HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-04/15/2003Quick Status Update 4/1,,~/03
Rutkoski: Paperwork is being completed. Lark sending to Rutkoski. Lark to
contact us when they are ready to close.
Posillico: Contract executed. Env and title done. Awaiting completion of
survey. When completed, closing to be scheduled.
Waldron: Contract executed. Env and title done. Awaiting completion of
survey. When completed, closing to be scheduled.
Elak: Elak family reviewing 1) contract language 2) revising res area
slightly as per DOT request 3) overlay easement language. When they approve
these items, and sign contract, Town will order Environmental Site Assessment
and Title. Then, closing will be scheduled.
Gail sent TA changes to contract. They were sent to Fed to see if changes were
acceptable. Changes will be discussed with LPC if necessary.
Aliano Oregon:Received acceptance letter. Information sent to TA for
preparation of
Harbes: Appraisal on hold.
Adamowicz: Contracts executed.
Awaiting surveys
McFeely: Several outstanding issues need to be resolved (not LPC issues)
County and Town working on contracts.
of contract.
Received acceptance letter. Information sent to TA for preparation
Working on outstanding issues to complete gift.
419/03 offer made for 5 acre parcel. Acceptance letter sent to
landowner. Awaiting his response.
Shur: Offer made. Have not received response. (awaiting contracts for Magg
and Rowehl before approaching him again.)
Magg Offer accepted, Town Attorney working on contract.
Marco: 4/11/03. Offer made to applicant. Acceptance letter sent to
Awaiting response.
Peconic Des (Weiser)
Appraisal has been ordered (3/27/03)
Gail Wickham: Expecting appraisal by 4/15/03 meeting.
Carroll (Dorsett Farm): Appraisal review at 4/15/03 meeting
Booth: Contract sent to applicant. Awaiting return of signed contract.
Scott: Verbally accepted offer. Called 3~27 to say that she is reviewing whether
line should be at 9 or 10 acres. Will send in acceptance letter within 2 weeks.