HomeMy WebLinkAbout7-Eleven Convenience Store - Mattituck Revised TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY 7-ELEVEN ~.'~ON'VENIENCE STORE MATTITUCK, NEW YORK - SSOClATES, P.C. FEBRUARY 2010 REVISED SEPTEMBER 2010 NP: 7-1 ! Matfituck-2~104 file: SEFI'201 O/TIS.doc I I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I Introduction ................................................................................................ Purpose of Report .............................................................................. Location ............................................................................................. Study Approach ............................................................................................. Existing Roadway Network ........................................................................... Roadway Characteristics .................................................................... Grades and Sight Distances ............................................................... Existing Traffic Flow Conditions .................................................................. Traffic Volumes ................................................................................. Accident Records ............................................................................... Site Trip Generation Analysis ........................................................................ Other Planned Developments ........................................................................ Directional Distribution Analysis .................................................................. Traffic Assignment Analysis ......................................................................... Intersection Capacity Analysis ...................................................................... Signalized Intersection Capacity Analysis ......................................... Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis .................................... Parking ................................................................................................ Additional Considerations ............................................................................. Truck Access and Circulation ............................................................ Traffic Activity at Adjacent Properties .............................................. Radius Improvement at Main Road at Factory Avenue ..................... Queue Analysis on Factory Avenue .................................................. Conclusions ................................................................................................ Appendix ................................................................................................ Intersection Capacity Analyses Traffic Volume Data Accident Data Roadway Improvement Plans 1 2 2 6 9 10 11 12 13 13 16 19 21 29 34 35 38 39 41 42 45 47 48 5O 55 I ! File: SEPT2010/TIS,doc I I I I I ! I I ! I I I '1 I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck 28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc INTRODUCTION I i I I ! I I I i I I I I I I I I I Purpose of Report This Traffic Impact Study contains the results of a traffic engineering examination of the proposed 7 Eleven Convenience Store in Mattituck Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. At present, the site contains a gas station with eight fueling stations, two service bays that are currently unused, and a small convenience store. The project envisions removing the gas station use, and renovation and expansion of the existing structure to provide a 2,670 square foot building housing a convenience store. This report appraises the trafiqc aspects of the proposeu uevmopmeia wmt pali[lCU~ateUtpt]tasts O11 its impact on the surrotmding street and highway network. Location The site is located on the northeast comer of NYS Route 25, Main Road, at Factory Avenue, in Mattituck. The site has access to both NYS Route 25 and to Factory Avenue. There is one existing driveway on Factory Avenue and two on Main Road. The gas station is surrounded on two sides by a shopping center. Figure 1, Area Map, indicates the location of the Town of Southold in the New York Metropolitan area. The project site is shown in Figure 2, Location Map, while Figure 3, Site Map, presents the boundaries of the proposed development, and the adjacent roadway network. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 2 Map of the COUNTY OF SUFFOLK LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK N LONG ISLAND SOUND A3~NTIC OCEAN FIGURE 1 AREA MAP DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. 9.7 MILES± January 2010 3 I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-i I Mattituck 28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc STUDY APPROACH 6 I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I The Town of Southold has requested that a traffic study be performed for this project. In accordance with this request, the following tasks were undertaken: 1. Several personal, on-site field observations were made to observe the traffic movements under various conditions. 2. A physical inventory was made of the adjacent street network. 3. Traffic data as available from the New York State Department of Transportation, the Town of Southold and the files of Dunn Engineering Associates was reviewed. The Traffic Study prepared by Atlantic Traffic and Design Engineers, Inc. for the planned development of a Chase Bank branch located in the vicinity of the proposed project was reviewed. 5. Traffic counts were conducted at the existing gas station occupying the site to determine the amount of traffic currently being generated by the site. An accident analysis was performed, based on records regarding accidents that have occurred on the roadway network in the vicinity of the site obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation, for the most recent three-year period available. 7. A trip generation analysis was performed to determine the additional traffic attributable to the proposed redevelopment. 8. Trip assignment analyses were performed to examine the composite traffic volumes that would result due to the addition of the site-generated traffic to the background traffic volumes, in order to determine the traffic impacts on the adjacent roadways. 9. Capacity analyses were performed at appropriate locations to determine existing levels of service as well as future levels of service with and without completion of the project. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 10. Proposed access to and from the site was examined from the standpoint of location and design, including the ability of trucks to enter and leave the site. 11. A review of the proposed parking, and an analysis of its ability to meet the Town code and the anticipated demand, based on information provided in the ITE report, Parking Generation, was conducted. 12. Traffic activity at adjacent land uses was investigated. 1.3. comments on the study based on a review by the Town of Southoid's traffic consultant were reviewed and addressed, when appropriate. 14. Conclusions were made of the traffic impact of the development as a result of the data and the facts gathered in this study. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7~11 Mauituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc EXISTING ROADWAY NETWORK 9 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I ! I I I I I Roadway Characteristics The site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, New York. Main Road is a New York State highway facility designated NYS Route 25 that provides direct access to the site. Although NYS Route 25 extends the entire length of Long Island, it serves as "Main Street" for many of the communities along the north fork of Long Island, including Mattituck. Near the site of the proposed development, Main Road provides one lane in each direction, flanked by shoulders, with additional turning lanes at major intersections. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. Development along Main Road near the site is primarily commercial. The intersection of NYS Route 25 at Factory Avenue is controlled by a traffic signal that is maintained by NYSDOT. This signal also controls the northbound approach of Sigsbee Road, which is off-set to the west from Factory Avenue. Factory Avenue forms a slightly acute angle with Main Road, as it is skewed to the northeast, resulting in a non-standard turning radius on the northeast corner of the intersection. The lane configuration of the approaches to the existing intersection of NYS Route 25 at Factory Avenue / Sigsbee Road are as follows: Eastbound NYS Route 25: A left turn lane, and combined thru right turn lane. Westbound NYS Route 25: A left turn lane and a combined thru right turn lane. Northbound Sigsbee Road: A left turn lane, and a combined thru right turn lane. Southbound Factory Avenue: A left turn lane, and a coinbined thru right turn lane. NP: 7-1 I Manituck-28104 File: SEPT2010FFIS.doc 10 I I I I i I I I I I I I i I I I I I I Grades and Sight Distances The roadways in the vicinity of the project site are relatively flat and have little horizontal curvature. Therefore, no sight distance problems are present, and more than sufficient sight distance will be available in both directions to satisfy design guidelines and to ensure safe operation of the site driveways. NP: 7-11 Mattituck 28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 11 EXISTING TRAFFIC FLOW CONDITIONS NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 12 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Traffic Volumes Information regarding traffic volumes on NYS Route 25 was obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation. NYSDOT maintains a continuous count station on Route 25 in Laurel, west of the project site. According to information provided by New York State Department of Transportation from this count station, the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on Main Road in Mattituck in 2008 was 16738 vehicles per day. Note that AADT is an transportation engineering and planning term defined as the average traffic volume at a given location on any day of the year, including weekends. AADT is not utilized in detailed analyses, rather it is a statistic used to describe order of magnitude traffic volumes on a given facility. Due to the seasonal, recreational nature of the area, traffic volumes on the adjacent roadways are higher during the summer months. Based on information provided by the New York State Department of Transportation, traffic volumes on NYS Route 25 are highest during the months of July and August, with August being just a small amount higher than July. The counts also indicate that the weekday AM peak hour occurs between 8:00 and 9:00 AM, and the weekday PM peak hour occurs between 4:00 and 5:00 PM. On Saturday, midday peak hour traffic volumes occur between 1:00 PM and 2:00 PM. Note that the traffic volume data utilized in the detailed analyses conducted for this study were collected during August of 2009; therefore, the analysis reflects worst case conditions. In addition, since convenience markets draw a significant amount of their commerce from the passing stream of traffic, it has been assumed that the peak hours of the facility will coincide with the roadway peak hours. Thus, a conservation worst case scenario is presented. Copies of all the traffic volume information referenced in this document are provided in the Appendix of this report. Accidents Information on accidents that have occurred in the vicinity of the site during the most recent three- year period available, September 2006 through August 2009, was obtained from the NYSDOT's Accident Location Information System (ALIS). This information, summarized in Table 1, indicates NP: 7-I 1 Mauituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TiS.doc 13 I I ~i~ period }: ~Pt~mhe~ ai 2007. septem~e~ a 2J~8~ Main Road from Old Main Road to 0 1 0 Facto~ Avenue / Sigsbee Road Main Road At Facto~ Avenue / Sigsbee Road 2 6 1 Main Road from Factory Avenue / Sigsbee Road 0 1 1 Facto~ Avenue from 1 0 2 LIRR to Main Road Sigsbee Road from 500' south of Main Road to 0 1 0 Main Road 4 Total 3 9 I I i I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I Table 1 Accident Summary that the accident experience on the roadway system adjacent to the proposed project for the most part was minimal. No accidents were reported to have involved vehicles entering or leaving the existing gas station. However, at the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue, during the time period between September 1, 2007 and August 31, 2008, 6 accidents occurred, four of which were rear end accidents. Rear end accidents tend to be related to congested conditions, wherein motorists follow too closely, and tend to be of lesser severity than left turn or right angle accidents, for example. One accident occurred in winter, two in the spring, two in the summer, and one in the fall, so no seasonal pattern is apparent, nor was any pattern evident with regard to direction of travel or time of day of the accident occurrence. In addition, in the year prior to that period, only two accidents occurred, and in the subsequent one year time period, only one accident occurred at that location. NYSDOT reports no roadway improvements were implemented during this time period. NYSDOT calculates rates of accident occurrence for intersections based on the number of vehicles entering the intersection on an NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I annual basis. For intersections with configurations similar to the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue, NYSDOT indicates that the average rate of accident occurrence is 0.59 accidents per million vehicles entering (MEV) the intersection. For the subject intersection, over the three year period analyzed, the rate of accident occurrence was calculated at 0.39 accidents per MEV, significantly lower than the statewide average. Therefore, it must be concluded that the relatively high number of accidents occurring during the 12 month period in question is a statistical anomaly. As discussed later in this report, as part of the proposed development, the applicant will provide a property dedication, design services and construction costs for a major improvement to the curb radius on the northeast comer of this intersection. In addition, one of the two existing driveways on Main Road serving the site will be closed, and the remaining driveway as well as the single driveway on Factory Avenue will be relocated to be as far away from the intersection as the site design will allow. In this manner, combined with the low volumes of new traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed redevelopment of the site, no detrimental impact on in the rate of accident occurrence in the vicinity of the site is anticipated. In fact, the improved geometry could result in a decrease as the rate of accident occurrence at this location. Copies of the accident data is provided in the appendix of this report. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT201 O/TIS.doc SITE TRIP GENERATION ANALYSIS 16 I I I I I I I I I I In order to determine the amount of traffic that might be expected to be generated by the proposed development, a trip generation analysis was performed. This analysis was based on information contained in the report "Trip Generation", 8th Edition, published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). The ITE report presents data on trip making at various land uses, and is the recognized industry standard for analyses of this nature. The current site plan calls for the discontinuation of the gas station use, and the rehabilitation and expansion of the existing building to provide a 2,670 SF 7-Eleven convenience store, which will be open 24 hours a day. Information in the ITE Trip Generation report for Convenience Market, Open 24 Hours (Land Use Code 851) was utilized to estimate the future driveway volumes generated by the project. Table 2 presents the amount of traffic expected to visit the proposed redevelopment during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours. However, it must be noted that not all the traffic entering and exiting the proposed convenience market will be new traffic added to the roadway network. As previously noted, the property is developed with a gas station and a small convenience market that are currently operating and generating traffic. In order to establish the existing traffic volumes, traffic counts were conducted at the site driveways. Weekday AM W~kday PM Saturday Midday peak HOUr Peak HoUr Peak HOUr Enter Exit Enter Exit Enter Exit Convenience Market, Open 24 Hours (Land Use Code 851 ) 98 98 74 69 103 103 Existing Gas Station Traffic 28 30 38 34 53 46 Net New Driveway Traffic 70 68 36 35 50 57 I I I I Table 2 Site-Generated Traffic NP: %11 Mauituck-28104 17 File: SEPT2010flFIS.doc The results of these counts are also presented in Table 2. As can be seen, the proposed convenience store will result in increases in the number of vehicles entering and exiting the site. However, it is critical to note that a significant portion of the trips into convenience stores is made up of pass-by trips. Pass-by trips are those trips that are on the road for another purpose, and divert to a site as part of that trip. That is, the trips are not specifically generated by the land use, but are traveling to or from work at another location, or are passing by the site as part of an overall shopping outing, for example, and stop at the site as part of that trip. Information presented in the ITE "Trip Generation. Handbook" indicates that up to 87% of total traffic and an average of 61% of weekday P.M. peak hour traffic patronizing convenience markets is already on the roadway network for another purpose. Under a related land use, Convenience Market with Gasoline Pumps (Land Use Code 853), weekday A.M. peak hour pass-by rates as high as 72%, and an average of 63% were reported by ITE. Table 3, Trip Generation Estimates - Net New Roadway Traffic, presents the estimated new traffic that will be added to the roadway network as a result of the proposed project, utilizing a 61% pass-by rate for all three peak hours examined. As can be seen, during the peak hours, approximately one new vehicle every two-to-four minutes would be added to the roadways adjacent to the site. Net New Driveway Traffic 70 68 36 35 50 57 Less Pass-by Trips (61%) 42 41 21 21 30 34 Net New Traffic on Roadway Network 28 27 15 14 20 23 Table 3 Trip Generation Estimates Net New Roadway Traffic However, in the interest of presenting a conservative worst case estimate of the potential traffic impact of the proposed project, and at the direction of the Town of Southold, the trip rates were recalculated using a 25% pass-by credit. Additional information on this analysis is provided in the section of this report entitled "Intersection Capacity Analyses". NP: 7~ 11 Ma~ituck-28104 18 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I OTHER PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS NP: 7-1 I Mattimck-28104 19 File: SEPT2010/TlS.doc There are two other projects located nearby that have the potential to add traffic to the roadway network in the vicinity of the project site, a 4,200 SF Chase Manhattan Bank branch and the Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza, which proposes a 3,244 SF bank branch and 9,982 SF of office space. As directed by the Town of Southold, information regarding trip generation for these two developments was obtained from the Traffic Impact Study for the Chase bank prepared by Atlantic Traffic and Design Engineers Inc, dated December 2009. Table 4 presents the amount of traffic estimated to be generated by these two projects, as obtained from the Atlantic Traffic report. Note that the Atlantic Traffic report did not provide information regarding the weekday AM peak hour, nor did it contain specific information regarding the Hudson City Savings development's trip generation. Therefore, this information was estimated using the ITE trip generation report methodology. Weekday AM Weekday PM SatUrday Midday Peak H~U~ Peak HOur Peak Hour Ehtbr E~it Ent~ EXit Ente~ Exit Chase Bank (1) 29 23 32 32 44 39 Hudson City Savings Plaza (2) 48 22 47 67 48 43 (1) Source: Atlantic Traffic report Dec 2009 (2) ITE Trip Generation Report. Table 4 Site-Generated Traffic Other Planned Developments This traffic has been added to the roadway network and included in the analyses performed for the purposes of this study. A copy of the Atlantic traffic report is provided in the Appendix of this report. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 20 File: SEPT2010/TlS.doc I I I I I I I I I ! ! I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION ANALYSIS 21 I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I In order to estimate the direction of approach and departure of vehicles entering and leaving the site after cotnpletion of the proposed project, a directional distribution analysis was performed. This analysis was based on the prevailing traffic patterns on the adjacent roadway system during the peak hours of activity on a sum~ner weekday and Saturday. In this manner, the traffic patterns are reflective of those during the time when traffic volumes on the roadway are highest. A separate directional distribution was developed for both the primary and pass-by portion of the site generated traffic, for the weekday AM and PM peak hours and the Saturday midday peak hour. The directional distributions utilized for the proposed project are presented in Figures 4, 5 and 6 for primary trips during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively, and Figures 7, 8 and 9 for pass-by trips during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. Note that the directional distributions reflect the fact that, as part of the proposed project, only right turns into and out of the site will be accommodated at the new driveway on Main Road, and full turning movements being accommodated at the proposed driveway on Factory Avenue. NP: 7-11 Maltituck 28104 FiIe: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 22 41% ~ - I I I I E"/ /'~ 'L"% SITE /L ........ 48% FIGURE 4 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PRIMARY TRIPS WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR ! ! FIGURE 5 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PRIMARY TRIPS WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR 7//  ,///46~ / / o ~ ~.~1°/0 ~./-.~ 44°,0 ........... ~6Yo ~..j ~ 2% 41%, ~41% MAIN ROAD FIGURE 6 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PRIMARY TRIPS SATURDAY PEAK HOUR 41% ~ 1Yo 41% ~ MAIN ROAD /// FIGURE 7 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PASS BY TRIPS WEEKDAY AM PEAK HOUR I I FIGURE 8 OF SITE-GENERATED TRJ~FFIC PASS BY TRIPS WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR I ! I 44% ! ! //~"" 46,/oO L../ SITE ~r~/ ~ ?;' /i ,,,i 72~/ ~',, L ~ .......... ~ i~''' ~"- 44% _ FIGURE 9 DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC PASS BY TRIPS SATURDAY PEAK HOUR I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ANALYSIS 29 I I i I I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I I The site-generated traffic was distributed on the surrounding roadway network based on the results of the directional distribution analysis discussed previously. Figures 10, 11 and 12 present the assignment of the site-generated traffic during the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. The primary trips and pass-by trips are shown separately. However, it should be noted that only primary trips result in additional vehicles added to the roadway network, whereas pass-by trips are attracted from the existing stream of traffic already on the road for another purpose. As can be seen, once distributed on the roadway network, the new traffic expected to be generated by the proposed project will contribute a very small number of new vehicles to the individual intersection approaches, even based on the extremely conservative assumptions utilized in developing the projected number of new site generated trips. NP: 7-I 1 Mattiluck-28104 File: SEPT201 ()/TIS.doc 3O I ! I i! ! I ~-.. I 1]~k 1 [2] D 16(31)[47] I I L~NU: I I I I I FIGURE 11 ASSIGNMENT OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC COMBINED TRIPS WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR I I i ! I 1 6].~ 1~/~[3] 19(30)[40] ~.16(2 I MAIN ROAD I I ! I FIGURE 12 ASSIGNMENT OF SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC COMBINED TRIPS SATURDAY PEAK HOUR I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Matliluck 28104 File: Admin/Repofls/TlS.doc Intersection Capacity Analyses I I I i I I ! I I i I I I I I I I I I NP: Mattituck 28104 File: AdminJReport s/TIS.doc NYS Route 25 Main Road At Factory Avenue I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Mattituck 28104 ¼lc: Admin/R eport s/TIS.doc 2009 Existing Condition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I General Information Analyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Pedormed 9/10/2010 Time Period Weekday AM Peak Volume and Timim SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2009 Existing Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Intersection Delay 26.6 Copyrigl~t © 2007 Un ves y of Florfda, All Rights Reserved Intersection LOS HCS+TM Version 53 105.0 NB 44.3 D SB 129 238 0.54 0.16 40.4 0.14 2.5 1.000 42.9 D 41.7 D C Generated: 9/13/2010 4:28 PM SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Weekday PM Peak Analysis Year 2009 Existing Volume and Timinc. i Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 60 577 46 22 606 29 19 32 19 60 27 75 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.81 0.81 0.81 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10~0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasin,c,I EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 Timing G= 15.0 G= 50.0 G= G= G= 12.0 G= 8.0 G- G= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y- Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Len~lth C = 105.0 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 66 685 26 747 21 56 74 126 Lane Group Capacity 310 1097 308 784 116 123 173 174 v/c Ratio 0.21 0.62 0.08 0.95 O. 18 0.46 0.43 0.72 Green Ratio 0.67 0.67 0.48 0.48 0.08 0.08 O. 11 O. 11 Uniform Delay d1 14.2 10.0 15.0 26.4 45.4 46.4 43.3 44.9 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.21 0.50 0.50 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.28 Incremental Delay d2 0.3 1.1 0.5 22.5 0.8 2.7 1.7 13.9 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 14.6 11.1 15.5 48.9 46.2 49. 1 45.0 58.8 Lane Group LOS B B B D D D D E Approach Delay 11.4 47.8 48.3 53. 7 Approach LOS B D D D Intersection Delay 33.3 Intersection LOS C I I I I I ! I I I i I I I I ! I I I Copyright © 2007 University of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HC$+TM Version 53 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:24AM file://C:'~Documents and Settings\ccanzoneLLocal Settings\Temp\s2kB2.tmp 8/17/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I ,I SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Saturday Midday Peak Analysis Year 2009 Existing Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes I I 0 I I 0 I I 0 I 1 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 65 682 28 20 491 14 26 42 23 91 39 61 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.87 0.87 0.87 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Star[up Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ArrivaJ Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasing EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Qnl¥ 07 08 Timing G= 10.0 G= 48.0 G= G= G= 17.0 G= 10.0 G G= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y- Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105.0 ]Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 68 739 22 543 37 91 105 115 Lane Group Capacity 343 991 227 755 144 154 245 252 v/c Ratio 0.20 0.75 O. 10 0.72 0.26 0.59 0.43 0.46 Green Ratio 0.60 0.60 0.46 0.46 O. 10 O. 10 O. 16 O, 16 Uniform Delay d1 12.0 15.2 16.2 23.0 44, 1 45.5 39.6 39.8 Delay Factor k 0.11 9.30 9.50 9.50 0.11 0,18 0.11 0.11 Incremental Delay d2 0.3 3.1 0.8 5.8 0.9 5.9 1.2 1,3 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 12.3 18.3 17.0 28.9 45.0 51.5 40.8 41.1 Lane Group LOS B B B C D D D D Approach Delay 17.8 28,4 49.6 41.0 Approach LOS B C D D Intersection Delay 26.6 Intersection LOS C Copyright © 2007 Universiiy of Florida, AIl Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.3 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:35AM file://C:~Documents and Settings\ccanzoneXLocal Settings\Temp\s2kl 1A.tmp 8/17/2010 I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I 2012 No-Build Condition* *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. NP: MattJtuck 28104 File: AdmizffReports/TIS doc SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee ! Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Weekday AM Peak Analysis Year 2012 No Build Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes I I 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 I 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 60 551 8 18 542 35 15 10 20 54 8 102 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 10.92 0.92 0.81 0.81 0.81 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Stanup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 I Phasing EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 G= 10~0 G= 48.0 G= G= G= 17.0 G= 10.0 G- G= Timing Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105.0 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay', and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 66 614 21 679 16 33 67 136 Lane Group Capacity 258 994 304 750 144 147 245 238 v/c Ratio 0.26 0.62 0.07 0.91 O. 11 0.22 0.27 0.57 Green Ratio 0.60 0.60 5'.46 0.46 O. 10 O. 10 O. 16 O. 16 Uniform Delay d1 15.1 13,3 16,0 26.4 43.4 43.9 38.6 40.6 Delay Factor k 5'.11 5'.20 9.50 5'.50 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.17 Incremental Delay d2 0.5 1.2 0.4 16.5 0.3 0.8 0.6 3.3 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 15.6 14.5 16.4 42.9 43.8 44.7 39.2 43.9 Lane Group LOS B B B D D D D D Approach Delay 14.6 42.1 44.4 42.4 Approach LOS B D D D Intersection Delay 30.8 Intersection LOS C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright © 2007 Univers iy o Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 53 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:28AM I I file://C:'~Documents and Settings\ccanzon¢,Local Settings\Temp\s2kC5.tmp 8/17/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Weekday PM Peak Analysis Year 2012 No Build Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes I 1 0 1 I 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 64 656 49 23 687 31 20 34 21 65 29 80 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.81 0,81 0.81 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Stadup Lost Time 2, u 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasing EB Only ' EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 G= 15.0 G= 50.0 G= G= G= 12.0 G= 8.0 G- G= Timing Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y- Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= , Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105.0 Lane Group Capacity', Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 70 775 27 844 22 60 80 135 Lane Group Capacity 286 1097 274 784 116 123 173 174 v/c Ratio 0.24 0.71 0.10 1.08 0.19 0.49 0.46 0.78 Green Ratio 0.67 0.67 0.48 0.48 0.08 0.08 O. 11 O. 11 Uniform Delay d1 18.2 11.0 15. I 27.5 45,5 46,5 43.5 45,2 Delay Factor k 0.11 9.27 9.50 0.50 0.11 0.11 0,11 0.33 Incremental Delay d2 0.4 2.1 0.7 54.8 0.8 3.0 2.0 19.5 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1,000 1.000 Control Delay 18.6 13. 1 15.8 82.3 46.3 49.6 45.4 64.7 Lane Group LOS B B B F D D D E Approach Delay 13.6 80.2 48.7 5X5 Approach LOS B F D E Intersection Delay 48.5 Intersection LOS D Copyright © 2007 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 3 Generated:8/17/2010 10:30AM file://C:XDocuments and Settings\ccanzone\Local Settings\Temp\s2kDF.tmp 8/17/2010 SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Saturday Midday Peak Analysis Year 2012 No Build Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes I 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 69 752 30 22 546 16 28 45 25 98 41 65 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.87 0.87 0.87 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Startup Lost Time z.u 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 , Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10~0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasin~ EB Only/ EW Perm 03 04 SB Onh/ NB Only 07 08 Timing G= 10.0 G= 48.0 G= G= G= 1ZO G= 10.0 G= G Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105,0 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 72 814 24 604 39 98 113 122 Lane Group Capacity 305 992 181 755 144 154 245 251 v/c Ratio 7.24 ).82 O. 13 0.80 ).27 7.64 0.46 0.49 Green Ratio ).60 ~.60 0.46 0.46 O. 10 ). 10 3. 16 0. 16 Uniform Delay d1 13.2 16.5 16.5 24~4 44.1 ~5.7 39.9 ~0.0 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.36 0,50 0.50 0.11 ).22 3.11 3.11 Incremental Delay d2 0.4 5.6 1.5 8. 7 1.0 8.4 1.4 1.5 PF Factor 1,000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 13.6 22.1 18.0 33.1 45.1 54.2 ~1.2 41.5 Lane Group LOS B C B C D D D D Approach Delay 21.4 32.5 51.6 41.4 Approach LOS C C D D Intersection Delay 29.8 Intersection LOS C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright © 2007 Universily of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.3 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:37AM file://C:\Documents and Settings\ccanzoneXLocal Settings\Temp\s2k 12E.tmp 8/17/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2012 Build Condition* *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development. NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admin/Reports/TIS.doc SHORT REPORT General information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Weekday AM Peak Analysis Year 2012 Build Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 I 0 1 1 0 1 I 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 72 551 8 18 553 35 15 11 20 67 8 102 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.81 0.81 0.81 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Startup LOS[ T'me 2. u 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasing EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 Timing G= 10.0 G= 48.0 G= G= G= 17.0 G= 10.0 G= G- Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y Y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105.0 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 79 614 21 692 16 34 83 136 Lane Group Capacity 251 394 304 751 144 147 245 238 v/c Ratio 7.31 0.62 0.07 0.92 O. 11 7.23 9.34 9.57 Green Ratio 0.60 0.60 0.46 0.46 O. 10 7. 10 3. 16 7. 16 Uniform Delay d1 15.7 13.3 16.0 26.7 43.4 43.9 39.0 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.20 0.50 0.50 0.11 0.11 7.11 Z17 Incremental Delay d2 0.7 1.2 0.4 18.5 0.3 0.8 0.8 3.3 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ,I.000 1.000 Control Delay 16.5 14.5 16.4 45.2 43.8 44.8 39.8 43.9 Lane Group LOS B B B D D D D D Approach Delay 14.7 44.3 44.4 42.4 Approach LOS B D D D intersection Delay 31.8 Intersection LOS C I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyright © 2007 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 53 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:32 AM file://C:'dDocuments and Settings\ccanzone\Local Settings\Temp\s2kF3.tmp 8/17/20]0 SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Weekday PM Peak Analysis Year 2012 Build Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 I I 0 1 1 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 72 656 49 23 694 31 20 35 21 71 30 80 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.81 0.81 0.81 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A Sta~up Lost Time 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3,2 Phasing EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 Timing G= 15.0 G= 50,0 G= G= G= 12.0 G= 8.0 G- G= Y= 5 ,Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis (hfs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105.0 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 79 775 27 852 22 61 88 136 Lane Group Capacity 286 1097 274 784 116 123 173 174 v/c Ratio 0.28 0.71 0.10 1.09 0.19 0.50 0.51 0.78 Green Ratio 0.67 0.67 0.48 0.48 0.08 0.08 0.11 0.11 Uniform Delay d~ 18.7 11.0 15.1 27.5 45.5 46.6 43.7 45.2 Delay Factor k O. 11 0.27 0.50 0.50 O. 11 O. 11 O. 12 0.33 Incremental Delay d2 0.5 2.1 0.7 58.3 0.8 3. 1 2.5 20.2 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 19.2 13. 1 15.8 85.8 46.3 49. 7 46.2 65.5 Lane Group LOS B B B F D D D E Approach Delay 13. 7 83.6 48.8 57.9 Approach LOS B F D E Intersection Delay 50. 1 Intersection LOS D I I ! I Copyright © 2007 Universih/of Flodda, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5 3 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:34AM file://C:\Documents and Settings\ccanzoneLLocal Settings\Temp\s2k 106.tmp 8/17/2010 SHORT REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst VC Main Road at Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Intersection Factory/Sigsbee Area Type CBD or Similar Date Performed 1/26/2010 Jurisdiction NYSDOT Time Period Saturday Midday Peak Analysis Year 2012 Build Volume and Timin~l Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes 1 1 0 I 1 0 1 I 0 1 I 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume (vph) 78 752 30 22 556 16 28 46 25 107 42 65 % Heavy Vehicles 0 3 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 PHF 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.87 0.87 0.87 Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) A A A P P P A A A A A A S'artup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lane Width 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 10,0 12.0 Parking/Grade/Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minimum Pedestrian Time 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasing EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 Timing G= 10.0 G= 48.0 G= G- G= 17.0 G= 10.0 G G= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= y= Duration of Analysis (hrs) = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 105.0 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Adjusted Flow Rate 81 814 24 615 39 100 123 123 Lane Group Capacity 297 992 181 755 144 154 245 252 v/c Ratio 0.27 0.82 9.13 0.81 0.27 0.65 0.50 0.49 Green Ratio 0.60 9.60 3.46 ~.46 O. 10 O. 10 O. 16 O. 16 Uniform Delay d1 13.6 16.5 16.5 ~_4.7 44. 1 45.8 40.1 40.0 Delay Factor k 9.11 9.36 ~.50 9.50 0.11 0.23 0.11 0.11 Incremental Delay d2 0.5 5.6 1.5 9.4 1.0 9.3 1.6 1.5 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 14~ 1 22. 1 18.0 34. 1 45. 1 55.1 41.8 41.5 Lane Group LOS B C B C D E D D Approach Delay 21.4 33.5 52.3 41.7 Approach LOS C C D D Intersection Delay 30.3 Intersection LOS C I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I Copyrig ars ty of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 53 Generated: 8/17/2010 10:38AM file://C:~Documents and Settings\ccanzoneXLocal Settings\Temp\s2k 141 .trap 8/17/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TlS.doc INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS 34 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I In order to ensure that the traffic generated by the proposed project can be accommodated on the roadway network without any detrimental impact on operating conditions, and that the proposed site driveways will operate in a safe and efficient manner without undue delay for vehicles entering and leaving the proposed development, signalized and unsignalized intersection capacity analyses have been performed. These capacity analyses were performed utilizing software based on the methodologies set forth in the latest edition of the Highway Capacity Manual, and utilized the traffic volumes previously described, and the estimates of new vehicles expected to be generated by the proposed development. Signalized intersection capacity analyses were conducted at the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue for the weekday AM and PM and Saturday midday peak hours, utilizing signal timing and phasing information collected in the field. Simply put, the level of service for a signalized intersection is defined in terms of the average control delay per vehicle during a given peak period, and the signalized intersection capacity analysis methodology evaluates the average control delay per vehicle to determine intersection Level of Service (LOS). Control delay is influenced by several variables specific to the operating conditions experienced at the intersection. Six levels of service, from A to F, have been established as measures of vehicle delay. These levels and their related control delay criteria are summarized in Table 5, Signalized Intersections - Level of Service Criteria. NP: 7-11 Matfituck-28104 FiIe: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 35 ! I I I I I I I i I ! I I I I I I I A B C D E F i <10.0 10.1 - 20.0 20.1 - 35.0 35.1 - 55.0 55.1 - 80.0 > 80.0 COntrol Delay (SeCOndS per V6h cle) Source: Highway Capacity Manual 2000, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council Washington, D.C. 2000 Table 5 Signa ~eu ,,,t=,se~, ,. s - ~.e ................ First, the analyses were conducted to determine the existing operating conditions (2009 Existing). Intersection capacity analyses were then calculated for the "2012 No-Build Condition". In this examination, the 2009 Existing traffic volumes were projected to the 2012 build year using a 2.0% per year growth factor and the traffic from the other proposed developments was added to determine the total traffic that would be on the roadways at that time without the construction of the proposed development. The annual growth factor used was based on the results of the New York State Department of Transportation's LITP 2000 planning study and is specific to the north fork of Long Island. Then, the intersection capacity analyses were repeated to reflect the addition of traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed convenience market (2012 Build Condition). Detailed summaries and printouts of the results of the analyses for the signalized intersection examined for this study can be found in the section of the Appendix of this report entitled "Intersection Capacity Analyses Summaries". The results of the capacity analysis performed, summarized in Table 6, indicate that the traffic due to the proposed development can be accommodated on the roadway network without significant deterioration in overall signal operations at the intersection studied. Although the development of the site will lead to an increase in traffic on the roadways serving the site, this increase is small, and results in an increase in total traffic volumes at the intersection of between 2 and 3%, even based on the extremely conservative assumptions utilized in estimating future site generated traffic. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I As can be seen from Table 6, the capacity analysis results indicate that the intersection is currently operating at LOS "C" during all three peak hours examined. With the addition of the traffic estimated to be generated by the two other nearby developments, as well as the growth in background traffic, (2012 No Build Condition) the intersection will continue to provide LOS "C" during the weekday AM and Saturday midday peak hours, and LOS "D" will be provided during the weekday PM peak hour. The addition of traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed convenience market results in no change in LOS during any of the three peak hours, and increases in control delay of between 0.4 and 1.2 seconds per vehicle (2012 Build Condition). These extremely small increases in delay are likely to be imperceptible to motorists traveling through the intersection. Note that these capacity analyses calculations are based on the application of a 61% reduction in new site-generated traffic to account for the trip making characteristics referred to as pass-by trips. The 61% rate is largely substantiated in professional publications. However at the request of the Town of Southold, the trip generation rates were recalculated using an extremely conservative pass-by rate of 25%, and the capacity analyses were recalculated. The results of these analyses are also provided in Table 6. Note that even utilizing this extremely conservative pass-by rate, for which no documentation exists, no change in levels of service are predicted by the analysis. ,, 20 ~1;~ 20i 2 20~12 Intersection~ime Peribd , Cb~mp: ~bte ~?: (N6~ ~ 125% ; ~ Gei~y ~ aY D~iay Weekday AM C 26,6 C 30.8 C 31,8 C 33.0 Peak Hour Main Road (NYS Route 25) Weekdag P.M. C 33,3 D 48.5 D 50.1 D 51.8 at Peak Hour Factory ~venue Saturday Midday C 26.6 C 29.8 C 30,3 C 30.7 Peak Hour Note 1: Includes an ~ncrease *n traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background traffic growth. Note 2: Same as Note 1 and includes the traffic estimated to be generated by the proposed redevelopment, Table 6 Summary of Signalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Results NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT20I 0/TIS.doc 37 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Unsignalized intersection capacity analyses were performed at the proposed driveway intersections at Factory Avenue and Main Road for the weekday A.M. and P.M. peak hours as well as the Saturday midday peak hour. Unsignalized intersection capacity analyses determine levels of service based on control delay for each minor movement. LOS is not defined for the intersection as a whole. Roughly speaking, the analyses rely on a gap acceptance model, in which the number of acceptable gaps in traffic for a given movement are determined, and compared to the number of vehicles seeking to utilize such gaps. Level of Service criteria are slightly different for stop controlled intersections from the criteria for signalized intersections, primarily because driver expectation is that a signalized intersection is designed to carry greater traffic volumes and experience greater delay than unsignalized intersections. As in the signalized analyses, the 2009 Existing traffic volumes were projected to the 2012 build year using a 2.0% per year growth factor and the traffic from the other nearby developments was added to determine the total traffic that would be on the roadways at that time of the construction of the proposed development. Then the capacity analyses were conducted to ensure that the proposed access driveways can provide the service needed for vehicles entering and exiting the site, without causing undue delay. The results of these capacity analyses are summarized in Table 7. Detailed printouts of the capacity analyses results can be found in the appendix of this report. Note that, since capacity analyses conducted at the proposed site driveways must reflect 100% of the trips entering and leaving the site, no pass-by reduction was applied, and the results in Table 7 reflect the total number of trips that are expected to enter and leave the site after the proposed project is open and operating. Weekday:A M WeekdaY P M Ihters%tion Movernent or · ' Saturday Paak , t, eaK peak pp cn : ~ OS Delay LOS I Delay L~S I O~a~ Factory Avenue SB Left Turn A 7.6 A 7.5 A 7.5 At Proposed Site Driveway WB Combined D 10.8 B t0.6 B 10,5 Main Road at Proposed SB Right Turn B 13.2 B 14,6 B 12,8 Site Drive I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010FFIS.doc Table 7 Summary of Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analyses Results 38 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7- I I Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TlS.doc 39 PARKING I I ! ! I I I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I Based on the requirements set forth in the code of the Town of Southold, one parking space per 100 SF of convenience store space must be provided for developments of this type. Calculations provided on the current site plan indicate that 23 spaces are required and 26 are provided. Thus, the parking provided exceeds the requirements of the Town code. In addition, in order to ensure that the proposed parking will be adequate to accommodate potential parking demand generated by the project, a parking demand analysis was conducted. This analysis made use of information provided in the report "Parking Generation", published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (1TE). The Parking Generation report provides data on parking demand generated by ,,~ri~,,,,~.l~,~s t-r~m~. 1,~.~1 ,.o~o :.oh.A: ..... ' 1 .... ~--- t ~--a t*~ ~ a- 05, Convenience Market, the Paring Generation repoff indicates that 16 spaces would be required to meet demand at a convenience m~ket such as the one proposed. Therefore, the 23 spaces proposed ~e more than sufficient to meet projected demand. Finally, provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act indicate that, for parking areas containing between 26 and 50 spaces, at least two spaces should be reserved for persons with handicaps. The current site plan for the project provides 26 spaces including two for persons with handicaps. Thus, the parking provided satisfies the requirements of the Town code and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and is expected to be adequate to meet demand. NP: 7 11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT20 l 0/TIS.doc 40 I I ! I i I ! I I I I I I I I I I ! I NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 41 I ! I I I I I I I I ! '1 I I I I I ! Truck Access and Circulation Information provided by the applicant indicates that several different size trucks can be expected to make deliveries to the convenience market during the course of an average week. On a daily basis, this information states that 17 foot tracks will make deliveries to the site, three times a week 24 to 26 foot long trucks will deliver beverages to the site, and twice a week, 54 foot tractor trailers will make deliveries to the site. Track path templates have been overlaid on the current site plan to determine whether these different size trucks can successfully negotiate the site. The results of this site plan analysis are discussed in the following paragraphs. Based on the results of this analysis, it is on Main Road to enter and leave the site· The site plan shows a 20' x 42' truck loading area on the east side of the building. An examination of the truck templates shown in Figure 13 indicates that single unit trucks will be able to enter onto the site via the access driveway on Main Road and back into the truck loading area. While in this area, access to several of the parking spaces located along the eastern property line will be impeded. However, since the site plan provides more than ample parking to accommodate demand, it is recommended that these spaces be reserved for employee use, so that trucks blocking access to the spaces does not inconvenience patrons. On leaving the site, the single unit trucks will be able to back out of the loading area into the parking lot aisle, and drive directly out of the site onto Main Road. Alternatively, the single unit trucks can drive onto the site and back into the loading area and then drive directly out of the site onto Main Road. Thus, the most common type of truck expected to visit the site can be readily accommodated by the site layout. The turning templates also indicate that, although the larger WB-50 tractor trailer trucks will have more difficulty negotiating the site, they can still successfully enter and leave the site, and load and unload without having significant impact on internal circulation as shown in Figure 14. In order to access the truck loading area after entering the site via Main Road, the larger trucks will need to encroach on several parking spaces, which is typical behavior for trucks of this size. After entering the site, the trucks can either back into the truck loading area, unload, and then drive directly out of the site onto Main Road or, depending on parking demand on site during that time of delivery, remain NP: 7-11 Manituck-28104 File: SEPT2010FFIS.doc 42 ,,7 DUNN ENG]NEEIL1NG ASSOCIATES, P,C. 7-11 MATTITUCK FIGURE 13 SINGLE UNIT TRUCK TURNING PATH 02/17/10 1" = 50' 28104.00 ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. 7-11 MATTITUCK FIGURE 14 TRACTOR TRAILER TRUCK TURNING PATH 02/17/10 1" = 50'[ 28104.00 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I blocking several parking spaces in the lot while unloading. Again, this is typical behavior for large trucks at developments of this kind. Finally, it must be noted that these truck turning templates tend to be very conservative, and in fact, underestimate the abilities of truck drivers to negotiate their vehicles. As previously stated, it is recommended that trucks making deliveries to the site be directed to do so via Main Road, and that all deliveries to the site, as well as trash collection, take place during non- peak hours. There am no residences immediately adjacent to the site, therefore, noise from tracks making deliveries or trash pickup should not be an issue, and by making deliveries during non-peak hours, if tracks need to block some on-site parking, the impact on internal circulation will be minimized. Traffic Activity at Adjacent Properties The Magic Fountain Ice Cream store is located on the northwest corner of Main Road at Factory Avenue, across Factory Avenue from the site of the proposed convenience market. While the property has access to both Main Road and Factory Avenue, there are no formally delineated parking spaces or access driveways on either frontage. Parking is provided for three or four vehicles along the Main Road frontage of the property, and for seven or eight additional vehicles along the Factory Avenue frontage. Access between these two informal parking areas is prevented by the presence of a sign structure and bollards placed in the ground. There are no circulation aisles provided, rather, because of the size constraints of the property, vehicles enter the site and park facing the building, and upon leaving, must back out onto either Main Road or Factory Avenue. This is considered an undesirable condition, but it is assumed that this is a pre-existing non-conforming condition. If circulation aisles were to be provided, the number of parking spaces on the site would be drastically reduced, which might result in patrons parking along Factory Avenue or Main Road. It should be noted that accident records reviewed for this study indicate that only a single accident involving vehicles backing onto Factory Avenue was recorded during the three years considered in the analysis. NP: 7 11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT20I 0flFIS.doc 45 I ! I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I At present, the site access driveway serving the existing gas station on the subject property is located opposite the Ice Cream store's parking ama on Factory Avenue, thereby exacerbating this undesirable condition. Upon construction of the proposed convenience market, however, this driveway will be relocated to a point as far north of Main Road as possible, which will reduce the potential for conflicts with the vehicles entering and leaving the ice cream store property in this unsafe manner. Therefore, the development of the proposed convenience market will result in safer conditions at this location. It is recommended that should the opportunity arise, the Town encourage the property owner to investigate the possibility of providing additional parking for patrons of the ice cream store, possibly through rental or purchase of property from an adjacent property owner. In addition to the ice cream store, there is a marine related business operating from a facility north of the ice cream store. This facility also appears to have access to Main Road and Factory Avenue. Along the Factory Avenue frontage, a number of boats of different sizes are stored on the property, and the facility has an access driveway onto Factory Avenue. However, a number of boats are stored along Factory Avenue immediately behind the property line, and it appears that boat trailers access the property from any point along the frontage, due to the lack of curbs. The access driveway for the proposed convenience market will be relocated to the vicinity of the existing driveway across Factory Avenue. It is recommended that the Town request that the marine operation utilize the existing driveway, rather than access the property from any point along the frontage, to ininimize driver confusion when approaching the property along Factory Avenue. Finally, as previously stated, the site of the proposed convenience market is surrounded on two sides by a shopping center, which has access to both Main Road east of the site and Factory Avenue north of the site. The businesses in this commercial center, including a Waldbaums supermarket, are served by a truck loading area, which is accessible from the parking area in front of the stores, and by an access driveway on Factory Avenue, located approximately 600 feet north of Main Road and 450 feet north of the proposed site access driveway. It has been noted that during times when the loading dock serving the supermarket is occupied by delivery trucks, other trucks waiting to make deliveries to the supermarket stack along both sides of Factory Avenue until such time as they are able to use the loading dock. This occasionally results in only a single lane being available for traffic on Factory NP: 7 11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 46 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Avenue. It should be noted that this activity takes place a considerable distance to the north of the site of the proposed convenience market, and is not likely to have any impact on the safe operation of the site, especially since it is intended that all truck deliveries to the proposed convenience market take place via the access driveway on Main Road. It is recommended that the town discuss this issue with the operator of the shopping center, and explore different options to address this issue. These options include staggering the delivery times at the center so as to maximize efficient use of the loading area, directing trucks waiting to use the loading dock to do so in the parking lot, or providing additional space at the loading dock so that more tracks can be accommodated. Radius Improvements at Main Road at Factory Avenue As previously stated, the turning radius for westbound Main Road to northbound Factory Avenue does not meet current NYSDOT standards, due to the alignment of Factory Avenue. Larger vehicles have been observed experiencing difficulty in executing the westbound to northbound right turn movement, especially when southbound left turning vehicles are queued at the stop line on Factory Avenue. In order to improve this condition and increase the turning radius, property would be required and some of the existing traffic signal equipment and above ground utilities located on this comer would need to be relocated. Although the proposed convenience market is not expected to add any appreciable amount of traffic to this turning movement, especially since larger trucks making deliveries are expected to do so via the driveway on Main Road, the applicant has agreed to comply with a request by NYSDOT to participate in improving this non-standard condition. Therefore, the applicant has entered into an agreement with NYSDOT whereby the applicant will dedicate the property needed to implement this improvement, and will provide detailed design plans for both the radius improvement and the traffic signal equipment relocation at no expense to the Town or the State of New York. In addition, as part of the site development, the applicant will construct the radius improvement. NYSDOT has indicated that, in light of the applicant's willingness to provide this benefit to the traveling public, they will provide for the relocation of the traffic signal equipment and the utilities. It should be noted that the applicant is under no obligation to provide this improvement as a condition of obtaining approval from NYSDOT, as it is a preexisting condition. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 47 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Detailed design plans have been prepared by the applicant and submitted to NYSDOT for review. Minor comments have been received on the plans, and the plans are being revised for resubmittal. A copy of the draft plans can be found in the appendix of this report, and the property dedication and conceptual improvement are shown on the current site plan. Queue Analysis on Factory Avenue Based on information provided by the Town of Southold, concern has been expressed by a member of the public regarding the potential for queues of southbound vehicles waiting at the traffic signal on Sm.thhmmd ...... 17~t-tnr}, ~,,~,,,,o *" ~'~*~"~ beyond the ~r,~4 driveway laeatian Thi~ cane~m wne described as "C~s m~ing left t~s onto Factow Avenue ~om the proposed 7-11 will cause problems when ~e c~s are stacked at the red light and patrons block the no,bound l~e of Factory Avenue because there is not enou~ room to m~e it into the southbound lanes. ~ addition, this will be worse when Magic Fo~tain is busy." Tec~ically, the behavior described is a violation of traffic law; however, it is acknowledged that it is a quite co~on occu~ence ~d rarely results in enforcement action. The results of the intersection capacity analyses performed for the purposes of this report were utilized to determine the average queue expected at the southbound approach to the traffic signal. The results of this queue analysis are presented in Table 8. The values in Table 8 represent the length of queue predicted for the various peak time periods analyzed, in feet, during a red indication for southbound Factory Avenue. Results of the queue analysis indicate that the longest average queue expected is 94 feet, which would occur during the weekday PM peak hour during a the red interval on the signal. Since the distance from the proposed site driveway to the stop line on southbound Factory Avenue is slightly over 110 feet, under such conditions the queue would not extend beyond the driveway, although little storage would be available for additional vehicles wishing to join the queue. On these occasions vehicles wishing to leave the site to travel south on Factory Avenue would need to wait in the site driveway for the queue to clear upon initiation of the green phase for the southbound approach. Since the analyses on which the queue analysis based were conducted using extremely conservative worst case peak summer season traffic volumes, this condition is expected to rarely occur, except possible during the busiest days of the year, when similar conditions are common. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 48 I I L 46 feet 54 feet 72 feet TR 82 feet 94 feet 72 feet I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 8 Queue Analysis NYS Route 25 at Factory Avenue NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 49 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc CONCLUSIONS 50 I I I I The study and traffic engineering analysis performed indicate that the proposed redevelopment of the site will not have a significant impact on traffic conditions on the surrounding roadway network in the vicinity of the site. While the proposed convenience market will generate some additional new traffic, the adjacent roadway network can adequately accommodate this traffic, and the site access driveways will operate in a safer manner than the current condition. In addition, the applicant, while under no obligation to do so, has agreed to participate in a significant improvement to the existing non-standard turning radius on the comer of Main Road at Factory Avenue, including property dedication, engineering design, and actual construction of the radius improvement. Thus, operating conditions at this location will be improved over the existing condition at a lost to the Town of Southold or the State of New York. The following points should be also noted: At present, the site is served by three access driveways two on Main Road and one on Factory Avenue. Two site access driveways are proposed, one on Main Road and one on Factory Avenue, therefore reducing the number of conflict points on Main Road. In keeping with good access management practices, these new driveways will be located as far from the intersection of Main Road and Factory Avenue as the site layout allows. The roadways in the vicinity of the project site are relatively flat and have little horizontal curvature. Therefore, no sight distance problems are present, and more than sufficient sight distance will be available in both directions to satisfy design guidelines and to ensure safe operation of the proposed site driveways. Due to the seasonal, recreational nature of the area, traffic volumes on the adjacent roadways are higher during the summer months. Based on information provided by the New York State Department of Transportation, traffic volumes on NYS Route 25 are highest during the months of July and August. The traffic volume data utilized in the detailed analyses conducted for this study were collected during August of 2009; therefore, the analysis reflects worst case conditions. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 51 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Accident information examined for the purpose of this study indicates that the accident experience on the roadway system adjacent to the proposed project for the most part was minimal. Over the three year period analyzed, the rate of accident occurrence was significantly lower than the statewide average for intersections with similar configuration to Main Road at Factory Avenue. Information in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation report for Convenience Markets, Open 24 Hours, utilized to estimate the future traffic volumes generated by the project indicate that the proposed development will result in a small number of new trips added to the roadway network. During the weekday AM peak hour, 28 new vehicles will be added to the roadway network, 15 during the weekday PM peak hour and 20 during the Saturday midday peak. There are two other projects located nearby that have the potential to add traffic to the roadway network in the vicinity of the project site, a Chase Manhattan Bank branch, and the Hudson City Savings Plaza. The traffic estimated to be generated by these two developments has been added to the roadway network and is included in the analysis performed for the purposes of this study. 7. Intersection capacity analyses were performed at the intersection of Main Road at Factory Avenue and at the two proposed site access driveways. These intersection capacity analyses calculations were performed in accordance with the methodology set forth in the latest (2000) edition of the Highway Capacity Manual. The results of these capacity analyses indicate that with the addition of the traffic from the proposed development, no change in Level of Service is expected during any of the peak periods analyzed, with minor increases in approach delay. In addition, the two driveways will operate in a safe and timely manner. These analyses were conducted using extremely conservative worst case estimates of trip meeting to the proposed project. Results of a queue analysis conducted on southbound Factory Avenue indicate that the longest average queue expected is 94 feet, which would occur during the weekday PM peak hour during a the red interval on the signal. Since the distance from the proposed site driveway to the stop line NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 52 I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I on southbound Factory Avenue is slightly over 110 feet, under such conditions the queue would not extend beyond the driveway, although little storage would be available for additional vehicles wishing to join the queue. On these occasions vehicles wishing to leave the site to travel south on Factory Avenue would need to wait in the site driveway for the queue to clear upon initiation of the green phase for the southbound approach. Since the analyses on which the queue analysis based were conducted using extremely conservative worst case peak summer season traffic volumes, this condition is expected to rarely occur, except possible during the busiest days of the year, when similar conditions are common. Based on the calculations provided on the site plan, code of the Town of Southoid requires one parking space per 100 SF, or 23 spaces, for this development. In addition, information from the ITE Parking Generation Report indicates that 16 spaces would be required to meet demand at a convenience market of the size proposed. The current site plan indicates that 26 spaces are proposed. Thus, the parking provided exceeds the requirements of the Town Code, and will be more than adequate to meet the expected demand. 10. Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act indicate that, for parking areas containing between 26 and 50 spaces, two spaces should be reserved for persons with handicaps. The current site plan for the project provides 26 spaces including two for persons with handicaps. Thus, the parking provided satisfies the requirements of the Town code and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 11. It is recommended that all deliveries to the site, as well as trash collection, use Main Road to access the site, and during non-peak hours. There are no residences immediately adjacent to the site, therefore, noise from trucks making deliveries or trash pickup should not be an issue, and by making deliveries during non-peak hours, if trucks need to block some on-site parking, the impact on internal circulation will be minimized. Truck path templates overlaid on the current site plan indicates most common types of truck expected to visit the site can be readily accommodated by the site layout. The turning templates also indicate that, although larger tractor trailer trucks will have slightly more difficulty negotiating the site, they can still successfully enter and leave the site, and load and unload without having significant impact on internal circulation. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 53 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12. Upon construction of the proposed convenience market, the site driveway on Factory Avenue will be relocated to a point as far north of Main Road as possible, which will reduce the potential for conflicts with the vehicles entering and leaving the ice cream store property on the west side of Factory Avenue. Therefore, the development of the proposed convenience market will result in safer conditions at this location than currently exist. In addition, no significant conflicts with vehicles entering and exiting other adjacent lane uses are anticipated. Thus, based on the forgoing traffic engineering analyses and investigation, it is concluded that the proposed development will have minimal impact on the transportation system. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 54 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I NP: 7-11 Mattimck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc 55 APPENDIX I I I I ! I I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I NP: 7~11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc Intersection Capacity Analyses I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admi~ffReports/TIS.doc Traffic Volume Data ,I I I I I I ! I I ! I I I I I I I FILE NAME: INTERSECTION: TRAFFIC VOLUME SUMMARY TIME PERIOD: DONE BY: ALT X CLEARS EXISTING YEAR: HORIZON YEAR: APPROACH August 2009 26 42 23 91 3~ 81 65 ~82 28 20 491 14 aROWT" PEB~EN~ OTHER DEVELOPMENTS ~) Chase Bank 0 0 1 0 2)Hudson Ci~ Bank 0 0 C O 0 0 0 8 0 0 ~ 0 3) 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 4) 0 C C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 SUBTOTAL 0 C 1 1 0 0 0 28 0 1 2E SITE TRAFFIC Remove Gas Station, Add 1 23 Convenience Store pASS-ay CREDIT O 0 0 14 0 0 13 0 0 0 15 0 "BUILD" TRAFFIC 28 46 25 107 42 65 78 752 30 22 558 16 I I I I I I i I I I I I ! I I I I I FILE NAME: INTERSECTION: TRAFFIC VOLUME SUMMARY TIME PERIOD: DONE BY: ALT X CLEARS INPUT VALUES EXISTING YEAR: HORIZON YEAR: APPROACH August 2009 19 32 19 60 27 75 60 577 46 22 606 29 GR OTHER DEVELOPMENTS 1) Chase Bank 0 C 1 1 0 0 0 14 0 0 14 0 2)Hudson City Bank 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 30 0 3) 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) E C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 44 0 0 44 0 'NO BUIED" WITH 28 34 21 ~ ~g 40 '2a 687 31 DTHER DEv. SITE TRAFFIC Remove Gas Station, Add 2 14 2 18 17 Convenience Store PAss-~ycRs~T o 1 o ~ ~ o ~o o o o ~o o 61 "BUILD" TRAFFIC 20 35 21 71 36 86 72 65( 49 23 694 31 I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I FILE NAME: IAM ~ TRAFFIC VOLUME SUMMARY INTERSECTION: TIME PERIOD: DONE BY: ALT X CLEARS [MAIN ROAD (NYS ROUTE 25) AT SIGSBEE ROAD / FACTORY AVENUE EXISTING YEAR: HORIZON YEAR: APPROACH August 2009 Adjusted 14 9 19 51 8 96 57 496 8 17! 487 33 0.00 2.00 OTHER DEVELOPMENTS I) Chase Bank 0 0 0 C C C C C C C 0 0 2) Hudson City Bank 0 0 { C C C C 25 C 0 25 0 3) 0 0 C 0 C C C C 0 0 0 0 4) 0 0 C 0 0 C C C 0 0 0 0 su~ror~ 0 0 C 0 0 0 C 25 0 0 25 0 UTURE SEASONAELY 542 35 SITE TRAFFIC Remove Gas Station, Add 2 33 2 0 29 28 Convenience Store PASS;BY CREDIT O 1 0 20; 1 0 17 0 0 0 17 C "BUILD" TRAFFIC 15 11 20 67 9 102 72 551 8 18 553 35 STATION: 070047 ROUTE #: NY 25 DIRECTION: Eastbound STATE DIR CODE: 1 DATE OF COUNT: 03/23/2007 NOTES LANE 1: EAST 1 LANE ROAD NAME: FACTOR GROUP: 40 WK OF YR: 12 COUNT TAKEN BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: TS New York State Department of Transportation Traffic Count Hourly Report FROM: SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE / MANOR REC. SERIAL #: 0702 PLACEMENT: SET S JAMESPORT & SOUND @ REF MARKER: 25 07041516 ADDL DATA: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS PROCESSED BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: Page 1 of 2 TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATTITUCK COUNTY: Suffolk FUNC. CLASS: 14 TOWN: RIVERHEAD NHS: no BIN: JURIS: NYSDOT RR CROSSING: CC Stn: HPMS SAMPLE: BATCH ID: R10-DOTr10cw13 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 DATEDAYI AM / PM 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 2O T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 106 25 S 96 26 M 33 27 T 41 28 W 38 29 T 42 30 F 43 31 S 42 25 33 53 31 35 15 20 21 29 14 29 24 17 15 23 18 18 11 TO DAILY DAILY 12 DAILY HIGH HIGH i TOTAL COUNT HOUR 486 519 519 572 6t5 676 654 592 366 357 336 264 218 22 50 199 290 316 410 446 525 578 630 576 575 538 485 397 342 274 270 206 128 7463 630 13 16 32 86 129 185 303 412 435 491 480 480 516 441 342 357 307 278 195 121 69 5892 516 15 27 65 283 536 419 416 406 430 418 427 512 563 611 639 459 320 301 222 139 81 7351 639 17 26 95 310 554 508 439 395 464 450 447 551 597 610 614 484 396 274 289 162 102 7864 614 17 41 83 299 535 489 419 431 436 462 469 530 645 631 584 507 419 330 269 174 88 7951 645 15 22 85 302 511 501 442 430 509 444 501 550 634 646 642 485 386 364 283 203 104 8142 646 16 26 93 336 550 498 457 4O DAYS Coun~d 8 22 17 20 HOURS Counted 167 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURS (Axle Factored, Mon 6AM to Fri Noon) ADT 28 87 298 523 470 423 405 452 432 449 522 594 607 603 471 370 308 259 165 91 7656 WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY AVERAGE WEEKDAY Axle Adj. SeasonalNVeekday ESTIMATED (one way) Counted Hours High Hour % of day Factor Adjustment Factor AADT 5 101 607 8% 0.973 0.870 8800 ROUTE #:NY 25 ROAD NAME: FROM: SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE / MANOR TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATTITUCK COUNTY: Suffolk STATION: 070047 STATE DIR CODE: I PLACEMENT: BET S JAMESPORT & SOUND DATE OF COUNT: 03/23/2007 STATION: 070047 New York State Department of Transportation Traffic Count Hourly Report ROUTE #: NY 25 ROAD NAME: FROM: SOUTH JAMESPORT AVE / MANOR TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MA'I-rlTUCK COUNTY: DIRECTION: Westbound FACTOR GROUP: 40 REC. SERIAL #: 0702 FUNC. CLASS: 14 TOWN: STATE DIR CODE: 2 WK OF YR: 12 PLACEMENT: BET S JAMESPORT & SOUND NHS: no BIN: DATE OF COUNT: 03/23/2007 @ REF MARKER: 25 07041516 JURIS: NYSDOT RR CROSSING: NOTES LANE 1: WEST 1 LANE ADDL DATA: CC Sin: HPMS SAMPLE: COUNT TYPE: AXLE PAIRS BATCH ID: R10-DOTr10cw13 COUNT TAKEN BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: TS PROCESSED BY: ORG CODE: DOT INITIALS: 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO TO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DATE DAY[ AM ~ PM Page 2 of 2 Suffolk RIVERHEAD DAILY DAILY DAILY HIGH HIGH | TOTAL COUNT HOUR 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 8 T 9 F 10 S 11 S 12 M 13 T 14 W 15 T 16 F 17 S 18 S 19 M 20 T 21 W 22 T 23 F 24 S 30 25 S 44 26 M 16 27 T 17 29 T 24 30 F 18 31 S 7 21 t2 4 21 14 9 18 16 17 17 22 18 9 18 DAYS HOURS Counted Counted 8 167 484 537 465 478 550 613 595 509 237 202 183 198 100 29 72 131 242 362 433 460 526 527 513 497 518 527 470 402 268 252 195 135 t07 6765 527 12 18 38 77 160 240 335 442 474 498 518 468 519 466 410 333 274 199 146 76 40 5825 519 15 42 179 346 530 515 454 440 444 460 402 433 490 578 555 328 193 148 117 61 45 6820 578 16 44 179 351 496 555 452 413 406 472 423 461 552 631 577 333 256 206 140 69 63 7136 631 16 62 186 349 514 568 463 451 461 473 453 416 511 573 553 403 242 t76 142 71 49 7166 573 16 61 176 347 512 506 456 437 467 504 469 447 496 562 589 376 272 170 158 99 45 7213 589 17 61 194 333 488 520 499 16 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURS (Axle Factored, Mon 6AM to Fri Noon) ADT 55 179 336 494 519 452 423 440 464 425 427 498 570 553 350 234 170 134 73 49 6906 WEEKDAYS WEEKDAY AVERAGE WEEKDAY Axle Adj SeasonalNVeekday Counted Hours High Hour % of day Factor Adjustment Factor 5 101 570 8% 0.973 0.870 ESTIMATED (one way) AADT 7938 ROUTE #:NY 25 ROAD NAME: FROM:~oUTH JAMEsPoRT AvE i MANOR TO: SOUND AVE MAIN RD MATrlTUCK COUNTY: Suffolk STATION: 070047 STATE DIR CODE: 2 PLACEMENT: BET S JAMESPORT & SOUND DATE OF COUNT: 03/23/2007 I I I ! I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admin/RepmXs/T1S.doc Accident Data I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Page 1 of 4 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Legend I ~rport SHIELD https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Data in this report covers the period Sap 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Factory Ave 9/1/2006 Fri 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31934485 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAP, NAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3955 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 70 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3030 Num of Occupants: 1 Drivels Age: 20 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Sou*hold(T) Ref. Marker: Street: Factory Ave AT INTERSECTION WITH Sound Ave 2/9/2007 Fri 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: O Veh :1 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32103595 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLL. W/LIGHT SUPPORT/UTILITY POLE Traffic Contmh NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4235 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 65 Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: AVOIDING OBJECT IN ROADWAY Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Count~: Suffolk Mum: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: Street: Factory Ave 140 Meters North of Main Rd 6/14/2007 Thu 14:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persona Injured: 0 Extent of injuries: Case: 2007-32258070 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx Page 2 of 4 Date: 01/25/1I Page: I 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffblk Muni: Soulhold(T) Reft Marker: Street: Factory Ave Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3582 Num of Occupants; 1 Driver's Age: 61 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Ac. cd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 3 of 4 Date: 01/25/1( Veh :2 OTHER Registered Weight: State of Registration: Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 87 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH-WEST Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 15 Meters North of [Route} 25 5/20/200g Veh :1 Street: FACTORY AVE Wed 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2009-83075453 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT/GRADE Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3610 State of Regis~'ation: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 56 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Schoo~ Bus Involved: N Pm-Ac. cd Action: STARTING FROM PARKING Apparent Factors: BACKING UNSAFELY, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2754 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 41 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage; N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N CountT: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) R¢£ Marker: 25 07041528 St~-eet: [Route] 25 AT INTERSECTION WITH FACTORY AVE 611/2009 Mon 19:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C (;ase: 2009-33109956 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2756 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 48 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Factory Ave from Main Rd to Sound Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: [Route] 25 Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2875 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 34 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNSAFE SPEED State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 4 of 4 Date: 01/25/1( 10:14 Page: ? County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 152 Meters North of [Route] 25 8~29~2009 Veh :2 Street: FACTORY AVE Sat 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2009-33153983 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: RAIN Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT/GRADE Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4178 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 26 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4236 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 26 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: PAVEMENT SLIPPERY, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Page 1 of 2 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Legend & ~¢ident Street m ~Jrport SHIELD [] Bus Station ~ C https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Marlene Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd AT FNTERSECTION WITH Marlene Ln 6/21/2007 Thu Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007~32306890 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3069 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 46 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5482 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 38 Sex: M Citation issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx Page 2 of 2 Date: 01/25/]( 10:21 Page: I 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Page 1 of 8 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Legem~ ~ ~rpon SHIELD m U br arv' ~3 Court/Boundary ]198284~-982925 / / https://alis,dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 Counly: Suf£olk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041526 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Old Main Rd 10/21/2006 Sat 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31982847 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3404 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 50 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE1 UNKNOWN Page 2 of 8 Date: 01/25/1{ 10:05 Page: 1 Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2549 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 27 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN Counly: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041526 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Old Main Rd '10/13/2006 Fri 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Sex: F Extent of Injuries: Police Agency: State of Registration: NY Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Case: 2006-31982925 Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: OTHER Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3049 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 56 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: State of Registration: NJ Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 25 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, REACTION TO OTHER UNINVOLVED VEHICL Count: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: MAIN RD 96 Meters North of OLD MAIN RD 6128/2008 Sat 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 3 Extent of Injuries: BBC Case: 2008-32672716 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: SouthoId(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041528 Si~eet: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3247 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 20 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: DRIVER INATTENTION, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5500 Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 58 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Couniy: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re:[ Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Marlene Ln 6/21/2007 Veh :1 Veh :2 State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus involved: N Thu Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32306890 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: UNKNOWN Road Surface Condition: UNKNOWN Road Char.: UNKNOWN Light Condition: UNKNOWN Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3069 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 46 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5482 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 38 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 2507041528 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Factory Ave 9/1/2006 Fri 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31934485 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Weather: CLEAR Veh: 1 Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3955 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 70 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 3 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( 10:05 Page:~ h ttps ://al is. dmv. state, ny. us/lesqr/MapReport, a spx 1/25/2010 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers thc period Scp 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re~. Marker: 25 07041528 Street: Main Rd ***** CONTINUED Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3030 Num of Occupants: 1 Ddver's Age: 20 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041528 AT INTERSECTION WITH FACTORY AVE 6/1/2009 Sb'eet: [Route] 25 Veh :1 Veh :2 State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Men 19:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2009-33109956 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2756 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 48 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2875 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 34 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Properfy Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNSAFE SPEED State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 Street: [Route] 25 AT INTERSECTION WITH SIGSBEE RD 7/18/2008 Fri 21:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 4 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Extent of Injuries: CCCC Case: 2008-32693416 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Weather: CLEAR Veh :1 Veh :2 Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: State of Registration: NJ Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 44 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Traveh SOUTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3951 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 4 Driver's Age: 47 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Properfy Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Page 4 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( Page: _: https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 3 I, 2009 Complele Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Reft Marker: 25 07041529 Street: [Roule] 25 30 Meters North of Factory Ave 9/2/2008 Tue 17:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32793825 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Qf Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3792 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 47 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: STOPPED IN TRAFFIC Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Page 5 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3451 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 44 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: GLARE, DRIVER INATTENTION State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 Street: [Route] 25 37 Meters South of MARLENE LN 5/17/2008 Sat 21:01 PM Pemons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH PEDESTRIAN Manner of Collision: OTHER Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char,: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: PED/BICYCLIST NOT AT INTERSECTION Veh :2 PEDESTRIAN Registered Weight: Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 14 Direction of Travel: NOT APPLICABLE Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: NOT APPLICABLE Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, PEDESTRIAN'S ERROR/CONFUSION Veh :1 Extent of Injuries: A Case: 2008-32639990 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Traffic Control: NONE Weather: CLEAR Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Action of Ped/Bicycle: CROSSING State of Registration: Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4221 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 69 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Count~: Suffolk 11/22/2008 Muni: Soulhold(T) Ret Marker: 25 07041530 Street: MAIN RD Sat 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 1 Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2008-32847453 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH DEER Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc, of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2 010 I I I i ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 NYS 25 fi'om Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: SuflB]k Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041530 Street: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 5701 hum of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 47 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: ANIMAL'S ACTION, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041530 Street: Main Rd AT INTERSECTION WITH Bay Ave 4/14/2007 Sat 18:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Accident Class: NON-REPORTABLE Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MQTOR VEHICLE Manner of Collision: RIGHT TURN (AGAINST OTHER CAR) Road Surface Condition: DRY State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Extent of Injuries: Police Agency: Case: 2007-32175786 Num of Veh: 2 Traffic Contmh NONE Weather: CLOUDY Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Veh :2 Veh :1 County: Suffolk 7/18/2009 Veh :2 Veh :1 Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE TRUCK Registered Weight: 80000 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 44 Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors: OTHER LIGHTING DEFECTS, UNKNOWN CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3197 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 27 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Ac. cd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, PASSING OR LANE USAGE IMPROPERLY Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: Y School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041530 Street: MAIN RD Sat 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2009-33165762 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 3 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N CARA/AN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3757 hum of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 34 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3028 hum of Qccupants: 1 Driver's Age: 56 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, DRIVER INATTENTION State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 6 of 8 Date: 01/25/1( https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapRcport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I ! I ! I I ! I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Page 7 of 8 Accident Location Information System (ALIS) D~t~:0~/25/~]0:0~ Accident Verbal Description Report Page: 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041530 Street: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :3 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3157 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 82 Sex: M Citation Issued; N Direction of Travek EAST Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, NOT APPLICABLE County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041530 Street: STATE HWY 25 62 Meters North of Marlene Ln 9/25/2008 Thu 18:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32774770 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLOUDY Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3075 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 20 Direction of Travel: NORTH Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Accd Action; MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY, UNKNOWN Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3647 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 52 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pm-Ac. cd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I i I ! I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Page 8 of 8 Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Date: Accident Verbal Description Report Page: 4909 NYS 25 from Old Main to Bay Ave Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDM~. is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041531 Street: [Route] 25 54 Melers South of BAY AVE 7/3/2008 Thu 11:01 AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 2 Extent of Injuries: CC Case: 2008-32707379 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: UNKNOWN Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Yeh :2 OTHER Registered Weight: State of Registration: AL Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 25 Sex: F Citation Issued: Y Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2239 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 16 Sex: F Citation Issued: Y Direction of Travel: SOUTH-EAST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action; MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors; FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041531 Street: [Route] 25 207 Meters North of MARLENE LN 11/25/2007 Sun 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2007-32444811 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NQNE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3986 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 53 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAPJVAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3027 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 82 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: EAST Public Properly Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKrNG LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: DRIVER INATTENTION, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY https://alJs.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Page I of 6 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd !'; tFO]o I k Legend ms ~d~port SHIELD I~l College -- I S'ou!hold ,32~,21238 https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 il I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 Counly: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 Street: Main Rd 3 Meters North of Sigsbee Rd '10/18/2006 Wed 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-31982930 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3417 Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 56 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: OTHER Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3140 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 22 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: DRIVER INATTENTIGN, NOT APPLICABLE State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation issued: N School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus involved: N Page 2 of 6 Date: 01/25/11 Page: I Counly: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 406 Meters North of Peconic Bay Bird 121412006 Veh :1 Veh :2 Street: Sigsbee Rd Men 04:01 AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2006-32075753 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: RAIN Road Surface Condition: WET Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3961 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: Sex: Citation Issued: Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: PARKED Apparent Factors: NOT APPLICABLE, NOT APPLICABLE OTHER Registered Weight: Num of Occupants: 0 Direction of Travel: UNKNOWN Pre-Accd Action: UNKNOWN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: Driver's Age: Sex: Citation Issued: Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Counly: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref, Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD 10114/2007 Sun 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32428788 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx 1/25/2010 I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 S~'eet: MA]gq RD Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2735 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 19 Direction of Treveh WEST Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Veh :2 State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N OTHER Registered Weight: State of Registration: Num of Occupants: 0 Driver's Age: Sex: Citation Issued: Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 070AI529 Street: SIGSBEE RD 685 Meters North of PECONIC BAY BLVD 11/16/2007 Fri 17:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Accident CJass: PROPERTY DAMAGE Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH DEER Manner of ColJisioo: OTHER Extent of Injuries: Case: 2007-32427238 Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Traffic Control: NONE Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4423 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 30 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel; NORTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: ANIMAL'S ACTION, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD 1211812007 Tue 12:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 2 Extent of Injuries: CC Case: 2007-32480637 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 17950 Num of Occupants: I Driver's Age: 27 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 4357 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 38 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: Y School Bus Involved: N State of Registration: NY Sex: F Citation Issued; N School Bus Involved: N Page 3 of 6 Date: 01/25/1( 10:It Page: 5 https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport aspx 1/25/2010 ! ! I I I I I ! I I I I I ! I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peeonic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County; Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters North of SIGSBEE RD 5110/2008 Sat 17:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32644433 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: REAR END Weather: CLOUDY Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3071 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 3 Driver's Age: 57 Sex: M Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FOLLOWING TOO CLOSELY Veh :1 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2864 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 35 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: SLOWED OR STOPPING Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN County; Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 Slxeet: MAIN RD 3 Meters Norlh of SIGSBEE RD 5111/2008 Sun 15:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32644432 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Veh :2 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3991 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 64 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, NOT APPLICABLE Veh :1 CARA,'AN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2950 State of Registration: NY Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 67 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES DISREGARDED, UNKNOWN County: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Rc£ Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD 3 Meters Norih of SIGSBEE RD 6~30~2008 Men 10:01 AM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 0 Extent of Injuries: Case: 2008-32672712 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: RIGHT ANGLE Weather: CLEAR Road Sun'ace Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Ped/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pod/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx Page 4 of 6 Date: 01/25/~( Page:2 1/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Data in this report covers the period Sap 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suf/blk Muni: Southold(T) Re£ Marker: 25 07041529 Street: MAIN RD ***** CONTINUED Veh :1 CARNAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3925 Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 79 Direction of Travel: SOUTH Public Property Damage: N Pre-Aced Action: MAKING RIGHT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Page 5 of 6 Date: 01/25/1( Veh :2 CAPJVAN/PICKU p Registered Weight: Num of Occupants: 2 Driver's Age: 24 Direction of Travel: WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: MA Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N Counl7: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 25 07041529 AT INTERSECTION WITH SIGSBEE RD 7/18~2008 Veh :1 Street: [Route] 25 Fri 21:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: 4 Extent of Injuries: CCCC Case: 2008-32693416 Accident Class: PROPERTY DAMAGE AND INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 2 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH MOTOR VEHICLE Traffic Control: TRAFFIC SIGNAL Manner of Collision: UNKNOWN Weather: CLEAR Road Surface Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DARK-ROAD LIGHTED Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE Action of Pad/Bicycle: NOT APPLICABLE CAP, NAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: State of Registration: NJ Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 44 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: SOUTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, FAILURE TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY Veh :2 CAR/VAN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 3951 Num of Occupants: 4 Driver's Age: 47 Direction of Travel: EAST Public Properly Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN State of Registration: NY Sex: M Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N CounVd: Suffolk Muni: Southold(T) Ref. Marker: 609 Meters North of Peconic Bay Bird 7/4/2009 Veh :1 Street: SIGSBEE RD Sat 16:01 PM Persons Killed: 0 Persons Injured: I Extent of Injuries: C Case: 2009-33133878 Accident Class: INJURY Police Agency: Num of Veh: 1 Type Of Accident: COLLISION WITH BICYCLIST Traffic Control: NONE Manner of Collision: OTHER Weather: CLEAR Road Sun'ace Condition: DRY Road Char.: STRAIGHT AND LEVEL Light Condition: DAYLIGHT Loc. of Pad/Bicycle: PED/BICYCLIST NOT AT INTERSECTION Action of Pad/Bicycle: CROSSING CARA/AN/PICKUP Registered Weight: 2908 State of Registration: NY Nurn of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 67 Sex: F Citation Issued: N Direction of Travel: NORTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N School Bus Involved: N Pre-Accd Action: GOING STRAIGHT AHEAD Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, TURNING IMPROPER https://alis.dmv.statc.ny.us/lcsqrFMapReport.aspx l/25/2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Blvd to Main Rd Accident Location Information System (ALIS) Accident Verbal Description Report 4909 Sigsbee Rd from Peconic Bay Bird to Main Rd Data ie this report covers the period Sep 01, 2006 - Aug 31, 2009 Complete Accident data from NYSDMV is only available thru 8/31/2009 County: Suffolk Muni: Soufllold(T) Ref. Marker: Street: SIGSBEE RD ***** CONTINUED Yeh :2 BICYCLE Registered Weight: State of Registration: Num of Occupants: 1 Driver's Age: 50 Sex: M Direction of Travel: NORTH-WEST Public Property Damage: N Pre-Accd Action: MAKING LEFT TURN Apparent Factors: UNKNOWN, PEDESTRIAN'S ERROPJCONFUSION https://alis.dmv.state.ny.us/lesqr/MapReport.aspx Page 6 of 6 Date: 01/25/1( Citation Issued: N School Bus Involved: N 1/25/2010 2012 Build Condition* 25% Pass-By* ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development, based on application of a 25% pass-by credit. NP: 7-11 Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Information SHORT REPORT Information Analyst Agency or Co. Date Pen~ormed Time Period Volume and Timin VC Dunn Engineering Associates 9/10/10 Weekday AM Peak25% Pass By EB Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 Build WB NB SB Number of Lanes Lane Group Volume (vph) % Heavy Vehicles PHF Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) Startup Lost Time Extension of Effective Green Ardval Type Unit Extension Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width Parking/Grade/Parking Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour Minimum Pedestrian Time EW Perm 03 04 Timing 10.0 48.0 G = 17.0 5 5 ~= 5 Duration of / = 0.25 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination 07 5 h C = 105.0 O8 Adjusted Flow Rate Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio Green Ratio Uniform Delay d~ Delay Factor k Incremental DeJay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Delay 33.0 Intersection LOS 44.5 D SB 138 239 O. 58 0.16 40.7 0.17 3.4 1.000 44.1 D 42. 6 D C Generated: 9/13/2010 4:31 PM I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I I I I I General Information Anatyst VC Agency or Co. Dunn Engineering Associates Date Performed 9/10/10 Time Period Weekday PM Peak 25% PB Volume and Timim SHORT REPORT Site Information Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year Main Road at Factory/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 Build Lone Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination Adjusted Flow Rate Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio Green Ratio Uniform Delay d~ Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Delay Copyright © 2007 Universi y o F orida, All Rights ReserVed 51.8 WB Intersection LOS SB 137 174 0,79 45.3 0.33 1.000 66.3 E 58,6 D E D Generated: 9/13/2010 4:32 PM I ! i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Information SHORT REPORT Site Information Analyst Agency or Co. Date Performed Time Period VC Dunn Engineering Associates 9/I0/10 Saturday Midday Peak25%PB EB Intersection Area Type Jurisdiction Analysis Year WB Main Road at Factoty/Sigsbee CBD or Similar NYSDOT 2012 Build NB SB Number of Lanes Lane Group Volume (vph) % Heavy Vehicles PHF Pretimed/Actuated (P/A) Startup Lost Time Extension of Effective Green Ardval Type Unit Extension Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume Lane Width Parking/Grade/Parking Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour Minimum Pedestrian Time EW Perm G = 48.0 5 0.25 03 O4 G = 10.0 Timing 5 Duration of ~ Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB Adjusted Flow Rate Lane Group Capacity v/c Ratio Green Ratio Uniform Delay d~ Delay Factor k Incremental Delay d2 PF Factor Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS C Intersection Delay 30. 7 Copyright © 2007 University of Florida, A;I Rights ReserVed = 5 5 Intersection LOS HCS+TM Version 53 07 08 G: G= NB SB 123 252 O. 49 0,16 4O.O 41,5 D 52.3 42.2 D D C Generated: 9/13/2010 4:37PM I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admin/Repolxs/T1S.doc NYS Route 25 Main Road At Site Access Driveway I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2012 Build Condition* *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development. NP: Mattituck 28104 File: AdmirdReports/T1S.doc I I i I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I ~eneral Information Analyst A~enc~//Co. Date Performed Analysis Time Period Proiect Description ProposedT-11 East/West Street: Main Road Intersection Orientation: East-West TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Site Information IDuVCnnEn,,qineerin~lAssociates IIntersecti°n ~Judsdiction ~1/28/2010 ]Weekday AM Peak Hour /na ys s Year Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Movement Volume (veh/hI Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Iveh/h) Percent Hea.y Veh.c.es Median Type RT Channelized _anes 3onfiguration Jpstream Signal VIInor Street ~lovement /olume (veh/hI ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~ourly Row Rate, HFR veh/hI ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ement Grade (%) :lared Approach Storage RT Channelized 1.00 0 0 ° 7 1.00 0 0 0 Configuration Eastbound 2 T 648 1.00 648 No~hbound 8 T 1.00 0 N Nodh/South Street: Site Dfivewa}~ Study Period (hrs): 0.25 3 4 R L 1.00 1.00 0 0 I -- I o Undivided 0 0 0 9 R 1.00 0 0 0 0 IoMain Road at Site Driveway wn of Southold 012 Build Condition Westbound 5 6 T R 608 47 608 47 Southbound L T 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 Delay, Queue Len~lthI and Approach Movement Lane Configuration / (veh/h) 3 (m) (veh/h) //c )5% queue length ;ontrol Delay (s/veh) _OS ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) ApproachLOS Level of Service Eastbound 1 Copyr gh © 2007 University of Florida, All Rights Reserved Westbound 4 No~hbound HCS+r~ Version 5.3 9 10 O 0 TR R 47 1.00 47 0 Southbound 47 484 0.10 0.32 13.2 S Generated: 2/5/2010 3:16 PM I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information ~,nalyst \gency/Co. ;)ate Performed ~.nalysis Time Period VC Dunn En¢lneefin~l Associates 1/28/2010 Weekday PM Peak Hour Site Information Ilntersectton ~Jurisdiction rna ,/s s Year Main Road at Site Driveway/ Town of Southold 2012 Build Cond tion =roject Description Proposed ?- 11 --ast/West Street: Main Road ntersection Orientation: East-West lehicle Volumes and Adjustments [odh/South Street: Site Driveway tudy Period (hrs): 0.25 ~lajor Street ~ovement /olume (yah/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (vsh/h) Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Movement Volume (veh/hI =eak-Hour Factor, PHF 4ourly Flow Rate, HFR ;veh/h) =ercent Heavy Vehicles ~ercent Grade (%} =lared Approach Storage :IT Channelized _anes ;onfiguration 0 0 I° 1,00 Eastbound T 856 1.00 656 I T 0 Nodhbound 8 T 1.00 0 N 0 3 R 1.00 Undivided o 0 9 R 1.00 0 0 4 L 1.00 0 1.00 Westbound 5 T 748 1.00 748 Southbound 11 1.00 6 R 29 1.00 29 0 0 TR 12 R 33 1.00 33 0 N 0 0 0 1 R Delay, Queue LencJth~ and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (yah/h) ~)5% queue length 2.ontrol Delay (s/veh) _OS ~,ppmach Delay (s/veh) -- ~,pproach LOS -- B 11 12 R 33 4O8 0.08 0.26 14.6 B 14.6 I I Copyright © 2007 Un ves ty of Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+r~ Version 5.3 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:16PM I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 'FWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ~eneral Information Analyst AC, lency/Co. Dote Performed ISite Information Ounn En~lineerin~ Associates II1,,11~1'tersectiOnudsdictiOn 1/28/2010 I~nalysis Year Saturday Midday Peak Hour Analysis Time Period Project Description Proposed 7-11 EastJWest Street: Main Road Intersection Orientation: East-West I;Main Road at Site Ddvewa), wn of Southold 12 Build Condition Nodh/South Street: Site Drivewa,v Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adi Maior Street Movement Volume (veh/ht Peak-Hour Factor, PHF ~oudy Flow Rate, HFR [veh/h) ~ledian Type :IT Channelized _ages 3onfiguration Jpstream Signal ~llnor Street ¢lovement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Houdy Flow Rate, HFR (voh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized _ages Donfiguration ustments 1 L 1.00 0 Q 7 L 1.00 0 0 Eastbound 2 T 752 1.00 752 1 T 0 Nodhbound 8 T 1.00 0 1.00 Westbound 5 T 594 1.00 594 6 R 42 1.00 42 Undivided ° I o o 1 o o o TR 1.00 0 0 o o R 1.00 0 0 0 0 10 L 1,00 Southbound T 1.00 N 12 R 33 1.00 33 0 I R :)ela¥1 Queue Len~th~ and Level of Service %pproach Westbound Northbound Southbound vlovement Eastbound 1 _age Configuration , (veh/h) ~. (m) (veh/h) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) Cpproach LOS i Copyright © 2007 Ufliversi~/of F~orida, AI~ Rights Reserved 8 10 -- 12.8 o- B 495 0.07 0.21 HCS+TM Version 5 3 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:17 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Mattimck 28104 File: Admin£Report s/TIS.doc Factory Avenue At Site Access Driveway 2012 Build Condition* I I I I I I I I I I I I I I *INCLUDES: 1. An increase in traffic volumes of 2.0% per year to account for normal background growth. 2. The traffic estimated to be generated by the two other developments in the vicinity of the site. 3. The traffic generated by the proposed development. NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Adm/n/Repor~s/TIS.doc I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I General Information ~,nalyst ~.gency/Co. :)ate Performed ~.nalysis Time Period TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY VC~Site Information Dunn En~lineerin~ Associates IIIntersecti°n ~Jurisdiction 1/28/2010 Weekday AM Peak Hour IIna ys s Year Facto~ Ave at Site Driveway/ Town of Southold 2012 Build Condition =roject Descril)tion Proposed 7-11 =-asr/West Street: Site Driveway/ ntersection Orientation: North-South Cehicle Volumes and Adjustments VlaJor Street vlovement 1 /olume Iveh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~ourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Si.~nal Minor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR lveh/h/ Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage :~T Channelized _anes 2onfiguration 1.00 0 1.00 0 0 0 Nodhbound 2 T 146 146 Eastbound T 1.00 0 N 0 [orth/South Street: Factor~Avenue tudy Period (hrs}: 0.25 3 R 44 44 4 L 0 1.00 Southbound 5 T 159 1.00 159 Undivided TR 9 R °I, LT 0 1.00 Westbound 10 11 L T 44 1.00 1.00 44 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 LR :)elay, Queue Len~th~ and Level of Service 0 0 0 12 R 5 1.00 ~pproach Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound vlovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 -ane Configuration L T LR r (veh/h) 0 49 (m) (veh/h) 1396 688 v/c 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.23 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) 7.6 10.6 LOS A B Approach Delay (sAceh) -- 10.6 &pproach LOS -- B I I Copyright © 2007 University of Florida, All Rights Rese~ed HCS+TM Version 53 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:15PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Information Time Period TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY IDuVCnn En~ineerin~ Associates 1/28/2010 Weekday PM Peak Hour Site Information ntersection lurisdiction Town of Southold East/West Street: Site Drive~ Orientation: North-South ~lumes and Ar ~laior Street Wovement /olume Iveh/hl =eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~oudy Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) ~ledian Type tT Channelized Configuration Upstream Signal ~lstments 1 L 1.00 0 0 PHF 1.00 ~ourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 Heavy Vehicles 0 3roach 0 uration Delay1 Queue Len~]thr and Level of Service Approach Northbound ',4ovement 1 _ane Configuration f (veh/h) ~. (m) (veh/h) ,/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (sA/eh) Approach LOS Copyright© 2007 University of Frorida, All Rights Reserved Nodhbound 2 T 121 1.00 121 ~Jorth/South Street: 3 R 37 1.00 37 Undivided 0 t 0 0 Eastbound 7 8 ¢ 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 Southbound 4 LT 8 1434 ~01 0.02 Z5 A 0 0 Westboun 8 LR 38 843 0.05 0.14 9.5 A 0.5 A 'Avenue 0.25 Southbound 4 5 L T 8 0 1.00 1.00 8 0 0 °I, LT 0 Westbound L T 34 1.00 1.00 34 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 LR Eastbound 6 R 0 12 R 4 HCS+TM Version 5 3 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:16PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I General Information ~nal~/st ~,gency/Co. :)ate Performed ~,nalysis Time Period IVDuCnn En~lineerin~ Associates 1/28/2010 Saturday Peak Hour TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ite Information I tersection udsdiction nalysis Year tT;Factor~ Ave a t Site Driveway wn of Southold 12 Build Condition ~roject Description Proposed 7-11 ~ast/VVest Street: Site Driveway ntersection Orientation: Not'Ih-South Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Malor Street Movement 1 L 1.00 0 0 Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR eh/h) Vledian Type J :IT Channelized .~onfiguration Jpstream Signal ~linor Street vlovement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Pement Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage :IT Channelized _aries 3onfiguration 7 L 0 0 ]roach Movement Lane Configuration v (veh/h) C (m) (veh/h) //c 95% queue length ~.ontrol Delay (s/veh) _OS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS and Level of Service Northbound 1 Nodhbound 2 T 121 1.~ 121 0 Eastbound 8 T 1.00 0 Southbound 4 LT 1421 orth/South Street: Factor/Avenue tudy Period (hrs): 0.25 7.6 A 3 R 48 48 0 0 TR 9 R 1.00 0 0 0 0 Southbound 4 5 L T 10 157 1.00 1.00 10 157 Undivided LT 0 Westboun 8 6 R 1.00 0 LR 57 697 0.01 0.08 0.02 0.27 10.6 B 10.6 0 0 Westbound L T 49 1.00 1.00 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 £R Eastbound 11 R 8 1.00 8 0 0 0 I12 Copyright © 2007 Un ves y o Florida, All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 53 Generated: 2/5/2010 3:16 PM I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NP: Mattituck 28104 File: Admi n/Reports/TIS.doc Roadway Improvement Plans m m m m m m m m ~, m mm .m m m m m m mm m 7-11 CONVENIENCE STORE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR NYS ROUTE 25 MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NYSDOT CASE NO. 01-099P LOCATION MAP AUGUST 11,2009 SHEET NO. DWG. NO. 5 TSP-I MPT-I DESCRIPTION TITLE SHEET TYPICAL SECTIOfl AND MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PLAN PAVEMENT MARKING AND SIGNING PLAN TRAFFIC SIGNAL PLAN SIGNAL NO. 83.6 NYS ROUT~ 25 AT FACTORY AVE./SIGSBEE RD. MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TP. AFFIC PLAN DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. (LOOKING NORTH ALONG FACTORY AVE) CONCRETE CURB TYPE VF-150 TYPE 8 SIDEWALK CURB RAMP DETAIL DETAIL SIDEWALK CURB RAMP '1POPE 4 SHOPPING CEHITR MAIN SEQUENCE TABLE*SIGNAL NO. 83.6 I ! I I ! I I i I I I I I I I I I I I NP: 7- l I Mattituck-28104 File: SEPT2010/TIS.doc Atlantic Traffic Report 2002 Orville Drive North Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 ATLANTIC TRAFFIC &: DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. atde~atla~tictr~ffic.com TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS FOR jv o oaN c asg gaN <, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 11952 =%~; ':':;;;; ....... ; ...... ;~'"~[,~' ~ense No. 087356 ,. .... ., '~L~ ,. ~ ~ PROJECT~GINEER :: ::.:~.$~ Revised December 4, 2009 " , ~.:.~...~¢*.:" ~i3:,,,,~, November 5, 2009 "~ :, ,.. ,. .................. ATDP Project No. AN09026 Other Office Location: 35 TECHNOLOGY DR~VL W^RRFN, NEW JEe3~Y 07059 908.769.5588 TRAFFIC ~; TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING, SITE PLANNING ~; ROADWAY DESIGN CONSULTANTS Www. atlantictrafflc.com INTRODUCTION I Atlantic Traffic & Design Engineers, Inc. (ATDE) has prepared this analysis to examine the future traffic impact of the proposed Chase Bank with drive-thru service. Th/s document is intended to address the typical traffic analysis requirements of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDO~I~ and .Town of Southold. The subject site is located along Main Road (NYS Rt. 25), approximately 300 feet east of Marlane Lane in Mattimck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as shown in appended Figure 1. The property is currently a vacant lot~ I The proposed development involves the constmcOon of a new 4,200 square foot Chase Bank with drive-thru service. The future access configuration proposes a fall-movement driveway along Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) al/gned with the existing shopping center driveway. In addition, a westbound left-mm lane is proposed to accommodate the westbound ingress movement to the Chase Bank. The New York Stam Department of Transportafion (NYSDOT) issued its approval of the application and site access plan on August 4, 2008, and based on recent discussions with the NYSDOT Permit Engineer, rims approval remains valid to date. Th/s study identifies the nature of site traffic increases, which could potentially occur as a result of the cons~:uction of the proposed Chase Bank. Additionally, this study addresses the ability of the site to safely and efficiently accommodate the anticipated traffic demand. TbAs analysis therefore includes the following elements: · A rev/ew of the exist~g roadway conditions and traffic volumes in the vicinity of the site; Projection o£ the traffic volumes expected to be generated by the Chase Bank with drive-L~ service, including an identification of the traffic drawn from the adjacent traffic stream and identification of "new" traffic to the area; * An analysis of existing and future roadway and site driveway operations; · A review of the Site Plan focusing on the proposed site access, parldng layout, and circulation patterns; and Recommendations and conclusions. PAGE 1 I I 2009 EXISTING CONDITIONS I I i I I I I I I I I ! I I I The subject site is located along Main Road (NYS Rt. 25), approximately 300 feet east of Marlene Lane in Mattimck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as shown m appended Figure 1. The property is currently a vacant lot. The subject propert~ is designated as Section 143, Block 3, Lot 33.2 and has approximately 150 feet of frontage along Mal~ Road (NYS Rt. 25). The subject property is located in the "B" Zoning Dist~ct _~d is surrounded by v?_4ous commercial!1 uses, in addition m the Ma~dmck P~az~ Shopping Center located across from the subiect site on the north side of Main Road (NfS Rt. 25). EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS Main Road (NYS Rt~ 25) is' under the ownership and jurisdiction of the NYSDOT. In the vicinity of the subject, property, Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) has a general east/west orientation and provides one (1) travel lane in each direction and separate tnm lanes at key intersections. Shoulders are provided along both sides of the roadway, sidewalks are provided along the west side of the roadway to accommodate pedestrian travel, and the pavement md striping appear to be in good condition. The posted speed limit in the viciulty of the site is 30 miles per hour. It should be noted that Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) changes to a 40 mile per hour roadway west of the subject site. Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) provides westbound access to the Long Island Expressway (LIE) (1-495) and eastbomnd access to Orient Point, which is at the end of the North Fork, as well as various reddential communities and commercial uses. Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road is under the jurisdiction of the Town of Southold and has a north/south orientation in the vicinity of the site with a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour. The roadway provides (1) travel lane in each direction, with mm lanes at key intersections. On Factory Avenue (north of Ma/n Road [NfS Rt. 25]), sidewalk is provided on the east side of the roadway and parking is not provided along both sides of the roadway. On Sigsbee Road (south of M~kn Road [NYS Rt. 25]), sidewalks are provided along both sides of the roadway and parking stalls are provided along the west side of the roadway. On both roadways, shoulders are not provided and the pavement and striping appear to be in fa/r condition. Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road provides ~I ATLAN'nC T~a~wc &: DESIGN ]EIqGINEER8, Ih. lC, PAGE 2 access to residential and commercial uses, as well as a beach club at its southerly terminus at the Long Island Sound (approximatel7 0.6 miles south of the subject intersection). Marlene Lane is under the jurisd/cfiun of the Town of Southold and has a general north/south orientation with a posted speed limit of 30 m/les per hour. In the vicinity of the site, the roadway provides one (1) travel lane in each direction, and on-street parking is not proxdded in the vicinity of the subject site. Shoulders and sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway to accommodate pedestrian travel and the pavement and striping appear to be /n fait condifiom Marlene Lane provides access to primarily commercial and residential uses and reaches its northerly terminus at Main Road ¢qYS Rt. 25) opposite the westerly shopping center driveway. The easterly shopping center driveway, located across Main Road (N-YS Rt. 25) from the proposed Chase Bank drivewaT, provides fuli access to the shopping center to supplement the ingress and egress left-turn restrictions at the westerly shopping center driveway. Main Road (NYs Rt. 25) meets Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road to form a four-legged signalized intersection appmx/mately 400 feet west of the subject site and operates with four (4) phases under the jmSsdiction of the N~SDOT. All approaches to the intersection provide one (1) exclusive left- mm lane and one (1) shared through/fight turn lane. Crosswalks are provided at the Factory Avenue southbound approach, as well as the Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) westbound approach, to accommodate pedestrian mobility. Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Madene Lane/westerly shopping center driveway meet approximately 90 feet west of the subject site forming a four-legged masignalized intersection with two-way STOP control at the northbound and southbound approaches. The westbound approach provides one (1) exclusive left-mm lane and one (1) shared through/fight-turn lane and the eastbound approach provides a shared through/fight-turn lane. The southbound approach provides a shared through/right-yarn lane and the northbound approach provides a shared left- mm/through/right-turn lane. PAGE 3 I I I I I Ir I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES To examine the exis6_ng traffic conditions in the vicinity of the subject property, manual treating movement counts were conducted dmmg the weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak periods at the following locations: Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road · Main Road CNwfS Rt 25) and Marlene Lane/westerly Mamtuck Plaza Shopping Center driveway · Main Road (NYS Rtl 25) and easterly Mattkuck Plaza Shopping Center driveway Specifically, manual turning movement counts were conducted on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; and on Saturday, August 22, 2009 from 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. T~e results of the traffic counts indicate that there are distinct hours &~ring the periods of study when traffic experiences its highest level. Based on the traffic count information, the weekday midday peak hour occurred from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., the weekday evening peak hour occurred from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and the Saturday midday peak hour occurred from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The existing peak hour volumes are summarized on appended Figures 2 through 4, respectively. Traffic volumes at other times of the day are generally lower than during the study peak hours. This is primar3y influenced by the commnting trips made during the weekday midday ~ad weekday evening period amd shopping trips made during the Saturday midday peak period. The higher traffic volumes on the roadway system during peak traffic hours result in available excess capacity being at a mirfimum. As a result, these time periods are typically the focus of a Traffic Impact Analysis. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES A LeTel of Stxvice and Volmne/Capadty Analysis was conducted for the study intersections and shopping center driveways using HCS+ Softmare (Version 5.2), which is based on methodologies contained PAGE 4 in the Highway Capad~ Manual (2000), published by the Transportation Research Board.~ This type of analysis is performed to gauge the operational state of traffic activity and to identify any areas of excessive dehy or congestion. The HCS+ summary printouts are included in the Teclmical Appendim Several factors are used in the Highway Capacity Analysis to model the actual conditions found in the tSeld. The peak hour factors are calculated based on the turning movement counts and are applied to the - hourly volume on each appxoach to generate the peak fifteen-minute volume within the peak hour. The input volumes are then adjusted to reflect the critical fifteen-minute demand over the course o£the peak hour, otherwise,known as the peak flow rate. The percentage of heavy vehicles on the adjacent roadways was incorporated into the Highway Capacity Analysis based on field counts and observations. A conservative 2% heavy vel~cle rate was applied at the shopping center and site driveways as mimmal track emffic to and from the site was obsemed durkng the field studies. The traffic sigml was field-timed on several occasions during the peak hours and the prevailkng timing parameters were utilized in the analysis. The signalized intersection of Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road is calculated to operate at overall Level of Service D during the weekday midday and overall Level o£ Service C during the weekday evening and Saturday midday peak hours. The uusignalized intersection of Main Road (NYS Rt 25) and Marlene Lane/westerly shopping center driveway is calculated to operate at acceptable Level of Service C or better during all the study peak The existing easterly shopping center driveway is calculated to operate at acceptable Level of Service D or better during all peak periods. See Technical Appendix for Volume/Capac/ty and Level of Sen, ice description. PAGE 5 I I il PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I The next step in the analysis procedure is to project the volume of furore traffic that would be generated as a result o£ the proposed Chase Bank with drive-thru service. For the purpose of this analyhs, complete project approval, construction, and occupancy are assumed to occur within two (2) years. TRIP GENERATION Trip generation projections for the proposed development were prepared on the basis of research dam published by the Institute of Transportation EngLqeers (ITE) Lq the 8m Edition of Tr/p Generation, 2008. Using this publication as a reference source, the trip generation was calculated in accordance with Land Use Code 912: "Drive-In Bank." Table I presents the projected trip generation for the proposed Chase Bank during the weekday m/dday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours based on ITE calculations. TABLE I ITE TRIP GENERATION PROPOSED 4,200 SF DRIVE-IN BANK Peak Hour Enter Exit I Total Midday 57 55 112 Evening 54 54 108 Saturday 58 53 A sign/ficant portion of the site-generated traffic is projected to be "pass-by" in nature, as diverted movements into the site from adjacent flows of traffic (i.e., one stop made Lq a set/es of linked "errand-type" trips to multiple retail locations, or made by a commuter on the way to work or home). The average peak hour pass-by trip percentage for drive-in banks is 47% during the evening peak hour, as found Lq ITE's Trip Generation Handbook, 2~a Edition, June 2004. ITE data ind/cates that pass-by rates as high as 64% occur during peak hours of bank operation. To provide a conservative analysis, a 40% rate was used for weekday rrfidday and evening t/me periods, and a 25% rate has been util/zed for the Saturday peak hour. ATI.ANTIC TRAFFIC &DESIGN EIqGINEEP~, PAGE 6 I Table II shows the site-generated t. ta£fic fox the proposed bank in terms of newly generated Uaffic and pass-by traffic. NEW PASS-BY TOTAL TABLE II ITE TRIP GENERATION WITH CONSIDERATION OF PASS-BY TRIPS MIDDAY PEAK HOUR ~ENTERI EXIT I TOTAL 34 [32 I 66 ~ 23 I 23 46 I! ~/ I ~ I i12 EVENING PEAK HOUR ! l SATUrn)AY ENTERI EXIT [TOTAL ENTERI -.X,T WOTAL 32~ 32 :44 44 39 83I 22 14 14 28 54 i 54 I 108 II 58 I 53 I 111 I TRIP DISTRIBUTION The site-generated traffic attributed to the proposed Chase Bank has been assigned to the adjacent roadways based on the existing travel patterns identified from the traffic counts collected at the hitersecfions of Main Road [NYS Rt. 25) and Factory Avanue/Sigsbee Road, Main Road .(NYS Rt. 25) and Marlene Lane/westerly shopping center ddvexvay, and Main Road (NrYS Rt. 25) and easterly shopping center driveway, as wel/as the uses in the vicinity of the site. The distributions of "new" and "pass-by" traffic are shown irt Figtues 5 and 6, respectively. The corresponding site- generated traffic volumes are illustrated in Figure 7 through 9 ("new'~) and 10 tI~ough 12 ("pass- by") for the weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. The "new" traffic volumes were surcharged onto the "pass-by" traffic volumes to show the total site- generated traffic volumes, which are illustrated ha Figures 13 through 15, respectively fox each peak hour stadied. Please note that negative values ~ndicate "pass-by" traffic. ~l~J ATLAN~C TRAFFIC & DESIGN t~I~IGINBERS. PAGE 7 ! ! 2011 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BACKGROUND GROWTH It is recognized that traffic routinely fluctuates along various State and County roadways, as well as local streets, and varies not only day-to-day, but also on a monthly and yearly basis. It is expected that as development continues ha the vicinity oft~e site, traffic may be expected to increase (though nominally) on a regular basis. It is anticipated that complete project approval, construction, and occupancy would occur within two (2) years. As a resul~ minimal (if any) additional "background" traffic growt~ can be anticipated with such a short build-out. However, in order to perform a conser~rative analysis, and to account for future traffic growth in the general vicinity of the subject site, the existing traffic volumes on the study roadway system were increased by a 1.8% annual growth rate compounded annually for two (2) years to develop the 2011 future "base" traffic volumes. This rate was provided by the New York State Deparmaent ofTransportat/on (ix~SDOT) for areas located on the North Fork of eastern Long Island. OTHER AREA DEVELOPMENTS The NYSDOT and the Town of Southold were contacted to determine if there were any recent development approvals wlxich would contribute to traffic growth along the subject roadway system. _A. ccording to the respective Departments, there is an application for a Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza located 0.25 miles east of the subject site. To accurately determine the additional traffic associated with the roadway network, we have obtained the Traffic Impact Study, conducted by Esc~tbacher VHB, from the Town of Southold and have incorporated it into our analysis. The analysis indicates that most of the traffic associated with the bank would be drawn from Main Road (N'YS Rt. 25), wh/ch would add volume to the study intersections included within this Traffic Impact Analysis. Please note, the Traffic Impact Study for the proposed Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza does not provide site-generated traffic volumes for the Saturday midday peak hour. To provide a conservative analysis, our office used the 8th Edition of ITlg's T~ip Generation to obtain trip generation volmmes for the Saturday midday peak hour for a 3,244 square foot "Drive-In Bank," Land Use Code 912, and a 9,982 square foot "General Office Buff&hag," Land Use Code 710. Using ~l ATLANTIC TRAFHC PAGE 8 I the trip distribution provided by Eschbacher VI-lB, we were able to establ/sh the site-generated volumes added to our subject intersections associated with the Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza. Based on consu).tations with Ms. I4.6.sty Wisher of the Town of Southold, a 7-Eleven convenience store is proposed at the northwest comer of Main Road 0NrYS Rt. 25) and Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road. The proposed convenience store traffic has been added to this Traffic Impact -Analysis as part of the No-Build analysis. The traffic projections were calculated utilizing ITE Land Use 851 "Convenience Market (Open 24 Hours)" in Trip Generation. The convenience store would ge~aerate 147 total weekday midday peak hour trips, 145 total weekday evening peak hour trips, and 212 total Saturday midday trips. Please note, ITE recommends a 50% pass-by credit for a convenience store use. ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Based on our research with the Town of Southold and the NYSDOT, there are no future roadway Lmprovements planned in the vicinity of the subject site that ~¢o~Id influence traffic conditions along Main Road (NYS Rt. 25). FUTURE NO-BUILD TRAFFIC VOLUMES The 2011 future No-Build traffic volumes were calculated by adding the 2011 future "base" traffic volumes to the potential trip generation volumes associated with the Hudson City Savings Bank Plaza and 7-Eleven convenience store. These volumes are shown in appended Figures 16 through 18 for the respective peak hours. ANALYSIS OF FUTURE NO-BUILD TRAFFIC VOLUMES A Level of Service and Volume/Capacity analysis was also conducted for the 2011 future No- Build weekday midday, weekday everzing, and Saturday midday peak hour traffic volumes at the subject intersection and driveways. The signalized intersection of Ma/n Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Factory Avenue/SJgsbee Road is calculated to continue to operate at existing Levels of Service during the study peak hours in the No-Build condition with the exception of the westbound through/r2ght-mm movement. This PAGE 9 I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I movement is calculated to increase from Level of Service E to F during the weekday midday peak hour and increase from Level of Service C to D during the weekday evening peak hour. These increases are primarily attributed to the additional traffic generated by the proposed Hudson City Savings Bank, 7-Eleven, and the background traffic growth. The unsignalized/ntersection of Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) and Marlene Lane/westerly shopping center driveway is calculated to continue to operate at existing Levels of Segvice dinting the study peak hours with the following exceptions: during the weekday midday peak hour, the southbound approach is calculated to increase to Level of Service C and the northbound approach is calculated to increase to Level of Service D. During the Saturday midday peak hour, the westbound approach is calculated to increase to Level of Service B and the southbound approach is calculated to increase to Level of Service C. A 95th percentile queue length of less than two (2) vehicles would be anticipated, which can be accommodated on-site. The easterly shopping center dr~-eway is calculated to operate a} existing Levels of Service with the following exceptions: during the weekday midday and Saturday midday peak hours, the southbound approach is calculated to increase to Level of Service D. During the weekday evening peak hour, the southbound approach is calculated to increase to Level of Service E. The 95th percentile queue length would be less than three (3) velaicles which can be accommodated within the driveway throat depth without impeding on-site circulation. FUTURE BUILD TRAFFIC VOLUMES The 2011 furore Build traffic volumes were established by surcharging the total additional site- generated traffic volumes onto the 2011 future No-Build traffic volumes. The resulting 2011 future Build volumes are shown on Figures 19 through 21 for the weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours, respectively. ANALYSIS OF FUTURE BUILD TRAFFIC VOLUMES Volume/Capacity and Level of Service analyses were conducted for the future Build peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersection and driveways along Main Road (NYS Rt. 25). Tables Il through X provide a comprehensive Level of Service and delay comparison under the Existing, No- AWLa_ nC T ,mc & DI~IGN ]ENGI!kq~Sl~$, INC. PAGE 10 I Build, and Build conditions at the signalized intersection and driveways during ~e weekday midday, weekday evening, and Saturday midday peak hours. TABLE II COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & FACTORY AVENUE/SIGSBEE ROAD WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Lane Group EB Left EB Through/Right WB Left WB Through/Right SB Left SB Through/Right NB Left ...... NB Through/Right Overall Existing B(18.0) c(zs.4) E(5Z0) C/54.$) (4s.4) E(6S.9) No-Build c(24.6) C(26.6) COZ9) C(34.5) E(73.6) D08.2) D(sl.1) Build TABLE III COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & FACTORY AVENUE/SIGSBEE ROAD WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Lane Group Existing No-Build Build EB Left B(13.5) B(17.0) B/17.6) EB Through/Right t A(8.8) A(9.7) A(9.9) WB LeftI B(lS.0) B(lS.1) B(15.2) WB Through/Right ] C02.9) D(44.9) D(49.3) SB Lea ] D(46.9) D(47.2) D(47.2) SB Through/Right II E(S6.9) E(60.3) E(60.3) NB LeftIID<46.0) D<46.0) D(46.0) ma Through/Right [ D(48.1) D(48.5) D(48.6) ~. -- Overall I Cq25.3) I C(30.9) I C($2.9) ~ EB (Eastboutxd) and WB (Westbound) lane groups = Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) ~ NB (Northbound) l~xe group = Sigsbee Road - SB (Southbound) lane group .-- Facto~T Avenue PAGE I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I TABLE IV COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & FACTORY AVENUE/SIGSBEE ROAD SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Lane Group Existing No-Build Build EB Left B(16.4) B(18.2) B(18.8~ EB Through/Right C(22.8) C(25.4) w~ ~ft c(22.6) WB Through/Right D(37.9) D(46.3) D(50.7) SB Eft D07.2) SB Through/Right I D(37.6) D($7.7} [ D (37.7~ Nm LeR ' D(40.7) D{40.7> D<40.7) NB Throup/Right D(43.0) D(43.3) 1)03.4) Overall C(30.6~ C(34.5) D06.7) - EB (Easffoound) and WB (Westbound) l~e groups = Main Road (N~S R*~ 2S) - NB (Northbound) lane gm*ap = Sigsbe~ Road - SB (Southbound) lane group = l~actory AYenue - Delays are specified ia seconds a~d are shoxanl in pare~atlaescs, TABLE V COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & MAILLENE LANE/WESTERLY SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Approach Existing No-Build Build Westbound A(9.4) A(9.7) Northbound C(22.?) D(28.7) D00-4 Southbound B(14.$) C(16.5) C06-9} - W8 (WesOaound) L~ne group = Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) - NB (No~o~d) hne ~up = Marine Lane - SB (Sou~boun~ ~e group = W~ter~ shopp~ center drive~y TABLE VI COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & MARLENE LANE/WESTERLY SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Approach Existing No-Build Build Westbound A(9.3) A(9.6) A(9.7) Northbound C(17.0) C(19.3) C(20.0) Southbound C(16.1) [ C08.2) C(18.8) - WB (Westbound) la~e group -- Main Road (N~/S Rt. - NB (Northbound) lane group = Marlene Lane - SI3 (Southbound) lane group = Westerly shopping center driveway - Delays are specified in seconds and are shown in parentheses. PAGE 12 T-&B L E VII COMPAPO._TIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & MARLENE LANE/WESTERLY SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Approach Existing I No-Build Build Westbound A(9.8)j B(10.0) B(10.2) Northbound C(20.4) I C(22.9) C(24.1) , Southbound B(13.8} I C(15.2} C(/5.6) (Westbound) Lane group = Main Road CNYS Rt. 25) - NB (Northbomad) lmae group = Maxlene Lane ~ SB (Soutbbound) hne group = West etIy shopping center driveway TABLE VIII COMPAtLATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY') TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & EASTERLY SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Approach II Existing I No-Build Build Eastbound I A(9.5) ~ A(10.0) A(9.9) Westbound ...... A(9.6) Northbound - -. - -- C(23.4) Southbound G(23.1) D{33.3) E{40.8) (Eastbound) and W/B (Westbound) lane groups = Main Road (NYS Rt. - ~ 0~Iortbl0omad) lane group = l'~arlene Road - SB (Southbound) Ia. ne group = ]~.q t exly shopping cent~ driveway TABLE IX COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (NYS RT. 25) & EASTERLY SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Approach Existing [ No-Build Build Eastbound B(10.1) B{10.7) B(10.6) Westbound ...... A(9.$) Northbound ...... D(27.4) Southbound D(25.9) I E06'l) E(44.0) (Eastbound) and WB (Westbound) lane groups = Main Road (NYS Rt. 25) - NB (Northbound) lane group = Marlene Lane - SB (Southbound) lane group = Easterly shopping center driveway PAGE 13 I i / I I i I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE X COMPARATIVE LEVEL OF SERVICE (DELAY) TABLE MAIN ROAD (N~S RT. 25) & EASTERLY SHOPPING CENTER DRIVEWAY SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Approach Existing No -Build Build Eastbound A(9.4) A(9.8) A(9.8) Westbound ...... A(9.7) Northbound ...... C(.24.8) Southbound C(24.0) D(31.6) E(38.7) - EB (Eaatbotmd) and WB (Westbound) lane ~oups = Main Road (NY$ - NB (N01~xbound) hne ~up = ~rl~e Lane - SB (Sou~ound) ~e group = ~ter~ shopp~ crater dr~y As ~how~ ~ere wo~d be no de~adafion M Level of Se~ce at ~e si~Mi~ed ~tersecfion of Road ~S Rt. 25) and Facto~ Avenue/S~sbee Road ~om ~e No-B~d to B~d Con~dom ~e exception of ~e ove~ Level of Se~ce d~g ~e Sa~day ~dday c~c~ated to decade to Level of Se~ice D. As ~s de~ada~on wo~d be app~o~tely ~o (2) seconds of delay, ~e Mcre~e M ~vel of Se~ce wo~d be acceptable. ~e ~si~a~ed Mtersecfion of M~ Road ~S Rt. 25) ~d M~ene L~e/westedy shopp~g cent~ ~veway wo~d com~ue ~ operate at No-B~d Levels of Se~ce d~g ~e study peak The easterly shopping center driveway is calculated to continue to operate at No-Build Levels of Sel~'/ce with the exception of the southbound approach, wh/ch would experience a minor degradation to Level of Service E during the weekday midday and Saturday midday peak hours. ~Please note, this 95th percentile queue during both peak hours is consistent with the three (3) vehicle queue ~ the No-Build condition. The northbound site driveway approach is calculated to operate at Level of Service C during the weekday midday and Satuxday rrfidday peak hours, and Level of Service D dtmuzg the weekday evening peak hour. As the Level of Service D translates to a 95~ percentile queue length of approximately one (1) vehicle, the queue can be accommodated at the proposed site driveway without impeding on-site circulation. The additional site-generated t~affic associated with the proposed Chase Bank is projected to comprise only 2.3% of the total furore Build approach volumes at the signalized intersection during PAGE 14 I the respective stady peak hours based on "new" traffic. Therefore, the proposed Chase Bank is expected to have minimal ~esulting traffic impact on the surrounding roadway network and study intersection. PAGE 15 I I SITE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A review ha~ been made of the Site Alignment and Striping Phn (C3.01) £or the proposed development, prepared by Savik & Mttttay, LLP, last revised July 1, 2009. In particular, a review has been made focusing on site access, on-site circulation, and parking supply. The following items address on-site debugn characteristics: The access configuration to the Chase Bank proposes a full-movement driveway along Main Road (~S Rt. 25) across from the e~sterly ~hopping center driveway, forming a four-legged tmsignalized intersection. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) issued its approval of the application and site access plan on August 4, 2008, and based on recent discussions with the NYSDOT Permit Engineer, this approval remains valid to date. A westbouad left-mm lane is proposed to accommodate the westbound in,ess movement. This roadway capacity improvement would allow for the stacking of approx/mately four (4) vehicles within an exclusive mm bay so as not to impede through traffic. DRIVE-THRU' Drive-thru banks are typically offered as time saving convenience since bank patrons do not need to park their vehicles and walk into a b~nkirtg facility. The three (3) proposed drive-thru lanes, likewise, will offer to the local customer base the convenience of drive-up banking. ITE recognizes in Transportation and Land Development that "customers will not use the fadlity if the wait is too long and will exercise the option of using the lobby, ma.king the transaction at another time of the day, or moving their account to a less congested institution." · The Town of Southold's Zoning Code requires five (5) queuing spaces per drive-thru teller lane, which Chase has provided to comply with this requirement. ~ll~i ATt~x~r~c Tmu~c &D~SIGN l~lGINmm~, INC. PAGE 16 I Based on drive-thru studies conducted by our office at banks tl~oughout Long Island, the maximum que~ng observed during peak hour periods would be expected to be five (5) vehicles (total, all lanes). The proposed drive~tl~m windows and d, rive-up Automated Teller Machine will provide a substantial benefit to on site circulation and also improve customer service, particularly for less ambulatory customers. Drive-thru w~dows offer expedient and conven/ent service (particularly during inclement weather) and are especially beneficial for parents with small children and elderly or disabled pemons who may find k eaher to remain in trek ve~c!es wF,Z!e aw,~dfing bartok service. PARKING Based on the Town of Southold's Zoning Ordinance, a drive-in bank requires one (1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area or 42 stalls for a drive-in bank of the subject size. The Site Alignment and Striping Plan prepared by Savik & Murray, LLP provides 42 on-site parking stalls, including 2 ADA stalls, thus satisfying the Town's parking requirement. ATLANTIC TRAF~C & DESIGN ~G~, INC. PAGE 17 I I CONCLUSIONS I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I The analysis has shown that the traffic impact of the proposed Chase Bank with dhve-thm service on the overall roadway system during the typical peak hours would be mLrfitnal. The Main Road (NYS Rt~ 25) and Factory Avenue/Sigsbee Road signalized intersection would continue to operate at the acceptable ovendl Level of Service D oz better during the study peak hours. The "new" ~ps associated with the Chase Bank with drive-thru serAce would account for approximately only 2.3% of the future Build total kttetsection volumes during the critical peak periods. As such, the additional site-generated traffic associated with this Chase Bank with dhve-thtu se~mce would have miniznal traffic impact along the adjacent roadway network. The unsignalized intersections with Mafia Road (IqYS Rt. 25) are calculated to operate at acceptable Levels of ServSce during the we~day midday, weekday evening peak hour, Saturday midday peak hours in the Build condition with minor degradations ha Level of Service as a result of the change in volume generated by the proposed Hudson City SaVings Bank, 7-Eleven, and background growth. As these minor degradations are calculated to operate with future 95~ percentile queue lengths that will not impede on-site circulation, the results are acceptable by current Traffic Engineering standards. The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) issued its approval of the application and site access plan on August 4, 2008, and based on recent discussions with the NYSDOT Permit Engineer, this approval rem~dns valid to date. The Site PLan has been designed to provide adequate on-ske parking and queuing accommodations based on the Town of Southold's Zoning Ordinance. ~A~rt~xxx~c Tm~c PAGE 18 I ! TECHNICAL APPENDIX ! ~A ~ .WLA~.~ C,~C ii I I I ECHNICAL APPENDIX I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES I ~ ATLANTIC TRAFFIC - ~ & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 1 I Proposed Chase Bank ' siV't~ti;cg'° uT;t;7 N°fewS°YUt°rh~ld I ; : / I I I I I IC TRAFFIC ~ & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. 2009 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES -WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR P[oposed Chase Bank Figure 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mattituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Z LEGENO MATTITUCK PLAZA LG 8 2 51 MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) I ~ ATLANTIC TRA~C ~r & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC, 2009 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank I I Figure 3 Ma[tituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, NewYork 35 2 LLI MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) VACANT SITE I I = EXISTING ROADWAY EXfS TING DRIVEWAY WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR VOLUMES ~ SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION I 2009 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES - SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR I Proposed Chase Bank Mattituck, Tov~ at SouthoO Figure 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Suffolk County, New York ;' MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25} .: ~ ;49 ;*74 k LU 83 2 S 51 VACANT SITE i : I i ..................... -J LEGEND EXISTING ROADWAY ~~ ATL~C ~c & DESIGN ENGINI~S, [NC. "NEV'¢' SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC D)STRIBUTION Figure 5 Proposed Chase Bank Mattituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York LLI Z 4% "ltl- 0% 0% 4% MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) t CHASE ATLANTIC ~C & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. "PASS-BY' SITE-GENEP~TED TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION Mattituck, Town of Southold Figure 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed Chase Bank Suffolk County, NewYork JIL -°' 121 MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) J I LU 91F CHASE O LEGEND EXISTING ROADWAY EXISTING DRIVEWAY PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ="PASS-~Y" PEAK HOUR DISTRIBUTION ~ ATL~rr~C Tr~C ~' & DES~ON ENGINEERS, INC, "NEW" SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figure 7 Matlituck, Town of Southold Suffolk Coun[y, New York UJ "'Itl' MATT[TUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD - (NYS RT 25) I Lit" _,, I ! i IZHASE 0 I : I : -- e EXISTING ROADWAY ............. = EXISTING DRIVEWAY ....... = PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ~ ~ WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUMES ATL~mC TR~C DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. "NEW" SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR I Chase Bank Proposed Ma~ituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Figure 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o o UJ '1lc MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN' ROAD (NYS RT 25) JILl-" "i"C~'3 C'HASE 0 I ATLANTIC TRAF C ~ & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. "NEW" SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figure 9 Mattituck, To',v~ of Southold Suffolk County, NewYork o o LEGEND ~ ~ EXISTING ROADWAY ............. = EXISTING DRD/EWAY ....... = PROPOSED DRIVEWAy ~ = SATURDAy MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUMES 9= SIGNAL/ZED INTERSECTION MATTITUCK PLAZA (NYS RT 25) ~J J i ,r- ,. .......... 1 ! CHAEiE 0 41, . ATLkNTIC DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. "PASS-BY" SffE~GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES o WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR I Chase Bank Propesed Mattituck, Town of Southold Figure 10 i I I i Suffolk County, New York ? t LU o t._o Z MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) ~j ~L_jr-'o ! I I I I I I I I I if o o o LEGEND EXISTING ROA~NAY EXISTING DRIVEWAY PROPOSED DF~'VEWAY WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUMES SIGNAMZED IIh~RSECT~N o ~ J '~o o ~3 CHASE 0 & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. "PASS-BY" SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figure 11 Mattituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York 0 0 0 ~ 0 JIL~E° 0 11 o LIJ LEGEND ....... =PROPOSEDDR~EWAY ~'"'"'=WEEKDAY EVENING PEAKHOUR VOLUMES L0 ~IF I~ATTITUCK PLAZA ilo MAIN ROAD o , ° [.,---4o (NYSRT25) ..J I [-*i r-'° CHASE I I ! I I ATlAnTiC ~c & DESIGN ENGINE-ERS, INC. "PASS-BY" SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Figure 12 Proposed Chase Bank ! i I I I I ! I I I I i I Matti'tuck, Tow~ of Souihoid Suffolk County, NewYor~ o MATTITUCK PLAZA UJ Z MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) LEGEND ~-- EXISTING ROADWAY ............. = EXISTING DRIVEWAY ....... = PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ~ = SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUMES = SIGNALIZED INTEREECTION I CHASEO I ~ ATLANTIC TRA~C DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. I ! TOTAL SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Figure 13 Proposed Chase Bank Ma~uck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York 0 0 o..J ~L~- t r" ! i LU LEGEND ~ = EXISTING ROADWAY ............. = EXIS~NG DRIVEWAY ....... ~ PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ''JIF MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) .......... I I ! I I ~ ATt~Xrrtc TRA~C '~ &DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC_. TOTAL SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figare 14 Maitltuck, Town (~f Southold I I i i ! ! Suffolk County, New York ~'|I o o MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) MATTITUCK PLAZA .......... I LEGEND I I ....... -- PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ~ = WEE~KDAY EVENING PE~K HOUR VOLUMES ~ AT~AN'r~C Ta~c & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. TOTAL SITE-GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Propgsed Chase Bank O Figure 15 .J I L.!r TM ......... ;~'l'~-"t-'¢-~ i I I Maffituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York JIL LU PROPOSED DRIVEWAY SATURDAY ~flDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUM ES MATrlTUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25} I I I I ! I I ! I l ! I I I I ! I I ~ ATLANTIC TrO~C '~ &DI~SlGN ENGINEERS, INC. 2011 "NO-BUILD" TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Mattituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, NewYork 21' t.._. .t '-1 t 7-ELEVEN 40 4 u~, jl 'ITF t LEGEND ' -- EXISTING ROADWAY ............. = EXk~ TiNG DRWI~VAY ~ =~ WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUMES Figure 16 MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS ItT 25) / 747 ~ ATLAN~C 'I'RAFF~C & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. 2011 "NO-BUILD" TRAFFIC VOLUMES. WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Figure MATTITUCK PLAZA ~:" MAIN ROAD :, ,3 i L ' ' ~ 4. (NYS BT 25)~,J L.+[ ..__ ~, ~ ~ ~, !,C ......... ::i~ ......... i VACANT SITE Proposed Chase Bank Maffituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York ~ I' .............. ?'ELEVEN ,o- '111- LEGEN~ ! I I I I i ~ A~t~rtc Ttc~c ~ & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. 2011 "NO-BUILD~' TRAFFIC VOLUMES - SATURDAY MIODAY PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figure 18 Mattituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New Yo~ JIL I ° ~> L s~, 7-ELEVEN t-- ~ MATTITUCK PLAZA Ltl Z 91F MAIN ROAD 42 . i-L~ (NYS RT 25) J L i ~- ,,, 752 ~ VACANT SITE I I I LEGEND ' = EXISTING ROADWAY ............. = EXISTING DRIVEWAY ~ = SATLIROAY MIDDAy PEAK HOUR VOLUMES ~1 ----4- AT~NTtC TRA~C & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. 2011 "BUILD" TRAFFfC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank MATTITUCK PLAZA MAIN ROAD (NYS RT 25) ......... Mat~tuck, Tovm of Southold Suffolk County, NewYork UJ '"~" 7-ELEVEN L.~ LLI 68 L_Ef~END ....... = PROPOSED DRIVEWAY ~ = WEEKDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR VOLUMES 8 2 54 iI I I I I I ~ ATLANTIC TRA~C & D~.SlGN ]~NGINEERS, INC, 2011 "BUILD' TRAFFIC VOLUMES - WEEKDAY EVENING PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figure 20 MattJtuck, Town of Southold Suffdk County, New York :.i:....:.~. .... ?.ec~ ~' ~ "' ~ iL ~ z j ~*-I t ~-~ ~'~' '--*' · 2,- '. ,', ,', '~ I I I Z LEGEND I I PROPOSED DRNEWAY WEEKDAy E~ENING PEAl( HOUR VOLUMES I I MATTITUCK PLAZA ,r" ~' (NYS RT 25) *..J ......... CHASE 0 I 54 54 I ~c ~c ~ & DESIGN ENGINEERS, INC. 2011 "BUILD" TRAFFIC VOLUMES - SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOUR Proposed Chase Bank Figure 21 I I I I' Maffituck, Tow of Southold SuffoLk County, New York 50 3 Z MATTITUCK PLAZA I I I ~LEGEN[} = EX]STiNG ROADWAY ............. = EXISTING DRIVEWAY .... --"= PROPOSED DR~EWAY '*--- = SATURDAY MIDDAY PEAK HOIJR VOLUMES I I I~ TECHNICAL APPENDIX ! ! ! I I I I I I I I I I I LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS While traffic volumes provide a measure of activity on the area roadway system, it is also important to evaluate h6w well that system can accommodate those volumes -- i.e., a compa~son of peak traffic volumes with available roadway capacity. By definition, capacity represents the maximum number of vekicles which can be accommodated given the constraints of roadway geomet~, envLronment, traffic characteristics, and controls. Intersections are usually the crirical point in any road network since it is at such points that conflicts exist between through, crossing, and mmmg tra£fic~ and where congestion is most li~kely to occ~. LINSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS An unsignalized (i.% 'WIF.I D" or "STOP" sign controlled) driveway or side street along a through route is seldom critical from an overall capacity standpoint, however, it may be of great significance to the capadty of the minor cross-route, and it may intluenee the quality of traffic flow on borJa. In analyzing unsignalized intersections, it is assumed that both the through movements and ' fight turn movements on the major street approaches axe unimpeded and have the right-of-way over the minor street approaches and left tarns from the major street~ All other turning movements in the intersection cross, merge with, or are otherwise impeded by the major street movements. The concept in determining traffic delays at an unsignalized intersection is to process these impeded movements in a sequential mariner. For each impeded movement, all conflicting flows ace summed, and an initial crirical 'gap' in traffic is detezm/ned with a "follow-up" gap determined fox subsequent vehicles waiting in a queue. Based upon the number of available gaps in the passing traffic stream, the potential capacity of that movement can be calculated. However, since operation at capacity is usually unsatisfactory to most drivers, a descriptive mechanism (Level of Service) has been developed wh/ch describes traffic operations as a function of average total delay. UnsLg~alized Levels of Service range from 'A' (delays less than 10 seconds) to (delays greater than 50 seconds). Table I sUmmanZes the relationship between capaciry and Level of Service for u. nsignalized intersections as defined by the Transportation Research Board ltighwxy Capacity Manual 2000. ! I I I I LEVEL OF SERVICE AND EXPECTED DELAY FOR UNSIGNALIZED .INTERSECTIONS LEVEL OF SERVICE AVERAGE TOTAL DELAY (SEC.NEH.) i I I I I I I I I I I I I I A 5!0 >10 and~ 15 C >15 a.nd _< 25 D >25 and < 35 E > 35 and_<50 F > 50 Transportation Research Board, Highway Capadty Maoual, HAM3000. 2000, by the Txmsl?ortation Research Board, Washington, D.C. SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS At signalized intersections, numerous other factors regulate the various approach capadties, including width of approach, number of lanes, signal "green time", turning percentages, track volumes, etc. As with tmsignxlized intersections, operation at capadty is far from satisfactory since substantial delays or reduced operating speeds are likely. Therefore, a similar description mechanism has been developed (also called Level of Service) which indicates, on the basis oic average delay per vehicle, the relative smoothness of intersection operation on a scale of 'A' (indicating average dehys of 10 seconds or less) to 'F' (indicating average delays greater than 80 seconds). The various levels of signalized intersections are summarized in Table i~_. Again, the acceptable limit of delay for most motorists is Level of Serv/ce I Delays cannot be related to overall roadway capacity in a simple one-to-one fashion. It is possible to have delays in the Level of Service ~F' range, without exceeding the physical roadway capacity. Such delays can exist if one or more of the following conditions exist: long signal cycle lengths (the dine of complete a full sequence of signal phases); the particular traffic movement experiences a long red time; or, a progressive movement for a particular lane group is poor. I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I LEVEL OF SERVICE FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS LEVEL OF DESCRIPTION AVERAGE SERVICE TOTAL DELAY A B D E F Pxogression is v vorable; many vemcies ao nor stop ar au; short cycle length contributes to inw delay values. Generally occurs with good progression and/or short cycle length; more vehicles stop than with Level of Sex, me A, musing kigher levels of delay. Fait progression and/ox longer cycle length; the number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, though many vehide~ still pass tkrough the intersection without stopping. Longer delays may result from unfavorable progression, long cycle Iengt~ or high volume/capacity ratios; many vehicles stop and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines; individual cyde failures ate noticeable These h~gh delay values generally ind/cate poor progression, long cycle length, trod high volume/capacity ratios; individual cycle failures ate frequent. Considered unacceptable m most drivers; often occurs w/th over-saturation (Le. arrkqal flow rates exceed capacity), high volume/capacity rados, and many ind/xridual cycle failures. Capacity is not necessarily exceeded under this Level of Service. <io >10 and _< 20 >20 and _< 35 > 35 and < 55 > 55 and _< 80 > 80 Transportation Research Board, Highway C~J~acit'/ Manual, HCM2000, 2000, published by the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. TECHNICAL APPENDIX ~ ATt~c ~C "~ & DESIGN ENGINEERS,'INC. ~ HIGHWAy CAPACITY ANALYSIS I Main Road & Factory Avenue/Sigsbee PLace iml I/ '! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Detailed Report % Heavy Vehictes, %HV Peak-Hour Factor, PHi= Pmtimed (P) or Actuate~ (A) Sta,'t-up Lost Time, h Extension of Effective Green, e ArdvaJ Type, AT Unit Extension, UE Filte~ing/Metering, I lriitlal Unmet Demand, Qb Ped / Bike I RTOR Volumes Lane Width Parking / Grade / Parking Parking Maneuvers, Nm G= 10.0 Y=5 20.9 Approach LOS C D 59.8 33.7 E C D intersection Delay 38.2 0.62 intersection LOS file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2k2405.tmp Page 1 of 1 Ganara[ed: 12/4/20~9 5;54 PM 12/4/2009 Detailed Report Page 1 of 1 Analyst BMZ Agency or Co. ATDE Date Performed 12/4/2009 Time Period Weekday Mfdday HCS+' DETAILED REPORT Intersection Main Rd & Factory/Slgsbea Area Type All other Jurisdiction Town of $outhold Analysis Year No-Build Project iD AN09026 Start-up Lost Time, h Extension of Effective Green, e A~rival Type, AT Unit Extension, UE Filtering/Metering, I Initial Unmet Demand, Qb Ped / Bike ! RTOR Volumes Lane W'~th Parking / Grade ! Parking Parking Maneuvers, Nm Buses Stopping, Ne Min. Time for Pedestrians, Gp Phasing EB Only EVV Perm G= 15.0 G= 35.0 Timing Y= 5 Y= 5 3.2 03 3.2 3.2 3.2 5 5 Duration of Analysis, T -- 0.25 ), g/C Approach Delay Appmach LOS C Intersection Delay 51.5 65.3 F 0.68 E Intersection LOS D file://C:'tI)ocuments and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2klF1A.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I Detailed Report Page I of 1 I .... ' HCS~- DETAILED REPORT ' Ana~st BMZ Intersection Main Rd ~ Fa~o~/Sigs~e ~e~ or Co. ATDE Area Type ~1 o~her areas Date Pedorm~ 1~2009 Jurlsdi~lon Town of 3ou~old Time Period Weekday MMday Analysis Year Build Pmjecl ID AN09026 E8 ~ NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT ~ RT LT TH RT Number of Lanes, Na I t 0 I I 0 I I 0 f I 0 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume, V (vph) ~ 570 55 45 555 44 38 ~ ~ 92 5~ % ~awVehicles, %HV 15 4 0 5 5 0 0 0 ~ 0 I 2 0 Peak-Hour FaVor. PHF I 0.~3 0.83 0.83 0.9! 0.91 0.91 0.73 0,73 ~ 0.73 0.85 0.85 Pretlm~ (P) or A~uat~ (A} A A A A A A A A A A A" A S~-up Lost Time, h 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ~ 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 Exlension of Effe~e Green, e 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 ~ 2.0 2.0 2,0 2,0 A~val Type, AT 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Un~ ~easion, UE 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 &0 3.0 Filteri~eteHng, I ~.0~ 1.~0 1.0~ ~ 1.000 f.~O ~.0~ 1.000 InEial Unmet Demand, Qb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0 Ped I B~O / RTOR Volumes 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 7 0 0 17 Lane~ffi~ 12,0 ' If,5 12.0 ~2.0 10.0 9.0' 10.5 11.0 Parking / Grade I Pa~ing N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N ~ses ~opping, Ns 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Min. ~me for Pedest~ans, Gp 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasing EB On~ EW Pe~ 03 04 SB OnN NB On~ 07 I 08' G= 15.0 G= ~.0 G= G~ G= 25~0 G= f0.0' G= Timing Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= 5 Y= 5 Y= Y= Duration of Ana~s~, T = 0.25 Cycle Length, C = 1~.0 EB ~ NB SB LT TH RT LT ~ RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Adjus'~'d Flow Rate, v 76 748 49 655 52 126 108 I ~ Lane Group Capacly, c 293 932 ~6~ 599 160 154 404 396 vic Ratio, X 0.26 0.80 0.30 1.09 0.32 0.82 0.27 0. 4~ Total Green Ratio, glC 0.52 0.52 0.33 0.33 0.10 0.10 0.24 0.24 Uniform Delay, da 19.0 20.5 26.0 35.0 44.3 46.6 32.5 33.8 Pr~mssioa FaOor, PF 1.000 1.000 ~.~0 ~.0~ 1.000 1.000 ~.000 ~lay Calibration, k 0. tl 0.35 0.11 0,50 0.~1 0.36 0.11 0. tl Increme,ntal Delay, d2 0.5 5.1 1.1 ~.9 1.2 28.1 0.4 0.7 Inlial Queue ~lay, d~ 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay ~9.5 25.7 27.0 99.9 45.5 74.7 32.9 34.5 La~ Group LOS B C C F D E C C Approa~ Delay 25. t 94.8 66.2 33.9 Approach LOS C F E C tnter~ion Delay 54.~ X, = 0.70 Intemection LOS D fite://C:~D0cuments and Settings\bzimolka\L0cal Settings\Temp\s2klF64.tmp 12/4/2009 Detailed Report Page 1 of 1 HCS+' DETAILED REPORT Analyst BMZ Intersect[on Main Rd & Factoo'/Sigsbee Agency or Co. ATDE Area Type Allother areas Date Performed 8/25/2009 Judsdictiee Town of Southold Time Pedod Weekday Evening Analysis Year Existing Project ID AN09026 EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH Number of Lanes, N~ I 1 0 t I 0 1 I 0 1 1 9 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Volume, V (vph) 60 577 46 22 606 20 19 32 f9 60 27 75 °,4 Heavy ~/ehictes, %HV 0 3 · 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 I 0.91 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.02 0.92 0.92 0.81 0.8t 0.81 I Pret[n~ed(P)o~Actuated(A) A I A I A I A A I A I A I A I A A A A Sled-up Lost Time, h 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 Exleesion of Effective Green, e 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type, AT 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension, UE 3.0 3.0 -3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Filtering/Melering, I 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 initial Unmet Demand, Or, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pad / Bike / RTOR Volumes 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 16 Lane Width ~ 12.0 11.5 12,0 t2.0 10.'0 g.O 10.5 11.0 Parking / Grade / Parking N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N N 0 N Parking Maneuvers, Nm Buses Stopping, Na 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Min. Time for Pedestrians, Gp 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 Phasing I EB Only EW Perm 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 G= 17.0 G= 50,0 G= G-- G= 10.0 'G-- 8.0 G-- G= Timing Y= 5 Y-- 5 Y= Y-- Y= 5 Y-- 5 Y= Y= Duration of Analysis, T ~- 0.25 Cycle Length, C = 105.0 EB .W8 NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Adjusted Flow Rate, v 60 676 28 747 21 48 74 106 Lane Group Capacily, c 403 1234 369 871 128 125 163 157 vic Ratio, X 0.16 0.55 0.07 0.86 ! 0.16 0.38 0.45 0.68 Total Green Ratio, g/C 0.69 0.69 0.48 0.48 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 Uniform Delay, dl 13.4 6.3 14.9 24.3 45.4 46.2 I 44.9 45.9 Progression Factor, PF 1.000 1.000 1000 1,000 1.000' 1,000 1.000 1.000 Delay Calibration, k 0.11 0.15 0.11 0,39 0.11 0.11 0.1'1 0.25 Incremental Delay, d2 0.2 0.5 0.~ 8.5 0.$ 2.0 2.0 10.9 Initial Queue Delay, 03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Control Delay 13.5 8.8 15.0 3~,9 46.0 48.1 46.9 56.9 Lane Group LOS B A B C D D D E Approach Delay 9.2 32.3 47.5 52.8 Approach LOS A C D D intersection Delay 25.3 X,.= 0.67 Intersection LOS C file://C:~Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2k24D2.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I ! I I i I I I I I I I I Detailed Report HCS~-DETAItPn REPORT Number of Lanes, NI Lane Group Voluroe, V (vph) % Heavy Vehicles, %HV Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Prelimed (P) or Actuated (A) Start-up Lost Time, h Extension of Effective Green. e rrival Type, AT ' Unit Extension, UE Ft~teri~lg/Metering, I Initial Unroet Demand, Q~, Pod ! Bike I RTOR Volumes Lane Width Parking / Grade 1 Parking Parking Maneuvers. Nm Buses Stopping, Na Adjusted Flow Rate, v Lane Group Capacity, c v/c Ratio, X Total Green Ratio, g/C Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor, PF Delay Calibration, k Incremental Delay, d2 initial Queue Delay, d3 Contro'l Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 'i0.4 B D Intersection De[ay 30.9 X¢ -- 0.73 NB Only 07 G= 8.0 G-- Y= 5 Cycle Length, C = 105.0 NB 47.8 55.0 D D Intersection LOS C file://C:~Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2klF2C.tmp Page 1 of 1 12/4/2009 Detailed Report Page 1 of 1 HCS+" DETAILED REPORT [ Analyst BMZ Agency or Co. ATDE Date Performed 12/4/2009 Time Period Weekday Evening Intersection Main Rd & Factory/$igsbee Area Type Alt other areas Jurisdiction Town of Sou~hold Analysis Year Build Project ID AN09026 Lane Group Volume, V (vph) % Heavy Vehicles, %HV Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Pretimed (P) or Actuated (A} Start.up Lost Time, I1 Extension of Effective Green, e Arrival Type, AT Unit Extension, UE Fiitedn'g/M etering, I initial Unmet Demand, Qb Ped / Bike / RTOR Volumes Lane Width Parking / Grade / Parking Parking Maneuvers, Nm Buses Stopping, Na Min. Time for Pedestrians, Gp 3.2 SBOnly NBOnly 07 yG=__ 08 G= 1GO G= 8.0 G= Y=5 iY= Cyc e Length, C-- 105.0 i Initial Queue Delay, d3 Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS B Intersection Delay 32.9 Copyright 0 2005 ~dniversi[y of Fktli~a, All Rights Reserved 0.75 47.9 D D Intersection LOS C file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2klF7A.tmp 12/4/2009 I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Detailed Report HC$+' DETAILED REPORT Prelimed (P) or Actuated {A) Start-up Lost Time, I1 Extension of Effective Green, e Arrival Type, AT Unit Extension, UE Filtefing/Meteflng, I 3.2 EB Adjusted Flow Rate, v Lane Group Capacity, c vic Ratio, X Tofal Green Ratio, g/C Uniform Delay, d1 Progression Factor, PF Delay Calibration, k Incremental Delay, d~ Initial Queue Delay, d~ Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay 22.3 Approach LOS C Intersection Delay 30, 6 37.3 42.3 37.4 D D D X~ = 0.62 Intersection LOS C file://C:~Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\TemP\s2k24E4.tmp Page 1 of I 12/4/2009 Detailed Report Page 1 of 1 ~aa~st Agency or Co. ATDE Date Performed 12/41200g Time Period Saturday Midday HCS+' DETAILED REPORT Intersection Main Rd & Facforyl$igsbee Area Type All other areas Jurisdiction Town of Southo[d Analysis Year No-Build Project ID ANOn026 Adjusted Flow Rate, v Lane Group Capacity, c v/c Ratio, X Total Green Ratio, g/C Uniform Delay, d~ progression Factor, PF Delay Calibration, k Incremental Delay, d2 Initial Queue Delay, d3 Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay 24.7 45.4 Approach LOS C D Intersection Dela? 34,5 08 Cycle Length, C = 105.0 42.6 37.5 D D Intersection LOS C file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2klF3F.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Detailed Report Page 1 of I 03 04 SB Only NB Only 07 08 G= G= 20.0 G-- 14.0 5 Y-- Y-- Y= 5 Y.= 5 Y= Cycle Length, C = 105.0 Adjusted Flow Rate, v Lane Group Capacity, c vic Ratio, X Total Green Ratio, glC Uniform Delay, d~ Progression Factor, PF Delay Calibration, k Incremental Delay, d2 Initial Queue Delay, d3 Control Delay Lane Group LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Intersection Delay 295 964 ).2~ 0.$3 ).53 0.53 ).,1JO. a7 j o.~ j e.aj o.o l O. O l 18.826.8 J B C 26.1 36.7 ,.ooo i,.ooo I I''°°° IT.o°° I I~'~1~-°°°1 o.o I o.o' '1 I o.o I o.o I I o.o I o.o I ~.~ ~o.~ I ~o.~ I ~'~ J I ~'~ I ~'~ ! c ~ o i~ I JD ~D J 49.6 42.6 37.5 D D D X. = G 67 Intersection LOS D Generated; 1214/2009 2:59 P file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\s2klF90.trnp 12/4/2009 A~~c TRAgic DESIGN iENGINEERS, INC, ,, iI TECHNICAL APPENDIX HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANAI,YSIS Main Road and Marlene/Shopping Center Driveway I I i I i I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ ' I Inters&ction Main Rd & Mariene Ln/Ddveway ! A~ency/Co. ATDE { JurisdiCtion Town af$oulhold Date Performed 8/26/2009 [ Analysis Year Existing Analysis Time Perlod Weekday Midday >reject Description AN09026 =-astNVest Street: MainRced(NYSRt25) nteraecfion Orientation: East-West Street Nodh/South Street: Marlene LaneA4/est Driveway Stuc~ Period (hrs): 0.25 4olume (yah/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF ~tbound Vlovement 4 L 42 0.01 Hourly FIowRate HFR Percent HeaW Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Sl~ln~l Minor Street Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor~ PHF Hourly Flow Rate. HFR (yah/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Eastbound 2 3 T R 601 18 0.83 0.83 724 21 Storage 45 0 6 T R 508 6 O. gl 0.91 558 6 L 8 O. 70 11 Undivided 0 Northbound 8 T 0.70 o 1 ' I 0 TR L TR 0 Soulhbound N1. R 51 0.70 72 10 11 L T 4 O. ti3 0.83 0 4 0 2 0 12 N 0 0 1 R 39 45 RT'Channel~ed 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 Configumfion LTR TR I I I I Vtovement .ane Configuration / (yah/h) ; (m) (veh/h) dc 95% queue length 30ntrcl De!ay (s/yah) LOS Eastbound Wes~ound Nodhbound Southbound 4 L 40 872 0.05 0.17 A 7 8 LTR 85 287 0.30 1,20 2Z7 C 9 10 11 0,pproach Delay (s/veh) -- - 22.7 14.5 a, pproach LOS - - C B 12/4/2O09 file://C:~Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2k24E8}tmp Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ Intarsection Main Rd & Madene La/Driveway Agency/Co. A TDE Jurisdiction Town of Seuthold Date Performed 12J4/200~ t Analysis Year No*Build Analysis Time Period Weekday Midday [ Project Description AN08026 East/WestStreot; MainRoad(NYSRt25) North/SouthStmet: MadeneLane/vVestD~iveway Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud), Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Houriy Flow Rate, HFR ~ehJ~ Percent Heav~J Vehicles L4edlan Type :~T Ch~naelized 3onf~uration Jpstfeam Signat Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veto) Percent Heavy Vehicles t.00 0 Eastbound I 2 L T 666 0.83 0 3 R 0.83 i 22 o 0 NoAhbound 7 . 8 L T 8 2 0.70 0.70 11 2 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 Flared Approach1 ' N Storage . 0 RT Channelized Lanes ' 0 I 44 0.91 i 48 0 Undiv~ed Configuration L TR V~stbound 5 6 T R 0.91 0.91 660 6 0 0 TR L Approach I' Eastbound V~stbound 9 R L 53 0.70 75 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 Southbound 0.83 Nodhbound T 4 0.83 4 2 0 R 40 0.83 48 0 I Southbound Movement Lane Conf-~Jurction 4 L v (yah/h) 48' C (m) (yah/h) vic 815 0.08 95% queue length 0.19 Control Delay (s/veh) 9,7 LOS A ~pproach Delay (sNah) ~pproach LOS 7 8 9 10 1t LTR 88 ' 238 0.37 t.62 28.7 28,7 16.5 I 0.14 0.49 Gene~ted; 12/4/2009 3:00PM file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klF95.tmp 12/4/2009 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ Intersection Main Rd & Martene Ln/D~veway Agency/Co, A TDE Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date Performed 12J4/2009 Analysis Year Build Analysis Time Perh3d Weekday Midday Project Description AN09026 East/West Street: Main Road (NYS Rt 25) Nor~hl$outh Street: Marlene LaneA~Veat Ddveway ntersec!i,~n Orientation: East. West ~Study Period (hrs):, Major Street Eastbound Westbound tlovement I 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R dolume Iveh/h) 663 19 45 618 6 =oak~Hoar Factor~ PHF 1.00 0.63 ~.83 0.9~ 0.91 0.9t -{oudy Flow Rate, HFR ~0rcent Heavy Vehicles 0 I -- -- 0 - ~,ledian Type Undivided RT Channel[zed 0 0 .aries 0 1 0 I I 0 3,onfiguration TR L TR LJpstream Signal 0 ..... 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 1 t t 2 L T R L T R Volume (vahJh1 8 2 64 4 40 Peak-Hour Factoq PHF 0.70 O, 70 O. 70 0.83 0.83 0.83 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 11 2 77 0 4 48 ~/eh/h) Percent Heaw/Vehicles O 0 2 O 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 ? 0 0 I 0 Configuration LTR TR Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement I 4 7 8 9 10 Lane Configuration L LT~ TR v (veh/h) ' 40 90 52 C tm) (veh/h) 80~ 230 355 vie 0.06 0.39 0.15 95% queue length 0.20 1, 75 Control Delay (slveh) 9.8 30.4 16.9 LOS A D C Approach Delay (sNeh) - 30.4 18.9 Approach LOS ~ D C file://C:XDocuments a~d Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klFA2.tmp 12/4/2009 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Aha ys BMZ [ Intersechon Main Rd & Marlene Ln/Ddvaway Agancy/Co~ ATDE J Jut sd c on Town of Southold Date Performed 8/26'2009 [ Analysis Year Existing Analysis Time Period Weekday Evening ~.roject Descd[3t on ANOD020 --astJWest Street: Main Road (NYS Rt 25} ntersection Odenlation: East-West aajor Street Volume (yah/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (vehlh) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized Configuration Upstream Si~nat Miner Street Volume (veh/h) ~eak*Hour Factor, PHF -{ourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h~ ~ercent Heavy Vehicles =ercent Grade (%) =]amd Approach Storage RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Approach Movement Lane Configuration v (yah/h} C (m) (yah/h) vic Eastbound 1 2 [ 3 L T [ R 047 9 1.00 0.~1 0.91 o 710 9 NoHhbound 7 8 L T 0.82 0.82 2 0 0 0 0 1 LTR Eastbound NorthlSouth Street: MatleneLaneA, VestDrlveway Study Pedod (hfs): 0.25 Westbound 55 0 Undivided 4 6 L R 5 T 47 520 0.85 0.85 729 I - 0 0 TR 9 10 R L 45 0.82 0.79 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.85 10 0 I 0 TR 0 Southbound 11 12 2 35 0.77 0.77 2 2 45 0 N 0 0 TR Westbound Nodhbound Southbound 95% queue length .~ontrol Delay (sA/eh) _OS ~,pproach Delay (sA/eh) .. ~,pproach LOS Copyright © 2005 Un,var sibj el Flodda, All R[~h{s Reserved 55 802 0.08 0,20 9.3 LTR 57¸ 356 0.16 0.56 17.0 C '" 17.0 16.1 - C C TR 47 0.13 0.43 file://C:\Documents and settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2k24EB.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TVVO-WAY :STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ I Intersection Main Rd & Ma#ene Ln/Dflveway ^gan~JlCo. ATDE Jurisdiction Town of $outhold Date Performed 12/4/2~09 ~ Analysis Year Ne.Build Analysis Time Pedsd Weekday Evening Project Description ANOg026 Eas~NestStreeh MainRoadfNYSRt25) Nodh/SouthStmet: MadeneLane/WestDriveway intersection Orientation: East-West Study Pedod (hfs: 0.25 Ma[or S~Teet Volurce (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Eastbound Movement I 2 3 L T R 712 9 1.00 0.91 Hourly Flow Rate= HFR {vehIh) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channetized Lanes Cea~3umtien iUpstmarc Signal · lnor Street Vlovercpnt - ' Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Cveh~h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channeliz6d Lanes Configuration 0,91 782 Und~ided Io¸ 0 TR 0 Northbound 7 fi 9 L T R 2 I 46 ~82 ~82 ~82 2 1 56 0 0 0 0 N 0 0 0 I 0 LTR Westbound 4 5 6 L T R 49 708 9 ~85 ~65 ~85 57 i 832 I 10 Southbound L T 2 ~79 0.77 0 2 0 tN 0 0 0 12 36 0.77 46 2 TR Approach Lane Configuration Eastbound Westbound v (veh/h) 57 C (m) (veh,'h) 838 vic 0,07 95% queue length Control Delay (s/yah) LOS Approach Delay (sNeh) Approach LOS 0.22 9.6 A No~hbound 7 8 LTR 59 310 0.19 0.69 19.3 C 19.3 9 10 Southbound 11 t8,2 C 320 0. i5 0.52 file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolkaLLocal Settings\Temp\u2klF9A.tmp 12/4/2009 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst Agency/Co, Date Performed Analysis Time Period BMZ Intereeclion Main Rd & Merfene Ln/Dfiveway A TDE Town of Southold 12/4/2009 Build Weekday Evening AN09026 Main Road (NYS Rt Intersection Orientation: East-West Major Street Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (vehlh) Percent Heavy Vehicles Eastbound 1 728 1.00 0.91 0 7,39 0 - Noflh/Soutb Street: MarleneLaneA4/estDdveway S{udy Per od (hrs): 0,25 Westbound 2 4 5 L T L T 50 724 3 R 9 0.9t 0.85 0.85 0.85 i 851 6 R `3 t0 Median Type Undivided RT Channetlzed 0 Lanes 0 I I 0 Configurat~n TR 0 0 0 1 TR L 9 · 10 R L 47 (~2 0,79 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 Upstream Signal Minor Street Nodhbound Movement 7 8 L T 2 1 ~82 0.82 2 I 0 Southbound Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veWh) Percent Heaw Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RTChannelized aries Configuration Approach 1 LTR Movement LaneConF~umtion v (Yah/h) C (m) (vehlh) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) Westbound 826 0.07 Norihbound 0,23 7 LTR 60 300 Eastbound 0.20 9.7 O. 73 20.0 C 11 12 T R 2 36 0.77 ~77 2 46 2 2 N 0 0 I o TR Southbound 309 0.16 I 0.54 LOS A Approach Delay (sNeh) .... 20.0 18,8 Approach LOS -- - C C Copyd§ht ~ 2005 Uf~ver$i~f of~:iorida, Al~Rights Reserved HCS+~M Vet~on 52t Generated; 12/4/2009 $:02 file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolkaXLocal Settings\Temp\u2kl FAT.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I I i I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Date Performed 8/26/2009 Analysis Year Existing Analysis Time Period Saturday Midday ProJect Description AN09026 East/WestStreet: MainRoad(NYSRt25) NorthlSouthStreet: MarfeneLaneA4/estDriveway Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hfs): 0,25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Volume (vehlh) 774 22 58 475 :t4 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 9~t~am ~.~ o o Volume (veh/h) 2 5 5t 3 48 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (veh/h) 2 5 60 0 3 54 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Storage 0 0 t (veh/h) 62 67 57 !C (m) (veh~h) 812 301 466 I I I file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2k24EE.tmp 12/4/2009 Two-Way Stop Con~'ol Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Agency/Co. ATDE ~ Jurisdiction Town So Date Partormed ~2/4/2009 J Analysis Year No-Build Analysis Time Period Saturday Midday ] Project Description AN09026 EasfANest St rear: MainRead(NYSRt25) Intemection Orienlafiom East-West Major Street Nodh/South Street: Mattene LaneA, Vest Driveway StudyPerod hrs: 0.25 Eastbound Movement 1 2 3 L T R Volume (vehlh) 822 23 :Peak-Hour Factor, PHF ~.00 0.96 0.96 Hourly Flow Rate. HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles ~ledian Type IT Channe[Ized Westbound ;onfiguration Jpstream Signal ~llnor Street vl~vement Jolume {yah/h) 3eak*Hour Factor, PHF qourly Flow Rate, HFR :vah~h) ~ercent Heavy Vehicles >ercent Grade (%) :lared Approach Storage' ~T Channelized _ane$ ;onfiguratlon ~,pproach UndMded .ane Configuralion 23 0 0 Nodhbound 7 8 2 4 5 6 L T R 60 554 15 0.93 0.93 0.93 64 ) 595 r 16 0 -- 0.84 2 5 o.~4 5 0 0 O Eastbound 0 1 0 TR 0 o 0 1 TR L 9 10 R L 53 0.84 0.88 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 /lc )5% queue length ,~ontml Delay (s/veh) _OS Approach Delay (sA, eh) Approach LOS Copyright © 2005 Oniversi~y o~ FlOrida, All Righls Rescued Southbound 11 12 T R 3 50 0.88 0.89 3 56 2 2 0 0 N 0 Northbound LTR LTR Westbound / (veh/h) 64 70 3 (m) (yah/h) 777 270 0.08 0.26 N 0 0 I 0 TR 0.27 10.0 22.9 C 22.9 15.2 B Southbound 10 11 ~ 12 I TR 59 411 0,14 ~ 2 file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klF9E.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I i I I ,I ,, I I i I I I I I I I I i I I I I Two'Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 , ~,TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY ~, Analyst BMZ Intemectioo Main Rd & Maflene Lo/Driveway Agency/Co. ATDE Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date Performed 8/26/2009 Aee ys s Year Bu#d Analysis Ti~e Period Saturday Midday projgct Description AN09026 EastJWestStreel: MeinRoad(NYSRt25) North/SouthStreet: MarleneLaneA, VestDri~eway Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud)' Period (hrs): 0.25 Ma]or Street Movement Volume (yah/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hour¥ Flow Rate, HFR (yah/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Channelized Configuration Upstream Signal 15 0 Eastbound 845 I/linor Street 0.96 880 3 R 23 0.96 23 0 Noflhbound Undivided vlovement 7 L' T ~/olume (yah/h) 2 5 ~eak-Hour Faclor. PHF 0.84 0.84 4 L 62 0.~3 66 Westbound T 572 0.93 615 8 Flow Rate, HFR ;veh/h) =ercent Heavy Vehicles 0.93 16 1 0 TR 0 Southbound 2 5 0 0 >ercent Grade (%) 0 0 --lared Approach Storage o 0 TR L 9 10 R L 55 0.84 0.88 65 0 0 0 o o 0 RT Channelized N L~ ;onflguration Noflhbound 11 .12 T R 3 50 0.88 0.88 3 56 2 2 Approach Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 4 7 8 Lane Configuration L L TR v (veh/h) 66 72 C (m) (veh/h) 781 260 ¢/c 0.09 0.28 95% queue length 0.28 Control Delay (s/veh) 10.2 24.1 LOS B C -- - 24.1 Approach Delay (sNeh) 9 10 Approach LOS 0 0 I 0 TR Southbound TR 59 0.'15 ~ 8 t5.6 C I I I file://C:\DocUments and Settings\bZimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klFAB3mp 12/4/2OO9 TECHNICAL APPENDIX I I I. i HIGHWAY CAPACITY ANALYSIS Main Road & East Shopping Center Driveway I ! I I I I ;I I I I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 'BNa-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ Intersection Main Rd & East Ddvsway Agency/Co. ATDE Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date Performed 8/26/2009 Analysis Year Existing Analysis 'rime Period Weekday Midday :)ro,iect Description ANOn026 F_ast/VVestStreet: MainRoad(lVYSRt25) North/SouthStreet: EaatShoppin~CenterDdveway [ntersectionOrientation: East-West IStudyPefiod(hrs): 0.25 Maior Street Eastbound Westbound ...... Movement I 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 65 587 517 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.83 0.83 0.83 0. gl 0, g'/ 0.91 Hourly Flow Rate. HFR ~,w n 0 568 f43 Percent Heavy Vehicles 4 - - 0 - Median Type Undivided RI Channalized O 0 Lanes t 1 0 0 I 0 Configuration L T TR Upstream Si!ilnal 0 0 tainor Street Northbound Southbound Vlovement 7 8 g 10 11 12 L ¥ R L T R Volume (veh/h) 71 39 =eak-Hour Factor~ PHF 1.00 0.70 0,70 0.8~ 0.83 0.86 qourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 0 0 82 0 45 [veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 2 2 0 2 percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Ch annelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Eastbound Westbound Nodhbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 t0 11 12 Lane Configuration L LR v (vehlh) 78 127 C (m) (veh/h) 870 324 vic 0.09 0.39 95% queue length 0.29 1.80 Control Oelay (s/veh) g.5 23.1 _OS A C ~,pproach Delay (s/veh) 23.1 ~,pproach LOS _ .~ C Generated: 1214/2009 5:55 PM file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2k24F3.tmp 12/4/2OO9 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 13NO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ [ intersection Main Rd & East Driveway Ageacy/Co. A TDE / Jurisdiction Town of $outhold Date Pedormed 12/4/2009 ] Analysis Year No-Build Analysis Time Period Weekday Midday I ~roject Description AN09026 EastANeatStreet: MainRoad(NYSRt25) North/SouthStreet: EastShoppin~lCenterDriveway ntersectlonOrtentatlon: East-Wear StudyPedod(hrs): 0,25 ~laJ0r Street ¢olume (veh/hI >eak. Hour Factor, FHF -touriy Flow Rate. HFR ~ercent Heavy Vehicles ~edian Type ~T Channelizqd ~.onflgu ration Jpstream Signal tflinor Street ~lovement tolume (veh/h) ~eak-Hour Factor, PHF Eastbound ,L 2 , L T R 67 652 0,83 0.83 0.83 80 785 0 Westbound 4. 5 6 L T 611 136 0.91 0.0t ~91 o 671 149 Undivided L I 0 I 0 T 0 Noflhbound 8 T Southbound 0 TR 12 R 40 1.00 0.70 ' 0.70 0.86 '{oudy Flow Rate, HFR yah/h) 0 0 0 46 ~ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 2 2 , ~etcent Grade (%) 0 0 !Flared Approach N I Storage 'RT Chaneelized L T 74 0.86 0.83 86 0 2 0 N 0 0 0 LR 0 0 Configuration 0 Lane Configuration v (veh/h) (veh/h) Eastbound 1 L 80 800 0.10 0.33 10.0 ({hteh) A Approach LOS -- Westbound Nodhbound Southbound 4 7 8 9 10 HCS+'m Version 5.21 11 LR 132 255 0.52 2.73 33.3 D 33.3 file://C:U)ocuments and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klFB6.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ I Intersection Main Rd & Eaet Driveway Agency/Co. ATDE / Jurisdiction Town of 8gu/hold Date Performed f2/4/2009 / Analysis Year Build Analysis Time Period Weekday Midday [ =[oject Description AN09026 :-astNVeslStreet; MainRoad(NYSRt25) North/Southgtreet: EastShoppinqCenterDrivewey ntersection Orientation: East-Weat IStudy p~riod (hfs): 0.25 Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF L Hourly F/ow Rate, HFR 80 (veh/h'~ Percent Heavy VehiCles Median Type RT Channelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street IVolume (veh/h) iPeak-Hour Factor, PHF La,bound T Westbound 4 -toudy Flow Rate, HFR ;veh/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles T R 771 67 640 31 25 600 t36 ~83 0.83 0.83 0.91 ~01 ~01 659 149 No~hbound 27 0.00 30 o.go Percent Grade (%) 0 Flared Approach N 0 Storable RT Channelized LTR 37 27 I 5 Undivided R 27 Lanes ConfigurMion 0.~0 3O 0 I 0 I I 0 L TR 0 Southbound 74 0.86 86 2 11 12 T R I 40 ~86 ~86 I 46 2 2 0 0 0 ~ o Approach Eastbodnd ;outhbound Wes~ound Noflhbound 11 LTR LTR 61 256 0.24 0.90 23.4 C t 4 9 10 Lane Configuraiion L L v(veh~) 80 27 t33 800 804 228 C (m) (veh~h) v/c 95% queue length Control De[ay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (sNeh) Approach LOS 0.10 003 0.58 0.33 0.10 &29 g.g g.6 40.8 A A E 23.4 40.8 C E file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klFC9.tmp 12/4/2009 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ Intersection Main Rd & East Driveway Agency/Co. A TDE Jurisdiction Town of Southold Date Performed 8/26/2009 Analysis Year Existing Analysis Time Per od Weekday Evening Proiect Description AN00026 EastNVestStree: MainRoad(N¥SRt25) N0flhJSouthStreet: EastShoppin~Cente~Ddveway Intersection Orientation: East-West Study Period (hrs): 0.25 Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 ' 6 L T R L T R ~/olume (veh/h) 64 628 642 92 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.9t 0.83 0.91 0.85 0.85 Hourly Plow Rate, HFR vehJh) 70 690 0 0 755 Percent Heavy Vehicles ' 3 [ [ i I I - o I .I - Median Type Undivided RT Channe[ized 0 0 Lanes I I 0 · 0 I 0 Configura ion L T TR Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound k4pvement 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) 51 34 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1,00 0.70 0.70 ' 0.76 0.83 0.76 -tourly Flow Rate, HFR Iveh/h) 0 0 0 87 0 44 =ercent Heaw VehicJes 0 0 2 2 0 =ercent Grade (%) 0 0 =lared Approach N N StorAge 0 0 ~r, Channelized. o 0 _aries 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,Conflgurat on LR Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configura[ion L LR v (veh/h) 70 C (m) (veh]h) 775 281 vic 0. Og 0.40 95% queue length 0.30 1.8t Control Delay (s/veh) 10.1 25.9 LOS B D Approach Delay (s/veh) .... 25.9 Approach LOS " - D file://C:\Docmnents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2k24F6.tmp t2/4/2009 I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ ! Inlersectlon Main Rd & East D~veway Agency/Co. A TDE Jurisdiction Town of $outhold Date Performed 12/4/2009 Analysis Year No-Build Analys~ Time Period Weekday Evening Pmieet Description AN09026 East/West Street: Ma.~ Road (NYS Rt 25) North/South Strut: East Shopping CenterDrlveway intersection Orientation: East-West S udy Period (bm): 0.25 ilia jot Street Eastbound Westbound ~lovement I 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume (veh/l~) 66 692 731 95 =~eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.9~ O.g't 0,83 o.g'l 0,85 0.85 -tourly Flow Rate, HFR .72 760 0 0 859 111 Median Type Undivided Upstream Si~lnal o 0 L T R L T R Volume (veh/h) ,53 35 (yah/h) Percent ~rade (%) 0 0 Stora[le 0 0 ~' (veh/h) 72 'l :t 5 C (m) (veh/h) 706 227 Control Delay (s/yah) 10.7 36.1 I I I I I I I I I file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klFC0.tmp 12/4/2009 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of I TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY =reject Descri@tion AN09026 -'ast~/est Street: Main Road (NYS Rt 25) utersection Orientation: East-West ~lajor Street ?olume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (yah/h) Percent Heavy Vehh:les Median Type RT Channelized Configuration Upstream Sl~lnal Minor Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR (yah/h) Percent Heavy Vehicles =ercen/Grade (%) =lured Approach Storage RT Channellzed North/South Street: EastShoppin~/CenterDdveway Study Period (hfs): 0~25 Eastbound Westbound ~,pproach I 2 L T 66 680 0.91 o. gl 72 747 3 - 3 R 31 O. gl 34 415 L T 24 721 0.85 0,85 28 848 3 I g5 0.85 111 Undivided I I° I I0 TR 0 0 Northbound 7 8 L T 27 '/ 0. g0 0. g0 30 I 2 2 0 ~onfiguration LTR Eastbound Weslbound O 0 TR L 9 10 R L 27 53 o, go 0.76 30 69 2 2 0 0 0 Nodhbound Southbound 11 12 T R t 35 0.76 0.76 1 46 2 2 0 0 LTR Southbound Vlovement iLane Configura on v(veh~) L 72 4 28 C (m) (vehlh) 7'13 832 v/c 0.10 0.03 95% queue length 0.34 O. 10 B Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (sA/eh) Approach LOS 9.5 A 7 LTR 61 221 0.28 1.08 LTR 1t6 203 ~57 3.11 44.0 D E 27.4 44.0 I12 i i I ! [ 1 file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka~Local Settings\Temp\u2klFCF.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page I of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ ! intersection Main Rd & East Driveway Agency/Co. ATDE ] Jur[sdiotion Town of Southold Dale Par~armed 8/26/2009 ~ Anarysls Year Existing Analysis Time Period Saturday Midday I Project Description ANOO020 East~,Nest Street: Main Road (NYS Rt 25) Intersection Orientation: Ea.~t-Weat Ma~or Street Movement Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Homly Flow Rate, HFR Pement Heavy Vehicles Vledian Type :~T Chennelized .aRes 3.oflfig umtion JrPStmam Signal ~linor Street Volume (yah/h) Peak-Hour Factor, PHF Houdy Flow Rate, HFR (veh,'h) Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach Storage RT Channelized Lanes Configuraiion NodhtSouth St,met: East Shoppin~ Center Driveway Study Period (bm): 0.25 Eastbound 80 83 T R 745 Westbound 143 T 506 0,~6 0.83 0. gl 0,93 0.93 776 0 0 544 153 Undivided L T 0 NoAh'bound 0,70 0 N 0 0 0.70 2 0 0 10 67 0.87 77 .0 Southbound 11 TR 0 o LR 12 T R 41 0.83 0.87 47 0 uration ~eh/h) ,y (s/veh) LOS y (sNeh) Eastbound Westbound Northbound 4 .1 83 904 0.09 0.30 9.4 A Southbound 9 10 11 LR 124 31'1 0.40 f.84 24.0 C 24,0 file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2k24F9.tmp 12/4/2009 Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ [ Intersection Main Rd & East Odveway Agen cy/Co. A TDE I J u risdiction Town of Southold Date Performed t2/4/2009 Analysis Year No-Build Analysis Time Period Saturday Midday [ Project De~cfil0tion AN08026 East/West Sh'eet: MainRoad(NYSRt25) [ntemectlon Orientation; Major Street Movement Volume (veh/h) =eak-Hour Factor, PHF -tourly Flow Rate, HFR [vehlh) =ercent Heavy Vehicles Vledian Typo ;iT Channelized .~ontlgumtion Jpslream S~nal ·inor Street ~lovem~at ~/olume (veh/h) ~eak-Heur Factor~ PHF ~lourly Flow Rate, HFR iveh/h) ~erce~t Heavy Vehicles =ercent Grade (%) --lared Approach East. Wast Eastbound 0,96 86 North/South Street: EaetShoppinFCenterDriveway Study Period t rs): 0.25 Westbound T R 792 0.96 0.83 825 0 t° I 0 T 0 Northbound 8 9 T R 0.70 0.70 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 T R 587 '148 0.93 0.93 831 159 - '7' 0 1 0 TR 0 Southbound Storage :~T Channelized ;Lanes Configurat on Approach Lane Configuration v (veh/ll) C (m) (veh/h) vic 95% queue length Control Delay (s/veh) LOS Approach Delay (s/veh) Approach LOS 1.00 0 0 0 Eastbound 86 Westbound 835 0.10 0.34 9.8 Undivided 4 10 11 L T 69 0.87 0,83 78 0 2 0 12 Nodhboun R 7 42 0.87 48 2 N 0 0 0 LR Soulhbound LR 127' 25g 0.49 2.51 31.6 D 31.6 8 9 D file://C:\Documents and Settings\bzimolka\Local Settings\Temp\u2klFC5.tmp 12/4/2009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Two-Way Stop Control Page 1 of 1 TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst BMZ ] Intemection Main Rd & East Driveway Agency/Co. ATDE Jurisdiction Town of Sou~hold Date Performed 12/4,'2009 I Analysis Year Build Analysis Time Period Saturday Midday I ~mject Description ANOg026 EastNVest Street; Main Road (NYS Rt 25) ntersecflce Orientation: East-Weat ~lajor Street ~lovement · 'olume (veh~h) Seek-Hour Factor, PHF qouriy Flow Rate, HFR X~hlh) Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type RT Chancelized Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal Minor Street Volume (veh/h) Peak-Hour Fectoq PHF Hour~ Flow Rate, HFR (Yah/h) Pemeni Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Frared Approach Eastbound I I 2 3 L I T R 83 785 32 0.96 0,96 0.96 86 817 33 , I NorthlSouth Street: EastShoppinECenterD/fvewa¥ Study Period (hrs): 0,25 Westbound 4 5 R 25 0.93 28 670 0.93 622 148 0.93 !59 UndMded 0 I 1 I 0 L TR 0 0 Northbound Southbound 27 0.90 3O 8 9 T R 0.90 0.90 I 27 2 2 11 12 T R t 43 0.87 0.87 I 49 2 2 N St°ra0e 0 RT Channelized O Lanes 0 I 0 I 0 Configuration Eastbound L 86 841 Approach 0 0 LTR Westbound 0 0 ;~ TR L 10 L 69 ~87 79 2 0 0 Movement L 26 707 0,03 Noffilbound 7 8 9 LTR 58 239 LTR Lane Configuration ~ (velVh) ,7. (m) (veh/h) dc 95% queue length ;ontmJ Delay (s/veh) .OS 0.10 0.24 0.34 O. lO 0.92 9.8 9.7 24.8 A A C 24.8 38.7 C ~,pproach Delay (sNeh) Approach LOS LTR 129 231 0.50 3.06 38,7 E E fite://C:\Documents and Settkngs\bzimolka\LocaI Settings\Temp\u2klFD4.tmp 12/4/2009