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Town of Southoid Annex 54375 Main Road Somhold, New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 2/14/2011 No: 34829 Date: 2/8/2011 SCTM #: 473889 Subdivision: THIS CERTIFIES that the building ACCESSORY GARAGE Location of Property: 4705 NASSAU POINT RD CUTCHOGUE, Sec/Block/Lot: 111.-9-9 Filed Map No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore 10/2/2008 pursuant to which Building Permit No. Lot No. filed in this officed dated 34197 dated 10/2/2008 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: ACCESSORY GARAGE WITH HALF BATH AS APPLIED FOR PER ZBA # 6082, DATED11/01/07. The certificate is issued to Sachman, Stephen & Quardrani, Alexia (OWNER) of the aforesaid builcYmg. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 10/5/10 R10-08-0034 I 1/22/10 12368 10/4/10 MATTITUCK PLUMBING ignature FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUII~)ING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 34197 Z Date OCTOBER 2, 2008 Permission is hereby granted to: STEPHEN N SACHMAN NEW YORK,NY 10~I~5 [ ~[~ for : CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY GAR3~GE WITH HALF BATH AS APPLIED FOR PER SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH DEP~RTMENT APPROVAL at premises located at 4705 NASSAU POINT RD CUTCHOGUE County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 111 Block 0009 Lot No. 009 pursuant to application dated OCTOBE__R 2, 200__8 and approv~d~_by the Building Inspector to expire on APRI~~/~ Fee $ 188 20 ~(~ / A~l~xrized i~nature ORIGINAL Rev. 5/8/02 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPA FEB -7 20]1 BLDG. DEPI. "I¥ TOWN 01: SOUTHOLD This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal (S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. Be For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.00, Aiterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory building $25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00, Businesses $50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - $.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date. ~'~, 7~ ¢~olI New Construction: '~ Old or Pre-existing Building: (cheek one) Location of Property: .~.tr)~ ~ ~f~-~{_) ~{-. ~-~. I Ho~e No. S~eet ~eror~e~of~o~: ~l~ ~ ~V~[ S~o~ Co~ T~ Map No 1000, Section ~ ~ J Subdiv~ion ~ ~ ~ ~~ Health ~pt. Approve: Pl~ing Bo~d Approval: Request for: Tem~ Ce~ificate Hamlet Block Lot Filed Map. Lot: Applicant: Underwriters Approval: Final Certificate: ~ (check one) Fee Submitted: FROM :Boeckman Construction FAX NO. :6512985319 Feb. 04 2011 1~:0~M P2 S U r,c 0 I.K+ 40 NoIIJ~-4iJ, L~rivt MI:idle lalil~d, NY 11~5~ Tele. pll0~e: 631 495 ~1~ · Fa~t 631 ge~O ~ · ~r,/h~,q: $8~[O:S~gmall.cOf~ ?: k. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTRICAL COMPLIANCE Ce~dl'tcaee No.: ~.2~68 I'~fle; lnsl~Ction Dat~: Oct ~4, 201.0 Bu2dlflg Permit NO.: · Applicant: · : Rouge [n Inspection Date: App#cat on J'IN SAGE ELECTRI~C, INC~ Feb :ilJ~ 20JO Count,/1'~ Nap ~lo.: · ThJ~ Ce~ficate ,~ EJectri:al Complian:e is li.~lted to the in~l~'~tlan and co~4iance of e",e~rical eo~il~t ant/et work desct~J~erl J~k:~, Irlstalle~l by the ~pplicant named a~r~e, Io~:*.,~ at the premise of ano ncr aRer the final inspKtion date above: Owner: STA~FEN ~L~CHMAN $1Je Loc~.len: ,~CHklIIN,/,7OS NAS~J~U I)1'. RD, CUTCI~OGUE, NY x~g'as Owner'~ ~ldrea~ (it' di~etent), Ll~llle NO.: De~eOfCertilicata: OctO4, ~10 ~:.The ele~t;rtcal work and/er equipmeflt described 81~o~/e were in~ ~d a~r to ~ in ~mpllar~ , .wit~ Io~1, st~ and national ele~ical ~e ~qulr~men~ and this ~c,r Hall 33095 M~in Road P 0 Box 1179 BUILDING'DEPARTMENT 'T'OVCN O.P $OU"I'I'"IOLD CERTIFICATION Budding Pcrmil No. lead S~om ~o before me Ihis~a 'xotar), Publi~''~ County I DENISE KING Notary Public. Stale of New York Registration ¢01 KI6041757 Qualified in Suffolk County ./ My Commission Exp res May 15.2~'/,q I certify thai lh¢ solder used in the water supply syslem conlains less than 2/i 0 oF i"/ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 .,...-INSPECTION [r/] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ [ ] FIRE RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION [ REMARKS:~ ] FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION ] FIRE RESISTANT PENETRATION DATE//~/~J/~ ~ INSPECTO~'~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT. 765-1802 INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION 1ST [ ]FOUNDATION 2ND [ ]FRAMING / STRAPPING [ ]FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY [ ROUGH PLBG. INSULATION [~FINAL [ ] FIRE SA~-.' ~ '/' INSPECTION ] RRERESIST4NI'CONSTRUCTION [ ] FIRERESISTANTFENETRATION REMARKS: DATE Date: June 14, 2010 5outhold Town Dudd~ng Deparl:ment 5outhold, New York Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. '... the business of ARCHITECTURE." Project Reference: The 5achman Accesory 5truct:ure 4705 Nassau Point Rd. (I I 1.09.09) Cutchooue, NY I I To Whom Il: May Concern, I hereby cer'c~fy to the Department of Buildings of the Town of 5outhold t:hat I have respected the above location; I have superwsed the preparat:~on of the budd,ng plans as per 5~te Education Laws; and I have determined/:o the best of my professional knowledge and belief that the foot:rags and founda'c~ons; strapping; struct:ural framing were ms/:alled m conformity, w~th the filed budding plans, the New York Dudd~ng Code, and generally approved construc'c~on practices. Ray Nemsch~ck, AIA Nemschick Silverman Architects P.c. JUL 8 20/0 BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHOI.~ COMM/ENTS FIELD EqSPECTION REPORT [ DATE I FOUNDATION ROUGH F~%~NG & LNSk~ATION PER N.Y. ~v /~ STATE ENERGY CODE ~DITIONg COBNTS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING' DEPARTMENT TOV N H LL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 www. north fork. net/Southold/ Examined Approved Disapproved a/c /a ,20 ¥ Expiration ,20___ PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health R10-08-0034 approved 4 sets of Building Plans I/ Planning Board approval Survey. ~'~ Check t/ Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. -'- I Trustees -. Contact: ~:,~,~, Ray Nemschick Mail to: 430 Green Way Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone: 631-734~7007 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date September 24 ,2008 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. fi Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant or name, if a corporation) 430 Green Way Cutchogue, NY 11935 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Architect Name of owner of premises Steve Sachman (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 4705 Nassau Point Road Cutchogue, NY 11935 House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 111 Subdivision (Name) Block 09 ' Filed Map No. Lot 09 Lot State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construe'riot,: . a. Existing use and occupancy 2 Car Garafle : b. Intended use and occupancy 2 Car Garage & Storage 4. Estimated Cost 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units N/A If §arage, number of cars 2 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building_ ~ Addition Al[eration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work (Dbscription) Fee : i - ' (To be paid on filing this!application) Num~?er~ of dwelling units on each floor N/~ 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify natiire and e~.tent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front 27.3' Rear 27.3' .Depth 2'1.8' Height +/-14' Number of Stories 1 Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front 0- demolish Rear 0 Depth 0 Height 0 Number of Stories 0 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front 30.5' Height 19.9' Number of Stories 2 Rear 30.5' .Depth 24.5' 9. Size of lot: Front 101.02' Rear 100.15' Depth 360.32' 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated R-40 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES ~' NO__ 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES__ NO ~ Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES t/ NO__ 14. Names of Owner of premises Steve Sachman Address 4705 Nassau Point Rd. Phone No. Name of Architect Nemschick Silverman Architects Address 430 Green Way Phone No Name of Contractor Address Cu[chogue, N'¥' t 19,** Phone No. 631-734-7007 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES ~ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES ~ NO__ * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. NO 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk .) Ray Nemshick being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the ~pplicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)Heis the architect (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are tree to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the Work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn_ tO before me thisr'- ~ / day LAWltENCE E. SILVERMAN Notary Public, State of New Yo~k Reg. No. 4977025 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires January 22, e of Applicant TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOwr~ n~Ll~ SOUTttI~I~iI~i~ TEL: (631) FAX: (631) 765-9502 m. no~h fork. neffSouthold/ Examined ,20.__ Approved ,20.__ Disapproved a/c Expiration ., 20 PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, before applying? Board of Health R10-08-0034 approved 4 sets of Building Plans t/ Planning Board approval. Survey_ t/ Check t/ Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees Contact:Ray Nemschick Mail to: 430 Green Way Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone: 631-734-7007 Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date Novermber 24 2009 INSTRUCTIONS a. This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. fi Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Fhercafier, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. (Signature of applicant or name, ifa corporation) 430 Green Way Cutchogue, NY 11935 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Architect Nameofownerofpremises Steve Sachman (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 4705 Nassau Point Road Cutchoflue, NY 11935 House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 111 Subdivision (Name) Block 09 Filed Map No. Lot 09 Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and inte_ndeda~e-and oeeupal~y.ofpr~posed construct on a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occuj~an~y 1 Gar Garage with cabana and bathroom 8, stora§e above 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New'Buitd~_._~' Addition Alte~'$li6h/ 4. Estimated Cost 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units N/A If garage, number of cars 1 Fee (Description) (To be paid on filing this application) Number of dwelling units on each floor N/A 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front 27.3' Height +/- 14' Number of Stories 1 Rear 27.3' Depth 21.8' Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front 0- demolish Depth 0 Height. 0 Number of Stories 0 Rear 0 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front 30.5' Height 19.9' Number of Stories 2 Rear 30.5' .Depth 24.5' 9. Size of lot: Front 101.02' Rear 100.15' Depth 360.32' 10. Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated R-40 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES ~' NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES ~' NO__Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES ~' NO 14. Names of Owner of premises Steve Sachman Address 4705 Nassau Point RO. Phone No. Name of ArchitectNemschick Silverman Architects p.o~ddress 430 Green Way Phone No Name of Contractor Address Cutchogue, NY 11935 Phone No. 631-734-7007 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES */ NO * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet ofatidal wetland? * YES ~' NO * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16. Provide survey, to scale, with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Suffolk ) Ray Nemshick being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the architect (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have perfbrmed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this i ~'r day of ~ {~ Notary Pu~c 20 oq /Applicant FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: December 4, 2009 TO: Stephen N. Sachman & Alexia Quardrani C/O Nemschick, Silverman Architects, PC 430 Green Way Cutchogue, NY 11935 Please take notice that your application dated December 1, 2009: For permit for alterations to accessory garage at: Location of property: 4705 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue, NY 11935 County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 111 Block 9 Lot 9 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The alterations in the accessory garage are a deviation from a ZBA Grant Alternative Relief dated 7/12/07 heating number 6040; which stated; "the accessory garage buildin~ shall remain unheated and without interior plumbing and no habitability or sleeping is authorized by this variance determination.' And a ZBA Grant dated November 1, 2007 heafin~ number 6082 which states; "No habitability or sleeping is authorized under this variance determination", and per plans provided by Nemschick Sitverman Architects, PC last revised 8/21/07 which show no interior plumbing and unheated storage. Amended plans show a cabana and half bath, which is an allowable use. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Sonthold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS James Dinizio. Jn. Chairman Gerard P. Goehringer Ruth D. Oli'va Michael A. Simon Leslie Kanes Weisman Mailine Address: Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road * PO. Box I 179 Southold, NY I 1971-0959 Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor. Noah Fork Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold. NY 11971 http://southoldtown.noflhfork.ne! ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED Tel. (631) 765-1809 · Fax (631) 765-9064 N0¥ 1 § 2007 FINDINGS, DELIBERATIONS, AND DETERMINATIO~uth°ld Town Clark MEETING OF NOVEMBER 1, 2007 ZBA FILE # 6082 - STEVE SACHMAN PROPERTY LOCATION: 4705 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue CTM 111-9-9 SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further review under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE ~ODE: Tho Suffolk County Department of Planning in its reply dated June 11, 2007 states that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact under Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23. LWRP CODE CHAPTER 268 EXEMPTION: The jurisdiction of the Zoning Board of Appeals in this application is limited to construction proposed beyond the 100 ft. setback from the existing bulkhead, and this application, therefore, is not subject to Chapter 268 as a minor action under the list of exemptions. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's 35,043 square foot nonconforming parcel is located in an R-40 Low-Density Residential Zone District with 101.02 along Nassau Point Road and 360.32 feet along an unimproved right-of-way referred to on Map A of Nassau Point as Carpenter Road. The property is a waterfront parcel with frontage along the high water mark of Little Peconic Bay and is improved with a single-family dwelling and one-story accessory garage as shown on survey prepared by Joseph A. Ingegno dated July 13, 1998. BASIS OF APPLICATION: This is an Appeal based on the August 21, 2007 Notice of Disapproval issued by the Building Inspector concerning a building permit application and amended plans to build a new accessory garage at 20 feet in height and with a setback of 6.5 feet from the side lot line. The reasons stated in the Notice of Disapproval are that an accessory garage on a 35,043 square foot parcel in an R-40 Zone is not permitted under Section 280-15, and in the case of a waterfront parcel, accessory structttres may be located in the front yard, provided that such buildings and structures meet the front yard principal setback requirements as set forth by this code, and the side yard setback requirements for accessory buildings in Section B above. On lots between 20,000 and 39,999 square Page 2 - November 1, 2007 ZBA No. 6082 - St~ve Sachman CTM 111-9.0 feet, for an accessory building measuring up to 20 feet in height, the required side yard setback is 15 feet. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant proposes to construct a new 750 square foot accessory garage at 19' 11~ "high with a setback at 6.5 feet from the westerly property line in a non-conforming side yard as described in a plot plan and set of architectural drawings (CS-l, PP1, A-l, A-2, A-3) provided by Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. dated July 5, 2007, revised 8/21/07. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: On July 12, 2007 the Board of Appeals issued a determination concerning alternative relief for a proposed accessory garage that would bring the building into greater conformity with the code requirements based upon plans provided by Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. dated June 4, 2007 under ZBA Fils No. 5302. The conditions for relief included: 1. The accessory garage be no greater in size than the code permitted 750 square feet; 2. The accessory garage shall remain unheated and without interior plumbing; 3. The balcony is denied and the dormers shall meet code requirements; 4. The garage shall have a minimum side yard setback of 6.5 feet; and 5. No habitability or sleeping is authorized by the variance determination. The applicant's Architect has completed the required revisions and submitted a new set of plans to the Building Department with an application for a building permit. At that time, the Building Inspector determined that the proposed height (20 feet) was not in conformance with the code-required maximum height, necessitating the current application requesting a variance from the Board of Appeals. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: On thc basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes the following findings: 1. Town Law q267-b(3)(b)(3)(1). Grant of the variance will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The proposed height is only 1 ft. ll~A inches more than the 18 ft. maximum height permitted by code and will not be visible to neighbors or the street. 2. Town Law .q267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because the roof pitches and interior clearance for second floor storage would be compromised. 3. Town Law ~267-b(3)(b)(3). The variance granted herein is not substantial. 4. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has been self-created. 5. Town Law q267-b(3)(b)(4). No evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of an accessory garage, while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. Page 3 - November 1, 2007 ZBA No. 6082 - Steve Sachman CTM 111-9-9 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Weisman, seconded by Member Goehringer, and duly carried, to GRANT the variance as applied for, as shown on the plot plan (PPI) and set of architectural drawings (Al, A2, A3) provided by Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. dated July 5, 2007, revised 8/21/07, subject to the following Condition: No habitability or sleeping is authorized under this variance determination. That this condition be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Any deviation from the variance given such as extensions, or demolitions which are not shown on the applicant's diagrams or survey site maps, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Dimzio (Chairman), Oliva, Goehringer, Simon, and Weisman. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0)./q Jg~a-es DinizioJ~., Ch~rma~' 11/ t¥ /2007 .~pproved for Filing RECEIV£D $outhold Town Clerk Offic~ Location: Town Annex/First Floor, Capital One Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Fax (631)765-9064 4DINGS, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION$r~uth°ld Tow~ flor[ MEETING OF MAY 6, 20'10 ZBA FILE: #6366 NAME OF APPLICANT: Stephen N.Sachman and Alexia Quardrani SCTM#:1000-111-9-9 PROPERTY LOCATION: 4705 Nassau Point Rd., (adj. to Little Peconic Bay) Cutchogue, NY SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this alSplication and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23, and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated January 20, 2010 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The parcel is a 35,043 sq. ft non-conforming lot located in the R- 40 Low Density Residential Zone District. The parcel has 101.02' along Nassau Pt. Rd. and 360.32' along an unimproved ROW, referred to on Map A of Nassau Pt. as Carpenter Rd., with frontage on the Little Peconic Bay along the high water mark of 100.15 feet and along the southerly property line of 340.54 feet. The Parcel is improved with a single-family dwelling and an accessory garage as shown on a survey dated 6/4/2008 by Nathan Taft Corwin, III, Land Surveyor. BASIS OF APPLICATION Request for Variances from ZBA Grant # 6040 dated 7/12/07 and ZBA Grant # 6082 dated November 1. 2007, based on an application for building permit and the Building Inspector's December 4, 2009 Notice of Disapproval concerning proposed cabana and half bath in an accessory garage which is a deviation from prior ZBA variance # 6040, at 4705 Nassau Point Rd., (adj. Little Peconic Bay) Cutchogue, NY. CTM#111-9-9. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant has constructed a two-story, one car garage with a proposed half bath and changing area on the first floor, with a finished second floor, which is a deviation to pdor variances (#6040 and #6082) which granted a tWo car garage without intedor plumbing, heat, habitability or .sleeping space. The agent for the applicant is requesting relief from the two prior grants to allow -interior plumbing for the proposed half bathroom on the first floor. AMENDED APPLICATION: During the hearing, the agent presented an updated Plot Plan labeled PP-1 dated April 12, 2010 by Nemschick Silverman Architects, showing a conforming in-ground swimming pool in the front yard. Page 2- May 6, 2010 ZBA Fi1¢#6366 - Stephen N. Saehman and Alexia Quardrani CTM: 1000-111-9-9 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This Board has not granted any accessory garages with habitable uses, such as sleeping quarters, permanent heating or air condition systems. It is noted that upon inspection of the accessory garage, the structure had been completely finished according to the newly proposed floor plan on the amended application, with the exception of plumbing waste and water lines. All floors and areas were completely sheet-rocked, spackled, and painted. An outdoor shower had been constructed at the front entry to the proposed cabana/pool portion of the as built accessory garage that does not appear on the survey or plot plan provided in the amended application. At the public hearing on Apd122, it was noted that the applicant proposed both intedor plumbing and heat. The applicant indicated that the request for heating was in error and that he would submit a letter so stating to correct his application. An amended application sheet removing the request for heat was received in the ZBA office on Apdl 27, 2010. Additionally, on May 1, 2010, the ZBA office received a letter from the agent, for the applicant, stating there will be NO HEAT and the structure will be used seasonally only. Also provided by the agent is a landscape and drainage plan, addressing all the concerns of runoff, dated 3/3/10, prepared by Nemschick Silverman Architects. A letter dated April 3, 2010 was received in the ZBA office on April 16,2010 from the applicant's neighbor, Mrs. Joan Kubec, stating concerns about the runoff and erosion along the public pedestrian R.O.W. (Carpenter's Road) that leads to Little Peconic Bay, and to her own property, caused by the applicant's re-contouring of his land and the construction of a new 42 foot long, very tall retaining wall erected by the applicant in the area of the accessory garage/cabana/pool structure and in ground swimming pool along his property line which abuts the R.O.W FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on Apdl 22, 2010, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the prope.rty, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: On the basis of testimony presented, materials submitted and personal inspections, the Board makes t~e following findings: Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(t). Grant of alternative relief will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. Specific uses not granted by prior decisions of this Board, can be appealed by requesting further relief. A half bath in an accessory structure is a permitted use deemed by code to have no adverse impact on the character of the neighborhood. The proposed half bath and seasonal caba~a/pool use are typical amenities associated with swimming pools in the neighborhood · Town Law §267-b{3)¢b){2i. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance because the proposed half bath and cabana/pool house use are a deviation from a previous decision by the ZBA to disallow interior plumbing. Town Law §267-b(3)¢b)(3}. The variance requested is not substantial. A half bath and seasonal caba~a/pool use are both permitted uses in an accessory structure by Town code. Town Law §267-b(3){b)(4). The proposed request submitted by the agent for the applicant in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood with regard to storm water runoff which will be mitigated by conditions imposed in this decision.. Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(5L The difficulty has been self-created, since the applicant could have applied for a half bath with changing reom and one car garage at the time of the previous decision, or done so Page 3- May 6, 2010 ZBA Fileg6366 - Stephen N. Sachman and Alexia Quardrani CTM: 1000-111-9-9 pdor to receiving a stop work order by the Building Department for deviating from the conditions imposed in the prior variance # 6040. Town Law ~267-b. Grant of the relief requested is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of an accessory garage with a half bath and changing area used in conjunction with the in-ground swimming pool while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under Ne~,, York Town Law 267-B, motion was offered by Member Geohdnger, seconded by Member Dinizio and duly carried, to GRANT THE RELIEF as applied for as shown on the plot plan dated Apd112, 2010' by drawing no. PP-1 and on the amhitectural drawings by Nemschick Silverman Architects,: dated Dec. 16, 2009 and numbered CS-l, PP-1, A-l, A-2, and A-3, and the Landscape Plan drawing No. SK-1R.5, dated 3/3/10 by Nemschick Silverman Architects. CONDITIONS: 1. This decision is subject to receipt by the ZBA office pdor to building permit approval for interior plumbing of a.) an updated survey and/or plot plan by a licensed surveyor or architect, showing the as built outdoor shower and any and all other as built improvements, and b.) a drainage plan for on site containment within drywells of all storm water runoff from the accessory garage cabana/pool structure, retaining wall, and swimming pool backwash. 2. Allow the seasonal cabana/pool building use as proposed in this non-habitable accessory garage structure, with under-counter refrigerator but no kitchen/cooking facilities (i.e. stove or sink) are permitted 3. Reaffirm decision #6040, "the accessory garage building shall remain unheated, no habitability or sleeping is authorized". 4. Allow interior plumbing for a half bath on the first floor only. 5. No HVAC or additional plumbing is permitted in any portion of this structure. 6. The grant of the cabana/pool building use is on a seasonal basis only, from May of each year to October of the same year. 7. A fence must be installed around the pool and retaining walls, for safety purposes, as mandated by NYS Law and Town code That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. Before applyin9 for a building permit, the applicant or agent must submit to the Board of Appeals for approval and filing, two sets of the final site plan, conforming to the relief granted herein. The ZBA will forward one set of approved, stamped drawings to the Building Department. Failure to follow this procedure may result in the delay or denial of a building permit, and may require a new application and public headng before the Zoning Board of Appeals. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses, setbacks and other features as ara expressly addressed in this action. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. Page 4- May 6, 2010 ZBA Fileg6366- Stephen N. Sachman and Alexia Quardrani CTM: 1000-111-9-9 Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Weisman (Chairperson), Geohringer, Dinizio. Absent was: Members Schneider, Horning. This Resolution was duly adopted (3-0). Leslie Kanes We~man, Chairperson Approved forfiling ~'//[ /2010 MAY ~1 4 2010 :~outhold Town Cleft Town of Southol:d Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run off ASSESSMENT FOIIM PROPERTY LOOATION: S.C.T.M. #: THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS MAY REQUIRE THE SUBMISSION OF A ~!c~!on ~ock L~t STO RM'WATER~ GRADINGt DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLJ;~I eistric~ CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YOI[I'~. {tern N umber: (NOTE: A Check Mark (~ } for each Question is Required for a Complete Application} Yes No (This item will include all run-off created by site clearing and/or construction activities as well as all Site Improvements and the permanent creation of impervious sudaces,) 2 Does the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed Drainage Structures Indicating Size & Location? This Item shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and Slopes Centre ng Surface WaterFIow! 3 Will this Project Require any Land Filling, Grading or Excavation where there is a change to the Natural Existing Grade Involving more than 200 Cubic Yards of Matedal within any Parcel? 4 Will this Application Require Land Disturbing Activities Encompassing an Area in Excess of Five Thousand {5,000) Square Feet of Ground Surface? Is this Praiect wdhin the Trustees jurisdiction or within One Hundred (100') feet of a Wetland or Beach? 6 Will there be Sile preparation on Existing Grade Slopes which Exceed Fifteen (15) feet of Vertical Rise to One Hundred (100') of Horizontal Distance? 7 wirl Driveways, Parking Areas or other Imper'vious Surfaces be Sloped lo Dhecl Stem1 Water Run Oft (This Rem will NOT include the Installation of Driveway Aprons.} Will this Project Require Site Preparation wdhin the One Hundred (100) Year Floodplain of any Wa ercourse? ~b~ NOTE: if Any Answer to Questions One through Nine is Answeredwifh a Check Mark in the Box, a Storm-Water, Grading, Drainage & Erosion 6on frei Plan is Required and Must be Submitted for Review Prior to Issuance of Any Building Permit! EXEMPTIONi Ye~s Does this project meet the minimum standards for Cassi~cation as an Agricultural Project? Note: IfYouAnswered Yes to this Question, aStormoWater Orading, Drainage&ErosionOontro Pan sNOTRequlredl STAq-'E OF NEXA' (Owner, Contractor, Agenl, Corporate Off, cee, etc ) Owllel' alld/or representam,e of the Owller of Owller's, and is duly authorized to perforal or have pePformed the said work and to make ~md file this application; that all st,atemenCs contained in this application am ~rue to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that dae work will be performed m the manner set forth in the application filed herewifl~. Sworn to before nm this; ~ uommission ~xpims JUly Zu, ~rOWN OF SOUTHOLD P-~ OPERTY RECORD CARD OWNER FORMEP, OWNER RES. STREET ~i 7L"'- V l LLAGE W DISTRICT I SUB'S/ TYPE OF BUILDING LO ? LAND t10o SEAS. IMP. VL. TOTAL FARM DATE COMM. IND. JCB. j MISC. ~ '~.- i_-~ ~ ~ ¢" ~ REMARKS ~ ...... , · Farm Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable, 3 Woodland Swampland 3rushland House Plot C~ ~:~. 0 0 5~ o _73 BI Acre Value Per Acre Value Toro I M. Bldg. /.~j,~ q. C ~/~ Foundation "~ '~ ~/~ I Basement Extension ~ _ /~ ~,? ~ ~ ~tension / ~ ~.// : . ~t. Walls ' ~' Fire Place P~/x ' ~( ~((.~ Rooms 1st Flor Breezeway ~ ~r/~ /~/~(~ ,,, / ct%/ /Z~; ~/.~'j~atio ' '-.-_.~ Rooms2ndFIoor ., Garage ' ~ z ~ ~ / :' ~: ~ Driveway TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CARD ~WNERT STREET VILLAGE D I S-T~ SUB LOT ACR. REMARKS TYPE OF BLD. PROP, CLASS LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE FRONTAGE ON WATER TILLABLE FRONTAGE ON ROAD WOODLAND DEPTH MEADOWLAND BULKHEAD HOUSE/LOT 111-9-9 3/03 .~ :~xA~ =-~t ~.- '~ 5~ t Bldg. ~ ~ = ~ ~ 7E~ ~ Foundation ~ Bath Dinette Extension ~(~ = ~ ~ Basement ~ Floors o~ ~ Kit. Extension ~ ~ Ext. Walls ~, Interior Finish ~ L.R. Extension ID~ ~: ~ ( Fire Place t Heat ~ , D.R. o~r~/~3 I x 3z ~' ~ Z.~o ~O Woodstove BR Patio Porch ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ Dormer Fin. Deck ~ ~ c.~ ~ ~ ~ © Attic Breezeway Rooms 1st Floor Garage {~)? -- ~l~ {~ ~ Driveway Rooms 2nd Floor Pool Town 1 lall Amlcx 5i375 Main Rl~ad P.(). 1½ox 1179 Sou~]lolll. NY I 1!~71-09.5!~ Telephone (631) 7ti5-1802 Fax ((;31) 763-!)502 BI IILI)IN(, 1)~PAR 1 MI'~N 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 12, 2010 Stephen N Sachman 1111 Park Avenue, Apt 12D NewYork, NY 10128 RE: 4705 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ']'he following items are needed to complete your Certificate of Occupancy: Application of Certificate of Occupancy. (Enclosed) Electrical Underwriters Certificate. A fee of $50.00. ~--~ Final Health Department approval. __ Plumbers Solder Certificate. (All permits involving plumbing after 4/1/84) __ Trustees Certificate of Compliance. (Town Trustees #765-1892) __ Final Planning Board approval. Final Fire Inspection from Fire Marshal. Final Inspection from the Building Dept. Final Landmark Preservation approval. Building Permit: 34197-Z accessory garage '1 FINAL ~Ap REVIEWED BY SEE DECISION # DATED / I 78'36'20" E ~. S 78'36'20" W ZB~A FINAL MAP ISEE DEC[E~ION # CARPENTER ROAD I I N/O/,~' Nemschick Silverman Ar.c~hit~e~,?~s,.,,,~. I ~ [ http://www, ns-a rgb. com LOT ~ SURVEY OF LOT 29 AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT NASSAU POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .~ACHMA~ R~DF_/'ICE ' CI, iTCHOGUE -~EW YORK 560.52' ?? t 0 RECEIVED APR 1 42010 BOARD OF APPEALS -~- i ~ ~-L. -I .-? -,~' I~ ~:'~' ~ ~ ~ FINAL MAP ~ . ,X REVIEWED BY ZBA~ r, - : ~z , PLAN ~"~5.~'~ C.,mF'~n'~R ~0~ LOT 29 AMENDED MAP A OF ~ ~ N 78'36 2 0 ~ ~' ~ ~ '( ~ ;~'4--'r~T.J 'Z ~' ~k~ ~ ,~ ~ '''~ ~ "~~'. '".'"."."."'." ''.X X' ~ ~ ~ ; ':: = ~J~ NASSAU POINT ~ ~'~, ~ -'~,,~X~, ,~,~ --~J ~ ~--~ ," [~[~ ~ ~ .... ~:~--~C"~'~","" ",~ ' J: J i J ~ :l TOWN OF SOUTHOLD [ ~ '?JE x ,~ ,.~ ,~;,~l ~ %'~ q~._ ~ / / '~. : ~s--- _ ~ '.,~-. -....',~'~ ~t:jJ~ t ~ ~J SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK [ ~ ' ' - -~%?P,~ ff~ ...... ~_~ ~ '~ ~ '~ ~ '%~', ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ t i ) J J: m_ m DEC~BER 30. 2002 UPOA~ SU~ & ~DEO TOPOG~ ~ . ~ /~ ~F:~,~t~~,~ ~ ~ --.~ X~-~_ m~---~-~. ~ ." ~ . I ~ ~ ~t~'~t,,, ~) ~ ~ ~ ~UCUST ~2, 2~ R~S[O PROPOS~ O~L ~ ~ · · ~ ~ ...... '~ .... ', -!, ,,~ ..... ~!~H1;:~i~ ~ter Line(s) MUST Be Insp~t~ By The ~tc ~m~_. i~¢} I ~ m Surfak C~ De Of Hea th Ser~'i~s ~~ ~ ~ o Call 852-5700, 48 Hours lo Advan~, ~/~ ,. ~ ~ , 0 To Schedule ' :-, 61 NOTE: ~, FILL OPEN AP, EA5 IN EXISTIN6, AP-i!i~RVITA~ HEPOELINE I~ITH Z~-IO F~ 6UPteE5506YPAIe15 \ LEYLANOI # 5'-0" 0.6. At~IES--Z% IO I0 FF 0,6. 6IANT'--~9-1O FT O.6. 4' HION 5--PI6EA /OFF: I-- THUJA FT. ~ 5 FT ~.6. 3--/L,E)( FT. ~ lOFT o ~ 5TEl=HEN P. #~ INILLET¢ I~L2., 51~-~`F0-~225 11.542 430 Greel~ Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 htr p://~v~v~/, n s-a re h .eom EXLSTINO Z3 lq/DE PEEP I:~Y~LL TO dOLLE6 T ALL RUN-OFF q-Li~u~[rura # ~"o.c. (~he~ Into ,FI PENNISETLIPI -- ALOPE6UI~IPES-I 6AL (.ONT. # 2'l 0.6. 2--'rlJCxSA FILEHENTOSA -- , · EXISTINO FtgOL 12" 60PIIO 2' 5C2 t!~.I~S TONE PA VEP,5. LAND56APE PLAN (I 6P-AVEL BEI) HITH DP. AIN Al,lO DRYk,!ELL EXISTIN~ OAtO. AOE -- 6 FESTLC, A ~LAU6A~ ,?J_I. J4H~5 t~LI.,'E'~ IZYO. 6.--I OALLON 7--ILEX 6RENA TA 5KY F'EI~IL '-4-5 FE. 8 24" 0.6. 4' HIOH FENCE 141TH OATE A~OUNO P~:2L. .fACHH~ R~IBF/iCE~CUTC H©GU E-/'IE~ ~0 ~ MA'r' 1 9 ~;r~ BLDG. DEPI. JOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~, ,~ FESTU6A ~LAU6A FE ~¢ 24" 0.6. &£/~OT~ kK 1 R5 360.32' -~ ~, x~~~-' '.. =~.~ . ~~~ ~ ~ ,,,:,,,,:, ,, ,,., ,,,, I ,o W~ /( nx ~ x% - ~_ / ~ Illll' t''l I Ill I I I I II I / I ~ I ~ ~' [ % :l:~~ 3 :.:': ~ ~t ~-- ~i*,lt~:ilil I ll[llll [I[l I I I I i ~ ~I I , : S 78':6'20" W, ' . ' y/o/r ,,U.,, ', ~. ~ SURVEY OF ~o~ ~ LOT 29 t~r~: ~ NASSAU POINT NASSAU POINT ~~ ~N ~r~~~ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK -~ ~ ~m ~emschick 8ilverman Architects ~ ~ ~*~ ~ ~" SURVEY OF LOT 29 AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 SITUATED AT NASSAU POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK s.c. TAX No. 1000-111-09-09 SCALE 1"=20' JULY 13, 1998 DECEMBER 28, 1998 ADDED TOPOGRAPHY AUGUST 28, 2002 UPDATE SURVEY & ADDED PROPOSED POOL DECEMBER 30, 2002 UPDATE SURVEY & ADDED TOPOGRAPHY AUGUST 12, 2005 REVISED PROPOSED POOL SEPTEMBER 4, 2005 POOL STAKEOUT PLAN JUNE 4, 2008 UPDATE SURVEY OCTOBER 7, 2009 STAKE GARAGE & POOL OCTOBER 18, 2009 GARAGE FOUNDATION LOCATION AREA 35,043.34 sq. ff. (TO TIE LINES) 0.804 & PATIO ,0,'~ 7Bo56 'Z S 78'56 zO ~OU~ NOTES' 1. ELEVATIONS TEST HOLE DATA 23' 64' FRAM~ HOUSE HOUSE No 4705 juDITr~ ARE REFERENCED TO N.G.V,D. 1929 EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: FIRST FLOOR GARAGE FLOOR TOP OF BULKHEAD -- BOW[OM OF BULKHEAD -- TOP OF WALL - BOSOM OF WALL DATUM LOT (~ 560.52' k 540.54' CERTIFIED TO: DHIDA00 TITLE INSURANGE COMRAN¥ O~ NEW YORK TITLE No. 9808-01690 THE DIME SAVINGS BANK OF NEW YORK, FSB STEPHEN N. SACHMAN ALEXIA QUADHANI UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEy IS A VIOLATION OF THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHDWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. 50467 Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor PHONE (631)727-2090 Fax (631)727-1727 98-384, SURVEY OF LOT 29 AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 SITUATE NASSAU POINT TOWN OF SOUTH0/D SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S,C, TAX No, 1000-111-09-09 SCALE 1"=20' JULY 15, 1998 DECEMBER 28, 1998 ADDED TOPOGRAPHY AUGUST 28, 2002 UPDATE SURVEY & ADDED PROPOSED POOL & PATIO DECEMBER 50, 2002 UPDATE SURVEY & ADDED TOPOGRAPHY AUGUST 12, 2003 REVISED PROPOSED POOL SEPTEMBER 4, 2003 POOL STAKEOUT PLAN JUNE 4, 2008 UPDATE SURVEY OCTOBER 7, 2009 STAKE GARAGE &: POOL OCTOBER 18, 2009 GARAGE FOUNDATION LOCATION OCTOBER 10, 2010 FINAL SURVEY AREA = 35,043 sq. fl, (TO TIE LINES) 0.~0~ ac, N 75'~6 ~0 S 75"56 ~0 pOOL JAN 14 2011 B[DD DEPT. TOWNOFSOUTHOLO 560.5'2.' LoT 640.64' CERTIFIED TO. Wa,~e!' J. H,12~)N, P.E., (~ii~4-- CHICAGO! TITLE INSU,~,N'GDUO'O~I,p.~CW ~aND/¢n¥ORK TITLE N o ~"~--'O'T~-~'~ THE DIME SAVINGS RANK OF NEW YORK, FSB STEPHEN N. SACHMAN ALEXIA QUADRANI 0 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED, No. 50467 Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor Successor To: S[onley J, Isaksen, Jr, L,S, Joseph A. Ingegno LS. Fox (631)727-1727 98-384 III ' 5~E~ DOOR5 / ~ ( I I 24~4XI2 ~P~A~ / ] 2XIO N~ AqTH N~ BA ~ ' ' ~ 7 I F~NDA T/ON ~LL 60N6~ F¢PN¢ Ye 2 X ~ , , o~,,o~/¢ ~v, POU~DATIO~ P~d, Pl~ FLOOR P~, (I) PROPO~EF GARAGE A~B POOL JU~ ~0, 2009 ~A 00-1281 Nemschick Silverman Architects P.0.430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 ~~ ~AC= V .A~ ~ 2~' R 2P C: --=-- C . --~C OG~l= ' --= -- P 2W YO RS;~ DISTDcT:CUTCHOGUE'~Y119554705 ~A/J'AU POINT POADsECTiON. BLOCK' LOT: SCALEDRAWN BYA~ ~OTED DRAWING NO, Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-73~7347 ' ' ~LOO~ PLA~ dOET~ NO. I A~PRAL T RO~? 5H/N~LE, ~ I I01 OVEF~ HEAZ2 GAP. A~E toLo" x ~ ', [ ~ ~ EL. CdL&'' ~ ' ~ EL +gLO" ~; ~ ~ 5ROUND ~[ND 5EISHlO ~B~OT TO DAHASE DY HIRER ICE ~IELD II ~ ~ .~ m ~ i ~ ~ - ~ A~ LE~ LOAD HPH) CATE50RY ~EPTH ~P ~ ~ i ~ i I ~ - I ( ........ ~ , HOP. TO 5LICHT TO GA~E GLA~ .v ~ ~ ~ EL +0 -0 ~ i i 5XlO E~A~Eg GElAti ' ~ ~ OVE~ i I EL +o'-o" I I ~o" ~ ........... ~ ............... ~ , I I I ~ ~ ~ ~L~N TO ~T6H PON6~ ~A~E ~. I I.D. HANUFAOTU~ MODEL R.O. ~EHARK5 ' I ' ~ ~ YEAR ~ __~x I ~ ----/ ~ ~/ -- ~ ~ 2. ~L ~LAZIN~ ~ITHIN I~ "OF THE FINt~EP FLOR ~L 2ND FLO0~ ~q~ ~ t2 2~ FLOOR ~ i . ~ 6E~A~ 5t~IN~ > 5HEP ~00~5 ~ IOXIO 60LU~ ~PIGAL ~ I I I I I ~- ~Jr,7 ~L~ ELEVATIO~ ~ ~E = I/4"= ILO~ ~ 56ALE = I/4"= I-0' ~ , ~ ~/~vo~7/°~'°~ ~,z~ ' ~ 06-1281 / CP's / A-1 j . PROJECT ~ITLE: DATE: NSA PROJECT NemsohickBilvermanArchitectsP.C. %AC 21>C C - C OG h %WY02I ~ V ~~ ,~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ . - 4705CUTC~OGUE,~ A~%A U ~yPOI~T1195~ROAD SCALE: DRAWING NO 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 ~ ~ ~ A~ ~OTEP Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-7~7347 ~ D]STR[CL SECTION' BLOCK LOT; DRAWN 5Y http;//~w.nemschicksilverman.com ~ ~ ,COpYBGHT 2008 ~MS~IC~ ~VERMAN AR~TECTS p C ]000 111 09 09 PLO0~ PLA~ ~ORT~ II ' ~14" 6DY HL TIdd~D 5HEATHIN¢ 15¢ F~L T PA~R f (~ 2XIO ~ ~1~ ~-~0 ~A~ / / / INACTION. ~OVI~E ~FFLE r ~ ~A~A~6HI~L ~ ~ ~T ,~~ ,/ A~ALT~SHI~L~ dsc every other nail ho,e in a row to provide the . LENGTH I ~ ~ code-required minimum ~ END ~ CAStN5 ¢ / ~ ~ ~ ~FFtT ~NT TO ~¢~1~~ NAT¢HEXISTI~H~E Provide minimum ~ ~ LENGTHEND ~ end dis once [ ~ ~ ~ Equal number of / ~ - fn each end ~ ~ Simpson Strong Ue INHLL A~ ~OI~ AT CS Coiled Strop IN~ATI¢~ ~T¢~ ~ ~ ~--~ ~ Simpson Sbong-Tie ABA4~ (ABA66 SIMILAR) I S,mpson Strong-T~e 00046 i 51M~N H~ ~RRI~ANE ,'' ' ~1~ ~ v ~ w' (2(4) miL*l~ ~ 5L~ FA~IA ~AR~ TO -- ~-- A.I (4) IC"XI~/4"L~ ~R~L~24 ~ ./ I ~ ~ X b ~ 5LA~ ON ~E ~ i ~ L b NIL HI~ VAPOR ~ ~, 4 ~ / F~A T/ON ~LL ~ (2) ~5 ~ ~OH OF F~ ~ALE = I" = I'~" i, S~f~ REVISIONS/SUBMIS~ONS: DRAWING TITLE: m' ' .-, ,, ~;~,~' ~,~¢~, r~u~ ~ALL%ECTIO~D ' ~ ~ a/~l,'O7 ~Z~ ~A~DARU~RAPPI~G &CO~ECTIO~ DETAI~ 06-1281 / C~%/~-~ j ~ PROJECT TITLE. DATE- NSA PROJECT ~: PROPO~Eg GARAGE AMP POOL JULX 30, 2009 ~A 0~-1281 Nemschick430 Green Way, cutchogue,SilvermanNew York 11935Architects P.C. ~ fAC: V A~ - ~ ~f 3 LP C L-- Gl ~ --'C : OG! ~ __= -- P ~ XO ~ ~ DISTRICT.A705 ~A~fAU POINT ~OAD CUTCHOGUE,~X 119bDSECTiON: BLOCK LOT.SCALE'DRAWNsYA/~OTEP DRAWING NO, Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 ~ http://www.nemschicksilverman.com . CO~¢,T ~ ~ CH,C* ~W~*, ~,C~S ,C ~000 111 09 FLOOE PLA~ / NAIL IN® ~ ~'~'~1~/~ ~F~ -- TOP ~ ~LL ~ALL HA~ EPOXr GROUT O0~L Ar 4~" 2 CARpgNri'gR ~(OAO / ~ JOINT DE~RIPTION COMMON NAILS ~x ~iL5 NAIL SPACING '~' X ~ ~1~ pOL~ ~ ~F~'~ ~ OD ~'L F~. ~ ~ , Z ..... - ~- ~_ - , ~ , ~ t~,~ I , X' "'" ' ' ' '' .' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I GELLING JOIST TO TOP P~ (TOE-HAILED) ~ - 8d ~ -IOd PER JO~ST ~ HAI~AIN~I~OF~ '. ~ ~ ~ PATIOAT~.~ ~XXX%~X~Xq .,.~,,=~.,~/n.,.,~ ' ~ ~F . ~°u~fE 'q-- ~ ~=~,r ~',;'~7,~%. ~ ~'x ~ x-x-x x X X ~ ~ ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ~ Il f I ~ 5d2 14-[~d 14-~d EAOH~p ~ g ~. ~ ~,~ ~ ~;~ ~ U ~ ~ 'x. --, ~:~x ~sr~o/~; W, ~ ~,°7te~) - ~%~[~k~~~ ~11~ I~1 0 ~,[2 4-[od 4-12d PERTIE ~ ~ / ~l /°~'n. =.*'~ ~ % ~' ~o % I~ ~N_ / ~ ilk ] Il i ljll iii] I I I I I II I ' I ~ HE~ER TO H~DER (PAGE-NAiLED) IOd 16d 16"~ ~ON¢ EOOE5 % '~ ...... ,~o~ ~c ~.~ .... x~ : : ~.~ ~ ': ~.- ~ ~ ~ ~-B= - - ~ ~/ ' ' ~<~ "~ ~ , % t [ ~ ~ ~ ~ , - ~Jl~ J I I TOP OR DOTTOH PLATE TO 5~P (~ND-NAIL~) 2 - 16d 2 - 4Od PER ~ ~ ~ ~ , ,, x ~ee 340. ~ (FACE-~ILED~ ~ - 16d I~ 2 - 16d ~ FOOT ~ S 78 36 20 W x~ ~/o/~ ~ / msv,~ comu~ u.~s ~,~ s.o~ mos: JOIST TO 5iLL, TOP P~TE OR 61RDER (TOE-NAIL_ED) 4 -6d 4 - ~Od ~R JOIST TB - TOP OF BULKHEAD ~[~ INfOrmATION BLOCKI~ TO JOIST (TOE-~ILED) 2 ~ Dd 2 - IOd ~CH ~O 5E~: III LEOOER 5TRIP TO BEAM (FACE-NAIL~) 3 [Od 4 - IOd EACH JOIST LOT 29 LOt- ~ JOIST ON LED¢ER TO BEAM (TOE-NAiLED) 3 - ~d 3 - IOd PER ~lST j A~ENDED ~AP ~ OF ZQNE~ ~ DA~ JOIST TO ~IST (END-~IL~) 3 - IOd 4 - lbd PER JOIST NA~ I~O~NT LQTA~A, ~ DAN~ JO[ST TO SILL OR TOP PLATE (TOE-~iLED) 2-1Od 2-{6d PER F~T NASSAU POINT TOT~ LOT CO~6E ~52~ ~ OR I05 5T~C~RAL PANELS, PANEL [NTERMEDIA~ ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~, ~6E5 ~O~T5 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PLOrPLA~/5¢A~¢~A ~ ~PA~¢T INTERIOR ZONE5 bd IOd 4" 6" 5d [Od 4" I Nl~L ~, PZ LIC~ O~l STRUCTURAL PANELS/HA~ ~ARD PANEL IN~RHEDIA~ I A~ ~gP~ Y LINE5 TO BE IN~LA~D ~ ~ ~N~RIOR ZONE ~ 5d IOd 4" 6" 5E~ FLOR i ~ ~'~ ~'~'~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~'~'F ~" b ~~ 4' EDSE ZONE ~ ~d IOd 4" J ( ~~ ~HATCHEXISTIN~ ] q/lb" Od3 3" EPOE / 6" FIELP ~A I j ~ EX~g/O~LL4" PEgFO~D D~IN TILE ~5~' ' ~' -~' ~ '~ ~ ~ll~ ~ ~ I. NAINNO ~gI~HENT5 A~ BASEO ON ~LL 5HEATHIN¢ NAILED b" ON 6ENTER AT THE PANEL EOOE, IF ~L FOR 5~C~RAL HEHDER5 5HALL BE OOUDLED, OR ~m~A~ CONNEGTO~, S~H AS 5HEAR PLATES, ~ALL ~E ~g : ~ I j PIPE TO DRY~LL, ~ ~ ~ ~: k ~ TO HAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH. AT BREAK~NP E~RY ~'~ Q ~ L%~ ~%~ 3. ~RR~5~N ~TANT ~ ~A~ R~F~N~ NA~L5 AND ~ ~A~E 5TAPLE5 A~ PER~;~HE~K ~ ~R A~NAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, 4. ALL ~ANTITI~ A~ ~ASEg ON I~~' OG 5PAGIN~ Eo~ ~AF~, JOIST5 AND 5~D5. SANITARYSYSTEN I O. ROOF PEAK, THE 4 POOr PERIME~R ~oE ZONE ATTAOHHENT REaUI~mNT5 sH~L BE Usm. ~ , ~ FOR ~LL 5HEATHINo ~ITHI~ 4 FEET OF THE CORNERS, THE 4 FOOT Epee ZOo= A~AoHHENT RE~oI~HE~5 ~ALL BE USED, ~6.1. IN Pit ~ ~ ~o,'~/o'> rzv', ~ CAD FILE NAME ~ 00-1281 / ¢D5/1281 PP-1 430Nemschick Silverman Architects P-C-PhoneGreen: 631-734-7007Way' Cutchogue, FaxNeW: York631.73~734711935 ~~~ ~AC. :, V A~- ' ~ ~: ~ ~ C ~ I C -- C = I OG _ ~ -- ~ ~ ~0~ DJSTRIcTCUTC~OGUE'470~P~OPO~ ~ARA~ ~ POOL~A~AUsEcTioNPOJ~T~y,i~ 955~OA~BLOCK LOT: SCALEDRAwNJU~ ~0, 2009ByA~ ~OTEP D~AWlNG NO~A 0~-]28~ --, http://~w.nemschicksilverman.com ~ · COPY~T 2BB~ N~CHIO~ ~VEI~AN A~CH,TECTS FC 1000 1 ~ O~ O~ ~LOOR P~ ACO Hm ' ¢ ~ I/4" PER ~ [ ~ 5 ~ I [~ 2XI2 R/PGE r ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ L P~ovlo~ ~ 5TI~E~~ ~ ~ UNH~A ~ ~ ( ~-//2"~TEEL ~ ~-//2"5~EL~ ~ ~ : : :~" " ~''- ;~ 0 d ~~ L~; ¢o~. '~ ~o~. r ~ " " " . I1'} &~4" PROP F~TI~ AT 50LU~ ~ , BAFF~FORAIRFLO~ 'r ~---~~~ I . F¢TIN~ ~ITH POST ~OVI~ coMr I / I / _ - ~ r ( 7 ~ EL. +1~ ~ ~/~ ~ 6" CONG~TE 5LAB ON 5RAPE ~ ~X~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ' J ~ Z . j ~ . * ~D ~1~ ~5~ ON ~ MIL VAPOR ] 2X5 EXTERIOR ~ I / '1 ~ ~ 12 ~ ~ ~ ~ AR~N¢ TO MA TCH 5, ' ' ' '' F~TIN6 ~1~ 5TL / 5/U' ~PE-X 6:~N ~ ~ (~ 2xl2" HO~ ~ ~ALE = 8' = I ~ i ~ i , ~A~ ON GEILIN~. j % ,. [ ~ , ' ' . ,. '. . ,'., . . , ~ ,. HAUNGHE~ ~Tlfl~ J ' '' :'" ~ ~ I ~ I ~l n~ rm~mn~ nm~w I ~': ~ , I I ~, p~p GONG~TE I J J F~NDA T/ON ~L ~ J ) J J , I'-~" I~,, ¢u?~ ~ ~ ~A~ ~ TOP I F ~ I ~LL ¢E¢ FInN NA~NSNED F¢TIN¢ A T~ F~ Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. P~OJECT TITLE DATE NSA P~OJECT ~ ~ ~ -- -- ~ ~ 4705 ttA~AU POVtT ROA~ SCALE, DRAWING NO: 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 ~ -- CUTC~OGUE. ~/ Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 ~ ~ ~ A~ ~OTEP http://w~, nemschicksilverma n.com DISTRICT SECTION, BLOCK: LOT' DRAWN BY: ~__1 NO, I TYPE UNIT DIMENSION MATE~.IAL FRAME '1~,1,~171 . II~blJI, ,1i,I IIII III ~ m L~ II ~LIII ~L~ U U ~ Lil L LI' II [ , /~ I ~ ~: : '-~~--~ ~ - I NE~ ~R A~ ~ ~" ~ :-- ~ ~ ~ ~R FROST LINE HENT HAZA~5 LE~ER I -- . ~ ~ 5NOH (5~E~ IN DESISN D~J~N U~E~A~- BLOOP i Ii EL+O'S' ~15~" [ 5XIOE~AGE~EPA I0~0 I I L ].~. NANUFAO~RER HODEL ~,O. RENA~K5 Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. P~OJECT TITLE: DATE' NSA PROJECT YAC AP ?ZPC C! C OG h ZW YO 1 JU.30,2009..A06-1281 : V ~ : -- 4705 ~A~AU POINT ROAD 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 ~ ~ CUTC~OGUE, ~Y 11935 SCALE. DRAWING NO. Phone: 631-734-7807 Fax: 631-734-7347 ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ ~OTED hEP://~w-nemschicksilverman.com DiSTRiCT ECTION. BLOCK: LOT DRAWN By. fLOOR P~ aORTH ~ cop~t zo0~ ~M~,,c~ SLVE,~A, ~ECmS *c. 1000 1 fl 09 09 NANUFAC, TURER HODEL P.,O. RENAl. K5 MARVIN OR EtgUAL W~M~4~ 3'-I" X 4'~9 qA~" f~TI~ ~CPE ~PTACLE L~AL ~ILPlN~ P~AR~NT AND THE ~ KS, ~ILDIN~ ~NSm~TI~ 5t~ A~ ~I~05E OF IN A L~ MANOR ~ A ~EKL Y BASra OR MIRIAM ~ARI~ ON ~LL5 OR ~AM5 ~ ~R ~BS, ~, FOR lAMS, ~ BL~KI~ A66~ ~L Y Fl~P TO FILL ~ O~Nl~ ~ A~A. A~RICAN5 WITH ~IN~ ~IN~RCI~ 60P~ ND NO~ OR ~BTAIL OR ~CK ~F 5H~L BE 60NSlPE~B ~O~R IF 6O~ITtON5 ~R~N~ TO P~NT P~FT5 FROM ~VI~ FROM O~ ~ACE TO A~THE~ ~ DISABILITIES A6T ~ POWN A5 ~LIEVIN~ ~B 60N~6TOR FROM E~[ON OF ALL ~ IN ~. PETAIL ACCO~ANC~ ~1~ ~L 5TA~ A~/OR L~AL 6OPE5. 2~, AT THE 60~TION OF ~R~ ~ 51~ 15 TO BE 6LEA~ OF ALL MAWR/AL. ~ ARCHI~6~L ~1~5. TA - SEE TA~- ~[[ A.~ A~ ~. ~j~ P~RI5 A~ EXCE55 ~RI~5, THE FACIL/~ /~ TO B~ L~T ~0~ NO~ ~ ~ AL TFR~ D~5. ~L5 2. ALL EL~IC~ ~ TO ~ Fl~ ~DE~Rt~R~ IN~CT~ AND 6LEA~P A~ ~K 15 TO BE ~E~D TO ~E TQT~ SATISFACTION 2~ IN A~ A~O~ 60NS~nON ~IN~ ~OVIDE 2"X 4' K~ Mt~ A~ 24 IN~LATI~ 24, ~ ARCNT~T HA5 ~T BEEN ~TAIN~ F~ ~MINIS~TION ~ ~E I~ ~BLE ~I5T5 ~ER ALL PARFlTIO~ RUNNI~ PA~LEL Wt~ ~E ~t5T5. TA~- ~ A.M.5.1. ~BICAN FINISH 5YS~M ~. ELEC~IC~ 6ON~CTOR TO ~I~ ELEC~ICAL 5ERVtCE A~ PARCEL NOTED DENOHNA K f~Tt~ E~L, EL~ATION BE R~l~ ~1~ I~T~L ~L ~ILT-IN ~ ~5, IN5ER~, ETC, A5 15. TO ELIMINATE T~ H~ ~ ~15~ ~NSAFION IN 6OLP ~A~ ARC~ ~CHI~CT/ AND TO P~MIF THE E~APN OF NEAT IN ~T ~THEN. ~TI~TION ~L E~. E~ 4. ALL PL~IN~ ~ TO B~ IN 5~16T AC~O~ANCE WITH ~ ~5. ~ ~" MIRIAM ~YONP ~L FACE5 of ~L5 A~ PIER5 ~NLE55 O~E~I~ A m6 A~ 6~ 5PACE5 15 ~I~P. BL~KI~ A~ ~1~1~ AVC. A~CE E~I~ E~IP~ A~ ALL A~IC~E L~ ~LATIO~. 26. 5~ ~KS, ~ILDI~ 6Q~TI~ 6ODE MA~ ~R ~1~ ~D ~TED, ~,O, ~OM ~ ETC. ETCE~ F~ME ~ILI~ ~L~ ~ AR~EO ~ AS ~T TO IN~B~ Mt~ THE ~NT OF AIR. DOO~ TA~- ~. ~A~ ~15~ EXISTI~ 5, 6ON~¢T~ TO ~FECT AND NAtNTAIN I~ t,~ 6ON--TON5 2~. 6NiT ~ED ~L ~ ~N-~NN~5 ~N-SHNINK ~N~ BY tN-PAKT AND 1~. ALL ~AT~D~L 5EILIN~5 5H~ HA ~ ~NTI~ ~TI~ TIQN FROM SCHEDULE ~ EXIST[N ALL ~, ~IL~I~ ~ EXPOSED LIABILI~ ~NKNAN~ COllATION 6QNPLE~D ~TIO~, ~6. ~LL A~AN A 5~NCTH ~ 4,~ ~1 IN 7 DAYS, EA~5 TO Nl~ 5t~ I~LAFlON A~SO~I~L~ PROVIDE ~/4" dl~. ~NT DOOR 5GHD. TO ~EHAI N ~.~ BACK FLOW E~ EX~RIQR ADE~A~ ~R ~E ~R~E5 OF ~15 ~QJECT A~ ~RNISH ~F OF ~ ~LE5 A5 ~ ~ 5KYLt~NT F~Ml~ TO MAINTAN ~NTI~ ~NTQR F~. FL~ D~N 5A~ TO ~E O~R ~lOR TO ~M~t~ N~ ~K. 2~. ALL 5~ TEM~ ~INF~CE~NT TO ~ FIBE~ESH 60~ ~TILA TIO~ ~LK. BLA6K FP~ F~A TION 1. ~L GON6~ ~K ~LL ~N~ NITH T~ ~I~HEN~ OP ~ ~INF~EMENT A5 ~FA~ ~ BF Pl~RMESH ~0, OR ~K~. BL~KI~ Pl~ FINISH & EACH ~O~CTOR 5H~L ~tT A 60PY ~ HI5 IN~N~E A~RICAN ~ INSTI~ A.6,1. ~1~ ~ ~Sr EDITI~ E~. MIXI~ A~ PLACE~NT 5~LL BE tN A660~E TO IZ ~LE ~15T5 UNDER ENTI~ BA ~R~ A~A U~5 O~ISE ~TED. ~INDOH TA¢- PROPODED ~ALL5 MA~AC~5 5P~tFICAnONS. ~ ~F~ TO B~ ~OM FLR. FLOR ¢~¢E (~RKNAN~ ¢OM~ATI¢N LIABILI~ DIS~ILI~ TO I~, ~E ~N~CTOR ~ALL BE ~SP~I~E P~ 5~l~fl~ ALL 5OHEDULE B~ B~EN F~ F~EZE~ ~E O~ ~1~ TO 6OMM~I~ ~RK, EAdH ~QN~CT~ 5HALL 2, ~ 6~CTOR TO 5ET A~ ~ACE F~M5 N~ 5~16T ~I~D I~HO~ OF THE R~H A~ Fl~ ~MIN6 ' POO~ SOliD. FtO0 LAN5 oA~. 6~INET F~ F~T~T ~IT LIEN ~NASE5 ~IQR TO ~STI~ FIlL PA~EN~ A~NFlQN A~ 6A~ TO ALL DA~ FL~ A~ ~ FT~, F~TIN6 ~O~ ~JZ~ 6.6.~ 6~AC~D CA. 6AC~ACE ~EL I~ ~ ~N~CTQR 5MALL I~PQ~TE ~L ~I~P 5~, A~5, 6~LAR FILL 6AL, 6~LQN ~ 6QN~CTQR ~A~ AT ~L TINE5 ~ ~1~ ~RK A5 TO HININI~ ~ ~1~ ~QT~TIQN FOR ~IN~RCE~NT ~ALL CONFORM TO ~ST TI~, ~, ETC. A5 ~ T ~ ~1~ FOR ~O~flON ~ ~OPO~[~ ~00~ ~.~ 5GN~QL ~INT 6AL ~ 6~ VANIZED THE O~S I~NIE~[ A~ 5HALL ~ ~ fNA ~N-LIKE A.6,L ~tFISATION I, ALL 5~EL FA~I6AFl~ A~ E~TI~ 5HALL ~NFQRN TO AI~ FROM FDRCE5 OF ~ ~ THIS t~Ld~5, R~F TO ~ R~F TO ~LLSz ~ TO ~. 6EN~R LINE ~,6, ~ NAN,. 5~CINCA TION5 FOR 5~L 5~EL, LA,ST ~ITIO~ ~LL5 TO ~LL5 A~ ~L5 TO F~ATIQ~ ~E F~N5 / TIE5 CEILIN6 ~N~CT~ 4, ~L TE~RA~ REINF~61~ ~ALL ~ ~IClEN~T EMBEDDED TO ~L ~ A5 ~RP BT 51N~N OR AP~Q~ E~AL. TA EVI ION FLOO AND SCHED,PLAN5 CLR.CLOS' CLEARCLQSET 6L,6~ ~A55~E ~. ~L ~L VACE~LE NA ~RIAL5 AND E~I~E~ tN~EDIN6 Fl~5, D~OP FB~ 5~ IN ~L 60~ ~LL5 AND 5L~5. 2. ALL 5~L 5~ ~L BE AS~ A-~, EXCEPT 5~L ~ ~O~ ~IZ~ ~, 6QL~NN 6~ 6~N ~RNISHI~5 A~ DECOR I~N5 ~A~ BE 5T~ A~ PRO~S ibu ~ON ~lCH 5H~ ~ AS~ A~ 5~DE ~ ~ 5~L PI~ ~lSN ~LL ~N~. ~N~CTQR HD~, ~P THESE LI~5. ~L~5 O~E~I~ NOT~ ~L ~ISTI~ UTILITI~ ~LL BE 6, ~LLOM 6.R.5,L RULE5 F~ PLACI~ ~L ~IN~RCt~ 5~ AND 4. ~AM ~ON~TIQN5 ~ALL BE ~51~D TO WITHSTAND ONE-~LF ~E PP-I P~OPO~ PLOT PLAN, ~CHN~UL~ AN~ NO?~5 ~.~/. ~NS~TIQN ~] AL~CA~,OR~L~A~DINAMAN~AP~Q~DBT~ HAXI~N~LO~LWUNIFQRMLQ~FOR~EPA~TIC~ARBEAMA~ I J~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ECtFICA TtQN H~ ~I~T ~R~NT~ A~RITIB5 AND ~TILt~ COMPANIES HA ~1~ ~lSPlfi flOR ~AN 6Q~ITtQN5 ~WN OR ~E LQ~ 1~ICA ~ ON D~Ml~5, ~ I~Tt~TE HVA.6. H~TI~, ~ A5 TO ~A~NI~ A ~MPLE~ [~TALLATIO~ ~ICH~R 15 6~ A-t ~OUN~A ?t~N PLAN, ? ~LO0~ PLAN, ~ CNlC ~NTI~TIO~ AIR Z 6QN~6TON ~L m~lT 50~ NiX ~RT ~tTH FLO R PLAN AN~ ~ T/ON ~. D~LE 6ONDITIONI~ 60M~551QN ~5T ~L T5 TO ~I~EN FOB ~l~ ~IOR TO 5, ~LDI~, 5HALL ~ IN A6CQ~A~ Ml~ A~ ~61FIGATIQ~ ~IN6 j1 9 2010 ~, D~E5 1.6. I~P 6R~ II. ~N~CTOR 5HA~ ~O~ PATCH A~ ~PAIR ALL EXtSTI~ ~K 5TARTt~ ~A~ON 6ONS~TIO~ ~ A-~ ~VA ~/~N~ PlA. PlAiN IN, HE5 AD, SENT TO HI5 ~N~ ON ~AHA~ A5 A ~ T OF HI5 ~NK. j DI~ DI~51QN I~L. I~LUD~ W~ EXISFl~ MATERIALS A~ TO BE ~TC~, 6A~ 15 TO ~j B~ L)G INffQ INFQ~ATIQN ~. ~PNESENTA TI~ ~T CYLt~E~5 5N~L BE TAKEN ~ON ~E ~O~ ~. ALL ~L ~ 5HALL BE AS~ A-~25N A~ 5HA~ ~ INSTATED TO A 5~ A-~ ~ALL ~ ~ION AN~ ~ TAN~A~ ~ ~APPIN~ ~ I~L. INFLATION INSt. INSTA~FlO~ TAKEN N ~DI~ ~QLQ~ A~ ~PLI~ATI~ ~JACENT FO~5 AND inu, ,,r n,.TnntB ONNN T/ON NTAtL5 u-~x ~TI~ ~X INSTATED ~NT~5. ~STI~ ~ALL ~ ~RFF~D AT 7 A~ 2B DAYS, J~ ~NT ~ N~ t2, B~Q~ ~t~1~ ANY ~QPOSAL, fT 5H~L ~ ~E ~QNSlBILI~ CERTIFICAtiON5 A~ A6CEPT~LE: NE~ TOOK 5TA T~ N~ YORK t~ ~PLIER ~ R~H O~NlN5 OF THE ~6T~ TO FAMILIA~IZ~ HI~LF N~ A~ EXISFl~ ~ ~L HE~ 5~LL ~ 5~16~ ~ THAT ~ O~AP ~N ~ST ~ O~ ~fLDI~5, ~ ~Sfl~ L~ TORT iRTIFICA flOR TO THE ~ LAM LAHI~ R,~ R~F T~ ~IT 60EDITIOn, MA~NI~5 TO ~ HATCH~, ~1~ 5PACE A VAIL~L[ 6R~5 N~5 ~ ~CN ~ 15 ~T ~55 TNAN ~E 5PACIN~ ~ ~E LA~ LAVAT~R~ 5A~ LBS. P~ND5 5.6. ~ID 60~ 5AFE~ ~GAUTIO~, ~6. ~I~D FOR THE 5ABE ANg EXP~ITI~ 6R055 MI~5 PL~ T~ I~H~, U~5 0~E~I~ 5~ ON THE L,~ Lt~ ~T ~H~ ~HE~LE ~ION ~ ~15 ~N~6~ FAIL~ TO DO ~ WILL ~T BE NA~, NA~RIAL ~,~ ~A~ F~T ~ONTACT THE AN~H/~T IHN~IA ~L T IF FIELD ~tTION5 ~ I0, ~L F~A TIO~ ~L BE 6AST ON U~I~EQ OR 6ON~OLLED PA/NTI~ MA~ M~l~ 5H[ 5H~T F~ TO ~ O~ER ~AN T~SE ~ HER~N ~tOR TO ~E~I~ ~AC~ ~IL HA VI~ A MINION BEABI~ 6APACI~ OF ~ (2) TO~ ~H. M~NIC~ 51~ 51MILAN ~1~ ~ AFP~ BT 5AM[ ~ ~A~ ff~T ~55 Q~ISN ~ {~Cr TO Fl~ I. ALL 5T~L AF~ F~NtOATI~ 5H~L BE T~R~HL Y 6LEA~ ~ ~, MA~AC~ 5~ 5MALL INACTION A~ ~NIWICA TION BT 6ON~CT~ DIR~ L~SE MILL ~AL~ AND O~EB F~ICN ~R. A~R 6LEANLY, HI~ MINI~ 5~S. 5P~IFICATIQ~ 5~L ~FACE5 ~ALL BE 5~P-PRI~ ~1~ O~ ~AT ~ HETAL MI~. MI~E~AN~ ~. ~A~ I~. 6ON~D T~ 5HALL ~RI~ ~L DIM~51ON5 ~IOR TO ~, ~,, M~LI~R ~. ffL ~A~ FEET PA~ICAFlO~ ~1~ A~ O~ 6OAT 6~ TO ~ ~EC~Q BT O~E~ PAINT ~A TS 15~ 5.5., 5~ 5TAINLE55 5~L II, ~l~M 5~P ~ F~TI~5 ~ALL ~ O~ ~RTI6~L T TO ~ 5H~L ~E ~LL ~1~, A~LIED T~HL T A~ ~ T TO ~ ~515TANT ~RIZONT~L Y ~ EL~A ~lO~ CHA~ ~FACES, A~ F~E FR~ 5~Y ~ ~ OR 5A~5. ~, M~ 5~. 5TAN~A~ 14. PI~PA~IES, ERROr, OMI5510NS, ETC., IN ANY PORT/ON OF ~E ~ ~MI~L ~L. ~LY/-I~ ~POR~ ~ Y TO ~E ARCH/~6[ ~TION TO MAINTAIN 5AF~ A~ 5T~/LI~ BA6KF/LL/N~ 5~LL NOTE: x~.x ~TIO~L TI TOP THE ~TIE5 OF ~E AR6HIT~T A~ HI5 EMPLOY5 OR A6ENT5 5H~L ~ATION T~B TOP ~ ~OM ~OM ~T 15 ~ ON O~l~5, T~ E~I~R 5H~L ~ ~RFACE5 Ml~ SAME ~ QF MA~IAL ~ FOR 5~P 6QATIN~. 0,~. ON 6EN~R ~ ~PICAL ~L ~LEM5 A~ ~L ~ TO ~ SATISFACTION ~ ~E ~A YS, ~ATI~ ~ ON ~E A~ ~ ~ TO BEH~F O~ THE OW~R ~ ~E ~N~6T~ ENL,5 NO~P OT~ISE IN Op~ ~/~ L~TOR/~ WR/T/~. ~ ~51~ ~ Ut ~V/O~E~ I~, ALL ~N~6TOR5 ~L BE ~SP~51~E FOR F/L/~ A~ 14. ~ 60~ ~INFOR6/~ 5~EL 5H~L BE IN ACC~A~E WI~ ~ PL ~A ~ ~ V~k T~OL TA~E OBTA/N/~ A~OVAL5 ~R THEIR ~K ~I6H MA Y BE ~1~ A~I5 ~ ~0 ~EFD~ BA~. I' ~ L~EN 5H~L BE ~LA5 FIR LAR6H ~. ~ FB = ~75 ~1, ~ ~ ~5 ~ THE ~6T~ ~ A~ ~B~N~CT~ ~R ANY OF THE ~ ~. ~ Y~P ~ ~NT P/~ 17. ALL ~6T~5 5H~ ~OV/~E ~L E~I~EN~ T~LS, FENCES, I~ ~E~ ~1~ ~H 5H~ BE IN A~A~E WITH AS~ A-/~5. ~N~CT~ OR ~-C~CTGR~ E~LO~E5 ~ A~ENTS, ~R A~ 2. A~ 5~D LE~ER ~LL BE ~LA5 NIR LARCH 5~ ~ FB = T~ ~E ARCHI~T IN ~ITIN~ ~ A~OVAL. P~ PART~ONT ~F, ~D~ N~ 1~ ~ ~RIZ~T~ ~INT5 5HA~ ~ P~6~ N ~5 EXC~T A5 ~ QN A~O~AN6E WI~ A~A 5TAtAr5. ~ PA ~NT PHASE TO ~L Y ~1~ ~E ~ELAT/~5 A~ ~I~ENT5 DF ~ 5 ~L ~ C~N~T~R5 5~ BE ~Y "5tM~N~ "~0", ~R ~PAT/O~L 5AFE~ A~ HE~TH ~MINIS~TI~ ~15 5HA~ I~. M~/~ LE~5 ~F ~ATION ~ P~ tN ONE ~Tt~N ~ AP~V~ E~AL. ~pQ~RT ~ AND ~61~ A5 MAY BE ~IR~D ~IOR TQ A~ ~AFE pASSAgE F~ ~R~5 TQ A~ FROM A~A5 AND TIED INTO ~ATIQN ~5 ~1~ f~" A~R ~L T5 ~'~" o.¢. (1~0" ~ = ~ ~= ~1, E = ~1 DIe, ION5 A~ EST~LISHED BT ~ITtQNS. IF ~ISTt~, ~CH 21. FL~ ~5 QN ~ TO ~ 4" P~ 6Q~ WITH ~xC~.4Xl.4 ~A, ~ ~ ~ ~ A ~ NA~I~5 A~ ~HN~61~ ~ITH ~ ~H~L~ EXPA~IQN ~INTI~ AT PL~R 5~ AND F~AFl~N ~. ~I~T 51~5 A~ 5PA~I~ ~1~ F~R P~-FIR LARCH ~2 ~ = t,175 SEAL REVISION~/SUBMI8SlONS: DRAWING TITLE. ~~ DA~: DESC~ION: ~4~o~ po~lu~ CAD FILE NAME: , , , , , , O d281 PERH[T~ET 112209/ ~ P~JECT TITLE: DATE: NBA PROJECT ~ Nemschick Silverman Architects P.c. ~/ Z /--~ -- / ~ ~-- ~-- U~-- -- -- / W 7U Xx.- P~OPO,~ ~A~AG[ ~ POOL ~OV :~.:009 ,~~'A 06-1:B1, ,J 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 1 ~ 935~ Phone: 631-734J007 Fax: 631-7~-7347 ~ ~ ' DISTRICT: ~CTION~ BLOCK: LOT: DRAWN BY' ~ ~ http://~.nemschicksllverman.com-- J flOEE, MAINTAIN A MIi~ Cc I0 B,~lTv~N IHA ~R LINE TO P~OPOBED .~PTI6 SYSTEM AfC 5EC, OND FL ~OR FIRST ?Leer xN EXIBTtN6 HELL ALION FACE GLOBII~ S 78°36'20'' W LAYII I/2" V 4" I I I I I I I 4" EXIBTIfl¢ BI'I4LL H4 V~ EPOX*F ~RO~T OCI'~L AT 48" C.G. VERTICAL, Plli'~ 4" EMt~OHENT EACH END. CARPENTER \\ LC~,ATION ~z4 ~E = I" = 20'-0'" O/~AINA~E FIXZLfEE UNtT5 5HALL BE ~OHPILEI2 IN THE FIEL~ BASED ON RUN OF kCABTE LINE AND LOCATION CC VENT 5TACK RI..~ERS. AE;'JJ~T VENT AND I.VA~TE 51ZE5 ACd, ORDIN~L r BASED ON TABI~ P¢II~,I AN~ PT~,I OF T/YE NY5 l~J2~ 6ODE. ALL ~JpEE T LINES TO ~E INSULATED. ROAD 4" ~'~ T~4p X I~C.l. INRT AIR INTAKE EXTERIOR Y~LL ¢,0 /W/fifl ~" CONNECTOR A T BREAK AND EVERY 5;0' EXISTIN¢ I ~ 2 5TONY FRAME NOESJ HOUSE No. 4-705 N/O/F FELIM SAMAAH JUDITH SAMAAN DW£LLIN~ GONNE(. T TO EXtBTINz5 APPROVED 8AN/TART SYSTEM \ \\ II \ \~\1 LOT ~ SURVEY OF LOT AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT SITUATED AT NASSAU POINT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C, TAX No, 1000-111-09-09 JULY ~5, 1998 LEVEL BACKFILL. I~M P.E'TAININ~ P~LL TO MATIN EXI~TIN~ ~RAVEL FILL FOR D~IN ~ ·/0" 0.6, 360.32' 340,54' 51TE INFOt~,MATION io4~ LOT A~A: ~5~ ~ EXISX LOT ~O~&E 2~ ~ - I JOINT DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF NUHBER OF GOHMON NAILS BOX NAILS NAIL SPACIN5 RAFTER TO TOP PLA~ (TOE-NAILED) 3 - Bd GELLING JOIST TO TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) ~ - Cd CEILING JOIBT TO PARALLEL RAFTER (FACE-NAILb'D) (HEEL JOINT) RAFTER SLOPE: D:I2 4:12 q:12 AND GREATER 22 - lcd IT - lcd 14 - I0 - IOd b - lcd 3 ~ lCd PER RAPER ~ - lCd PER JOIST 22 - 40d iff - 40d lO - 40d 8, - EACH LAP CEILING JOIBT LAPB OVER PARTITION (FACE-NAILED) RAFTER SLOPE, Cd2 22 - IOd 22 - 4~12 I'~ - I&d IT - 40d 5:12 14 - 1Cd 14 - 40d EACH LAP T:I2 lO - 16d [0 - q:12 AND GREATER b - 16d 5 - 4Od COLLAR TIE TO RAFTER (FACE-NAILED) RAFTER SLOPE: Ed2 ~ - IOd ~ - 12d 4,12 ~ - IOd 6 - E,12 4 - [Od 4 - 12d PER TIE 8,12 AND GREATEff~ 4 - IOd 4 - 12d BLOCKING TO ~P~R (TOE-NAIL~) 2 - ~d 2 - lOd ~CH ~ EIH ~A~ TO RAPER (END-~I~D) 2 - lsd ~ - lsd EACH ~P TOP PLA~ TO TOF PLA~ (FACE-NAIL~) 2 -lSd I 2 - lsd I PER FOOT TOP PLA~5 AT IN~ECTION5 (FACE-NAILED) 4 - lsd 5 - iBd JOINT5 -~CH 51DE 5~ TO 5~D (FACE-~ILED) 2 -I~d 2 - lsd 24" 0.5. HEADER TO HEADER (FACE-NAI~) lsd lSd I¢" OC ~ON¢ TOP O~ DO.OH P~ TO 5~D (END-~ILED) 2 - lsd 2 - ~d PER ~OTTOH PLATE TO FLOOR JOIST, BANDJOIBT, END JOIST OR ~-OCKIN~ I FACE-NAILED) JOIST TO SILL, TOP PLATE OR 61PJDER (TOE-NAILED) 4 -Cd 4 - ~Od PER JOIST BRIDGING TO ~215T (TOE-NAILED) 2 - Bd 2 - IOd EACH END BLOCKING TO JOIST (TOE-NAILED) 2 - 6d 2 - IOd EACH END BLOCKING TO 5ILL OR TOP PLATE (TOE-NAILED) D - lcd 4 - lcd EACH BLOCK .EDGER STRIP TO BEAM (FACE-NAILED) ~ - lcd 4 - lcd EACH JOIST 3giST ON LEDGER TO BEAM (TO~-NA[LED) D - Cd D - IOd PER JOIST BAND JOIST TO JOIBT (END-NAILED) ~ - lcd 4 - I~d PER JOIST BAND JOIST TO 5ILL OR TOP PLATE flOE-NAILED) 2 - lcd 2 - 16cl PER FOOT 5TR~-,"gJRAL PANELS, INTERIOR ZONE 5 Bd IOd PERIMETER EDOE ZONE 5 6d IOd GABLE ENOHALL RAKE !NITH LOOKOUT BLOCK Bd IOd 6YP~M~LLBOARD STRUCTURAL PANELS/HA?OARP I I~TERIOR ZONE J 4 EDGE ZONE FIBERBOARD PANELS, 25/~2" GYP~J)HJNALLBOARD I 5d COOLERB I 5d COOLER5 8d lCd Bd IOd bdD INTERHEDIATE 5LIpPORTS ~" EDGE / 6" FrELD 3" EDGE t b" FIELD Ed COOLER5 Ed COOLERB T" EDGE / I0" FIELD PARTICLE BOARD PANELS Bd Bd BEE HANUFAC11JRER STRC~,11JRAL PANELS,i,, OR LESS Bd loci 6" EDBE / 12" FIELD BREATER THAN I" IOd I¢d I 6" EDGE / 6' FIELD PERFORATED DRA/N TILE PIPE TO .DRyP~LL. L NAILIN8 REGUIREMENT5 ARE BASED ON ,~,LL SHEATHING NAILED ~," ON CENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE. IF HALL SHEATHINB IS NAILED ~" ON CENTER AT THE PANEL EDBE TO OBTAIN HIGHER 5NEAR CAPACITIEB, NAILING REOUIREMENT5 FOR STP.!~.llJRAL HEMBERE SHALL BE DOUBLED, OR ALTERNATE CONNECTORE, SUCH AS SHEAR PLATES, 5HALL BE USED TO MAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH, 2, HREN/tALL BHEATHIN¢ 15 CONTI~JOUS OVE~ CONNECTED MEMBERS, THE TABULATED NL)i'~ER OF NAIL5 5HALL DE PERMITTED TO BE REDUCED TO I - 16d PER FOOT. B. CORROSION RESISTANT II CAGE ROOFJNG NAILS AND I~ GABE STAPLE5 ARE PERHITTED~ CHECK IBC FOR ADDITIONAL REOUIREF'ENTB, ALL OUANTITIES ARE BARED ON I~" OC 5PACIN~ FOR RAFTERD, JOISTB AND 5lUBE. FOR ROOF SHEATH[ND HITHIN 4 FEET OP THE PERIHETER EDGE OF THE ROOF, INCLUDING 4 FEET ON EACH BIDE OF THE ROOF PEAK, THE ,4 FOOT PERIMETER EDC~ ZONE A'FFACHHENT REOUIREMENTE SHALL BE USED, ~. FOR HALL SHEATHING HITHIN 4 FEET OF: '/~4E GORNERB, THE .4- FOOT EDGE ZONE5 A'FrACHMENT REOUIREHENTB SHALL BE USED. DRAWING TITLE: CAD FILE NAME: PLOT PLA/i, ,./CHEDULE & ~OT~ · ' IPROJECT TITLE DATE 06-1281/CD%/PERMITJ'ET 112209/PP-1 JNemsohick Silverman Architects P.C, I ___~. I ~1 : ~ : J NSA PROJECT. IJ II ~ ,~ II II PROPQ/~D GARAGE AMD POOL J /iOV 24, 20091 ~*A 06 .... Il 4705/iA/'J'AU POI/iT ROAD , ~ Phone : 631-734-7007 Fax : 631-734-7347 I J II , , I OTEPl I hffp://m.nemschicksilverman.com II I I "oo : I EQ 60N~. 5LAB -- ~j ~/¢"~.5,Ijj~ ~ '' ~ / ', [ql ~ ~ ,, l il I~ ~ ~ ~'~'~=':'='--'~ ,,'~--~ ' ~ ~-I~ 5~EL -I,12 I I I COLUMN TO ~rGH O~NHexo ~ I ~,, PINISHEJ2 MA T~RIALS. ALL EXTERIOR WALL5 5HALL BE 2X~ lZ~O, ~ 56ALE = I/4" = ,( / t/z .~//~,, 1//2",] .4 'x / SEAL: .~. REVISIONS/SUBMISSIONS: DRAWING TITLE' ~0',~' " ~TINO~O~. ~~ )ATE DE~RIPTION: ~ ~OUN~A T/ON ~LAN ~'~ ~, ~ ~,~ ,~ ,,~ ~, ~ ~ G~ T/ON~~ 0,,o,~,0~,,~, ~,. ~. ~ ~ou~,o~ ~, ~,~ ~oo~ ~, Nemschiok SJJverman Architects P.O. ~ ~~ - ~ ~ --I: ~ 7 ~ C ~~ ~ = ~ ~ ~~ 4705PROPOSED GARAGE AMD POOL~AU POIMT ROAD SCALE:~OV 24,2009, DRAWING NO.. ~A OO-1261 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 ] CUTCHOGUE, ~Y 11955 Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7~7 ~ -- - ~ , ~ ~ ~OTEU http:H~, nemschicksilverman,com ,> DISTRICT: SECTION: ~LOCK: LOT; D~AWN ~Y: 6~ 5Oi~SRETE 5LAB ON ORAI2Z Iq/~X6 ~ · .', ~ ' ' / ~ OLUE A~ BI~Ut~, ~ ' 24~4XI2wiTH~APsTL ~ ~E = S" = I~" 0.6, 5TA~D I I ~L~H F~ I I ~ I ~xm ~r~ I,, ,' .-.. :. I I / ..... /~' X ~" ~N~ ~P ~ ~ -- LEAOE~ 5XI0 EN~A~P~ 6EDAR 09LUHN. ~E~AR 51DtN¢ T.O. PLATE __EL. +1~ "-II 12 3' tgELO/4 ~RADE 55ALE = I/4': 1.0 1:0 PLATE EL ASPHAL 1' ROPP 5HIN~L~. XO. PLA TE EL. +/~LII ~/8" 2Nl~ t=L~2R EL. +qc7 41 '¢ d~J / mR AN~ LEADER -- 4.~ 6AP. A~E '~' EL, ~0'-0'~ IO~z7'-~'' OV~RNEA~ ~ARA~E ~OOR. ?OOTINd~ ~-'(ONP, MINIPZIM / 5' BELOM ~RAPE ,T/ON 40 YEAR AR~NtTE6TNRAL A.SPHAL T RGOF SHINGLE. MEN ALUMli~,~I ~FTER AMD LEADER / %% / / ~'-0" NO. [ TypE: UNIT DIHt=NS[ON MATERIAL FRAH~ REHARK5 ?IR~T 6P.O~ND SNO'H LOAO HI~NEGT POINT OF RI~E NIN~ED - PR. HIN~ED-R.H.N. / L.HJ~ (22 4~'0" x ~-0" 50LID ~OP.E h~5ONIT~ FRENCH IN~NIN~ 6EDAR EXTERIPR ~ FINISH ~RAFT~MAN 5T'fLE EXTERIOR ¢RADE FINISH ~4 ~NIND (SPEED IN MPH) PI]NTER D~51GN TEHP. FROST LINE FLOOD P~ATHERIN& DEPTH T'~:RHITE DECAY HAZARD5 HOD. TO 5LICHT TO 45 PSP 120 6 SEVERE ~'-0" HEAVY HODERATE I1" YES WA 1 IOXlO K-.QLUMN, 2 SEE DETAIL (5) A -I 5~ALE = t/4 = ~,ALE = I/4" = I-0' 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 _ http://www.nemschicksilverman.com FLOOR PLAfl flORTPI · COPYRT~HT 2OB" NEMSCHICK ~ILV~IAN AR~HIT~CT~ PC SEAL: REVISIONS/SUBMISSIONS: BATE' DESCRIPTION, PROJECT TITLE: PROPOJ'ED GARAGE, AflP POOL ,4705/'IA/'../'AU POIflT ROAD CUTCMOGUE, fly 119.55 DISTRICT: SECTION: BLOCK: LOT. 1000 111 09 DRAWING TITLE: ELEVATIO/~ O~ CAD FILE NAME: 06-1281/CE%/PERMIT./'E.T 112209/A-1 DATE. ,~OV 24, 2009 SCALE. A/" flOTEP DRAWN BY: NSA PROJECT ~. /'L/'A O6-1281 DRAWING NO,: A-2 Use every other nail hole in a row [o provTde the LENGTH ~IH · ~1~ ~ HATGN EXISTI~ ~E, END ' LL BEAS~~~ ~ ABA44 (ABA66 SIMILAR) Simpson Strong-Tie ' , CCQ46 ~I~A~I~TALLS/~ ~ J ~ STmpson Strong-Tie ~-X ~Y~ ~A~ ON ~ ~ HTT22 FROM AN~ 6~R ~ ~ ~ l~ 5ELE6 ~D ~Y O~R 5ILL ~ALE~ Am ~ X ~ ~ ~ /~ PEt T SECANT O~ I~# EXPA~ION % ~ II ~ = ¢ ~ , )~ pATE: ~ES~TION' o~o4~ ~ ~ WALL/ECTIOM A~D 8/:1/07 ~ ~AMDARD~RAPPi~G &CO~ECTIO~ gETA[~ Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. P~OJECT TIT~: DATE; NSA P~OJECT ~ ~ ~ 4705 ~/AU POI~ 430 Green Way, Cutchogue, New York 11935 -- CUTCHOGUE, ~ ]19~ SCALE: DRAWING Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 ~ ~ ~ ~ MOTEP h~p://~, nemschicksilverman,com DISTRICT' SECTION: BLOCK. LOT: DRAWN BY' , FLOOR PLAb ~ORTN · ~oPY~T 2O~B NEM~ ~ME"~" ARCHITEOT8 PO 1000 111 09 09 in Q row to provTde the LENGTH code-requTred minimum END center-to-centar ,---- SPAN/ ~ Eq~i Simpson Sbong-T[e CS Coiled Simpson Strong-Tie ABA~ (ABA66 SIMILAR) STmpson Strong-Tie CCQ~6 S~mpson Strong-Tie HTT22 " YH OL DESCRIPTION 5 YN OL DE 6 IPTION A~.A, AMERICAN5 PITH ~1~ ~INFON~I~ L~AL ~ILDI~ PEPA~TNENT AND THE ~ ~5. ~ILPI~ ~ONSTN~TION 51~ A~ PI~SE OF IN A LESAL MANNER ON A ~EKL Y BASIS O~ I~ ~L ~OfldE~EP ~AdE5 Iff ~OP F~NI~ ~ALL BE FI~STO~ ~ ~ISABILITIE5 A6T PN. ~OWN ~0.~ ~ BL~MI~ A~y H~ TO MILL ~ ~NI~ AND SECTION ELEVATION ~ ~51~ PR. P~R A5 ~LI~I~ ~ 60N~6TON EROM E~6~ION ~ ALL ~ IN I~LA TION TA~- ~ ~ A.~5,L AMERI6AN EINISH 5YS~M ~ ELE6~I~ 60N~6TOR TO ~RIEY ELE6~I6AL 5ERVIdE A~ PAR6EL 24. ~ AR6N~6T HA5 NOT W~N ~AINEP E~ ADMINIS~TION ON T~ t~ ~E ~15T5 UN,ER ~t PARflTIO~ RUNNI~ PA~L N~ THE ~15~. NOTED DENOHHA~K t~fl~ ELE~L. EL~ATION BE R~I~ ~L FLOR A~ 5KYLI~T OPENLY5 A~ TO ~ ~ N~ ~E SCHEDULE ~ REFER TO m~ ~oM FLR, fft~ ~E ~KMAN5 60MP~SAflON LIABILI~ ~ISABILI~) TO HA~FAO~R5 5~61N~ATtO~ DOOR 5GriD, PoR~LOORsIzEPLAN5 c~BT~ 6ABINETBET~EN FT~ FEET~Tff~Z~ ~BMIT~ ONNERLiEN~IOR~EAsEsTO 6OMME~I~iON TO RE~ESflNS~RK' EA6HFiNAL~ON~6TORPA ~EN~ 5~L 2, ~ 60N~6TOR TO ~ AN~ PLA6E HORN5 N~ 5~I~T I~. THE ~ON~6TOR 5H~L ~ ~SPO~I~E ~ 6~I~TI~ ~L ~ 5~LAR FILL Z 60N~6TO~ 5H~L AT ALL TI~5 ~EEP N~ ~RK A5 TO MINIMIZE 5~EL I~ THE ~N~OTON ~ALL I~RPO~ ~L ~1~ 5~, A~LES, ~AL, 5ALLON 9. 60~TE PRO~6TION FOR ~tNFOR6EMENT 5~L ~N~RM TO ~0~0~ ~00~ 6,~ 6~N~OL ~NT ~AL ~ ~ VANIZEP THE OWN~5 I~ON~NIE~ A~ 5HALL PO ~ IN A ~RK~N-LIKE A.6.t. 5P~IN6A flO~ TIE~ ~ORTS, ET~, A5 MA )' BE ~1~ EON ~O~TION OF ~ ~ TO 6.L. O~TER LI~ 6.6. 5E~L MANNER. I. ALL 5~EL F~I6AflON ANP E~t NON 5HALL ~ONFORM TO AI~ FROM FOR6E5 OF NA ~ ~15 I~L~ES, R~ TO REVISION ~ONA ~N~TION ~. ~LLON ~ PIE~5, AND ~LS, ~IN~NS~ TO BE HEL~ A T ~ST PlSTA~E FROM ~NSF ~O~TION ~, Ht~ ~NSI~ F~H5 AN~ EA~TN BY 5~L dHAIN5 ON TI~. ~. ALL 5~L 5~L ~5~ A5 E,','~ION ~LL LN~L5 ~ALL BE H~N. ~A~ER ~. ~O~T AND ~NTAN EXISTI~ UTILI~ LI~5 NHI~H ARE TO ~ON~ dONTI~ ~ VANIZ~ 60N~, ~N~S TON HQ~ HA~ ~NAN IN ~VIOE IN ~H A MANOR AS TO A VOI~ IN~N~ION OF ~ ~-I - NO ~, ~N~ ~N~ ~IA ~I ON~ ~. ~ ~N~Ml6 TILE HP~. HAR~ T~ LINES, ~LE55 O~E~ISE NO~, ALL EXISTIN~ UTILITIES 5HALL BE & POLLEN 6.N,5.L MULE9 ~N P~6I~ ~L ~IN~NSIN~ STEEL ANO PP-I P~OPO~¢ PLOT PLAN, ~H~UL~S ~N~ NO?~ ~,5./. ~NS~TION ~ ~LLOM METAL 4. BEAN 60N~6TION5 5H~L BE ~iGNED TO N~STA~ ONE-HALF ~E - 60N~6 T~} AL ~ 6APP~D, ~ ~L~A TED N A ~NNER APPNOV~ ~ ~E A~ES~NIES, INSTI~ ~ ~A.6. NRA Tl~, ~ AS TO ~A~N~E A 6ONPLE~ INST~LA Tl~ 5PAN 6~NDIT/Q~ 5~MN ON ~ LO~ /~IOA TEg oN A-I - ~OUN~A?ION PLAN, FI~T FLO0~ PLAN, ~ 6uBI6 ~NTI~flONAN Z 60N~6T~S~LL~BMtT60~NIX~PQNTN~ DEG. ~E6~5 1.5. I~ 5R~N~ Il. ~N~6TON 5HALL PNO~6~ PA T6H A~ ~PAN ALL EXIgTI~ ~K 5TARTI~ F~A T/ON 60~ NON. ~ ~LDI~ ~ BE N A6~A~E NTH A~ 5P~tFICA TION5 A=2 - ~LSVA T/ON~ DIA. DIAM~ ,~HE5 ~6ENT TO HI5 ~RK, OR PANAG~ A5 A ~L T OF HI5 ~R~ ETO-XX ~I~ PI~ION I~L, I~LUO~ NHE~E EXISTI~ MA ~RIAL5 A~ TO ~E NA T6HE~ 6A~ 15 TO BE ~-~ - ~ ~ ~ION AN~ ~ T~N~A~ ~ T~A~IN~ ~ IN~L. INFLATION INF~ INk, NATION N~ IN.ION I~. I~T~A fl~ TAKEN IN ~1~ 60LOP5 AN~ REPLI~A flN~ ~JA6ENT FORM5 A~ ~NTAH~ ~ST 6YLtND~5 5H~L BE TArN FROM THE 60~ ~, ~ ~L T5 5HALL BE ASTM A-~25N AN~ 5HALL ~E I~T~ TO A 5~ ~ONN~¢ T/ON ~TA IL ~ J-~X ~TION ~X INSTeaD 6eNTeRS. PLA6ED EACH DA T IN A66O~AN6E M/TH ~ 5P~IFISATIO~. 60~ITtON AS DEEtNED IN AlS ~E61PI6A TIO~. ~ ~NT N~ ~H 12. ~ ~Nl~l~ A~ P~¢Q5~, IT 5HALL BE THE ~ESPO~IBILI~ ~ ALL ~ 5HALL BE ~NTL T 6ENflF/ED. THE FOLLOMIN6 OF ~E ~O~ ~ ~E5 TNE AR6HI~T ~ A~I~ TO A6T ON 0.5, ON 6ENIb~ ~ ~I~AL A~ P~OBLEH5 A~ ~L ~D TO THE SATISFACTION ~ THE ~ ~S ~0~ ~ITI~. O~ OPTIO~ ~ TORIE~ ~A ~E~ ~H~L BE AI~ ENVIED. DATE; B.P. ¢ ~q [ ~ ~ ¢ON~dTOR5 OR ~ON~DTOR5 EHPLO~ OR A~E~, 0~ A~ ~L, PA~ ~R~ ~NTI6AL ~N~O~TATION SAFEWAY5, ET6., A5 ~1~ F~ ~E PROPER 1, FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED OTN~ ~ ~HI~ ANY OH ~ ~NK, ~, PAIN ~/-~o ~ITN~IT~T 2. ~L 5~D LUMBER ~ALL ~ ¢~A5 EIR LA,SM 5~D ~ FB = ~75 FOR POURED CONCRETEPLUMBING PNASE TO ~O~L Y ~1~ ~ ~TIO~ AN¢ ~I~HEN~5 OF T~ YORK STATE, NOT RESPONSBLE FOR ~ ON LEAD ¢ON~ENT BEFOR~ I~LU~ ~T A~ ~T LIHI~ TO. P~OVt¢IN~ ALL NESE55A~Y A~NO~ ~. OERTIFIOATE OF OOGUPANQ~ SOtOER USED IN WA TER ~E ~ INSTALLA T/ON OF NEN 5~L ELE~NTS, A5 NELL A5 I~ ~ CON.eTON TO ~E ~SPO~I~E ~ 5E~I~ ALL A~N ~. ~ ~1~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ L~" COMPLY WITH ALL CODES OF ~URPL Y SYSTEM OANNOT ~A~ A~ PNOPEN BANN/¢~ES, ~ILI~5 LIgHTINg, 5TAIl5 ETd. ~L T5 AN~ LEVELIN5 ~A~5. ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ IN ~ ~ ~1~1~ ~1~ TO ~O~T THE ~KHA~ O~EN5 ~R~N~L A~ ~ ~1~ P~5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1~ ~ NEW YORK STATE & TOWN CODE8 ~OEED ~I 0 OF 1% LEAD, o~ FNOH IN~Y ~ TO 5ONSTN~T/ON ~ PROVIDE ~ 2~ PNOVIQE ~ONTI~ ~x¢ ~A ~ ~/LL P~ ~ 0~ ~NN/~ 5NIEL~ ~ ~ ~ ~V~. ~ 5~ ~ ~ ~, AS REQUIRED AND CONDITIONS OF : SO~8 TOW~ZS~ . ~ / OERTIFIOATIONOF ~ERAN~R~51LL PLA~ TO~LL. Z ~I~T~ ~~ TO ~T~[ SO~HOLDTOWNP~NNrNGBOARD ~ILiNG &.CONNECTIONS ~1~5/o~5 A~ EST~IS~E~ ~ ~ON~IT/ON5. IF EX/5T/~, EACH 2L FLOR 5L~5 ~ ~ TO ~E 4" P~ CO~ HITH ~x~//.4x/,4 eA. ~ ~ ~ ~T ~ ~ ~1~ IN ~ SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES ~ BED. ~ A5 ~T TO CA~ EN~ HA~H/~ ~ELA~ AND INTEgRatE H/TH OPEN/~ ET~., A5 ~1~ ON A5 ~NN HE~IN OR ON 60~T OR ~R~ ARCHI~6~ ~1~5. LO~ 15 20 ~ (~L =~F) R~LO~ 15 ~0 ~F (~L =t0 ~F). R~F 5PA~ RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFF WITHOUT CERTIFICATE ~URSUAU~ TO CHAPTER OF OCCUPANCY OF CO E. oo~o4/o7 ~w ALL CONSTRUCTION SHAL~oT~' L~G~ ~/o~/o~ ~v~o~ CODES OF NEW YORK STATE. O~-12gl / C~'s / ~-1 Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C..,I//i, PROJECT TrTLE DATE: NSA PROJECT ,. Ah 2ZPG C C OG - P ZW YO?l 735 Deedoot Path, Culchogue, New York 11935 I ~ V ~ ~ ~ 4705 ~A~AU POl~ ~OAD ~ ~ CUTCHOGUE, ~Y 11955 SCALE: DRAWING NO: Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 ~ ~ ~ ~ A~ ~OTED http://~.nemschicksilverman.com DISTRICT: SECTION: BLOCK. LOT D~AWN BY: FLOOR PL~ ~O~ . c~ ~00, ~c, s~,v~, A~C,~c~ ~C 1OO0 11] 09 O9 N 78'36'20" E x CARPENTER ROAD (t.) TOILET AN~ ~1,) 51NK// BLAB ON 6P..4~E. / I I I I S POOL FOR ! RAIN / \ \ 78"36'20" W H/O/E FELIM SAMAAN JUDITH 3AMAAN DWELUNG I¢ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \\ \ \ IIII LOT e ~ CONe LOT e 360.32' 340.54' 03 o 0 I SA --4 F 11/2"V I I I I D~AINAGE FI~ UNIT5 5HALL BE OOHPILEP IN THE FIELd, BASED ON P. LTN OF INASTE LINE AND ALL ~ Y LINE5 TO B~E INNJLATb-I,P. F- FRESH AIR INTAKE EXTERIOR .~4LL 5ANITANY SYSTEN SURVEY OF LOT 29 AMENDED MAP A OF NASSAU POINT FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 SITUATED AT NASSAU POINT YOWN OF SOUTHOL0 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-111-09-09 SCALE 1"=20' JULY 15, 1998 DECEMBER 28, 1998 ADDED TOPOGRAPHY AUGUST 28, 2002 UPDATE SURVEY & ADDED PROPOSED POOL & PATIO DECEMBER 50, 2002 UPDATE SURVEY & ADDED TOPOGRAPHY AUGUST 12, 2003 REVISED PROPOSED POOL SEPTEMBER 4, 200,5 POOL STAKEOUT PLAN JUNE 4, 2008 UPDATE SURVEY AREA = 35,043.34 sq. ff. (TO TIE LINES) 0,804 QO. 5IT~= I NFOI~,NI'AT] ON D/~TR/~K. BLK: LOF. ZONE: R-40 lOT AREA: ~o4~ 5f ~XISK LOT 60YE~6~ 204~ PRO~ LOT 60YE~6E 14~ SF TOTAL LOT 6OVERAGE __ NOT~. PLOT P~N 15 BA5~ ON A ~R~T PREPA~ ~5EPN A. INGE6N~ LA~ NOTE: SANITARY' 5YSTEH LOOATE~ A5 5HONN 6ERTIFIED BY' klIdHAEL NAPES, ~g Ll~# 070501 NAI/IN D ,HD L,JLD JOINT DEDGRIPTION NUMBER OF NU~ER OF COHHON NAILS ~X ~IL5 ~iL 5PAGIN~ ~F~R SLOPE, D:I2 22 - Ibd 22 - 40d 4:12 IJ - 16d IJ - ~d 5d2 I~ - 1Od IJ - ~d ]0 - 1Od JO - 40d ~7~H ~LLBOARDI CooL=R5 I GOOLE~ I ?' o /ID" FIELD 6~G~L PANEL~A~ ~ARD PA~L IN~RMED~A~ NAILIN5 REG~JIREMENT5 APE BASED ON F~ALL 5HEATHIN6 NAILED &" ON GENTER AT THE PANEL EDGE. IF HALL 5HEATHIN6 IS NAILED 3" ON C, ENTDR AT THE PANEL EDGE TO OBTAIN NIGHER 5NEAR GAPAGITtES, NAILING REGUIREMENT5 FOR 5TRUO~JRAL MEMBER5 5HALL BE DOUBLED, OR ALTERNA~ CONNEGTORS, 5UGH A5 5HEAR PLA]~--5, 5HALL BE USED TO HAINTAIN THE LOAD PATH. 2 HH~I HALL SHEATHING IS GONTINDDUS OVER OONNEGTED MENDER5, THE TABULATED NUMBER OF NAILS SHALL BE PERR[N~D TO BE REDIJGED TO I - 16d PER FOOT. S, GORROSION RESIBTART ii ~A~E ROOFING NAIL5 AND 16 6AGE BTAPLE5 ARE PERH[TTED; GNEC, K lBO FOR ADDITIONAL SEAL' DRAWING TITLE: PLOT PLA/I, J'CHEDULE &/'tOTF~,r CAD FILE NAME. Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. 735 Deerfoot Path, Cutchogue, New York 11935 Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 http://www.nemschicksilverman.com =L'OOR PLA/t/~ORTH fACHHA/I RESIDENCE CUTCHOGUF /'tEW YORK PROJECT TITLE PROPO~ GARAGE A/ID POOL 4705/%/J'AU POI/1T ROAD CUTCHOGUE,/tY l1955 DISTRICT1000 SECTION' 111 8LOCK 09 DATE: ./EFT 22, 2008 SCALE' AJ'/IOTEI LOT DRAWN BY' 09 06-1281 / CD'~ / 1281_PP-3 NSA PROJECT #. ~fA 06-1281 DRAWING NO.: PP-1 ~HE~~ ~ ,_~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ll" , ~ ' ' F-' - -- -]- .~ ~ ~ ~X IIIIUm) I,: ~ ~ ----PROVtDEAN~INSTALLS/~"WPE-X .,~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~)2XhP05 ~ 9~1fll/2" , ~1011~ ~' ' ~ I~111 ~°U ~ ~ E PROVIDE ~ 5TI~FENE~~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ ~~0, ~flC. 5T~P ~ ~ ~ PEa .............. ~ II ~mowo~A~ INSTALL A ~ ~ ~A~ONSEILI~. ~ I ~ ~ ~I6AL ~ 51DE II II ~-~/~ ~/~-~ ,, ~ I ~ , l I II ~A55EM~YNTHA ~ ~ , * ~'~" , ~ ~ ~E = I/4 = I-0" / ~ ~I~HE~ON~HIL I ~LL~R-MBA~,I ~ . , --~tSE,, -7/~ AJ525-- mPROVIDE~ ~. ~ /~[HI~ALL .. VAPOR BARRIER ON ~ ~ IN~LATiO~ ~ / ~ ~1~ O.~. W R-9~ / 5TIFFE~R ~ ~ ' -..- ...... ~ .__ / X ~ ~L~ ANP BI~I~. ~ ....~-- ~ / / ' J ~A~ IN~TIO~ / E~Ki~ ~' O~ ~ ~ z~ ,L~R ~.k. ~ ~' - "*" 4 i, , I , , I L ~ ~ , ~ * I , , ~ ~**~ ~' . ,, ~...~ .... ,, . ~.).... . .l= ~ , HAU~N~ JL~* , 9~4" t 2c9" , ~'~" ]~4" , ~" , ~WI" , (~ ~5 BA~5 ~ TOPIE'~ 3 J ~LL 5~TION ~'~"~ _ -- // EL. ~0~~ 4 K~Y A~ ~ ~ BA~ ovo~o~ ~v ~ ~CO~ PLOOR PL~ ~CTIO~ ~ ~ ~ ~OM ~ %ALE: I/4 : 00-1281 Nemschick Silverma n Architects P.C. PROJECT TITLE: DATE: NSA ProJECT ~ V I ~ -- -- ~ ~ A705 ~A~AU POIAT ROA~ 735 Dee~oot Path, Outchogue, New York 11935 ~ ~ ~ CUTC~OGUE, AY 119~D SCALE: DRAWING NO, Phone: 63%734J007 Fax: 631-734-7347 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OTED h~p://~, nemschicksilverman.com DISTRICT ~CTION BLOCK. LOT. DRAWN BY I1 NI6HEST POINT ~ RI~E r lOXlO 6EDAR FOOTINd, B~{ON~, MINIi~M /~' BELOW 6RADE SC, ALE = I/4" = I-0 ql HIOHEST POINT O? RIDGE 21~ ELOOR ~ EL. +q'-7 LIB" __ ~o. PLA TE ',~ EL. *¢'-6"~ OAP. AOE 5LAB I I 4O YEAR ASPHALT ROOF ALUMIN~f AND LEA~ER 6EPAR 5 TYPE UNIT DIMENSION MATERIAL FRANB REMARK5 F/RST FLOOR PR, HINCEC-R. HR. / L,~N. OROLJND HIND 5NOH (SPEED rN LOAD HPH) 45 PSF 120 5EISHIC DES[¢N 6A1~OOR¥ MEAmERINO FROST LINE DEPTH TERHITE OEOA¥ 5LIGHT TO HODERA~ MINTER TEMp. II° lEE 5fllELD UNOERLAY- MENT REdlUIRED 'KEO FLOOD HAZARD5 N/A 5XIO ENOAOED OEDAR - ~'~ F~gTIN~ I~EYONL2,, MINII~N 7 I SC, ALE = I/~ = I-o 12 LO. PLATE EL. ~l~'-II ~/~"~,r 2ND FL 6~PR ~F ~0, PLATE / ~, / %. / I I lb" 0 X C~gN~RETE PIER I.D. HANUFAOTLIRER MODEL R.O. REPfARK5 Nemschick Silverman Architects P.C. 735 Deeffoot Path, Cutchogue, New York 11935 Phone: 631-734-7007 Fax: 631-734-7347 http://www.nemschicksilverman.com PLOOR PLA/1/tORTtt ../'ACHMA RESIDENCE CUTCMOGUE /IEW YORK REVISIONS/SUBMISSIONS DATE' DESC~ON: PROJECT TITLE' PROPO~EP GARAGE A~U POOL 4705 ~A~AU POINT ROAD CUTCHOGUE, ~/11955 DISTRICT: SECTION BLOCK' 1000 111 09 DRAWING TITLE: CAD FILE NAME' ~EVATIO~% 06-1281 / CU's / A-1 DATE: NSA PROJECT ~: JtPT 22, 2008 ~A 06-1281 SCALE' DRAWING NO., A% ~OTED DRAWN By A-2 05 yC II , (2) 2XIO RR WITH R-R) BArT / / / /~LAr/O~ PROV/mE mAPLE / / / FOR AIR FLO~ ///~~ARA~HI~ end distance ~/ ~ Simpson Strong-Tie Simpson Strong-Tie ABA44 (ABA66 SIMILAR) CCQ~6 FlOR BAUI~ I~ATION ~ x ~ ~ ~ Y~R AR6HI~6~L .. ~ ~ ~ ~/~M ~A~ ON ~ 2 X 12 BANtu Simpson Strong-Tie HTT22 ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~LE6 ~P BY OWNER ~Hl~ 5HEILP k ~ ~ -- I~ EEL T PA~R 5EALAflT O~R I~ ~ANStON ~ , ~ I/2 6~X ~Y~ 5HEA~t~ ~ ? ~ ~ 60~ 5~ ON O~E 2 X ~ 5ILL PLA ~ ' ~ I~ .~ // ~YA~(~SBA~ ~A~m~o~ ~LAT~ ~ONN~&tlON D~TAII ~ ~OAD PATN/~LOO~ P~MIN~ ~ WALL~CTIO~ O~H281 / C~% / ~-5 ~omschick ~iIvorman ~rch~tocts ~.C. ~03~cr r~r~: ¢&m: ~s~ ~o~c~ ,: ~ ~ 22, 2008~A 004281 GARAG~ POOL AP 2 tP C C I-'C OG h LW YO 1 : ' V : : I 4705 ~A~AU POIATROAD 735 Deeffoot P~th, Outohogue, New York 11935 ~ I ~ CUTCHOGUE, ~Y 11955 SCALE- DRAWlN~ Phone: 831J34J00Z Fax: 83%734-7347~ I ~ ~ I A~ ~OT~D h~P://~-nemeahiakeilvermnn-aom msm~cT. [CT~ON: ~LOC~. LOT D~AWN By: ~LOOR PL~ ~ORT~ ~ co~ ~. ~sc~ sb~,~*. ~c~c~s ,c 10OO 111 O9 O9 in a row to provide the/LENG~TI code-required minTmum END Provide minimum ~U M I LENOTH Equel number of ~l ~ ~ CS Simpson Coiled Strong-Tie Strap end Simpson Strong-Tie Simpson Strong-Tie ABA44 (ABA66 SIMILAR) CCQ~6 Simpson Strong-Tie HTT22 ~ -