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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-24.-2-28.1 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hail Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGP.~AM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jill Doherty, President Town of Southold Board,of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: July 19, 2010 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for ORIENT WHARF COMPANY SCTM#24-2-28.1 Walter Bundy on behalf of the ORIENT WHARF COMPANY requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to replace the existing asphalt vehicle and access paving (an approx. 17' portion) over fill at an existing wooden bulkhead structure with a new timber deck structure. Located: 2110 Village Lane, Orient. SCTM#24-2-28.1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT from LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold INSTRUCTIONS I. PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM' ~ All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, al~ mn~pl~-~.CCgY fo? proposed actions tha! are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in suooortin£ facts. If an action cannot be certified as conditions, it shall not be undertaken. then the proposed action will in the consistency and non- LWRP policy standards and A copy of the LWRP is available in the following website (, thc Board ~ local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE SCTM# 1000-24-2-28.1 PROJECT NAME online at the Town of Southold ,~ , Offi-~ ,'¢1~ Ping 'D~ad~nent, all The Appfication has been submitted to ~ Town Board [] Planning Board ~'~ response): [~ Board of Trustees [~ Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) Co) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permh, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Review and Approval of Proposed Project PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Location of action: 2110 Village Lane, Orient, NY 11957 Site acreage: 0.011 Acres (Project Area is +/- 476 Square Feet) Present land use: Wharf & Marina Facility (No Change in Intended Use) Pre · P.rgpe~.rty Classification: Social Organization; Zoning District: "M-I" Marine sent zoning clasmncanon: If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Orient Wharf Company 2110 Vffiage Lane, Orient, NY 11957 Co) Mailing address: (c) Telephone number: Area Code (). (631) 323-2580 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency'?. Yes [~ Noir] Ifyes, which state or federal agency?. NYSDEC C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section 1II - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ~-~Yes ~ No [] Not Applicable It is believed by the Orient Wharf Company and its consultants that the section of the wooden bulkhead structure with fill (an approximate 17' O' portion) that connects the main wharf structure to the shoreline requires rehabilitation and no longer provides safe access to the wharf facility. Instead of simply replacing the existing structure in kind, the Orient Wharf Company and its consultants recommends the replacement of the current method of access (asphalt pavement over fill) with a new timber deck structure which connect into existing beam pockets from the original bridge structure. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ~-~ Yes ~ No [] Not Applicable PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF ,The I~cation of the proposed wharf modifications coincide with the location of the original location for the timber bridge structure at the Orient Wharf, thereby replicating the original wharf Confi~uratian and timber brid~e featuren: hi.~tarieal a.~.nee£q of Orient VI/barf are bein~ re.~tored and Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria [] Yes ~-~ No [] Not Applicable The location of the proposed wharf modifications coincide believed hy the Orient Wanr~ Company and its consultants that tl~e placement o! tl~e new timber deck structure will greatly enhance the visual and scenic vistas in the immediate harbor area and will also visually replicate the original wharf configuration and timber bridge features~ therefore historical asnects of Orient Wharf are bein~ re,~tored and enhanced. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ~-~ Yes ~ No ~'] Not Applicable The section of the wooden bulkhead structure with fill that connects the main wharf structure to the shoreline has been experiencing severe erosion of the fill below the asphalt pavement and no longer provides sale access to the whar/iaciii~y, inswad pi simply replacing the rPeonatnlctifln to facilitate confirmed aafe u.~e for aeeeskn. Auach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [--] NO ~ Not Applicable The intent of the timber deck structure is to provide immediate and long-term safe access for vehicles and pedestrians to the Orient Wharf Facility; without depending upon the existing filled bulkheaded which is deteriorating and requires extensive reconstruction to facilitate safe use for access. The placement of the new timber deck structure allows continued safe access to Orient Wharf and allows the entire wharf facility to be addressed as a unit in its future permit submittals identified below. Attach addkional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Yes No Not Applicable The Orient Wharf Company will be submitting in the near future, separate projects to modify their Attach addi~onal sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ['-'q Yes ~ No [-~ Not Applicable Not Applicable to Proposed Project Attach additional sheets ifn¢cessa~j Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section II1 - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ~] Yes [] No ~-] Not Applicable Not Applicable to Proposed Project PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. [] Ye~-'q No[-~ Not Applicable The pier which extends into the harbor dates back to the 1800s. The site is owned by the Orient Wharf Company, a local for profit enterprise. Orient Wharf is an active shipping pier, harbor and mooring facility on the north-eastern shoreline of Orient Harbor accessible off of Village Lane in Orient and Though privately, owned, the wharf provides Orient residents access to Orient Harbor and adjacent Attach additional sheets if necessary LIP~A TED~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~o~o oject tJocumen~!?-i~-~I~- o TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York SCTM #: 1000-24-2-28.1 PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Table of Contents Key Plan & Site Information Plan of Orient Wharf Modifications Plan Sections - Proposed Modifications Plan Showing Regulatory Boundaries Project Description Project Photographs Referenced Agency Maps: NYSDEC Tidal Wetland Map # 726-556 Town of Southold LWRP Map FEMA FIRM (Firmette downloaded from FEMA website) Referenced Owner Provided Surveys: November 19, 1978 Site Survey prepared by Van Tuyl May 2010 Site Survey prepared by John Ehlers Page Modified May 18, 2010 Prepared by WF Bundy, East Moriches NY 11940 PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York SCTM #: 1000-24-2-28.1 Key Plan No Scale Site Situated within: FEMA Flood Zones: VE9, AE7 and LiMWA apply Coastal Barrier Resource Area (CBRA) Zone Groundwater Management Zone IV NYSDEC Tidal Wetlands Zones: LZ, SM Property_ Information Orient, New York Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York SCTM #: 1000-24-02-28.1 Property Classification: Social Organization Zoning District: "M-I" Marine Replacement of Asphalt with Timber Decking Purpose of Activities: Replace existing access over deteriorated asphalt pavement on fill with new timber deck structure Proper[7_ Services Information: Postal District: Southold School District: Southold Fire District: Southold Electrical Service: LIPA Water Service: SCWA Property_ Sitin_u Data: Tide Range: +/- 2.5' NYSDEC & Southold Town Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (CEHA) Zone Southold Town Historic Preservation Zone Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Area (Reach 5) Southold Town Stormwater Management Program Area Prepared by WF Bundy, East Moriches NY 11940 Drawn by: WF Bundy Date: March 29, 2010 Revised: 18 May 2010 Ck'd by: RUNOFF FLOW FROM - ' ='.,~ ~ ~ I VILLAGE LANE ,~j EXISTING ROAD . ~'~ ~5" DRAINRoAD ~ ' ~ INTERCONNECTING EXISTING ~ D~IN PIPES D~IN--~ DENOTES RUNOFF FLOW ASPHALT PAVEMENT ~~~.;':~':;! %~ ~ OUTFALL PIPE 1~2:~;.:-:-:] ~ , ~ . ~ ~ NOTE: I~~::';:] ~'~;.-; ~::-::;::-:.? '.~ll ~ . / ~ to s~le or lo.ted ~~~:):;.] ~'~-~:~;-:.;>~ ~ ' EXIST ~ONC CURB ~ I~.:~t~*: 1000-24-2-27 ~:~;:.~j / ?',?'.:'~?.:').;':.?.~;..~?.~:: ._~:~_.:~:~ ' ~OF-- ~VALL ~WN :;;~:;~j SCTM ~: 1000-26-1-1,1 BEA~S ~-?~1 '~WN AR~ OF EXISTING ~' AREA OF EXISTING *., ~, ~ BEACH GRASS PIPE ~. ~ ~ EXISTING BURIED x ~ ~' SEAWALL ~ EXISTING RIP RAP & PROPOSED ~ END OF OUTFALL PIPE ~ ~ ~ / x x ~070 BEACH AREA EXISTING END OF ~ ~ ~ ~/ information as prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, dated September 1999 & May 2010 ORIENT HARBOR EXISTING ACCESS VIA ASPHALT PAVEMENT OVER FILL TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW ..'TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE SPANNING THE AREA SHOWN EXISTING BOULDER & BULKHEAD WHARF w/ FILL & ASPHALT SURFACE SCALE: 1" = 30' 0" PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Drawn by: WF Bundy Date: March 26, 2010 Revised: May 3, 2010 Ck'd by: Existing Site Plan Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York SCTM #: 1000-24-2-28.1 Sketch prepared byWF Bandy, East Modches NY 11940 RUNOFF FLOW FROM - ' '~~ VILLAGE LANE '-/J EXISTIN"G ROAD / INTERCONNECTING EXISTING R DRAIN q~l(t~% DRAIN PIPES DENOTES RUNOFF FLOW ~ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXIST ROAD DRAIN CONNECTED TO OUTFALL PIPE NOTE: Structures not drawn to scale or located EXIST ~:ONC CURB ~ .?EXISTING FENCE WAR MEMORIAL A'RE~. OF EXISTING BEAISI~SS LAWN AREA OF EXISTING GRASS EXISTING TOWN OUTFALL PIPE T~) BE SHORTENED TO COINCIDE WITH EXISTING RIPRAP WHICH WILL BE RE-UTILIZED AT NEW END OF PIPE ~{' xx\ ¢O~O BEACH AREA EXISTING END OF OUTFALL PIPE inn fOoTmlE :ation shown on this Sketch reflects Survey Information as prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, dated September 1999 & May 2010 ORIENT HARBOR z 28' 0" SCTM #: 1000-26-1-1,1 LAWN AREA OF EXISTING BEACH GRASS -- EXISTING BURIED ' ~(3¢"'-~''°~'.. SEAWALL ~ ~ ,.~,,a.'~ 9'~ ~' SEE SECTIO~FOR F.'~q'~. / ~,,*\?g ' 5 ADDITI~~AI' DETAILS ~' ~' °(3~'' EXISTING ACCESS VIA ASPHALT PAVEMENT OVER FILL TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW 'TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE SPANNING THE AREA SHOWN -- - EXISTING BOULDER & BULKHEAD WHARF w/ FILL & ASPHALT SURFACE SCALE: 1" = 30' 0" PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Modification Plan Drawn by: WF Bundy Date: March 26, 2010 Revised: May 3, 2010 Ck'd by: Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York SCTM #: 1000-24-2-28.1 Sketch prepared by WF Bundy, East Modches NY 11940 EXISTING ASPHALT SURFACE TO BE REMOVED & REPLACED WITH A NEW TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE SUPPORTEDAT EXISTING BEAM POCKETSAT EACH END ~ EXISTING PILINGS & SHEATHING TO REMAIN EXISTING GRADE EXISTING BOULDER & BULKHEAD STRUCTURE w/ FILL EXISTS BEYOND THE SECTION BEING REPLACED WITH NEW TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE +/- 28' 0" EXISTING GRADE SCALE: 1"= 10' 0" EXISTING FILL TO BE REMOVED TO LEVEL BELOW EXISTING BEAM POCKETS +/- 18" (APPROX 20 CY) AND DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED UPLAND SITE. NEW TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE AS PER ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS EXISTING TOWN OUTFALL PIPE TO BE SHORTENED & EXISTING RIPRAP UTILIZED AT NEW END OF PIPE (SEE PLAN)~._ EXISTING GRADE +/- 28' 0" \ / EXISTING ASPHALT SURFACE ON BOTH ENDS OF NEW TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE TO BE PATCHED & PITCHED AS REQ'D EXISTING FILL TO BE REMOVED TO LEVEL BELOW EXISTING BEAM POCKETS +/- 18" (APPROX 20 CY) /AND DISPOSED OF IN AN APPROVED UPLAND SITE. ,~/~ EXISTING PILINGS & SHEATHING TO REMAIN EXISTING GRADE EXISTING CONCRETE SEAWALL AT SHORELINE EXISTS BEYOND THE NEW TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE SCALE: 1" = 10' 0" ........ Information shown on this Sketch reflects Survey Information as prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, dated September 1999 Drawn by: WF Bundy Date: March 26, 2010 Revised: 03 May 2010 Ck'd by: Sketch prepared by WF Bundy, East Moriches NY 11940 SE C TIONS THR 0 UGH EXIS TING B UL KHEAD PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York SCTM #: I000-24-2-28.1 VILLAGE LANE ,{/" EXISTING ROAD ~'- DRAIN , / INTERCONNECTING DRAIN PIPES DRAIN DENOTES RUNOFF FLOW J ~ ASPHALT PAVEMENT EXIST ROAD DRAIN CONNECTED TO OUTFALL PIPE Structures not drawn \ to scale or located EXIST ~;ONC CURB ~//'~EXISTING FENCE WAR MEMORIAL A'~'E~ OF~EXlST1NG BEA61~'?~SS LAWN , AREA OF EXISTING OUTFA L pip EI~L~ EXISTING RIP RAP & PRO~OSEDi END.OF OUTFALL PIPE x x ~070 BEACH AREA EXiSTiNG EN; ~~' OUTFALL PIPE NOTE: Information as prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, dated September 1999 & May 2010 ORIENT HARBOR 28' 0" LAWN FEMR RE 7 AREA OF EXISTING BEACH GRASS ~ EXISTING BURIED SEAWALL , · .. .-'~ EXISTING ACCESS VIA ASPHALT PAVEMENT OVER FILL TO BE REPLACED WITH NEW ..'TIMBER DECK STRUCTURE SPANNING THE AREA SHOWN FEMA FIRM Panel 68 of 1026 Map ~: 36103C0068H Town of Southold, Corn ~: 360813 EXISTING BOULDER & BULKHEAD WHARF w/ FILL & ASPHALT SURFACE SCALE: 1" = 30' 0" PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF M.4PPED CEHA, FLOOD ZONE & TIDAL WETLAND BOUNDARIES Drawn by: WF Bundy Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Date: March 26, 2010 Revised: May 3, 2010 SCTM #: 1000-24-2-2g.l Sketch prepared by WF Bundy, East Modches NY 11940 Ck'd by: Project Description PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Prepared by Walter Bundy, East Moriches NY: March 23, 2010 Updated as per March 31, 2010 NYSDEC Pre-Application Hearing Revised & Clarified: May 18, 2010 The following Project Information is provided concerning the Proposed Modifications to Orient Wharf by the Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York. Proiect Location Information: 1. The Orient Wharf (SCTM #: 1000-24-2-28.1) is situated within the Town of Southold at 2110 Village Lane in Orient Hamlet 11957; and is owned and operated by the Orient WhaffCompany. Orient Wharf is situated on the north-eastern shoreline of Orient Harbor. Location Maps showing the location of the site are enclosed as Attachments in the Photo Documentation provided. 2. The Orient Wharf project site is situated within designated NYSDEC Tidal Wetland; Southold Town Coastal Erosion Hazard Area (CEHA) Program, Floodplain Management Program (FMP), Historic Preservation Program, Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) (Reach 5), Stormwater Management Program; and Southold Town Trustee Program Areas. As such, permits and approvals shall be requested from all involved agencies having jurisdiction. Proiect Description: The Project proposed includes the following and supports the sketches and plans prepared for the Proposed Modifications to Orient Wharf: 1. Existing wooden bulkhead structure with fill and asphalt vehicle and access paving (an approximate 17' 0" portion) to be modified with a new timber deck structure as per Engineer's drawings (to be prepared at a later date) which is proposed to replace the existing deteriorated fill and asphalt surface. The location of the proposed wharf modifications at the Orient Wharf is noted on the attached drawings and the timber decking structure shall utilize the existing beam pockets from the original bridge structure. Coincidently, it is that portion of Orient Wharf that had the original bridge removed and replaced with the filled structure that exists today, which is having the existing asphalt surface removed and replaced with a timber structure due to a continuing deterioration of the asphalt access pavement and the supporting fill beneath the paving. 2. The wharf structure both seaward and landward, of the area having the asphalt pavement replaced by a timber deck structure, will remain as exists except for some minor asphalt repair work to blend the asphalt pavement surfaces with the height of the new timber deck surface. The wharf structure seaward of the area has an existing enclosed filled structure with stone and cement retaining walls; and the opposite side of the timber decking will connect to an existing seawall that exists at the shoreline, enabling the proposed new timber deck structure to span the 2 existing supporting structures with no additional support piers or pilings needed. Project Description PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient }Fharf Company, Orient New York Pro|act Description: (Continued) 3. The existing filled wooden bulkheaded structure proposed to be resurfaced with new timber decking is currently covered with asphalt pavement and is utilized for all vehicular and pedestrian access to the wharf facility. As identified in the accompanying photographs, the existing asphalt pavement and supporting fill has deteriorated to a point whereas safe access is no longer provided; and the condition and integrity of the existing bulkhead does not allow the asphalt pavement or the fill situated below the pavement to be repaired in a permanent manner. 4. During the reconnaissance activities performed by the Orient Wharf Company to deterraine the actual deck connection requirements, it was cnnftrmed that alt existing beam pockets from the original bridge structure existed on both the seaward wharf structure and the landward seawall; enabling the deteriorated existing filled wooden bulkheaded structure to be totally bridged by the new timber deck structure. The reconnaissance activities also identified that the top 12 to 14 inches of existing fill immediately below the asphalt pavement surface consists of unclean fill containing cement, steel, other metals and asphalt chunks. 5. Due to the above, as part of the proposed timber decking work, the area having the asphalt pavement replaced by a timber deck sl~ucture will have all asphalt, and fill materials removed down to a level below the existing beam pockets; and then removed from the site and disposed of at approved upland sites. Approximately 31.0 cubic yards of material is anticipated to be removed and disposed of off site, at approved upland disposal sites. The removal of the unsuitable material will prevent it from causing future deterioration of the adjacent wetlands and shoreline. 6. The site contains a Southold Town drainage outfall pipe which directs all road runoff associated with Village Lane and Orchard Street and their immediate adjoining private properties along their entire length along Village Lane from approximately 200' south of Route 25; down to the Orient Wharf site where the road runoff entem several interconnected drainage basins and is then routed through an underground outfall pipe down to the shoreline where it exits adjacent to the western wall of Orient Wharf's bulkheaded smacture. The existing Southuld Town outfall pipe is proposed to be shortened to coincide with the location of all associated existing riprap (location of rip rap is at original end of outfall pipe before it was lengthened by the Town) and will be re-utilized for the armoring of the proposed new end of the outfall pipe. All coordination with the Town for this activity shall be performed by Orient Wharf representatives. Future Town implemented drainage improvements associated with the existing Town outfall pipe are being sought by Orient Wharf Company representatives. Upon completion, it is believed that the improvements will further aid in the reduction of sediments and pollutants associated with the Village Lane road run-off currently being experienced at the site. 7. The Orient Wharf Company will also be submitting in the near future, separate projects to modify their existing Tidal Wetlands Maintenance Permit to include dredging around the floating docks and mooring areas that exist at Orient Wharf; and to permit maintenance and rehabilitation of the actual wharf facility. The intent of the future modifications are two-fold; to further enhance the water quality of the site by removing sediment and silt that has accumulated, and to also increase the ability of boats to utilize the facilities without "bottoming out". The intent of the timber deck slameture is to provide immediate and long-term safe access for vehicles and pedestrians to the Orient Wharf Facility; without depending upon the existing filled bulkheaded which is deteriorating and requires extensive reconstruction to facilitate safe use for access. The placement of the new timber deck structure allows continued safe access to Orient Wharf and allows the entire wharf facility to be addressed as a unit in its future permit submittals identified above. Project Description PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Assessment of Conditions and Proposed Action: 1. Orient Wharf is an active shipping pier, harbor and mooting facility on the north-eastern shoreline of Orient Harbor accessible off of Village Lane in Orient. The pier which extends into the harbor dates back to the 1800s. The site is owned by the Orient Wharf Company, a local for profit enterprise. Orient Wharf was created when a group of Orient farmers and fishermen got together in the early 1800s and built or had built a small dock for the purpose of commerce. The original docks were not substantial and crumbled or were destroyed by storms and during cima 1838 they made a better effort and continued to build and expand outwards from the shore. In 1851 by an act of the State of New York the Orient Wharf Co. was incorporated, which exists through today. 2. The wharf structure as it exists today consists of two (2) existing enclosed filled structures with stone and cement retaining walls, with a connecting timber wharf structure; at the shoreline, an existing seawall structure is connected to the wharf structure by a wooden bulkhead structure with fill which connects the main wharf structure to the shoreline abutting the existing seawall. The wooden bulkhead structure with fill replaced the original timber bridge that connected the wharf to the shoreline. It is important to note that the bridge existed as of November 19, 1978, as per a sealed survey prepared by Van Tuyl, a copy of which is contained in the files of the Orient Wharf Company. A copy of the 1978 survey is attached. 3. The space was filled in after November 19, 1978 because the majority shareholder at the time, Floyd King did not want to incur the cost of re-building the bridge and thus filled it in with who knows what? The result over a quarter of a century is the silting of the harbor, a decrease of aquatic life, and the end of lateral replenishment of the coastline. The dock is now one big jetty. Over the years, the coastal environment in the immediate area has changed, with the shorelines to the north and south of the wharf being impacted differently, partly in the believe that the current wooden bulkhead slructure with fill that replaced the original timber bridge has been partially at fault. 4. The shoreline on the northern side of the wharf has grown approximately 100'; and the currents which used to flow through the bridge opening cleansing the water no longer occurs; and the Town has a drainage outfall pipe adjacent to the side of the wharf that empties road runoff the adjacent Village Lane into the harbor adding to the source of silt and pollutants to Orient Harbor. The shoreline on the soutbem side of the wharf has also grown in the immediate area of the wharf, but further south, the area has been experiencing erosion causing property owners to construct bulkheads to protect their properties. The closure of the original timber bridge span with a filled bulkhead appears to have caused the stop of the natural transport of sand that originally flowed through the bridge opening. 5. The section of the wooden bulkhead structure with fill (an approximate 17' 0" portion) that connects the main wharf structure to the shoreline requires rehabilitation and no longer provides safe access to the wharf facility. Instead of simply replacing the existing stmctare in kind, the Orient Wharf Company and its consultants recommends the replacement of the current method of access (asphalt pavement over fill) with a new timber deck structure which connect into existing beam pockets from the original bridge structure. The intent of the timber deck structure is to provide immediate and long-term safe access for vehicles and pedestrians to the Orient Wharf Facility; without depending upon the existing filled bulkheaded which is deteriorating and requires extensive reconstruction to facilitate safe use for access. The placement of the new timber deck structure allows continued safe access to Orient Wharf and allows the entire wharf facility to be addressed as a unit in its future permit submittals identified above. The location of the proposed wharf modifications coincide with the location of the original location for the timber bridge slructure at the Orient Wharf. Project Description PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient Nov Yorl~ Assessment of Conditions and Proposed Action: (Continued) 6. The urea of Orient in which Orient Wharf is situated within is identified as Reach 5 in the Town's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) planning documents. The Impact Assessment noted for Reach 5 states that "any activity that would degrade water quality, disrupt tidal patterns, increase sedimentation, or eliminate wetlands would adversely affect the birds and shell-fish found in this urea." It is also noted that "all species of fish and wildlife may be affected by water pollution, such as chemical contamination (including food chain effects resulting from bioaccumulation), oil spills, excessive turbidity, waste disposal (including boat wastes) and stormwater and road runoff." 7. The LWRP Impact Assessment for Reach 5 further identifies that "development of hurbor facilities and construction of breakwalls or bulkheads would result in the loss of pmductive areas which support the fish and wildlife resources of Long Beach Bay. Construction of these and other "hurd" shoreline structures are particulurly detrimental to tidal wetland habitats, which have suffered extensive cumulative losses from bulkheading, and remain susceptible to additional substantial losses as sea level rises where shorelines have been hurdened. Alternative strategies for the protection of shoreline property should be examined, including innovative, vegetation-based approaches." 8. It is believed by the Orient Wharf Company and its consultants that the replacement of the wooden bulkhead structure with a new timber bridge structure which is proposed to replicate and reconstruct the original wharf configuration and features will greatly enhance the water quality in the immediate harbor urea and will also restore the natural functions of the shoreline. Thereby, addressing impacts identified by the Town's LWRP. 9. The Orient Wharf Company will also be submitting in the neur future, sepurate projects to modify their existing Tidal Wetlands Maintenance Permit to include dredging uround the floating docks and mooring ureas that exist at Orient Wharf; and to permit maintenance and rehabilitation of the actual wharf facility. The intent of the future modifications ure two-fold; to further enhance the water quality of the site by removing sediment and silt that has accumulated, and to also increase the ability of boats to utilize the facilities without "bottoming out". The intent of the timber deck structure is to provide immediate and long-term safe access for vehicles and pedestrians to the Orient Wharf Facility; without depending upon the existing filled bulkheaded which is deteriorating and requ'u:es extensive reconstruction to facilitate safe use for access. The placement of the new timber deck structure allows confmued safe access to Orient Whurf and allows the entire whurf facility to be addressed as a unit in its future permit submittals identified above. Project Description PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Consistency with Local and State Coastal Programs: 1. As previously identified above; the Orient W~arf project site is situated within designated NYSDEC Tidal Wetland; Southold Town Coastal Erosion Ha?ard Area (CEHA) Program, Floodplain Management Program (FMP), Historic Preservation Program, Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LX3fRP) (Reach 5), Stormwater Management Program; and Southold Town Trustee Program Areas. As such, permits and approvals shall be requested from all involved agencies having jurisdiction. Bused on an evaluation of the various permits and approvals necessary; wetlands, coastal erosion and b_istoric district permits and approvals are required from the Town of Southold, a tidal wetland permit is necessary from the NYSDEC, and the same application submitted to the NYSDEC will be utilized for the NYSDEC, COE, NYDOS consistency review associated with s~uctures in navigatable waters. 2. The Orient Wharf Company will also be submitting in the near future, separate projects to modify their existing Tidal Wetlands Maintenance Permit to include dredging around the floating docks and mooring areas that exist at Orient Wharf; and to permit maintenance and rehabilitation of the actual wharf facility. The intent of the future modifications are two-fold; to further enhance the water quality of the site by removing sediment and silt that has accumulated, and to also increase the ability of boats to utilize the facilities without "bottoming out". The intent of the timber deck structure is to provide immediate and long-term safe access for vehicles and pedestrians to the Orient Wharf Facility; without depending upon the existing filled bulkheaded which is deteriorating and requires extensive reconstruction to facilitate safe use for access. The placement of the new timber deck structure allows continued safe access to Orient Wharf and allows the entire wharf facility to be addressed as a unit in its future permit submittals identified above. 3. As stated previously, it is believed by the Orient Wharf Company and its consultants that the section of the wooden bulkhead structure with fill (an approximate 17' 0" portion) that connects the main wharf structure to the shoreline requires rehabilitation and no longer provides safe access to the wharf facility. Instead of simply replacing the existing structure in kind, the Orient Wharf Company and its consultants recommends the replacement of the current method of access (asphalt pavement over fill) with a new timber deck structure which connect into existing beam pockets from the original bridge structure. The location of the proposed wharf modifications coincide with the location of the original location for the timber bridge structure at the Orient Wharf, thereby replicating the original wharf configuration and timber bridge features, historical aspects of Orient Wharf are being restored and enhanced, pending completion of future improvements. 4. The Orient Wharf Project is consistent with 10 of thel3 General Coastal Policies identified in Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold; including: Policy 1, minimizes adverse effects of development; Policy 2, preserve historic resources; Policy 3, enhance visual quality; Policy 4, minimize the loss of natural resources from flooding and erosion; Policy 5, protect and improve water quality; Policy 6, protect and restore the quality and function of Town ecosystem; Policy 8, minimize environmental degradation; Policy 9, provide for recreational use of coastal waters; Policy 10, protect the Town's water dependent uses and promote sound siting; and Policy 11, promote sustainable use of living marine resources. 5. The intent of the timber deck structure is to provide immediate and long-term safe access for vehicles and pedestrians to the Orient Wharf Facility; without depending upon the existing filled bulkheaded which is deteriorating and requires extensive reconstruction to facilitate safe use for access. The placement of the new timber deck structure allows continued safe access to Orient XVharf and allows the entire wharf facility to be addressed as a unit in its future permit submittals identified above; thereby directly supporting many of the LWRP Policies noted above. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York SCTM #: 1000-24-2-28.1 Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFI~5ITIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York The photographic information that follows is provided for the Proposed Modifications to Orient Wharf. The photographic information provided consists of current and historical photographs, and digital copies of historic postcards. The photographs and postcards were provided by the Orient Wharf Company and digital maps were obtained through the NYSDEC, County and Town websites. Aerial Photographs: Current Aerial Photographs of Eastern Suffolk County and Orient showing the Project Site at Orient Wharf and its location in relation to Eastern Suffolk County, Southold Town and Orient Hamlet. This section also contains two (2) historic aerials obtained from the Orient Wharf Company. Current Project Site Photographs: Photograph Key Map and twelve (12) Site Photographs (Photographs A through L) depicting current site conditions and adjacent areas to Orient Wharf. Drainage Unit Photographs: Three (3) Photographs showing the existing Drainage Units and grate configurations that are situated on Village Lane adjacent to the Entry into Orient Wharf. Historic Photographs and Information: Historical photographs are digital copies of historic postcards and photographs provided by the Orient Wharf Company. Referenced Agency Maps: NYSDEC Tidal Wetland Map Town of Southold LWRP Map FEMA FIRM (Firmette downloaded ti-om FEMA website) Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Aerial Photographs: Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Aerial Photographs: (Continued) Aerial Photograph C: Current Aerial Photograph of Orient Hamlet showing the Project Site at Orient Wharf and the Village Lane area of Orient which is the main route to Orient Wharf. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Aerial Photographs: (Continued) Project Site at Orient Wharf and the Village Lane area of Orient which is the main route to Orient Wharf. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Aerial Photographs: (Continued) (NOTL': Date ~)r zlerit~[ Aerial Photograph E: Aerial Photograph a~l~ scanned from Orient Wharf Company records showing Orient Wharf. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFIC~4 TIONS TO ORIENT WH~4RF Orient Wharf Company, Orient Ne~v York Aerial Photographs: (Continued) Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WH~4RF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Current Proiect Site Photographs: Photograph Key Map VILLAGE LANE ORIENT HARBOR ~OPOSl~I) ~O~C~ONS ~ OR~% PHOTO.PM KEY PL~ ~ ~ ~, O~ ~ York Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Current Proiect Site Photographs: (Conti~ued) Photograph A: Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the Village Lane Entry looking west into the Orient Wharf, with Orient Harbor shown in the background. The area of the existing earth-filled bulkhead structure to be spanned with a new timber deck is shown by the dashed red line in the photograph. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFIC~4 TIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Current Proiect Site Photographs: (Continued) Photo~raoh B (Above): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the bulkheaded area proposed to be spanned with a new timber deck showing the immediate shoreline area to the south of the site. Photograph C (Below): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the adjacent bulkheaded area showing the area proposed to be spanned with a new timber deck and the immediate shoreline area to the south of the site. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFIC,4 TIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Current Proiect Site Photographs: (Continued) Photograph D (Above): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the bulkheaded area showing the area proposed to be spanned with a new timber deck and the immediate shoreline area to the north of the site. Photograph E (Below): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the adjacent wharf area showing the area proposed to be spanned with a new timber deck and the immediate shoreline area to the north of the site. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Current Proiect Site Photographs: (Continued) Photograph F (Above): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the wharf looking east showing the area proposed to be spanned with a new timber deck in the background and the immediate shoreline area to the north of the site. Note: See Historic Photograph B for a view from circa 1900. Photograph G (Below): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the wharf looking east showing the immediate shoreline area to the south of the site. Note: See Historic Photograph C for a view from circa 1900. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New Yorl~ Current Proiect Site Photoera hs: (Continued) Photograph H (Left): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 looking west taken from the northern side of the portion of earth-filled bulkheaded area to be spanned with a new timber deck structure. Note the existing Town-owned Outfall pipe shown in the right hand portion of the photograph. Photoeraoh I (Rieht~: Photograph dated March 18, 2010 looking west taken from the northern side of the portion of earth-filled bulkheaded area to be spanned with a new timber deck structure showing the immediate beach area adjacent. Note the existing Town- owned Outfall pipe and existing riprap shown in the right hand portion of the photograph. The existing riprap will be utilized to anchor the new end of the shortened outfall pipe. Project Photographs PROPOSED i~IODIFIC/I T[ONS TO ORIENT WH,4RF Orient Wharf E¥~mpany, Orient New York Current Proiect Site Photographs: (Continued) Photograph J (Right): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 looking west taken from the southern side of the portion of earth-filled bulkheaded area to be spanned with a new timber deck. The dashed line shows the area to be replaced with the new timber bridge structure. Photograph K (Left): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 looking west taken from the southern side of the portion of earth-filled bulkheaded area to be spanned with a new timber deck structure. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf ~m~pany, Orient New York Current Pro,iect Site Photographs: (Continued) Photograph L (Below): Photograph dated March 18, 2010 taken from the northern side of the portion of earth-filled buikheaded area to be spanned with a new timber deck structure showing the immediate beach area to the north. Note the existing Town-owned Outfall pipe shown in the right hand portion of the photograph which is proposed to be shortened to coincide with the edge of the existing seawall as shown in Photograph I above. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient WharJ'Company, Orient New York Drainage Unit Photographs: Photographs taken on March 23, 2010 showing the Existing Drainage Units and grate configuration on Village Lane adjacent to the Entry onto Orient Wharf. Note: Arrows depict direction of flow of road runoff Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Historic Photographs and Information: The following historical photographs are digital copies of historic postcards and photographs provided by the Orient Wharf Company. Historic Photograph A (Above): Postcard from circa 1900 scanned from Orient Wharf Company records which shows a photograph taken from the Orient Harbor shoreline looking south onto the Orient Wharf which is shown in the background. The opening in the Wharf shown in the photograph is the location of the existing bulkheaded area proposed to be spanned with a new timber deck. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFIC/I TIONS TO ORIENT WH~4RF Orient Wharf Company, Orient Ne./York Historic Photographs and Information: (Continued) Historic Photograph B (Above): Postcard from circa 1900 scanned from Orient Wharf Company records which shows a photograph taken from the Orient Wharf looking east onto the shoreline of Orient Harbor. The area to the left of the photograph is the area shown in current Photograph F. Historic Photograph C (Below): Postcard from circa 1900 scanned from Orient Wharf Company records which shows a photograph taken from the Orient Wharf looking east onto the shoreline of Orient Harbor. The area to the left of the photograph is the area shown in current Photograph C. Note the exposed seawall. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York Historic Photographs and Information: (Continued) Historic Photograph D (Above): Copy of photograph from circa 1900 scanned from Orient Wharf Company records which shows a photograph taken from the Orient Harbor shoreline looking north onto the Orient Wharf which is shown in the background. Note the existing bridge in the foreground of the photograph. Project Photographs PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf' Company, Orient New York Historic Photographs and Information: (Continued) Historic Photograph D (Above): Copy of photograph from circa 1900 scanned from Orient Wharf Company records which shows a photograph taken from the Orient Harbor shoreline looking north onto the Orient Wharf which is shown in the background. Note the horse drawn carriage and schooner tied up to the Wharf. LEGEND Map of Southold Town Local Water.[kont Revitalization Program (LWRP) Area (Reach 5) PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO ORIENT WHARF Orient Wharf Company, Orient New York MAP SCALE 1" = 500' 0 500 10OO i METER FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP for SUFFOLK COUNTY NEW YORK (ALL JURISDICTIONS) CONTAINS: COMMUNITY NUMBER SOUTHOLD, TOWN OF 3608'13 PANEL 68 OF 1026 MAP SUFFIX: H  MAP NUMBER 36103C0068H MAP REVISED SEPTEMBER 25, 2009