASHTO H-20 3RAFFIC LOADING 7. A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL 8E MAINTAINED TO EREVENT SOIL AND LSOSE REGRIS ~ j ~ 12, CONTRACTORSHALLSDSMITSHOPDGAWINGSFORALLPRECASTSTRUCTURESDSTAIUNGTHESTEEL FROMBEINGTRACKEDOSTOLOCALROADS THECONSTRUC3qlONESTRANCESHALLREMAINTAINEDUNTIL ' X 14' PATIO REINFORCEMENT AND PROVIDE CERTIFICATION BY THE PRECAST MANUFACTURER THAT STRUCTURES ARE THE SITE IS PERMANENq. Y STREIIJZED DESIGNED TO SUPPORT H-20 TRAFFIC LOADING / EXISTING STOCKADE FENCE TO BE REMOVED {EPLANTED W~TH NATIVE VEGETA~ON 8, SEDIMENT BARRIERS AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL UPLAND (SEEP/LANSBYLANDSGAPEARCHEECT) 13. MANUFACTURERTOCERTIFYTHATDRAINAGEANDGANtTARTPRECASTS~RUCTERESDELIVEREDTOTHE DISTURBEDAREASAREPERMARENTLYSTABILIZED. AFTERPERMARENTSTARILiZATION, REVEDAREAS SITE MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DSPART[VERT DP SHALL SE CLEANED AND THE DHAIGAGE SYSTEM CLEANED AR[3 FLUSHED AS NECESSARY J EXISTING SEFrlC HEALTH SERVICES. 1 STORY DWELLING SILT FENCE AND \ ZZZE2ZE'ZZZVZERECAST UOTURESSHALL '. E. ,N',RTELEMAT,ONS MAY SE AD'DSTEG SVTHEERO,NEER,NTHE FIB TOM P' CONDFIONS TO AVOID CONPOCT WITH UTILITIER AS ONDERED BY THE ENGINEER, ~ ~~ STARES (TYP CAMBELL FOUNDRY OR AN ARFROVED EQUAL (SEE BEDDING .~ PRECAST STRAW BALE INLET PROTECTION DETAIL soAR MOTTO LODS OR,MAEDE STO""ELO ORDRAWAOE. .. GA AGO ORAVEL ON TO STRAW BALE DIKE IDETAIL W.,C. VEG,SDSBRER DRYWELL DETAIL Drawn by;JJC Matlituck, NewYerk11952 NTS (631) 298-1986 (631) 298-2651 Fax Date: 3/31/2010 www.condensogineefing,DSm sALT MARSH LA. GOLDSMITH'S INLET COTTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Country Route 48 Peconic, New York SITE PLAN S-1 EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION SUNRO0~ E LIVINGROOM BEDROOM MASTER eEDROOM //I \\ -- / / / __// \\\\~ CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA GmesdSnowLoad WiedSpeed Seismic 25psf 120 mph ~ Frost Line Depth 36 in, Termite Decay Winter Design Temp. Moderale Slight to 11'F oH~ Ice Shield Flood Hazards Undedayment Required Yes IScale: 1/4" = I'-, Drawn by: JJC Date: 3/31/2010 REVISIONS Condon Engmeenng, P.C. 1755SigsbeeRoad Maa~uck, NewYo~ 11952 (631) 298-1986 ~3t) 298-2651 Fax www.condonenginee~ng.com COTTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Country Route 48 Peconic, New York EXISTING CONDITIONS PLAN S-2 7 I- -- -I 7 -- ~ I L _ _J L_ _ J WIDE CMU WALL ON 6' X 16' P C, FOOTING 1 i r- - -1 r- - -1 I L _ _J L _ _J FOUNDATION PLAN New Bathroom 3" PVC Vent I I I SANITARY PLUMBING RISER DRAWING To existing wster supply system 3/4' HW SUPPLY PLUMBING RISER DRAWING BILCO DOOR ? III TW24310 TW24310 DHP563t0 TW24310 TW24310 SUNROOM - WALL TO BE REMOVED NEW 14' X 14' PATIO LIVINGROOM 2466 MASTERBEDROOM BEDROOM TW3046' TW2036 / / / \ \ \ TW~046" PLUMBING NOTES: General FIRST FLOOR PLAN * All work aRd materials shall be in accordance with the New York State Building Code and Local Plumbing Codes. Water Supply · All water itnes wahin the buitdings are to be Type "L" copper tubing all waler lines muted below ground am to be Typo K copper. Ali solder jothl~ are to be made with lead free solder in accordance with h~esl and State Codes. * All water supply pipthg is to be insulated with 1 inch thick cylindrical melded glass fiber fypo insulation wgh a 3Y~ lb. density. ' All water supply piping is to tse pmesure tested. The initial test is with no connection to the f~thres and is ts be done by capping all openings and pnessudzthg the piping system with compressed air to a minimum pressure of 150 psig, The pressure is to monitored f~r 2 houm and will be considered to be leak free if the pressure remains constant during the test peded. After succeesfuti completion of this test, the fixtures are to be CORReCted and the system is to be tested at a pressure of go psig for a p~efied of 2 houm. * The water supply syslem shall be cleaned by filling the system with water/chlonne solution with at least 50 ppm of chloitne. The piping is to isolated and atiowod to staed for a pefied of 24 bourn, The system is to be flushed at the cempts~D of the test. * Shower and tub supply valve~ are to be tomberature-actuatsd flow reducbon typo devices. * Install ball valves at the thcutions shown on this drawing. Also installed gate valves for hot and cold woter at all fixtures. All exposed water supply and wasite piping th fixtures and lhe valves are to be 67% brass pipe chromium plated. * Run water supply piping to fixtlures concealed within walls and bedzoutally to fixtures. All pipes are to be equipped with chrome plated eschutscos at all expose*d floor and wall penetrations. Waste * All hodzordal waste and vent rnJes of 2 inch waste pipe are to pitched at ~ inch per feet. The 3 add 4 inch waste and vent piping should also bev(e a Y4 inch per foot pitch wherever possible with a minimum pitch of ~ inch per foot. * Provide all vents shown in the*drawings, as required by the Plumbing Cede, and as necessary to prevent siphonage or back pressure on the trap seatis. * Provide cleanouts as shown in, the drawings. Provide 18 inch clearance al all flap Iocaflons. * All waste and vent pipes and watsr supply pipes shall be supported by pipe hangem. The hangem shall be instaited at a maximum spacing of 4 feet, All verdcal raDS ara to be suppmtad as required by local and State Codes. * Pressure Test all waste and vent piping at the comptsitco of rough in. Tightly close alt openings in the piping system, and fill with watsr to a point of ovenlow, but not less than 10 foot head of water. The water tsvel is to remain thvel for a minimum of 15 minutes to be considered leak free, · All fouedaflon wall penutraticos are to be sealed with concrete and water proofed on the exteflor side of the penetration. Water supply and gas line penetrations am to be equipped with sleeves. -I ROOF PLAN S_COPE OF WORK: - Temporarily support existing building with steel beams. - Excavate for new cellar - Installagee Df new concrete footings and foundation. - Remove exisgng roof and siding and install new floor, walls and roof. - Installages of new windows and deem. - Install new patio and site improvements - Install new stairway to beach NOTES: General: 1 - Occupancy classificagee - Residential Group R-3 2 - Type 5 - Wood framed constrocgee to be ublized. 3 - Building height- 18'-10"±, fire ama- 701 S.F~ 4- All work to be in accordance with the current Building Code of New York Stale and Southold Trustees as required. 5 -The contractor is to verify all measuraments in the geld and any discrepancies are to be brought to the attention of the Engineer pdor to construction. Electrical Notes: 1 - All electrical work shall be installed by the owner. 2- All elect~cal work shall be in accordance with the National Electhc Code. 3 - All smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 and local codes. 4 - The detocthm are fo be wired to the building's main eles~cal se~ce and be equipped with battery back-up. 5 - The detectors shall be wired so that epesagon of aDy smoke detector shall ceuse the alarm to sound at the others. 6 - Carbon monoxide detocthre must be installed on each floor of the building in accordance with Suffolk Counfy spociflcetions. WINDOW SCHEDULE: NOTE: ALL WINDDWS TO HAVE SCREENS. WINDOW NOTES: 1 - Windows and doom are to be equipped with ramovabth p~,wood panels as shown in detaJts or shall meet the requirements of the Large Mlesite Test Df ASTM E 1996 for 1 lO mile per hour wind loads. 2 - Windows shown are manufactsmd by Anderson. 3 - Color, style and fype of window to be vedged by the owner. 4 - Rough opemngs ta be vexed by the contractor bethre framing. - Meets egreesible codes for flra evacuation. REVISIONS I - - I COTTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Condor Engineering, I-',c. I Cou tryRoute4S Drawn by: JJC 1755 Sigsbee Road Mathtuck, New York 11952 ~ (631) 298-1986 (631} 298-2651 Fax Date: 3/31/2010 www.condonesgineeflng.cem I PROPOSED FLOOR [ PLANS NEWCMU POUNDA~ON NEW CEDAR SHINGLE II NEW AflDERSON WINDOW O~P.) NEW SIDING TO yMATCH EXISTING PS51168R EAST ELEVATION RAISE BUILDING APPROX~ )R DRAINAGE SOUTH ELEVATION RAISE BUILDINGAPPROX 24'TOALLOWFOR ORAINAGE NEW CEDAR SHINGLE REMOVE DOOR AND FILL IN OPENING TW24310 NEW SIDING TO J yMATCH EXISTING NEW ANDERSON DOUBLE G~D WINDOW (3~P) ~ :0 DOOR REMOVE CHIMNEY AND ~,~ FIREPLACE AND FILL OPENINGS NEW FRON' WEST ELEVATION NEW CMU POSNDATION INSTALL NEW RAJLING 38" MIN. HEIGHT NEy PATIO NEW CEDAR SHINIG LE T NEW SIDING TO ~"'~""T~MATCH EX[STING NORTH ELEVATION REVISIONS Scale: 1 Drawn by: JJC Date: 3/31/2010 Condon Englneenng, P.C. 1755 Sigsbee Read Matfituc~, New York 11952 (63t) 298-1986 (631} 298-2651 Fax www.mndonenginesrfng.cGm COTTAGE IMPROVEmENtS Country Route 48 Peconic, New York PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS S-4 o 8' WIDE CMU ~ ll EX. (3) 2~ BEAM · ILL ON nOTING ~EA I L_ _ _1 FLOOR ELEVATION EX, (3) 2X8 BEAM 1 7'-1"- sr-7" FOUNDATION AND FIRST FLOOR FRAMING PLAN · (5) 2X4 POST OVERLAY/ / ,i (2) ~X8 ar~u \ \ 2X6 HDR, ANL( LT~INDOW AND DOO. POSTS TO EE t2~X4 UNLESS OTHERW SE SPEC F ED ON ~HE PLANS, ROOF FRAMING PLAN Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Drawn by: JJC Date: 3/31/2010 Foundation Notes: The contractor is to ve~y all measurements in the field and any discrepancies are to be brought to the attention of the Engineer pear to coastmctioo. 1. AIl concrete 3,500 psi after 28 days minimum, 2. AIl rebar ASTM A-615 Grade 60. 3. Footings are to be installed on undisturbed virgin soil. The bottoms of all footings are to be installed a minimum of 3' below grade unless indicated othe~ise. 4. AIl medar or masonry constroetioe shall conform to the requirements of ASTM.270. 5. AIl masoery units shall be lightweight concrete masonry colts C.MU., fm = 1500 psi minimum. 6. Mottar shall be podlaed cement type 'm' or 's'. 7. AIImasonrywallsshallbeconetmctadwfihgalv, wallreinthming. Reinfoedngtobeheavywlutytross-type, D gauge and pleced at each second coume verficafly and to be the width mcommeeded by the manufacturer. Reinfoming shall be ASTM 615 Grade 60. 8 The Engineer is to be contacted if unacceptable or questionable soil is encountered dudng excavation Unacceptable soil is soil containing clay and/or organic material. 9. Inetall isolafian joints athng foundagon walls and at column and other ficor penetragons. 10. Foundation excavation ~s not 1o be back filled pdor to the existing bmldthg beiag lowered onto the new foundation. 11. Backfill along foundation walls is to he clean matedal and is to he mechanically compacted in 6" fins to 95% of maximum dry density. Framing Notes: The conlractor is to verify all measurements in the field and any discrepancies are to be brought to the attention of the Engineer p6or to constructioa. Wood Framing 1. AIl lumber is to be No. 2 or better Douglas Fir Lareh tN) with the following minimum specifications: Fb = 825 psi Fv = 95 psi Fc peq) = 625 psi E = t,600,000 psi 2. All Laminated Veneer Lumber is to have the following minimum specificetthns: Fb = 2,900 psi Fy = 290 psi Fc perp: 650 psi E = 1,g00,000 psi 3. AIl bean,s fabdcoted ~h mugiple Lamineted Veneer Lumber boards are ta be nailed/halted in accordance with the manufacturer,s specificalioas. 4. AIl stral]s, connectors, plates, bolts, nails, etc. are to be galvanized or staththss eteel. Designated conneetors, strap etc. on these drawings are made by Siml~son unless indicated otherwise. All connectom, straps etc. are to be nailed/boltad in accordance with the manofeciure~'s specificagons. 5. Ali t~osr sheathing is to be 23/32 inch AC type plywood, tangue artd groove, with an APA span rafing of 48/24. Ficor sheathing shell be glued aed screwed to the floor jctsts ( 6~ O.C. edges and 12" O.C. tiekl ). 6. Solid blocking is to ed installed every 8' max or mid span of all floor jctMs wfih spans exceeding 8,. 7. Double ioiets are th be incta[tsd below paralthl walls. 8. Bthcking is to be installed at all pctat load beanng points. 9, Walls are th be framed wilh 2x4 inch studs spaced 16 inches O.C. unless iediceted etherwise, 10. All joist and beam hangem and fasteners used on the extedor are to be Simpson Type 304 or 316 Stainless Steel. 11. All bolts nuts and washem are to be etainlees steel or hot dipped galvanized. NOTE: DJ = DOUBLE JACK S~dD TJ = TRIPLE JACK STUD PA = POST ABOVE Design Loads: - Roof - Live Load - 30 psf Based on ASCE-7 - Dead Load - 15 psf - 1st Floor -Live Load - 40 psf - Dead Load - 15 psf - Wind Loads - '120 mph - ASCE-7 qh = 50.3 pet (Exp. D) -Roof wind load - 66.4 psf Zone 2,3 -Wall wind load - 61,8 pet Zone 4 -Wall wind load - 74.2 psf Zone 5 Design Cdleda - NYS Residential Code R301.2.1.1 and utilized the methods and procedures stipulated in Chapter 2 Engineered Design and Chapter 3 Presedptive Design in the Amedcan Forest and Paper Association Wood Frame Construction Manual for One and Two Family Dwelling Units - High Wind Addition and ASCE 7. REVISIONS Condon Eng neenng, P.C. 1755 Sigsbee Road Malfituck, New York 11952 (631) 298-1986 (631) 298-2651 Fax www.coadonengineefing.com COTTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Country Route 48 PeDonic, New York PROPOSED FRAMING PLANS S-5 Table 3 1 Nailmg Schedaie (Wood Framed Construction Manual 2001 SeC High Wind Edifion, Page 110) JstrdOesedption ] NumberofNails'[ NaiISpacing ROOF NAILING Rafter to Top Plata {Toe -nailed) 4 - 8d per rarer Ce~fing Jstst to Top Rate (Toe -nailed) 4 - 8d per jstai Ceiling Joist to Paratai Rater (Face -naded) 8-16d each lap Ceding Joist Laps Over Portions (Face -~aihad) 8-160 each lap Collar Tie to Rater (Toe-nailed) 2-1 Od per fie Clocking to Ra~r (Toe nailed) 2 - 8d each end Rim Board to Rafter (End Nailed) 2 * 16d each end WALL FRAMING Top Plate to Top Plate {Face -nailed) 2 - 16d (1) per fool Top Plates at tutarsecUons (Face -nailed) 4 - 16d joists - each side Stud to Stud (Face -nailed) 2 - 16d 24' D.c. Header to Header (Face -nailed} 16d 16" o c, along edges Top or Boftom Plate to Stud (End Nailed) 2 - 16d per 2x4 stud 3-16d per gx6 stud 4 - 16d per 2)(8 stud BeBom Plate 1o FMor Joist, Band Jaiet, End joist or Btucking {Toe-nailed) 2 - 16d (1,2) per Mot FLOOR FRAMING Joist to Sill, Top Plate or Girder (Toe -nailed) 4 - 8d per joist Bridging lo Joist (Toe-haloid) 2 - 8d each end Btucking to Joist (Tomaailap) 2 - 8d each end atackiap to Sill or Top Ptatu (Toe-nailed) 3 - '~Sd each block Ledger Strip to Beam (Face-nailed) 3 - 16d each jaist Joist on Ledger to Beam (Toe-nailed) 3 - 8d per joist Band Joist to Joisl (End-nailed) 3 - 16d per joist Band JoJst to sig or Top Plate {Toe-nailed) 2 ~ 16d (1) per foot ROOF SHEA~ING SiTUCIUml Panels 8d (Detail sheet S-2) CEILING SHEATHING GypsumWailboaM I 50coaiers I 7"edge/10"0eht WALL SHEATHING Gypsum Wstlboard I 5d coaiers I 7" edge / 10" fiaid FLOOR SHEATHING Structural Panais (1) Naigng redu~remento are based on wall ai',~,~g,;.g nailed 6" on-center et the panel edge. It w~l shea~iag is naiMd 3" on-centor at the panel edge to obtain higher shear capacities, nailiap rpe airements tu¢ sfl~ctoml members shall be doubled, or aterneta c~nnectors, such as shear plates, shstl be used to maintain tuad path. (g) When wall sheathing is copenuous over connected membem, the tabulated number of nails shstl be permifted to be reduced to 1 - 16d nmi per tool CONT, R~DOE VEN 8 SCREWS lS' O C, - WASHER (TYP.) PLYWOOD _ PLASTIC~;OATED PERMANENT WOOD SCREW ANCHORS ' PLYWOOD DETAIL A ~ TYPICAL ATrACHMENT OF PLYWOOD OPENINGS PROTECTION TO WOOS-FRAME BUll DING 3 NO, 8 SCREWS 12 Alternate to 120 MPH Certified Window Installation Plywood Panel Window and Door Protection for Wood Framed Buildings PLYWOOD OPENINGS PROTECTION, THICKNESS DEPENDS ON WINDOW OPENING WIDTH (I) NOTE: IN LIEU OF SCREWS, LUGS WITH NUTS AND WASHERS MAY BE USED r Simp at each Rafter Tail NEW CEDAR SHINGLE ROOF NEW 112' PLYWOOD SHF.~THINO WITH CEDAR BBEATHER EX, 2X4 RR @ 24" O.C, R-119 INSULATION HZ~ CONNECTOR Simpson HZA Hurricane Ties at each Rafter Tail 2· CONTINUOUS SOFFIT VENT 2)(4 WALL S~DS 24' O C. 2XS RIM S' MIN. SLOPE GRABEAWAY - FROM BUILDING 8' X 16· CMU WALL DAMP PROOFING NEW 518' O X 12" LONG GALV. ANCHOR BOLTS AT 32' O.C MAX, 12' MAX. FROM CORNERS QSILL -- EX~ 2X6 FJ @ 24' C.C. TERMITE SHIELD PROVIDE BEAM POCKET AT CROPPED BEAM LOCATIONS R-15 INSULATION INSULATION SIMPSON LSTA36 STRAP _Typical Window and Door Header _Strapping Detail Each Corner NTS V-CUT SHE~R BLOCKING ~RAFTERS 2)( TRIM BOARD FOR SHEAR BLOCKING (BETWEEN JOISTS), FIELD TRIM TO MATCH JOIST DEPTH AT OUTER EDGE OF WALL OR LOCATE ON WALL TO MATCH JOIST DEPTH. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE V-CUT SHEAR BLOCKING AND VENTILATION HOLES O ® elo I lo 0 O 0 Io× oI o x I° 0 _Nailing Zones for Roof Sheathing in 120 MPH Peak Gust Wind Zone ariel Edges "O.C, 6" D.C. 4' D.C. Nailing Requirements for 12B MPN, 3 Sec. Peak Gust, ~ h~ck Roof Shealhmg wtih 8d Common Hairs Roof Sheathing Nailing Details SCALE: 1/8' = 1'-0" SHEAR BLOCKING DETAILS NTS SIMPSON STEONGTIE 5/8' X 6' TITAN HO AT EACH CORNER WALL CORNER CONNECTION DETAIL AT FOUNDATION NOT TO SCALE Scale: I/4" = 1'-0" Drown by: JJC Date: 3/31/2010j NOTE: DJ = DOUBLE JACK STUD TJ = TRrPLE JACK STUD PA = POST ABOVE Condon Eng neenng, P.C. 1755 Sigsbee Road Matttiuck, New York 11952 (631) 298~1986 (631) 298-2651 Fax www.condoDengineedng,com Design Cfithda- NYe Residential Code R301.Zl.1 add utilized the methods and procedures stipulated in Chapter 2 EngiDeered Design and Chapter 3 Proscriptive Design in the American Forest and Paper Association Wood Frame Constmctior] Maaual for One and Two Family Dwelling Units - High WJDd Addition and ASCE 7. COTTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Country Route 48 Peconic, New York ~~L~ REVISIONS STRUCTURAL DETAILS S-6 45 4(] 35 30 25 2O 15 EXISTING GRADE 38' MIN HIGH RAILINGS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARIS' WITH BENCH 36' X36" ~ LANDING 36' X36' LANDING ARCHITEC~ STAIR TREADS 11" STAIR RISERS 8 114' MAX 514' MAHOGANY OR SIMPSON H2 S HURRICANE TIE AT EACH JOIST 8X4 ACQ CROSS BRACI SIMPSON ABU44 COLUMN BASE (2) BEAM STEIN G/ERSt@ 12" O C TO BEAM WITH SIMPSON LUS210 HANGERS POST (TYP.) 12'O SONOTUBE FOOTING (TFP.) TYPICAL DECK SECTION AT LANDING 1/2" = 1'-0" 5/8 INCH GALVANIZED DOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS (2) 2X6 ACQ GIRDER SIMPSON 36' MIN HIGH 2X12ACQ STRINGERS ~ 12" O,C 5/8'MAHOGANYOR (2) 2X6 ACQ ro BEAM WITH SIMPSONLUS218NANSERS ~POSTCYP.) EXISTING GRADE z FOOTING TYPICAL DECK SECTION AT STAIR 1/2"= 1'-0" 5/8 INCH GALVANIZED BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS (2} 2X6 ACQ GIRDER BEACH STAIR PROFILE SCALE 1/4": 1'-0" 11,7 / / / / / STEPS TO MEEt ~ GRADE .~/ ,/ 12~3 MAXIMUM RISE E _:TWEEN LANDINGS- 36' X 38' LANDING 28.9 BEACH STAIR PLAN SCALE 1/4' = 1'-0" 36' X 50' LANDIN( WITH BENCH 44O t / / / / 2X12 ACQ S~RINGERS STRINGERS @ 12' O G 12'O SONOTUBE FOOTING (TYP.) BEACH STAIR FRAMING PLAN SCALE 1/4": 1'-0" Scale: As Shown Drawn by: JJC Date: 3/31/2010 4XA ACQ POST (TYP,) Design Criteda - NYS Residential Code R301.2.1.1 and utilized: the methods and procedures stipulated in Chapter 2 Engineer'_ Design and Chapter 3 Proscriptive Design in the Amedcan Forest and Paper Asscclafion Wood Frame Construction Manual for One and Two Family Dwelling Units - High Wind Addition and ASCE 7. REVISIONS I COTTAGE IMPROVEMENTS Condon Englneenng, P.e. I Country Route 48 1755 Sigsbee Road Mat~tuck, New York 11952 ~ (631) 298-1986 (631) 298-2651 Pax www.condonengineedng.com I BEACH STALE I STRUCTURAL DETAILS