HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-10/28/2003Town of Southold
Land Preservation Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 28, 2003 7:30 P.M.
Present were: Ray Blum, Ray Huntington, John Sepenoski, Bill Edwards, Fred Lee and Eric Keil
as well as Melissa Spire and Tom Wickham.
Previous minutes (10/14/03) were accepted.
Peconic Land Trust Report:
Tim Caufield reported on four properties:
· Macari (SCTM# 1000-96-2-10 & 84-4-1, was Pietrevits, in executive session) West side of
Cox lane 500' south of Rt. 48. Discussed and agreed to initiate PDR processing if application
is received within 30 days. Moved by Blum, seconded by Sepenoski, motion carried 4/0. PLT
is Facilitator, Negotiator is Spiro.
· Blocker (SCTM# 1000-87-6-12.1) 48 acres in SW Bayview area. Discussed and determined
to order an appraisal including the subdivision analysis method. Moved by Keil, seconded by
Sepenoski, motion carried 5/0. PLT is facilitator, negotiator is Spire/Blum.
· "Grace's Place" (two lots) is in process by PLT.
· Diamond Lane "Pique Preserve" is in process by PLT.
Land Preservation: Applications:
SCTM# 1000-84-1-8 (Dubner in executive session) Northside of Rt. 48 near Cox Lane.
Landowner wants terms that assure some structure sites. Discussed status and determined new
offer recommendation. Moved by Blum, seconded by Keil, motion carded 6/0. Negotiator is
SCTM# 1000-83-1-11 thru 15 (Aliano Duck Pond) Discussed status and it was determined that
we should do a field inspection and re-discuss at the next meeting.
SCTIVI~ 1000-63-3-18.1 (Peconic Design in executive session) Northside Main Road in
Southold - 4 acres of farmland plus an HB portion. Discussed status and offer was determined.
Moved by Sepenoski, seconded by Keil, motion carried 5/1. Negotiator is Spire/Blum.
SCTM8 1000-55-2-10 (Moffat in executive session) Discussed appraisal and determined offer.
Moved by Keil, seconded by Blum, motion carded 5/0 with Sepenoski abstaining. Negotiator is
SCTM# 1000-55-3-6.1 (Moffat in executive session) Discussed appraisal and determined offer.
Moved by Keil, seconded by Blum, motion carded 5/0 with Sepenoski abstaining. This
negotiation is to be handled as a couple with the preceding Moffat parcel.
Coordinator's Report:
· Status Update dated 10/28/03 provided.
· Memo on Mill Road Preserve (McGunnigle) received from Jim McMahon.
· Request for comments on 3 Draft Local Laws (regarding zoning in A-C and R-80 zones,
affordable housing, and creation of RID) was received. It was agreed to read the drafts
provided and meet in the LPD Office on 11/6/03 at 3:30 PM to determine the nature and
mechanics of any LPC comment.
Adjourned at10:28 PM.
Next LPC meeting dates: Tuesday, 11/18/03, 7:30 PM, and Tuesday, 12/16/03.
In the absence of the secretary, the minutes (LPCmtgMinutes280ct2003flopA.doc) were
recorded by Ray Huntington.
Town of Southold
Land Preservation Committee Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 25, 2003 Special Meeting 7:30 P.M.
This was a Special Meeting of the Land Preservation Committee to Discuss Several
Contracting Issues with Attorney Lisa Kombrick.
Present were: Ray Blum, Ray Huntington, John Sepenoski, Bill Edwards, Fred Lee, Eric Keil,
Reed Jarvis as well as Melissa Spiro and Tom Wickham.
Previous minutes: not introduced
PDR Contract (agreement) and Easement Issue
1. Attorney Kombrick reviewed the steps of the process.
Agricultural Structures Issue
1. Attorney Kombrick recapitulated the evolution of the issue.
2. Attorney Kombrick has read the LPC's position paper on structures.
3. Il was somewhat agreed that while the negotiated conservation agreement itself was the
arbiter of allowable structures, the problem was in establishing positions with which to
complete the negotiations within policy acceptable to the Town Board.
4. Extensive discussion concerning the issue involving intent, durability, authority, NYS law and
viability of the preservation program did not result in action.
$. Attorney Kombdck will seek further input from the LPD.LPC and PLT and draft a position on
structures for Town Board review. Target date 12/16/03.
Definition of "Agricultural Production" Issue
1. Attorney Kombrick recapitulated the evolution of the issue.
2. Section of NYS General Municipal Law 247 is still operative with respect to Southold's
authority to spend public money on preservation.
3. Attorney Kombrick will draft a definition based upon Section 301 of the NYS Agricultural and
Markets Law, but modified to add certain exceptions and allowables.
4. The draft will go to the Town Board for review and resolution toward incorporation in the
Town Code.
Future Subdivision Issue
1. The LPC would consider subdivision allowable if relatively large parcels resulted and if there
were specific preservation advantages to subdivision.
2. Attorney Kombrick will prepare a recommendation to the Town Board that the precedent of
no subdivision be discontinued and that the issue be consider in each contract but not pre-
Other Issues (mowing, clearing, utilities)
1. Utilities - LPC will advise on a case-by-case basis due to technical factors.
2. Clearing - Baseline position should be to largely disallow.
3. Mowing - Baseline position should be to require some (minimal) mowing in the spirit of
4. Rights of Way - The Town's are best served by obtaining ROW to properties acquired and
by interesting the landowner in avoiding future problems.
Applications Clarifying the Issues
The applications of Caroll/Dorset Farms, Scott, Booth and Aliano Oregon Road were used to
exercise the discussion of the issues.
Adjourned at10:10 PM.
Next Regular Meeting is 16 December 2003 at 7:30 PM.
In the absence of the secretary, the minutes were recorded by Ray Huntington.