HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-10.-7-12 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jill Doherty, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: June 16, 2010 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for W.L. LYONS BROWN III & SUSANNAH S. BROWN SCTM# 1000-10-7-12 J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of W.L. LYONS BROWN III & SUSANNAH S. BROWN requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 4.5'X 133' timber fixed dock and to replace 11 pilings. Located: Hedge St., Fishers Island. SCTM#10-7-12 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is EXEMPT from LWRP review pursuant to.' § 268-3. Definitions. MINOR ACTIONS item "EE" which states: A. Maintenance or repair involving no substantial changes in an existing structure or facility; Cc: Lori Huise, Assistant Town Attorney ~lAY-27-E~10 19:55 FROM:JMO CONSULTING G533348 TO:765GG4! P.2 Town of Soathold LWRP CONSISTENCY ~a~ggMENT IN)RM A. INSTRUCTIONS All applicators for permfis* incb~llng Town of Soulhold agencies, shall compl~ this CCAF for proposed actiems it~ a~ subject to the Tow~ of So,~h~ld Waterlkmt ~ Rrview Law. This ass~sment ks intended to supplement other information used by a Town.of Southold agency in mak~g a del~minati0il of col~mxcy. *Except minor erempt actions inclu~ng Building Permits and otter n~nlsterlal permits not located ~ithin the Coastal Erosion Hazard ~rea. Before answe~ the questions in ~z~don C. Rte printer of this forum ~hould review the exempt mino~ aofiol~ ]iKf. poticiez and explanations of each policy ~i,ed in the Town of Southold Locat Waterfront R~witalizafion Progra~ A propcmed action will b~ eval~ as to its si?W~mt beneficial and adverse effects upon tho coastal area (which includes all of flouihoid Town). staudards and condition. If an action cannot be certified ns eons~te~t with the LWRP policy sindards and condillac, ~ webzi~e (somholdtown.noreffor~neO, the Board ~ Office; ~he ~,,,mg ocpamnm, a- lo~al librafies and the Town Clerk's office. , , K DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION sCTM~ 010 7 12 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate ~): Town,oard [] 'lannlngDept.n'~ BulldlagDept-['-~ BoardofTrtlateesn~ 1. CaM~ory ofTo. o£ ~outhold ag-- a~ioll (chgck appropriate l~$pollse): (a) Action undensken directly by Town ageucy (e.g. capital co~slmction, (b) Fivmn~ial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: See attached MAY-2?-2010 19:55 FROM:JMO CONSULTING 6bddd48 TO:?GSG~41 p.B Loca~onofac~0~ Hedge Street, no #, Fishers Island Sitc actinic: 0.48 acres Prc~mtbmduse: Existing single famiiy dwelling Pl~sent z0-i-$ chugfication: R- 40 If an app~ca~0a fix ~be pmp0~d a~on h~ b~n fried ~4th ~ Town of Southold a~n~y, ~ follow~g (a) Nameo£applicant W.L. Lyons Rrown & Susanna S. ~rown ~) Nla~l~ . 2565 Altmar Drive Laguna Beach, CA (C) Tclc~-mh~':.A.msCode( ).c/o 631-289-2400 {d) Applicatio~lmh~r, if any: Unknown ~ ~ Will ~ dirtily und~akea, r~luin~ fundin~,~ Yes [~ No[-] If yes, whichstate or federal agency? N,Y.S.D,E.C..USDOA, NYSDOS DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern or development in the Town of So~thold ~hat enhances ~mmuni .l~. c~.. cter,. pre~rves open spsee, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beaefl~c~l, use o~a. coasmt..~a, uon, ina adverse effects of devdopmenL See LWRP Section Hl- Polities, Page z ~or evmusuon /~Yes ~ No n~ Not Applicable The proposed reconstruted dock shall have no ne!]ative , impacts upon. the character of the community of Fishers Island PoU~ 2. Protect and p~eserve historic and archaeological ~terh~Ces of the Town or Southold, See L~p Se~on Hl- Polieie~ Ptges 3 through 6 for evaluation cfi Iq Yes [] No [] Not Appflcable The orooosed orodect shall have no inoacts on th~ historical or archaeoloqical resources of the Town ~qY-2~-8810 19:56 FROM:JMO CO~E~LLTIN4] ~ T0:7656641 P.4 ahems if nev~a~ Policy 3/Ealumee ritual ~ and protect scenic resources thmuglmt the Town or Southeld. See LWl~eclkn lIl- Policies Pages 6 throush 7 fo~ evalustton criteria ¥es [] No [] Not Applkable NATURAL COAST POLICIES ~ ~lid~ pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criterLm Yes [] No [] Not Applicable The proposed reconstruction of an existinq dock shall have no impact upo~roston, loss of life or atructur.s. 3attach addi~i~l~eeta if access/ Policy $~rotect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of S°uth°ld- See LWRP Secti°~ Iff ~ y. ~ No ~Not AppU~ble The proposed dock reconstruction involves ~hn .n,~ c~f non At~aeh additional she~s if neeesaa~ eandrestore the re,silty and function of the Town of Southold eeosy~__mna IndedinS ~ and WB, Ili~e 8dillies and we.ands. See LWRI' Section i~ - PoGeks; Pages 22 r evaluation eriterin. No [] Not Applicable The proposed reconstruction of this existing docking faCiliTY ~Y-~7-L~IO 19:56 FR'O~:,J~ CONSILTING 6.5..~148 T0:76..~o41 At2~ ,dd~ioml dums ifm~s~ ~ yT,~~~o~4and im~ove ~r q.~lay in the Town for ev,dmflkn crRerla. [] Not Applicable The proposed project has no impact on air quaiit¥ ~mmjd waste. See LWRP Stolon m- PoikleS, P.~ 34 through 38 for evaluation crit ~Yes ~--~ NO ~ Not Applicable T;,= ~Lv~=~t du=~ .uL 1.voive the disposal oz waste The proposed dock reconstrucvtion shall allow the applicants for recreational purpom~m MAY-~7-~810 19:~-~ FROM:J~O CONSUl_TING 6bd.l_s48 TO:-F~5~41 P.G the dock to access Town waters The~ct does not involve th~ use ofa_~g_riculturAL LANDS [] Yes [] NO [] Not Appticable The Drono~d Dro4ect do~s not involve the uae or develoDement of energy or mineral resources Crfat~ on $1~10~ II:~O AM EXISTING ROCK REVETMENT N/F : DOHERTY, dR. ~ J. DOHERTY MILY RESIDENCE ?PAL WATER SEPTIC SYSTEM ~.SERVE :ACHING .)OL LOCATION {FND.) % / \ S$8'54' IO"W ~5.96'~ % S,.~8',.34' 10hlV D.H. (FND.) (FND. HOLE SC PORCH 16.4 1250 GAL. SEPTIC TANK ~'~ EXISTING / SEPTIC SYSTEM N 6' X 8' LEACHING \ " V.-APPROX. ~ / LOCATION EL~ ~ / EXISTING WATER GRAV /,///~~SERVICE PARKING AREA LIMITS OF FLOOD Z~NE PER FIRM PANEL 19 OF11026 MAY 4o 1998, 361(~0019G ~:DAL wOEFTLANOS ~ WEST HARBOR 6.2 (FND. 2.80' \ \ C~ SURVEY MAP PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED TO W.L. LYONS BROWN Ill SUZANNE S. BROWN; HEDGE STREET; FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK; PALMER & KING; NORWICH, CT.; DATE: DECEMBER 27, 1996; 1"=20'; SHEET 1 OF 1