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1000-141.-3-38.1 (2)
SITE INFO~M,&TIQN: LATITUDE: LON'N~D~: ELEVATION: EXI~TIN~ U~: LoT 51ZE: TOTAL LEADE A~A: LIST: T-I ~'-I Z-5 Z-4 ~'-E Z-~ DE~.RIPTION: TITLE SHEET ZONI~ MAP PP, OPE~"Pf MA~ t INPORMATION 91TE PLAN t ZONIN~ INFORMATION E<~UIPMENT PLAN MONOPOLE ELEVATION ~ DETAIL5 E~IJIPHENT DETAIL5 CONT,A, GTS: APPLICANT, ATTORNEY: ~NNY LUMI~R 125&5 5~UI~ AVENUE MATTITUDK, NY IIqE2 5 SKYLINE $COPE OF UJORK: - INSTALLATION OF (4) EGUIPHENT ¢A~INET5 OH NE~ ¢ONCP~TE 5LA~. - INSTALLATION OF (5) PANEL ANTENNA5 ON EXtSTI~ MONOPOLE. NOTES: I.) CONSTI~JJoTION TO CONFORM TO THE STANDARD5 AND 5~ClFICATIO~5 O~ ~E, SANITARY ~ A~ DOE5 N~ ~1~ ANY ~ITIO~ 4) TN5 51~ ~ILL BE VISINE ON AN A~SE ~EY FO~ TO 5IX MAINTENANCE AND ~L ~ M~NITO~D P~M A ~M~ F~ILI~. CONNECTION5 ~ALL ~ DE~RHINED ~Y THE A~PR~A~ UTILI~ CO~A~ A~V~. ~J 51~ LI~MTIN~ ~kk ~ ~) T~SE ~1N65 A~ ~IN~ ~PA~D POE THE ~5 O~ ~I61P~ A~ ~ENCY ~VIE~ AND A~V~, THE~ ~1~5 ~L ~T ~ ~TILI~ FOE CONS~TION ~RPO~5, ~TIL ~k CONDITION5 OF A~V~ MA~ BEEN 5ATI~IED. DATE DA'f~ DAI~ ri SITE #: NY7312 12585 SOUND AVENUE MATTITUCK, NY t 1952 SUFFOLK COUNTY SECTION: 141 BLOCK: 03 LOT: 38.1 !, ZONE: "LI" LIGHT INDUSTRIAL SCALE: P--bO0' (llxll) $/ 5GALE; I"=~00' (22XD4) TOHN OF 50'UTHOLD / APPROXIMATE / SITE LOCATION TOPOG~APNIC MAP: TO~IN OF 5O~HOLD SCALE, 1":12OO' (llxl"0 ~E: I"=eO0' (22x54) 12OO' 12OO' 18,OO" 2400' DESIGN'u GROUP~z ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 0?730 TEL: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 I Lou Moglino, AIA ARCHITECT - ~ 028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P,E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER b~- # GE 36209 - ~ 075384 CT - # 22375 PA - # O61412 Wireless for All. SrT~ Uo~, N'r'U512 &ITE INFO~F'1ATION CO-LOCATION DHo PMo O5/[2/IO TITLf= -F' I "T"t SHEET NUM~SER / //'~.. f/ --.-.;,.... '--......:/ / / APPROXIMATE /~,- ~ ~' ~ . I , ,~. I ~ : ,~' ,,, , ~" ..,. X~ ~ ,' .~ .,~ ,~ .,~ . ~... ~.~ ~,x ~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~ kX . , ZONING LEGEND ~ ~,~ ................................. LB- LIMITED BUSINESS .,.~ HD - HAMLET ~E~81~ RESIdEnTIAL . . ..................... ~4~ - ~I~E~TI~L LO~ ~E~I~ ~.,, ~ ',, ~ ~......,..........,......................~.... . ~ ~L~T~I~ ~ ' - " .... RO - RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE ~ ~.,;..~' TO~ ~ESI EARCHITECTURE NGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 T~L: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 Lou Mogllno, AIA ARCHITECT NJ - ~ A113345 NY - ~ 028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAl. ENGINEER NJ - ~ GE 36209 NY - # O75384 CT - # 22375 PA - ~ 061412 55AL metroPCS Wireless for All. SITE I NFOt~.MATION MATTITUC.~-., Nh" 11~2 IPESI®N TYPE: ~,O-LOC, ATION DHo SHEET TITLE ~ATE: NUMDE~, X- ,r ~ "% ' / %~' TOPNUM SECTON ~ ,,, ~ ~, ...... ~ , ~ , ARC~TECT STRUC~ ENGINEER ~"' ~ / '~ '"" :':': ~ " ~ ' ~ ~ ~ NJ- ~A113345 NJ- ~GE 36209 14t4 ~5915L~ionA~ OIsenlRICha~E a~mh )15L~ionA~,Ma~[tuck, NYll~2 Re Slng~Famdy~m~nt ' ¢ ' % ~, C d 't 3 %~ . -' .-.' ;, ~ 141 N.43 '~ ~~ ~~/ I TYP~: ~C~LE: N.T.5. 5TAT~ O~ TO~N A~ENClE5 ~ITHIN 500 FEET ~ ~ j ~CALE; II =2~¢ [~ IIII (11x11) ~ / / (INCLU~IN~ 5OENI~ BY~YS) U 5OALE: Ill=lOO-O (24X~) TOWN ql SoUTHOLDr i - t!~2tJNDAR¥ INFORMATION 10 TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOHINb: - A DRAI,~INCa TITLED DODNDARY 51JRVE¥ I:~,EPARED FOR METRO PC5 DY BARRET BONA(CCI I 'CAN I,~ELE, PC t~'C I DATED Oq/ll/Oq. 51TE HEASUREMENT5 TAKEN DY NTH DFSIDN CROUP, IN6, AT A CITE VISIT ON 04-14-0q EXISTIN5 BUILDIN5 ('PCP.) EXISTIN~ I00' POLE PROPOSED HETRO P(..5 EGOIPHENT CA~INET5 (TYP. OF 4) HOONTED ON STEEL RAIL5 ANCHORED TO NEI~ (.,ONCRETE 5LAD (160 50 FT LEASE AREA) (SEE I/A-2 FOR DETAILS) EXISTIN¢ BUILDIN¢ ("PCP.) EXISTiN~ DUILDLN~ ('~P.) TAX LOT 40 12. P~PE O~F--O TAX LOT `59 ., o)©q ~TUMINOUS pAVEMENT TAX LOT 21 TAX LOT .56 N ZONING [NFC) MATION 5EC, TION 141 LOT PROF:~O~E~ VAt-,lANCE I~M ~EGUI~D EXISTIN~ E~UIPHENT ~UIRED HIN. LOT AREA 40,000 5.F. 16¢,1~ 5.F. NO GHAN~E HAX. ~UIL~IN~ COVERAGE 50~ I1.~ NO ~HAN~ NO TOTAL MAX LOT ERASE 15~ ~2.q2~ 15.02% NO ~IN. LOT ~IDTH ~ 5T~T I00 FT. ~1.~1 FT. NO ~HAN~ NO EAST 15 FT. 125.~'FT, 112.D' FT. NO 5ACK 25 FT. 1¢~.2'FT. 18~.2' FT. NO MIN. 51DE YARD 5E'rBACK MIN. REAR YARD ADDITIONAL RE~JJIREt~NT5 FOR ¢OMt~ICATION TOILERS, PER TOA'N~IP CODE C, HA~'E~ ARTICLE AEE A5 FOLLOI,~5: / EXISTIN~ NON-C, ONFORMITY N/A NON APPLICABLE NOTES: INSTALLATION 15 IN COMPLIANCE RITH: -ALL LOCAL AND STATE BUILDIN5 CODES. -THE ENERGY CONSERVATION GONS'I'RUCTION (.,OPE OF NYS. 2. LAN~SCAPIN¢ ID PROPOSED (SEE I/Z-5 FO~-, DETAILS) TAX LOT APPROVED BY JJLANNING BOARD tOWN C,F $OUTHOLD SiTE PLaN SCALE: P'=DD' (11x11) 50ALE: I"=-/0' (22x~4) DESIGN° GROUP.z ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 TEL: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 LouMoglJno, AIA ARCHITECT -~AI13345 -~ 028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NJ~GE36209 N~-~ 075384 CT-¢ 22375 PA-~ 061412 SEAL metroPCSI Wireless for All. 'r'4T'4 ,JO~,=' O~ivffD~'T'~O I I CO-LOCATION DHo SHEET TITLE ~IT~ FLAW ZONIN~ O5/12/[O I NFO'~..MATI ON SHEET ,iI , - BOUblDAR¥ INFORHATION 15 TAKEN FROH THE BLOCK LOT 5g.I ~E~G~IPTION P~POSED E~UIPMENT TO EXISTIN~ ~ILDIN¢ ~2'-2" P~POSED E~UIPMBNT TO EXISTIN¢ ~ILDIN¢ ~0'-2" P~POSED E~UIPMENT TO EXISTIN~ BUILDIN~ ~5'-2" P~OPOSED E~UIPMENT TO EXISTIN¢ ~ILDIN~ 141'-2" P~POSEO E~UIPHENT TO EXISTIN¢ ~ILDIN~ P~OPO~EO E~UIPMENT TO EXISTIN~ ~ILDIN~ P~OPOSED E~UIPHENT TO EXISTIN¢ ~ILOlN¢ ~05ED E~I~T TO EXISTI~ ~ (~ A~) 554'-q" P~OPOSED EGUI~ENT TO ~XI~TIN~ ~51DENTIAL ~P. LI~ 12q'-2" ~POSED EGUI~ENT TO EXlSTIN¢ ~51DENTIAL ~OP. LI~ 185'-~" FOLLORIN¢: ., - A P~IN~ TITLED ~NDARY ~NAG61 ~ VAN ~ELE, PC CROUP, lNG. AT A 51~ VISIT ON 04-t4-0~ ~ / ~ " EXISTIN¢ BUILDIN~ ('lryp.) EXISTIN5 I00' POLE PROPOSED METRO PC5 EI2LJlPHENT 6ABINET5 ('PfP, OF 4) MOUNTED ON STEEL RAIL5 ANC, HORED TO NEH CONCRETE 5LAB (180 5<2 FT LEASE AREA) (SEE I/Z-5 FOR ~ETAILS) E×ISTIN~ BUIL~IN~ (TYP.) TAX LOT CONC PIPE N TAX LOT 21 LOT 36 TAX LOT 55 NOTI~5, INOTALLATION 15 IN 60MPLIANCE RITH: -ALL LOCAL AND OTATE BUILDIN¢ CODES. -THE ENER6¥ 60NSERVATION CONSTRUCTION 60DE OF NYS. FO~, DETAILS) EXISTIN¢ BUILPlN~ (TYP.) TAX LOT 40 · 0'19 og~.o ~ 7.z'~.,¢o(°'' '¢ , ', TAX LOT 59 APPROV~:~ "D BOAR 5CALE: lu=~I (llxl'l) 5GAL~=: J":"/O' (22x34) BESIGN' ROUP ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 TEL: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 Lou Moglino, AIA ARCHITECT NJ -/~ Al 13345 NY - ~4028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ~y- ~ GE 362O9 - # 075384 CT - ~ 22375 PA - ~ O61412 IlmetroPCSI Wireless for All. SITE I NFOt~.NIATION O0-LOC__.,ATION BHo PMo SHEET TITLE ADD ITl ONAL DAT~, 03/12/10 (~= PROPOSED ELECTRIC FROM EXISTIN¢ METER 5TACK., iNSTALL t~TER e DISCONNECT (~ = ~ROPO~D ~ROUND RIN~ ~= ~POSE~ ~LGO FROH EXISTIN~ 6~ 6A~INET TO NE~ E~UI~ENT PROPOSED METRO PC5 Fq'C CABINET SEC&IRED TO PROPOSED CONGRETF BLAB ON UNIS~T F~HE MOUN~D TO ~ALVANIZED POST5 ~ITH HORK LIGHT A~ PROPOSED 10'-12' HIgH (MIN.) EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE 5CREENIN~ AROUND EXISTIN~ COMPOUND I I0'-0" 60NCP. ETE 5LAi__ 'l__ EXISTIN5 ~'-0" FENCE HITH VINYL PRIVACY SLAT5 EXISTIN~ TRANSFORMER IO'-O" x h~'-O" CONCRETE 5LAB (180 5<2 FT TOTAL LEASE AREA) (BEE DRAb, tINe, Z-5) EXISTIN~ 656 CABINET PROPOSED METRO PC5 ANTENNA (TYP OF I PER SECTOR, E, TOTAL) FLUSH MOUNTED OUTSIDE EXISTIN5 POLE (SEE DETAIL 5/Z-~) PROPOSED METRO PCS E<2UIPMENT CABINETS (TYP. OF 4) MOUNTED ON PP-,OPOSED STEEL RAIL5 ANCHORED TO NE?,I CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DETAIL PROPOSED METRO PCB COAXIAL CABLE5 ROUTED ALON5 NEI,~ CABLE BRIDSE TO EXlSTIN~ POLE (USE EXISTIN5 DOUBLE ¢ATE EXISTIN¢ PORT) (SEE DETAIL I/Z-T) PROPOSED METRO P65 UTILITY CON~UIT5 PROPOSED METRO PCS ePS UNIT MOUNTED ON PP-.OPOSED CABLE BRIDCE SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 2/Z-~) 250' hANNA SECTOR ALPHA SECTOR EXISTIN¢ I00' POLE --EXISTIN¢ EOUIPMENT (BY OTHERS) 150' BETA SECTOR _ i , AppROVeD BY pIL, ANNING BOARD DESIGNu GROUP z ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 TEL: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 LouMoglino, AIA ARCHITECT NJ-#AI13345 NY-# 028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NJ - ~ GE 36209 NY - ~ 075384 CT - # 22375 PA - ~ 061412 metroPCS Wireless for All. SiTE UO~,~', N'd7312 MTM JOB:~, O'~h.dP&T&OI I SITE INFORMATION 12~8~ $OUNE2 A'v'~NLJF= MATTITUIGK, Nh" ll~2 ~ESI®N TYPE: CO-LOCATION DHo P~o 03/~2/10 SHEET TITLE E~g I~EN I PLAN NtJh4DE~ ~-.EV. NOTE: a STt~CCTC~L ANALYBIS OF THE EXISTINe NONOPOLE HAS PERFORMED IN CONPORMANOE I~IITH TIA/~IA-222 REV F AND NY STATE BUILDIN~ CODES ON O$.ll.O~l Br' SEHAAN ENSINEERIN~ ~OLUTIONS, LLC. THE ANALr'SIB CONCLUDED THAT THE MONOPOLE IS STf~CTgRALLr' CAPABLE OF ~¢JPPORTIN~ THE EXISTIN~ AND Pt~2P~ED ANTENNAS. TOP OF EXISTIN~ POLE IO0'-O":i: ABOVE GRADE EXISTIN~ ANTENNA5 (BY ©THERE) CENTER OF PROP. METRO PCS ANTENNAS '~5'-0"± ABOVE ~P, ADE --EXISTIN~ [00' MONO?OLE TOP OF POLE, 26.~" DIAHETER BASE OF POLE: 38.1q" DIAMETER PROPOSED METRO PC5 ANTENNA ("PCP OF I PER SECTOR, 5 TOTAL) FLUSH MOI)N'rEP OtITSIOE EXISTIN5 POLE (SEE DETAIL 5/Z-S) F~OPOSED METRO PC,5 ~PS UNIT NOUN'fED ON PROPOSED GABLE BRID¢E .SUPPORT (SEE DETAIL 2/Z-'7) EXISTIN6 CBC CABINET PROPOSED HETRO PCC5 CCOAXIAL CABLES ROUTED ALONe NEH CABLE BRIDroE TO EXISTIN~ POLE (USE EXlSTINt'o PORT) (SEE DETAIL I/Z-q) PROPOSED METRO PCS EGUIPHENT CABtNETB (TYP. OF 4) MOI.~TED ON 5~EL ~IL5 ANCHO~ TO NE~ CONC~ 5LAB (SEE DETAIL 4/Z-51) PROPOSED METRO PCS PTC CABINET SECURED TO PROPOSED CONCRETE SLAB ON I.~IISTIV~T Ft~AME HOUNTED TO 8ALVANIZED POST5 HITH HOR~ LIGHT ABO~ TOP OF PROFO~D EGUI~ENT C~INET5 T-2"~ ABO~ ¢~DE EXISTIN~ 6'-0" FENCE ~ITH , VINYL PRIVACY 5LATE APPROXIMATE CRADE PROPOSED METRO PCC5 IO'-O" x I~'-0" CONCRETE 5LAB (100 Sd~ FT TOTAL LEASE AREA) (SEE DETAIL ROUTED UP IN EXlSTIN5 POLE (LISE EXISTIN~ PORT) EGUIPi,,1ENT (Br' OTHERS) (HINJ EVII=t~SREEN LANDSCAPE SCREENIN¢ At~Z)LIND EXISTINg, COHPOUND TOP OF PP-,OPOSED 5FSANTENNA TOP OF PROPOSED , ! 50UTNLUEST ELE//ATION SCALE: I/lO"--I'-¢" SO,ALE: I/~"=l'-O" (22x~4) 250' ~AHMA SECTOR 150' BETA SECTOR 40' ALPHA BECCTOR ANTENNA O [ENTATION PLAN SC-ALE: 5/4"=1'-~" (llxl"l) SCALE: I {/2"=l'-0" (22x~4) PROPOSED PANEL ANTENNA= KATNREIN MODEL NO. ¢¢¢-1¢5¢.4 Height 4'-~ I/4." Depth 2 I/2" FRONT ¥1ELU 51DE VIE~ CALE~ 1/~,"=,1-~" (Il×I'D F~OPOSED VALHOflT -SECTOR CHAIN MOUNT KIT APPROVED E~UAL) 2-3/8," O. D. ANTENNA MOLININ.~. PIPE -- PROPOSED I'4ETRO PC5 ANTENNA (TYP OF I PER SECTOR, B TOTAL) MOUNTED OLr'FSIDE EXISTIN¢ POLE (SEE B/Z-8 FOR ANTENNA MODEL DIMENSION5 DESIGNu GROUP5 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEWJERSEY 07730 TEL: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 kouMoglino, AIA ARCHITECT NJ-~AI13345 NY-¢ 028992-1 Robe~W. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER i~- #GE 36209 -~ 075384 CT- # 22375 PA-~ 061412 Wireless for All. ~r',4 Uot~,,*: O':a'Nq'PSTSOI I SITE I NFOP. iVfATION IDESI®N T"dPE: CO-LOC, ATI ON 03/12/I0 Ivl'ONO~OLE EL:F=VATI ON ~. ZZ;> T---T-.,"-. I L"'-.-, SHEET NUh4BE~. Z' © t~.E¥. F~OPOSED METI~ PCS ~P5 UNIT MOIJNTI-'D ON CABLE t~lm~E DETAIL B/Z-4) CABLE BRIDel-' A$SrPESLY OR AI~D EOUAL PROVIDE 5UF~ORT PO~TS ~ ~5'-0" ON CENTER MAXIMUM COAXIAL CABLES ROUTED ALON~ CABLE TRAPEZE HANCEP,5 S I/2"0 SCHEDULE 40 POST, AT ~"0" MAXIHUH ON CENTER (~) I-I/4"e ~¢h. 40 x 18" LC. MIN 55 OR 6ALV. PIPE (~) PLATE I/4 x 4-1/4 x le-I/4" L& 5ALV.(A-B~) ~ 5TS. U-~LT FOR 2"~ P~ ~ DOUD~ HEX ~T5 A~ ~ASHER, ~ALV. ~ 55. U-~LT FOR ~"~ PI~ ~ DOUBLE HEX ~T5 AND ~SHER, 5ALV. (SEE NOTE ~) 911 6F5 UNIT PROPOSED 5" THICK 4000 PSt CONCRETE $LAB ~IITH 2 LAYERS OF 8x8-8/8 P~ELDED PtlRE FABRI6. BEE PLAN5 FOR PAP 51ZE (TOP TO BE LICHTLY BRUSI-JED) PROPOSED CHAHFERED EDGE- FO~ h ~ EXISTIN¢ 50IL BRACKET ADJUSTMENT ~, 1'-4" glA. ~ONCt~-TE PLATE FoOTIN& I,SE ~llx~lllx~" BASE PLATE HITH)~" ~iA. ANCHOR5 FOR M~NTIN~ TO 5LA~ ~P~ED ~" THICK LA~R ~/4" PlA. O~SHED 5TO~ F~,ODOSED MOUNTIN~ MAST 6f~IJND BAR APPROX, FINISH ®RAPE 4" THICK LAYER OF 9/4" DIA. Cf~JJSHED STONE BASE EXISTIN~ UNDISTURBED VIRCIN 50IL ? C_..,AE LE DETAIL 5OALE~ I/4"=1LO'' SCALE, I/2"=1'-0" (22x54) SCALE: I/2'=1'-~" (11x11) 5GALE: I"=i'-O" (22xB4) CONCRETE SLAB SCALE: 3/4"--I'-~'* (llxFI) (2) PROPOSED LITNONIA 5OOL~ LAMP MODEL ~(2E 500 120 LPI PROPOSED EGUIPHENT CABINETS. (2 EOUIPHENT ~ 2 BAII~RY CABINETS) ON STEEL FRAME MOUNTED TO CONCRETE PAP PROPOSED METRO PCS PTC CABINET ON UNISTRUT FRAHE MOUNTED TO DALVANIZED POST ~IITH LIGHT ABOVE FRAME PROPOSED CONCP-J'-TE 5LAB (SEE DETAIL 2/Z-5) APPROXIHATE EQUIPMENT CABINET LESEND PROPOSED EGUIPMENT CABINET ~ 2'-II 9/5" X D 5'-I IB/l&" X H &'-S II/1~" PROPOSED EGUI~ENT CABINET ~ 2'-II ~/~" X 0 ~'-i 1~/[6" X H ~'-~ 11/16" P~POSED BAT~RY C~I~T ~ 2'-4 ~/16" X D 2'-4 514" x H 5'-~ 5/l&" PROPOSED BAT~RY OABI~T ~ 2'-4 q/l&" X D 2'-4 D/4" X H 5'-q D/~&" DATE APPROVED BY PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD E) T'cPrCAL E UIPMENT ELE',/ATrON 5GALE: 1/.4"--1'-Or' (llxll) SCALE= I/2"=l'-O" (22x54) DESIGNu GROUP5 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX 3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 TEE: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4334 Lou Moglino, AIA ARCHITECT NJ - ~ A113345 NY-# 028992-1 RobertW. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAL~NGIN~R i~.- #GE 36209 -~ 075384 CT ~ ¢ 22375 PA ~ ~061412 SEAL ImetroPC l Wireless for All. sim JOB,.: N'r"~312 MTM JOB¢' O'~MPSTSOI I SITE I NFO~.MATION 125~5 50UN~) AVENUE MATTITUd,'K,., NY l i~2 CO-LOCATION BHo Pi-do SHEET TITLE EE dg~U I PI'-dt~NT OD/12/J0 I:2ETAILS RE"/. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENSKI February 15, 2011 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Re; Approval: Special Exception for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, February 14, 2011: WHEREAS, this application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' antenna support structure and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the above-referenced request for Special Exception Approval for a public utility wireless communication facility was submitted for review on April 23, 2010 including a site plan prepared by Lou Moglino, ALP,, dated March 12, 2010; and WHEREAS, the submission by the applicant has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent technical consultant retained by the Town to assist in the review process; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the General Requirements in 280-70 were met; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board distributed the application to agencies having jurisdiction for their comments; and WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies having jurisdiction and by the independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Pa.qe Two February 15, 2011 617.7, initiated the SEQRA lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board agreed to waive the requirement to construct an entirely new antenna support structure that meets the Town Code, pursuant to §280-76.2F. It was determined that the pre-existing antenna support structure, though not in compliance with the Town Code, could be allowed due to the finding by the Planning Board that the structure is already located in a place that would comply the same as any alternate locations, and the new antennas will be constructed to be as unobtrusive as possible; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and recommended the proposed project be found consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, a public hearing was held and closed by the Southold Town Planning Board regarding the special exception consideration and site plan; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, on November 12, 2010, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed the plan and certified that the proposed action is a permitted use in this Light Industrial Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the application to determine whether it satisfied the requirements for a special exception pursuant to Town Code Section 280-142 as follows: 1. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent properties or of properties in adjacent use districts. The tower already exists and the new antennas are flush-mounted to reduce visibility as much as possible. The equipment cabinets are not visible from outside the property. 2. That the use will not prevent the orderly and reasonable use of permitted or legally established uses in the district wherein the proposed use is to be located or of permitted or legally established uses in adjacent use districts. The property is used for industrial purposes. 3. That the safety, the health, the welfare, the comfort, the convenience or the order of the Town will not be adversely affected by the proposed use and its location. The antenna support structure already exists, and the facility has been found to meet the Maximum Permissible Exposure limits set by the Federal Communications Commission. 4. That the use is in harmony with and promotes the general purposes and intent of this chapter. Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Pa.qe Three February 15,2011 5. That the use is compatible with its surroundings and with the character of the neighborhood and of the community in general, particularly with regard to visibility, scale and over-all appearance. The antennas are flush-mounted as close to the existing structure to minimize the visual obtrusiveness as much as possible. 6. That all proposed structures, equipment and material shall be readily accessible for fire and police protection; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the application to determine whether it met the additional standards for a Special Exception Approval for a Wireless Communication Facility pursuant to §280-73B as follows: 1. Modification of the existing facility for a co-location of another wireless carrier has been found to be a public necessity, in that it is required to meet current or expected demands of the telecommunications provider and to render adequate service to the public. 2. The applicant is co-locating their antennas on an existing antenna support structure. 3. It is more feasible to co-locate the antennas on the existing structure rather than construct a.new structure. A new structure is not desirable because it would contribute to visual clutter; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby finds that the standards for Special Exception Approval have been met; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the action is consistent under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning hereby grants a waiver of 280-76.1A., "Pre-existing antenna support structures and antennas not in compliance"; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval for the Special Exception Consideration for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman Encl. Town Engineer Building Department PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENSKI February 15,2011 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD MAT[.~tG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Site Plan for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, February 14, 2011; WHEREAS, this application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' antenna support structure and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the above-referenced request for Special Exception Approval for a public utility wireless communication facility was submitted for review on April 23, 2010 including a site plan prepared by Lou Moglino, AIA, dated March 12, 2010; and WHEREAS, the submission by the applicant has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent technical consultant retained by the Town to assist in the review process; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the Planning Board determined that the General Requirements in 280-70 were met; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board distributed the application to agencies having jurisdiction for their comments; and WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies having jurisdiction and by the independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Pa,qe Two February 15, 2011 WHEREAS, on September 16, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, initiated the SEQRA lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator reviewed the above-referenced project and recommended the proposed project be found consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, a public hearing was held and closed by the Southold Town Planning Board regarding the special exception consideration and site plan; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, this application is eligible for waiver of landscaping requirements under §280-76.2C and the Planning Board has determined that the landscaping may be waived in this case due to the industrial uses existing on the subject parcel, and the equipment area is not readily visible from any public vantage points; and WHEREAS, on November 12, 2010, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed the plan and certified that the proposed action is a permitted use in this Light Industrial Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2011, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Special Exception Approval for this application; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that the action is consistent under the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby waives landscaping pursuant to Section {}280-76.2 C. as shown on the Partial Site Plan & Equipment Plan Z-05 as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grants Approval with Conditions and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the site plan entitled "Metro PCS", prepared by Lou Moglino, R.A., dated June 02, 2009, and last revised April 12, 2010, including the following six plans: 1. T-1 Title Sheet 2. Z-01 Zoning Map ~ 3. Z-02 Property Maps & Information Metro PCS at Penny Lumber PaRe Three February 15,2011 4. Z-03 Site plan & Zoning Information 5. Z-04 Site plan & Zoning Information 6. Z-05 Partial Site Plan & Equipment Plan 7. Z-06 Monopole Elevations & Details 8. Z-07 Equipment Details Conditions of the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy are: Discontinue any future use as a flag-pole; and Re-paint the existing monopole to a neutral blue-gray; and Remove the up lighting currently on-site. Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to site plans: 1. Any outdoor lighting shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries, and to shield the light from the sky. 2. All storm water run-off from grading, driveways and gravel areas must be contained on site. 3. Approved site plans are valid for three years from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 4. Any changes from the approved site plan shall require Planning Board approval. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board or its representative, must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the approved site plan and issue a final site inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the approved site plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the approved site plan (8 pages) is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman Encl. CC; Town Engineer w/map Building Dept. w/map PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 November 1,2011 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 RE: Site plan for Metro PCS ~ Penny Lumber Located: Penny Lumber 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattimck SCTM#1000-141.-3-38.1 Dear Mr. Coughlin: As per your request, the Planning Staff conducted a site inspection of the above property on Thursday October 28, 2011 where the site work was determined to be in conformance with your approved site plan. This letter does not condone any changes from the approved site plan and approvals from other agencies; Planning Board approval is required prior to any significant changes to the site. Please, if you have any questions regarding this site plan or its process do not hesitate to call this office. Sincerely, ' MartinH. Sidor v_ , Chairman Cci Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector Jamie Richter, Town Engineer PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hail Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 December 8, 2011 John J. Coughlin, Esq. R~, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 Re: site plan Application for Metro PCS New York, LLC . located at Penney Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 D~ar Mr. COughlin: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $1,419.08 for the balance of the funds provided by your client to the Town to cover the expense of'a consultant to assist with the review of !he application referenced above. Your client sent an initial amount Of $8~5001 The ~nsultant, Center for Municipal Solutions, subsequently billed a total of $7,080.92 (see enclosed copies of Invoices #53136-001, 53136-002, 53136-003, 53136-004 & 53136-005). Pursuant to Town Code §280-74A(4)(c) we am returning the unused portion of the funds to you. Sincerely, Martin Sidor Chair Encs. RESOLUTION 2011-784 ADOPTED DOC ID: 7249 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2011-784 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 22, 2011: Resolved, that unused consulting fees paid to the Town totaling $1,419.08 be refunded to the applicant, MetroPCS New York, LLC, for approved wireless application at Penney Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, SCTM#141-3-38.1. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Talbot, Krupski Jr., Evans, Russell annin,q Board Work Session Pa,qe Three October 31,2011 ; : ion i' ~C~M#: 00~:i02:2:i'~ Locat on: I n/e corner of Depot Lane on~_.~.~!'~ D~{~ti~ ~[~"~{~ ~i~"~ i~'{~'~ ~ ~versi~n of an existing dwelling to profess onal offices on a 20 224 sq ff parce n the Re Zoning D strict. Act on Rev ew fna s te nspect on e~er for . . AEachments Draft Le~er ' ~{~ ~'~' ~'~ ~ ~ i~ction of Bergen Avenue and Sound Avenue, on the no~h s de of Sound Avenue in Matt tuck Description: , ~i~ ~ii~' ~i~ i~'~ ~'[~i'~ ~ ~'i~raii~'~' ~i'~ ~i'~ ~ ~ ~'~ . AOflon: ~.~t o~. e~e~.~.o.~ A~ta~h.ment~ Le~e~ p~j~ ~.~ lejE~.C.~_~t..Penny L~mb~ ] SC~M~ ,. !~0~:141:~.:38.1 Loca~on ! 2.585 ~ou~. ~. Maffi~pqk Description: This application is for site plan and special exception consideration to ~ affix public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of , ~ an existing 100' foot flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road ' Status: Action: Review final site inspection le~er for C.O. Attachments: Draft Le~er Cummin~ls, Brian A. From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Lanza, Heather Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:56 PM Cummings, Brian A. FW: MetroPCS NY7312 Flag Light Removed:lpg; NY7312 Flag Light.jpg Categories: Red Category Please prim the email & photos for the file. From: John Coughlin [mailto:icouc~hlinc~rnhclaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 1:45 PM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: RE: I~letroPC$ Hi Heather, As discussed a couple of weeks ago, I communicated with MetroPCS about Penny Lumber- they have advised that the light fixture has now been removed and provided these pictures for reference. Please let me know if you need anything further on that site for you to do your final inspection/close-out. As to the Southold Police site, has the final accounting of the escrow deposit been made? Thanks, John From: Lanza, Heather [mailto:heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us] Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:00 PM To: John Coughlin Subject: RE: MetroPCS John, We will do so for the MetroPCS application at the Police Station right away. The MetroPCS installation at Penney Lumber does not appear to have a final inspection letter from the Planning Board in the file. I am checking to see if this is a mistake or if we never inspected the site and the c.o. was issued mistakenly. Either way we can rectify the situation quickly, and we'll do the same accounting for this application. I apologize that the police station application wasn't done right away. The staff person in charge at the time was instructed to do so, but subsequently left our employ and the task fell through the cracks. Heather From: John Coughlin [mailto:icoughlin@rnhclaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:37 PM To: Lanza, Heather Subject: RE: MetroPC$ Hello Heather, Just writing to follow up as to the below. Thankyou, John From: 3ohn Coughlin ~ent: Wednesday, September 14, 2011 3:17 PM To: 'Lanza, Heather' Subject: MetroPCS Heather, I understand that the COs have been issued for the two prior approved MetroPCS applications to the Town (see attached). Please provide copies of alt invoices billed against the deposits submitted for those applications. Thank you for your ongoing assistance, John 3ohn .1. Coughlin R~, Nielsen, Huber & Coughtin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Telephone: (631) 425-4100 Facsimile: (631) 425-4104 E-h4ail; icoug hlin(~rnhclaw.com Ihis cmmil message and attached fires, if any, are confidential and intended solely fi~r Ihe use of the addressee(s) named ab()vc, lhis communication may COlltaill Jntbrmation protected by attorney-client, work product, or other priviJegcs. It' yotl are uot the intended rccipient or his/her agent, any review, use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, copying, or other dislribufon of the inlbrn~atkm in this e-mail is strictly prohibited, If you have received this confidential communication in ClTOr. please notil}, thc sender immediately by reply e-mail message and permanently delete thc original message. NOTE TO FILE Date: October 6, 2011 Prepared by: Brian Cummings A site visit (HL/BC) was conducted for the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy: 1. Site inspection revealed that the monopole had not been painted as was approved, but shouldn't be a problem and an existing light fixture that was once used to light a flag that no longer exists. This fixture should be removed or pointed to the ground (if still illuminated at night). ~)LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SPFile Type: Approved Proiect Type: Site Plans Status: Final Approval SCTM #: 1000- 141.-3-38.1 Project Name: MetroPCS, NY, LLC/Penny Address: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck Hamlet: Mattituck Applicant Name: Dan Olmetti, MetroPCS, Owner Name: Geor.qe L. Penny, Inc. Zone 1: LI Approval Date: 2/14/2011 New York, LLC OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: 2/14/2011 Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: SC Filin.q Date: C and R's: Home Assoc: R and M A.qreement: SCAN Date: SCANNED I~OV 2 2_ 2011 Records Management MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENSKI February 15,2011 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD John J. Cough!in, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Special Exception for Metro PCS at Penny Lumb Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 BLDG DEPT. Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, February 14, 2011: WHEREAS, this application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a Wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' antenna support structure and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the above-referenced request for Special Exception Approval for a public utility wireless communication facility was submitted for review on April 23, 2010 including a site plan prepared by Lou Moglino, AIA, dated March 12, 2010; and WHEREAS, the submission by the applicant has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent technical consultant retained by the Town to assist in the review process; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the General Requirements in 280-70 were met; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board distributed the application to agencies having jurisdiction for their comments; and WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies having jurisdiction and by the independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section PLANNING BOARD MEMBEe MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH III DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 15, 2011 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard'& Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Site Plan for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3~38.1 Zoning District: LI M~II.n~G ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, February 14, 2011; WHEREAS, this application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' antenna support structure and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the above-referenced request for Special ExcePtion Approval for a public utility wireless communication facility was submitted for review on April 23, 2010 including a site plan prepared by Lou Moglino, AIA, dated March 12, 2010; and WHEREAS, the submission by the applicant has been reviewed and corroborated with an independent technical consultant retained by the Town to assist in the review process; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the Planning Board determined that the General Requirements in 280-70 were met; and WHEREAS, on September 13, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board distributed the application to agencies having jurisdiction for their comments; and WHEREAS, the comments from those agencies having jurisdiction and by the independent radio frequency engineer retained by the Town were received and accepted by the Planning Board, discussed with the applicant, and incorporated into the site plan to the satisfaction of the Planning Board; and '~ RI);, NIELSEN, HUllER & GOUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 86 NORTH NI~W YOR~ AVENUE HUNTINOTON, NEW Yoax 1174/3 TELEPHONE: (031) 425-4100 FA6SlI~IL]~: (631) 425-4104 February 18, 2011 VIA UPS Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (Site No. NY7312) Planning Board Approved Site Plan Drawings Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000 141 3 38.1 2011 Dear Kristy: Pursuant to your request, we made two (2) copies of the original Town signed/stamped approved Site Plan drawings, prepared by MTM Design Group, Inc., dated April 12, 2010, and we enclose same herewith. Thank you Very truly yours, R~, N~I~LSEN, HUBEI~' COUGpLIN, LLP Marisa Knoth, Paralegal /mk Enclosures WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, January 31,201'1 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Applications: ....................................................................................... Project name: i Metro PCS at Pen..n_y Lumber ~ §~T~":"'i ;i 0"00- -3-38 .1 Location: [ 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck .............. -ri~'i~";;~p~ii~i~"i~"~(~"~i~ ~'~i~{~ affix public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' foot flag pole and install related equipment on the ground[ at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District ~ Status: ~ Site Plan and Special Exception ~ Board on the status of the andscap~.ng.. ............................ [ Attachments: [ Staff Rep~ ............................ Location: 825 Ma n Road Greenpo~ associated parking for the purpose of a retail wine~ on 60.33 acres ocated n the R-80 Zon ng District. Status ~ S te P an Review [ Attachments: [ Staff Repo~ ~ ~[0J~.~; Pr ce, Ma~ Ann ~ SCTMg: 1000-140-2-18 Location: 730 Love Lane, Mafftuck ~ ~ ~ ~i ~{~on consideration for a Flea Market having 28 nd v dua vendors Status ZBA Resuest for Comments Act on [ Rev ew draft comments. AEachments; ~ Draft Comments Location: 3450 Pr vate Road ~13 Mattituck 1= 1.84 acres (80,003 s.f.) and Lot 2 = 3.7 acres (163,044 s.f.) in the R- 80 Zo.ning..D.~s~ict: ~ Status OPen Action: Review submission of revised map highlighting alternate access and =. Attachments: i..~.~gpgrt ........................................ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAH ,I~IG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 December 14, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Special Exception (Tabled) for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board, at their December 13, 2010 Public Meeting, tabled the above-referenced resolution for approval of Special Exception Consideration at the request of the applicant. The next scheduled Public Meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be held on January 10, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 December 14, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Site Plan (Tabled) for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board, at their December 13, 2010 Public Meeting, tabled the above-referenced resolution for Site Plan Approval at the request of the applicant. The next scheduled Public Meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be held on January 10, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman ./Pt~e 1 of I Winser, Kristy From: John Coughlin [jcoughlin@rnhclaw.com] Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 3:52 PM To: Winser, Kdsty Cc: Marisa Knoth Subject: RE: MetroPCS @ Penny Hello Kristy, Please allow this e-mail to serve as a follow-up to our conversation earlier in the week. To date, MetroPCS has not yet received approval from Penny Lumber and Madam as to the revised landscaping plan. Accordingly, unless the Board is willing to waive all landscaping, we would request that the matter again be put over from December 13, 20:[0 until the next available Planning Board public hearing date to give MetroPCS more time to try and resolve this issue. Thank you for your ongoing assistance. Yours truly, John From: 3ohn Coughlin Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 12:46 PM To: 'Winser, Krisb/' Subject: Metro @ Penny ~. ,% 'i'~(~ Please see the attached. John .1. Coughlin R~, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Telephone: (631) 425-4:[00 Facsimile: (631) 425-4104 E-Math ~Lc_o_g~g_h_l.j_n_~ r n h c I a w. c o m [his c-mail messwge and attached files, if any, are confidential and intended solely for tile use of thc addressee(s) named above. This cnmmunication may contain information protected by attorney-client, work product, or od]er privileges. If you arc not the intended recipient or his her agent, any review~ use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, copying, or od~er distribution of lhe information in this e-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this confidential communication in error, please noilly thc sender immediately by reply e-mail message and permanently delete tl~e original message. 12/10/2010 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD M~H,~IG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, N~ Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 November 16, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Site Plan (Tabled) for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zolling District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board, at their November 15, 2010 Public Meeting, tabled the above-referenced resolution for Site Plan Approval at the request of the applicant. The next scheduled Public Meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be held on December 13, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAII,I[NG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 November 16, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Approval: Special Exception (Tabled) for Metro PCS at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board, at their November 15, 2010 Public Meeting, tabled the above-referenced resolution for approval of Special Exception Consideration at the request of the applicant. The next scheduled Public Meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be held on December 13, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman Tiiwn Hall x~lll]CX 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Soutltold, NY 119714)95!) Telcphonc (631) 765-1802 F,~x (631) 765-9502 BI [I1J)ING 1)I~;I'AI/TStENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM TO: Martin Sidor, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: November 12, 2010 REQUIREMENTS FOR S1TE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Metro PCS Location: 12585 Sound Ave., Mattituck SCTM# 1000 Section 141- Block 3 Lot 38.1 Date: April 10, 2010 Revised Date: 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY W1TH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORiTY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE Wireless Co-location IS A PERMITTED USE BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION IN THIS L.~I DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. Chief Building Inspector OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Martin Sidor, Chair Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: November 10, 2010 Re: MetroPCS, NY, LLC/Penny~ SCTM# 141.-3-38.1 This application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' antenna support structure and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Kristy Winser, Senior Planner ARC Minutes Page Two October 21, 2010 O O O O That the proposed display area located on the corner of C.R. 48 and Youngs Avenue should be relocated to the westerly side of the property along Route 48, bringing the fencing further back to allow for a display area in that location and the planting of 7'-8' high evergreens in front of the fencing to add to the screening of the storage area. The addition of Iow lying vegetation is recommended in lieu of the display area located at the comer of C.R. 48 and Youngs Avenue. The addition of screening along Youngs Avenue along the proposed staging area with 7'-8' evergreens. An updated lighting plan to be Dark Sky compliant on the property. METRO PCS NY, LLC at POLICE STATION SCTM#: 1000-75-5-14.1 Larry Re, Attorney from R~, Neilsen, Huber & Coughlin presented the project along with Kristy Winser, Senior Planner. The project is approved as submitted today. METRO PCS NY, LLC at MARJAM/PENNY SCTM#: 1000-141-3-38.1 Larry R&, Attorney from R&, Neilsen, Huber & Coughlin Presented the project along with Kristy Winser, Senior Planner. The Committee is recommending evergreen screening around the structure. All other aspects of the project are approved as submitted today. Motion made and seconded for approval. All in favor. A motion was made to close the meeting at 5:05p.m. Ail in favor. Eli~'abeth Cantrell, A.R.C. Secretary Sanford Hanauer, Chairperson Reynolds duPont, Jr. Herbert Ernest Joseph ~ Ronald McGreevy Howard Meinke Nicholas Planamento Mark Schwartz Elizabeth Thompson 54375 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Fax (631) 765-6641 Telephone: (631) 765 - 1892 southoldtown.northfork.net Town of Southold Architectural Review Committee Minutes 4:00p.m., October 21, 2010 Town Hall Annex Executive Board Room Members Present: Sandy Hanauer, Chairperson; Joseph Lee; Howard Meinke; Nicholas Planamento; Mark Schwartz; Kristy Winser, Senior Planner; Elizabeth Cantrell, Secretary The minutes for the August 18, 2010 meeting were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations, together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. New Applications: TIDY CAR SCTM#: 1000-55-5-2.2 Kristy Winser, Senior Planner presented the project. The Committee is recommending the following modifications to the current site plan: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 October 19, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Close Hearing: Proposed Special Exception Consideration & Site Plan for Metro PCS at Penny Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, October 18, 2010 regarding the above-referenced Special Exception Consideration & Site Plan. The public hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 October 19, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re: Negative Declaration: Proposed Special Exception Consideration & Site Plan for Metro PCS at Penny Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, October 18, 2010: WHEREAS, this application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on September 16, 2010, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, initiated the SEQRA lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action and as lead agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration. Enclosed please find a copy of the Negative Declaration for your records. Metro PCS at Penny ,Lumber Pa,qe 2 October 19, 2010 If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman Encl. cc: Southold Town Clerk for Town Board Southold Town LWRP Coordinator Southold Town Engineer Southold Town Building Department Southold Town ARC Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significance October 18, 2010 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: SCTM#: Location: SEQR Status: Type I ( ) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Description of Action: MetroPCS, NY, LLC/Penny 1000-141-3-38.1 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck Unlisted Yes ( ) No (x) (x) This application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District. Reasons Supporting This Determination: An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. The proposed action requires special exception approval from the Southold Town Planning Board pursuant to Section 280-70(E) of the Southold Town Code. SEQR NeRative Declaration - Pa.qe Two - October 18, 2010 The property is currently improved with a 100' flagpole monopole and equipment area within a fenced compound (see photo below). Figure 1. 100' Monopole with Flag Figure 2. 100' Monopole with Flag The property is zoned Light Industrial (LI). Zoning districts located within the vicinity of the parcel include LB (Limited Business) to the northeast, RO (Residential Office) immediately to the north and southwest as outparcels, HB (Hamlet Business) to the southwest and R-40 (Residential) to the northeast. The land use on site is Light Industrial (lumber yard). Surrounding land uses within the vicinity of the site are residential and business. Based on the existing use and improved facilities, the proposed action will not cause a substantial intensification of use over the current use. Further, the proposed action will not cause significant impacts to agricultural, open space or recreational resoumes. SEQR Ne,qative Declaration - Pa.qe Three - October 18, 2010 No substantial adverse change in existing air quality, ground or surface water quality or quantity, traffic or noise level will occur as a result of the proposed action. The Tower is visible from County Route 48 and New York State 25, New York State Scenic Byways and secondary roads. A Visual Analysis (dated February 16, 2010) prepared by EBI Consulting has been submitted. The Planning Board has determined that the placement of a cellular antenna on the existing 100' monopole will not result in significant impacts to the view sheds important to the community. Equipment cabinets are located in a fenced compound and are not visible from public areas. No exterior lighting is proposed. Further, no major change in the use of either the quantity or type of energy will occur. The applicant has submitted an assessment of Radio Frequency (RF) Compliance entitled Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report (2009). The report concluded that the radio frequency emissions from the combination of the existing and proposed antenna to be in compliance with FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits. The report further concluded that the RF level is 145 times below the federal limit established as safe for continued human exposure. Therefore, no known creation of a hazard to human health is expected to occur as a result of the proposed action. The site is cleared and improved, therefore, the proposed action will not result in the significant removal or destruction of large quantities of vegetation. The impact to soils resulting form the construction of a 160 square feet concrete pad for equipment cabinets would be negligible. The New York Department of Environmental Conversation in a 2009 policy memorandum entitled Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings (2009) has determined that proposed actions involving the co-location of new equipment on an existing structure (tower) are not likely to adversely affect Federally- listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources. Therefore, no substantial interference with the movement of any resident or migratory fish or wildlife species, significant habitat area or result in adverse impacts to a threatened or endangered species or the habitat of such a species are expected to occur. The New York Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, in a 2003 letter, determined that the original site planning of the 100' monopole structure and equipment would not result in adverse impacts to cultural/historic resources. Therefore, the proposed action will not impair the character or quality of important historical or architectural resources. The site is currently improved and the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts to aesthetic resources or to existing community or neighborhood character or result in a material conflict with the community current plans or goals as officially approved. SEQR NeRative Declaration - PaRe Four- October 18, 2010 Based upon such, no significant adverse impacts to the environment are expected to occur should the project be implemented as planned. For Further Information: Contact Person: Address: Telephone Number: Mark Terry, Principal Planner Southold Town Planning Board 631-765-1938 CC: Southold Town Clerk for Town Board Southold Town LWRP Coordinator Southold Town Engineer Southold Town Building Department Southold Town ARC Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Submission Without a Cover Letter Subject: SCTM#: 1000- ~L ~ cc~ 1 9 2010 Date: [0' I% '~ Planning Report Prepared for: Proposed Telecommunications Facility 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1; Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY MetroPCS Site # NY7312 October 15, 2010 Prepared by: Engineering & Surveying of New York P.C, 460 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001 Ronald J. Reinertsen, AICP, P.P. American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Certified Planner # 020344 New Jersey Professional Planner (P.P.) License LI-05891 460~/est34thS[reet. NewYo[k, NY10001 · Te1:212-239-7600. Fax:212-465-1730 www. pennon~.com I. INTRODUCTION II. OVERVIEW Ill. PROPOSED USE ~ LAND USE LAW. IV. PROPOSED USE: WAIVER REOUESTED V. ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION VI. SUMMATION VII. MISCELLANEOUS Table of Contents 460~est34thStreet · NewYork. NYl0001 · Te1:212~239-7600 · Fax:212-465-1730 www pennoni.com 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 October 15, 2010 Page 1 of 4 Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1; Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY Site: NY7312 Introduction Pennoni Engineering and Surveying of New York, P.C. ("PESNY") has been requested to provide this Planning Repod with respect to an application ("Application") filed by MetroPCS New York, LLC ("Metro PCS" or "Applicant") to construct a proposed wireless telecommunications facility ("Facility") within the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY ("Town" and "County", respectively) PESNY is an affiliate of Pennoni Associates Inc., a multi-disciplined consulting engineering & planning firm with offices throughout New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New England, and Ma~jland; collectively PESNY and Pennoni Associates shall be referred to as "Pennoni" in this Planning Report. II. Overview Metro PCS is a Federal Communications Commission (FCC)licensed telecommunications provider. Applicant's license area in this region is identified as the New York Major Trading Area, a part of which encompasses the County. The Applicant, as part of its affirmative obligation to provide coverage within its licensed area, has proposed to construct its Facility at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 a/ida Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1 (the "Property"). The Facility is proposed to be located on and around a 100 foot above ground level ("AGL") "flagpole - type' monopole ("Tower'), which is surrounded by fenced compound ("Compound") approximately 35' x 38' feet in size. A review of plans submitted by Applicant - "Site #: NY7312" by MTM Design Group Inc. (the "Zoning Drawings') indicates that one other telecommunication facility (operated by T-Mobile) currently exists upon the Tower. Ground equipment cabine!~s for T- Mobile's facility are located within the privacy - slatted Compound. Originally designed as a single - carder facility, T-Mobile's antennas are placed inside said Tower. The Facility's principal components upon the Tower shall be comprised of (a) three (3) panel antennas flush - mounted on the face of the Tower at a center - line height of 75' AGL, and radio and other associated equipment placed within the Compound. An installation such as that proposed by Applicant is often referred to as a "co-location" facility, which utilizes existing structures (such as the Tower) rather than requiring the construction of a new freestanding structure dedicated to support the antennas for such a facility. As per Tax Assessor Records and Tax Maps, the Property is an irregularly - shaped through lot, with frontage on Sound Avenue and Middle Road (C.R. 48). A review of Aerial Photography and a site visit indicate that the base of the Tower is greatly buffered by tree cover and existing conditions from much of the surrounding area. A review of the Town's zoning map and other pertinent records indicates the Property is located in located in a Light Industrial (LI) Zone District in the western portion of the Town, near the Mattituck Train Station. Contiguous parcels between Sound Avenue and Middle Road are Zoned LI. Parcels southeast of the Property (Sound Avenue frontage) are zoned HB (Hamlet Business), with those parcels northwest of Middle Road zoned R-40 (Residential Low Density AA). Existing land uses reflect permitted uses in the underlying zone district and the mixed use nature of the area. 460 West 34th Street · NewYork, NY I0001 · Tel: 212-239-7600 · Fax: 212-465-1730 w-ww pennonkcom 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 October 15, 2010 Page 2 of 4 Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1; Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY Site: NY7312 III. Prooosed Use - Land Use Law, The Southold Town Zoning Code ('Ordinance") specifically addresses telecommunications uses in 5 280-67 - 280.76.5 (Wireless Communications Facilities) referred to in this Report as the 'Wireless Ordinance". Goals for telecommunications facilities are described in various section of the Wireless Ordinance, the "prengs' of which are as follows: · L0c{~tion aoals o (1) Applicants for wireless communications facilities shall locate, site and erect said wireless facilities in accordance with the following priorities, of the lowest priority. (a) On an existing antenna support structure or other structures on Town-owned properties, including the right-of-way, (b) On an existing antenna support structure or other structures on other property in the Town, (c) A new antenna support structure on Town-owned properties, (d) A new antenna support structure on properties in the LI or LIO Zoning Districts, (e) A new antenna support structure on properties in the MI, Mil, B or HB Zoning Districts, (f) A new antenna support structure on properties in the AC, R-40, R- 80, R-120, R-200, R-400, LB, RO, RE, HD or AHD Zoning Districts (5 280-70 General requirements for all wireless communication facilities). · Co-Location c~oals o (5) Co-location. Wireless communication facilities shall be designed to provide for co-location by multiple providers or designed so that they can be retrofitted to accommodate multiple providers, wherever possible (5 280-72.A -Site plan approval). · Ae~thetig,,qoal~ lvisual impact) o It is the express purpose of this article to minimize the visual and environmental impacts of wireless communication facilities while protecting the health, safety and welfare of Southold's citizens and allowing wireless service providers to meet their technological and service objectives (5 280-67 Purpose). · F(~C ;- related aoals: o C. No new antenna support structures may be constructed without a carder licensed by the FCC as a provider. An FCC licensed provider of wireless communications services must be the applicant or the co-applicant for any proposed new wireless communication facility, co-location or modification (5280-70 - General requirements for all wireless communication facilities). o K. Radio emissions must fall within the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits established by the FCC (§ 280-70 - General requirements for all wireless communication facilities), 460 West 34th Street - NewYork, NY 10001 - Tel: 212-23%7600 · Fax: 212-465-1730 wv'~,v, pennoni.com 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 October 15, 2010 Page 3 of 4 Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1; Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NYSite: NY7312 § 280-76.2 (Waivers of criteria) provides for provisions to waive certain requirements of the Wireless Ordinance, with § 280-76.2 (B, C & D) concentrating on waivers for landscaping treatments based (in general) upon existing conditions and/or other factors. IV, Proposed Use: Waiver Reauested Design Waiver: · Landscaping required, waiver from requirement requested (§ 280-70.N(4) - General requirements for all wireless communication facilities - Site design standards). Analysis of the Application General: Sound Land Use Planning should strive to be rational and certain, and avoid being arbitrary and capricious. Comprehensive Planning should include provision of sufficient space in appropriate locations for a variety of uses, which may include agricultural, residential, recreational, commercial and industrial. Planning involves the balancing of interests, and must be cognizant of underlying rules and regulations goveming proposed uses. Po~Kive Aspects The Tower is a Priority 2 co-location site, deemed suitable by Ordinance for telecommunications uses, and previously - existing and/or approved setback relief are not being increased. The Property itself is a unique location, containing an existing tall structure (the Tower) that eliminates the need to construct a new monopole. The Compound area is not being increased, is not visible from the vast majority of the area, and contains privacy slats, effectively shielding much of the ground equipment from public view. Items of Note relating to the Application: · The operation of Applicant's proposed facility is licensed by the FCC; as a result falls within the mandate of the Telecommunications Act encouraging a more efficient use of radio in the public interest. Approval will provide more seamless and reliable coverage and offer more marketplace choice & competition to the public at large. Other positive aspects of the use include the provision of commercial and essential services to the public, including but not limited to: phone calls, texting, video streaming, Wi-Fi, E-911, and Wireless Amber Alerts. · As of December 2008 there were 270.3 million wireless subscribers in the United States, representing 87 % of the marketplace, with E-911 calls per day averaging 291,000 (Source: CTIA: The Wireless Association). More than one of every five American homes (22.7%) had only wireless telephones (also known as cellular telephones, cell phones, or mobile phones) during the first half of 2009--an increase of 2.5 percentage points since the 460~/est34tiqStreet. NewYork. NYlO001- Te1:212-239-7600- Fax:212-465-1730 www pennoni COrn 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY 11952 October 15, 2010 Page 4 of 4 Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1; Town of Southold, Suffolk County, NY Site: NY7312 second half of 2008 (Center for Disease Control, December 2009). Additional Considerations: Photo simulations (SIMMS) of the proposed Facility have been created by EBI Consulting as part of the Application. Pennoni has conducted a separate site visit, reviewed the existing conditions of the Property and viewed the Tower from the identical vantage points utilized for the SIMMS. The SIMMS affords a variety of views of proposed conditions consistent with that verified by Pennoni. The Facility is in context with its surroundings, shall have little or no visibility from residential and other surrounding areas, and will enable the Applicant to deliver an FCC - licensed service in the least obtrusive manner possible. The antenna design is designed to minimize visual impact, and the antenna location itself is not visible from much of the area, which should prove to be a de minimu$ impact upon those portions of the Wireless Ordinance dealing with aesthetics. The Wireless Ordinance does provide the provisions for waiver requests from landscaping requirements, and does take into account existing conditions. The waiver request for landscaping put forth by Applicant reflects the pro-existing privacy slatted fence and existing conditions, which shields much of this aroa from the public view. Surrounding conditions (such as existing buffering and separation distances) are site - specific factors that affect the Application. Setback conditions are less or equal to that previously approved, and the equipment itself is strategically located away from most public view shed areas. VI. Summation The proposed Facility will not result in substantial changes to the physical characteristics of the aroa, nor will it have significant impacts on the character of the neighborhood or on the environmental conditions of the aroa. VII. Miscellanepp~ Materials reviewed in preparation of this document include: · "Site #: NY7312" by MTM Design Group Inc. · "Proposed Public Utility Wireless Communication Facility NY7312" by EBI Consulting · The Southold Town Zoning Code. · Communications Act of 1934 · Telecommunications Act of 1996. J:\Projects~STSW~STSW1002PM-MeIm NY7312 TMLI13411 FP Soulhold~DOCUMENTSWY7312 TMLI13411 FP Southold Planning Report.docx 460 West 34th Street · New York. NY 10001 · Tel: 212-23% 7600 · Fax: 212-465-1730 wwvv pennonJ.com PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 15, 2004 Mr. Lawrence C. R~ Munley, Meade, Nielsen & R6 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11740 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Omnipoint Communications, Inc. Located on the south side of County Road 48, approximately 50' west of Westphalia Avenue, in Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zone: LI (Light Industrial District) Dear Mr. R~: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on Monday, June 14, 2004: The final public hearing was closed. WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to erect a 100' flagpole and affix to it public utility wireless telecommunication panel antennas on a 3.82 acre parcel in the LI Zone; and WHEREAS, George L. Penny, Inc. is the owner of the property known and designated as 12585 Sound Avenue, located on the s/s/o County Road 48, approximately 50' w/o Westphalia Avenue, in Mattituck, SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1; and WHEREAS, on November 21, 2003, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals reversed the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval as described under Appeal Number 5357; and WHEREAS, on January 29, 2004, a formal application for approval of this site plan was submitted; and WHEREAS, on March 4, 2004, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the site plan and acknowledged that there are no architectural characteristics that bear comment; and WHEREAS, on March 8, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR), Part 617.6, performed a review of this unlisted action, and as lead agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration on April 13, 2004; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2004, the Mattituck Fire District found one (1) fire well is required and the Planning Board has accepted this recommendation; and Omnipoint Communications, Inc. - PaRe Two - 6/15/04 WHEREAS, on May 28, 2004, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed and approved the proposed drainage and the Planning Board has accepted his recommendation; and WHEREAS, said plan modifications are noted in the Town Engineer's report dated June 14, 2004; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2004, the Southold Town Building Inspector reviewed, certified the site plan, and submitted his report to the Planning Board on June 14, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the notification provisions; and WHEREAS, ail the requirements of the Site Plan Regulations of the Town of Southold have been met; be it therefore RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval on the site plan prepared by William Collins, AIA, and certified by Neil Alexander MacDonald, dated August 16, 2002 and last revised March 3, 2004 including addendum plan modifications AD-1 & AD-2 dated June 9, 2004, and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the final site plans with the following condition and subject to a one year review from the date of issuance of the building permit: 1 ) All outdoor lighting shall be shielded so that the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways. Lighting fixtures shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries. The lighting must meet the Town Code Requirements. Enclosed please find two copies of the approved site plan, one for your records, and one to be submitted to the Building Department when you apply for your Building Permit. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, u"Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson encl. CC; Tax Assessors Building Department Town Engineer/Town Highway Supt. APPRAISAL CONSULTING REPORT MetroPCS New York, LLC Site Location: Existing Monopole 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000/141/3/38.1 DATE OF HEARING October 18, 2010 PREPARED FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD Town Hall 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 20]0 PREPARED BY LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. 15 Dewey Street Huntington, New York 11743 (631) 427-1000 LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS 15 DEWEY STREET HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 (631 ) 427- 1000 October 18, 2010 Town of Southold Planning Board Town Hall 53095 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Appraisal Consulting Report MetroPCS Site ~NY 7312 Proposed Wireless Communications Facility: Existing Monopole - Penny Lumber 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 Dear Board Members: Date of Report: October 7, 2010 In accordance with a request from MetroPCS New York, LLC ("MetroPCS"), I have inspected the above site and prepared an Appraisal Consulting Report (the "Report") regarding potential effects of a proposed wireless communications facility (the "Communications Facility") on the surrounding community. This report is intended to comply with the report requirements set forth under Standards Rule 5-2 of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), subject to limiting conditions and a certification as outlined in the Addendum. After considering the location, market conditions, proposed build, and all other factors that influence value, it is my professional opinion that MetroPCS' proposed Communications Facility will not negatively affect property values in the surrounding area and will not have any adverse effect on the character of the neighborhood or the pattern of its development. My conclusions are outlined in the following Report. Respectfully submitted, LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. By: Michael J. Lynch N.Y.S. Cert, General R.E. Appraiser #46000001012 Purpose and Intended Use of Report The purpose and intended use of the Report is to study any possible adverse effects a proposed Communications Facility will have on the surrounding community. This Report is strictly prepared at the request of MetroPCS to present to the Town of Southold Planning Board for a hearing to be held on October 18, 2010. Effective Date of Report The effective date of the Report is October 7, 2010, the date of inspection by Mr. Michael J. Lynch. Description of Proposed Communications Facility MetroPCS' proposed Communications Facility consists of, without limitation, the installation three (3) flush mounted panel antennas (the "Antennas") to an existing 100' (AGL) steel monopole (the "Monopole"). The Antennas will be affixed at top heights of 77'4" (AGL) to the Monopole. In addition, there will be associated equipment cabinetry mounted on a concrete slab within the existing fenced compound that surrounds the Monoople. Since 2004, Omnipoint Communications, Inc. (T-Mobile) has maintained a wireless facility on the Monopole. Hence, the MetroPCS Communications Facility will be a co-location. Description of Property and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property (the "Property") is within a Light Industry (LI) Zoning District, located along the southeasterly side of Middle Road (C.R. 48), just west of Westphalia Avenue, 3 running through to the northwesterly side of Sound Avenue, in the hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. It is also known and designated by Suffolk County Tax Map Number: District 1000, Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1. The Property totals 4.0± acres in area and is primarily utilized as a lumberyard. Surrounding properties include industrial warehouse and office related sites to the northeast, along Westphalia Avenue; the Long Island Railroad to the southeast, along Sound Avenue; a single-family residence (Zoned LI) and group home to the southwest and west along Sound Avenue and Middle Road, respectively; and a single-family residence and church to the northwest, across Middle Road. Properties within close proximity to the site include vacant industrial land, an auto repair shop, a tire shop, warehouses, converted residences, and industrial- zoned single-family residences. Surrounding properties are generally zoned either industrial or business, except to the northeast, across Middle Road, where there is a R40 Residential classification. Scope of the Report In preparing this Report, the appraiser: Inspected the Property and surrounding community; the engineering drawings as supplied MTM Design Reviewed Group; Reviewed tax map, Suffolk County and Town of Southold assessment, and zoning records; Researched sales trends in the area of the Property in addition to comparable sites throughout Nassau and Suffolk Counties; Prepared this Report is in conformance with USPAP requirements. 4 Report Methodoloqy In analyzing any potential adverse effect the proposed Communications Facility may have on the surrounding community, the appraiser considered the proposed build of the Communications Facility, the surrounding neighborhood and land uses, zoning classification of the subject Property and surrounding parcels, and existing conditions. In addition, we have reviewed and carried out studies with respect to wireless communications facilities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, including the East End of Long Island. These communications facilities include monopole sites, lattice and guyed wire tower sites, rooftop mounted sites, and water tank sites. One of those studies of note is as follows: Monopole Antenna Site, Keyspan Operations Center, Montauk Hiqhway, Bridqehampton, New York. A 120'± monopole was erected at this center circa September 2000. This property is surrounded by residential properties to its north, east and west, and opposite agricultural land to its south. Nearby, at the southwest corner of Montauk Highway and Newlight Lane, is a community of upper- middle priced homes that was first developed in the mid 1980s. This development is partially within view of the monopole due to the open agricultural fields to the east. Our staff compared sales data of homes in the development before and after the installation date of the monopole. Our "before" data, which included six (6) sales running from 4/97 to 5/99, was compared with "after" data, which included six (6) sales running from 2/01 to 5/04. The average price per home in the before and after groups was 128% higher for the latter ($516,167 vs. $1,179,000), which breaks down to an average of 29%/year market appreciation. This figure compares favorably with the overall market appreciation of 5 22%/year tabulated from all single-family homes sales over the same time period for all of Bridgehampton. As such, the antennas or monopole did not appear to lead to a devaluation of nearby property values around the site. Conclusions In summary, we offer the following conclusions: The proposed Communication Facility is an appropriate use for the Property, given that it will be a co-location on an existing Monopole and situated within a lumberyard that is zoned Light Industry (LI). The Property is well suited for the proposed Communications Facility, given existing conditions, land uses, and zoning in the surrounding neighborhood. No correlation was found between the presence of wireless communication facilities and declining property values in the studies we reviewed or carried out on communities in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, including the East End of Long Island. The proposed MetroPCS Communications Facility, therefore, will not negatively affect property values in the surrounding area and will not have any adverse effect on the character of the neighborhood or the pattern of its development. ADDENDA Photo 1: Birdseye View of Subject Property and Surrounding Neighborhood Looking Southeast Photo 2: View of Existing Pole and Property from Middle Road Photo 3: Close-up View of Base of Monopole and Existing Equipment Compound Photo 4: View of Existing Pole and Property from Sound Avenue Photo $: View of Dwelling on Property, West of Monopole Photo 5: View of Abutting Group Home to West of Property along Middle Road Photo 6: View of Railroad Along Southeasterly Border of Property Photo 7: View of Industrial Properties to East of Subject Property along Westphalia Avenue, with Monopole in Backdrop Photo 8: View of Abutting Industrial-Zoned Residence to West of Property along Sound Avenue Photo 9: View of Auto Repair and Tire Sales Opposite Property to South along Sound Avenue Photo 10: View of Residence Opposite Property to North along Middle Road co~'rY oF SUFFOLK ZONING LEGEND R-40 DESIG? G 1:t. 0 U ] Z-I LOT NUMBER LEGEND: TOP NUM. = SECI1ON MID. NUM. = LOT BOTTOM NUM. = BLOCK 'I' D£SIG~ GROU] metroP( ZONIh~ INFOFii~1ATIC3N / / / DESIG~ GI~OU] DESIGI' C~ R. 0 U ] DESIG~ GROUI ELEVATION DESIGI' GROU] DESIGI' GROU] ARCHITECTU rnetroP( CERTIFICATION I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. the statements of fact contained in this report are true and correct. 2. the reported analyses, opinions, and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions, and are my personal, impartial, and unbiased professional analyses, opinions, and conclusions. 3. I have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report, and no personal interest with respect to the parties involved. 4. I have no bias with respect to the property that is the subject of this report or to the parties involved with this assignment. 5. my engagement in this assignment was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. 6. my compensation for completing this assignment is not contingent upon the development or reporting of predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client, the amount of the value opinion, the attainment of a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event directly related to the intended use of this appraisal. 7. my analyses, opinions, and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. 8. I made a personal inspection of the property on October 7, 2010 that is the subject of this report. 9. no one provided significant professional assistance to the person signing this report. Michael J. Lynch, Cert. N.Y.S. General Real Estate Appraiser LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS This appraisal report has been made with the following general assumptions: 1. No responsibility is assumed for the legal description or for matters including legal or title considerations. Title to the property is assumed to be good and marketable unless otherwise stated. 2. The property is appraised free and clear of any or all liens or encumbrances unless otherwise stated. 3. Responsible ownership and competent property management are assumed. 4. The information furnished by others is believed to be reliable. However, no warranty is given for its accuracy. 5. All engineering is assumed to be correct. The plot plans and illustrative material in this report are included only to assist the reader in visualizing the property. 6. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil, or structures that render it more or less valuable. No responsibility is assumed for such conditions or for arranging for engineering studies that may be required to discover them. 7. It is assumed that there is full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 8. If the site is improved with a dwelling built prior to 1978, lead paint may be present and should be checked by an expert as per Title X, the Federal Disclosure law regarding lead hazards. 9. It is assumed that all applicable zoning and use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless a nonconformity has been stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal report. 10. It is assumed that all required licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, or other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state, or national government or private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed for any use on which the value estimate contained in this report is based. 11. It is assumed that the utilization of the land and improvements is within the boundaries or property lines of the property described and that there is no encroachment or trespass unless noted in the report. LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS (continued) 12. In this appraisal assignment, the existence of potentially hazardous material used in the construction or maintenance of the building, such as the presence of urea- formaldehyde foam insulation, and/or the existence of toxic waste on the premises, has not been considered. The appraiser does not assume responsibility of existing potentially hazardous materials and it is recommended that a qualified expert be engaged to inspect as required. 14. It is assumed that any debris, junk, abandoned personal property, etc. that may exist will be removed from the site. The appraisal report has been made with the following general limiting conditions: 1. This is an Appraisal Consulting Report, which is intended to comply with the reporting requirements set forth under Standard Rule 5-2 of USPAP. Supporting documentation concerning the data, reasoning, and analyses, if not detailed in the report, is retained in the appraiser's file. The information contained in this report is specific to the needs of the client and for the intended use stated in this report. The appraiser is not responsible for the unauthorized use of this report. 2. The distribution, if any, of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the stated program of utilization. The separate allocations for land and buildings must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used. 3. Possession of this report, or a copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without the written consent of the appraiser, and in any event only with proper written qualification and only in its entirety. 4. The appraiser herein by reason of this appraisal is not required to give further consultation, testimony, or be in attendance in court with reference to the property in question unless arrangements have been previously made. 5. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions as to value, the identity of the appraiser, or the firm with which the appraiser is connected) shall be disseminated to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the prior written consent and approval of the appraiser. LYNCH APPRAISAL LTD. MICHAEL_~. LYNCH Certified N.Y.S. General Real Estate Appraiser #46-101 ?. QUALIFICATIONS Real estate appraiser since 1981. President of Lynch Appraisal Ltd., located at 15 Dewey Street, Huntington, New York 11743. Appraised various types of real property on Long Island, New York City and Westchester County including multi-family dwellings apartment buildings, commercial property, factor es, warehouses, R & D buildings, office buildings, large residential estates, residential and commercial subdivisions, boat yards, and special-use properties. Prepared appraisals for use in estates, estate planning, feasibility studies, condemnation proceedings, tax certiorari, and matrimonial matters. Specialized in testimony such as area or use variances for properties. Applications have included proposed wireless communications sites, fast food establishments, convalescent homes, service stations, multi-family residences, new construction, etc. Appeared as Expert Witness: Nassau County Supreme Court. New York Supreme Court. Town of Babylon Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Babylon Planning Board. Town of Babylon Town Board. Town of Brookhaven Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Brookhaven Town Board. Town of Huntington Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Huntington Planning Board. Town of Huntington Town Board. Town of Islip Town Board. Town of Islip Planning Board. Town of Riverhead Planning Board. Town of Riverhead Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Shelter Island Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Smithtown Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Smithtown Town Board. Town of Southampton Planning Board. Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Southold Planning Board. Town of Oyster Bay Zoning Board of Appeals. Town of Oyster Bay Town Board. Town of North Hempstead Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Hempstead Board of Zoning Appeals. Town of Hempstead Town Board. Town of Shelter Island Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Bayville Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Brookville Board of Zoning Appeals. Appeared as Expert Witness (cont.): Village of Cedarhurst Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of East Hills Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of East Rockaway Board of Appeals. Village of Farmingdale Board of Trustees. Village of Farmingdale Planning Board. Village of Floral Park Board of Trustees. Village of Freeport Planning Board. Village of Freeport Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Garden City Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Garden City Board of Trustees. Village of Garden City Planning Commission. Village of Great Neck Plaza Board of Trustees. Village of Great Neck Estates Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Hempstead Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Hempstead Personal Wireless Services Facilities Review Board. Village of Lattingtown Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lawrence Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lynbrook Board of Trustees. Village of Malverne Board of Trustees. Village of Massapequa Park Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Matinecock Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Mill Neck Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Mineola Board of Trustees. Village of Munsey Park Board of Trustees. Village of New Hyde Park Board of Trustees. Village of New Hyde Park Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of North Hills Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Muttontown Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Old Brookville Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Old Westbury Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Oyster Bay Cove Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Oyster Bay Cove Board of Trustees. Village of Oyster Bay Cove Planning Board. Village of Port Washington North Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Rockville Centre Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Roslyn Board of Trustees. Village of Roslyn Harbor Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Sea Cliff Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Upper Brookville Board of Trustees. Village of Upper Brookville Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Valley Stream Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Westbury Board of Trustees. Village of Westbury Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Williston Park Board of Trustees. Village of Williston Park Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Asharoken Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Huntington Bay Zoning Board of Appeals. Village oflslandia Board of Trustees. Village of Lloyd Harbor Board of Trustees. Village of Lloyd Harbor Planning Board. Village of Lloyd Harbor Zoning Board of Appeals. Appeared as Expert Witness (cont.): Village of Northport Board of Zoning Appeals. Village of Northport Board of Architectural & Historic Review. Village of East Hampton Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lindenhurst Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Lake Grove Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Bellport Board of Trustees. Village of Patchogue Planning Board. Village of Port Jefferson Board of Trustees. Village of Quogue Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of The Branch Zoning Board of Appeals. Village of Head of the Harbor Board of Trustees. Village of Westhampton Beach Board of Trustees. City of Glen Cove Planning Board. City of Glen Cove Zoning Board of Appeals. City of Long Beach Zoning Board of Appeals. EDUCATION Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York: BBA - Management (1983); MBA - Banking & Finance (1991). TECHNICAL TRAINING Appraisal Institute Real Estate Appraisal Principles- Exam #lA-1. Basic Valuation Procedures - Exam #lA-2. Capitalization Theory and Techniques, Part A, - Exam #1B-A. Capitalization Theory and Tech. Part B, - successfully challenged Exam # 1B-B. Case Studies in Real Estate Valuation - successfully challenged Exam #2-1. Standards of Professional Practice, Part A (USPAP) - Exam #1410 Standards of Professional Practice, Part B - Exam #11420 NIELSEN, HUBER & GOUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW HUI~TI~qOTON, ~EW YORK 1174/3 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FA~SX~ILE: (6/31) ~5-Zbl0z~ October 15, 2010 BY HAND and FACSIMILE Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Ms. Winser: As you are aware, we are the attorneys for MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS') with respect to the captioned matter. Pursuant to the requirements found in the Town of Southold Town Code § 55-1, enclosed herewith please find the following: 1. Executed Affidavit of Posting; 2. Executed Affidavit of Mailing; 3. Copy of the legal notice sent to owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the subject property, which notice was sent via certified mail, return receipt requested; 4. List of property owners of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the subject property; 5. Certified mail receipts; and 6. Return receipt green cards, received to date. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHL1N, LLP JJC/ts Encls. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Thle ie to aerve notice that I personally poeted the property known ae 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY - SCTM# 1000-141-3-38.1 by placing the Town'a official poster notice(a) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the etreet(a) where It can be eaeily aeen, and that I have checked to be cure the poster hie remelned In)bPelrace for aeven days prior to the date of the public hearing on Monday, Oct( 18, 2010. Your Name (print) Signature Addreea LJ D~ 5th yda of October, 20i0 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDA V/T, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon~ FrL, 10115/10 Re: ProDosed Site Plan for MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny SCTM~8:1000-141-3-38.1 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, October 18, 2010, 6:1S p.m. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY - SCTM# 1000-141-3-38.1 On Friday, October 8, 2010, I have eent noUcea, by certified mall -retum receipt, the recelpte and green tatum receipt carde of which are attached, to the ownem of record of every property which abute and every property which ie across on Sound Avenue and North Road. /0 Date Sworn/~o. before~.e t]~.i.~ 8th day of October, 2010 N'ot~ Publ1~"( - J ' DOROTHY A. BELARD Notary Public, State Of New York No. 01BE6036510 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires Feb. 7, 20 ~ PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDA V/T, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS B Y: 12:00 noon, Fri.1 101t 5/10... Re: Prop(reed Site Plan for MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny SCTWM: 1000-141-3-38.1 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, October t81 20t0, 6:15 p.m. Southold Town Plannin(3 Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You ere hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan & special exception consideration; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM~1000-141-3-38.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Light Industrial Zoning District; That the application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel, 400 feet east of Lipco Road, at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck; That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2n~ FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. The Planning Board Office will be closed on Monday, October 11m. 6. Information can also be obtained via the internet by sending an e-mail message to: CaroI.Kalin(~town.southold.ny.us; That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, October 18~ 2010 at 6:15 p.m. in the Meetina Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny Date: 9/15/10 LIST OF OWNERS OF RECORD FOR PROPERTIES WHICH ABUT OR ARE ACROSS FROM ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE STREET FROM 12558 SOUND AVENUE, MATTITUCK, NY (SCTM # 1000 - 141 - 3 - 38.1) KONTOVEROS PARASKEV 1095 Westphalia Ave Mattituck, NY 11952 DIANE & JOSEPHINE COTUGNO 220 E. Mill Road Mattituck, NY 11952 IND GROUP HOME LIVING PROGRAM INC. 221 N. Sunrise Service Road Manorville, NY 11949 MAR JAM 50 LLC 125 Jericho Tpke, Suite 300 Jericho, NY 11753 EDCHO CORP 12885 Sound Ave P.O. Box1626 Mattituck, NY1952 JAMES KING 220 E. Mill Road Mattituck, NY 11952 GRIFFINS LLC 825 Pacific Street P.O. Box 445 Mattituck, NY 11952 MAR JAM 50 LLC 885 Conklin Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 ALFRED E. BOUFFARD P.O. Box 802 Mattituck, NY 11952 STEPHEN PAWLIK 550 South Drive P.O. Box 1611 Mattituck, NY 11952 GEORGE PENNY P.O. Box 171 Southold, NY 19971 MTA / LIRR 347 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10017 550 South Drive P.O. Box ~ se,~-o MAR JAM 50 LLC ,= ~rr,-~,:-z~ 885 Conklin Street r,- or PO Bol Farmingdale, NY 11735 nj MAR JAM 50 LLC c: / 125 Jencho Tpke, Suite 300 ~. ~£rb-~r; ~ ......... Io,,o, Jericho, NY ] ] 753 _ ~/~"''~° DIANE & JOSEPHINE l~'~i~ 220 E. Mill Road .. GEORGE PENNY ~ P.O. Box 171 ~ [o~r~ Southold, NY 19971 ~ [s~,r, ALFRED E. ~OUFFARD ~ ~,~,~,~ P.O. Box 802 '-~ Mattituck, NY 11~2 ~ ~s~.~ro IND GROUP HO~ELIVING C ~ ~[E~ 221 N Sunrise Service Road Manorwlle, NY 11949 133 rn nj nj D- /s""` EDCHO caRP ~: i'~'~'~ 12885 Sound Ave or PC : ;'- t~ P.O. Box 1626 ~. Mattituck, NY 1952 ~ [~° GRIFFINS LLC ~ ~= ~r~'~'~ 825 Pacific Street ~ P.O. Box 445 ~ Mattituck, NY 11952 ~' '~"' JAMES KING c= '~-~'~ 220 E. Mill Road ~' Mattituck, NY 11952 ,_, ~,~-~¢,-.,t¢~: 347 Madison Avenue ~t¢-E~: New York, NY 100~.7 m ~ KONTOVEROS PARASKEV ~ ~'~ 1 ' r',- I~;'~' 095 Westphaha Ave Mattituckl NY 11952 EDCHO CORP 12885 Sound Ave P.O. Box ]626 Matfituck, NY 1952 2. A~cle Number ~ PS Form 3811, Februa~ 2004 C ~Cert~Mail [] Express Mall [] Registered [] Return Receipt fo~ Mm [] Inaumd Meil [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Deliver? ~ F~e) [] ,~ 7009 2820 0002 8338 6976 Retum Receipt lo2595~ · Complete Item~ !~-aml 3. Also ~omplete Item 4 ff Restricted Delivery is de~lred. · Print your neme and address on tl~ reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the fror~ ff space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: DAd D. Isdellvayaddreesdlfferent from Rem 17 [] Y~ If YES, enter detivery address below: I'1 N STEPHEN PAWLIK 550 South Drive P.O. Box 1611 Mattituck, NY 11952 3. ~ce Type ~'Ce~tifled Mall [] Express Mall I-1 Registered [] Return Receipt for Me [] Insured Mall [] C.O.D. 4. Re~a,lcted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] 2820 0002 8338 6921 2. Artlole Number ~=,=;~ ,?em =~ ,~,~ i ps Fo~m 3811, FebnJay 2004 7009 · Complete Iteme 1, 2, ami ~. AI~o ~omplete m 4 ~ ~ Deil~ ~- de,red. · print your name and addmes on the m so that we ~an re~rn the {=etd to you. · Attach this ~d to the bec3k of the mallpi~e, or on the front If ape~e permits. IND GROUP HOME LIVING PROGRAM INC. 221 N. Sunrise Service Road Manorville, NY 11949 2. ,Nflcle Number Form 3811 February 2004 ). is delivery address different from Item 17 E YES, enter delNe~ address below;. 3. ~fl~Mall [] Expre~ Mall [] Ragl~tered [] Return Receipt for I [] In~umd Mall [] C.O.D. 4, p, eadcted Dak, e~' ~ F~e) I 7009 2820 0002 8338 7027 w ~ · ~ Iter~ !, 2, and 3. Nso =ornplete Itenl 4 If ReMn~ted Deilvepj ~ desired. ·Pdnt your name end addreM on the reveme so that we can m~um the =etd to you. · Attach ~la =md to the be=k of the mallplece, ALFRED E. BOUFFARD P.O. Box 802 Mattituck, NY 11952 D. Is delivery address differs~t f~ ff YES, enter del{very address 3"~Ce~fled~Mall n F-..xpre~ [] Reg{stered [] Retum [] Insured Mail [] ~ -~ 2..~-tlcle Number ('~w,~-~n.~e~,~) 7009 .2820 0002 8338 Ps Form 3811, February 2004 · Print your name ~nd address on 6~e reveme · Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if space pemllts. 1. Article Addressed to: JAMES KING 220 E. Mill Rood Matlituck, NY 11952 [] i~ M~ [] O.O.D~ 2. Article Number ('r?~-~=(.wv~:eiM~ 7009 2820 0002 8338 PS Form 3811, FebmeJ7 2004 ~Rawml m ~ur~~~ ~/ I ~ ~VV~ or on the front If spaM peri,Its. 1. Article Addressed ~: MAR JAM 50 LLC 125 Jericho Tpke, Suite 300 Jericho, NY !1753 2. Article Numbs' [] Irmumd M~II ., ('r~Y~'?,om~M~:e~) 7009 2820 0002 8338 · · 1,!/ ~:2'~ 1~) 002.:'011 RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT L&W October 15, 2010 BY HAND and FACSIMILE Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town ol'Southold Planomg Board lown Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: MetroPCS .New York, LLC (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plaza and Special Exception perrmt Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecoflullunications Facility at: PrenUses: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York SCTM~t: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Ms. Winser: As you are aware, we arc the attomey8 for MetroPCS Next, York, LLC 0MetroPCS') with respect to the captioned matter. Pursuant to the requirements found in fl~e Town of Southold Town Code § 55-1, enclosed herewith please find the tbllowing: I. ExecLUed Affidavit of Posting; 2. Executed Affidavit of Mailing: 3. Copy of the legal notice scm to owners of record of every property which abuts and every, property which is across from any public or private ,str~t from the subject property, which notice was sent via certified mail, return receipt requested; 4. Lisl of property owners of every property which abuts and every property which i~ act*s* from any public or private street/?om the subject property: _~. Certified mail receipts; and 6. ReU.~m receipt green cards, received to date. Should you have any questions with regard to the £oregoing. please conununicate with the undersigned. Very trtfly yours, RF.',. NIEI.SEN, HIdBER & COUGHLIN, LLP 13),. ~ JJC/ts Ellcls. 0/1 §/2010 12 41'i FA)( ~]001/011 RE, NIELSEN, HUBER & CO'UGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 1 I743 Telephone: (631 ) 425-4100 Facsimile: (631) 425-4104 Of Counsel: William L Nielsen TELECOPY TO THE FOLLOWING NUMBER: (631) 765-3136 NAME: Town of Sonthold Planning Board Notice of Public Hearing for MetroPCS (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Applications for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY (SCTM# 1000- 141 -3-38.1) FROM: Tracy Sorensen DATE: October 15, 2010 MESSAGE: Originals to be provided at Public Hearing TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: 11 (Including Cover Page) PLEASE NOTE The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual named above and others who have been specifically authorized to receive such information. If the recipient is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication ia error~ or if any problems occur with transmission, please notify us immediately by telephone at (631) 425-4100. Thank yon. 1('/15/2010 12 46 FAX AFFIDAVIT OF p,OSTING ,:,03/011 Thle II to serve notice that I personally posted the property known ae 12585 Sound Avenue, llattltuck, NY - SCTM# 1000-141-$-38.1 by piecing the Town'e offlclsl poeter notice(s) within 10 fset of the front property line f~clng the lt~t(e) wbem It can be eselly lien, tnd thlt I hive checked to be eum the po~ter I~l. remlned In place for seven deye prior to the dam of the public belting on Monday, October lB, 2010, Your Name (print) Date /~ Notary P N. W~ ~' PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDA V/T, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon. Frl,. t0/16/t0 Re: P. rouo~ed Site Plan for MetroPCS N.~, LLC mt Penny SCTM~: 1000-141-3.30.1 Dat~ of Public Hecdng: Monday. October 18, 20t0. G:tlS ~).m. lu,"1§/"2010 12 48 FAX ~](104/011 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILIN~ 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituckl NY - SCTM# 1000-14.1-3-38.1 ..... On Friday, October 8, I hiiv® mint no~=~, by =~ mill - m~m m;ml~ ~ mmlp~ mhd gm$n m~m ~celpt ~ or.ich pro~ ~lch ab~ and eve~ prope~ which ~ ac~ on ~oM~d Awnue and North R~ad. Addre~l ~ Dill DOrOtHY A, Nota~ PubJic, Slate of New NO. 01BE603~BIO Qualified In ~uffolk Coun~ Commission ~pires Feb. 7, 20 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDA V/T, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon, Frl., t 0/15/1.(} Re; Pro--ed Site Pltln fgr ~e, troPC$ NY. LLC mt Penny SCTM~: 1000-4444~8,1 Date of Public H®idng: .llJ.gn¢~y. October tS. 2010.6:16 P.m. 10/15/2010 12:48 F,~X ~¢,0§/011 ~ou~h~ld Town Plan. nine Board Notl=e to Adlacent Pro~ertv Owners You are hereby given not]oa: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan & special exception consideration; 2, That the proper~ which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: $CTM#1000-141-3-38.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Light Industrial Zoning District; That the application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel, 400 feet east of Lipco Road, at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck; That the files pertaining to this application ara open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the comer of Younga Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southoid (2"d FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questioha, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938, The Planning Board Office will be closed on Monday, October tl~, 6. Information can also be obtained via the interest by sending an e-mail message to: Ca roi. Kalin~town.southold.ny. us; That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, October 18. 2010 at 6:15 P.m. in the Meelina Hall at 8outhold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny Date: 9115110 lu!15i2010 12:4~ FAX ~006/011 LIST OF OWNERS OF RECORD FOR PROPERTIES WHICH ABUT OR ARE ACROSS FROM ANY PUBLIC OR PRIVATE STREET FROM 12558 SOUND AVENUE, MATrlTUCK, NY (SCTM # ZOO0 - ~.4:1. - 3 - 38.1) KONTOVEROSPARASKEV 1095Westphalia Ave Mattituck, NY 11952 DIANE & JOSEPHINE COTUGNO 220 E. Mill Road Mattituck, NY 13`952 IND GROUP HOME LIVING PROGRAM INC. 221 N. Sunrise Service Road Manorville, NY 11949 MAR JAM 50 LLC :225 Jericho Tpke, Suite 300 Jericho, NY 1~.753 EDCHO CORP 3`2885 Sound Ave P.O. Box 1626 Mattituck, NY 3`952 JAMES KING 220 E. Mill Road Mattituck, NY 3,:1952 GRIFFINS LLC 825 Pacific Street P.O. Box 445 Mattituck, NY 11952 MAR JAM 50 LLC 885 Conklin Street Farmingdale, NY 1~_735 ALFRED E. BOUFFARD P.O. Box 802 Mattituck, NY 13`952 STEPHEN PAWLIK 550 South Drive P.O. Box ~6~3` Mattituck, NY 3`3`952 GEORGE PENNY P.O. Box 171 Southold, NY 19971 MTA / LIRR 347 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10/15/'2010 12:47 FAX ~]007/011 ~ OFFICIA USE ~ ~ KONTOVEROS PARASKEV ~ [~ 10~5 Westphalia Ave ~Matt,tuck, NY, ,952 ,; - OFFICIAL r~ =' ~'~ GRIFFINS LLC ~ ~'~~ 825 Pacific Street P.O. Box 445 Maftituck, NY 119.52 OFFICIAL USE j~,l~r, MTA / LIRR ~'~: 347 Madison Avenue NewYork, NY ~00~7 m OFFICIAL USE rtl ~ KING 220 E, Mill Road Maffituck. NY 1 J952 O USE ..~.~:. 8_j_.~._L. E ,I ~. ~ W ~ ~.,,~.,,... s ~ ....: ._.. 550 South Dnve ' ~ ~ 12885 Sound Ave ~ Mottituck, NY 11~52 Mat~ituck, NY 1952 lo./15./2010 12:47 F,~,X ~0,.,8/011 OFFIC,IAL USE nj C3 , ..0CT - 8 ~010.),~.~i~ OFFICIA -8 201~ "- I~"'" GEORGE PENNY ru"° '" ... P.O. Box 171 r/''~ MARJAMSOLLC ~ Southold, NY 19971 ~ 885 Conklin Street Farmingdale, NY 11735 ~ OFFICIA, L SE 0 FF CIA ,.;_<U.S E . ,"' ALFRED E. BOUFFARD-- 2 ~ ~ 125 Jericho Tpke,.Suife 300 : ........ ~ ~ P.O. Box 802 ~ Jericho, NY 11753 '~ J~': Mattituck, NY 11952 OFFICIAl- USE ~ r~-~m-~ IND GROUP HOME LIVING [~r~-c,-,~zz PROGRAM,INC. , [~%~.g~ 221 N. Sunnse Service Rood ~ Manorville, NY 11949 [ OFF ClAL USE rtl ~ ..~.,.,.:.r.~, .~.,~..li~.j~'~ '" ., ..,._,..~. $ ¢¢,.,/ . .... ~ J~""° DIANF., & JOSEPHINE a [o,~, COTUGNO ¢' [~'~ 220 E. Mill Road ~ Mattituck, NY ] 1952 : R]~ NmLse,ts I-I,.'ar.~ & COL'G-HLINs LLP 7009 2820_0052 8338 6945 KONTOVERO5 PARASK£V 1095 Westphalia Ave Mattituck, NY 1S952 ^LFRSC) E. BOUFF^RD P.O. Box 802 Ma('lituck, NY 11952 ' ': ~ ~1~ ~llllllA~lal ~1111~'- . OYee i FrAmn~ex~m~'~;' ? 7009 2820 0002 ~33a 70:10 1H."1'9,.'2 1,, 12147 FAX I Pd~ ]p~ rmm~ md mdo~ a~ 'U~ mv~m~ i' D'i~NE & JOSEPHINE COTUGNO 220 E. Mill Road Matfifuck, NY 11952 7009 2820 0002 &3-~8 6952 L ~ 010./II 11 · PI,I~ your f~m~ &nd JJdfe~m ;m thenlvM# · A/rich ~le ~ 'lo'lh~ b~k of the STEPHEN PAWLIK 5,50 South Drive P.O. Box 1611 Mattituck, NY 11952 P8 Form ~11,.rebn~ ~ 7009 2820 0002 8338 6921 · At:b~ch th~ cid b:m 'd~e batik ot Uio m~llplec~, EDCHO CORP 12885 Sound Ave P.O, Box 1626 Moltituck, NY 1952 7009 2820 0002 8338 6976 3811. Febm~ 2004 ~ F~mm n.~,~ ~oa~-o~v-~ ~I lo/1§/2010 12:47 FAX ~] r 11/"¢ 11 JAMES KING 220 E, Mill Road Mattituck, NY 11952 MAR JAM 50 LLC 125 Jericho Tpke, Suite 300 Jericho, NY t 1753 7009 ~820 0002 6'438 6936. ;,.~ ii Iftmm 4 I~ Fklmdc~lKI De~hmP/Is dmlred. · Atleoh b~le can~ ~ ~le bm3k ~ the m.,m~ece, GRIFFINS LLC 825 Pacific Street P.O. Box 445 Mattituck, NY 11952 Form 3811, February ~OGI [] ~pmm r"l O.O.D. [] I~Ufld Mill 7009 2820 0002 833~ 6990 NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW HUNTINGTON, NEW Yo~g 11743 TELEPHONE: (631) 425-4100 FAOflIMILE: (031) 425-4104 October 8, 2010 BY HAND and E-Mail Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 1197 l RE: OCT - 8 2010 MetroPCS New York, LLC (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Ms. Winser: As you are aware, we are the attorneys for MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS') with respect to the captioned matter. In anticipation of its public hearing before the Planning Board on October 18, 2010, to further support its application and pursuant to communications with the Town and the Town's consultant, as well as the requirements found in Town Code §§ 280-74B(l)(d) and (e), MetroPCS has prepared updated propagation maps. The propagation maps better reflect the anticipated propagation from the proposed site in that they take into consideration the results of additional testing and analysis conducted by MetroPCS. Enclosed herewith are the following revised propagation maps resulting from same. Nine (9) sets of propagation maps prepared by Nicholas Balzano, Radio Frequency Engineer for MetroPCS, dated September 28, 2010, which include: a. Map 1, depicting the existing coverage; b. Map 2, depicting the -75 dBm coverage to be provided by the proposed site; c. Map 3, depicting the -75 dBm coverage to be provided by the proposed site together with proposed neighboring sites; d. Map 2, depicting the -85 dBm coverage to be provided by the proposed site; e. Map 3, depicting the -85 dBm coverage to be provided by the proposed site together with proposed neighboring sites; f. Map 2, depicting the -95 dBm coverage to be provided by the proposed site; and g. Map 3, depicting the -95 dBm coverage to be provided by the proposed site together with proposed neighboring sites. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Town of Southold Planning MetroPCS at Penny Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY Site Plan/Special Exception Applications October 8, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: JJC/ts Encls. CC: Richard Comi, Center for Municipal Solutions (Via E-mail, w/enclosures) ATTITUCK FIRE DISTRIC PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET MA'ITITUCK, NEW YORK 11952-0666 David F. Haas, Chairman No.nan A. Rellly, Jr., Vice Cbalrman Lloyd H. Ralsenberg William G. Young Warren W. Jackson John C. HarP. son, Secretary Barbara DIckerson, Treasurer September 30, 2010 Southold Town Planning Board Ms. Kristy Winser. Senior Planner P O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Memorandum on Metro PCS @ Penny Lumber Dear Ms. Winser: ' : 20JO : The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District reviewed the above mentioned Memorandum on Metro PCS @ Penny Lumber and have no comment at this time. If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, · Harrison CC: Board of Fire Commissioners Chief Office (631) 298-8837 Facsimile (631) 298-8841 9949 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the 7th dayof October, 2010. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this ~'~ day of/~~ 2010. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAH,I[NG ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 18th day of October, 20t 0 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed Lot Line Change for Chades & Amy Scharf located on Paradise Point Road, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-81-3-25.1 & 26 6:05 p.m. Proposed Standard Subdivision Aries Estates located at the westedy terminus of a pdvate right-of-way which extends north from Kayleigh's Court in East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-22-3-2 6:10 p.m. Proposed Site Plan & Special Exception Consideration for MetroPCS, LLC at the Southold Town Police Station located at 165 Peconic Lane, Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-75-5-14.1 6:15 p.m. Proposed Site Plan & Special Exception Consideration for MetroPCS, LLC at Penny located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-141-3-38.1 Dated: 9/20/10 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Martin H. Sidor Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2010 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPYSENT TO: The Suffolk Times Page I of 1 Kalin, Carol From: Legals [legals@timesreview. com] Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 2:30 PM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: RE: Legal Ad for 10/7 Edition of Suffolk Times Hi Carol, I have received the notice and we are good to go for the 10/7 issue. Thanks and have a great afternoon! Candice From: Kalin, Carol [mailto:CaroI.Kalin@town,southold.ny.us] Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:16 PM To: Legals Subject: Legal Ad for 10/7 Edition of Suffolk Times Please pdnt the attached legal ad regarding the 10/18 Planning Board hearings for the Scharf Lot Line Change, Ades Estates Standard Subdivision and the Police Station and Penny Cell Towers in the October 7th edition of the Suffolk Times. Kindly confirm receipt by e-mail. Thanks. Carol Kalin, Secretarial Assistant Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Annex, 54375 NYS Rt. 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 Fax: (631)765-3136 Carol. Kalin~town.southold.ny.us 9/20/2010 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southald, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) $outhold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, $outhold, New York on the 18th day of October, 2010 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed Lot Line Change for Charles & Amy Scharf located on Paradise Point Road, Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-81-3-25.1 & 26 6:05 p.m. Proposed Standard Subdivision Aries Estates located at the westerly terminus of a private right-of-way which extends north from Kayleigh's Court in East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-22-3-2 6:10 p.m. Proposed Site Plan & Special Exception Consideration for MetroPCS, LLC at the Southold Town Police Station located at 165 Peconic Lane, Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-75-5-14.1 6:15 p.m. Proposed Site Plan & Special Exception Consideration for MetroPCS, LLC at Penny located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Numbers 1000-141-3-38.1 Dated: 9/20/10 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Martin H. Sidor Chairman STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CAROL KALIN, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 20th day of September, 2010 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of $outhold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin BoardI Southold Town HallI 53095 Main Road~ Southoldr New York 10118110 Regular Meeting: 6:00 p.m. 6:05 p.m. 6:10 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Lot Line Change for Charles & Amy Scharf, SCTM#1000-81-3-25.1 & 26 Public Hearing for the proposed Standard Subdivision Aries Estates, SCTM#1000-22-3-2 Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan & Special Exception Consideration for MetroPCS, LLC at the Southold Town Police Station, SCTM# 1000-75-5-14.1 Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan & Special Exception Consideration for MetroPCS, LLC at Penny, SCTM#1000-141-3-38,1 Carol Kalin Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this ~ay of ~~.-~2010. Notary PubliC' MELANIE DOROSKI NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No, 01D04634870 Ouslified in Suffolk CountY -- · ~ Commission Expires September :~0, ~t "~ PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: MEMORANDUM Southold Town Clerk for Town Board Southold Town LWRP Coordinator Southoid Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer* Southold Town ARC Mattituck Fire District* From: Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Date: September 16, 2010 RE: Site Plan & Special Exception Application review - Metro PCS ~ Penny Lumber · Request for comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131, and LWRP Coastal Consistency Review. · SEQR Lead Agency request · Coordinated review under SEQR Dear Reviewer: The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act-SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assnming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination Page Two September 16, 2010 The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Comments: Project Name: Metro PCS ~ Penny Lumber Address: 12585 Sound Ave Tax Map #: 1000-1000-141-3-38.1 Requested Action: This application is for site plan and special exception consideration to atTgx a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: Contact Person: Enclosures: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Kristy Winser, Sr. Planner (631) 765-1938 Environmental Assessment Form Site Plan Application Form Site Plan(s) (site plans sent only to above agencies indicated by an *) 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD:- SITE PLAN APPLICATION SECTION A: Site Plan Name and Location Site Plan Name: ±MetroPCS at Penny. Lumber .S/~ffolkCountyTaxMap#1000; 141- :3 -' 38.1 APR 23 g010~ , Application Date ,,~/~i ~Z I 2010 Other SCTM #s: · StreetAddress: 12585 Sound Avenue Hamlet Hattitiiok Distance to nearest intersection Type of Site Plan: i . New x Amended Resin6.1 sEcTIoN B: Owners/A~.nt Contact~nformafion Please li~t n~rne, mailing address, and phone number for the people below: PropmlyiOwner George L. Penny,. Ina. Street ¢/o 12585 Sound Avenue Slate ~ Zip 11952 Home T~lephono Other AppHcant MetroPCS New York, LLC · S~¢et :5 .Skyline Drive City Fa~wthorne State NY Zip 10532 H6me Telephone Other 914-593-8500 Applicanfs Agent or Representative: ContactPerson(s)~ Re, Nielsen, ltuber & Coughlin,_ LLP Street '136 North New. York Avenue City Huntington State 1~/ Zip 117~3 Office Telephone 631-425-4100 Other *Unless otherwi~elreque~ted, correspondence will be sent only to the contact p~rson noted here. Page 2 of 3 SECTION C: Site Data Proposed construction type: New Propert~ total acreage or square fooatge: X Modification of Existing Structure Cl~mge of use 168,744+ ~rJsq. fL Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 160 :~x~sq. f~ Agricultural Is ~acrc an existing or proposed Salt of Development Pdgh~s on thc prope~? Yes __ If yes, explaim No Property Zoning District(s): Light Imdustrial BufldingDeparanenlNofioeofDisapprovalDate: 1 /25 /2010 Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals zequ~ed? Yes __ Ifyes, have you subn~itted an appHcafion to the ZBA? Yes__ No__ - If yes, at.eh a copy of the appllcafio~ packet No x Show ail uses proposed and exisfi-g Indicate which bniJd~ng will have w~ch usc. If more then one use is * proposed per bailding, indicate squarc fo6tage of floor area per use. L~ an c~Jsfingpropmlyuses: Industrial and Public Utility W~reless Telecommunications Facilit~ 'L~st an proposed propmi~ uses: Same as existin~ Other accessory uses: Existin~lot c~verage: 72.92 % Propos~dlot coverage:. 73.02 Oross floor ar~aof~is~ng stmotar~(s}:25,590 sq. fL Cn'oss flOor m~aofpropos~istmo~(s)...N/A. (160~q. ft. for proposed Parking Space Data: # of e .x~dng spaces: ~c~ata.'~[ab) No N/A (No change to existing park&rig) #ofproposedspaces: Loading Bert~ Yes Landsoaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: 16.5. % Proposedlandscapecoveragc:. 17 % · Waterfxont Data: IS this property w~hl. 500' of a wetland area? Yes ~X No If yes explain: Tidal Wetlands Si ofrrq, : Date: --r Page 3 of 3 1~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ~ ~L ATTOI:L~EYS AT LAW T~L~PHON~: (0~1) 425-4100 Fxosx~Izz: (O~l) 425-4104 September 14, 2010 VIA UPS Martin H. Sidor, Planning Board Chair and Members of the Planning Board Town of Southold Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC ("MetroPCS") (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Chairman Sidor and Members of the Planning Board: As discussed during the September 13, 2010 Planning Board Work Session for the above- referenced matter, please allow this correspondence to serve as MetroPCS' formal request for waiver of the "Base equipment shelter landscaping" otherwise required under Section 280- 70N(4) of the Town Code, and pursuant to Section 28-76.2D of the Town Code. The reason for this waiver request is that there is limited visibility of the proposed base equipment from nearby properties and roadways. There are numerous buildings, structures and foliage on the premises that limit current visibility of the existing equipment and would likewise screen the proposed base equipment. Furthermore, although there is some limited visibility of the equipment area from Route 48 (to the north-northwest of the proposed base equipment), the base equipment itself would be substantially screened from view by the existing fence, which contains vinyl privacy slats. To the extent that the Board is unwilling to grant a full waiver of the base equipment landscaping, MetroPCS respectfully requests ~ that the Board grant a partial waiver and only require landscaping in those very limited areas that the base equipment might be slightly visible from Route 48. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Town of Southold Planning B'lTard MetroPCS at Penny Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY Site Plan/Special Exception Applications September 14, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHL1N, LLP ~hn~). CoughlinTM JJC:cp Cc: Kristy Winser, Senior Planner (Via e-mail) PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI September 14, 2010 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD M_AH,ING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Re; Set Hearing: Proposed Special Exception Consideration & Site Plan for Metro PCS @ Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Coughlin: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, September 13, 2010: RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, October 18, 2010 at 6:15 p.m. for a public hearing at the Southold Town Hall regarding the special exception consideration and site plan, dated December 21, 2009, prepared by Luis Moglino, R.A., for the above-referenced application. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Headng, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the ce~fled mailina receiots AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday~ October 15th. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Plannio- Board Office after the public hearin-. ' If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Martin H. Sidor Chairman Encls. Southold Town Plannin;I Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a site plan & special exception consideration; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Light Industrial Zoning District; That the application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel, 400 feet east of Lipco Road, at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck; That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd FI., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. The Planning Board Office will be closed on Monday, October 11th. 6. Information can also be obtained via the internet by sending an e-mail message to: CaroI.Kalin@town.southold.ny. us; That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, October t8, 2010 at 6:15 p.m. in the MeetinR Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny Date: 9/15/10 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail - return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which am attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY: 12:00 noon~ Fri, 10/t5110 Re: Proposed Site Plan for MetroPCS NY~ LLC at Penny SCTM#s: 1000-141-3-38.1 Date of Public Hearing: Monday7 October 187 20107 6:15 p.m. Town of Southold PC/Codebookfor Windows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003] Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant, petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public heating. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public heating on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of th~ subject property, nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of heating. The apphcant, petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public heating. WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, September 13, 2010 4:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda 4:15 p.m. Site Plans & Subdivisions Sou~old Town Police S~on ~ ~ .................................................... ....................... ::::::::::::::::::::::: ........................................................... . .... ~-~~"~'i~-~'~i~-'i~-¥~F~-'~i~'~'"~'~'~'""~ia~ exception consideration to affix a public utili~ wireless antenna to an existing la~i~ tower and install related equipment at the promises lo.ted on a 12.27 acm pardi weM of Peconic Lane in the R-80 Zon n~District .............................. ............................. ~ -~i~-~-[[~ti~-~'~-~o ~-~-~'~i~-~'"~'~-~t the i application for rev ew and refer the application to involved interested Attachments: ' Staff Repo~ ................................................. Lumber ~ ................ L .............................................. Location: 12585 Sound Ave Ma~ituck ...................... affix a public utili~ wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lip~ Road ~'~"~ ................................ ~ Site P an and Special Except on Cons deration _ ~ application for review and refer the application to involved interested ~ t a~encies. _ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "" ia ~ Location: ~--~ ~'J~"~i'~-~:"~'~'~-~'~'~"; ~]~ Dol~-~i-~-~ri~:"~'~w--~-~ ~ as 750 Old Main Road, in Southold and an alteration to 3,923 sq. ~. of existing building space on a 1.4438 ' St~U~ Approved Site Plan ap P[~!_~P.i.[~.~...9_~. 518-439-~079 CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS 70 CAMBRIDGE ROAD GLENMONT, NEW YORK 12077 FAX: 518-478-0909 September 1, 2010 (via email and regular mail) Chairman Sidor and Planning Board Members Town of Southold Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, MY 11971 Re: Southold NY MetroPCS 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck Dear Chairman Sidor and Planning Board members; On August 11, 2010 we met with Town staff and the attorney's representing MetroPCS on the above application. At that meeting we determined the remaining items needed to place the application on a Planning Board workshop agenda. The attorney's representing MetroPCS have agreed to provide the following information: 1. The applicant will provide a detailed letter explaining why the antenna is not able to be installed inside the pole, why their proposal is the least obtrusive and why removing the existing pole and replacing it with a pole that would allow an interior antenna would be unreasonable. The Board will consider these issues at a work session arid decide what should be required. Also, in their letter, the applicant will look into feasibility of painting'the structure white and taking the light off the structure. 2. After the issuance of a Special Use Permit, if granted, and prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant will provide for review and acceptance a revised structural report. 3. The applicant will explain why the Board should consider waiving some required landscaping. 4. After the issuance of a Special Use Permit, if granted, and prior to the issuance of a Building Permit, the applicant will provide for review and acceptance a tower inspection performed under ANSI EIA/TIA 222- F. The applicant will state in writing that any discrepancies noted in the inspection will be corrected prior to final inspection and the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance. In consideration of the above we recommend that this application be placed on a Planning Board workshop agenda. We find the application complete in technical information; however the Planning Board will make the determination on the overall completeness of the application. CMS cc: Heather Lanza (via email) Lawrence Re' (via email and regular mail) Kristy Winser (via email) Denise Benun (via email) NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW T~x,~x{ONg: (O~l) 4~5-4100 FAOS/MXL~: (OO1) 425-4104 August 31, 2010 VIA UPS Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 MetroPCS New York, LLC (MetroPCS) (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Kristy: Pursuant to your request, enclosed please find one set of the attachments referenced in the correspondence of MTM Design Group, Inc., dated August 25, 2010 previously forwarded to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact me. Fhanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RI2, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHL1N, LLP JJC:cp Encls. m m 2 REQ'D PER LEVEL 177720 CLAMp COLLAR WELDMENTS ) J .375" THICK WALLS NOTE: COU~RS MUSZ 8E LOCATE8 T-MOBILE 2 Carrier Cellular Flagpole (CELL-2C-IO0-20) (MPH) *Pole weights are approximate and only include the weight of the steel pole. They do not reflect the weight with antennas and cables. *Prior to fabrication of the mating flange, verify with STEALTH its diameter & thickness. StealthSkinTM Cylinder not shown for clarity Office: 800-755-0689 Web:www.stealthsite.com 23 STEALTH Completed Flagpoles Office: 800-755-0689 Web: www.stealthsite.com 1 5 NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT L~W ~0 NORTIt NI~w YO~ HUNTINOTON, NEW Yo~ 1174~3 TI~LEPHOlV~: (O~l) 425-41OO FA~$II~ILE: (0~1) 42§-4104 August30,2010 BY UPS and E-Mail Ms. Heather Lan za, Director of Planning Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (MetroPCS) (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Ms. Lanza: As you are aware, we are the attorneys for MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS') with respect to the captioned matter. In furtherance of our meeting held on August 11, 2010, during which you and Mr. Comi requested additional information regarding the existing monopole and collocation thereon, we submit herewith two (2) copies of correspondence MTM Design Group, Inc., dated August 25, 2010. The MTM correspondence addresses the structural and design issues and infeasibility of Metro's installation of its antennas inside the existing pole. At this time, we respectfully request that the Public Hearing be scheduled immediately. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP Q~ J~,~hn jo. Coughli(~ JJC:mk Encls. cc; Kristy Winser, Senior Planner (Via E-mail, w/enclosure) Richard Comi, Center for Municipal Solutions (Via E-mail, w/enclosure) DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING · PO BOX 3 · HAZLET, NEW.JERSEY 07730 · TEL: 732 888 6210 · FAX: 732 847 4335 August25,2010 Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Planning Board Reference: Penny Lumber: Metro PCS .Application 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952 Section: 141, Block: 3, Lot: 38.1, Zone: LI Metro PCS Project #: NY7312, MTM#: 09MPSTS011 To Whom It May Concern: With reference to the above referenced site regarding the existing monopole tower at the existing telecommunication facility on the property, please note the following: As noted in previous correspondence, the existing 100'-0" high monopole tower is a typical flagpole type tower without a flag. It consists of an eighteen-sided, steel tubular structure with a hollow center that extends up to a height of 80'-0" above grade. From 80'-0" to 100'-0" above grade level, the tower is a typical rounded flagpole section that consists of the existing antennas mounted to an interior pipe mast and concealed with an RF suitable screening material. The centerlines of these existing antennas are 85'-0" above grade and 95'-0" above grade. By originally designing and constructing this tower with an eighty foot steel section, the existing tower structure was not intended to accommodate concealed antennas inside below the 80'-0" elevation. Given the sizes of the antennas that presently exist within this pole and RF spacing requirements, there is inadequate space above the 80'-0" elevation for MetroPCS to install their antennas. To modify this existing tower by replacing the existing steel tube from 70'-0" to 80'-0" above grade level w!th a center pipe mast and RF concealment to match construction above would be difficult and problematic. The center pipe mast support for each tower of this kind is specifically designed for each site and would require a major structural reconfiguration. The center pipe mast for this tower was only designed to accommodate a 20'-0" cantilever. Extending this to 30'-0" would require that a new pipe mast be designed and installed to replace the existing with its base supported by the "cut-down" tubular structure below (would need to cut approximately 10'-0" from the existing tubular structure). The size (diameter) of this new center mast will in all likelihood increase given the increase in design stress (bending and shear). This may also require the diameter of the outer concealment skin (concealing the antennas and cabling) to increase so that space required to house antennas is not restricted. In turn, this increase in diameter could cause the steel tubular structure and the tower's foundation to become overstressed. At the least, this would cause the top 30'-0" of this pole to widen thus impacting upon the structure's aesthetics. To determine the actual work required, a new structural analysis would need to be run. In order to illustrate the details for these types of towers, some examples from a previous project and from the "Stealth Concealment Solutions, Inc" catalog are attached. Additionally, existing tower drawings showing the actual construction details should be on file with the building department. Assuming that the existing structure would be able to support a modified design, the existing upper 20'-0" section of the tower that has the antennas concealed inside would need to be removed as mentioned above. Besides the structural impact, this would also require that all antennas and coaxial cables be removed (cabling would need to be removed to below the 70'-0" elevation) causing an operational issue for the existing carrier. The existing carrier would need to provide their approval and authorization for this proposed work and would need to install a temporary structure to support their antennas and cables to insure that that their coverage in this area is not compromised in any manner. Given the space restrictions created by the existing antennas and the logistics involved with modifying this existing tower, attaching the proposed antennas to this structure and having them concealed inside is not a feasible option and is therefore not recommended. With the proposed antennas located at an elevation of 75'-0" above grade level, we recommend the antennas be secured to the existing steel face of the monopole on a new antenna mount. Flush mounting the antennas to the existing tubular structure will provide the least obtrusive installation and will not jeopardize the structural integrity of the existing structure. If approved, we can also paint the proposed antennas and mounts to match the existing pole. Alternatively, an "RF- friendly" screening may be installed around the pole to shield these proposed antennas. This would however necessitate that the tower be re-analyzed to determine the impact of this screening on the tower's structural integrity. Should you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Tc~~~¢'~si~]~r¢ ,,inc. NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTOHlqEYS AT LAW TELZPHONI~: (051) 425-4100 FAC;SlI. IILB: (681) 425-4104 August 9, 2010 BY HAND and E-Mail Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (MetroPCS) (Site No. NY 7312) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Ms. Winser: As you are aware, we are the attorneys for MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS') with respect to the captioned matter. We are in receipt of the second correspondence of Richard A. Comi, dated July 21, 2010 with regard to his comments on this matter (copy attached hereto). This correspondence shall serve as MetroPCS' response to those items noted in Mr. Comi's correspondence. The numerical order is reflective of those numbered items in Mr. Comi's correspondence. Enclosed herewith are two (2) copies of correspondence of MTM Design Group, Inc., dated August 2, 2010, addressing the existing pole design and confirming that the pole is not capable of additional interior colocation below 80'. Again, we would like to reiterate that MetroPCS always strives to design and locate sites to be as unobtrusive as possible and that alternate designs relating to MetroPCS' proposal were discussed with you during a pre-application conference. The alternatives that were discussed, included flushmounting the antennas, as is currently proposed, or installing a radome at the same height inside of which the antennas would be installed, both designs avoiding the need for a height extension. Pursuant to your request, we forwarded photosimulations for each design for your review on June 12, 2009. Drawings for each design were forwarded to you on July 8, 2009. On July 24, 2009, you advised our office that "after reviewing your documents, it would appear that. ·. the flushmount may be the better of the two options." 3. With regard to the additional structural documentation requested by Mr. Comi, we request, on behalf of MetroPCS, that any required documents be provided to the Building Department, following Planning Board approval of the facility. MetroPCS recognizes that the proposed facility must be own o Southold Planning Board MetroPCS at Penny Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY Site Plan/Special Exception Applications August 9, 2010 Page 2 of 3 designed to meet all requirements set forth in the New York State Building Code and will do so. However, the time for such review should be prior to issuance of the Building Permit and these drawings and calculations should be reviewed by the Building Department of the Town of Southold, which is well qualified to perform a review at that time. We disagree with Mr. Comi's argument that the application is incomplete until drive test data is submitted. Pursuant to Sections 280-74B(1)(d) and (e) and 280-74D(4), MetroPCS submitted propagation maps and gap maps demonstrating its inadequate service in the area and the proposed coverage to be afforded by the subject site. Drive test data is not expressly mandated as an application filing requirement in the Code. Code Section 280-74D(4) states that "the applicant shall also provide evidence supporting existence of inadequate service. This may include the propagation maps cited above, drive test maps, traffic studies, customer complaint logs and similar data" [emphasis added]. To satisfy the required evidence supporting existence of inadequate service, MetroPCS submitted the gap and propagation maps. The application is therefore complete in this regard. We will provide you with drive test maps when they are completed and as requested. Section 280-74B(1)(g) requires that the applicant file a copy of the deed or lease agreement establishing the applicant's right to use the parcel on which the proposed facility is to be located. The Code does not require the filing of communications between landlord and tenant as suggested by Mr. Comi. In addition, as previously stated, MetroPCS questions whether the Town has need for technical assistance in reviewing this simple filing requirement. We submit that the Town Planning Department and Town Attorney's Office have more expertise in this area than Mr. Comi. In furtherance of Section 280-70N, MetroPCS is proposing base equipment landscaping with a screen of evergreen trees around the compound. The screen shall consist of evergreen trees that are of sufficient density and height to immediately screen the base equipment from view. To respond to Mr. Comi's question, MetroPCS is not proposing any landscaping improvements in addition to the required evergreens. MetroPCS will conform with directives of the Town Building Department as it relates to the tower's structural integrity and conformity with any State Code requirements. MetroPCS recognizes that the proposed facility must be designed to meet all requirements set forth in the New York State Building Code and will do so. However, the time for such review should be prior to issuance of the Building Permit and said documentation should be reviewed by the Building Department of the Town of Southold, which is well qualified to perform a review at that time. We would like to restate MetroPCS' objections to the Town's retention of Mr. Comi's firm to the extent that such retention further delays the processing and review of this application. MetroPCS continues to dispute Mr. Comi's qualifications to serve as a technical expert and to the extent he offers comment on issues outside his area of expertise, if any, said comments are inappropriate. MetroPCS does not consent to the application of any funds in escrow for the payment of fees to Mr. Comi or any technical consultant until a detailed invoice for technical consultant services is provided to us and it is determined that the services provided are reasonable and that the services provided actually involved technical services outside the scope and capabilities of the Town's well qualified Planning and Building Department staff. Notwithstanding comments to the contrary, the application is complete, and we respectfully request that Town of Southold Planning Board MetroPCS at Penny Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY Site Plan/Special Exception Applications August 9, 2010 Page 3 of 3 the Public Hearing be scheduled immediately consistent with Federal and State law. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RI~, N1ELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: JJC:mk Encls. CC: Richard Comi, Center for Municipal Solutions (Via E-mail, w/enclosures) DESIGNu GROUPz ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING · POBOX3 · HAZLET, NEVVJERSEY 0T730 · TEL:732 888 6210" FAX: 7321M74335 ~' August2,2010 Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Planning Board Reference: Penny Lumber: Metro PCS Application 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952 Section: 141, Block: 3, Lot: 38.1, Zone: LI Metro PCS Project #: NY7312, MTM#: 09MPSTS011 To Whom It May Concern: With reference to the above noted site regarding the existing monopole tower at the existing telecommunication facility on the property, please note the following. The existing 100 foot high monopole tower is a typicat flagpole type tower without a flag. It is eighteen-sided, steel tubular like structure with a hollow center that is steel up to a height of 80 feet above grade. Above 80 feet above grade level, the tower is a typical flagpole section that consists of the existing antennas mounted to an interior pipe mast and concealed by an RF suitable screening material. With the lower section of the tower below 80 feet being constructed of steel, the existing structure was not originally designed to accommodate concealed antennas below the 80' level. Attaching the proposed antennas to the existing structure and having them concealed inside would not be feasible because the RF signal can not successfully transmit through the steel face. Due to this, the proposed equipment antennas are to be located on the existing steel face of the monopole structure with a center line of 75 feet above grade level. They are to be flush mounted to the steel face of the tower on a new antenna mount that will be secured to the existing monopole. Flush mounting the antennas to the existing steel face of the existing monopole structure will be the least obtrusive installation. If approved, we can also propose to paint the existing mounts to match the existing pole or install "RF- friendly" screening around the antennas to further conceal the proposed antennas. If you should have any questions, or need any additional information, please feet free to contact our office to~-u~.-.. f/~,¢ESSI0~. '1'7 ,,,% CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS 70 CAMBRIDGE ROAD 518-439-3079 GLENMONT, NEW YORK 12077 FAX: 518478-0909 July 21, 2010 (via email and regular mail) Mr. John J. Coughlin Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Re: Southold NY MetroPCS ("MetroPCS" or thc "Applicant") 12585 South Avenue Mattituck - response to Applicant's letter dated June 30, 2010 Dear Mr. Coughlin; We are responding to your letter in the same numerical order as set forth in our letter dated June 18, 2010 ("CMS Letter"). Our delayed respond is largely attributed to the fact that you neglected to direct your response to us, as the Town's consultant but directed your response to the Town. The Town had to send us your response. The Town has chosen CMS to assist them in their review of wireless applications and thus, we would request that future responses be directly to us to assure that the application is not further delayed. Your letter argues that the existing pole design does not permit the installation of additional antennas. CMS indeed reviewed the Town's file and consulted with the department prior to preparing the CMS Letter. In our review and discussions with the department we did not find satisfactory explanation as to why the two designs proposed by MetroPCS were even necessary considering the design of the monopole (and the carriers currently co-locating). As provided in CMS Letter the pole tapers outward starting at 80 feet. If there is no room for the antennas at 75 feet we require information as to highest height that such antennas would be able to fit within the pole and documentation evidencing that such height is not acceptable to MetroPCS before taking the alternatives suggested by MetroPCS into consideration. Part of CMS' comprehensive application review is verifying that all application fees are paid and properly recorded and filed. Our comment was to simply provide evidence that the $500 was paid in connection the Building Application because the file was incomplete in this regard. Thank you for your submittal. We will address this comment in a similar fashion that it had been addressed previously. In your letter you acknowledge that thc material as provided is incomplete. You state that the information should be provided at~er zoning approval. We agree that is an appropriate time for such information, however, the structural material presented in thc original application was incomplete with no statement, or request, that additional material be presented after zoning. If the applicant wants to request that complete structural information be provided after zoning, if approved, then the Applicant should so state their request in the application, which in our opinion would complete this item. 4. Your response does not address the pronf of need as is required by the Town code. This proof is required using propagation maps and drive test data and without it the application is not complete. You are correct that the Applicant file a copy of the deed or lease establishing the Applicant's right to use the parcel on which the proposed facility is to be located, however, pursuant to that lease, the Tenant is require to provide written notice to the Landlord to enable Tenant to license or sublease the space on the proposed location. We require a copy of that written notice. CMS was simply inquiring as to how the 1710 MHz was going to be utilized in the site, if at all. The Applicant has provided additional information in its letter, and we would consider this item complete, unless the Board requires additional information. 7. In addition to evergreen, are you proposing any landscaping improvements? Pursuant to the Wireless Facility Statute all wireless facilities shall be of the least visually obtrusive design. Again we disagree with the Applicant's statement that the analysis of the site plan requirements is outside of Mr. Comi's expertise. However, substantively, the Applicant has provided additional information in its response as well as in the form of a letter from MTM Design Group Inc. in connection with the grading and drainage, and we would consider this item complete, unless the Board requires additional site plan information. We reiterate to the Applicant that it is CMS' understanding that the monopole is over five (5) year old and to insure that the structure is safe an inspection per ANSI 222-F is required. Without properly addressing this item as suggested in the CMS' Letter we certainly cannot recommend to the Town that MetroPCS satisfied its requirement. You have not provided the required information requested in our previous letter. Until the remainder of the required information stated above is provided, it is our opinion that the application is incomplete. As we stated in our previous letter, we strongly recommend a conference call with you to go over the comments in this letter, specifically to review what we believe is necessary to complete the application. We invite you to include the individuals that are preparing the technical information propagation maps, drive test, data sheet, tower drawings and calculations to be included in the call. This will help insure the completeness of your next submittal. Please contact me at 518 439-3079 to establish the date and time for the call. CMS Cc: Town Planning Board (via email and regular mail) Heather Lanza (via email) Martin Finnegan (via email) Kristy Winser (via email) Denise Benun (via email) CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS 70 CAMBRIDGE ROAD 518-439-3079 GLENMONT, NEW YORK 12077 FAX: 518~78-0909 July 21, 2010 (via email and regular mail) Mr. John J. Coughlin Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Re: Southold NY MetroPCS ("MetroPCS" or the "Applicant") 12585 Soufl~venue Mattituck - response to Applicant's letter dated June 30, 2010 ghli Dear Mr. Cou n; We are responding to your letter in the same numerical order as set forth~in our letter dated June 18, 2010 ("CMS Letter"). Our delayed respond is largely attributed to the fact thatyou neglected to direct your response to us, as the Town's consultant but directed your response to the Town. The Town had to send us your response. The Town has chosen CMS to assist them in their review of wireless applications and thus, we would request that future responses be directly to us to assure that the application is not further delayed. Your letter argues that the existing pole design does not permit the installation of additional antennas. CMS indeed reviewed the Town's file and consulted with the department prior to preparing the CMS Letter. In our review and discussions with the department we did not find satisfactory explanation as to why the two designs proposed by MetroPCS were even necessary considering the design of the monopole (and the carriers currently co-locating). As provided in CMS Letter the pole tapers outward starting at 80 feet. If there is no room for the antennas at 75 feet we require information as to highest height that such antennas would be able to fit within the pole and documentation evidencing that such height is not acceptable to MetroPCS before taking the alternatives suggested by MetroPCS into consideration. Part of CMS' comprehensive application review is verifying that all application fees are paid and properly recorded and filed. Our comment was to simply provide evidence that the $500 was paid in connection the Building Application because the file was incomplete in this regard. Thank you for your submittal. We will address this comment in a similar fashion that it had been addressed previously. In your letter you acknowledge that the material as provided is incomplete. You state that the information should be provided after zoning approval. We agree that is an appropriate time for such information, however, the structural material presented in the original application was incomplete with no statement, or request, that additional material be presented after zoning. If the applicant wants to request that complete structural information be provided after zoning, if approved, then the Applicant should so state their request in the application, which in our opinion would complete this item. 4. Your response does not address the proof of need as is required by the Town code. This proof is required using propagation maps and drive test data and without it the application is not complete. 5. You are correct that the Applicant file a copy of the deed or lease establishing the Applicant's fight to use the parcel on which the proposed facility is to be located, however, pursuant to that lease, the Tenant is require to provide written notice to the Landlord to enable Tenant to license or sublease the space on the proposed location. We require a copy of that written notice. CMS was simply inquiring as to how the 1710 MHz was going to be utilized in the site, if at all. The Applicant has provided additional information in its letter, and we would consider this item complete, unless the Board requires additional information. In addition to evergreen, are you proposing any landscaping improvements? Pursuant to the Wireless Facility Statute all wireless facilities shall be of the least visually obtrusive design. Again we disagree with the Applicant's statement that the analysis of the site plan requirements is outside of Mr. Comi's expertise. However, substantively, the Applicant has provided additional information in its response as well as in the form of a letter from MTM Design Group Inc. in connection with the grading and drainage, and we would consider this item complete, unless the Board requires additional site plan information. We reiterate to the Applicant that it is CMS' understanding that the monopole is over five (5) year old and to insure that the structure is safe an inspection per ANSI 222-F is required. Without properly addressing this item as suggested in the CMS' Letter we certainly cannot recommend to the Town that MetroPCS satisfied its requirement. You have not provided the required information requested in our previous letter. Until the remainder of the required information stated above is provided, it is our opinion that the application is incomplete. As we stated in our previous letter, we strongly recommend a conference call with you to go over the comments in this letter, specifically to review what we believe is necessary to complete the application. We invite you to include the individuals that are preparing the technical information propagation maps, drive test, data sheet, tower drawings and calculations to be included in the call. This will help insure the completeness of your next submittal. Please contact me at 518 439-3079 to establish the date and time for the call. CMS Cc: Town Planning Board (via email and regular mail) Heather Lanza (via email) Martin Finnegan (via email) Kristy Winser (via email) Denise Benun (via email) 2 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 July 7, 2010 John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Hubbard & Coughlin, LLP 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Letters fi.om attorney Coughlin on Metro PCS & New Cingular ~ Orient by the Sea (2) dated June 21, 2010, letter fi.om attomey Re' on Metro PCS ~ Southold Police Station dated June 22, 2010 and Letter from attorney Coughlin on Metro PCS ~ Penny Lumber dated June 29, 2010. Dear Mr. Coughlin: We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 22, 2010 regarding the Town's use of a consultant to assist the Planning Board in its review of wireless facility applications. The use of a consultant is entirely discretionary and authorized by §280-74(A)(4) of the Town Code, as amended. Contrary to your suggestion, the use of a consultant is not predicated on the complexity of the application. In fact, the Moy case, which analyzed our Trustees use of a consultant pursuant to the authority granted under our Wetlands Code, has no beating on the Planning Board's use of consultants in this or any wireless facility application. As you are aware the Southold Town Planning Board has deemed it necessary and reasonable to hire a consultant to help with the review of all wireless facility applications and has retained the services of Center for Municipal Services (CMS). The Planning Board has every confidence that the experts at CMS are highly qualified and have the requisite expertise to assist in the review of such applications. While you certainly have the right to review and comment on CMS' analysis of your application, your comments should be directed to the substance of their analysis. To expedite the review process, the Town requests that any response to the reviews issued by CMS be sent directly to CMS. CMS' review letters are reviewed and approved by the Planning Board prior to your receiving them and have the full support of the Planning Board. Further, in accordance with the provisions of our Town Code and as previously stated in our letter dated June 15, 2010, withdrawals will be made from time to time to reimburse the Town for the costs incurred for professional review and that determination is solely within the discretion of the Planning Board. At your request, the Town will provide you with a copy of our consultant's invoice for services rendered in conjunction with the review of your client's applications, however, we do not and will not agree that payment of those services is subject to any determination by your firm regarding reasonableness or scope. In the event that the amount held in escrow by the Town exceeds the amount of actual invoicing at the conclusion of the project, the remaining balance will be refunded promptly. As for the completeness of your applications, you need only provide the information requested and your applications will be deemed complete and we can move to the next step in the process. To accomplish that goal, we strongly recommend a conference call between your firm, CMS and the individuals that are preparing your technical information to go over the comments in the letter, and specifically, what the Board deems necessary to complete the application. It should be further noted that the Planning Board concurs with CMS and that the above-referenced applications are incomplete at this time. The Planning Board must have the information requested to fulfill its obligation to due diligence in reviewing applications. We will continue to process the information you provide in a timely manner, as will our consultant. Very truly yours, CC' CMS Martin D. Finnegan, Town Attorney RI ., NIELSEN, HUBER & GOUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 80 NOaTH Nzw You AVEN,~ H~Ic~rx~coTo~¢, N~w Yo~x 11743 T~L~PHO~¢~: (631) 425-4100 FxosI1/II,~: (631) 42§-4104 June 29, 2010 BY HAND Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 JUN 3 0 2010 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (MetroPCS) Site Plan and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Construction of a Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York SCTM#: 1000-141- 3 - 38.1 Dear Ms. Winser: As you are aware, we are the attorneys for MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS') with respect to the captioned matter. We are in receipt of the June 18, 2010 correspondence of Richard A. Comi with regard to this matter (copy attached hereto). This correspondence shall serve as MetroPCS' response to same. 1. MetroPCS always strives to design and locate sites to be as unobtrusive as possible. In addition, MetroPCS is aware of Southold Town Code section 280-70M (incorrectly cited by Mr. Comi as section 280-70(B)(M)), that states that all wireless facilities, including co-locations, shall be the least visually obtrusive design possible that also permits the applicant to achieve its service needs. In furtherance of MetroPCS' desire to work with the Town to collaborate on the design layout of MetroPCS' collocation, a pre-application conference was held with you on June 5, 2009. During the pre-application conference, we explained that the existing pole design does not permit the installation of additional antennas inside unless the pole is extended. Alternatives were also discussed, including flushmounting the antennas, as is currently proposed, or installing a radome at the same height inside of which the antennas would be installed, avoiding the need for a height extension. Pursuant to your request, we forwarded photosimulations for each design for your review on June 12, 2009. Drawings for each design were forwarded to you on July 8, 2009. On July 24, 2009, you advised our office that "after reviewing your documents, it would appear that the design without the randome [sic] would be less obtrusive and that the fiushmount may be the better of the two options..." Apparently Mr. Comi failed to review the Town's file and consult with your department before preparing his June 18, 2010 correspondence. 2. The following checks have been filed in connection with this proposal: · Town of Southold Planning BoS'rd MetroPCS at Penny Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY Site Plan/Special Exception Applications June 29, 2010 Page 2 of 3 · MetroPCS New York, LLC Check No. 4654 in the amount of $500.00, which sum represents the Building Permit Application fee for a modification, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(1)(a); · MetroPCS New York, LLC Check No. 5325 in the amount of $1,000.00, which sum represents the Site Plan Application fee for a modification, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(2)(a); and · MetroPCS New York, LLC Check No. 5324 in the sum of $1,000.00, which sum represents the Special Exception Application fee, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(3). We do not understand why Mr. Comi is questioning whether the Building Permit Application fee was paid. As you and I know, the Building Department will not conduct its review and issue its Notice of Disapproval unless the fee is paid. Moreover, we question why a technical expert should be reviewing filing fee compliance (and presumably attempting to charge for same). Having said that, enclosed herewith is a copy of MetroPCS' $500.00 check and our stamped Building Department filing correspondence. 3. Mr. Comi asserts that the written documentation as to the facility's structural compliance is not satisfactory because it does not address the foundation of the structure, the soil and/or overall calculations. We question whether Mr. Comi has the technical expertise to review structural drawings. More importantly, there is nothing in the Southold Town Code that states that a zoning application is incomplete if foundation and soil calculations do not accompany the structural drawings filed with the zoning application. A more prudent approach would be to file such documentation with the Building Department after zoning approval inasmuch as the design and/or location of the proposed site may be changed pursuant to recommendations made by the approving board or conditions attached to such approval. MetroPCS recognizes that the proposed facility must be designed to meet all requirements set forth in the New York State Building Code and will do so. The time for such review should be prior to issuance of the Building Permit and these drawings and calculations should be reviewed by the Building Department of the Town of Southold, which is well qualified to perform a review at that time. 4. With respect to the propagation maps, Mr. Comi questions the reason for filing Map 3 (-75dBm). We respectfully direct his attention to Southold Town Code Section 280-74B(1)(d) which requires the filing of propagation maps that include a minimum three signal strength depictions (-75dBm, -85dBm, and -95dBm). We suggest that Mr. Comi familiarize himself with these filing requirements. Finally, it should be noted that MetroPCS does not agree that Mr. Comi has the required technical expertise to review and comment on radiofrequency engineering propagation maps and issues. 5. Section 280-74B(1)(g) requires that the applicant file a copy of the deed or lease agreement establishing the applicant's right to use the parcel on which the proposed facility is to be located. It does not require the filing of communications between landlord and tenant as suggested by Mr. Comi. In addition, MetroPCS questions whether the Town has need for technical assistance in reviewing this simple filing requirement. We submit that the Town Planning Department and Town Attorney's office have more expertise in this area than Mr. Comi. 6. Mr. Comi questions the frequency bands utilized by MetroPCS. The FCC License submitted clearly indicates that MetroPCS is licensed to operate the following radio service: "AW-AWS, 1710-1755 / 2110 - 2155 MHz bands." The FCC compliance report only refers to the frequency band (2130 - 2140 MHz) in which RF signals are emitted (transmitted) by the proposed base station. The 1710 Town of Southold Planning B'~rd · MetroPCS at Penny Lumber, 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY Site Plan/Special Exception Applications June 29, 2010 Page 3 of 3 MHz band is used for reception by the base station, and is not part of the FCC compliance analysis because no RF emissions in the 1710 MHz band are involved at the site. 7. Mr. Comi alleges that MetroPCS has not "commented on improving the landscaping at the site." Apparently, Mr. Comi failed to review the Construction Drawings filed with the Building Permit Application or even the Zoning Drawings filed with the instant application. The Zoning Drawings at page Z-3 states "Note 2: Landscaping is proposed. See Z-5 for Detail." Page Z-5 shows "proposed 10-12' high (min) evergreen landscape screening around existing compound." Construction Drawings filed with the Building Department also depict the proposed landscaping on pages A-l, A- 2, and A-3. We have enclosed herewith two additional sets of these Construction Drawings (prepared by MTM Design Group and dated 12/21/09) for your reference. It should be noted that MetroPCS does not agree that Mr. Comi has the requisite expertise to review Site Plan landscaping and that the Town Planning Department is certainly well qualified to review and comment on the sufficiency of such landscaping. 8. We believe that analysis of the site plan requirements is outside Mr. Comi's expertise and that the Town Planning Department is well qualified to review the sufficiency of site plans and has greater expertise to do so than Mr. Comi. No sign is proposed to be installed on site other than the small requisite safety and contact sign. No lighting is proposed. With respect to grading and drainage, please see the letter of MTM Design Group, Inc., dated June 23, 2010, submitted herewith. 9. MetroPCS will conform with directives of the Town Building Department as it relates to the tower's structural integrity and conformity with any State Code requirements. In addition, MetroPCS objects to the Town's retention of Mr. Comi's firm to the extent that such retention further delays the processing and review of this application. Furthermore, MetroPCS disputes Mr. Comi's qualifications to serve as a technical expert. To the extent he offers comment on issues outside his area of expertise, if any, said comments are inappropriate. MetroPCS does not consent to the application of any funds in escrow for the payment of fees to Mr. Comi or any technical consultant until a detailed invoice for technical consultant services is provided to us and it is determined that the services provided are reasonable and that the services provided actually involved technical services outside the scope and capabilities of the Town's well qualified Planning and Building Department staff. Notwithstanding comments to the contrary, the application is complete, and we respectfully request that the Public Hearing be scheduled immediately consistent with Federal and State law. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, Rl~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: JJC:mk Encls. 70 CAMBRIDGE ROAD 5 ! 8-439-3079 GLENMONT, NEW YORK 12077 FAX: 518478-0909 June 18, 2010 (via email and regular mail) Mr. John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 26 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 Re: Southold NY MetroPCS ("MetroPCS or the "Applicant") 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck Dear Mr. Coughlin; We have reviewed the above referenced application received with cover letter dated April 22, 2010. For reasons we set forth below, we find that the application is incomplete in accordance the Wireless Facilities Statute for the Town of Southold ("Wireless Facility Statute"). 1) Section 280-70(B) (M) provides that all wireless facilities, including co-locations, shall be the least visually obtrusive design possible that also permits the applicant to achieve its service needs. Applicant is proposing to collocate antennas at a centerline height of 75 feet, flush mounted to existing 100-foot stealth monopole at the above-referenced location. Currently, T-Mobile has an interior-mounted facility at a height of 85 and 95 feet. Why is Metro PCS proposing to flush mount its antennas? The prints show that as the pole gets closer to the ground, tapers outward starting at 80 feet. Why can Metro PCS not locate within the pole? If there is not room for the antennas at 75 feet we would need to know what is the highest height they would fit within the pole and documentation (propagation maps and drive test data as to why that height is not acceptable) This documentation is not required if Metro PCS and it antennas can be configured inside the pole. 2) According to Section 280-74 this application requires a fee of $2500 comprising of a $500 Building Application modification fee; a Site Plan Application fee of $1000 and a Special Exception Application fee of $1000. Your letter dated April 22, 2010 indicates that the Applicant enclosed the fees in connection with the Site Plan Application and Special Exception Application, however, please provide evidence that the fee of $500 was paid in connection with the Building Application. 3) §280-74(B) (1) 0o) requires written documentation as to the facility's structural compliance with applicable laws. To this end, the applicant provided a report prepared by Semaan Engineering Solutions, LLC, documenting the proposed facility's structural compliance with applicable law ("Semaan's Report"). The Semaan' Report is not a satisfactory structural verification because it does not address the foundation of the structure, or the underlying soil conditions. The calculations for the foundation of the structure based on the underlying soils report must be provided to structural calculations to ensure overall structural compliance. 4) The propagation maps provided are incomplete as follows: Mr. Balzano, in his affidavit dated October 29, 2009, provided signal strengths that he claims are required by MetroPCS for in-building commercial, in-building residential and in-vehicle reliable service. We agree with his signal strengths. What we do not see is what ERP was imput into the propagation model. (See attached Pronagation Study Requirements and Prot~a~ation Data Study sheet). The area of coverage surrounding the proposed site is comprised of buildings three stories high or less. They are mostly residential homes for which we believe that -85dBm will provide reliable in building coverage (With -95dBm providing reliable in-vehicle coverage). Therefore we do not understand the reason for map 3, in-building commercial. We require new propagation maps utilizing the ERP as calculated on the Propagation data sheet done at -85dBm and -95dBm. We are aware that MetroPCS is proposing additional sites in Southold. Why are no other sites shown on the propagation maps? 5) Section 280-74(B) (1) (g) requires a copy of the deed or lease agreement. The underlying Lease is between George L. Penny, Inc. ("Landlord") and Omnipoint Facilities Network 2, LLC ("Tenant"), such lease requires that the Tenant provide written notice to the Landlord to enable Tenant to license or sublease space on the proposed location. The information provided by the Applicant does not contain such notice. In addition, the lease has not been properly notarized. 6) Section 280-74(C) provides no new antenna support structures may be constructed without a carrier licensed by the FCC as a provider. The Applicant's FCC license indicates that the Applicant has radio service AW - AWS, 1710 - 1755/2110-2155 MHz bands. However, the Pinnacle Telecom Group Antenna FCC FR Compliance Assessment and Report for MetroPCS dated October 14, 2009 provides that the Applicant is going to be operating with the frequency band of 2130 - 2140 MHz. There is a clear contradiction here. Is the Applicant going to be operating in 1710 -1755 MHz bands as authorized under the license or only in the 2110 - 2155 MHz Band?? 7) Section 280 - 70(M) (d)--Metro PCS has not commented on improving the landscaping at the site. Does the Applicant propose any landscaping improvements? For example, the height of the fence with colored slats does not cover the top oftbe equipment within the compound. Why? 8) Pursuant to §280-133 and the Site Plan Application Checklist the following items are missing and/or incomplete for the application: Grading and drainage plan with calculations; and scaled sketch of sign showing color, material type and sign lighting details. 9) It is our understanding that the monopole is over five (5) years old and to insure that the structure is safe, thus protecting the health, safety and welfare of Southold's citizens as is required in the purpose of the code (section 280-67), an inspection per ANSI 222-F is required. In your next submission you can include the inspection report, ur we can accept an acknowledgement that the inspection will be conducted after the issuance of the Special Use Permit, if granted, prior to the issuance of a building permit and start of construction and that any discrepancies found during the inspection will be corrected prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. Until you provide the required information as noted above, we are unable to make our recommendation to the Town that the application is complete. We strongly recommend a conference call with you to go over the comments in this letter, specifically to review what we believe is necessary to complete the application. We invite you to include the individuals that are preparing the technical information propagation maps, drive test, data sheet, tower drawings and calculations to be included in the call. This will help insure the correpleteness of your next submittal. Please contact Denise Benun at 212 921-5527 to establish the date and time for the call. Comi CMS cc: Town Planning Board (via email and regular mail) Denise Benun (via email) Pronanafion Study Requ/rement~ Propagation studies are required with the application to prove the need for any new tower site, or co-location on any existing structure where there is an increase in the height of the structure or any modification where there is an increase in the height of the antenna(s) on the structure.. (If service at the site is proposed for the cellular frequency band (800 - 900 MHz), even if the site will also utilize other frequencies, the studies need to be done at the cellular frequency band.) For a new tower or where there would be an increase the height of the existing tower or other s/ruc/ure, two propagation studies are required; one are the proposed height and another set of studies at 10' lower, unless something different is otherwise agreed to at the pre-application meeting.(Along with the lower propagation study should be a narrative that describes why the lower height is not sufficient) If the application is for co-locating on an existing tower or other structure without increasing the height of the existing tower or sl~ucture, then propagation studies arc only required at the height proposed by the applicant. Legend: Propagation studies are to include ~ on each sheet showing the following at a minimum: 1) a scale of milas or distance of no smaller than 1' to 1/2 mile; and 2) color coded of signal strength designations at -101dBm for "on-street" service, -95 bBm for "in-vehicle" service and -85 dBm for "in-building" service (except in urban areas where it can be demonstrated that there are several four story or larger buildings in the proposed coverage area). It is preferable that Propagation studies he provided on clear acetate sheets so that they may be overlaid and more easily read individually or in conjunction with each other, as may be necessary for proper analysis. A base map of the commuulty on which to overlay the propagation study is needed that must show and identify the major roads in thc intended service area. For any proposed site located less than 2 miles from a community's boundary, thc boundary must be shown on the map. The base map must be the same scale as the overlay propagation maps. Note: Only signal strengths of-1 O1 dBm for "on-street" service, -95 dBm for In-Vekicle aer~ice and -8.._~ dBm for ~rn-Buildlng setwice will be considered in the context of the need for'~e facility and the need for the requested height, unless the facility is intended to serve an urban market. This is based on the accepted losses inherent with each situation and the ability of the hand unit to function normally at -106 dBm. Note: The Applicant must state whether the vronased faciBt~ design is for in-vehicle coverage (-95 dBm) o_er in~- building coverage (-85 dBm). If an applicant believes it needs different signal strength levels, such must be justified in sufficient detail to allow verification of the technological need, such as a statement or explanation by the phone manufacturer or the carrier that greater signal strengths are needed and why lesser signal strengths will not permit the handset to function as designed or cerlain services to be provided in a functional context. ~ re~ulato~ body is not reauired to t, rant an annlicant's "best case" or most desired ~in,,~ion, but rather what wilt enable the handset to function as desitmed and the service to be reliabl. Note: Propagation studies must be accompanied by a//rnodellntr Information used to produ,,,, them (using the provided "Data Sheet for Propagation Study" form), including, but not limited to the ERP (Effective Radiated Power) from the site/facility that is the subject of the application an_..4d a//adlacent site~/t',,ellltles ~d the cu._!t sheets from all eauinment shnwint the ~ ~ such as, for purposes of example: The power of the radios stated in watts The gains and losses from each component of all equipment The Cents Municipal Solutions ~ Propagation Study Data Sheet for Pre )osed Facility I I Applicant: Name/title person completing form: Proposed Site Name: Site Address: I Instru~one: Complete this fern3, attach mctio and antenna spec sheets and include with the RF Propagation Study. All nearby sites (aC providing coverage in and near the proposed site are to be included in the study. Use an additional form if more than 3 sites Line No. ITEM UNIT Proposed site Adjacent alta #1 Adjacent alta #2 Adjacent site Data Data Data GENERAL INFO: #1 Site Name #2 Site Address #3 rower or structure height feet ~ ~,ntenna mounting height agl feet #5 Network Technology #6 3perat~ng Frequency MgHz #7 Sase Station Manufacturer ~ E~ese Station Model # #9 F~adio Max Power Watts #10 Is pilot channel used for propagation (yes or no) #11 If yes, pilot channel power Watts min. 20% of i)ower) #12 Convert Power to dBm dBm #13 Losses: #14 Is them a combiner #15 If yes make and model #16 If yes, combiner loss dB #17 Cable losses: #18 Cable diameter In. #19 Cable Igth. From antenna to Ft e¢luIpmen! #20 Cable loss per 100 ft. dB #21 Calculated loss dB #22 Connectors #23 Number of connectors #24 Loss per connectol dB #25 Calculated Loss dB #26 Jumpem: #27 Number of jumpers #28 Loss perjumpe~ dB #29 Calculated lose dB #30 total calculated Ieee: dB #31 ~3alns: #32 a them an in line amptifler #33 If yes, galr dB ~ ~ntenna Mftg. #35 ~ntenne Model # #~6 ~ntenne gain dB #37 lo(al gain: dB ~38 Result: #39 Transmission Power dsm #40 ERP Watts To Calculate ERP (Line #40) of an Antenna: pilot power, if -~ 11. ~dBm units. Insert the result into Line #12 Step #3: Add all dB losses: Line #16 + Line #21+ Line #25 + Line #29; Insert the result into Line #30 Step ~1-: Add all dB gains: Line #33 + Line #36; Insert the result into Line #37 Step $5: Add Line #37 to Line #12. Subtract from the result, Line #30. Insert the result into Line #39. Step ~6: Convert the number in Line #39 into Watts. Record the result in Line #40. METROPCS NI~ORK, LLC 5 SKYLINE DRIVE HAWTHORNE, NY 10532 o 9/29/2009 PAY TO THE ORDEROF Town of Southold $**500.00 Five Hundred and 00/100 .................................................................................................... DO,L~RS ~ Town of Southold MEMO BP App. Fee-NY7312 "'0000 h~ S METROPC8 NEW YORK, LLC Town of Southold BP App. Fee- NY7312 9/29/2009 4654 500.00 NY Imprest Ih= ~.OP~8 NEW YORK, LLC Town of $outhold BP App. Fee - NY7312 BP App. Fee - NY7312 9/29/2009 500.00 4654 500.00 NY Imprest BP App. Fee-NY7312 500.00 IIIIIIIII II[[lllll 39287 RE, NIELSEN, ] JBER & COUGI{LII , J,P ATTOR-~-EYS AT L~ January 5, 2010 BY }lAND Building Department Town of Southold Annex Building 54375 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 MetroPCS New York, LLC (Site No. NY7312) Building Permit Apphcation Proposed Public Utility Wireless Teleeommmficafions Facility Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue, Matt/tuck NY SCTM#: 1000-141 - 3 - 38.1 JAN 5 2010 BLDG. DEPT. TOWN OF SOUTHOUD Dear Sir or Madam: On behalf of MclroPCS New York, LLC ("Me~'oPCS"), submitted herewith is the captioned Application as follows: 1. Town of Southold Building Permit Application; 2. Property Owner's Authorization; 3. Building Perrrdt Application fee: MetroPCS Check No. 4654 in the amount of $500.00, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(1)(a); 4. Two (2) counterparts of Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment ~nd Report prepared by Pinnacle Telecom Group and dated October 14, 2009, demonstrating the project's compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure regulations pursuant to Code 8§ 280-74B(1)(a) and 280-70(J); 5. Two (2) counterparts of Structural Analysis Report prepared by Semasn Eng/neering Solutions, LLC, and dated August 18, 2009, documenting the facility's structural compliance with local, state and federal codes pursuant to Code 8280-74B(1)(b); 6. Copy of MetroPCS's FCC License, pursuant to Code 8280-74B(1)(c); 7. FAA Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation, pursuant to Code 8280-74B(1)(c); 8. National Environmental Policy Act ON-EPA) Screening Report, prepared by EBI Consulting, and dated October 22, 2009, pursuant to Code 8280-74B(1)(0); 9. Gap and Propagation Maps, pursuant to Code 8§ 280-74B (1)(d) and (e); I0. Search Ring Map, pursuant to Code §280-74B(1)(e); 11. Affidavit of Radiofrequency Engineer, pursuant to Code §280-74B(1)(e); i2. CD ROM containing digital files of propagation and search ring maps, pursuant to Code 8280- 74B(1)(f); 13. Copy of Deed, pursuant to Code §280-74B(1)(g); 14. Copies of the following License/Lease Agreemants, pursuant to Code 8280-74B(1)(g): · a. Site License Agreement, between T-Mobile Northeast LLC and MetroPCS New York, LLC, dated September 25, 2009; b. Site Lease with Option, between George L. Penny, Inc. and Omnipoint Facilities MetroPCS New York, LLC 12585 Sound Avenue, Mathtuck (Metro Site: 7312) Sanuary 5, 2010 Page 2 of 2 Network 2, LLC, dated September 25, 2002. 15. Property survey prepared by Barrett Bonacci & Van Weele, PC, dated June 30, 2007; and 16. Four (4) sets of Construction Drawings with Site Plans and Elevations, prepared by M.TM Design Group, Inc. and dated December 21, 2009. The drawings include 'a compound landscape plan, in accordance with the requirements of Code §§ 280-70M, 280-71A(2)(b)(ii)'and 280- 71A(2)(a)(ii)(3). You will note in reviewing the above, and in furtherance of the recent amendments to Town Code Article XVII addressing the zoning of "Wireless Communications Facilities," Men'oPCS has attempted to design its proposal so as to comply with Code § 280-71A, as well as §§ 280-70 and 280-74. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: ~ Conghl' JC:mk . Enclosures DESIGN GROUP ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING · PO BOX 3 · HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 · TEL: 732 888 6210 · FAX: 732 847 4335 · June 23,2010 Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Planning Board Reference: Penny Lumber: Metro PCS Application 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952 Section: 141, Block: 3, Lot: 38.1, Zone: LI Metro PCS Project #: NY7312, MTM#: 09MPSTS011 To Whom It May Concern: With reference to the above noted site regarding the drainage and grading at the existing telecommunication facility on the property, please note the following. The existing native soil in the area of the proposed equipment is pervious and comprised of sand and gravel and would not pose any drainage problems. The proposed equipment will be mounted on a new 10' x 16' (160 Square Feet) concrete slab within the existing fenced equipment compound. The concrete slab will allow for any potential precipitation to pass to the existing pervious surface. The impact of the 160 SF of impervious surface created with the proposed concrete slab in comparison to the overall size of the existing property and the existing grading and drainage will be negligible. As depicted on the construction documents submitted concurrently, the proposed equipment areas are to be mildly re-graded such that it is relatively level with the adjacent existing surrounding areas. No retaining walls or radical changes in surface features or runoff are proposed. If you sh~uestions~ or need any additional information, please feel free to contact our cc: Metro PCS File DIES G U p ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING · PO BOX 3 · HAZLET, NEYVJERSEY 07730 · TEL: 732 888 6210 · FAX: 732 847 4335 · June 23, 2010 Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 Attention: Planning Board Reference: Penny Lumber: Metro PCS Application 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck, NY 11952 Sec[ion: 141, Block: 3, Lot: 38.1, Zone: LI Metro PCS Projec[ #: NY7312, MTM#: 09MPSTS011 To Whom It May Concern: With reference to the above noted site regarding the drainage and grading at the existing telecommunication facility on the property, please note the following. The existing native soil in the area of the proposed equipment is pervious and comprised of sand and gravel and would not pose any drainage problems. The proposed equipment will be mounted on a new 10' x 16' (160 Square Feet) concrete slab within the existing fenced equipment compound. The concrete slab will allow for any potential precipitation to pass to the existing pervious surface. The impact of the 160 SF of impervious surface created with the proposed concrete slab in comparison to the overall size of the existing property and the existing grading and drainage will be negligible. As depicted on the construction documents submitted concurrently, the proposed equipment areas are to be mildly re-graded such that it is relatively level with the adjacent existing surrounding areas. No retaining walls or radical changes in surface features or runoff ara proposed. If you shoul...~;Lba~ny questions, or need any additional information, please feel free to contac[ our ~ File June 18, 2010 518-439-3079 GLENMONT, NEW YORK 12077 FAX: 518-478-0909 (via email end regular mail) Mr. John J. Coughlin, Esq. Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP 26 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York I 1743 JUN 21 ; ulO So,.!.!,olc~ Re: Southold NY MetroPCS ("MetroPCS or the "Applicant") 12585 Sot~ad~ve,.nue l~i}~itUcl~ Dear Mr. Coughlin; We have reviewed the above referenced application received with cover letter dated April 22, 2010. For reasons we set forth below, we find that the application is incomplete in accordance the Wireless Facilities Statute for the Town of Southold ("Wireless Facility Statute"). 1) Section 280-70(B) (M) provides that all wireless facilities, including co-locations, shall be the least visually obtrusive design possible that also permits the applicant to achieve its service needs. Applicant is proposing to collocate antennas at a centerline height of 75 feet, flush mounted to existing 100-foot stealth monopole at the above-referenced location. Currently, T-Mobile has an interior-mounted facility at a height of 85 and 95 feet. Why is Metro PCS proposing to flush mount its antennas? The prints show that as the pole gets closer to the ground, tapers outward starting at 80 feet. Why cen Metro PCS not locate within the pole? If there is not room for the antennas at 75 feet we would need to know what is the highest height they would fit within the pole and documentation (propagation maps and drive test data as to why that height is not acceptable) This documentation is not required if Metro PCS and it antennas can be configured inside the pole. 2) According to Section 280-74 this application requires a fee of $2500 comprising of a $500 Building Application modification fee; a Site Plan Application fee of $1000 and a Special Exception Application fee of $1000. Your letter dated April 22, 2010 indicates that the Applicant enclosed the fees in connection with the Site Plan Application and Special Exception Application, however, please provide evidence that the fee of $500 was paid in connection with the Building Application. 3) §280-74(B) (I) (b) requires written documentation as to the facility's structural compliance with applicable laws. To this end, the applicant provided a report prepared by Semaen Engineering Solutions, LLC, documenting the proposed facility's structural compliance with applicable law ("Semaan's Report"). The Semaen' Report is not a satisfactory structural verification because it does not address the foundation of the structure, or the underlying soil conditions. The calculations for the foundation of the stmctm-e based on the underlying soils report must be provided to structural calculations to ensure overall structural compliance. 4) The propagation maps provided are incomplete as follows: Mr. Balzano, in his affidavit dated October 29, 2009, provided signal strengths that he claims are required by MetroPCS for in-building commercial, in-building residential and in-vehicle reliable service. We agree with his signal strengths. What we do not see is what ERP was imput into the propagation model. (See attached Propagation Study Requirements end Propagation Data Stud,/ sheet). The area of coverage s~l~rounding the proposed site is comprised of buildings three stories high or less. They are mostly residential homes for which we believe that -85dBm will provide reliable in building coverage (With -95dBm providing reliable in-vehicle coverage). Therefore we do not understand the reason for map 3, in-building commercial. We require new propagation maps utilizing the ERP as calculated on the Propagation data sheet done at -85dBm and -95dBm. We are aware that MetroPCS is proposing additional sites in Southold. Why are no other sites shown on the propagation maps? 5) Section 280-74(B) (1) (g) requires a copy of the deed or lease agreement. The underlying Lease is between George L. Penny, Inc. ("Landlord") and Omnipoint Facilities Network 2, LLC ("Tenant"), such lease requires that the Tenant provide written notice to the Landlord to enable Tenant to license or sublease space on the proposed location. The information provided by the Applicant does not contain such notice. In addition, the lease has not been properly notarized. 6) Section 280-74(C) provides no new antenna support structures may be constructed without a career licensed by the FCC as a provider. The Applicant's FCC license indicates that the Applicant has radio service AW - AWS, 1710 - 1755/2110-2155 MHz bands. However, the Pinnacle Telecom Group Antenna FCC FR Compliance Assessment and Report for MetroPCS dated October 14, 2009 provides that the Applicant is going to be operating with the frequency band of 2130 - 2140 MHz. There is a clear contradiction here. Is the Applicant going to be operating in 1710 -1755 MHz bands as authorized under the license or only in the 2110 - 2155 MHz Band?? 7) Section 280 - 70(M) (d)--Metro PCS has not commented on improving the landscaping at the site. Does the Applicant propose any landscaping improvements? For example, the height of the fence with colored slats does not cover the top of the equipment within the compound. Why? 8) Pursuant to §280-133 and the Site Plan Application Checklist the following items are missing and/or incomplete for the application: Grading and drainage plan with calculations; and scaled sketch of sign showing color, material type and sign lighting details. 9) It is our understanding that the monopole is over five (5) years old and to insure that the structure is safe, thus protecting the health, safety and welfare of Southold's citizens as is required in the purpose of the code (section 280-67), an inspection per ANSI 222-F is required. In your next submission you can include the inspection report, or we can accept an acknowledgement that the inspection will be conducted after the issuance of the Special Use Permit, if granted, prior to the issuance of a building permit and start of construction and that any discrepancies found during the inspection will be corrected prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Completion. Until you provide the required information as noted above, we are unable to make our recommendation to the Town that the application is complete. We strongly recommend a conference call with you to go over the comments in this letter, specifically to review what we believe is necessary to complete the application. We invite you to include the individuals that are preparing the technical information propagation maps, drive test, data sheet, tower drawings and calculations to be included in the call. This will help insure the completeness of your next submittal. Please contact Denise Benun at 212 921-5527 to establish the date and time for the call. omi CMS cc: Town Planning Board (via email and regular mail) Denise Bennn (via email) Propagation Study Requirements Propagation studies are required with the application to prove the need for any new tower site, or co-location on any existing structure where there is an increase in the height of the structure or any modification where there is an increase in the height of the antenna(s) on the structure.. (If service at the site is proposed for the cellular frequency band (800 - 900 MHz), even if the site will also utilize other frequencies, the studies need to be done at the cellular frequency band.) For a new tower or where there would be an increase the height of the existing tower or other structure, two propagation studies are required; one are the proposed height and another set of studies at 10' lower, unless something different is otherwise agreed to at the pre-application meeting.(Along with the lower propagation study should be a narrative that describes why the lower height is not sufficient) If the application is for co-locating on an existing tower or other structure without increasing the height of the existing tower or structure, then propagation studies are only required at the height proposed by the applicant. Legend: Propagation studies are to include a legend on each sheet showing the following at a minimum: 1) a scale of miles or distance of no smaller than 1" to 1/2 mile; and 2) color coded of signal strength designations at -101dBm for "on-street" service, -95 bBm for "in-vehicle" service and -85 dBm for "in-building" service (except in urban areas where it can be demonstrated that there are several four story or larger buildings in the proposed coverage area). It is preferable that Propagation studies be provided on clear acetate sheets so that they may be overlaid and more easily read individually or in conjunction with each other, as may be necessary for proper analysis. A base map of the community on which to overlay the propagation study is needed that must show and identify the major roads in the intended service area. For any proposed site located less than 2 miles from a community's boundary, the boundary must be shown on the map. The base map must be the same scale as the overlay propagation maps. Note: OnlF signal strengths of-101dBm for "on-street" service, -95 dBm for ln-Vehicle service and 45 dBm for In-Building service will be considered in the context of thc need for the facility and the need for the requested height, unless thc facility is intended to serve an urban market. This is based on the accepted losses inherent with each situation and the ability of the hand unit to function normally at -106 dBm. Note: The Applicant must state whether the. proposed facilitF design is for in-vehicle coverage (-95 dBm) or in- building coverage (-85 dBm). If an applicant believes it needs different signal strength levels, such must be justified in sufficient detail to allow verification of the technological need, such as a statement or explanation by the phone manufacturer or the carrier that greater signal strengths are needed and why lesser signal strengths will not permit the handset to function as designed or certain services to be provided in a functional context. Note that the local regulatory body is not required to grant an applicant's "best case" or mast desired situation, but rather what will enable the handset to function as designed and the service to be reliable. Note: Propagation studies must be accompanied by all modeling information used to produce them (using the provided "Data Sheet for Propagation Study" form), including, but not limited to the ERP (Effective Radiated Power) from the site/facthty that is the subject of the application and all adlacent sites/facilities and the cut sheets from all equipment showing the operating characteristics, such as,'-~or p~u~oses of example: The power of the radios stated in watts The gains and losses from each component of all equipment The Center.al Sotutions 1 ~L~ T Propagation Study Data Sheet for Pro ~osed Facility i I Applicant: Name/title person completing ;uii~; Proposed Site Name: Site Address: nstructions: Complete this form, attach radio and antenna spec sheets and include with the RF Propagation Study. All nearby sites (ad ~roviding coverage in and near the proposed site are to be included in the study. Use an additional form if mom than 3 sites Line No. ITEM UNIT Proposed site Adjacent site #1 Adjacent site #2 Adjacent site Data Data Data GENERAL INFO: #1 Site Name #2 ;ite Address #3 Tower or structure height feet ~ Antenna mounting height agl feet #5 Network Technology #6 Operating Frequency MgHz #7 Base Station Manufacturer ~ Base Station Model # #9 Radio Max Power Watts #I 0 Is pilot channel used for propagation (yes or no) #11 If yes, pilot channel power Watts min. 20% of power) #12 Convert Power to dBm dBm #13 Losses: #14 is there a combiner #15 If yes make and model #16 If yes, combiner loss dB #17 Cable losses: #18 Cable diameter In. #19 Cable Igth. From antenna to Ft equipment #20 Cable loss per 100 ft. dB #21 Calculated 1ocs dB #22 3onnectars #23 Number of connectors #24 Loss per connector dB #25 Calculated Loss dB #26 Jumpers: #27 Number of jumpers #28 Loss per jumper dB #29 Calculated loss dB #30 Total calculated loss: dB #31 Gains: #32 Is there an in line amplifier #33 If yes, gain dB #34 Antenna Mffg. #35 Antenna Model # #36 Antenna gain dB ~7 Total gain: dB #38 Result: #39 Transmission Power dBm #40 ERP Watts To Calculate ERP (Line #40) of an Antenna: ~ Watts in line 9 and pilot power, if ~ Line 11. Step #2: Convert the Mo power o~t"~'"~~ i-~ dBm units. I~s-'~'t~'result into Line #12 Step ~3: Add all dB losses: Line #16 + Line #21+ Line #25 + Line #29; Insert the result into Line #30 Step #4: Add all dB gains: Line #33 + Line ~L36; Insert the result into Line #37 Step $5: Add Line #37 to Line #12. Subtract from the result, Line #30. Insert the result into Line #39. Step #6: Convert the number in Line #39 into Watts. Record the result in Line #40. AGREEMENT This agreement made and entered into this ,.~ ~ day of ~L~_~___ 2010 by and between RICHARD A. COMI d/b/a THE CENTER FOR MUNICIPAL SOLUTIONS (herein after ~ferred to as Consultant) (mailing address: 70 Cambridge Ddve, Glenmont, New York 12077) party of the first part, and THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD NY 11971 (hereinafter referred to as Client) (mailing address; Town Hall Annex 54375 SR 25 Southold, NY 11971) party of the second part. Consultant and Client, for the consideration named, hereby agree as follows: PURPOSE Client hereby retains Consultant for the purpose of assisting, advising and representing the Client on matters relating to reviewing and analyzing a wireless application for Metro PCS for a proposed facility at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, received by client for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities. 2. SPECIFIC SERVICES: SERVICES DURING PROCESSING OF THE APPLICATION The Consultant shall furnish appropriate Wireless Telecommunications Facilities siting assistance and advice to the Client and Client officials involved in the processing of the Metre PCS application for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, and, in connection therewith, shall: a) review the application filed with the Client for Wireless Telecommunications Facilities, b) assist and advise the Client in the analysis of the application, to include attending meetings with the Applicants and/or Client officials as required, c) recommend in wdting to the Client whether the application should be approved or disapproved, and set forth in writing the reasons for such approval or disapproval, d) inspect the construction of the facility and in wdting recommend when/if the certificate of compliance should be issued. TIMES AND ATTENDANCE: COOPERATION BY CLIENT Consultant shall perform the services described herein in as expeditious a manner as is reasonably possible and with due consideration of the time requirements of Client. Client recognizes that the timing of the performance of Consultant's services may be affected by previous commitments to other clients (including the delivery of premised services and work product and previously scheduled meetings), and situations normally and traditionally deemed to be matters of a force majeure nature, including those influenced by the weather, strikes, or power outages. Client agrees to cooperate with Consultant, as needed, and to provide Consultant with copies of any records, documents and other information needed for the fulfillment of this agreement on a timely basis. Client further agrees to provide Consultant with access to appropriate officials and/or employees of Client, as may be needed in the fulfillment of the agreement. Moreover, both parties understand and agree that mutual accountability and responsiveness is critical to the successful completion of the project, and therefore both shall always make their best faith efforts to be accountable and promptly responsive to each other. COMPENSATION In payment for the services to be performed hereunder by Consultant, Client shall make payments to the Consultant as follows: A) The Client shall pay Consultant its normal published hourly rate (which at the date of this agreement is $250.00 per hour) for each hour of time devoted by Consultant to the performance of such services, provided, however, that for time traveling by Consultant in conjunction with the performance of such services, the Client shall pay Consultant 50% of the Consultants normal published rate. It is understood that the costs for all services, including expenses as covered below, will not exceed $8,500.00 for the pdmary carrier on the new facility, without additional approval from the Client. B) Consultant shall invoice the Client regularly, but no less frequently than monthly, after services have been performed, for any compensation payable. Such invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt, but in no case later than thirty (30) days. C) In the event that the Client disputes or objects to any portion of any invoice submitted by Consultant pursuant to this agreement, Client shall, within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of such invoice, notify Consultant in writing of such dispute or objection. D) Payments made by the Client more than thidy (30) days following the date of submission of an invoice shall incur a charge of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of the amount thereby deemed late, compounded monthly, until the amount due and owing by the Client is paid in full. 5. REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES For services performed hereunder, Client shall reimburse Consultant, for out-of-pocket expenses for the following items: (a) Travel-related costs such as airfare, car rental, night lodging accommodations and meals consumed white on-site or enreute; (b) Expedited or overnight delivery service; (c) Any other reasonably necessary expenses directly related and attributable to the fulfillment of this agreement. Consultant's requests for expense reimbursement shall be included in Consultant's invoice at actual cost, with no markup. STATUS OF CONSULTANT Consultant and Client agree that in the performance of Consultant's services hereunder, Consultant shall not be deemed to be an employee of Client for any purpose whatsoever, nor act under Color of State. NOTICES Any and all notices, invoices, and payments required hereunder shall be addressed to the parties at their respective addresses set forth in page f hereof, or to such other address as may hereafter be designated in writing by either party hereto. 8. CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT This agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the Laws of the State of New York. COMPLETE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION There are no terms, conditions or obligations other than those contained herein, and there are no written or verbal statements or representations, warranties or agreements with respect to this Agreement that have not been embodied herein. This agreement constitutes the complete understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or amendment of any provisions of this agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Consultant and Client by individuals duly authorized to do so, have signed this agreement, the day and year first above written. CONSULTANT By: ~.{~.~m't~ (electronic signature) R.A.Comi The Center for Municipal Solutions CLIENT By: ~ R]~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW TEL~PHONB: (0~1) 4,~5-4100 F.~G$II. IILI~: (6{)1) 425-4104 May 21 2010 VIA UPS Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (Site No. NY7312) Consultant Fees for review of Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility at: Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY SCTM#: 1000- 141 -3 38.1 Dear Ms. Winser: In furtherance of the May 14, 2010 correspondence of Martin H. Sidor (copy attached hereto) and pursuant to §280-74 of Southold Town Code, enclosed herewith is MetroPCS New York, LLC check number 5662, payable to the Town of Southold, in the sum of $8,500.00, to be held in escrow for the technical consultant review fee. We request that our office be provided with the curriculum vitae and summary of qualifications of the Town's technical consultant. We also request that detailed invoices be provided to our office for all expenses billed against this escrow amount. Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please do not hesitate to communicate with the undersigned. Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP By: JJC:mk Enclosures PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. M~in Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 May 17, 2010 Ms. Denise S. Benun 16 Drake Lane Manhasset, NY 11030 Re: Proposed Site Plan for MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM#1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Ms. Benun: Enclosed herewith please find an application package and CD regarding the above- referenced site plan/special exception proposal. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Encls. cc: Richard Comi (co~er letter) PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 May 17, 2010 Mr. Richard A. Comi 70 Cambridge Drive Glenmont, NY 12077 Re~ Proposed Site Plan for MetroPCS NY, LLC at Penny Located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3-38.1 Zoning District: LI Dear Mr. Comi: Enclosed herewith please find an application package and CD regarding the above- referenced site plan/special exception proposal. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, %- Encls. PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE D. SOLOMON JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND May 14, 2010 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin, LLP Att: Larry Re' 36 North New York Avenue Huntington NY 11743 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Re: Metro PSC, at Penny Lumber Located at 12585 Sound Ave, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-141-3 -38.1 De~ Mr. Re': I am writing in response to your submission received April 23, 2010 in connection with the above referenced application. The Planning Department is currently reviewing the application for completeness for review to begin. As mentioned above, in order for the application to be deemed "complete" and ready for review and analysis to commence, the Town of Southold will require payment in the amount of $8,500 made payable to the Town of Southold to be placed into an escrow account to cover the cost of the technical consultant's review. The technical consultant's review fee is required by Southold Town Code §280-74A(d). Any unused portion of the technical consultant's fee will be returned to you. Once the above referenced and required fee has been received and the application is deemed complete for initial review purposes, formal review of this application will begin by the Planning staff, the technical consultant, the Southold Town Planning Board, and all other interested and involved Southold Town Departments and outside Departments and Agencies. Thank you in advance for your prompt payment and we look forward to the continued review of this application. Sincerely, Cc: Southold Town Planning Board Heather Lanza, Planning Director Kfisty Winser, Senior Planner NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 30 NORTH NEw YOKK AVENUE HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK 11743 TELEPHONZ: (031) 425-~b100 FACSXMILE: (031) ~25-4104 April 22, 2010 BY HAND APR Ms. Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: MetroPCS New York, LLC (Site No. NY7312) Site Plan Application and Special Exception Permit Application for Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY SCTM#: 1000-141 - 3 - 38.1 2 3 2010 Dear Ms. Winser: On behalf of MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS' hereafter), submitted herewith are the captioned Applications as follows: With respect to the Site Plan Application, enclosed are the following documents: 1. Original and one (1) copy of Town of Southold Planning Board Site Plan Application; 2. Original and one (1) copy of Applicant's Affidavit; 3. Original and one (1) copy of Applicant's Transactional Disclosure Form; 4. Original and one (1) copy of Owner's Transactional Disclosure Form; 5. Two (2) counterparts of Owner's Authorization Affidavit; 6. Original and one (1) copy of Environmental Assessment Form, prepared by EBI Consulting, dated March 19, 2010, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-133A(3); 7. Original and one (1) copy of LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, prepared by EBI Consulting; 8. MetroPCS New York, LLC Check No. 5325 in the sum of $1,000.00, which sum represents the fee for modification, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74A(2)(a); 9. Seven (7) counterparts of Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report prepared by Pinnacle Telecom Group and dated October 14, 2009, demonstrating the project's compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure regulations and providing Town of Southold Planning'g~oard MetroPCS Site Plan/Special Exception Application April 22, 2010 Page 2 of 3 information on the other carriers already located on the facility in accordance with Town Code Sections 280-74C(1), 280-74C(6), 280-74B(1)(a) and 280-70J; 10. Seven (7) counterparts of Structural Analysis Report prepared by Semaan Engineering Solutions, LLC, certified on August 18, 2009, in accordance with Town Code Sections 280-74C(1), 280-74C(6), and 280-74B(1)(b) 11. Seven (7) counterparts of MetroPCS's FCC License pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(c); 12. Seven (7) counterparts of FAA Determination of No Hazard to Air Navigation, pursuant to Code Sections 280-74C(1 ), 280-74C(2), and 280-74B(1 ); 13. Seven (7) copies of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Screening Report, prepared by EBI Consulting, and dated October 22, 2009, pursuant to Code Sections 280- 74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(c); 14. Seven (7) copies of Gap and Propagation Maps, pursuant to Code Sections 280-74C(1), 280-74B(1 )(d) and (e); 15. Seven (7) copies of Search Ring Map, pursuant to Code Sections 280-74C(1), 280- 74B(1)(e); 16. Seven (7) copies of Affidavit of Radiofrequency Engineer, pursuant to Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(e); 17. Seven (7) copies of Deed, pursuant to Code Sections 280-74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(g); 18. Seven (7) copies of the following License/Lease Agreements, pursuant to Code 280- 74C(1) and 280-74B(1)(g): a. Site License Agreement, between T-Mobile Northeast LLC and MetroPCS New York, LLC, dated September 25, 2009; b. Site Lease with Option, between George L. Penny, Inc. and Omnipoint Facilities Network 2, LLC, dated September 25, 2002. 19. Two (2) counterparts of Visual Analysis, prepared by EBI Consulting, dated February 16, 2010, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74C(3); 20. Nine (9) sets of Zoning Drawings, including Site Plan, Vicinity Plan and Elevation Drawings, prepared by MTM Design Group, Inc., dated April 12, 2010, addressing Town Code Sections 280-74C(4), 280-74C(5), 280-74C(9), 280-74C(10), 280-74C(I1), 280- 74C(12), 280-74C(13) and 280-133A(4); 21. One (1) CD Rom containing digital files of propagation and search ring maps, pursuant to Town Code Sections 280-74C(7) and §280-74B(1)(f); 22. Two (2) sets of Photos of Existing Structures pursuant to Town Code Section 280- 74C(8); and 23. Four (4) copies of Property Survey, prepared by Barrett Bonacci & Van Weele, PC, dated June 30, 2007, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-133A(5). With regard to the Special Exception Permit Application, enclosed are the following documents: 1. Original and one (1) copy of Town of Southold Planning Board Wireless Facility Special Exception Application; 2. MetroPCS New York, LLC Check No. 5324 in the sum of $1,000.00, which sum represents the Special Exception Application fee, pursuant to Town Code Section 280- · Town of Southold Planning'~oard MetroPCS Site Plan/Special Exception Application AlSri122, 2010 Page 3 of 3 74A(3); 3. Two (2) copies of Building Department Notice of Disapproval, dated January 25, 2010, and Building Permit Application, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(1)(a); 4. Two (2) copies of Site Plan Application, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(1)(b); and 5. Original and one (1) copy of Affidavit of John Coleman regarding future co-location, pursuant to Town Code Section 280-74D(2). Should you have any questions with regard to the foregoing, please communicate with the undersigned. Thanking you for your courtesies, we remain Very truly yours, RI~, NIELSEN, HUBER & COUGHLIN, LLP JJC/mk Enclosures EBI Consulting Visual Analysis Prepared For: metroF OS Unlimit Yourself, PROPOSED PUBLIC UTILITY WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACILITY NY7312 Provided By: EBI Consulting February 16, 2010 EBI C 0 N S U L T I N G ('realing ~'alue /~)r Your Bll¥ine~rs P/N:61094730 Site Number: NY7312 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Prepared For: metroPCS Provided By: EBI Consulting 21 B Street Burlington, MA 01803 ph. 781.273.2500 fax 781.273.3311 iSSUED 02/16/~0 REV I 02/24/13 REV 2 DRAWN BY ML;~RAJ EBI www. ebic ons ultin§.com 21B Street Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: (781) 273.2500 Fax: (781) 273.3311 Letter of Methodology February l6,2010 12585 Sound Avenue Matsituck, NY 11952 Re: Proposed Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facility Site Name: NY7312 The following is a description of the methodology used by EBI Consulting in preparing the visual analysis study of the proposed MetroPCS installation for the site located at 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, NY ("Property"). The proposed facility ("Facility") consists of small panel antennas mounted to an exist'ng 100' flagpole ("Existing Tower") at the Property and also related equipment on the ground. Both the antennas and equipment will be painted to match the existing flagpole so as to not have any adverse visual impact to the area. A site visit was made on February I I% 2010 and photographs were taken from various locations around the Facility using an Olympus E- 500 digital camera. The actual weather condition was partly cloudy but within reasonable visibility to perform the analysis. Using the technical and mechanical specification documents we built and arranged the Facility using 3D software called 3D Studio Max. 3D Studio Max allows us to add a daylight system that calculates what direction the sun will point according to what time of day, the date, and from the location the photographs were taken. The next step involved loading the map and the photographs taken at the site into 3D Studio Max and positioning virtual cameras in the software, based on the locations the photos were taken from. These cameras represent the photographer who took the photographs and it takes into consideration the average height at which the camera would have been held by an average five to six foot person. These cameras are placed at the exact locations on the map; therefore it automatically calculates the exact distance and perspective of the Facility. This generated simulated 3D views of the photographer's viewpoint plus the addition of the 3D model of the proposed Facility. Once these simulated viewpoints were created in 3D Studio Max, realistic lighting, shadows, and materials were rendered upon the proposed Facility and the result is multiple images that depict the proposed Facility on the photograph. The new images created by 3D Studio Max are imported into software called Photoshop and each view is labeled accordingly based upon the information provided by the field technician. The final product results in high quality existing and proposed images that accurately depict the addition of the proposed Facility. Kindly note that photo simulations are intended to represent modifications relative to a person observing the aesthetics of the proposed Facility. Therefore, they are inherently approximate in nature and should not be used as an exact, scaled, engineering drawing. Sincerely, Ross Jackson Graphic Design Manager EBI Consulting Office: 781-418-2339 FAX: 781-418-2359 Mobile: 781-552-1466 ross.iackson (~ebiconsultin~.com www.ebiconsulting.com ENVIROBUSINE% INC LOCATIONS I ATLANTA, GA I BALTIMORE, MD i BURLINGTON MA i CHICAGO. IL DALLAS TX i DENVER CO I NOUSTON. TX I LOS ANGELES CA I NEW YORK. NY I PHOENIX AZ I PORTLAND OR SAN ERANCISCO CA SEATTLE. WA I YORK PA VISIBILITY MAP Legend ¢~ Project Site ~ ~ ~ Site Radius at 250', 500', 1000',1/2 and 1 mile Photo Location Points Not Visible 0 1,000 2,000 Photo location Map NY7312 12585 SOUND AVENUE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 N $ VIEW 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM SOUND AVENUE (ENTRANCE TO PROPERTY) VIEW1 PROPOSED ANTENNAS I LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM SOUND AVENUE (ENTRANCE TO PROPERTY) VIEW 2 PROPOSED ANTENNAS (NOT VISIBLE) I LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM SOUND AVENUE (NEAR LAUREL LAKE PRESERVE) VIEW 3 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM CR 48 EAST VIEW 3 ANTENNAS PROPOSED ANTENNAS I LOOKING NORTHEAST FROM CR48 EAST VIEW 4 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING SOUTH FROM MATTITUCK INLET VIEW 4 PROPOSED METRO PCS ANTENNAS PROPOSED ANTENNAS } LOOKING SOUTH FROM MATTITUCK INLET VIEW 5 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING SOUTH FROM CR 48 WEST VIEW 5 PROPOSED ANTENNAS I LOOKING SOUTH FROM CR48WEST VIEW 6 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING SOUTH FROM WESTPHALIA RD. NORTH OFCR481NTERSECTION VIEW 6 PROPOSED ANTENNAS I LOOKING SOUTH FROM WESTPHALIA RD. NORTH OF CR 481NTERSECTION VIEW 7 PROPOSED ANTENNAS (NOT VISIBLE) I LOOKING SOUTHEAST FROM MILL RD. PRESERVE (1900 WEST MILL RD.) VIEW 8 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING WEST FROM SOUND AVE. AT PACIFIC ST. INTERSECTION VIEW 8 ANTENNAS PROPOSED ANTENNAS I LOOKING WEST FROM SOUND AVE, AT PACIFIC ST, INTERSECTION VIEW 9 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM WESTPHALIA RD, ATPIKEST, INTERSECTION VIEW 9 PROPOSED ANTENNAS I LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM WESTPHALIA RD. AT PIKE ST, INTERSECTION VIEW 10 EXISTING CONDITIONS I LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM MAIN RD,& LOVE LN. INTERSECTION VIEW 10 PROPOSED ANTENNAS LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM MAIN RD, & LOVE LN, INTERSECTION VIEW11 PROPOSED ANTENNAS (NOT VISIBLE) I LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM WlCKHAM AVE. VIEW 12 PROPOSED ANTENNAS (NOT VISIBLE) [ LOOKING NORTHWEST FROM MAIN RD. Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: t" = 0.85 mi Town Boundaries Su~ectSite Proposed Sites MAP 1 Existing Coverage Sept. 28,2010 Prepared by Nico Baizano Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Sept. 28,2010 Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -75 dBm In Building Commercial MAP 2 Coverage From Subject Site Prepaped by Nico Balzano Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12885 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: 1" = 0,85 mi Town Boundaries Subject Site · Proposed Sites -75 dBm In Building Commercial MAP 3 Coverage From Subject Site and Neighbour Sites Sept. 28,2010 Prepared by Nico Balzano Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -85 dBm In Building Residential MAP 2 Coverage From Subject Site Sept. 28,20t0 Prepared by Nico Balzano Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Sept. 28,2010 Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -85 dBm In Building Residential MAP 3 Coverage From Subject Site and Neighbour Sites Prepared by Nico Balzano Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Sept. 28,2010 Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -95 dBm In Vehicle MAP 2 Coverage From Subject Site Prepared by Nico Balzano Town of $outhold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave ~ Mattltuck, New York Map Scale: t" = 0.85 mi Sept. 28,2010 Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -95 dBm In Vehicle MAP 3 Coverage From Subject Site and Neighbour Sites Prepared by Nico Balzano NY7312 Search Ring 0 mi 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 NORTHRD CRESCENT W La.ak %(' Town of $outhold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Dec. 11 ,2009 MAP 1 Existing Coverage Prepared by Nico Balzano sO,3~~) o Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York i Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Dec. 1t, 2009 Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -85 dBm In Building Residential MAP 2 Coverage From Subject Site Prepared by Nico Baizano ~S o BEA LN ~D Town of Southold Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck, New York Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi Town Boundaries Subject Site Proposed Sites -75 dBm In Building Commercial MAP 3 Coverage From Subject Site Dec. 11 , 2009 Prepared by Nico Balzano Town of ~,~,~ ~ Town Boundaries Southold ® Subject Site Site ID NY7312A 12585 Sound Ave · Proposed Sites Mattituck, New York ~ -95 dBm In Vehicle Map Scale: 1" = 0.85 mi MAP 4 Coverage From Subject Site Dec. 11,2009 Prepared by Nico Balzano MetroPCS New York, LLC Site Address: 12585 Sound Ave., Mattituck, NY Town of Southoid Planning Department Staff Report Project: Special Exception & Site Plan application for a Wireless Communication Facility. Preparer: Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Date: January 31,2011 I. Site Plan Information Site Plan Name: SCTMN#: Street Location: Hamlet: Zoning District: Type of Site Plan: Property Owner: Applicant: Agent: Plan Prepared By: Date of Map: Submission Date: Metro PCS ~ Penny Lumber 1000-141-3-38.1 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck LI Amended Penny Lumber Metro PCS Larry Re' MTM Design Group 12/21/09 4/23/10 I1. Description of Site Plan Proiect This application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District. IlL Site Analysis SEQRA CLASSIFICATION - Unlisted Action coordinated review · As you may recall, MetroPCS has not yet received approval from Penny Lumber and Marjam as to a revised landscaping plan. Accordingly, unless the Board is willing to waive all landscaping, the applicant will need to request the matter again be put over until the next available Planning Board public hearing date to give MetroPCS more time to try and resolve this issue. · Reasons to consider waiving additional landscaping around the equipment area: [] The tower already exists and the new antennas are flush-mounted to reduce visibility as much as possible. [] The property is used for industrial purposes and it is not open to the public. Application for Metro, PCS (~, Penn~ Lumber p.2 The equipment cabinets were previously reviewed and it was determined that landscape around the equipment area was not necessary. The equipment cabinets are not visible from outside the property. The applicants have made a good faith effort to provide alternatives to provide landscape screening around the base area as required by the code and requested by the Planning Board. IV~ Staff Recommendations - The following is for the Boards consideration: Based on the above reasons, planning Staff recommends for the Planning Board to waive the full landscape requirement and add the following to clauses to the Draft resolution: WHEREAS, the application is eligible for waiver of site plan elements under §280-76.2C and waiver was considered for partial landscaping around the equipment area on the basis that the use of the subject parcel is industrial in nature and the equipment area can not be seen from outside the property; and RESOLVED, the Planning Board hereby waives the full landscaping requirement pursuant to section § 280-76.2 as described above; and be it further VII. Materials to aid in review Aerial view of property Town of Southold Planning Department Staff Report Project: Special Exception & Site Plan application for a Wireless Communication Facility. Preparer: Kristy Winser, Senior Planner Date: September 13,2010 I. Site Plan Information Site Plan Name: SCTMN#: Street Location: Hamlet: Zoning District: Type of Site Plan: Property Owner: Applicant: Agent: Plan Prepared By: Date of Map: Submission Date: Metro PCS ~ Penny Lumber 1000-141-3-38.1 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck LI Amended Penny Lumber Metro PCS Larry Re' MTM Design Group 12/21/09 4/23/10 II. Description of Site Plan Proiect This application is for site plan and special exception consideration to affix a public utility wireless antenna at a height of 75 feet to the outside of an existing 100' flag pole and install related equipment on the ground at the premises located on a 3.8 acre parcel 400 feet east of Lipco Road in the LI Zoning District. III. Site Analysis SEQRA CLASSIFICATION - Unlisted Action coordinated review · The proposed installation would comply with the Town's goal of encouraging co- location however; the existing 100-foot tower already exceeds the limit (80 feet). · The proposed location of the antenna would be at a lower height (75 feet). · The proposed antennas are located outside of the existing pole. · Per our recent discussion with the applicant and CMS consulting, and after our review of the applicant's recent material, (Staff understands that going inside the existing pole is not feasible). · All wireless facilities, including co-locations, shall be the least visually obtrusive design possible that also permits the applicant to achieve its service needs. Application ['or Metro, PCS (~ Penn}, Lumber p.2 · Based on the following discussions with CMS the following is for the Boards consideration as options for the installation of the MetroPCS antennas at this site: Flush mounting the antennas to the outside of the pole. With the required attachments the antennas would be about six (6) inches from the pole. The antennas and the small amount of exterior cabling could be painted to match the pole. This option would be the same as one above, however a screen mesh could be placed over the antennas to make the look consistent. A bubble arrangement could be placed on the pole to encase the antennas and cabling. IV: Permits and/or Review Required From Other Agencies: · FAA, Shall comply with applicable airport and/or airspace hazard and/or obstruction regulations - submitted · Structural inspection report from Engineer- submitted NEED · Mattituck Fire District · Building Inspector Certification · Drainage review from Town Engineer · LWRP review for consistency · ARC V: Special Exception Considerations: Construction of proposed facility is a public necessity. The applicant has made substantial effort to co-locate with existing wireless facilities, or has made substantial effort to locate on municipally-owned land or structures, or with in existing structures There are compelling reasons, which make it more feasible to construct the proposed facilities rather than alternatives In addition to the matters to be considered in Article XXV of this Chapter, the Planning Board shall give consideration to the following in issuing a special exception approval for wireless communication facilities: Application for Metro~ PCS (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) p.3 The proposed antenna support structure must be demonstrated to be the lowest height above the ground feasible to achieve the service needs of the carrier The wireless communication facility has been situated to minimize its proximity and visibility to residential structures, residential district boundaries and landmarks designated by Town, federal or state agencies. The wireless communication facility is designed and situated to be compatible with the nature of uses on adjacent and nearby property. The wireless communication facility has been designed to use the surrounding topography to minimize its visual impacts. The wireless communication facility has been designed to use the surrounding tree, building or foliage coverage to minimize its visual impacts. The wireless communication facility maximizes design characteristics to reduce or eliminate visual impacts and obtrusiveness. Other adequate conditions have been placed on the wireless communication facility which will minimize any adverse impacts of the facility on adjoining properties. Staff Recommendations - The Planning Deparanent finds the application complete in technical information. The following is for the Boards consideration: It is recommended for the Planning Board to accept the application for review, and refer the application to involved interested agencies for comment. ca It is further recommended for the Board to schedule the Public hearing for the next available date October 18, 2010. Based on the above, it is further recommended for the applicant to provide visual renderings of the antenna for the Boards consideration. If the board believes that any/all of the options are too intrusive at this location, the Board can require that the industry replace the pole with a new pole next to it which would have all antennas and cabling inside. In this case the old pole would be removed once the antennas and cabling for existing carriers were transferred to the new pole. VII. Materials to aid in review Aerial view of property TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION APR SECTION A: Site Plan Name and Location Site Plan Name: MetroPCS at Penny Lumber Sflffolk County Tax Map #10002 142 - · 3 - ' 38.1 Other SCTM #s: Application Date: __ 4 22 / 2010 Street Address: i2585 Sound Avenue Distance to nearest intersection: Hamlet: Mat titfiek Type of Site Plan: i · New x Amended __ Kesidential If ,A~nended, last appr6val date: __/ / SECTION B: Owners/Agent Contact. infomation Please lfst name, mailing address, and phone nuznber for the people below: Property'Owner' George L. Penny,. Inc. S~e~ e/o 12585 Sound Avenue City: Mattituck HomeTelephone State ~ Zip. 11952 Other AppHcant MetroPC$ New York, LLC . S~eet :5 .Skyline Drive City. HAwthorne State NY Zip. 10532 Home Telephone Other 914-593-8500 App~cant's Agentor Kcpresenmfive: ContactPerson(s)*. Re, Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin,. LLP S~eot ,36 North NewYork Avenue City Huntington State NY Zip 117~2 ' Office Telephone 631-425-4100 Other *Unless othc~xviselrequeSted, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here, Page 2 of 3 S~CTION C: Site Data Proposed construction type: New Propert~ total acreage or square footage: X Modification of Existing S~ucturc Change of usc 168,744+ a~sq. t~, Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 16o ~r/sq. ft. Agdcul~n~l · Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on thc property? Yes __ ] If yes, explain: - No Property Zoning District(s): Light Industrial Building Department Notiee of DisapprovalDate: 1 / 25 /2010 Is an application to the Southold Town Z~ning Board of Appeals requ/red? Yes __ If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes __ No __ If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. No X Show all uses proposed and existing, indicate which building will have w~ch use. proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: List all proposed propert33 uses: Other accessory uses: If more then one use is Industrial and Public Utility Wireless Telecommunications Facilit2 Same as existin~ Existing lot coverage: 72.92 % Proposed lot coverage:. 73.02 % Crrossfloorareaofexistingstructure(s):25,590 .sq. R. Grossflooramaofproposedstmcture(s):N/A (160~q.ft. for proposed conc~ct~.slab) Loading Berth:yes__No__ Parking Space Data: N/A (No change to existing parking) # of existing spaces: # of proposed spaces: Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: 16.5 . % Proposed landscape coverage:. 17 Waterfront Data: Is this property withl. 500' of a wetland area? Yes __ x No If yes explain: Tidal Wetlands I, the undersigned, certify ~~ove information is true. Signature of Preparer. By( ~ Date: Page 3 of 3 J TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD WIRELESS FACILITY SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION Application Name (use same name as Site Plan Application Name): MetroPCS at Penny Lumber Application Date: [bj~Ci/ I Zz- /20 lO Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000 - 141 Other SCTM#'s: 3 38.1 APR 2 3 2010 Street Address: 12585 Sound Avenue Hamlet: Mattituck Checklist of application materials required to be submitted (see Special Exception Application Requirements Handout or §280-74 D. of the Southold Town Code for details) X One copy of the building permit application materials X Complete site plan application submission X One copy of the deed or lease agreement for the use of the property X ' Analysis of site location alternatives X Effort to co-locate documentation (if this is not a co-location) X Propagation maps showing existing facilities and service in the town X Evidence supporting existence of inadequate service X Special Exception Application Fee form updated 5/4/2009 TO: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL Re: Nielsen, Huber & Coughlin LLC for Metro PCS New York, LLC 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, New York 11743 DATE: January 25,2010 Please take notice that your application dated January 14, 2010 For permit to colocate a wireless facility & install equipment at Location of property: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 141 Block 3 Lot 38.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed co-location in the LI District is permitted. The proposed construction requires Planning Board site plan review & special exception approval per Section 280-72 of the Town Code. Authorized Signature CC: file, Planning Board Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of MetroPCS New York, LLC At the premises: 12585 Sound Avenue : Mattituck, New York : Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 : STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER C_o~c~-c'~'~.. ~_.~-~qt~rlL~ {~ , being duly swom, deposes and says: I am the owner in fee of the premises known.as Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do hereby authorize MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS' hereafter), and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as MetroPCS may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with MetroPCS and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. Sworn to before me this '~ay of ~:.~r a~,~b4, 2009 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires February 5, 20 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoutholdTown.N0rthFork.net Examined ,20 Approved ,20. Disapproved a/c , Expiration ,20 PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you hava or need the following, before applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building PIans Planning Board approval Survey Check Septic Forum. N.Y.S,D.E.C. Trustees Flood Permit Storm-Water Assessment Form Contact: Attorneys for Applicant Mallto~Re, Nielsen, Huber & ~ugh.lin, LLF 36 North New York Ave. Building Inspector ~'~// J~ ~ ~O~O /~,,// Date ,20 a. This a'~li~.~t~t~~ly filled in by typewriter or in ink and submfitted to the Building Inspector with 4 b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall .be kept on the prermses available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months aRer the date of issuance or has not beencompleted within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or Other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Thereafter, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The applicant agrees m comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. MetroPCS New York (Signature of applicant or name, if ~q~l~). 5 Skyline Drive, Hawthor~ne, NY 1~any) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Lessee Name of owner of premises ·George k. Penny. Inc. Limit - LI bil't ~ m an (As on the tax roll or latest deed) ~ . . (J a . If ao~olica~a~ a,/~.l as~l~r~o~u~ a~thonzed officer (Name and tit e-l'6'~I~ooq~ officer) V /OM .Builders License No. Plumbers Licens6 No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. N/A on which proposed work will be done: Avenue, lqattituck, NY, Street County Tax Map No. 1000 Section i~l~ Subdivision Hamlet Block 3 Filed Map No. Lot 38.:1 Lot State existing use and occupancy ofpremisesandintended use and occupancy ofproposed construction: a. Existinguseandoccupancy Industrial Use and Public UtilitY Wireless Teleconmunications Facility b. Intended use and occupancy Same as above 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building - ' Addition Alteration Remir Removal Demolitiqn Other Work Col oca, te public uti 1 i ty ir.el~ s ~ 1.ecqmmun catig~s on e.xls ~-~0g mo3~-ol.e_aod. '-.~ (Description) ~n~.t~i rq~:eo eaulomen: as depic:ed in v, he mans sOom-c:ec~ nerew,~,. -- - - ~. ~stmmatea ~ost ~75,~00.00 'Fee (To be paid on filing ~is application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling uni~ N/A Number of dwelling units on each floor If 9eroDe, number of cars . / ~ndustrial use and 6. If business, commewial or mixed occup~cy, speci~ na~e ~d extem of each ~pe of use. Public Utility ~ireles 7. Dimensions of existing s~c~es, iffy: From Re~ Dept. HeiDht' Number of Stories Exiscing I00' celeco~un~c~c~ons monopole ns of same structure w'th alterations or additions' ~ront 7~' ~;~ .... Rear D~mens o ~ .... ~ Depth He ~ht Number of~Stb~s ;&~ c~ng~ t~ ~ght of / Proposed ~x16~ dqg~pment~ardg .... '~oXd. ~:c ' ' " ~ D 8. Dimensions of entire new eons~uetlon: Front Rear , ep HeiDht. Number of Stories 9. Sizeoflot:'Frontxx Re~ x Dep~ ~ El izabeth4,~2e~ny, ~hs ixec~ix Under 10. Date of P~chase 7/13/198~ NameofFo~erO~er Last ~il] a~d Toe?a~n? a~ ~or~a L. Penny, III 11. Zone or use disWiet in which premises are situated LJDht Industrial 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation. YES NO 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES__ NO X Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES__ George L. c/o 12585 Sound Ave 14. NamesofOwnerofpremises p~nny: Inc. Address MattLtuc~., NY PhoneNo. NameofArchiteetMlM' Design Group, Inc. Address ~iz01e?.^N,'] n??an PhoneNo Name of Contractor Address ~Phone No. X x NO 732-888-6210 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES __NO __ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet cfa tidal wetland? * YES __ NO X * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. x 16. Provide survey, to scale, w~th accurate foundat~o plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any pOint on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 1,8. Are there any coveqants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES · IF .YES, PROVIDE A COPY. NO X STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF~s ~%~ [~[ r~-b' being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the Lessee i~mtO r~C] ., (Contractor, Agent, of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to nlake and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this~ ~A,¢~` day of/-/60f//-'~- Notary Public DIANE LAVELLE NOTARY PUBLIC, State Of N~w York No. 01LA6027870 Qual~e.d In Westuha. ster Counlty/~ Oon'm'~mslon Exl)~es duly 16, 2.0_ TAX LOT TAX LOT 31' TAX LOT ,39 Ho. TAX LOT .36 CONCRE'~E CURB DROP CURB WALL EDGE OF PAVEMENT OVERHEAD WfRES STRUCTURE -- MANHOLE CATCH BAirN DRAINAGE INLET / STRUCTURE UC, HT POLE 1. DEED REFERENCE L/BER 9212 PAGE 512, UBER 5052 PAGE 578 &: LIBER .3579 PAGE 449 2. LOT AREA -- 165,744 SO.FT. OR 3.57 ACRES. ADJACENT TAX LOT iNFORMATION SHOWN FOR iNFORMATiON PURPOSES ONLy. TAX LOT 3B BB¥ Borrett Bonocci & Van Weele, ~ C~1 Enginee~ PROPER17 ~/UATE MA'FllTUCK Ta~Map No.: DISII~'T 1000 SEC110~ 141 BLOCK 3 LOT3 ~ BOUNDARY ~'"~ SURVEY FOR INT. ERI17~L USE ONLY SITE PLAN USE DETERMINATION Initial Determination Date: ~¢// /~' / /O ,-~., DateSent: of/ /VI /o Project Name: Project Address: Suffolk County Tax Map No.:1000- //iL,,' - ~ - ~,¢./ZoningDistrict: Req"es _t'_~_(~¢/_ ,__~ ~/'#.../ ¢¢~_~ ~(u~j~ 6¢,~ (Note: Copy of Building Permit Application and supporting documentation as to proposed use or uses should be submitted.) Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted: Initial Determination as to whether site plan is required: Planning Department (P.D.I Referrah P.D. Date Received~ Comments: Signature of Building Inspector Date of Comment: / /__,/~/ / ~2 ¢ /0 Signature of Planing Dept.~taff Reviewer Final Determination Date: I I Decision: Signature of Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 TEL: (631) 765-1802 FAX: (631) 765-9502 SoutholdTown.NOrthFork.net Examined ,20. Approved ,20. Disapproved a/c Expiration ,20 PERMIT NO. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Do you have or need the following, bafore applying? Board of Health 4 sets of Building Plans Planning Board approval Survey. Ch~ck Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C, Trustees Flood Permit Storm-Water Assessment Form Contact: Attorneys for Applicant Mailto:Re, Nielsen, Huber & goug.h.lin LLP 36 North New York Ave. Building Inspector a. ~p ic&t,,~I~tbe co~lllll~ ly filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of pl~ee according to schedule. b~wing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and waterways. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such a permit shall .be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for an>, purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f. Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date. If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim, the Building Inspector may authorize, in writing, the extension of the permit for an addition six months. Therea~er, a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions, or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described. The app[icent agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building rCOde, housing code, and regulations, end to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. MetroPCS New York, LLC (Signa~m of applicant or name, if ~g~{l¢~) ~lm~te~ Lliab~J i~ · . om any) 5 Skyline Dmve, Hawtho,ne. NY 1~)) (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder Lessee ~Name of owner of premises ,George L. Pennv. Inc. Limit - Lta-il't ~ m an (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If ao. olicanLla a/o~.l~r~o~mu~ ant~thonzed officer ~me ~d t~f~g~ officer) .Builders License No. Plumbers Licens6 No. N/A Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. N/A I: Logl~ion~q~land on which propos, ed work will be done: i tNO~L~und Avenue, Matt~tuCk, nY er S~eet ? ~. ,, County Tax Map No. 1000 Section Subdivision Hamlet Block 3 Filed Map No. Lot x Lot 2. Sta~ existing use and occupancy ofpmmisesandintended use and occupancy ofproposed ¢onstmction: a. Existinguseandoccupancy Industrial Use and Public Utility Wireless Teleconmunications Paciiity b. Intended use and occupancy. Same as above 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building, ' Addition Alteration Re air Removal Demolition .___Other Work COl ocate public ut~y vyir~.ss ~ol.ecqnmunicatigns an.=enn.as,or3 e.x.is llCi-0~-og ~on0pol.e. aQ{. '; ._,' {Description) 3n~.K~mJ .rqlj)~e.a eAUlgm~e~n!_as aepic~ea ~n ~ne Mans su~m~eanerewl~n. q.. tss[imateo LOS[ ~i/D ,UUU. UU v. ee ' (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units N/A Number of dwelling units on each floor If 9arage, number of cars · / Industrial use and 6. If business, commemial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use:Public Utility Wireless 'relecommun~catxons Facility ?. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front Rear .Depth Height ' Number of Stories Existing I00' telecommunica'tions monopole Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions' Front ~-~ , 7"';-7~. .... I~ar Depth Height. __ __Number df,~dl~Q_es J~l% et~nse, t~--t~§ht of / Proposed lO'x16' ~flq~pment/~r~ ..... 8. Dimensions of entire new constmction:'Front Rear / i !'i Depth ' 9. Sizeoflot:'~ront~£6-~' l(°~/-TWqS'l'~O4''Rear ' 10. Date of Purchase 7/13/1982 Name of Former Owner 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated Height Number of Stories Depth Elizabe~lvG--I?efi~y~/aS Executrix dnder the Last Will and T~qt'a~n+ mf-Geo~ge L. Penny, III Light Industrial District 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? YES__ NO X 13. Will lot be re-graded? YES__ NO X Will excess fill be removed from premises? YES George L. c/o 12585 Sound Ave 14. Names of Owner ofpremises p~nnv_, lne_ Address~a~tt(tuck~, NY PhoneNo. NameofArchitectMlM' Design Gro[~p, Inc. Address [iazle~._. N,'] f177~fl PhoneNo Name of Contractor Address .Phone No. X NO 732-888-6210 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland? *YES __NO __ * IF YES, SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES & D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet cfa tidal wetland? * YES__ NO x * IF YES, D.E.C. PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. X 16. Provide survey, to scale, witl{ accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below, must provide topographical data on survey. 18. Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? * YES · IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. NO X STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF~/'J~s '~ov~ (~l r~4~' being duly sworn, deposes and says ,that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)He is the Lessee ~emlO nSCl (Contractor, Agent, Corp~liYe~e~fL) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this t~ ~ . day of NOtary Public DIAN~ LAVELLE NOTARY PUBLIC, Sta~ · Na~ Yo~ No. 01LA6027870 ~10~ ~ ~ - ~Sigr~ature of Applicant TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of MetroPCS New York, LLC At the premises: 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) AUTHORIZATION OF OWNER A?¢ 2 2010 ~ec~och,'~ C,'~'~rlrlL. l~ I~/ , being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the owner in fee of the premises known as Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do hereby authorize MetroPCS New York, LLC ('MetroPCS' hereafter), and its representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for constructing or installing on the Premises such antennas, support structures, and related equipment as MetroPCS may require for the establishment of its public utility wireless telecommunication facility. As such, I will fully cooperate with MetroPCS and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. Sworn to before me this \sco"rr ~Notar~ Public, State of New ~ No. 5055298 Qualified in Suffolk County , Commission Expires February 5, 2D ,~[I APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (As to Owner) 2 3 The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics nrohibits conflicts of interest on the t~art of town officers and emolovees. The vumose vf this form is to orovide information which can alert the town of oossible conflicts ofimerest and allow it m take whatever action ¥o N^m: L. iV/ (l~ast name, ~r~ name, midd~ idi~ial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other NAM~ OF APPLICATION': (Check all that apply0 T~x grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If "Other", name thc activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" me, ms a business, including a parmntship, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES", complet~ the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated, Name of person employ~xl by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Descriha th, relationship hatwe~n youmelf (the applieant/agenffr~pres~nmtive) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided, The tov~n officer or employ~ o~ his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): __A) th* owner of gre~ter than 5% of the shin-es of thc corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial earner of any in.rest in a non. corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, pntmer, or employee of the applicant; or ___D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS 1 Submit~cl~N~c~ t~ L~ 200 C~ A]PPLICA_NT/AG~/REPII.F~ E iN'TATIVE TRAI~. SA~ON~ DISCLOSURE I~ORM YO~R~:. ~e~roPCS New York,-LLC , I ' ~ ~e, ~t ~, ~o ~ ~ you ~ a~ly~ ~e ~c of ~ of Zone ~ ~on 0~ / ' m of ~ T~ of 8~old~ '~p" h~m by b~ m~ ~ ~ ~t ~ ~' ~ a b-~, Nyou ~'~"~ ~ ~ of ~ f~ ~d ~ ~d ~ wh~ ~t~.. D~e ~ ~l~o~p b~ ~M (~e ~Bc~~) ~d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~lo~. Bl~" ch~k ~ ap~mpda~ ~ A) ~u~D) ~ d~ ~ ~ ~ pw~ (w~ ~ ~ ~ a ~on~; . ~D)~a~a~ , ,. = DBS~ON OF ~A~O~ Form ['S 1 ~int N~,, j/'.~onn Kol~l~tcSYor'Den olmetti MetroPCS Communications, Inc. Delegation of Authority Form Delegator: Name (print) Title Location Delegatee: Name (print) Title Location Dan Olmetti Vice-President / General Manager New York Market (5 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY 10532) John Kossitch Regional VP, Network Operations New York Market (5 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY 10532) Delegation: [] All per Summary of Delegated Approvals: categories and amounts [] Partial - describe Start Date of Delegation End Date of Delegation Signature of Delegator Signature of Delegatee Instructions: It is not necessary to attach a copy of this delegation form to each document being approved by the Delegatee. Instead, please notate on the document being approved on whose behalf you are signing. Forward original form to Corporate Controller to maintain for audit purposes with a copy to the Delegatee. Effective: August 8, 2007 ~TATE OF NEW YORK. -COUNTY OF ~L.¢~.~.~ ~- c/o 5 Skyline. Driv.e, Haw. thorne,.'NY.1_0532 . ... , .. · in t~qe S~ate. of New. Y~rK, ~nd t~at he is ~he owner of tbs'above property, or that he Is the being duly sv .orn, deposes and rays ha he resides at CP'] ~om crc the . Le¢s..ee/.Appl ~ca~t .Me,.t66PCS .,e~ ¥grk, LLC Q'lfle) ' ' . CSpe~ whsthmr p~rt[qershlp or corp.~ which is ~ereb'y making appiicatlon~ that there are no existing .structures or lroprovements, oi~ the land. which are not sho~/n.on't~he Site Plan; that the title, to the entire p. arce~, .Including all rights-.of-way, has been cleaHy 6stabl[shed and is shown on sa d p1an~ that no part c~ th~ Plan ~nfdpges upon any duly flied pian which has not been abandoned both 'as to lots and.~s to roads;'that he has examined all ~les and regulatlon~ adopt6d .by- the Planning Board Cot the flllh~ .of Site Plebs and writ' compl~/.~th same; that the plans subriltl~t~, as agproved; w not be altered or changed In any manner w~.lt~,out the approval oP the plarrnlng~?'d;1 ar~/~at the actual' physical Improvements wlll'be Installed In Strict accordance ~vlth the Mt!l~roPCS 'Ne~'¥ork, LLC '. AP~ ~- 3 ~010 , TOWN OFSOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK M the Minter ~ the ~plicgion of proposal of Me~oPCS New Yo~,LLC For Approval to colocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas on an existing monopole and install related equipment at the premises ("Premises"): 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York District 1000, Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 [MetroPCS Site No. NY 7312] COLOCATION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK ) OF/O~','~c$~L ) SS.: COUNTY ) John Coleman, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the Site Development Manager for MetroPCS New York, LLC ("MetroPCS") and am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances hereinafter set forth. 2. The business address of MetroPCS is 5 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532. 3. I make this affidavit pursuant to Town of Southold Code Section 280-74D(2). 4. Upon information and belief, the subject monopole will be capable of accommodating colocation of additional antennas for future users. Sworn t?r:before me this ~ day of /':~6rc~, r~ ,2010. NOTARY PUBLIC METROPCS NEW YORK, LLC '[ J~hn Coleman SITE LICENSE AGREEMENT This Site License Agreement ("SLA"), entered into this day of SEP 2 5 ~](]~ ,200__ between T-M0bile Northeast LLC, ~ Delaware limited liability company, heralnaRer designated LICENSOR and MetroPCS Ne~; York, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, hereinaRer designated LICENSEE. This SLA is a SLA as referenced in that certain Master Lease Agreement between T-MOBILE USA, 1NC., as LICENSOR, and METROPCS, INC., ss LICENSEE, dated May 30, 2006 ('MLA'). All of the terms and eanditions of the MLA are incorporated herein by this reference and made a part hereof without the necessity of rapanting or at~aehing the IvlLA. In the eVent cfa contradiction, modification or inconsistency between the terms of tho MLA and this SLA, the terms of the MLA shall govern and centro]. Capitalized terms used in this SLA shall have the same m~aning described for them in the MLA unless otherwise indicated herein. Site No. and Name (if applicable): LICENSOR: L11341 lB / Mattituck 'LICENSEE: NY 7312 / Site Addrdss and the Land which is more particalarly des~ribefl in Attachment 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein: 12555 Sound Ave~, MaRituck, NY 11952 4. Site Latitude and Longitude: 40° 59' 26.00" Latitude / 72° 32' 20.00" Longitodo 5. The LICENSEE Antenna Facilities to be placed on the Property and the location of the Premises are detailed in and shell be consistent with Attachment 2, attached hereto and incorporated herein. 6. The term of this SLA shall be as set forth in Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the MLA, except: No Exceptions The Rent commencement date of the SLA shall be the first day of the month following the earlier of either, i) one hundred twenty (120) days after full execution of this SLA; or (ii) the receipt by LICENSEE of written notice from LICENSOR cfa Notice to Proceed permitting LICENSEE to commence construction The Rent for the first year of the n t _a ter_m of this SLA sl~all be at an annual rental ..... 1'-[[ [ 1[ -" [ to be paid ln eqoal monthly lnstallments on the first day ofthe month, in advanoo, to LICENSOR at tho following address: PO Box 70870, CM 9762, St Paul, MN 55170 or to such other person, firm or p]ade as the LICENSOR may, from time to time, designate in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of any rental payment date. All Rent cheeks shall have LICENSOR's site number clearly written on t~a face of~he check, If the Property is subject to a prime lease, license or other such agreement affecting LICENSOR's Interest of the Property, a copy of such agreement is altanhed hereto as Attachment 3. If consent is required from Owner, it shall be attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment 4. 10. LICENSOR Contact for Emargeney: NOC: (888) 662-4662 11. LICENSEE Contact for Emergency: NOC: (866) 672-6727 12. Special Provisions: None 13. Amounts, if any, to be prepaid or reimbursed by LICENSEE pursuant to Sections 6(b), 6 (o) or 6(a) of the MLA. Pursuant to ~ of the MLA, LICENSEE shall pay an additional fee in the amount anoh month to LICENSOR along with Rent, as a pass through of revenue sharing e to the Owner as specified in Paragraph 4 of the Prime Lease. This amount shall be subjeot to the same annual increases as Rent. T-Mobile Site Reference: LI1341 lB / Mat~tuek 09102/09; Page 1 MelroPCS Site Reference: NY 7312/ 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the pa~es hereto have set their hands and affixed their respective seals the day and year first above wri~on. WITNESS LICENSOR: T-Mobiia Northeast LLC BY'.aDe iaw~~mpany ~/~~ ?RINT NAME: Allan Tanfillo TITLE: Director. To~ver Asset Maaaneement DATE: '-~.~' Z ~ WITNESS ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Legal Description ofthe Land Attachment 2: Plans and Specifications Attachment 3: Prime Lease Attachmant 4: Owner's Consent LICENSEE: MetroPCS New York, LLC a Delaware limited liability company TI~B: DATE: T-Mobile Site Reference: L11341 lB / Maltituck 09/02/09; Page 2 Mel~'oPCS Site Reference: NY 7312 / STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING SS, I certify that I know or have satisfaatory evidence that Allan Tantillo is the parson who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Direcior. Tower Asset Manan£emant ofT-Mobile Northeast LLC to be the free and voluntary act ofsuGh party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Publtc "~ ~,,~/, ,.~ Print Name ~ ~T.~/c My commission expires ~ ~' ~--/.~ (Use this spaci STATE OF (-far'/~- ) COUNTY OF ~ C~ ) I certify' that 1 know or have eabs~ao~' ewdenoe' that ~ ~[[ Is ~e person who app~ before me, and said person ac~owledg~ ~a h~she sJgn~s Instmmo~, on oath sta~d that h~she was au~ori~ to execut~ ~e i~ent ~d acknowlMged it es &e ~ f~ ~ ~/~x of Me~oPCS New York, LLC to bo ~e ~ee ~d vo]~ry a~ ofsu~h pa~ for the uses and pu~ses mentioned in the ins~ment. Notary Public Print Name My commission expires DIANE LAVELLE NOTARY POflLIO, Stste Of New York No, 01LA6027870 Qualified In Westcheste, r County ,~ Commisslofl ExpOs July 19, 20_ (Use this space for notary stamp/seal) T-Mobile SiI~ Reference: Ll1341 lB / Mattimok 09/02/I)9; Page 3 MetroPCS Site Reference: NY 7312 / ATTACHMENT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND to tho SLA dated SEP ~ 5 ~0~ 200_.., by and betw~n T-Mobile Northeast LLC, as LICENSOR, and MetroPCS New York, LLC, as LICENSEE. Legal Description of Land is desoribed as follows: T~Mobtlo Site Reference: LI13411B / Mattimck 09102/09; Page 4 MctroPCS St~e Reference: NY 7312 / ATTACHMENT 2 PLANS AND SPECIPICATIONS (including description oftbe antenna location, and location ofgreund equipment on the ground portion of the Promises) totbeSLAdatext S~-P ~ 5 '~BB~ 200__,byandbetwecnT-MobileNortheastLLC, as LICENSOR, and MelroPCS New York, LLC, ss LICENSEE, Proposed Equipment is defined below and Plans and Specifications are attached hereto. Number of Antennas: Antenna Manufacturer and Type-Number: Weight and Dimension of Antenna(s) (L x W x D):: Number of Transmission Lines: Transmission Linc Mfr. and Type No.: Diameter and Length of Transmission Line: Location of Antenna(s) on Tower (Appcovcd RAD Center): Direction of Radiation (Azimuth): Dimensions of LICENSEE Ground Space: Frequenoies/Max~ Power Output: MW Dish diameter/Mfr. & model # / approved RAD Center: Additional Equipment (if any) to be placed on Tower: (incl. RAD center, make, model, weight & dimensions) Three (3~ flush mouuted to tho nol~ Kathrein 800-I0504 17.6 lbs.. 54,1" X 6,1" x 2.7" (~ech~ Six (6} mnuing inside hole shat~ Andrew FXL780 718"; 95'+/. Seventy Five Feet (75'~ 30 / ~0 / 27O 10' x 16' Tx: 2130-2140 MHz Rx: 1730-1740 MHz 16 Watts Three (3'~ TMAs Andrew ETW200VSI2UB Seventy Five Feel 11 lbs,, 6,3" ;{ ~.1" (each)' Notes: l. The plans and specifications aRaohod hereto are provided as SLA attachments only. Approved Final Construction drawings are required prior to commencement of ~enstroction. Actual "as built" drawings shall be attached and incorporated heretn at the time of completion of construction. 2. This Atau~hnrent Is to include any plans for routing lines, utility wires, otc. on or a~ass the Land. 3. Frequeoey and Power Output information is provided f~>r purposvs of monitoring compliance with the interference s~ctioas only. T-Mobile Site Referent: LII3411B [ Mat~itock 09102/09; Page 5 IvletroPCS Site Reference: NY 7312 / x / ..-~' -.' ~' ':/.~:-~ '. ./' i ..... ~ ......... '*./:~> .' .~ , ~ ./. ..... ?? .. .~. ,/ ~--" ...'" .¢ ~n~ ,./' 'x,, ~KET PLAN ~X'~~' , ~,, PA~TISL 51TE PLAN ~~ "'" ~T PLAN ~ 51TE ~AN~T, 12~ ~D A~NUE DESIGN~ ~'~' ~ ~ o u ~. metroPCS ~C.~V~CTU~ · 125~5 ~O~D A~NUE ~ -- By JACKIE DONAHUE at 11:51 am, Apr 307~: ,dl&ll',adL DESIGN.d GROUP. 125~5 ~OUND AVENUE LE -2 DI~SIGN[ O i~OUP~ metroPCS., NEW YORK 12!5~,5 ~oUNI~ A'v'?ENUIE 12~5 50UNID A'VENUE LE-} ATTACHMENT 3 PRIME LEASE to the SLA dated ~EP ~ 5 ~.{]B~ 200_., by and between T-Mobile Northeast LLC, as LICENSOR, and MetroPCS New York, LLC, as LICENSEE. Tho Prime Lease is attached hereto, T-Mobilo Sito Reforenoe: LI1341 lB / Matffiuck 09/02/09; Page 6 Meqxo?CS Stt~ Refexeneo: lqY 7312 / 'SITE'LEASE WITH OPTION THIS SITE LEA. SP., WITI-[ OPTION (this "Leas~") ls by and between Genrge L, penny, Inc. CLandlord") and. Omnipeifit Facilities Network 2, LLC, a Delaware I.imiteA Liability Compeny("Tanant"). 1. Option to~ase. (al tn consideration of the payment of the ~Option Fee') by Tenant to Landlord, Landlord. lmreby gr~ats to Tenant an option to ioas~ the un of a pottioh of tho rtml property dasctll~d in the atianhed I~xlu'bit A (the 'Ptopatya), on the terms end conditions a~t forth hgeln (the "Optlon"), The Option shall be for an initial t~rm of twelve (12) months, coramanalng on the Effective Date (aa d~fined below) (the ."Option Period'). Tl~ Option Perlod may twelve (12) months upon wrltt~ notice re Landlord and payment of the sam/ , llma prior to tho end of the Option Co) D~fing the Option Period and any extension thereof, and durin~ ths t~rm 'of this Lense, landlord agrees to ~ooperat~ with Tenant in obtaining, at Tenant's e.,tpans~, all licenses and permits or anthofizations required for Tenant's use of the Pl. emises (as d~fioexl below) from all applicable, gov¢~amen{ and/or r~gulatory enttti~ (including without limitafioa~ ~oning and land use anthotitlas, and tim Federal Commonieation Commission ('FCC") ('Goveran~ntal Approi, als'), inoinding appointing Tenant as agent for allland uae and zoning permit ~ppl{eadons, and landlord agrees to oooperam with and to allow Tenant, at no cost to Landlord; to obtain a title tape,t, zoning appmvah and vark~.eas, lend-nan perm., and Landlord ~.xpt~sly grants .t6" Tenant a fight of ac.c~ss to tbs Property to p~fonn aur~ys, soils tests, and other en~ine~itig.ptN~dur~,' or n~ivironn~otal inv~tigatious 'on the Prepay n~..aaazy to dctelmian that Tenant's ~e of the Premiaas will b~ otmapatihte with Tenant's engineering speoittcatioos, sy~l~m d~ign, olin'aliens and 0ovegamental Approvals. Notwithstanding the forggolog, Tenant may not cha~ge the zoning ¢lamificadon of the Prop~ty without first obthining Landlord's vnitten cement. During th~ Option Palled and 9ny extension th&rani, Landlord agt~ that it will not interfere with Tenant's ¢aTorts to s~nre other licenses and pmaits or authorizations that tdate to other property. Dating th~ Option Pasted and any e. xtension thereof, Teneni may ~xercise the Option by zo notifying kandlord in writing, at Landlord's address in aecordanc~ with Sention 12 he, r~ f. (¢) If Tenant exercises the Option, tl4en, subject to the following t~ms and conditions, Landlord hetshy leases ~o Tenant the us~ of that portion of th~ Property suffident for plaeanw, nt of th~ Antanon Faellifias (as defined below), tog~I'~r with all n~cessary spac~ and easements for.access and ttfillti¢~$, a~ gen~'all¥ deaorlbed ~ depleted In th~ artec, bcd ~xhibit B (collee~ivaly n:foned to l~raln~t~' aa th~ 'Premi~s'). ~ Premises, located at 125855 Sound Avenue, Vilinga of Mattlluck, Cotmty of Suffolk, State of New York, comprises approxtma~y 1,292 square ft~t. 2. T~m. The initial t~rm of this Lease shall be fly9 (5) y~ata commencing on tho date of th~ exercise of the Option (tho "t~,ommex~oe.n~nt Da~"), and terminating at midnight on th~ last day of the initial t~'m (the '~Intttal 3, Permlttedi Use. Th~ Premises may be used by T~uant for the ttammlsalon and r~'.~ption of radio communication iignals and for llm ennstmctlon, installation, operation, mdntenanc~, repair, removal or ~pincer~t of related faniliti~, tower and ba,~, antennas, microwave dishes, equipment sheltgs and/or cabinets and related aedvities. ,: . 4. ~ Tenant shall pay Lamilord, as mat, ("Rent'). payable wiflfln t~nty (20) days thllowing th~ Co~.n~m Date prorated fei- th~ temaludm' ofth~ payable monthly in advance by the £ffth day of eac. k - ~onth ~ ~peeified in Section 12 below. If this La&se ia terminat~ at a time athos' than on the last day. Tenant) and all prepaid Rent seal 5. ~¢ne.w,al, Tenant ~ have the right to ~v~end this Term unlaaa Tenant notifi~ Landlord, in writing tho cxpkadon of th~ hhtal Team or any l~n~t~al ~ If Tanant shall remalu in termination for any reaaon (other than a default by I addl. tional, five-year t~nns (each a 'Renewal days prior to ~s Lease or any l~nawal Term without a writt~m agar, such tenancy shall be d~m~ a month-w-month same umm and c, onditions of this Lease. 6, Iatav~.re~. Tenant shall ~o~ 6~c ~ Premis~ In any way which interferes with thc uae of ~e Prop~ ~dl~& or 1~ or li~ns~ of~o~ with fi~ts in ~ Pm~y prior ~ ~c to Tan~t's (subj~t to T~ant's figh~ ~is ~, including, ~thout ~tali~, ~n-in~fem~). S~laly, ~dlord a~ not am, nor aal L~o~ ~t le~e~, ll~ns~, ~pioye~, in~ or ~ to ~, ~y p~on of ~e P~y in ~y way ~i~ io~ wi~ opermions of Tenant. Such in~rf~ s~l be d~ a matc~M br~ by the interferi~ p~, who abel, upon noti~ 'f~ora' ~ oth~, be respensible for te~nagnl ~d i~. In Ee event ~y su~ ~o~fly, the ~e~ ~owl~ ~a~ ~ntin~n~ imeff~n~ may c~ i~p~le inj~ haw ~ right, in addigon ~ ~y o~ ~ ~a it may ~ a law or In ~q~, to ~n int~fe~ or to tc~te t~s~e i~ly upon wfitt~ noti~. (a) Tenant shall have the fight, at its nxp~a~, to ~r~ct and maintain on thn Premises improvements, pe~nal prot~'ty and facilities necessary to oparate i~ ar, mm.-icnt[ons sync. m, including, without limhefion, tedlo translnitting ami r~ceiving antertaas, microwave dishes, tower and base, equipmant ah~here and/or cabinats and/dated cables md utility lines and a location based system, including, wi~aout' llmitailon, sale,Ina(s), con'icl cshle~ base units and other ~asoclated equipment (coll~ntivdy, the "Antenna. l~acliitles'), as ~rach location based sy~,~m may he required by any county, state or federal agoncytdepanmant T~ent shall hew tho ~'ight to altar, repi?e~ exlnmd, enlum~e and upgrade Lhn Antnena Fac/titles at any time during the t~rm of this I~a~. Tenant shall cause all cunstmaion to oe~'lien-f'/~ and in c~mpliance with all applicable laws and or/i~. Landlord acknowledges lilac it shall not inter/~ with any aspects of cun~nl~un, including, without limitation, att~mptthg to direct constmctiun personnel as to the lorafi~ of or m~.hod of ins~la~n of the Antenna Facilities and the ~asements (as ddined helow) ("ConsU'udioa Intesfesoncz"). l. andlord thrth~r ach~owtedges that.it will he reSlxmsible for any ~osts~a damages (iaclud/ng,'fir~s ~d p~nalties) that ate dir~tly alIn'vutable to Landlord's Constmetlon ln~,.lnforence. '1~ A.nteona Facilities shall remain the exclusive property of Tanant. Tanant shall have the right to remove the Antenna Faclli~ios at any tim~ during and upon the expiration or taradnedon of this.L~aie, . (b) Tenant, at'its'~xpenan, may use any and all ~pprolniate means of reatrleting access'to the Antenna Facilities, including, without limitation, ti~ constmellon of a fanes. (0 Tanant shall, at T~amt's expense, ke~p and ~nt~n ~ An~na Faci~ti~ naw or h~er lo.ted on ~ Prop~ ~ eo~r~ly r~onabla ~n~un and ~p~r during ~e I~ of tMs M~ no~ we~ ~. te~ Upon t~mination or expimfiun offs ~c, ~ ~e~ses sh~l ~ ~m~ to ~diord ~ g~, us~le ~udliion, no~ wc~ ~d t~ ~d ~ualty e~ed. (d) Tenet s~ll have ~ fl~t to ias~ll udlih~, at T~t'a ~pe~, ~d to ~prove th~ ~nt ufilitbs on ~ (~clu~n~ hot not ~d to, ~ l~all~un of ~m=gen~ ~ ~ato~). ~ord a~ to nan ~sonchle utilities usM on ~ Pmp~y by Te~b ~fllo~ ~1 dil~ffy co~ ~y v~un, inStil.or f~l~ of utility ~vi~. (~) As ~ ~fion for Rent ~d on~ t~a ~, ~o~ h~ ~ Tenet ac~s ~ Pr~e~ ~r in~, eg~s, u~a~ ~d ~s (in~ud~g ~s f~ ~ ~o~ ~hed in S~on 1) to the Pm~s~ ad~uam-m lnst~l ~ ~ u~li~, w~ in~ade, but ~ not !~t~ ~, the ins~lmion of ~wer ~d (~ have ~-ho~a~ay, 7~a~-~ ~s to ~ P~ ("Access') at ~plo~es or ~, T~ sh~l, ~out w~vhg .~y o r ~ in ~ dedu~,~m R~t ~oun~ due under ~ ~ ~ ~unt'~u~'~ ~. Te~onti~, Ex~t. aso~e~d~heraln,~is~e~ybe~na~d, wi~out~yp~tyor~er (a) upon ~ ~0) day~' ~en no~ by ~diord if Te~t ~ls W cu~ a default for paint of ~ don und~ ~s ~ase wi~n that ~i~y ~ day p~od; (b).immudiately if Tonal! notifies Landlprd of unacceptable xesults of an)' li~l~ report, eavinonn~ntal or soil t~ts prior to Tenant's iostellmiun of the Antenna Facilities on the Premises, or if Tanant is unable to obiain, maintain, or otherwise forfeits or can~nls any lic~mse 0acluding, without limitation, an FCC Ii.nan), l:~mit or any Gov~mmanml Approval nor~saty to the thstalialion ami/or operation of the Antenna Facilities or Tenants hesinses; (c,)L~:~ ntn~wriV, an online by Tenant if the Property or the Antenna Facilities are, or become unacceptable under Tanant's th/sign ~ ~t,cd~ ~,, ~.~th~?.eo__..mntunications syst~ to which the Anteunn FadIilias bclung; (d) imm~wrilt~a in Tenant's ~asonablo judgment to substantially and advet'~ely affect lh~ nffactive ass of tho ns. In such event, al! ri~i~s o . _ ~ _ as o~ tt~ date o~'the dan~e or d~ion, ~d Tenm~ ~] ~ ~ to thc ancot ~ ~na F~tl~ ~ ~torM ~ ~e co~flon exis~g i~iat~y prior ~ s ~i~; or (e) m ~e fim~ ~ ~ ~ Pmp~ ~sf~s ~ s ~de~ng an~ty, pu~u~t to a ~ng of ~ or a ~on of the P~p~ s~t in Tenor's det~a~on ~o ~r ~ P~s~s u~bl~ f~ Tenor's ~. ~d b~ ~tifi~d.to pu~u~ ~r o~ a~p~at~ aw~ds ~ ~sp~t ~ saeh t~g. S~ of ~1 ~ pa~ of ~ ~ lo a p~ wi~ ~e pow~ of e~nant tiomain in Ih~ fa~ of ~e ex. cbc of ~ pow~ sh~l b~ ~ a a ~g by ~n~a~on. 9. De~t ~d Ri~ m ~ra. No~i~dlng ~yt~ con~ ~in to ~e'~ntr~ ~d'wi~out w~v~g ~y ~t~ no~ purs~t to S~n 12 ~f, to t~8 ~ff~t i~dia~y, ~ ~e o~ p~ (i) f~ls to ~o~ ~y ~w~t f~ a dillgentty pu~u~ su~ ~m to its compl~tlon ~er sixty (60) da~' w~ notl~ to I~ d~a~ting p~ty, thai ~y su~ ~ ~ t~ or o~ f~s ~d ~ents, T~I oblig~on; to ~y ~ d~ u~ ~s ~s~ Not~s~g ~e lo.gong, T~t ~ pay ~y p~nm I ~y o~ t~ ~ fe~ w~ are d~y a~butabl~ to ~oc~n~ or o~ v~u~ on ~ of ~d ~o ,y or ~ prop~'t~ ~ssm~nt~ T~t ~nt m ~low Tenet to ~nt to or ~l~g~ ~eh ~sm~nc ~. ~ord ~gl b any ~d in~t offs Section I0. (a) Te~t ah~ p~vlda Co~ Osn~ L~bili~ ~su~ in ~ ~ragate ~unt doll~ ($I,000,000.00)..T~ant m~ sa~a~ ~s r~u~nt by ob~ng th~ ~a~ ~or~nt to . ~fllty in~ Tan~t may m~n~n, '. ~} ~d[o~ ~d Tenet h~by mutu~y rd~ ~ ~ff (~ ~ir su~ss~s or ~[ ~la ~su~ ~uud~. ~ ~ ~v~t of aanh ~d Io~, ~ p~s imuran~ ~mpany re~v~g pro~t wrl~n ana~ of ~ ev~t gt~ng g~ to an obliga~on ~ ~g ~ o~er ~ ~d ~i) ~e in~ifi~ T~t s~l sot be r~le to ~d]o~ ~ ~y ~d-~y, f~ ~y d~, c~m ot d~ 0n~d~g ~ ~d p~fi~) a~bu~le Io ~y ~isfiag viol~ions ~ a~ble ~d~, sta~ oz ~ ~egulatioa, gorging I2. Noticed. All notices, requests, demands and otha' comrntmlcations shall be in writing anti are effective t. hr~ (3) days after depqs~t in the U.S. mail, certified and postage paid, or upon rec~pt If personally delivered or ssnt by n~xt-busine~s-day delivery via a aationally r~ogniz~d ov~alght courier to the add~sse~ set forth below, LandloM or T~nant may from ~ m time designate any other eddrcss for this purpose by providing written no,ice to the other party. If to T~nant, to: Wilh a copy to: Voice,~tre~m Witless Coq~esation ~ipolnt Fa~itles Net~rk 2, L~ 12920 SE 3~t~ St~ 360 N~k-P~ton 'BcHe~e, ~A 98~6 .Wayne, New 'Jer~y 07470 At~: P~S.~ A~M$~or A~m ~e Ad~Ms~ion ~g~ Wi~ acop~to: A~: ~g~ If~ ~ndIoM. to: W~ acoDv ~: PO Box 2067, ~p~, ~Y 119~ . I3. ~ict ~fov~nt ~lc ~d Au~. ~dloM ~nml~ ~d w~ ~ Tc~t ~at 0) ~dlord ~w~r and ~ m ~ ~s ~; (fl) k h~ good ~d ua~cumb~.tMe ~ ~e Prepay ~ ~d ~ag~ ~pt lho~ ~lo~d to T~t ~ wM~ will aot int~fem wi~ Te~t'a r~ to or use of ~u~ ~d per~ of tMa ~ w~ not vioI~e ~y l~wa, ~di~, cove~, or ~e providons of ~y m~ge, ~Joym~t of ~ Pm~ ~ ~y p~ thief ~ not be distend M long ~ T~ ~ not ~ ~ef~lt b~yond Pr~ ia violafi~ of ~y a~i~le law. ~dloM ~1 ho ~pondble ~, ~d s~ ~y ~u~ ~y ~v6s~on ~d ~i~on ~ ~ntr~ by ~y appli~le ~nvkdnm~tg ~ws, ~1 spills or o~r rel~ ~ ~y ~o~ 8ubs~ ~ cans~ solely by %~t, th~ ~w ~ or wM~ ~y oc~ on ~e ~. ~h p~ q~s m d~, ln~ ~d hold jnd~ ~d r~n~Ie at~ f~s ~t ~ in~ ~y saff~ or Mc~ ~e to ~ ~ce or dis~ of H~ous S~s on as Pre~y or ~ ~ of ~y ~v~s Sub~ W o~r ~p~ or H~do~ Subs~ ~W ~e ~an~t (~U~valy,'"A~ons~, ~t ~laz to or ~se ~m ~ ind~tor's a~vifies on not ~s~ by ~oM ns ~t ~or ~ ~d d~ng ~e ~i~ T~ ~d'~y ~ew~ T~ of s~vivo the ~n~ ~ ~pin~on of ~s ~. M~g~. ~&oM~t'~o~ag~ si~t ~y d~f~lt by Tenant ~ ~o~d~ in S~ ~nt ~ Mo~gag~ at~ s~ifi~ by Tan~t, F~I~ tights ag~t ~ut p~'~l figh~ of Mo~a~ to ~ ~y ~ult ~d to remove ~y pro~ of Tenet es Mes~eea ~ e P~s~ u provld~ in S~tlou 17 of~a ~. 16. Successors and Assigns. This Lease'and the Easements ~'anted herein shall mn with the la~d, and shall be bindlng upon and in~r¢ to tho lxaletIt of the parties, their respective successors, pexsonal [epresentatives ~ assigns. 17. Waiv r ' , Landlord lin'shy waives any a~d all lion rights it may haw, statutory ot oOae~wias, concerning the Ante, rata Facilities or ~ay portion thereof, which shall be de~mgd peraonal gtop~ty for tho putgosas of this Lease, whethec or not the same is deeroed resl or p~'~onal pwpecty under applicable laws, and Landlord gives T~nant and Mortgagccs the right to remove all or any pertion of tho sma from dam to time, whether before or after a defauli under this I. eaac, in Tmanes and/or Mortgages' s sole discretion and without Landing's ¢onsam, Vetaloa 10-2.01 18, Miscellaneous. (a) The prevailing par~y in any litigs~i, on arising herannder shall I~ entitled to it~ ressonable attorneys' fi~es and court costs, including appeals, if any. (b) Each pan'y agrees to.furnish to the other, within twenty (20) days after re4uest, such truthful estoppul informa~ou as the other may masunably requ~t (¢) This L~aan constitutes tl~ emim ag~m~t a~d understanding of the parties, sad supersedes all offers, negotiations sad other agm~n~uts. TI}? am no te4~.senla~Jons or understandings of say kind not sst fora he. in. Any arnsndmants to this Lease must be in writing and e~outed by both partly, suos day th~ fo~--"~a~h~p.~xhibit Cl n~essa~y to prote~ ~ts rights or use of lh.e Premis~ The M~randum of L~ase may be reanfl~i in plac~ of this ~ In the ewat Ihe Prop~y is an, oamber~l by a mortgage or d~d of lm~t, Lamilord agrees, upon request of T~~on~distorbsaee and attormnsu! agree~nsut for ~.e~. ~uch m. orlg .a. ge or d~l of trust, in a form ~ to Tanant, Tona~'~l'fillly-ob~,~in_lltl~o Insurnn~e on its inter~t in me rmmises, t..sudlorcl agrees to ~seu~ ~any may req~m in (e) This .Lease shall be construed id a~contsuce with the laws of the state i~ which the Property is tucked. (0 If an~ term of this I~ase is found to bs void or invalid, such f'mdlng shall nol aff~ct the remaining terms of this ~e, which shall coptluu~ l~i f~l~ fot~i and e~se: The par~les ~gr~ that'if any p~visions era deemed out efiforanchin, they shall b~ danm.~ mogitted to the e~tant nec~sery to ~ tl~m ~for~anb]e. Any questions of perticular iut~p~tation shall not mod waves oy ~ither ~ unless oapm~ly w~ave, d in writing s~ned by the waiving p~ty. NO waiver shall b~ imlflied by delay or ~y other act or omission of aithe~ party. Ho waiver by either party of any p~ovialon of tiffs Le.~se sh~l b~ deea~l a waiver o?aneh provision with re,peet to any subseqoant mater relating to such provision. (g) The pdrsuns who h~w e~rxuted ~s lxas* r~p~sant and wan~nt that thY/~ts duly anthotized to e*xsant~ this ia their individual or r~pre~mat~ve, cap,try as indicatsd. ' (h) Tiffs Lesue may be ~xecuted in any numar ofcountetper.~ unpins, each of which shall b~ deemud sa original, but ail of which tog~ther sbail constitute a single h~strum~nt. aha acknow~ ~ 'lion of th~ Properly) and Exhibit B (the Pmm~ses location within the Prop~ty), p~..~. 'on o~ ~n ~tlach~d hereto in prehminmy form, may b~ r~plac~d by Tanant with such final,, more c, ompl~te exhibit(s). The terms o ' ' are tncorpurared heroin for ail purposes. fi) If Lanclto~ is ~preseni~d by any bmi~' or any other le~tlng agent, Landlord is r~ponaible for all conmdssion or other paymgnt to such agmt, and agr~s to ind~mify sad.hold'Tenant harnfl~s from all c2eim~ .by s~ bmkg or anyone claiming flu'ough such broker. If Tanant is ~ted by any broker or any other leasing agan~, T~ant is re,pone'bin fOr all coromi~sion fe~ or ofller payment to such agent, anti agt~s to ind,.tinily ~ hold Landlord harmless from ell olalma by such broker or anyone claiming through such btolan' T~ eff~tive date of this Leas~ is thc date of e~c~utioa by t~ last party to sign (tho"~ff~ctive D~te")., LANDLORD: By: Pfint~ Its: Dale: Oe. orge L. Penny, Inc. By: Printed Name: It*: Date: Primed N~mc:/~os'~ph ~. Waist/ Approved as ~o fo~m ADDENDUM TO SITE LEASE WITH OPTION [Ad~floaal Terns] Iff th~ event of ~nfli~ or Mconsist~ bg~e~ the tern of ~ Adde~m ~d ~s ~c, ~o te~s of the Addendm ~ ' gov~ ~d mn~oL All ~pi~i~ t~ ~1 have the sine m~l~ m in ~ ~e, 1, ~ra~3 is h~by del~t~ in i~ ~e~d ~p]~ ~ ~llows: . . · 4. ~. T~t sh~l pay ~o~ ~.~t g~t tw~v~ (12) mon~ ~tod C~ne'). R~t sh~l re~nd~ of the man& in wMch the ~l of 0) ~ a~itiofi~'~w Hnnd~ DoH~s ~ month for ~ a~i~o~ subl~s~ of Tenet or (ii) fiRy p~t (50%) of ~y rant ~l~ from ~ ~difion~ subl~ of ~t ("AddMon~ R~' mbtes$~ s~l be subj~ w ~nu~ ~nt M~ ia ~e mourn of fo~ p~ ~t (4%) p~ y~, ~z ~ i$ t~n~ ~ a t~ o~ ~ on ~e t~ day of a ~, Rent ~1 be ~r~d ~ of the da~ of t~na~en for ~y ~on,o~ th~ a ~fsu}t by T~t, ~ all ~ ~t sh~l bc i~Mlely r~ad~ to T~t, 2. P~h 5 Is h~ d~d M i~ en~ety end ~la~ ~ foIlow~: ~ ~sive R~ T~ unleaa ~t nofi~ Lmdin~ M ~, of T~'s In~fi~ not td mew ~s ~, at io~t sixty (~) days pfi~ tp ~ ~afion of the ~i~ Te~ ~ ~y R~ew~ T~. If Tenet sh~ ~n in pon~on of thc P~s~ at ~ ~p~lsa.of ~ ~e or mon~-to-menth ~ und~ ~ ~e · en ~t Rent, 3, Paragraph 7(0 is hereby delated in its entirety and zeplaced as follow~: 7(f) Tenant' zhell have 5~hot~~a. day, 7-days-n-week aor~ss to th~ Premis~ at all tim~.s during the Initial Term of this I~aae and may Ren~.wal Term 3. Paragraph 7($) Js h~aby added az follows: · (g) If any lien is fil~l against the Property az a direr raaull of tho act or omi~sion of Tenant, Tenant,s agents, contractor, or employens, T~t ~ oausa such lien to ba disc, barged or appropriately ben&-d or oeen~:~is~ rens6nshly secured ("Secufi~l") within sixty (60) days after ~%ti~ from Landlord thermf. If Tenant falls to csu~ the lien to b~ Secured within th~ slaty (60) day p~rtod, then Land]ora will ~ entitled, but not obligated to, dir, charg~ or bond the same~. Tenant will iadeamify end save Lancllord harmless fi'om all liabilities and costs to tl~ extent r~mlilng directly fi~om Tsuant's failure to timely s~or~ Par~O'aph g~c) is he, by dalet~ in its entirety sad :~phce, d as follows: 8(¢) upon or~ hondmd elgla;y (180) daya written notle~ by Tensut if the Pmpar'q,, or'th~ Antenrm Facilities ~r~ or become unacceptable un~r Tenant's des[ifa or engm.~rlng specifications for it~ Antenna Pa~ilitien or the communications system to wlfich the Antenna Facilities belong; ' paragraph 8(d) is hex~by deleted il its entirety end repined aa follows: S(d) hnme. diataly upon written nodc¢ by Tenant ff the Building or the Antenna Facilities we destroyed or damag~ and ar~ not covered by Inenranc¢ permitting reztoratlon of the Premises or tha A~,tenna Fecilifiea. In such event, all rights and obligations of the part~ shall ce.a~ aa of th~ dote of the d~mage or destruction, and Tenant shall b~ anti. fled to the ~imbursement of any Rent prepaid by Tensut. If Tanant elozl$ to eoatirme this L~aae,.then all Rent shall abate mltil the Pr~nise~ sad/or Antenna Facilitiaa ara ~tored to the onnditlon e.x~zting Imm~tliately prior to such damage or deztmciinn; or 6. Paragraph g(O is hereby added as follow~: (f) upo~ e. xpirafiou o; termination of the Lease, Te~an~ ~ ~ove ~ Anna F~i~es ~d ~p~ut ~d if ~c s~ is noimmov~' wi~n ~{xty (~) da~ OF ~ d~ ~ ~ ~afi~ or l~a~on OF ~ ~, L~di~d may r~ove ~e ~ Teu~Cs anpense, ~ pm~si~ ~1 ~ve e~afi~ ~ t~afirm of ~ ~s~. . . ob~gafion, in ~ s~ o~ ~u~ ~d d~u~ ~ ~m ~t ~uu~ due und~ IMs ~. Nerve.ding ~e . to ~e ~ce or ins~Hou of ~ant' s Anita Na~fi~, o~y f~ an long ~ ~$ ~ ~ not ~pir~ of ~s o~ ~ ~ · 8, Paragraph 15 is hereby deleted in ia eutircty and replaced as 15. ' A si ' n! and ub . Tenser'may assign {his Lease and th~ }~semeut (es dalined bellow) granted herein upon written notice to Landlord. Upon such assignment, Tanani shall be relieved of all liabilities' and obligations he~unde~ and Landlord shah look an]ely to the assignat for performance under this inaan and ell obligations h~rounder. Tenant may sublease tho y~, upon writtemm notice to Landlord. provided Tenant's a~reer~nt with any subleseee shall-include terms ~md conditions similar to this "Site Lease with 0pllon'. Tenant ghall suble0..~ only to another c~mpany in good financial standing. Additioually, Tenant may, upon' notice to Land{ord. mortgage,or grant a security int~st in this .L~ase and tho Antenna Fanililios, and may assign this Lease and the A~teana Facilities to any mol~gage, c.s or holdui-s of security intsr~sts, including their one.asea or assigns (cel{anlively "Mo.gaS~s"), provided such Mortgagees al.,ree to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Lease. Iu such event. Landinrd shldl cxecut~ such cons~,~t to leal~hold financing as may reasonab]y be required by Mmctgag~. Landimcd agrees to antil~ Tenant and Tenant's Mmc~gagans simultauoous]y of any default by Tanard and.to glvo Moit§a§ces the san~ tight to cure any default as Tenant or to rearove any prope~ of Tenant or Ivio~gagees located on the Prengses, except that the cure period for any Mmc~agces sha~ not,be inss flian thir~ O0) days after receipt of · the default notice, as provided in $~iion 9 Of this I.~uc, All such nntic~ to Me,tangles shall he seat to Morl~agces at the edd~se specified by Tenant. Fallur~ by Landimcd to give Merry.cea such notice shell uot diminish Landlord's lights a~almt Tenant' but shall pre~vo all tights of Mortga~ to curs any default and to t~raove any property of Tanant or Mortgagees located on t{~ Premises as provided in Section I7 of this Lasso. 9. Paragraph Ill(d) is hereby dal~ted in its ~uti~ty and replaced as feller/s: (d) ~ party agrees to coop~stc wi~ the other in oxanuting any &ocura~tts uancssary tq p~tant its rights og use of tho Premises, In the nvant the Prol~ty is encunhber~l by a rnor~a~¢ mc deed OF trust, Landlord a~e~s to use its best efforts, upon requea of Tanant, to obtain and furnish tO Tanant a non-disturbance and aitormu~t agrecraout for each such moitgage mc deed of trust, in a form re~sohably acceptable tn Tenant. Tenant may obtain tiflo insurance ou its interest in the Premises. Landlord agrees to execute such documents as the title company may require iu connsctinn therewith, 10, Paragraph 18(1) is hereby deiced in its eutirely and rep]aced as folinv:,s: Ct.) All P..xhiblts rett~red to herein and any Addanda a~ i~cc~ponued herein for all purposes. The parlies undersiand and acknowledge thai Exhibit A (tho ingal description 0f the Prop~cy) and Bxhibit B (thc Premises location xvithin tho Properly), may be aitachad tn this Lease In preJimintuy forot. Accordingly, th~ portic~ agre~ that upon thc preparation of foal, more complete exhibl£s, F.~ibit A and/mc 1L'dmibit B, ss the case may be, which may have boca attached h~.lo in preliminary form, may be replaced by Tanant wilh such final, more complete exhibit(s). ~h~ tmcms of ali Exhibits are incorporaled herein for ali proposes. LANDLORD: C~orgo L. Penny, [nc. Date: LANDLORD: Printed Name: Dat~: Date: EXHIBIT A The ProperLy is legally d~cribed aS fol]ows: ~ Section 141, BIo& 3, Lot 3g.00I, 37, 35 & 20 ot · The location of the ~Premis~ w~thln the Property (together wlth acces~and uffiifles) is more particularly described :end depicted as follows: See at[ached lease exl'J, bits by William F Co]lln~, AIA Architects, LLP. I II./' ~ / X I . I ~o~o~o~. ~r~ 'to ,.~-~ /' ~ / ~ . I I . I I I FOR (3) C-,~R~. -- T/E 5g'-O* ~ E'OUIP~ENT PLAN ~ sc.e_E: s./~ (Use I~ spac~ ~r ~olary stamp/seal) , [Notary bloc&for ]ndivlduaO ~TATE OF COUNTY OF This ' instrument ) was acknowledged before me on · by Dated: Notary Print Nam~ My eommlmion (Use this space for notary stamlffsoal) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evldene~ that Joseph M. Walsh is the l~rson who appeared before me, and said person aelmowled§ed that he signed this Instrument, on oath sated that be was authorized to exeeut~ the instrument and acknowledged it as tho Technical Director of Oronlpoint Facilities NetWork 2, L. LC, a Delaware Limited Liabilit~' Compat~y, to be thc free and voltmmry ~et of such part), for the us~ and ptuposes mentioned itl th.e imtrument. Dated: Nota~ Public (Use this space for notary stmnp/s~al) ATTACHMENT 4 OWNER'S CONSENT to the SLA dated SED 2 5 Z0{]9 200~ by and between T-Mobile Northeast LLC, as LICENSOR, and MetroPCS New York, LLC, as LICENSEE. 0 her s Consent s attached hereto if required under the Prime Lease, T-Mobile Site Reference: LI1341 lB / Matthuek 09/02/09; Page 7 MOxoPCS Site Reference: NY 7312 / KECORD1NG REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: MetroPCS New York, LLC 5 Skyline Drive Hawthorne, NY 10532 Attn: Property Management Site # NY7312 (Tower Lieanse) MEMORANDUM OF LICENSE to the SLA dated 200__, by and between T-Mobile Northeast LLC, as LICENSOR, and Me~'oPCS New York, LLC, as LICENSEE. This Memorandum of Site License Agreement is entered into on this day of ,200__ ("SLA Effective Date"), by and between T-Mobile Northeast LLC, a Delaware limited liabiliIy company, with an office at 12920 SE 38th St., Bellevue, WA 98006 (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSOR") and MetroPCS New York, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, with an office at 5 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532 (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSEE"). LICENSOR and LICENSEE entered into a Site License Agreement ("SLA") on the __ day of · 200_~ for the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining a radio communications facility and other improvements. All of the foregoing are set forth in the Site Lease Agreement. The term of the SLA is for five (5) years commencing on , 200__ and ending on , with four (4) successive five ($) year options to renew. If all options to renew are exercised, the term of this SLA will expire twenty-five (25) years after the SLA Effeetiye Date (as defined in the SLA). The Land is described iu Attachment I annexed hereto. The original copy of this 8LA is held al the LICENSOR's and LICENSEE's addresses set forth above. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hava executed this Memorandmn of Site License Agreement as of the day and year first above written. LICENSOR: T-Mobile Northeast LLC a Delaware limited liability company LICENSEE: MetroPCS New York, LLC a Delaware limited liability company By: By: (Signature) (Signature) Allan Tantillo (Print) (Print) Title: Director. Tower Asset Mananeement Title: Date: Date: T-Mobile Site Reference: LI1341 lB / Mattituck 09/02/09; Page 8 MetmPCS Site Reference: NY 7312 / STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Allan Tantilto is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Director. Tower Asset Manangement ofT-Mobile Northeast LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purpose~ mentioned in the instrument. Dated: (Use this space for notary stamp/seal) Notary Public Print Name My commission expires STATE OF ) COUNTY OF ) I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he/sbe signed this ins~a'ument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the of MetroPCS New York, LLC to be the free and volantary act of such pamj for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Notary Public Print Name My commission expires (Use fids space for notary stamp/seal) T-Mobile Site Reference: L113411B / Mattituck 09/02/09; Page 9 MetroPCS Site Reference: NY 7312 / MEMORANDUM OF LICENSE ATTACHMENT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND Legal Description of Land is described as follows: T-Mobile Site Reference: L] 13411B / MaRituek 09/02/09; Page 10 M~'!roPCS Site Reference: 'NY 7312 / RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: MatroPCS New York, LLC 5 Skyline Drive Hawthorne, NY 10532' Attn: Property Management Site # NY7312 (Tower License) MEMO~NDUM Or LICENS~ to the SLA dated SEP g ~ ~0[}9 200__, by and between T-Mobile Northeast LLC, as LICENSOR, and MetroPCS New York, LLC, as LICENSEE. 8EP 9nnn This Memorandum of Site License Agreement is entered into on this __ day of ~-u?'200__ ("SLA Effective Date"), by and between T-Mobile Northeast LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, with an offiea at 12920 SE 38th St., Bellevue, WA 98006 (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSOR") and MetroPCS New York, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, with an office at 5 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532 (hereinafter referred to as "LICENSEE"). i. LICENSOR and LICENSEE entered into a Site License Agreement ("8LA') on the day of ~[~) ~ ~ ~O~] , 200._, for the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining a radio communications facility and other improvements. All of the foregoing are set forth in the Site Lease Agreement. The term of the SLA is for five (5) years commencing on , 200.~ and ending m~ , with four (4) suoeeasive five (5) year options to renew. If all options to renew are exemised, the term of this SLA will expire twenty.five (25) years after tho SLA Effective Date (as defined in the SLA). 3. The Land is described in Attachment 1 annexed hereto. 4. The original copy of this SLA is held at the LICENSOR's and LICENSEE's addresses set forth above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have exeeated this Memorandum of Site License Agreement as of the day and year first above written. LICENSOR: T-Mobile Northeast LLC By: /~ ~"'a Delaware~abillty company (Signature) Allan Tanfillo (Print) Tiffs: Director. Tower Asset Manan~ement Date: SEP 2 2009 LICENSEE: MetroPCS New York, LLC a Delaware limited liability company / (Print) Title: I'~n.n ~egg ~r D__n O!mett! Date: T-Mobile Site l~ference: L11341 lB / Mattittmk 09/02/09; Page 8 MelrePC8 Site Reference: NY 7312 / STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING I certify that 1 know or have satisfactory evidence that Allan Tantitlo is the person who appeared before me. and said person acknowledged that he, she signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the Director. Tower Asset Manangement ofT-Mobile Noaheast LLC to be the free and voluntary act of such party for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated: Notary Public ~,,~.~ My eommissioa expires. O~--c~-f~' (Use this I stamp/seal) STATE OF t~ ~r,, I .4 ~.~"tq, ) - t ) ss. COUNTY OF ~-'~u~ '~3~ £~,''' ) I ceffi* that I know or have s~sfacto, evidan~ ~at ~o~ ~d/ is ~o p*rson who appe~ed ~fore me, mid ~id pe~on an~owled~ ~t he/she sign~ ~is i~stmm~n{, on oa~ stud ~ hdsh~ was au~o~toexecuta~eins~ument ~dac~owled~editas~e ~AT~. ~r of M~oPCS New York, LLC to b~ the ~e ~d volun~ act of such p~ for the uses ~d purposes menfion~ in the instrum~t, (Use this spac~ for notary stamp/seal) Notary Public Print Name My commission expires DIANE LAVELLE NOTARY PUBLIO, Stal~ O! New York No. 01LA6027870 Qualified in Wesiuhest~r Oouniy,,,, Commission Exp~ss July 19.2(11'.~ T-Mobile Site Reference: Ll1341 IB / Mattit~ok 09/02/09; Page 9 MetroPG8 Site Reforence: NY 7312 / MEMORANDUM OF LICENSE ATTACHMENT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND Legal Desoription of Land is described as follows: T-Mobile Site Reference: L11341 lB / Mat~ituck MetroPCS Site Rcferorf~: NY 7312 / 09/02/09; Page 10 · j~tyoird-f~ptm, md G~OBOI L. nov ~ fdzue.-~y, o~ rdoL-ge L. )~nay, t~o (2) ooun~,sod,dbb~ooss (1) IH WiTNi~81 '4VHI~II~JJ~o ~bc*p~J~y e f t b( 6n vfl~t~ JUL IO IM~ ~ pefl hs dui), UK~td thll d~d ~ ~ w m~ knmm ~o bc TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the application of proposal of MetroPCS New York, LLC For Approval to collocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas on an existing monopole and install related equipment at the premises ("Premises"): 12585 Sound Avenue Mathtuck, New York District 1000, Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 [MetroPCS Site No. NY 7312] STATE OF NEW YORK ) ~O~z~(~g~c~q_ ) ss.: COUNTY OF .... OLK ) AFFIDAVIT OF RADIO FREQUENCY ENGINEER NICHOLAS BALZANO, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am a radio frequency engineer for MetroPCS New York, LLC (hereinafter "MetroPCS"). As a radio frequency engineer, I am trained to identify service deficiencies in MetroPCS wireless telecommunications network and to evaluate the ability of proposed antenna sites to remedy these service deficiencies. MetroPCS is in the process of establishing a wireless telecommunications network in Suffolk County. I am fully familiar with MetroPCS' wireless telecommunications network in Suffolk County. 2. I submit this affidavit in support of MetroPCS' application for approval to install a wireless telecommunications facility at the Premises. Pursuant to this application, MetroPCS requests approval to affix public utility wireless telecommunications antennas to an existing monopole and install related equipment on the ground as depicted in the plans submitted herewith. 3. MetroPCS is considered a public utility for zoning purposes under the laws of the State of New York and is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to serve the public within Suffolk County and throughout much of the United States. MetroPCS strives to provide reliable service throughout its licensed coverage area. 4. MetroPCS is in the process of establishing a wireless telecorarnunications network throughout Suffolk County. Presently, MetroPCS does not maintain any facilities within the Town of Southold. The proposed facility will allow MetroPCS to provide reliable coverage in the vicinity of the proposed site. Unreliable service can represent an inconvealance to users ofMetroPCS' services and can have serious consequences during times of emergency or disaster. 5. In order to understand why the proposed antenna site is needed, it is necessary to understand how MetroPCS' system works from an engineering standpoint. MetroPCS' wireless telecommunications system is designed so that low powered base stations are strategically located at determined distances apart and at predetermined heights. Due to such factors as hills, valleys, trees, buildings, and other physical obstructions and due to the nature of radio waves, each coverage area or '"cell" is irregularly shaped. With sufficient signal strength from each base station, the MetroPCS user can reliably transmit, receive or maintain voice or data connections. The sites are ordinarily engineered to cover a limited area so that an antenna facility will cover only the area surrounding it but will not interfere with other sites in the system. 6. MetroPCS has established design criteria so that its wireless network will provide reliable wireless service to its customers, whether those customers are on the street, in a vehicle, or in a building. Providing reliable service to MetroPCS' customers within vehicles and buildings is critical for MetroPCS to provide the quality of wkeless service that customers demand and successfully compete with other wireless providers. 7. To meet customer demands and expectations, MetroPCS strives to provide In-Vehicle (or In-Car) coverage and In-Building coverage. These coverage levels represent the minimum signal strength and reliability of service needed to transmit, receive or maintain a voice or data connection at the mobile handset as the environment changes. 8. MetroPCS has reliable hi-Vehicle coverage when a customer can place or receive a call within a vehicle successfully across 95% ora site's coverage area. In-Vehicle coverage generally results in unreliable in-building coverage. Since the signal level is stronger closer to the antenna site than further away from the antenna site, there will be some coverage within buildings close to the site. 9. MetroPCS has reliable In-Building Residential coverage when a MetroPCS customer can place or receive, a call while in a building that is three stories or less in height successfully across 95% of the site's coverage area. This type of coverage will typically provide reliable coverage over the majority of the cell coverage area; however in some areas, and specifically at the outer geographic boundaries of the cell site's coverage area, coverage will be restricted and will likely lead to customers dissatisfaction if customers try to place or receive a call inside a windowless room, cellars or emergency shelters. 10. MetroPCS has reliable In-Building Commercial overage when a MetroPCS customer can place or receive a call while in a building that is greater than three stories in height successfully across 95% Of the site's coverage area. In-Building Commercial coverage is targeted for urban residential centers and business districts with high-rise buildings, and suburban business centers. Coverage issues may still occur in hard to serve locations such as within elevators and parking stmctnres. i 1. To provide these levels of coverage, MetroPCS has scientifically determined the strength of the wireless signal ("signal strength") necessary to provide these levels of coverage. Because wireless signals are attenuated (i.e. degraded or partially blocked) by obstructions such as trees, automobile windows, automobile sheet metal, and buil ~ding materials such as wood, brick and metal, a wireless signal must be of sufficient strength in the ambient environment (i.e. outside with no obstructions) to reliably penetrate into automobiles and buildings. 12. Wireless signal strength is measured on a logarithmic power scale referenced to 1 milli- watt of power. Signal strength levels less than 1 milli-watt being negative. The smaller the negative dBm number, the stronger the signal. For example, -75dBm is a stronger signal level than -85dBm. An ambient signal level of -95dBm would provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage on MetroPCS' system. MetroPCS' system requires an ambient signal level of -85dBm to provide reliable In-Building Residential coverage, and an ambient signal level of-75dBm to provide reliable In-Building Commercial coverage. These signal level requirements provide the basis for MetroPCS' design criteria. 13. MetroPCS' design criteria for wireless facilities serving an area are based upon providing 95% reliable signal over a site's coverage area to ensure reliable service for customers. This standard reflects a business judgment that 100% reliability is an unrealistic goal at this time due to financial, technical and environmental constraints. A 95% level of reliability is consistent with the level of service provided by MetroPCS' competitors and is the standard in the industry. Providing service at this level allows MetroPCS to satisfy customers' demands and compete on an equal footing with competitors serving the market. 14. To achieve the 95% reliable design goal, MetroPCS conducts extensive analysis based upon MetroPCS' technology and the area served. 15. In order to eliminate the service deficiency in a particular area, MetroPCS performs signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on its studies, MetroPCS determined that an antenna facility would have to be established within a narrowly defined search area in order to remedy the service gap in question. In this case, we determined that the Installation of the proposed facility will allow MetroPCS to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 16. The proposed antennas must be affixed at least as high as those depicted on the plans submitted herewith in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to MetroPCS users in the vicinity of the site. The location and height of the antennas is determined by some or all of the following factors: availability of existing structures, willingness of property owners to enter into leases, drive test data, location of existing antenna sites in the area, topography in the surrounding area, land cover features in the area such as buildings and foliage, and the results provided by computer propagation software that enables radio frequency engineers to predict the anticipated signal propagation at a given height and location. 17. In order to ilhistrate the effect that the proposed site would have on coverage in its vicinity, propagation maps have been prepared demonstrating the different coverage' levels summarized above. The maps depict the areas presently enjoying reliable service in the vicinity, and the area to be served by the proposed site. As the maps indicate, the proposed facility is of vital importance to MetroPCS' efforts to provide rel/able service to the area in question. Unless this application is granted, MetroPCS will be unable to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 18. The antennas proposed will not interfere with radio or television service or public safety telecommunications in the surrounding area. Swom to before me this dayof NOTARY PUBLIC NOT ,.'~Y PUBLIC, State of New ¥od; No. 01LA6027870 ~ANO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUb~OLK: STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the application of proposal of MetroPCS New York, LLC For Approval to collocate public utility wireless telecommunications antennas on an existing monopole and install related equipment at the premises ("Premises"): 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York District 1000, Section 141, Block 3, Lot 38.1 [MetroPCS Site No. NY 7312] STATE OF NEW YORK ) bd~z7ca-m~c~q. ) ss.: COUNTY OF SU ...... ) AFFIDAVIT OF RADIO FREQUENCY ENGINEER NICHOLAS BALZANO, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am a radio frequency engineer for MetroPCS New York, LLC (hereinafter "MetroPCS"). As a radio frequency engineer, I am trained to identify service deficiencies in MetroPCS wireless telecommunications network and to evaluate the ability of proposed antenna sites to remedy these service deficiencies. MetroPCS is in the process of establishing a wireless telecommunications network in Suffolk County. I am fully familiar with MetroPCS' wireless telecommunications network in Suffolk County. 2. I submit ttds affidavit in support of MetroPCS' application for approval to install a wireless telecommunications facility at the Premises. Pursuant to this application, MetroPCS requests approval to affix public utility wireless telecommunications antennas to an existing monopole and install related equipment on the ground as depicted in the plans submitted herewith: 3. MetroPCS is considered a public utility for zoning purposes under the laws of the State of New York and is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission to serve the public within Suffolk County and throughout much of the United States. MetroPCS strives to provide reliable service throughout its licensed coverage area. 4. MetroPCS is in the process of establishing a wireless telecommunications network throughout Suffolk County. Presenfly, MetroPCS does not maintain any facilities within the Town of Southold. The proposed facility will allow MetroPCS to provide reliable coverage in the vicinity of the proposed site. Unrellable service can represent an inconvenJence to users of MetroPCS' services and can have serious consequences during times of emergency or disaster. 5. In order to understand why the proposed antenna site is needed, it is necessary to understand how MetroPCS' system works from an engineering standpoint. MetroPCS' wireless telecommunications system is designed so that Iow powered base stations are strategically located at determined distances apart and at predetermined heights. Due to such factors as hills, valleys, trees, buildings, and other physical obstructions and due to the nature of radio waves, each coverage area or '"cell" is irregularly shaped. With sufficient signal strength from each base station, the MetroPCS user can reliably transmit, receive or maintain voice or data connections. The sites are ordinarily engineered to cover a limited area so that an antenna facility will cover only the area surrounding it but will not interfere with other sites in the system. 6. MetroPCS has established design criteria so that its wireless network will provide reliable wireless service to its customers, whether those customers are on the street, in a vehicle, or in a building. Providing reliable service to MetroPCS' customers within vehicles and buildings is critical for MetroPCS to provide the quality of wireless service that customers demand and successfully compete with other wireless providers. 7. To meet customer demands and expectations, MetroPCS strives to provide In-Vehicle (or In-Car) coverage and In-Building coverage. These coverage levels represent the minimum signal strength and reliability of service needed to transmit, receive or maintain a voice or data connection at the mobile handset as the environment changes. 8. MetroPCS has reliable In-Vehicle coverage when a customer can place or receive a call within a vehicle successfully across 95% of a site's coverage area. In-Vehicle coverage generally results in unreliable in-building coverage. Since the signal level is stronger closer to the antenna site than further away from the antenna site, there will be some coverage within buildings close to the site. 9. MetroPCS has reliable In-Building Residential coverage when a MetroPCS customer can place or receive, a call while in a building that is three stories or less in height successfully across 95% of the site's coverage area. This type of coverage will typically provide reliable coverage over the majority of the cell coverage area; however in some areas, and specifically at the outer geographic boundaries of the cell site's coverage area, coverage will be restricted and will likely lead to customers dissatisfaction if customers try to place or receive a call inside a windowless room, cellars or emergency shelters. 10. MetroPCS has reliable In-Building Commercial overage when a MetroPCS customer can place or receive a call while in a building that is greater than three stories in huight successfully across 95% Of the site's coverage area. In-Building Commercial coverage is targeted for urban residential centers and business districts with high-rise buildings, and suburban business centers. Coverage issues may still occur in hard to serve locations such as within elevators and parking structures. 11. To provide these levels of coverage, MetroPCS has scientifically determined the strength of the wireless signal ("signal strength") necessary to provide these levels of coverage. Because wireless signals are attenuated (i.e. degraded or partially blocked) by obstructions such as trees, automobile windows, automobile sheet metal, and buil ~ding materials such as wood, brick and metal, a wireless signal must be of sufficient strength in the ambient environment (i.e. outside with no obstructions) to reliably penetrate into automobiles and buildings. 12. Wireless signal strength is measured on a logarithmic power scale referenced to 1 milli- watt of power. Signal strength levels less than 1 milli-watt being negative. The smaller the negative dBm number, the stronger the signal. For example, -75dBm is a stronger signal level than -85dBm. An ambient signal level of -95dBm would provide reliable In-Vehicle coverage on MetroPCS' system. MetroPCS' system requires an ambient signal level of -85dBm to provide reliable In-Building Residential coverage, and an ambient signal level of-75dBm to provide reliable In-Building Commercial coverage. These signal level requirements provide the basis for MetroPCS' design criteria. 13. MetroPCS' design criteria for wireless facilities serving an area are based upon providing 95% reliable signal over a site's coverage area to ensure reliable service for customers. This standard reflects a business judgment that 100% reliability is an unrealistic goal at this time due to financial, technical and environmental constraints. A 95% level of reliability is consistent with the level of service provided by MetroPCS' competitors and is the standard in the industry. Providing service at this level allows MetroPCS to satisfy customers' demands and compete on an equal footing with competitors serving the market. 14. To achieve the 95% reliable design goal, MetroPCS conducts extensive analysis based upon MetroPCS' technology and the area served. 15. In order to eliminate the service deficiency in a particular area, MetroPCS performs signal propagation studies to determine the height and location of the needed cell site. Based on its studies, MetroPCS determined that an antenna facility would have to be established within a narrowly defined search area in order to remedy the service gap in question. In this case, we determined that the installation of the proposed facility will allow MetroPCS to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. 16. The proposed antennas must be affixed at least as high as those depicted on the plans submitted herewith in order to ensure that reliable service can be afforded to MetroPCS users in the vicinity of the site. The location and height of the antennas is determined by some or all of the following factors: availability of existing structures, willingness of property owners to enter into leases, drive test data, location of existing antenna sites in the area, topography in the surrounding area, land cover features in the area such as buildings and foliage, and the results provided by computer px~opagation software that enables radio frequency engineers to predict the anticipated signal propagation at a given height and location. 17. In order to illustrate the effect that the proposed site would have on coverage in its vicinity, propagation maps have been prepared demonstrating the different coverage' levels summarized above. The maps depict the areas presently enjoying reliable service in the vicinity, and the area to be served by the proposed site. As the maps indicate, the proposed facility is of vital importance to MetroPCS' efforts to provide reliable service to the area in question. Unless this application is granted, MetroPCS will be unable to provide reliable service in the vicinity of the Premises. ~ 18. The antennas proposed will not interfere with radio or television service or public safety telecommunications in the surrounding area. Sworn to beforeme this /7-/a day of ~.~, ~ ~'~ g-~, 2009. NOTARY PUBLIC No. 01LA6027870 Qual~led In WetherS. Commll~m ~ July 19. 207~-~ 0 NICHOLAS BALZANO National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Screening Report Prepared for: MetroPCS New York, LLC 5 Skyline Drive Hawthorne, New York 10532 NY7312 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 EBI Project No. 61094730 Site Report Date: October 22, 2009 EBI CONSULTING ~.r~atl~i ¥~ for Your 8~J~Jne~ ~010 CONSULTING www. ebiconsulting.¢om 21 B Street Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: (781) 273-2500 Fax: (781) 273.3311 October 22, 2009 Mr. John Coleman MetroPCS New York, LLC 5 Skyline Drive Hawthorne, New York 10532 Subject: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Screening Report NY7312 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York FBI Project #61094730 Dear Mr. John Coleman: Attached please find our National Environmental Po/icj/Act (NEPA) ~creening Report, (the Report) for the proposed telecommunications installation at the address noted above (the Subject Property). The purpose of this Report is to evaluate the above-referenced property for environmental and historical concerns specified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 47 CFR 1.1307, and general industry standards. The Subject Property, known as NY7312, consists of an approximately 4.0-acre parcel that is owned by George L Penny, Inc. and occupied by the Penny Lumber Company's lumber yard. As such, the Subject Property is improved in the central portion with an administrative building and in the western, eastern, and northern portions with lumber and building materials storage buildings surrounded by paved parking areas. The Subject Property is also improved in the northern portion with a fenced telecommunications compound, which includes an approximate 100-foot tall stealth flagpole telecommunications tower. As the date of this f~eport, MetroPCS New York, LLC proposes to enclose three new telecommunications antennas within a proposed radome on the existing tower at a centerline height of approximately 75 feet above ground level (herein, the Project Site). Additionally, MetroPCS New York, tLC proposes to lease an approximate 10-foot by 16- foot portion of ground space located on the western portion of the tower compound, upon which telecommunications equipment is proposed to be placed. Power and telecommunications cables are proposed to be shallow trenched to the lease area from sources located within the existing compound. Coaxial cables are proposed to be routed from the lease area to the base of the monopole via a' raised cable bridge. Access to the Project Site will be via the parent parcel's existing paved lanes. Please find the attached National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Checklist, NEPA Summary Report, and associated documentation for the above-referenced site. Based upon the results of our assessment, it appears that the proposed installation will not adversely impact any of the criteria as outlined in 1.1307(a) items (1) through (8) and preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for these criteria is not required, The /~eport was completed according to the terms and conditions authorized by you. There are no intended or unintended third party beneficiaries to this Report, unless specifically named. FBI is an independent contractor, not an employee of either the property owner or the project proponent, and its compensation was not based on the findings or recommendations made in the I~eport or on the closing of any business transaction. Note that the findings of this ,t~eport are based on the project specifications provided to FBI and described in this Report. In the event that the design or location of the installation changes, please contact FBI as additional review and/or consultation may be required. ENVIROBUSINESS, INC. LOCATIONS I ATLANTA, GA I BALTIMORE, MD I BURLINGTON, MA I CHICAGO, IL I CRANSTON, RI ]DALLAS, TX I DENVER, CO ] EXETER, NH I HOUSTON, TX I LOS ANGELES, CA I NEW YORK, NY IPHOENIX, AZ I PORTLAND, OR I SAN FRANCISCO, CA I SEATTLE, WA I YORK, PA Thank you for the opportunity to prepare this /~eport, and assist you with this project. Please call us if you have any questions or if we may be of further assistance. Respectfully Submitted, Mr, Chris Murray Author/Project Scientist Mr. David Akerblom Reviewer/Program Manager Direct# (617) 715-1842 Mr. Steve Davies Salesperson/Program Director Appendix A- NEPA Checklist Appendix B - FCC NEPA Summary Report Appendix C - Figures, Drawings, and Maps Appendix D - NPA Checklist and Tower Compliance Documentation Appendix E - USFWS and NYSDEC Correspondence ENVIROBUSINESS, INC. LOCATIONS I ATLANTA, GA t BALTIMORE, MD I BURLINGTON, MA I CHICAGO, IL j CRANSTON, RI J DALLAS, TX J DENVER, CO J EXETER, NH J HOUSTON, TX J LOS ANGELES, CA J NEW YORK, NY I PHOENiX, AZ I PORTLAND, OR I SAN FRANCISCO, CA I SEA~'TLE, WA I YORK, PA APPENDIX A NEPA CHECKUST £/~/ Consulting1 Site type (choose one): Site ID: Site Address: ~EB] ~--]Raw land NY7312 12585 Sound Avenue, [~Tower colo Mattituck, New York [--]Other Colo c o N S U ~ ~ ~ N ~; r-]Tower Replacement FCC NEPA Consulting Agency to Check appropr/ate boxes below Category Contact No Adverse Potential Adverse Exempt from NPA Applies Impact Impact Review Designated National Park Service, Wilderness Areas US Forest Service, Bureau of Land [] [] [] Management (BLM) Designated Wildlife National Park Service, Preserves US Forest Service, BLM [] [] [] Threatened or US Fish & Wildlife Endangered Species Service - Field Office & Critical Habitats (USF&WS) [] [] [] Historic Places State Historic Collocation Preservation Officer Agrsernent~ applies (SHPO), Tribal Historic [] [] Preservation Officer SHPO consultation [] [] Nationwide (THPO) completed Agreement Exclusion applies: Indian Religious American Indian Tribes, Collocation Sites Bureau of Indian Affairs Agreement applies: Tribal consultation [] [] Nationwide completed Agreement Exclusion applies: Floodplain Federal Emergency Management Agency [] [] [] (FEMA) Wetlands & USF&WS NWl Maps Surface Waterways US Army Corps of [] [] [] Engineers (ACOE) Signature: / ..... '~? '-~"- ?" ~ ,' ~ Company: EBI Consulting Print name: Chris Murray Date: October 14. 2009 Consulting APPENDIX B FCC NEPA SUMMARY REPORT £~/ Consultin§ FCC NEPA Summary Report '47 CFR Subpart 1, Cha ~ter 1, Sections 1.1301-1.1319) EBI Site type (choose one): r'[Raw !and [~Tower colo [--]Other colo [-]Tower Replacement Site ID: NY7312 ISite Address: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New york 1. Is the antenna structure located In an officially designated wilderness area? The proposed installation consists of mounting antennas to an existing antenna tower; therefore, this project is not expected to significantly affect officially designated wilderness areas, and the action is categorically excluded from environmental processing (47 CFR 1.1306). 2. Is the antenna structure located in an officially designated wildlife preserve? The proposed installation consists of mounting antennas to an existing antenna tower; therefore, this project is not expected to significantly affect officially designated wildlife preserves, and the action is categorically excluded from environmental processing (47 CFR 1.1306). 3. Will the antenna structure likely affect threatened or endangered species or designated critical habitats? (R~ 50 CF/~ Part 402) Correspondence dated July 2006 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's New York Field Office states that the "Co-location of new equipment and antennae within an existing structure.,.where all ground disturbance occurs within previously disturbed areas and where such activities do not increase the existing height or require the addition of guy wires" are "not likely to adversely affect Federally-listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources." In addition, in a letter dated May 2009 from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation - Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources, for communications facilities projects that involve "new antennas or panels on existing towers, or new communications equipment installed within existing fenced equipment areas, provided that all new work is confined within existing equipment areas, no previously undisturbed land is disturbed, and no new access roads or expansions of existing access roads is involved," the program does "not have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects." Both agencies speci~ that additional consultation is not required as part of the Endangered Species Act. Copies of this correspondence are included within Appendix E. It should also be noted that the proposed installation consists of mounting antennas to an existing antenna tower; therefore, this project is not expected to significantly affect threatened or endangered species or designated critical habitats, and the action is categorically excluded from environmental processing (47 CFR 1.1306). Wiii the antenna structure affect districts, sites, buildings, structures, or obJects significant In American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, or culture that are listed, or potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Races (NRHP)? (R~ 3~ CFR Part 8dO reg~latiom Imp/ementlr~ Eaction 1~6 of the NaEonal Hbtodc Preser~tlon Act,), EBI evaluated whether the stipulations contained within Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation of Wirele~ Antennaa (Collocation Agreement) allow MetroPCS New York, LLC to construct the proposed facility without consulting with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). The Collocation Agreement's exclusionary conditions for SHPO consultation apply to this project, because based on information provided by the client, a "substantial increase" in the size of the tower is not planned for this project. EEl Consulting EBI obtained tower documentation from T-Mob//e, the tower facility owner, which indicated that the tower on which the proponent intends to attach its antennas is in compliance with the Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for Review of Effects on Historic Properties and that MetroPC$ New York, LLC's proposed collocation is in compliance with the Collocation Agreement. See Appendix D of this Report for a copy of this statement. Additionally, the SHPO reviewed a proposal to construct the tower upon which the proponent intends to attach its antennas and concluded that the tower would not adversely affect historic places. The New York SHPO approval for the tower, dated October 16. 2003 is appended to this Report (Appendix D). In summary, the proposed action at the above-referenced property was determined to meet the conditions set forth in the Collocation Agreement. Therefore, the collocation is recognized to have minimal or no adverse effects on historic properties and review of the collocation under the consultation process set forth under Subpart B of 36 CFR Part 800 is not required. According to the Collocation Agreement, the licensee has properly taken into account the effects of their action on historic properties and has fulfilled its Section 106 compliance responsibilities. As such, the collocation requires no further environmental processing under Section 1.1307(a)(4) of the FCC Rules. 5. Will the antenna structure affect Indian religious site(s) The proposed action at the above-referenced property was determined to meet the conditions set forth in the Stipulations of the Collocation Agreement. Therefore, the installation is recognized to have minimal or no adverse effects on Indian religious sites, Traditional Cultural Properties, or historic properties and review of the collocation under the consultation process set forth under Subpart 8 of 36 CFR Part 800 is not required. According to the Collocation Agreement, the licensee has properly taken into account the effects of their action on historic properties and has fulfilled its Section 106 compliance responsibilities. As such. the installation requires no further environmental processing under Section 1.1307(a) (5) of the FCC Rules. Will the antenna structure be located in a floodplain? (Ref. Executive Order 11988 and 40 CFR Part 6, Appendix A) The proposed installation consists of mounting antennas to an existing antenna tower; therefore, this project is not expected to significantly affect floodplains, and the action is categorically excluded from environmental processing (47 CFR 1.1306). Will construction of the antenna structure Involve significant change in surface features (e.g. wetlands. deforestation, or water diversion)? (Ref; gxecut/ve Order 11,q90 and 4/0 C£1~ Part ~, The proposed installation consists of mounting antennas to an existing antenna tower; therefore, this project is not expected to significantly affect surface features or wetlands, and the action is categorically excluded from environmental processing (47 CFR 1.1306). Is the antenna structure located in a residential neighborhood and required to be equipped with high intensity white lights? According to client representatives and site plans, the proposed installation will not include high intensity white lights and be located in a residential neighborhood. Will the antenna structure equal or exceed total power (of all channels) of 2000 Watts ERP (3280 EIRP) and have antenna located less than 10 meters above the ground? An evaluation to determine whether radiofrequency (RF) emissions standards are met was not included as part of this Repo~ EBI understands that client representatives will evaluate the project to ensure compliance with applicable RF standards. EBI Consulting APPENDIX C FIGURES, DRAWINGS, AND MAPS £~1 Consuftin9 EBI I # ,% Legend ~r Project Site ~. ~m Site Buffer at 250', 500', 1000' and I/2 mile Source:S elected de. from ESRI, EBlandNWI Figure 1 - Site Location Map NY7312/ 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 PN: 61094730 N EBI Legend ~r Proiect Site ~. ~m Site Buffer at 250', 500', I000' and I/2 mile USGS 24k Quad: Mat~ltuck Hills, NY 1961 and Matfltuck, NY 1961 Source: Selected data from ESRI, EBI and USGS Figure 2 - USGS Quad Location Map NY7312/ 12585 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 PN: 61094730 N Site Specification Sheet Date Created: 4/15/2009 SpecShset ID: NW312-A-I-0904t 5 Version I Created By: fardakani MetroPCSID: NY7312 Candidate ID: NY7312A Cell Name: NY7312 Candidate: NY7312A Address: 12585 Sound Ave City: Southold St: NY Zip: 11952 County: Suffolk BTS Type: 4.08 3 Sector 24W Outdoor BTS Location: Outdoor Latitude DMS: 40-59-26.7 Decimal: 40.990762 StructureType: Flag Pole Antenna Height: 87 ' AGL Structure Height: 100 ' AGL Longitude 72-32-20.4 -72.539006 Notes: Prelim 04/14/09. Flag pole and we might need to set azimuths to 30,150,270 due to the falgpole design. a d b e g z ::, t7.8 t7,8 0 0 2 2 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 126 207 387 Sector Transmitting Sector Number Antenna Model Number of Antennas Azimuths* Antenna Gain (dBi) Remote Bec Tilt Elec DT (+Down, -Up) Mechl DT (+Down, -Up) Remote Elec Tilt Serial Cable Type Number of Cables CableLength Coax Color Code Cable Lose (dBm) Loss Factor Mount Type Number of Mounts Tower Mounted Amp Latitude Longitude Antenna Height PN Bulkhead Power (dbm) EiRP after Antenna (dBm) metroPCS RF Engineering Approved: [] RF Engineering Contact: Fadd Ardakani (914) 552-9312 Last Modified By: fardakani Last Modified Date: b 4/15/2009~ Date implemented: mel ,3S New York, LLC MATTrTUG~, N~ I IqD2 A ~ ~.-;', ..... '',."': ','I' .-: - '--: ~ , ,/ ~,..: ,' 1 I DE S I C.-No GROUP5 I?. O. BOE3 I-D. ZI~, NEV~ JERSEY 07'30 New York, LLC DESIGN~ ~R. OUPz ARCHITECTUKE A ~._ . ..I, ..... ~, fi ~ NewYo~C ~_~__~~ .-- , m~,~,~ ~S-2 A DESIGN~° GROUP- DESIGN CRITERIA ABBREVIATIONS AND LABELS · · LEGEND WIRING METHODS New York, LLC SPECIAL EMPHASIS1 CONCERNS, AND LIMITA~ONS SYMBOLS ~ ~' ~'~ ~ R 0 U / ,, ARCHITECTURE New Yo~ ~C '~* ~ D£SIGNzu ~ - New ~C ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ,~ ~; --0..~ APPENDIX D NPA CHECKLIST AND TOWER COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION £BI ConsultinE APPLICABILITY OF NATIONWIDE PROGRAMMATIC AGREEMENT FOR REVIEW OF EFFECTS ON HISTORIC PROPERTIES (NPA) Site type (choose one): J Site ID: ['-IRaw land ] NY7312 r-ITower colo ~;~]Other colo I--ITower Replacement Site Address: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck, New York Enhancement of a Tower (Exclusion A) Yes [] No [] Will the proposed action consist of a collocation as defined by the NPA? Yes [] No [] Will the proposed action create a "substantial increase" in the size of the tower? Construction of a Replacement Tower (Exclusion B) Yes [] No [] Can the proposed replacement tower be considered a "substantial increase" in height, mass, or size in relation to the existing tower located at the site? Yes [] No [] Could the proposed replacement tower increase the boundaries of the owned or leased area surrounding the existing tower by more than thirty feet? Yes [] No [] Will construction of the proposed replacement tower involve excavation outside of a thirty-foot radius from the edge of owned or leased area or outside existing access or utility easements? Yes [] No [] If the existing tower was constructed after March 16, 2001, has the tower NOT undergone Section 106 review? Construction of temporary communications tower or facility (Exclusion C) Yes [] No [] Will the temporary installation involve excavation of soils? Yes [] No [] Will the temporary installation be in operation for more than twenty-four months? Construction of Tower within strip mall, shopping center, or Industrial park (Exclusion D)* Yes [] No [] Will the proposed tower be over 200 feet in height? Yes [] No [] Will the proposed tower be located in a locally designated industrial park, strip mall, or shopping center that occupies less than 100,000 square feet? Yes [] No [] Is the locally designated industrial park, strip mall, or shopping center located within the boundaries of or within five hundred feet of a historic property? Construction of a Tower at or near utility transmission corridors (Exclusion E)* Yes [] No [] Will the proposed tower be located outside of or beyond fifty feet of a right-of-way designated by Federal, State, local, or Tribal governments as a location for communications towers or utility transmission and distribution lines? Yes [] No [] Could the proposed tower be considered a "substantial increase" in height, mass, or site in relation to existing towers or utility transmission and distribution lines located that the site? Yes [] No [] Will the proposed tower be located within the boundaries of a historic property? Construction of a Tower in a SHPO/THPO permitted zone (Exclusion F) Yes [] No [] Will the construction of the tower occur outside of an area designated by the SHPO and/or THPO for the construction of communications towers and associated facilities? EBI Consulting [] Collocation of antennas on tower constructed on or before March 16, 2001 (Stipulation IliA) Yesr~ No[~ Will the cogocation result in a substantial increese in the size of the tower? Yes [] No [] Has the FCC determined that the tower has. or potentially has, an "adverse effect" on historic properties? Yes [] No [] Is the tower pending environmental review before the FCC involving compliance w/See. 1067 Yes [] No [] Has the licensee or tower owner received notification of complaint from the public, SHPO, or Council that the collocation will have an adverse effect on historic properties? [] Collocation of antennas on tower constructed after March 16, 2001 (Stipulation IVA) Yes [] No [] Has the tower NOT undergone Section 106 review? Yes[] No[] Will the collocation result in a substantial increase in the size of the tower? Yes [] No [] Has the FCC determined that the tower has or will have, or potentially has or will have. an "adverse effect" on historic properties? Yes [] No [] Has the licensee or tower owner received notification of complaint from the public, SHPO, or Council that the collocation will have an adverse effect on historic properties? [] Collocation of antennas on buildings/non-tower structures (Stipulation VA) Yes [] No [] Is the building/structure over 45 years old? Yes [] No [] Is the building/structure located within a historic district, or located within 250 feet of and visible from the ground level of a historic district.? Yes [] No [] Is the building/structure a National Historic Landmark, or listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places? Yes [] No [] Has the licensee received notification of complaint from the public, SHPO, or Council that the collocation will have an adverse effect on historic properties? [] If ~ questions were answered "Yes" or if No Exclusions Aa01? The proposed telecommunications installation does not meet the criteria and stipulations set forth in the NPA. Therefore, COrtsultation with the applicable SHPO is required in accordance with 47 CFR Part 1.1301-1.1319 of the Federal Communications Commission regulations. In addition, consultation with any Indian Tribe or NHO that attaches significance to the site or area must be completed. [] If all questions were answered "No": The telecommunications installation meets the criteria and stipulations set forth in the NPA. Therefore the telecommunications installation is recognized to have minimal or no adverse effect on historic properties, and review of the project by the applicable SHPO is not required. *However, for projects meeting Exclusions D or E, consultation with any Indian Tribe or NHO that attaches significance to the site or area must be completed. provided ~ answers to ~ above ~uestlons to £BI from bot~ t~e collocation licensee tower owner to tl~ l~est of tl~r actual l~#o~,~ledge and ln ~)od faltl~, MetroPCS New York. LLC FCC Licensee Contact T-Mobile Ms. Linda Rizzi Tower owner Contact Mr. John Christensen 201-966-6061 Phone number 973-292-8796 Phone number Auaust 19. 2009 Date contacted October 13, ;~009 Date contacted Consulting · ..Mobile 4 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ 070S4 ~ptember 25, 2009 Ch~"~topher Murray MetroPCS New York LLC 5 Skyline Drive Hawthorne, NY 10532 RE: Proposed eo-lo~ation of telesemmunisetions equipment T-Mobile Site ID: MI 341fB / MatroPCS New York [.LC Site ID: NY 7312 Lo,abel at: 12S85 Sound Ave., Mattltuck, NY f 1952 Latitude: 40* S~ 26.00" Longitude: 72' 3F 20,00" Dear Ch~slopher: MetmPC9 New york LLC has requested to place tatecommuolcetione eqol~mant on Ihs refemncnd Tower ~,ned by T-Mobtie Northeast LLC ("T-Mobile'). To factit*ate sUch installation in ~ompllance with the Natlon,.~de Pmgremmstlc Agmemanl for the Collocation of Wireless A~ennas executed by The Federal Communication Commission, the National Conference of State Hiatnd~ preservation Offise~ and the AcMsory Councti On Hist~ Presentation (the "Programmatio Agmeereol'), T-Mobile hereby acknowledges the ~,llowthg: t, The Tower was constructed after March 18, 2001. 2. The mouat~ of the proposed antenna and/or other equipment will not result In substantial Increase in the size of the tower as defined in- Stipulation 1.C of the Proth"selmati¢ AgreemenL 3, To the best of T-Mobile's knowledge, T-Mob, s has not received r~otification thai the FCC has deter-mined that the Tower has an effect on one or mom hlato~ propadies, or if su~ an effe~ has been found, such effect has been found to be not adds'se through a conditional no a~verse afloat deto~mthallon, a Memorandum of A~eemeat, a pmg~"arnmatl~ 8greerrant, or the tower Ts othem~se in compllaase with Section 106 and Subpart B of 36 CFR pai't 800. 4. To the host of T. Mobge,s imowleqge, the Tower Is not the subjec~ of a pending anulror~"ser~tet revlew or re~d Pr°ceedlng hefore the FCC invalving oompliance v~th Se~fl3n 106 of the National Histeflo Frseen/atiofl ~ 5. To the beat of T.Mobae,a knev,,~dge, T-Mobile has nat received n~on that the FCC Is In recMpt of a comptalat fr°m a mornher °f th'e public,, a State Hlatorio preservation alice, or the Advisory Coundl On Hiatori~ ~ Ihat the Tower has or will have an adverse effect on one or more historic ~ope~es. MetroPCS New York LLC acknowledges to T..Moblle that: A. The mounting of the antennas an the Tower wil{ not rasuE In a eubatantiat increase in the else cf the Tower as de§fred in Stipulation I.C of the Pmgramma§o Agreement. B, To the best of Matnd:;CS New York LLC's knowiedge, Tenast has not received wattel3 or atsuf'renio noliticallon ti!at the FCC ts In receipt of a e, an~platnt from a member of the pubtio, a ~tete Historic Preservation Office, or the Advboi7 Councti On ~storlc Preve~ndton that the collation has or v~[I have an adverse effect on one or more htatorie pmpertle~. Ttil Date: copy of this document shall have the same effect as an originai] ·Bemadstts Castro Commisslener New York state Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau Peebles Island, PO Box 189 Waterford, New York 12188-0189 October 16, 2003 518-237-8643 Angela Bailey DMS Consulting Services, Inc 560 Hudson Street, Suite 3, 1" Floor I-Iackensack, New Jersey 07601 Re: FCC 100' Monopole & EquiPment/125855 Sound Ave/IVlattituck~ ' Southold, Suffolk County 03PR00758 Dear Mi. Bailey: Thank you for requesti.n'~, the comm, ents of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). We have reviewed th6 project in accordance with Section I06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. Based upon this review, it is the SBl~O's opinion that your project will have No Effect upou cultural resources in or eligible· for inclusion in the National Registers of Historic Places. If further correspondence is.required regarding this project, please be sure to refer to the OPRHP Project Review (PR) numb& noted above. RLP:cmp Sincerely, Ruth L. Picrpont Director An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Agency RECEIVED L.! - 15 - ~/I I DMS CONSULTING APPENDIX E USFWS AND NYSDEC CORRESPONDENCE EBI Consultin~ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources New York Natural Heritage Program 625 Broadway, Albany, NewYork 12233-4757 Phone: (518)402-8935 · FAX: (518)402-9027 Website: www.dec.state.ny,us May, 2009 Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings Regarding reviews of the databases of the New York Natural Heritage Program for rare, endangered, or threatened species in the vicinity of proposed telecommunication equipment to be collocated on existing telecommunications towers and on existing buildings: New York Natural Heritage has no records of rare or listed species which would be of concern, and therefore does not require a consultation with NY Natural Heritage, for any communication facilities projects that meet one of three criteria below: 1) New antennae or panels on existing towers, or new communications equipment installed within existing fenced equipment areas, provided that all new work is confined within existing equipment areas, no previously undisturbed land is disturbed, and no new access roads or expansion of existing access roads is involved. 2) New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn, pavement and/or gravel. 3) New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed on or in existing buildings, rooftops, billboards, or bridges, with the exception of the buildings and bridges with peregrine falcon nests listed later in this letter. For projects which meet the above criteria, we do not have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects. Therefore, in these cases, separate consultation with the New York Natural Heritage Pro~arn is not necessary for a project sponsor to complete the environmental assessment required by the FCC; this letter may serve as a f'mding of no known impacts on state-listed species or on other rare species. This determination may be reconsidered at any time should additional information on communication facility projects or on rare species become available. Please note that neither this office, nor the NYS DEC Endangered Species Unit, need to be consulted in the future regarding communication facilities and equipment collocated on existing towers in New York State, nor for those located on buildings and bridges except for those listed below. The NYS DEC Endangered Species Unit offers this guidance regarding cellular communication facilities atop buildings in urban areas: There is not a concern with regards to peregrine falcons when new antennas or communications towers and associated equipment are proposed, or existing ones modified, unless they are actually on the same building or bridge that a nest is located on. Projects located in adjacent areas will not have a significant impact on this species. If the projects are proposed for construction on the same building or bridge as a nest or breeding pair, then please contact the Endangered Species Unit for further consultation at 625 Broadway, Albany, NY, 12233-4754.. For your reference, peregrine falcon nests currently occur on the following buildings and bridges in the following major urban areas: New York Ci_ty buildings: Comell Medical College, 68a Street and York Avenue Wall Street: 48 Wall Street at Nassau Ave., and at 55 Water Street Riverside Church, Riverside Drive and 120t~ Met Life Building, 200 Park Avenue Candler Building, W 42ua and Fashion Avenue (near Times Square) New York City bridees: Verrazano Narrows, Throgs Neck, Hell Gate, Triborough, Outerbridge Crossing, Marine Parkway, Goethals, George Washington, Bayonne, Brooklyn, Broadway, Williamsburg, Park Avenue Railroad Bridge Town of Hem~stead. Nassau County: Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow Town of Islin. Suffolk County: Captree Island Bridge Buffalo: Statler Building (Franklin and West Genessee Streets) and City Hall (Niagara Square) Rochester: Marine Midland Plaza Building (Court and Chestnut Streets) and Eastman Kodak Building (State Street near Plymouth and Platt) Swacuse: State Tower Building (South Warren Street) Binehamton: Exchange Street Albany: Dunn Memorial Bridge Troy: Collar City (Route 7) Bridge Hudson River Bridees: Tappan Zee, Newburgh-Beacon, Kingston-Rhinecliff, Mid-Hudson, Rip van Winkle, Castleton-on-Hudson, and Bear Mountain Ogdensburg: Ogdensburg Bridge Grand Island/Niagara Falls: North Grand Island Bridge (1-190 over Niagara River) For proposed telecommunications facilities which do not meet the above criteria, including those projects involving the construction of new towers, please submit a request to the New York Natural Heritage Program for a review of any rare or listed species in the vicinity of the proposed project. Directions for submitting a request can be found at http://www.dec.n¥.gov/animals/31181.html, or can be provided by NY Natural Heritage. If you have any questions regarding these determinations, please contact our office. Communication Tower Consultation in New York Existing Communication Towers The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (Service) New York Field Office recognizes that individual project review by the Service is not required under certain conditions. The Service provides the following comments in accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 etseq.), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1940 (MBTA) (40 Stat. 755; 16 U.S.C. 703-712), the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 (16 U.S.C. 668-688d), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 852; 42 U.S.C. 4321 etseq.). Migratory birds are a Federal trust resource and are protected under the MBTA. Communication towers and antennae may pose a hazard to migratory birds in flight and may pose a threat to nesting birds in the vicinity. Risk assessment factors include tower height, physical design, lighting, and site location relative to migratory corridors and bird concentration areas. The Service has determined that the following proposed actions are not likely to adversely affect Federally-listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources: Co-location of new equipment and antennae with an existing structure (tower, water tank, large building, etc.) where all ground disturbance occurs within previously disturbed areas and where such activities do not increase the existing height or require the addition of guy wires; Routine maintenance of existing tower sites (e.g., painting, antennae replacement); and Repair or replacement of existing towers and/or equipment, provided such activities do not increase the existing tower height or require the addition of guy wires. For projects that meet the above criteria, there is no need to contact this office for project review. This document may be used as an ESA determination of"not likely to adversely affect" for all Federally-listed species within New York. Updated July 2006 Federal Aviation Admgstration Air Traffic Airspace Branch, ASW-520 2601MeachamBlvd. Fo~Wo~h, TX76137-0520 Aeronautical StudyNo. 2009-AEA-3436-OE PfiorStudyNo. 2004-AEA-2139-OE Issued Date: 11/17/2009 Marc Harris HPC Development, LLC 52 Garden Ave. Wharton, NJ 07885 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has conducted an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and if applicable Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure: Antenna - Side Mount NY7312 Location: Mattituck, NY Latitude: 40-59-27.84N NAD 83 Longitude: 72-32-17.94W ~'"r, ~ ? 2010 Heights: 102 feet above ground level (AGL) 114 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical stUdy revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking and/or lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory circular 70/7460-1 K Change 2. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) because the structure is subject to their licensing authority. Page 1 of 3 ~ we'can be of further assistance,Wase contact our office at (718) 553-454Wn any furore correspondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2009-AEA-3436-OE. Signature Control No: 663540-120258071 Katie Venticinque Specialist Attachment(s) Frequency Data cc: FCC (DNE) Page 2 of 3 ~equency Data for ASN 2009-AEA-3436-~ LOW FREQUENCY HIGH FREQUENCY FREQUENCY UNIT ERP ERP UNIT 806 824 MHz 500 W 824 849 MHz 500 W 851 866 MHz 500 W 869 894 MHz 500 W 896 901 MHz 500 W 901 902 MHz 7 W 930 931 MHz 3500 W 931 932 MHz 3500 W 932 932.5 MHz 17 dBW 935 940 MHz 1000 W 940 941 MHz 3500 W 1850 1910 MHz 1640 W 1930 1990 MHz 1640 W 2305 2310 MHz 2000 W 2345 2360 MHz 2000 W 1730 1740 MHz 61 dBm 2130 2140 MHz 61 dBm Page 3 of 3 Fe ral Communications Comm on Wireless Telecommunications Bureau Radio Stofion uthorization Page i of' 2 93 LICENSEE NAME: Met*oPcs AWS. LLC HARK A. STACHIW qETROPCS A~S, LLC 8144 WALNUT HILL LANE, SU1TE 800 3ALL~$ TX 75231 Grant Date 11-29-2006 FCC Regis~c~fion Number (FEN) 0015005598 CallS~n File Number WOGA731 0002773870 Radio Service Effective Date I Expiration Dcffe 11-29-2oo6 1 11-29-2o=1 Print Da~e 11-30~2006 Market Number Channel Block 1 Sub-Market Designator REAOO1 O O Market Name: Northeast 1 st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3rd Build-out Date '~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR WAIVERS/CONDITIONS 4th Build~out Dote Conditions: Pursuantto Section 309(h of the Communications Act of 1~34, as amended, 4.7 U,S.C. Section 30?Ih), this license is subject iD the fallowing conditions: This license shell not vest in the licensee any right to operate the st~ion nor any right inthe use at th e frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized herein. Neither the jlicense nor the right granted thereunder shall be as~(gned or otherwise transferred in yEa[arian of the COmmunic<~fions Act o~ ,1934, as amended. See 47 U.$;C. Section 310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or contra conferred by ~ection _706 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. See 47 U,S,C~ Sec. tion 606. ITo view the geographic areas associated with the license, go to the UniverSal Licensing System (UL$) homepage at . hffp://,~ireless.fcc.gov/uls ancJ select"License Seamh", Follow the instructions on how fo search for I~¢ense information. Sign File Number Pdnt Dale 0002773870 11-3o-20oo Special Conditions or Waivers/Conditions FCC 601 - MB Structural Analysis Report Prepared for: , T-Mobile USA 12920 SE 38th Street Bellevue, WA 98006 ATTN: Ms. Danielle Edson Structure Proposed Carrier Site ID Site Location County Date Usage 100 ft PennSummit Flagpole Metro PCS LII3411B Mattituck, NY Suffolk August 11, 2009 50.1% (pole shaft); 85.0% (anchor bolts) Semaan Engineering Solutions, LLC 1079 N. 205th Street Elkhom, NE 68022 Phone: 402-289-1888 August 11, 2009 Page 1 Introduction The purpose of this report is to summarize results of the structural analysis performed on the 100 ft PennSummit Flagpole located at Mattituck, NY, Suffolk County (site ~LI13411B). The tower was originally designed and manufactured by PennSummit (Drawing ~Job #29204-0050 dated February 24, 2004). The pole is an 80 ft steel monopole with a 20 ft top mounted concealment cylinder. Analysis The tower was analyzed using Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc., Software. The analysis assumes that the tower is in good, undamaged, and not, corroded condition. The analysis was performed in conformance with TIAfEIA-222 Rev F and the New York State Building Code for a basic wind speed of 100 mph and 1/2" radial ice with reduced wind speed (fastest mile). This wind speed is equivalent to a 120 mph 3-second gust per the IBC 2003. This is in conformance with the IBC 2003: Section 1609.1.1, Exception (5) and Section 3108.4. Basic Wind Speed: Radial Ice: Code: 100.0mph 86.6mphw/0.50"ice TIA/EIA-222 Rev F Antenna Loads The following antenna loads were used in the tower analysis. Existin~ Antennas Elev. (g) Q~ Antennas Mount Coax ('m) Carrier 3 S20045AI LNA Mounted Inside Concealment 95.0 3 RR65-19-XXDP Cylinder (9) 1 5/8 T-Mobile 3 S20045A1 LNA Mounted Inside 85.0 3 RR65-19-XXDP Concealment Cylinder (9) 1 5/8 Proposed Antennas Elev. (g) 33QtY Antennas 75.0 ETW200VS 12UB 800 10504 Mount Flush Mounted to Pole All transmission lines are assumed running inside of pole shaft. Coax( ) (6) 7/8 Carder Metro PCS All new access holes shall be reinforced with welded rims that are compatible with the pole and to be sized and supplied by pole manufacturer. August 11, 2009 Page 2 Resul~ The existing monopole is structurally capable of supporting the existing and proposed antennas. The maximum structure usage is: 50.1% (pole shaf0; 85.0% (anchor bolts). Pole Reactions Moment (f~-kips) Shear (kips) Original Design Reactions 750.00 13.00 Current Analysis [ Reactions [ % Of Design 596.56 79.5 10.12 77.8 The analysis reactions are tess than the design reactions therefore no foundation modifications are required. Conclusion Based on the analysis results, the existing structure meets the requirements per the TIA/EIA-222 Rev F standards for a basic wind speed of 100 mph and 1/2" radial ice with reduced wind speed. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call 402-289-1888. Standard Conditions Ail engineering services are performed on the basis that the information used is current and correct. This information may consist of; but is not necessary limited, to: Information supplied by the client regarding the structure itself, the antenna and feed line loading on the structure and its components, or other relevant information. Information from drawings in the possession of Semaan Engineering Solutions, or generated by field inspections or measurements of the structure. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the information provided to Semaan Engineering Solutions and used in the performance of our engineering services is correct and complete. In the absence of information to the contrary, we assume that all structures were constructed in accordance with the drawings and specifications and are in an un-corroded condition and have not deteriorated; and we, therefore, assume that their capacity has not significantly changed from the "as new" condition. All services will be performed to the codes specified by the client, and we do not imply to meet any other codes or requirements unless explicitly agreed in writing. If wind and ice loads or other relevant parameters are to be different fi.om the minimum values recommended by the codes, the client shall specify the exact requirement. In the absence of information to the contrary, all work will be performed in accordance with the latest relevant revision of ANSUEIA-222. All services are performed, results obtained, and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices. Semaan Engineering Solutions is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions and recommendations made by others based on the information we supply. 100'.0" SEMAAN ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, LLC 1079 North 205th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68022 Phone: 402-289-1888 Fax: 402-289-1861 80'-0" 45'-0" 40'-9" 85'-0" 7~'-0" 39'-3" 7/32" Thick (65 KSI) 20'-0" 3/16" Thick (65 KSI) 45'-0" 1/4" Thick (65 KSI) 100'-0" Job Information Code: TINEIA-222 Rev F Pole: LI13411B Description: Client: T-Mobile USA-WA Location: Mattituck, NY Shape: 18 Sides Height: 100.00 (fi) Base Elev (f~): 0.00 Taper:. 0.149969 (in/ft) Sections Properties Diameter (in) Ovedap Steel Shaft Length Accmss Fiats Thick Joint Length Taper Grade Section (fi) Top Bottom (in) Type (in) (in/It) (ksi) 1 45.000 3t.44 38.19 0.250 0.000 0.149969 65 2 39,250 26.63 32.51 0.219 Slip Joint 51.000 0.149969 65 3 20,000 26.63 26.63 0.188 Butt Joint 0.000 0.000000 65 Discrete Appurtenance Attach Force Bev (ft) E]ev (fi) Qty Description 95.000 95.000 3 S20045A1 LNA 95.000 95.000 3 RR65-19-XXDP 94.000 94.000 1 12'X18' Flag 85.000 85.000 3 S20045A1 LNA 85.000 85.000 3 RR65-19-XXDP 75.000 75.000 I Td-Antenna Mount 75.000 75.000 3 ETW200VS12UB 75.000 75.000 3 800 10504 IJnear Appurtenance E]ev (fi) Exposed From To Description To Wind 0.000 75.000 7/8 Coax No 0.000 85.000 1 5/8" Coax No 0.000 95.000 1 5/8" Coax No Load Cases No Ice 100.00 mph Wfnd with No Ice Ice 86.60 mph Wind with Ice Reactions Moment Shear Axial Load Case (Kip-ft) (Kips) (l~ps) No Ice 596.56 10.12 10.43 Ice 472.71 7.96 12.90 Load Case: No ice Max Stress 50.1% at O.Oft 90.00C 85.000 80.000 75.000 70.000 65.000 60.000 40.000 30.000 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 0.000 [] ['3- [3- 52 2.87 7.87 12.87 17.87 22.87 27.87 32,87 37.87 42.87 47,87 [~87 Stresses (ksi) Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Shaft Section Prooerties Slip Sect Lenoth Thick Fy Joint Joint Weiuht Num {fi) {in) (ksJI Type Len (in) {lb) 1 45.000 0.2500 65 0.00 4,200 2 39.250 0.2188 65 Slip Joint 8t.00 2,722 3 20.000 0.1876 65 SuttJoint 0.00 1,071 Shaft Weight 7,993 Code: TIA/E[A-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0.000 (fi;) Copyright Semaan Enginee~ng Solu~ons, Inc Y 8/t1/2009 9:39:03 All Page: t x Bottom Dia Elev Area Ix W/t DR (in} (fi) Iscli,) (in^4) Ratio Ratio 38.19 0.000 30.10 5474.8 25.52 t52.7 32.51 40.75 22.42 2955.2 24.80 148.6 26.63 80.00 15.74 1390.t 23.63 142.0 Top Dla Elev Area Ix W/t D/t Ta~er (in) (fi) (sqin) (in^4} Ratio Ratio (in/fi} 31.44 45.00 24.78 3042.1 20.77 128.76 0.14997 26.63 80.00 18.34 t6t6.0 20,05 t21.74 0.14997 26,63 100.0 15.74 1390.1 23.63 t42.03 0.00000 Discrete Appurtenance Properties Attach El~-v (ft) Description Qty 96.00 S2004~A1 LNA 3 95.00 RR68-19-XXDP 3 94.00 t2'X18' Fla~ 1 85.00 S20045A1 LNA 3 85.00 RR65-19-XXDP 3 75.00 TH-Antenna Mount 1 76.00 ETW200VS12UB 3 75.00 800 10604 3 Totals 20 ~ No ice -- Ice Distance Wei~Jht CaAa CaAa Wei~lht CaAa CaAa From Face (lb) (sf} Factor (lb) (sf~ Factor (fi;) 9,92 0,000 1.00 15,03 0.000 23.00 0.000 1.00 52.00 0.000 75.00 18.400 1,00 150.00 18.400 9,92 0.000 1.00 15.03 0.000 23.00 0.000 1.00 52.00 0.000 250.00 5.000 1.00 425.00 7.800 11.00 0.470 0.69 14.50 0.620 17.60 3.351 0.72 35.63 3.872 608.32 1127.67 Vert Ecc (ft) 1.00 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.000 0.000 1.00 0.000 0.000 0.69 0.000 0.000 0.72 0.000 0.000 Numberof Loadings: 8 Linear Appurtenance Properties Elev Elev From To (fi;) (fi) Description 0.00 95.00 (g) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 85.00 (g) 1 5/8" Coax 0.00 75.00 (6) 7/SCoax Total Weight ~ Nolce -- Ice Weight CaAG Weight CaAa Exposed (Ib~t} (sf/ft) <lbFrt} (s fK't} To Wind 9.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 N 9.00 0.00 9.00 0,00 N 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 N 1,845.00 (lb) 1,845.00 (lb) Pole: LI13411B Location: Mattltuck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F Se.qment Properties (MaxLen: 5ft) Se~l Top Flat Elev Thick Dia Area (ft) Description (in) (in) (in^2) Base Elev: 0.000 (ft) Ix Wit D/t Fy Fb (in^4) Ratio Ratio (ksi) (ksi) 8/1112009 9:39:03 Page: 2 Weight (lb) 0.00 0.2500 38.190 30.104 5,474.8 28.62 152.76 65 61 0.0 5.00 0.2500 37.440 29.509 5,156.6 25.00 149.76 65 52 807.1 10.00 0.2500 36.690 28.914 4,850.9 24.47 146.76 65 52 497.0 15.00 0.2500 38.940 28.319 4.587.6 23.94 143.76 65 52 486.9 20.00 0.2500 35,190 27.724 4,276.3 23.41 140.76 65 52 476.8 25.00 0.2600 34.441 27.t29 4,006.9 22.88 137.76 65 52 466.6 30.00 0.2600 33.691 26,534 3,749.0 22.35 134.76 65 52 456.5 35.00 0.2500 32.941 25.939 3,502.4 21.82 131.76 65 52 446.4 40.00 0.2500 32.191 25.344 3,266.9 21.29 t28.76 65 52 436.3 40.75 Bot-Section2 0.2500 32.079 25.255 3.232.6 21.2t t28.31 65 52 64.6 45.00 ToD-Section I 0.2188 31.879 21.981 2,783.7 24.29 145.73 65 52 682,7 50.00 0.2188 31.129 21.460 2,590.6 23.68 142.30 65 52 369.6 55.00 0.2188 30.379 20.940 2,406.6 23.08 138.88 65 82 360.7 60.00 0.2188 29.629 20.419 2,231.5 22.47 135.45 65 52 351.8 65.00 0.2188 28.879 19.899 2,065.t 21.87 132.02 65 52 343.0 70.00 0.2188 28.129 19.378 1,907.2 21.26 128.59 65 52 334.1 75.00 0.2188 27.380 18.857 1.757.6 20.66 t25.16 65 52 325.3 80.00 ToD-Section2 0.2188 26.630 18.337 1,616.0 20.05 121.74 65 52 316.4 80.00 Bot-Secfion3 0.1875 26.630 16.736 1,390.1 23.63 142.03 65 52 85.00 0.1875 26.630 15.736 1,390.I 23.63 142.03 65 52 267.7 90.00 0.t875 26.630 15.736 1.390.1 23.63 142.03 65 62 267.7 94.00 0.1878 26.630 15.736 1.390.1 23.63 142.03 65 52 214.2 95.00 0.1875 26.630 15.736 1.390.1 23.63 142.03 65 52 53.5 7,992.6 Pole: LI13411B Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides BaseDia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (inK't) Load Case: No Ice Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 Code: TIAJEIA-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0.000 (ft) 100.00 mph Wind with No Ice Copyright Sernaan Engineering Solutions, Inc Y 81ttl2009 9:39:03 AI~ Page: 3 x 21 Itemfions Shaft Segment Forces Seg Top Elev Ifil DescHption 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 40.75 Bot-Section 2 45.00 ToD-Section 1 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 76.00 Aone~unance(s} 80.00 Too-Section 2 85.00 ADoe~unance¢s} 90.00 94.00 ADoe~unance(s) 95.00 ADoe~unance{s) 100.0 Ice Wind az ~,Gh C Thick Tributary Aa CfAa Force X Kz Ips0 (ps~ (mph-ff) Cf [,n} (fi) (sO (st (lb) 0.00 1.00 26.600 43.26 318.24 0.660 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.00 1.00 25.600 43.26 312.00 0.650 0.00 6.00 16.766 t0.24 443.1 0.00 1.00 25.600 43.26 308.76 0.660 0.00 6.00 15.444 10.04 434.3 0.00 1.00 25.600 43.26 299.$0 0.650 0.00 5.00 t5.131 9.84 426.6 0.00 1.00 25.600 43.26 293.28 0.650 0.00 5.00 14.819 9.63 416.7 0.00 1.00 25.600 43.26 287.00 0.660 0.00 8.00 14.806 9.43 407.9 0.00 1.00 25.600 43.26 280.75 0.650 0.00 6.00 14.194 9.23 399.2 0.00 1.01 26.034 43.99 276.82 0.680 0.00 5.00 13.882 9.02 397.0 0.00 1.05 27.046 46.70 275.73 0.650 0.00 5.00 13.569 8.82 403.1 0.00 1.06 27.190 45.95 275.50 0.650 0.00 0.75 2.008 t.31 60.0 0.00 1.09 27.972 47.27 273.88 0.650 0.00 4.25 11.403 7.41 350.4 0.00 1.1228.827 48.71 275.27 0.650 0.00 5.00 13.127 8.53 415.7 0.00 1.18 29.623 50.06 272.32 0.650 0.00 5.00 12.814 8.33 417.0 0.00 1.18 30.368 51.32 268.920.660 0.00 5.00 12.502 8.t3 417.1 0.00 1.21 31.071 92.51 265.13 0.650 0.00 5.00 12.189 7.92 416.0 0.00 t.24 31.736 53.63 250.99 0.660 0.00 5.00 tl.877 7.72 414.0 0.00 1.26 32.368 54.70 256.55 0.650 0.00 5.00 11.564 7.52 411.2 0.00 1,28 32.970 55.71 251.84 0.650 0.00 5.00 11.252 7.31 407.5 0.00 1.31 33.546 86.69 254.03 0.650 0.00 5.00 1t,096 7.21 408.9 0.00 1.33 34.098 57.62 256.tl 0.650 0.00 5.00 11.096 7.21 415.6 0.00 1.34 34.525 58.34 257.71 0.650 0.00 4.00 8.877 5.77 336.6 0.00 1.35 34.629 58.52 268.10 0.650 0.00 1.00 2.219 1.44 84.4 0.00 1.37 35.140 69.38 259.99 0.650 0.00 5.00 11.096 7.21 428.3 Totals: 100.00 8,309.6 Dead Tot Dead Load Ice Load (lb) (lb) 0.0 0.0 0,0 607.1 0.0 497.0 0.0 486.9 0.0 476.8 0.0 466.6 0,0 456.5 0.0 446.4 0,0 436.3 0.0 64.6 0.0 682.7 0.0 369.6 0.0 360.7 0.0 39t .8 0.0 343.0 O.O 334.1 0.0 325.3 0.0 316.4 0.0 267.7 0.0 267.7 0.0 214.2 0.0 53.5 0.0 267.7 0.0 7,992.6 Pole: LI134115 Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides BaseDia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Base Elev: Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F o.ooo (ft) ILoad Case: No Ice Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 Discrete Appurtenance Se,qment Forces 100.00 mph Wind with No Ice Elev qz qzGh CaAa (ft) Description Qb/ (psf) (psf) Factor 75.00 Tri-AntennaMount I 32.368 54.70t 1.00 75.00 ETW200VS12UB 3 32.368 54.701 0,69 75.00 80010504 3 32.368 54.701 0.72 85.00 S20045A1 LNA 3 33.546 56.693 1.00 85.00 RR65-19-XXDP 3 33.546 56,693 1.00 94.00 12'X18'Fla~ I 34.525 58.347 1.00 95.00 S20045A1 LNA 3 34.629 58.523 1.00 95.00 RR66-19-XXDP 3 34.629 58.523 1.00 CopyrlghtSemaan EngineeHng Solu~ons, ~c 8/1112009 9:39:03 Page: 4 X Total HoHz Vert Wind Mom Mom CaAa Ecc Ecc FX Y Z (sf) {fi) (ftt (lb) (Ib-~ (Ib-~ 5.00 0.000 0.000 273.51 0.00 0.97 0.000 0.000 53.22 0.00 7.24 0.000 0.000 396.94 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 18.40 0.000 0.000 1,073.57 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 1,796.23 21 Itemfions Dead Load (~b) 0.00 250.00 0.00 33.00 0.00 52.80 0.00 29.76 0.00 69.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 29.76 0.00 69.00 608.32 Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattltuck, NY Height: 100.0 (fi) Shape: 18 Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDla: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Load Case: No Ice Gust Response Factor: '1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 Applied Segment Forces Summary Code: TIAJEIA-222 Rev F Base Eiev: 0,000 (ft) 100.00 mph Wind with No Ice Seg Lateral Axial Elev FX (-) FY (-) (ft) {lb) (lb) 0.00 0,00 0.00 5.00 443.09 612.13 10.00 434.30 602.00 15.00 425.62 691.88 20.00 416.73 881,76 25.00 407.94 571.64 30.00 399.16 661.51 35.00 396.99 661.39 40.00 403.15 641.27 40.75 89.99 80.32 45.00 380.39 771.91 50.00 415.67 474.56 66.00 416.98 465.70 60.00 417.05 456.84 66.00 416.04 447.98 70.00 414.05 439.13 76.00 1,133.84 766.07 80.00 407.52 406.4t 85.00 408.88 456.49 90.00 415.61 312.73 94.00 1,410.22 325.18 95.00 84.42 161.31 100.0 428.32 267.73 Totals: 10,105.86 10,445.92 Tomion MY (Ib-ft1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 Moment MZ Ob-ft) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 z/~Y 8/11/2009 9:39:03 A~ Page: 5 x 21 Itemfions Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattituck. NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides BaseDia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/ft) Base Elev: Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F 0,000 (ft) Load Case: Nolce 100.00mphWindwlthNolce Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 Calculated Shaft Forces and Deflections Seg Lateral Axial Lateral Moment Torsion Elev FX (-) FY (-) F-Z MX MY (ft) (kips) (kips) tkipsl (ft-kipsI Iff-kIpsl 0.00 -10.120 -10.432 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.00 -8.701 -8.796 0.000 O.000 O.000 10.00 -8.287 -9.173 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.00 -8.878 -8.663 0.000 0.000 0.000 20.00 -8.474 -7.965 0.000 0.000 0.000 25.00 -8.076 -7.380 0.000 0.000 0.000 30.00 -7.684 -6.808 0.000 0.000 0.000 35.00 -7.291 -8.249 0.000 0.000 0.000 40.00 -8.884 -5.707 0.000 0.000 0.000 40.75 -6.828 -5.622 0.000 0.000 0.000 45.00 -6.470 -4,847 0.000 0.000 0.000 50.00 -8.052 -4.371 0.000 0.000 0.000 55.00 -5.631 -3.906 0.000 0.000 0.000 60.00 -5.207 -3,453 0,000 0.000 0.000 70.00 -4.36'1 -2.578 0.000 0.000 0.000 75.00 -3.208 -t.841 0.000 0.000 0.000 80.00 -2.790 ~1.444 0.000 0.000 0.000 85.00 -2.368 -0.999 0.000 0.000 0.000 90.00 -1.944 -0.698 0.000 0.000 0.000 94.00 -0.525 -0.414 0.000 0.000 0.000 95.00 -0.436 -0.255 0.000 0.000 0.000 100.0 -0.428 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions. Inc 8/t 1/2009 9:39:03 Page: 6 × 21 Iterations Moment X Z Total MZ Deflect Deflect Deflect Rotation (fi-kips) (in) (in) (in) (deg) -896.562 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -646.965 -0.080 0.000 0.080 -0.148 -497,462 ' -0.314 0.000 0.314 -0.292 -451.029 -0.695 0,000 0,695 -0.431 -406.640 -1.219 0,000 1.219 -0.565 -364.269 -1.881 0.000 1.881 -0.693 -323.888 -2.674 0.000 2.674 -0.816 -285.469 -3.591 0.000 3.591 -0.931 -249.016 -4.625 0.000 4.625 -1.040 -243.852 -4.790 0.000 4.790 -1.066 -214.833 -5.770 0.000 5.770 -1.142 -182.481 -7.016 0.000 7.0t6 -1.236 -152.221 -8.360 0.000 8.360 -1.326 -124.068 -9.794 0.000 9.794 -1.408 -74.112 -12.890 0.000 12.890 -1.538 -62.309 -14.527 0.000 t4.527 -1.585 -36.27t -16.208 0.000 16.208 -1.621 -22.322 -17.921 0.000 17.921 -1.647 -10.481 -19.656 0.000 19.666 -1.664 -2.705 -21.052 0.000 21.052 -1.669 -2.180 -21.402 0.000 2t.402 -1.670 0.000 -23.151 0.000 23.151 -1.671 Pole: Location: Height: Shape: Base Dia: Top Dia: Taper: LI13411B Mattituck, NY 100.0 (fi) 18 Sides 38.19 (in) 26.63 (in) 0.149969 (in/fi) Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0,000 (fi) 81ttl2009 9:39:03 AR Page: 7 Load Case: Nolce Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 100.00 mph Wind with No Ice 21 Itera0ons Calculated Stresses Seg Elev Axial (Y) Shear (X) Shear (Z) Torsion (ft) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) (ksi) 0.00 0.35 0.68 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.33 0.66 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.32 0.65 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.30 0.63 0.00 0.00 20,00 0.29 0.62 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.27 0.60 0.0O 0.00 30.00 0.26 0.68 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.24 0.57 0.00 O.00 40.00 0.23 0.55 0.00 0.00 40.75 0.22 0.54 0.00 0.00 45.00 0.22 0.59 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.20 0.57 0.00 0.00 55.00 0:19 0.54 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.17 0.51 0.00 0.00 65.00 0.15 0.48 0.00 0.00 70.00 0.13 0.45 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.10 0.34 0.00 0.00 80.00 0.08 0.31 0.00 0.00 80.00 0,09 0.36 0.00 0.00 85.00 0.06 0.30 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.04 0.25 0.00 0.00 94.00 0.03 0.07 0.00 0,00 95.00 0.02 0.06 0.00 0,00 100.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 Applied Stresses Bending (X) Bending (Z) (ksi) (ksi) 0.00 25.35 0.00 24.15 0.00 22.92 0.00 21.67 0.00 20.39 0.00 19.08 0.00 17.73 0.00 16.36 0.00 14.95 0.00 14.74 0.00 14.99 0.00 13.36 0.00 11.71 0.00 10.04 0.00 8.35 0.00 6.66 0.00 4.96 0.00 3.64 0.00 4.23 0.00 2.61 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 Allowable Combined Stress (Fb) Stress (ksi) (ksiI Ratio 25.73 51.4 0.0 0.501 24.51 51.8 0.0 0.473 23.27 52.0 0.0 0.448 22.00 52.0 0.0 0.423 20.70 52.0 0.0 0.398 19.38 52.0 0.0 0,373 18.02 52.0 0.0 0,347 16.63 52.0 0.0 0.320 15.20 52.0 0.0 0.293 15.00 52.0 0.0 0.289 15.24 52.0 0.0 0.293 13.60 62.0 0.0 0.262 11.93 52.0 0,0 0,230 10.24 52,0 0.0 0.197 8.64 52.0 0.0 0.164 6.84 52.0 0.0 0.132 6.10 52.0 0.0 0.098 3.76 52.0 0.0 0.072 4.37 52.0 0.0 0.084 2.72 52.0 0,0 0.062 1.34 52.0 0.0 0.026 0.36 52.0 0.0 0,007 0.29 52.0 0.0 0,006 0.10 52.0 0.0 0.002 Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Load Case: Ice GustResponse Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0.000 (fi) 86.60 mph Wind with Ice 8/1112009 9:39:03 AI~ Page: 8 X 20 Iterations Shaft Segment Forces Seg Top Elev (fi) Description 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 40.76 Bot-Section 2 45,00 Too-Section 1 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 ADeertunance(s) 80.00 ToD-Section 2 85.00 A~ertunance(s) 90.00 94.00 A~=ertunance¢s} 95.00 A~ertunance(s} 100.0 Ice Wind Dead Tot Dead az ~zGh C Thick THbutary Aa CfAa Force X Load Ice Load Kz {psf) {psf) {mph-ft) Cf lin} (fl) (st') (sf) {lb) {lb) (lb) 0.00 1.0019.199 32.44275.600.650 0,60 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 1.0019.199 32,44270.190.650 0,50 8.00 16,173 10.51 341,1 117.1 624.2 0.00 1.00 19.199 32.44 264.780,650 0,50 5.00 15.860 10,31 334.5 114.8 611.8 0.00 1.00 19.199 32.44 269.360.650 0.50 5.00 15.548 10.11 327.9 112.4 599.3 0.00 1.00 19.199 32.44 253.950.650 0.50 5.00 15.236 9.90 321.3 110.1 586.9 0.00 1.00 19.199 32.44 248.640.650 0.50 5.00 14.923 9.70 314.7 107.8 574.5 0.00 1.0019.199 32.44243.130.650 0.50 5.0014.611 9,60 308.1 105.6 562.0 0.00 1.01 19.524 32.99 239,730,650 0,50 5.00 14,298 9.29 306,7 103.2 549.6 0.00 1.05 20.284 34.27 238.78 0.650 0.50 5.00 13.986 9.09 311.6 100.9 537.1 0.00 1.06 20.392 34.46 238.58 0.650 0.50 0.75 2.071 1.35 46.4 15.1 79.6 0.00 1.09 20.978 35.45 237.18 0.660 0.50 4.25 11.757 7.64 270.9 84.9 767.6 0.00 1,12 21,619 36.53 238.38 0.650 0.50 5.00 13.543 8.80 321.6 97.6 467.2 0.00 1.15 22.216 37.54 235.83 0.660 0.50 5.00 13,231 8.60 322.9 95.3 456.0 0.00 1.t8 22.775 38.49 232.88 0.680 0.50 5.00 12.918 8.40 323.2 93.0 444.8 0.00 1.21 23.302 39.38 229.60 0.660 0.80 6.00 12.606 8.19 322.7 90.7 433.6 0.00 1.24 23.800 40_22 226.02 0.6S0 0.20 ~_0O 12.293 7.99 321.A 89.3 422,6 0.00 1.26 24.274 41.02 222.17 0.650 0.50 5.00 11.981 7.79 319.5 86.0 411.3 0.00 1.28 24.726 41.78 218.09 0.650 0.60 5.00 11.669 7.58 316.9 83.7 400.1 0.00 1.31 25.158 42.51 219.99 0.650 0.50 5.00 11.512 7.48 318.2 83.7 351.4 0.00 1.33 25.572 43.21 221.79 0.650 0.50 5.00 11.512 7.48 323.4 83.7 351.4 0.00 1.3425.892 43.75 223.17 0.650 0.50 4.00 9.210 5.99 262.0 67.0 281.2 0.00 1.35 25.970 43.89 223.51 0.650 0.50 1.00 2.302 1.50 65,7 16.7 70.3 0.00 t.3726.354 44.53 225.15 0.650 0.50 5.00 11.512 7.48 333.3 83.7 361.4 Totals: 100.00 6,434.0 1,941.2 9,933,8 Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (fi) Shape: 18Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Base Elev: ILoad Case: Ice Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 86.60 mph Wind with Ice Discrete Appurtenance Segment Forces Elev qz qzOh CaAa (fi) Description Qty (psf) (psf} Factor 75.00 TH-Antenna Mount 1 24.274 41,023 1.00 75.00 ETW200VSI2UB 3 24.274 41.023 0.69 75.00 800 10504 3 24,274 41.023 0.72 85.00 S20045A1 LNA 3 25.158 42.517 1.00 85.00 RR65-19-XXDP 3 25.158 42.517 1,00 94.00 t2'X18'Flag I 25.892 43.757 1.00 95.00 S20045A1 LNA 3 26.970 43.890 1.00 95.00 RR66-19-XXDP 3 25.970 43,890 1.00 Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F o.ooo (fi) Copyright Semean Engineering Solutions, Inc 81t112009 9:39:03 A~ Page: 9 x 20 iterations Total Horiz Vart Wind Mom Mom Dead CaAa Ecc Ecc FX Y Z Load (sf) (fi) (ft) (lb) (lb-fi) (lb-fi) (lb) 7.60 0.000 0.000 307.68 0.00 1.28 0.000 0,000 52.65 0.00 8.36 0.000 0,000 343.10 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 18.40 0.000 0.000 805.13 0.00 0.00 0,000 0,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 1,508.55 0.00 425.00 0.00 43.80 0.00 106.89 0.00 45.09 0,00 156.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 45.09 0.00 156.00 1,127.67 Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18Sides BaseDia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26,63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/ft) Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0.000 (ft) Load Case: Ice Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 86.60 mph Wind with Ice Applied Segment Forces Summary Seg Elev (fi) Lateral Axial Torsion Moment FX (-) FY (-) MY MZ (lb) (lb) (lb-fi) (lb-fi) Copyright Semaan Engineering Solutions, Inc Y 8/t112009 9:39:03 AR Page: 10 x 20 Iterations 0.00 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 40.75 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 94.00 95.00 100.0 Totals: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 341.08 729.20 0.00 0.00 334.50 716.76 0.00 0.00 327.91 704.33 0.00 0.00 321.32 691.89 0.00 0,00 314.73 679.45 0,00 0.00 308.14 667.02 0.00 0.00 306.66 654.58 0.00 0.00 311.63 642.14 0.00 0.00 46.39 95.40 0.00 0.00 270.94 856.84 0.00 0.00 321.63 572.15 0.00 0.00 322.88 560.98 0.00 0.00 323.t9 549.81 0.00 0.00 322.67 538.64 0,00 0.00 321.41 527.47 0.00 0.00 1,022,90 1,091.69 0.00 0,00 316.94 490,12 0.00 0.00 318.16 642.53 0.00 0.00 323.40 396.44 0.00 0,00 1,067.08 467.16 0.00 0.00 65.69 280.38 0.00 0.00 333.28 351.44 0.00 0.00 7,942.51 12,906.42 0.00 0.00 Pole: LI13411B Locaflon: Matfltuck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18 Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in/fi) Base Elev: Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F o.ooo I Load Case: Ice 86.60 mph Wind with [ce Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1,00 Wind Load Factor: 1.00 Calculated Shaft Forces and Deflections Copyright Semaan Enginee~fng Solutions, z/~Y 8/11/2009 9:39:03 At~ Page: 1t x 20 Iterations I Seg Lateral Axial Lateral Moment Tomion Moment X Z Total Elev FX (~) FY (-) FZ MX MY MZ Deflect Deflect Deflect Rotation (ft) (kips) (kipsI (kips) (fi-kips) (fi-kips) fft-kipst (in) (in) (in) (deg) 0.00 -7.985 -12.898 0.000 0.000 0.000 -472,713 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 5.00 -7.638 -12~154 0.000 0.000 0.000 -432,937 -0,064 0.000 0.064 -0.118 10.00 -7.324 -11,424 0.000 0.000 0.000 -394.747 -0.249 0.000 0.249 -0,232 16.00 -7.013 -10.708 0.000 0.000 0.000 -358,129 -0.551 0.000 0,651 -0.342 20.00 -6.706 -10,006 0.000 0.000 0.000 -323,066 -0,967 0.000 0.967 -0.449 25.00 -6.400 -9.318 0.000 0.000 0.000 -289.643 -1.492 0.000 1.492 -0.560 30.00 .5.099 -8,644 0.000 0,000 0.000 -257.542 -2.121 0.000 2,121 -0.648 35.00 -5.797 -7,985 0.000 0.000 0.000 ~227.046 -2.849 0,000 2.849 -0.739 40.00 -5.483 -7,342 0.000 0.000 0.000 -198.060 -3.671 0.000 3.671 -0.826 40.75 -5.441 -7.243 0.000 0.000 0.000 -193.947 -3.802 0.000 3.802 -0.839 45.00 -5.165 -6.384 0.000 0.000 0.000 -170.826 -4.580 0.000 4.680 -0.907 50.00 -4.841 -6.811 0.000 0.000 0.000 -145.003 -5.570 0.000 5.570 -0.981 55.00 -4,515 .5.251 0.000 0.000 0.000 -120.798 -6.637 0.000 6.637 -1.054 60.00 -4.186 -4.703 0.000 0.000 0.000 -98.228 -7.777 0,000 7.777 -1.t18 70.00 -3.527 -3.644 0.000 0.000 0.000 -58,014 -10.235 0,000 10.236 -1.221 75.00 -2.482 -2.574 0.000 0.000 0.000 -40,381 -11.534 0,000 11.534 -1.258 80.00 -2.155 -2.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 -27.972 -12.867 0.000 12.867 -1.285 85.00 -1.823 -1.454 0.000 0.000 0,000 -17,197 -14,225 0.000 14.225 -1.305 90.00 -1.491 -1.065 0.000 0.000 0.000 -8,082 -15.599 0,000 15.599 -1.318 94.00 -0.413 -0.622 0.000 0,000 0.000 -2.119 -16.706 0.000 16.706 -1.322 95.00 -0.34t -0.344 0.000 0.000 0.000 -1.706 -t6,983 0.000 16.983 -1,323 100.0 -0,333 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -18.369 0,000 18.369 -1.324 Pole: LII3411B Location: Mat+Jtuck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft} Shape: 18Sides BaseDia: 38.19 (in) Top Dia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in~t) Code: TLaEEIA-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0.000 (ft) Y Page: 8/t t/2009 129:39:03 A~ Load Case: Ice Gust Response Factor: 1.69 Dead Load Factor: 1.00 VVlnd Load Factor: 1.00 86.60 mph Wind with Ice 20 Iterations Calculated Stresses Seg Applied Stresses Elev Axial(Y) Shear(X) Shear(Z) Torsion (ft) (ksl} (ksi) Ikslt (ksi) 0.00 0.43 0.53 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.41 0.52 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.40 0.51 0.00 0.00 15.00 0.38 0.50 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.36 0.49 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.34 0.48 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.33 0.46 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.31 0.45 0.00 0.00 40.00 0.29 0.44 0.00 0.00 40,75 0.29 0.43 0,00 0.00 45.00 0.29 0.47 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.27 0.45 0.00 0,00 55.00 0.26 0.43 0.00 0.00 60.00 0.23 0.41 0.00 0.00 65.00 0.21 0.39 0.00 0,00 70.00 0.19 0.37 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.14 0.27 0.00 0.00 80.00 0.11 0.24 0.00 0.00 80.00 0.13 0.28 0.00 0.00 85.00 0.09 0.23 0.00 0.00 90.00 0.07 0.19 0.00 0.00 94.00 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 95.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 Bending (X) Bending (Z) {ksl) {ksl) 0.00 20.09 0.00 19.15 0.00 18.19 0.00 17.21 0.00 16.20 0,00 16.16 0.00 14.10 0.00 13.01 0,00 11.89 0.00 1t.73 0.00 11.92 0.00 10.62 0.00 9,29 0.00 7.95 0.00 6.59 0.00 5.21 0.00 3.83 0.00 2.81 0.00 3.26 0.00 2.01 0.00 0.94 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 Allowable Combined Stress (Fb) Stress {ks[) {ksi) Ratio 20.64 51.4 0.0 0.400 19.68 51.8 0.0 0.378 18.61 52.0 0.0 0.358 17.61 52.0 0.0 0.339 16,58 62.0 0.0 0.319 15.53 52.0 0.0 0.299 14.46 52.0 0.0 0.278 13.34 52.0 0.0 0.257 12.20 52.0 0.0 0.236 12.04 62.0 0.0 0.232 12.24 62.0 0.0 0.235 10,91 52.0 0.0 0.210 9,57 52.0 0.0 0,184 8.21 52.0 0.0 0.198 6.83 52.0 0.0 0.131 5.44 52.0 0.0 0.105 4.00 62.0 0.0 0.077 2.96 52,0 0.0 0.057 3.43 52,0 0.0 0.066 2,14 52.0 0.0 0.041 1.06 52.0 0.0 0,020 0.30 52.0 0.0 0.006 0,23 52.0 0,0 0.004 0.07 52.0 0.0 0.001 Pole: LII3411B Location: Mattituck, NY Height: 100.0 (ft) Shape: 18 Sides Base Dia: 38.19 (in) TopDia: 26.63 (in) Taper: 0.149969 (in~t) Analysis Summary Code: TIA/EIA-222 Rev F Base Elev: 0.000 (ft) Copy~ght Sernaan Engineedng Solutions, Inc 8/1112009 9:39:03 AI~ Page: 13 x Load Case No Ice Ice Shear Shear FX FZ (kips) (kips) 10.1 0.00 8.0 0.00 Reactions Axial Moment Moment Moment FY MX MY MZ (kips) (ft-kips) (fi-kips) (ft-kips) 10.43 0.00 0.00 596.56 12.90 0.00 0.00 472.71 Max Stresses Combined Allowable Stress Stress Elev Stress (ksi) (ksi) (fi) Ratio 25.73 51.4 0.00 0.501 20.54 51.4 0.00 0.400 Pinnacle Telecom Group Consulting and Engineering Services ,'-' ' 20}0 Antenna Site FCC RF Compliance Assessment and Report MetroPCS Site NY7312 12585 Sound Avenue matTiTuck, NY October 14, 2009 14 Ridgedale Avenue - Suite 209 ° cedar Knolls, NJ 07927 ° 973-451-1630 CONTENTS Introduction and Summary Antenna and Transmission Data Mathematical Compliance Analysis Compliance Conclusion Certification 3 5 6 11 12 Appendix A. Background on the FCC MPE limiT Appendix B. Summary of Expert Qualifications InTroduction and Summary At the request of MetroPCS, Pinnacle Telecom Group has performed an independent expert assessment of radiofrequency (RF) levels and related FCC compliance for a proposed wireless base station antenna operation to be added to an existing "flagpole style" monopole located at 12585 Sound Avenue in Mattituck, NY. MetroPCS refers to the site by the code "NY7312", and proposes panel antennas arranged for sectorized service coverage using the 2130-2140 MHz frequency band. The FCC requires all wireless operators to perform an assessment of the RF fields emanating from all the transmitting antennas at a site whenever antenna operations are added or modified, and to ensure compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit in the FCC regulations. In this case, the compliance assessment needs to incorporate the RF effects of an existing cellular antenna operation at the site by T-Mobile. Note that FCC regulations require any future antenna collocator to specifically assess and assure continuing FCC compliance based on the overall RF effects of all proposed and then-existing antennas at the site. This report describes a mathematical analysis of compliance with the FCC MPE limit for safe continuous exposure of the general public. The RF effects of the antennas are calculated using a standard FCC formula - and the analysis is designed to conservatively overstate the RF levels that actually occur from the antennas. In that way, though, as long as the results indicate RF levels below the MPE limit, we can have great confidence the compliance requirement is satisfied. The results of a compliance assessment such as this can be described in layman's terms by expressing the caIculated RF levels as simple percentages of the FCC MPE limit. If the reference for that limit is 100 percent, then calculated RF levels higher than 100 percent indicate the MPE limit is exceeded and there is a need to mitigate the potential exposure, while calculated RF levels lower than 100 percent indicate compliance with the limit. We can (and will) also 3 describe the worst-case result via the "plain-English" equivalent "times-below- the-limit" factor. The result of the FCC compliance assessment in this case is as follows: [] The conservatively calculated maximum RF level from the combination of proposed and existing antenna operations at the site is 0.6780 percent (i.e., less than 7/10tbs of one percent) of the FCC MPE limit. In other words, the worst-case calculated RF level is more than 145 times below the limit established as safe for continuous human exposure to the RF emissions from antennas. [] The results of the calculations provide clear demonstration that the RF levels from the combination of proposed and existing antenna operations will be in clear compliance with the FCC MPE limit. Moreover, because of the conservative methodology and assumptions we incorporated in the analysis, the RF levels actually caused by the antennas will be even less significant than these calculation results indicate. The remainder of this report provides the following: relevant technical data on the proposed MetroPCS antenna operation at the site, as well as on the existing antenna operation; ~3 a description of the FCC model for assessing MPE compliance, and application of the relevant technical data to that model; and [] analysis of the results, and the compliance conclusion for the antenna site. in addition, two Appendices are included. Appendix A provides background on the FCC MPE limit along with a list of key FCC references on compliance. Appendix B provides a summary of the qualifications of the expert certifying FCC compliance for this site. 4 Antenna and Transmission Data The table below summarizes the relevant technical data for the proposed MetroPCS antenna operation. Technical Data - MetroPCS Frequency Band 2130 - 2140 MHz Service Coverage Type Sectodzed - with identical transmission and compliance-related parameters Antenna Manufacturer & Model Kathrein 800-10504 (or equiv.) Antenna Maximum Gain 17.8 dBi Antenna Centerline Height AGL 75 ft. RF Channels per Sector 7 Transmitter Power / RF Channel 24 watts (max.) Antenna Line Loss Conservativel i nored assumed 0 dB) The antenna vertical-plane emission pattern is used in the calculations of RF levels at ground level around a site, as it is a key determinant of the relative amount of RF emissions in the "downward" direction. Figure 1 on the next page shows the vertical-plane emission pattern of the antenna model proposed here by MetroPCS. Note that in these types of antenna emission pattern diagrams, the antenna is effectively pointed at the three o'clock position (the horizon) and the relative strength of the pattern at different angles is described using decibel units. Note, too, that the use of a decibel scale to describe the relative pattern at different angles incidentally serves to significantly understate the actual focusing effects of the antenna. Where the antenna pattern reads 20 dB, for example, the relative RF energy emitted at the corresponding downward angle is 1/100th of the maximum that occurs in the main beam (at 0 degrees); at the 30 dB point, it is 1/1,000th of the maximum. Figure 1. Kathrein 800-10504 Antenna-Vertical-plane Emission Pattern 0 deg hodzon 5 dB / dNision As noted at the outset, there is an existing T-Mobile antenna operation to include in the compliance assessment. In the analysis for T-Mobile, we will conservatively assume operation with maximum channel capacity and at maximum transmitter power. T-Mobile (also known as Omnipoint) is licensed to operate in the 1900 MHz band, and uses a maximum of eight RF channels in each antenna sector, with a maximum transmitter power of 20 watts per channel. T-Mobile is also licensed to operate in the 2100 MHz band, and uses two channels per sector, with a maximum of 40 watts of transmitter power per channel. The T-Mobile antennas are stacked at the top of the 100-foot flagpole. Mathematical Compliance Analysis FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin 65 ("OET Bulletin 65") provides guidelines for mathematical models to calculate the RF levels at various points around transmitting antennas. At street-level around an antenna site (in what is called the "far field" of the antennas), the RF levels are directly proportional to the total antenna input power and the relative antenna gain in the downward direction of interest - and the levels are otherwise inversely proportional to the square of the straight-line distance to the antenna. Conservative calculations also assume the potential RF exposure is enhanced by reflection of the RF energy from the ground. Our calculations will assume a 100% "perfect" reflection, the worst-case approach. The FCC's formula for street-level compliance assessment for any given wireless antenna operation is as follows: MPE% = (100 * TxPower * 10 (Gmax-Vdisc/10) * 4 ) / ( MPE * 4= * R2 ) where MPE% = RF level, expressed as a percentage of the MPE limit applicable to continuous exposure of the general public 100 TxPower = MPE = R = = factor to convert the raw result to a percentage maximum net power into antenna sector, in milliwatts, a function of the number of channels per sector, the transmitter power per channel, and line loss numeric equivalent of the relative antenna gain in the downward direction of interest; data on the antenna vertical-plane pattern is taken from manufacturer specifications factor to account for a 100-percent-efficient energy reflection from the ground, and the squared relationship between RF field strength and power density (22: 4) FCC general population MPE limit straight-line distance from the RF source to the point of interest, centimeters The MPE% calculations are performed out to a distance of 500 feet from the facility to points 6.5 feet (approximately two meters, the FCC-recommended standing height) offthe ground, as iIlustrated in Figure 2 on the next page. height from antenna bottom to 6.5' above ground level antenna 0 ~, 500 Ground Distance D from the site Figure 2. MPE% Calculation Geometry It is popularly understood that the farther away one is from an antenna, the lower the RF level - which is generally but not universally correct. The results of MPE% calculations fairly close to the site will reflect the variations in the vertical- plane antenna pattern as well as the variation in straight-line distance to the antennas. Therefore, RF levels may actually increase slightly with increasing distance within the range of zero to 500 feet from the site. As the distance approaches 500 feet and beyond, though, the antenna pattern factor becomes less significant, the RF levels become primarily distance-controlled, and as a result the RF levels generally decrease with increasing distance, and are well understood to be in compliance. FCC compliance for a collocated antenna site is assessed in the following manner. At each distance point along the ground, an MPE% calculation is made for each antenna operation, and the sum of the individual MPE% contributions at each point is compared to 100 percent, the normalized reference for compliance with the MPE limit. We refer to the sum of the individual MPE% contributions as "total MPE%", and any calculated total MPE% result exceeding 100 percent is, by definition, higher than the FCC limit and represent non-compliance and a need to mitigate the potential exposure. If all results are consistently below 100 percent, on the other hand, that set of results serves as a clear and sufficient demonstration of compliance with the MPE limit. Note that according to the FCC, when directional antennas and sectorized coverage arrangements are used, the compliance assessments are based on the RF effect of a single (facing) sector, as the RF effects of directional antennas facing generally away are insignificant. The following conservative methodology and assumptions are incorporated into the MPE% calculations on a general basis: 1. The antennas are assumed to be operating continuously at maximum power and maximum channel capacity - and the power-attenuation effects referred to as antenna line loss are ignored wherever possible. 2. The power-attenuation effects of shadowing or other obstructions to the line-of-sight path from the antenna to the point of interest are ignored. 3. The calculations intentionally minimize the distance factor (R) by assuming a 6'6" human and performing the calculations from the bottom (rather than the centedine) of each operator's lowest-mounted antenna, as applicable. 4. The potential RF exposure at ground level is assumed to be 100-percent enhanced (increased) via a "perfect" field reflection from the ground itself. The net result of these assumptions is to significantly overstate the calculated RF exposure levels relative to the levels that will actually occur - and the purpose of this conservatism is to allow very "safe-side" conclusions about compliance. The table that follows provides the results of the MPE% calculations for each operator, with the worst-case (maximum) result highlighted in bold in the last column. 9 Ground MetroPCS T-Mobile Total ~ MPE% MPE% MPE% 0 0.0313 0.0642 0.0955 20 0.0574 0.0096 0.0670 40 0.6481 0.0299 0.6780 60 0.1748 0.0138 0.1886 80 0.1832 0.0602 0.2434 100 0,1033 0.0324 0,1357 120 0.0784 0.0793 0.1577 140 0.0828 0.0549 0.1377 160 0.1489 0.1295 0.2784 180 0.0745 0.0629 0.1374 200 0.0410 0.0371 0.0781 220 0.1015 0.0857 0.1872 240 0.1142 0.1647 0.2789 260 0.1042 0.1375 0.2417 280 0.0793 0.0941 0.1734 300 0.0529 0.0731 0.1260 320 0.0349 0.0844 0.1193 340 0.0310 0.1222 0.1532 360 0.0251 0.1535 0.1786 380 0.0297 0.1384 0.1681 400 0.0269 0.1438 0.1707 420 0.0465 0.1309 0.1774 440 0.0425 0.1008 0.1433 460 0.0390 0.0924 0.1314 480 0.0808 0.0851 0.1659 500 0.0746 0.0572 0.1318 As indicated, the worst-case calculated RF level at street-level is 0.6780 percent of the FCC MPE limit. A graph of the calculation results, provided on the following page, probably provides a clearer visual illustration of the relative insignificance of the calculated RF levels. The line representing the calculated total MPE% results does not noticeably rise above the graph's zero baseline, and shows an obviously clear and consistent margin to the FCC MPE limit. 10 120 100 80 Q" 6O ~ 40 0 ~ 2O 0 COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT RESULTS Normalized FCC MPE Limit · Total MPE% Results 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance (fi) Compliance Conclusion The FCC MPE limit has been constructed in such a manner that continuous human exposure to RF emissions up to and including 100 percent of the MPE limit is acceptable and completely safe. As described, the analysis in this case shows that the conservatively calculated maximum RF level from the combination of proposed and existing antenna operations at the site is only 0.6780 percent (i.e., less than 7/10tbs of one percent) of the FCC MPE limit, in other words, the worst-case calculated RF level from the combination of proposed and existing antennas at the site is more than 145 times below the federal limit established as safe for continuous human exposure to the RF emissions from antennas. The results of the calculations provide a clear demonstration of compliance with the FCC MPE limit. Moreover, because of the conservative calculation methodology and operational assumptions we applied in the analysis, RF levels actually caused by the antennas will be even less significant than the calculation results here indicate. 11 CerTification It is the policy of Pinnacle Telecom Group that all FCC RF compliance assessments are reviewed, approved, and signed by the firm's Chief Technical Officer, who certifies as follows: 1. I have read and fully understand the FCC regulations concerning RF safety and the control of human exposure to RF fields (47 CFR 1.1301 et seq). 2. To the best of my knowledge, the statements and information disclosed in this report are true, complete and accurate. 3. The analysis of site RF compliance provided herein is consistent with the applicable FCC regulations, additional guidelines issued by the FCC, and industry practice. 4. The results of the analysis indicate that the antenna emissions at the subject site will be in compliance with the FCC regulations concerning RF exposure. Chief Technical Officer Pinnacle Telecom Group, LLC 10/14/09 Date 12 Appendix A: Background on the FCC MPE Limit FCC Rules and Regulations As directed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC has established limits for maximum continuous human exposure to RF fields. The FCC maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits represent the consensus of federal agencies and independent experts responsible for RF safety matters. Those agencies include the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In formulating its guidelines, the FCC also considered input from the public and technical community - notably the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The FCC's RF exposure guidelines are incorporated in Section 1.301 et seq of its Rules and Regulations (47 CFR 1.1301-1.1310). Those guidelines specify MPE limits for both occupational and general population exposure. The specified continuous exposure MPE limits are based on known variation of human body susceptibility in different frequency ranges, and a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of 4 watts per kilogram, which is universally considered to accurately represent human capacity to dissipate incident RF energy (in the form of heat). The occupational MPE guidelines incorporate a safety factor of 10 or greater with respect to RF levels known to represent a health hazard, and an additional safety factor of five is applied to the MPE limits for general population exposure. Thus, the general population MPE limit has a built-in safety factor of more than 50. The limits were constructed to appropriately protect humans of both sexes and all ages and sizes and under all conditions - and continuous exposure at levels equal to or below the applicable MPE limits is considered to result in no adverse health effects or even health risk. The reason for two tiers of MPE limits is based on an understanding and assumption that members of the general public are unlikely to have had appropriate RF safety training and may not be aware of the exposures they receive; occupational exposure in controlled environments, on the other hand, is assumed to involve individuals who have had such training, are aware of the exposures, and know how to maintain a safe personal work environment. The FCC's RF exposure limits are expressed in two equivalent forms, using alternative units of field strength (expressed in volts per meter, or V/m), and power density (expressed in milliwatts per square centimeter, or mW/cm2). The table on the next page lists the FCC limits for both occupational and general population exposures, using the mW/cm2 reference, for the different radio frequency ranges. 13 Frequency Range (F) (MHz) Occupational Exposure ( mWlcm2 ) General Public Exposure ( mW/cra2) 0.3 - 1.34 100 100 1.34 - 3.0 100 180 / Fa 3.0 - 30 900 / F2 180 / F2 30 - 300 1.0 0.2 300 - 1,500 F / 300 F / 1500 1,500- 100,0OO 5.0 1.0 The diagram below provides a graphical illustration of 'both the FCC's occupational and general population MPE limits. Power Density (mW/cm2) 100 5.0 1.0 0.2 Occupa~onal ......... General Public 1.34 3.0 30 300 1,500 100,000 Frequency (MHz) Because the FCC's RF exposure limits are frequency-shaped, the exact MPE limits applicable to the instant situation depend on the frequency range used by the systems of interest. 14 The most appropriate method of determining RF compliance is to calculate the RF power density attributable to a particular system and compare that to the MPE limit applicable to the operating frequency in question. The result is usually expressed as a percentage of the MPE limit. For potential exposure from multiple systems, the respective percentages of the MPE limits are added, and the total percentage compared to 100 (percent of the limit). If the result is less than 100, the total exposure is in compliance; if it is more than 100, exposure mitigation measures are necessary to achieve compliance. FCC References 47 CFR, FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 1 (Practice and Procedure), Section 1.1310 (Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits). 47 CFR, FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 22 (Public Mobile Services). 47 CFR, FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 24 (Personal Communications Services). FCC Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 97-303), In the Matter of Procedures for Reviewing Requests for Relief From State and Local Regulations Pursuant to Section 332(c)(7)(B)(v) of the Communications Act of 1934 (WT Docket 97-192), Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation (ET Docket 93-62), and Petition for Rulemaking of the Ceflular Telecommunications Industry Association Conceming Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Preempt State and Local Regulation of Commercial Mobile Radio Service Transmitting Facilities, released August 25, 1997. FCC First Memorandum Opinion and Order, ET Docket 93-62, In the Matter of Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, released December 24, 1996. FCC Report and Order, ET Docket 93-62, In the Matter of Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, released August 1, 1996. FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Edition 97-01, August 1997. FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 56, "Questions and Answers About Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of RF Radiation", edition 4, August 1999. 15 Appendix B: Summary of Expert Qualifications Daniel J. Collins, Chief Technical Officer, Pinnacle Telecom Group, LLC Synopsis: · 37 years of experience in all aspects of wireless system engineering, related regulation, and RF exposure · Has performed or led RF exposure compliance assessments on more than '12,000 antenna sites since the new FCC rules went into effect in 1997 · Has provided testimony as an RF compliance expert more than 1,200 times since 1997 · Accepted as an expert in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and more than 40 other states, as well as by the FCC Education: · B.E.E., City College of New York (Sch. Of Eng.), 1971 · M.B.A., 1982, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1982 · Bronx High School of Science, 1966 Current Responsibilities: · Leads all PTG staff work involving RF safety and FCC compliance, microwave and satellite system engineering, and consulting on wireless technology and regulation Prior Experience: · Edwards & Kelcey, VP - RF Engineering and Chief Information Technology Officer, 1996-99 · Bellcore, Executive Director- Regulation and Public Policy, 1983-96 · AT&T (Corp. HQ), Director - Spectrum Management Policy and Practice, 1977-83 · AT&T Long Lines, Group Supervisor - Microwave Radio System Design, 1972-77 Specific Ri=Safety/ · Involved in RF exposure matters since 1972 Compliance Experience: · Have had lead corporate responsibility for RF safety and compliance at AT&T, Bellcore, Edwards & Kelcey, and PTG · While at AT&T, helped develop the mathematical models later adopted by the FCC for predicting RF exposure · Have been relied on for compliance by all major wireless carriers, as well as by the federal government, several state and local governments, equipment manufacturers, system integrators, and other consulting / engineering firms Other Background: · Author, Microwave System Engineerfng (AT&T, 1974) · Co-author and executive editor, A Guide to New Technologies and Services (Bellcore, 1993) · National Spectrum Managers Association (NSMA) - former three-term President and Chairman of the Board of Directors; was founding member, twice-elected Vice President, a long-time member of the Board of Directors, and was named an NSMA Fellow in 1991 · Listed in Who's Who in the Media and Communication and International Who's Who in/nforrnation Technology · Published more than 35 articles in indust~ magazines 16 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including BuiMing Permits' and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.nc~), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. APR 2 2010 B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 141 3 3 8.1 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ~ Planning Dept. [--~ Building Dept. [] Board of Trustees [] Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Proposed Wireless Telecon~aunication Services Facility that consists of three (3) antennas affixed to the exterior of an existing flagpole- monopole and the installation of related equipment on a 10'x16' concrete pad within the existing fenced compound. Evergreen landscape screening will be planted to surround the existing compound. Loca6onofacfion:12585 Sound Avenue, Hamlet of Mattituck, Town of Southold $iteacreage: Approximately + 3.82 acres Present land usc: un-manned public utility wireless communications facility Present zoning classit]cation: LI: Light Industrial If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Nameofapplicant:MetroPCS New York, LLC (b) Moilingadd~ss:5 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532 (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( ) (914) 593-8500 (d) Application number, if any:. Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ~ No [~ If yes, which state or federal agency?. FCC DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~ No ~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets ff necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. Sec LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria yes I~ No ~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ~ Yes ~-~ No ~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. ]~inimia,e loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section HI - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ~ yes V-~ No ~-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water q,,allty and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ~-~ Yes [] No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems induding Signifkant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes [] No~-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachments Atlach additional sheets if neeessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air q~mlity in the Town of Soutlmld. See LWRP Section HI - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~ No~-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary POlicy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ~ Yes ~'~ No ~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ~-~ Ye~ No ~ Not Applicable Atlach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ~-~ Yes ~-~ No [-~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. Sec LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ~ Yes ~ No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section llI- Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~ No [-~ Not Applicable Refer to attachment Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~ No ~ Not Applicable Created on 5/25/05 11:20 AM Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSNENT FORN DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FACILITY: Me~ New Y0~ L~¢ proposes m co~loca~e am. eenas ~ a centerline height of 75 feet flush-mounted to existing 100-foot stealth monopole. Additonally, Me~r0PCS New YoRk,/_LC proposes to place support equipment, including four equipment cabinets, at the base of she tower on a new 10 foot by 16 foot concrete slab within the existing compound. Proposed coaxial cables will be routed along a new cable bridge to the existing monopole. Underground utilities will be connected to a proposed meter board and PTC cabinet within the sheker. The Project Site will be accessed via an existing driveway commencing from Middle Road. Proposed evergreen planting will surround the compound to provide landscape screening. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Policy 2. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efllcient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. The adverse effects of development are mitigated by collocating the proposed telecommunications facility on an existing tower constructed on a commercial property. As such, the community character of the area, specif~_ally agricultural land and water-dependent and water-enhanced uses (land surrounding I'lattituck Inlet and Creek) will not be adversely impacted. With regards to community considerations, based on the above, the proposed undertaking meets the longstanding planning goals of the Town of Southold which are to "reflect the interest in preserving and enhancing the natural and built environment and providing opportunities for a level of growth and expansion of the economic base that is compatible with the existing scale of development, availability of water, existing sensitive environment of the Town and its historic heritage." Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. EBI evaluated whether the stipulations contained within Nationwide Programmatic Agreement for the Collocation of Wireless Antennas (the "Collocation Agreement") allow I~letroPCS New York. LLC to construct the proposed facility without consulting with the New York State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). Based on the project design, the Collocation Agreement's exclusionary conditions for SHPO consultation apply to this project. Based on the above, the proposed undertaking will protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. Sen LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Re Minimize int~x~ductlon of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The adverse effects of the proposed project are mitigated by collocating the proposed telecommunications facility to an existing stealth tower. Of importance, no microwave dishes will be installed. In addition, the proposed equipment will be located within an existing compound on the subject property and screened by new ever~een trees thereby reducing any visual impact from the neighborin§ lots. B. Restore deteriorated and remove degraded visual components. Ce Screen components of development which detract from visual quality. The proposed antennas will be flush-mounted to an existing tower and proposed equipment will be located within an existing compound on the subject property and screened by evergreen trees, thereby reducing any visual impact from the neighboring lots. De Use appropriate siting, scales, forms, and materials to ensure that structures are compatible with and add interest to existing scenic components. The proposed project involves the collocation of antennas and equipment to an existing telecommunications facility. As such, is compatible to existing scale, form and materfal. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality.' I. Preserve existing vegetation which contributes to the scenic quality of the landscape. 2. Allow for selective clearing of vegetation to provide public views without impairing values associated vdth the affected vegetation. 3. Restore historic or important designed landscapes to preserve intended or designed aesthetic values. 4. Restore or add indigenous vegetative cover that presents a natural appearance. The proposed under,king will NOT require ~e removal existing indigenous vegetation. New evergreen t~es will surround the exis~ng compoun~ F. Improve the visual quality associated with hamlet area~ N/A G. Improve the visual quality of historic maritime area~ N/A He Protect the visual interest provided by active water-dependent use~ The proposed project involves the collocation of antennas and equipment to an existing telecommunications facility. Visual interest provided by active water-dependent uses will not be adversely impacted. L Anticipate and prevent impairment of dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities. The proposed project involves the collocation of antennas and equipment to an existing telecommunications facility. Policy' 4. Policy 5. Dynamic landscape elements that contribute to ephemeral visual qualities will not be affected. Protect visual quality associated with public lands, including public transportation routes, public parks and public trust lands and waters. The proposed project involves the collocation of antennas and equipment at an existing telecommunications facility. The proposed undertaking will not introduce further negative visual elements that would cause an interruption of vistas important to the character of the area~ I. Limit water surface coverage or intrusion to the minimum amount necessary. N/A 2. Limit alteration of shoreline elements which contribute to scenic quality. N/A Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. The proposed project involves the collocation of antennas and equipment to an existing telecommunications facility. The visual quality of agricultural land, open space and natural resources will be protected. I. Maintain or restore original landforms except where altered landforms provide useful screening or contribute to scenic quality. Existing landforms will not be altered. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. All supporting structures will be located within the existing compound. 3. Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landsr~pes including: a) introduction of intrusive artificial light sources; Intrusive artificial lighting is not proposed. b) fragmentation of and structural intrusion iuto open space areas; open space areas will not be affected c) changes to the continuity and configuration of natural shorelines and associated vegetation The natural shoreline will not be affected Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. $=c. LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the site area (Community No. 360813, Panel No. 0481H, revised September 25, 2009) indicates that the Project Site is located w'ffhin a Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by 100-Year Flood (Zone AE El. 8). To mitigate any potential impacts the proposed undertaking will adhere to local permitting requirements. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. The proposed project involves dm collocation of antennas and equipment at an existing telecommunications f~cility and will not impact the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife H~bitats and wedands. According to the "Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings", issued by the New York State Depa, u,,ent of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)- Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources, dated May 2009, for communications facilities projects that involve "New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn, pavement and/or gravel," the I~IYSDEC does not "have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects." Inasmuch as the proposed project is located on land previously disturbed within an existing fenced compound, rare spocJes or significant natural communities will not be affected by development of the proposed undertaking. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. The proposed undertaking will not generate air pollution. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town OF Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. T~e proposed undertaking is un-manned and will not generate solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. N/A Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote s'~ing of new water- dependent uses in suitable locations. N/A Policy I I. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town water~ N/A Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. The proposed project involves the collocation of antennas and equipment at an existing telecommunications facility, thereby protec~Jng agricultural land. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. N/A 617.20 Appendix A ~ State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM APR 2 S 2010 Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a'~'or action may be significant. The questJen of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequently, there am aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasurable. It is also understood that these who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically export in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of signif~aoce. The full FAF is intended to provide a method whereby applk:ants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or ectien. Full FAF Comments: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Pat1: Provides objective deta and information aboat a given project and its sIte. By identifying basic project data, itassists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action, It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. THIS AREA FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE -- Type I and Unlisted Actions Upon review of the ir~formation recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting infurmatkm, and considering both the magnItude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will net have a signif~'~mt impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaratJen will he I~- NB, Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED ne~ltkre declarardon wi# be prel:lared. * The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive de~aration ~ be ~. *A CondiUoned Negative Declaration is only valkJ for Unlisted Actions MctroPCS New York, LLC Wirelcss Telecommunications Facility Name of Action Town of Southold Planning Board Print or Type Name of Responsible Off~-~ in Lead Agency TKle of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) website Page 1 of 21 PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full FAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiting such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and sPeC~ each instance. Name of Action Wireless Telecommunication Facility Site ID# NY7312 Location of Action (include Street Address, Municipality and County) 12585 Sound Avenue, Hamlet of Mattiluck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York Name of ApplicaffdSponsor MctroPCS New York, LLC Address 5 Skyline Drive City ! PO Hawthorne State New York Zip Cede 10532 Business Telephone (914) 593-8556 Name of Owner (if different) Gcorgc L. Penny, Inc. Address 12585 Sound Avenue City / PO Mattituck Business Telephone (651 ) 2984~559 State NY Zip Code 11952 Description of Action: Proposed Wireless Telecommunication Services Facility that consists of three (3) antennas affixed to thc exterior of an existing flagpole-monopole and the installation of related equipment on a 10'x16' concrete pad within the existing fenced compound. Evergreen landscape screening will be planted to surround the existing compound. Page 2 of 21 Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use: r'~ Urban [] Industrial [] Commercial [~ Forest D Residemial (suburban) [] Agdculture r~ Other wireless Telccommtmications Facility E Rural (non-farm) 2. Total acmege of project area: 0.004 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Bmshland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION 0 acres 0 acres 0acres {)acres 0acres 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres 0 acres {),004 acres {)~004 acres 0 acres {) acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? Cut and fill land, gently sloping a. Soil drainage: r"'] Well drained % of site [] Moderately w~l drained l O0 % of site. [--~Ponrly drained __% o~ site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil am classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres (see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? [] Yes [] No a. What is depth to bedrock ~.33 (in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: [~0-10% 100% [~10- 15% % [--1 15% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguons to, er contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? [] Ye~ [] No Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natmel Landmarks? NYes r~lNo What is the depth of the water table? > 4 (in feet) Is site located over a pdmary, principal, or sole source aquifer? ~Yes r'~ No E]Y I lNo 10, Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project ama? Page 3 of 21 Accordi~ to: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (see attached) 12. Are there any unique or unusual land focms on the project site? (i.e., dilf$, dunes, other geological formations? r']Yes r~'] No Describe: 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? DYes [~No If yes, explain: I 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community?. I OYes I~No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tr~ 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: No b. Size (in acres): Page 4 of 21 17. Is the site seved by existing public utilities? [] Yes [] No a. If YES, does suff~ient capacity exist to allow connection? [] Yes [] No b. If YES, will improvements he nece~ary to allow connection? NYes []No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agdcuitum and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? [~Yes [~No 1 9. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? [] Yes [] No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? B. Ptoject Desc~p~on 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions es appropriate). r-]Yes []No a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: b. Project acreage to be developed: 0.004 acres initially; c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: 0 acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expan~On proposed. __ f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing I; proposed g. Maximum vehicular flips generated per hour: h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Initially Ultimately 0.004 acres. 0.004 acres uitimately. N/A % 0 l/month (upon completion of project)? Two Family Multiple Family Condominium i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest ~ structure: 6.31 height; j. Unear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? How much natural matehal (i.e, rock, earth, etc.) will be removnd from the site? 0 Will disturbed areas be reclaimed r~Yes DNo ~IN/A a. ff yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? 2.95 width; Off. __ tons/cubic yards. 2.67 length, (equipment cabinet ) b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for recJamation? [] Ye~ [] No c. Will upper subsoil he steckpiled for mclamatJou? DYes ~ No 4, How many acres of' vegetation (flees, shrubs, ground covers) will he removed from site? 0.004 acres. Page 5 of 21 5.' Will any mature f(xest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project?, N Yes [] No 6. If single phase project: An'ddpated peried of constmciJon: 1 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated N/A (numbor) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: __ month c, Approximate completion date of final phase: __ month __ __ months, (including demolition) __ year, (including demolition) year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ~ ~ Yes ~ ~ No 8. Will Masting occur during construction? N Yes ~'] No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 4 ; after project is complete 0 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 1 1. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? DYes [~ No If yes. explain: 12, Is surface liquid waste disposal involved?. N Yes ~=] No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? [] Yes ~"~ NO Type 14, Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by pn3pesart NYes [~']No If yes, explain: I 15. Is project o~ ar~ portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? r~-"~Yes 16. Will the project gem~ate solid waste? [--'l Yes [] No DNo a. If yes, what is the amount per month? __ tons b. if yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used?, r'~ Yes [] No c. If yes, give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a senita~ landfill? r--lYes E]No Page 6 of 21 e.' If yes,'explain: 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? I lYes lmlNo a, If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal?. __ tons/month, b. if yes, what is the anticipated site life? __ years, 19. Wilt project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? [] Yes I~1 No 20, Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? DYes I'~No 21, Will project result in an increase in energy use? ~ Yes N NO If yes, indicate type(s) Minimal increase in electrical power (200 AMPS) 22. if water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity N/A gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day N/~A gallons/day. 24. Does project irnnadve Local, State or Federal feeding? [] Yes I~1 "o If ~n~, explain: Page 7 of 21 City, Town, Village Board N Yes r~ No Type Submittal Date City. Town. Village Planning Board r~ Yes r-'l No Site Plan Application Special Exception Permit City, Town Zoning Board N Yes [~1 No City, County Health DepaAment r"J Yes J~J No Other Local Agencies r--j Yes J~J No Other Regional Agencies r-'lYes ~ No S~teAgenc~es NYes r~l No Federal Agencies [---]Yes [~No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? r~'jYes if Yes, indicate decision required: N Zoning amendment r~ site plan r-.j No r--j zoning variance r~j special use permit [~] New/revision of master plan N Reseurce management plan r'-j Sulxlivision r-J Page 8 of 21 What is the zoning classification(s) of tim site7 ILl: Light Industrial District 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as parmitted by the present zoning?. 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? No Cha~ge 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if devcloped as permitted by the proposed zoning? N/A 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? F~Yes [] No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y~ mile radius of proposed action? The subject parcel is located on the north side of Sotmd Avenue, west of Westphalia Road. It is currently improved by several indusllial structm'es in addition to the existing 100' flagpole-monopole and equipment ama constructed by Omnipoint. The Long Island Railroad abuts the subject parcel to the southeast. Zoning Classifications: LI: Light Industrial Dislxict LB: Light Business HB: Hamlet Business R40: Residential Low Density AA 8. Is [he proposed acldon compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a Y~ mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed?. N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? N No Page 9 of 21 Will pn~pesed action require any authodzation($) for the foonairJon of sewer or wate~ distliCtS? [] Yes [] NO 11. Will the pmpesed action c~eate a demand for any community provided sec'vices (recrea~on. education, police, fire protection? ~-'~ Yes ~'~No If .yes. is existir~:j capacity sufficient to handle projected demand?. [] Yes [] No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traff~ significantly above present levels? a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. DYes I ]Yes [] No r-l.e D. Inf~'mational Details Attach any additional information as may he needed to clarif7 your project. If there are o¢ may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. ve~fication I certify that the information provided above is lxue to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name MetmPCS New York, LLC Date 3/19/2010 Title EBI Consulting, Program Director- Telecommunications Page 10 of 21 PART 2 - PROJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR MAGNITUDE Responslbil#y o~ Lead A~lency General Information (Read Carefully) In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and determinations been reasonable? The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing typos of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be apprepdate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring evaluation in Part 3. The impacts of each project, on each site, in each locality, will vmy. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. The number of examples pot question does not indicate the importance of each question. In identifying impacts, consider long term, short term and cumulative effects. Instxuctk)ns (Read carefully) a. Answer each of the 20 questions in PART 2. Answer Yes if there will be any impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered asYes answers. c. If answering Yea to a question then check the appropriate box(column 1 or 2)fo indicate the potential size of the impact. If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2. If impact will occur but threshold is lower than example, check column 1. d. Identifying that an Impact will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it is also necessarily significant. Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine signiflcenco. Identifying an impact in column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. e. If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. f. If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s) in the project to a small to moderate impact, also check the Yes box in column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Part 3. 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change 1. Will the Proposed Action result in a physical change to the project site? .o [] yes [] Examples that would apply to column 2 Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10%. Construction on land where the depth to the weter table is less than 3 feet. [] [] []yes [].o [] [] Yes []No Construction of paved porking area for 1,000 or more vehicles. [] [] I-lyes I-I.o Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or generally within 3 feet of existing ground surface. Construction that will continue for more than 1 year or involve more than one phase or stage. Excavation for mining purposes that would remove more than 1,000 tons of natural material (i.e., rock or soil) per year. [] [] [].o [] [] [] es I-I.o [] [] [].o Page 11 of 21 Construction or expansion of a santary landfill. Construction in a designated floodway. Other impacts: I 1 Small to Moderate Impact [] 2 Potential Large Impact r-q 2. Will there be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, geological formations, etc.) Specific land forms: Impact on Water Will Proposed ^ction affect any water body designated as protected? (Under Articles 15, 24, 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law, ECL) r'-lNO r-'lYES Examples that would apply to column 2 Developable area of site contains a protected water body. Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of a protected stream. Extension of utility distribution facilities through a protected water body. ConstrucUon in a designated freshwater or tidal wetland. Other impacts: I [] [] Will Proposed Action affect any non-protected existing or new body of water? I-I.o I-1~s Examples that would apply to column 2 A 10% increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water or mere than a 10 acre increase or decrease. Construction of a body of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface Other impacts: I [] [] [] [] [] [] Page 12 of 21 3 Can Impact Be Mragated by Projec~ Change r'-IYes ~lNo I-lYes I'-1.o []YesI-1.o []Yes r'lYes []No ]Yes []No ]Yes []No []~e~ [].o ]Yes r']No []~es E3~es I-l.o 1 Small to Moderate Impact 5. Will Proposed Action affect surfaco or groundwater quality or quantity? [~]NO F'lYES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. Proposed Action requires use of a sourco of water that does not n have approval to serve proposed (project) action. Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater n than 45 gallons per minute pumping capacity. Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water supply system. Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the site to facilities which n presently do not exist or have inadequate capacity. Proposed Action would use water in excoss of 20,000 gallons n Proposed Action will likely cause siltation or other discharge into n an existing body of water to the extent that there will he an obvious visual contrast to natural conditions. Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or chemical products greater than 1,100 gallons. Proposed Action will allow residential uses in areas without water and/or sewer servicos. Proposed Action locates commercial and/or industrial uses which may require now or expansion of existing waste treatment and/or storage facilities. n [] 2 Potential Large Impact 3 Can Impact Be Mitigated by Project Change n'~ Yes DNo nyse I-lYes []Yes [].o I-lYes [].o I-lYes I-I.o nyse [].o OYes I-I.o nYes n.o n.o DYes Other impects: [] [] [~fes DNo Page 13 of 21 1 Small to Moderate Impact 2 3 Potential Can Impact Be Large Mitigated by Impact Project Change 6. Will Proposed Action alter drainage flow or patterns, or sur[ace water mn•fl? r-],o BYES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action would change flood water flows Proposed Aetion may cause substantial erosion. Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns. Proposed Action will allow development in a designated floodway. Other impacts: I n n n F1 n [] I-IY~ n,o [] I-lYes n.o [] []~es i--1,o [] I-lYes I-t.o [] []Yes I-'1,o IMPACT ON AIR 7. Will Proposed Action affect air quality? [].O []YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or moro vehicle trips in any given hour. Proposed Action will result in the incineration of moro than 1 ton of refuse par hour. Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed 5 lbs. par hour or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour. Proposed Action will allow an increase in the amount of land committed to industrial use. Proposed Action will allow an increase in the density of industrial development within existing indus~al areas. Other impacts: I [] n [] I-I~es [],o [] I-lYes I-I,o [] I-I~.. I-I.o [] I-i~es I-I.o [] I-lYes I-I,o [] []~es I--1.o IMPAGT ON Pr. ANTS AND AI~MALS 8. Will Proposed Action affect any throatened or endangered species? []NO []YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Reduction of one or more species listed on the New York or Federal list, using the site, over or near the site, or found on the site. Page 14 of 21 Removal of any po~on of a crificel or significant wildlife hal~at. Application of pesticide or herbicide moro than twice a year, other than for agricultural puq~oses. Other impacts: 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated by Impact Impact Project Change I-I [] I-I~ CI.o I-I I-I !-I~ [].o I-I I-1I-!~ I-I.o Wdl Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non- endangered species? I-1"° I-lYES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident or migratory fish, shellfish or wildlife species. Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres of mature forest (over 100 years of age) or other locally important vegetation. Other impacts: C1 [] I--Pe~ I--I"o I'-1[] I--IY~ [].o I--1[] I-IY~s [].o IUPACT ON AGRJCUI.'RJRAL LAND RES(X~CES 10. Wdl Proposed Action affect agricultural land resources? ~mpl~ that would apply to column 2 lhe Proposed Action would sever, cross or limit access to egdcultural land (includes ~rophand. hayfields, pasture, vineyard. orchard~ etc.) Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of agricultural land. The Proposed Action would irreversibly convert more than 10 acres of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultural District, more than 2.5 acres of egdcultural land. I-I [] I-I~- r"l.o I-'1 [] I-F~ [].o [] [] I-F- I-l.o Page 15 of 21 The Proposed Ac~on would disrupt or prevent installation of agricultural land management systems (e.g., subsurface drain lines, outlet ditches, strip cropping); or create a need for such measures (e.g. cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runoff). Other impacts: 1 Small to Medemte Impact 2 3 Potential Can Impact Be Large Mitigated by Impact Project Change [] CIY~ I-l.o 11. W~II Proposed Action affect aesthetic resources? (If necessary, use the Visual EAF Addendum in Section 617.20, Appendix B.) I-1.o Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed land uses, or project components obviously different from or in sharp contrast to current surrounding land use pattems, whether man-made or natural. Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualifies of that resource. Project components that will result in the elimination or significant screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. Other impacts: I [] [] [] I-1Y~ I'-1.o [] I-Iy. I-l.o [] I-Iv.~ I-I.o [] r-lv~ [].o I 12. Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, prehistoric or paleontological importance? Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substanfially contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places. Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within the project site. Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventor. [] [] [] [] Dy- I-].o Page 16 of 21 Other impacts: 1 Small to Modelata Impact 2 3 Potential Can Impact Be Large Mitigated by Impact Project Change I-I I-I~es r"l.o IMPACT ON OPE~ SPACE AND RECRIEA110N 13. Will proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? [].o []YEs Examples that would apply to column 2 The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. A major reduction of an open space important to the community. Other impacts: I [] [] I-II-I~es I'-l.o I'-I I-lYes I'-I.o I-1r-lYes 1%o IMPACT ON CRITICAL ENV]ROt~[NTAL AREAS 14 Wdl Proposed Action impact the exceptional or unique characteristics of a critical environmental area (CEA) established pursuant to subdivision 6NYCRR 617.14(g)? List the environmental characteristics that caused the designation of the CEA. Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action to locate w~hin the CEA? Proposed Action wilt result in a reduction in the quantity of the resource? Proposed Action will result in a reductioi'~ in the quality of the resource? Proposed Action will impact the use, function or enjoyment of the resource? Other impacts: [] []~e~ I--I"o [] l--l~es I--I"o r"] []Yes r~No [] I--lYes I--I"o [] I--lYes I'-1.o Page 17 of 21 IM~AGT ON l'RAN~PORTA110N 15. Will there be an effect to existing transportation systems? [].o []~B Examples that would apply to column 2 Alteration of present patterns of movement of peopte and/or goods. Proposed Action will result in major traffic problems. Other impacts: 1 Small to Moderate Impact [] [] 2 Potential Large Impact [] [] 3 Can Impact Be Mi~gated by Project Change ]Yes []No r'-~Yes [] No I-lyes •.o I~ACI' ON E~E~GY 16. Will Proposed Action affect the community's sources of fuel or energy supply? []NO []YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Proposed Action will cause a greater than 5% increase in the use of any form of energy in the municipality. Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. Other impacts: r']Yes []No []yes I-'1.o []Yes []No NO~E AND ODOR IUPAGT 17. Will there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibration as a result of the Proposed Ac'don? F~NO []YES Examples that would apply to column 2 Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital, school or other sensitive Odors will occur routinely (more than one hour par day). Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures. Proposed Action will remove natural barders that would act as a noise screen. Other impacts: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ]Yes [] No I-Ives [].o I-I~es [].o I-l~es [].e []Yes [].o Page 18 of 21 1 Small to Moderate Impact 2 3 Potential Can Impact Be Large M~igated by Impact Project Change 18. Will Proposed Action affect public heailh and safety? Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances (Le. oil, pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc.) in the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chronic Iow level discharge or emission. Proposed Action may result in the budal of'hazardous wastes' in any form (i.e. toxic, poisonous, highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc.) Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liquefied natural gas or other flammable liquids. Proposed Acl~on may result in the excavation or other disturbance within 2,000 feat of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. Other impacts: [] [] [] [] [] []v. n.o [] []v~ I"1.o [] I-I~. ~.o [] []Yes []No 19. Will Proposed Action affect the character of the existing community? I-1.° I-I~Es £~am~l~ that would apply to column 2 Tbe pormanent population o[ the Ch~, to~ or ¥ill~ in ~h~ch tl~ project is located is likely to grow by moro than 5%. The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating services will increase by more than 5% per year as a result of this project. Proposed Action will conflict with officially adopted plans or goals. Proposed Action will cause a change in the density of land use. Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures or areas of hist•dc importance to the community. Development will create a demand for additional community services (e.g. schools, police and fire, etc.) n [] [] [] [] [] [] 0~. I-I.o [] OY~ ~.o [] •~os 13.o [] •v~ 13.o n []~- I-I.o Page 19 of 21 Proposed Action will set an important precede~ for future projects. Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. Other impacts: 1 Small to Moderate Impact 2 3 Potential Can Impact Be Large Mitigated by Impact Project Change [] r-lw I--I.o [] [] I-IY~ [].o n [] []~ [].o I 20. Is there, or is there likely to be, public controversy related to potential adverse environment impacts? I-I.o F-I~s If Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If you Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 Page 20 of 21 Part 3 - EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s) is considered to be potentially large, even if the impact(s) may be mitigated. Instructions (if you need more space, attach additional sheets) Discuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1. Bdefly describe the impact. 2. Descdbe (if applicable) how the impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project change(s). 3. Based on the information available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question of importance, consider: ! The probability of the impact occurring ! The duration of the impact ! Its irreversibility, including permanently lost resources of velue ! Whether the impact can or will be controlled ! The regional consequence of the impact ! Its potential divergence from local needs and goals ! Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. Page 21 of 21 ~ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish, Wildlife & Marine Resources New York Natural Heritage Program 625 Broadway, Albany, I';~;.' York 12233-4757 Phone: (518) 402-8935 · FAX: (518) 402-9027 Webaite: www.dec, state, ny.us May, 2009 Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings Regarding reviews of thc databases of thc New York Natural Heritage Program for rare, endangered, or threatened species in the vicinity of proposed telecommunication equipment to be collocated on existing telecommunications towers and on existing buildings: New York Natural Heritage has no records of rare or listed species which would be of concern, and therefore does not require a consultation with NY Natural Heritage, for any communication facilities projects that meet one of three criteria below: 1) New antennae or panels on existing towers, or new communications equipment installed within existing fenced equipment areas, provided that all new work is confined within existing equipment areas, no previously undisturbed land is disturbed, and no new access roads or expansion of existing access roads is involved. 2) New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed at a location currently wholly occupied by lawn, pavement and/or gravel. 3) New or existing towers, antennae, and associated equipment installed on or in existing buildings, rooftops, billboards, or bridges, with the exception of the buildings and bridges with peregrine falcon nests listed later in this letter. For projects which meet the above criteria, we do not have any records of rare species or significant natural communities which will be of concern in relation to the proposed projects. Therefore, in these cases, separate consultation with the New York Natural Heritage Program is not necessary for a project sponsor to complete the environmental assessment required by the FCC; this letter may serve as a finding of no known impacts on state-listed species or on other rare species. This determination may be reconsidered at any time should additional information on communication facility projects or on rare species become available. Please note that neither this office, nor the NYS DEC Endangered Species Unit, need to be consulted in the future regarding communication facilities and equipment collocated on existing towers in New York State, nor for those located on buildings and bridges except for those listed below. 21~e NYS DEC Endangered Species Unit offers this guidance regarding cellular communication facilities atop buildings in urban areas: There is not a concern with regards to peregrine falcons when new antennas or communications towers and associated equipment are proposed, or existing ones modified, unless they are actually on the same building or bridge that a nest is located on. Projects located in adjacent areas will not have a significant impact on this species. If the projects are proposed for construction on the same building or bridge as a nest or breeding pair, then please contact the Endangered Species Unit for further consultation at 625 Broadway, Albany, NY, 12233-4754.. For your reference, peregrine falcon nests currently occur on the following buildings and bridges in the following major urban areas: New York Ci_ty buildings: Comell Medical College, 68t~ Street and York Avenue Wall Street: 48 Wall Street at Nassau Ave., and at 55 Water Street Riverside Church, Riverside Drive and 120~ Met Life Building, 200 Park Avenue Candler Building, W 42"d and Fashion Avenue (near Times Square) New York City bridges: Verrazano Narrows, Things Neck, Hell Gate, Tribomugh, Outerbridge Crossing, Marine Parkway, Goethals, George Washington, Bayonne, Brooklyn, Broadway, Williamsburg, Park Avenue Railroad Bridge Town of Hemnstead. Nassau County: Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow Town of lslip, Suffolk County: Captree Island Bridge Buffalo: Statler Building (Franklin and West Genessee Streets) and City Hall (Niagara Square) Rochester: Marine Midland Plaza Building (Court and Chestnut Streets) and Eastman Kodak Building (State Street near Plymouth and Platt) Symcase: State Tower Building (South Warren Street) Binghamton: Exchange Street Albany: Dunn Memorial Bridge Troy: Collar City (Route 7) Bridge Hudson River Bridges: Tappan Zee, Newburgh-Beacon, Kingston-Rhinecliff, Mid-Hudson, Rip van Winkle, Castleton-on-Hudson, and Bear Mountain Ogdensburg: Ogdensburg Bridge Grand Island/Niagara Falls: North Grand Island Bridge (I-190 over Niagara River) For proposed telecommunications facilities which do not meet the above criteria, including those projects involving the construction of new towers, please submit a request to the New York Nataml Heritage Program for a review of any rare or listed species in the vicinity of the proposed project. Directions for submitting a request can be found at http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/31181 .html, or can be provided by NY Natural Heritage. If you have any questions regarding these determinations, please contact our office. Communication Tower Consultation in New York Existing Communication Towers The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's (Service) New York Field Office recognizes that individual project review by the Service is not required under certain conditions. The Service provides the following comments in accordance with provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) (87 Stat. 884, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1940 (MBTA) (40 Stat. 755; 16 U.S.C. 703-712), the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act of 1940 (16 U.S.C. 668-688d), and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 852; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.). Migratory birds are a Federal trust resource and are protected under the MBTA. Communication towers and antennae may pose a hazard to migratory birds in flight and may pose a threat to nesting birds in the vicinity. Risk assessment factors include tower height, physical design, lighting, and site location relative to migratory corridors and bird concentration areas. The Service has determined that the following proposed actions are not likely to adversely affect Federally-listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources: Co-location of new equipment and antennae with an existing structure (tower, water tank, large building, etc.) where all ground disturbance occurs within previously disturbed areas and where such activities do not increase the existing height or require the addition of guy wires; Routine maintenance of existing tower sites (e.g., painting, antennae replacement); and Repair or replacement of existing towers and/or equipment, provided such activities do not increase the existing tower height or require the addition of guy wires. For projec~ that meet the above criteria, there is no need to contact this office for project review. This document may be used as an ESA determination of"not likely to adversely affect" for all Federally-listed species within New York. Updated July 2006 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher V~ndor Nsme ~ V~mdor Addr~ ln~icc Total V~dor No, CMS 70 Cambridge Drive Glenmont, NY 12077 Net Rack ~o. Bnt~:l by Audit Date Town Clerk and Account Numl:~r Payee Certification Deparrn~ntCertification lO Client: Southold NY Metro PCS 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck SCTM #1000-141-3-38.1 Invoice #:53136-005 Date: t 8-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct 18-Oct Invoice The Center. for Municipal Solutions 70 Cambridge Dr. Glenmont, NY 12077 Description (5t 8)439-3079 prepare for PB workshop and BP heating 1/2 time in affeedance and participation in PB workshop and PB meeting I/2 travel time 1/2 mileage 239~ $.50 per mile 1/2 tolls ml/2 meals TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ $ 1,087.81 I, Richard A. Coral, certify that the above account in the amount of $ 1',087.81 is true and correct; that the items, services and disbursements charged were rendered to or for the municipality on the dates stated that no part has been paid or sat Stied; that taxes, from which the municipality is exempt, are not included; and that the amount claimed is actually due. 11/01/10 Date Signature 11/26/2010 Hm Rate: Expenses. Amount 0.5 $ 250.00 $ 125.00 0.9 $ 250.00 $ 225.00 4.8 $ 125.00 $ 600.00 $ 119.90 $ 11.65 $ 6.26 (Electronic Signature) $ 137.81 $ 950.00 Town of Soutlaold, New York - Payment Voucher Payee Certifi~al~ol~ Department Cer~icaO, on Ch~ck No. To ~o. C l~-rk Fund a~ A~c~mm N~mb~r CTS 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck Invoice #:53136-001 Date; t-Jun 1 -Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 9-Jun 12-Jun tS-Jun 22-Jun Invoice The Center for Munigipal Solutions 70 Cambridge Dr. Glenmont, NY 12077 Description (St 8)439-3079 Mileage :30,$ Shelter Island Feny Travel time to/tram Southold prepare dtatt reporl and go over application material with revise, linatize clmft report review, finalize end distribute draft letter to Reviewed application materials; dm/ted response to application finalize & distribute letter to applicant Reviewed and revised resporlse to application TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ $ 2,664.75 I, Richard A, Coral, carti~' that the above account In the amount of $ 2,664.75 to or for the munlclpallty on the dates stated; that no part has been paid ar satisfied; that texas, from which the munlolpality is exempt, are not included; and that the amou[qt claimed Is e~ually due. 7/01/10 ~.,~.~ bate Signature PAGE 07 11/24/2010 Hrs Rate: Expenses, Amount 0.5 $ 250.00 $ 125.00 S 15.25 $ 5,75 0,8 $ 125,00 $ 93.75 0.8 $ 2:~,00 $ 200.00 2.0 S 250,00 $ B00.00 08 $ 250,00 $ 200.00 0.9 $ 250,00 $ 225.00 4.0 $ 250.00 $ 1,000.00 0.5 $ 250.00 $ 126.00 0.7 $ 250.00 $ 175.00 (Elestmnis Signature) $ 21,00 $ 2,043.75 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher -3- Etx~ by Audit Dat~ Payee Certification: Departm~t CTS Client: $outhoid NY Metro PCS 12~85 9ouind Ave Mattltuok $cTM #t000-141-3-38 1 Invoice #:53136-002 Invoice The Center for Municipal solutions 70 Cambridge Dr. Glenmont, NY 12077 Date: Description (518)439.3079 11-Jul Drafted response to John Coughlin'o Latter dated June 2Q, 2010 review and [evt~e letter to applicent on subaequent submltta! 12-Jul dated 6/3o/10 finalize and dlst~lbnte review draft review letter to Lanza for 14-Jul comments before sending to Appl. review Lanze ¢ommeata, mvlee and dl~rlbute letter to 21-Jul c~ughlin on supplemental Information TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ $ 1,650.00 I, R~:hard A. Comi, cer~iKy that the above aec. cunt In the amouilt of $ 1 is true and oorre~t; that the i~em~, 9ervicoe and disbursements charged were rendered to or for the muni~pality on the dafo~ ~tated; ~at no Pal~ has been paid or ~atlsfled; that taxes, from which the munlclpallty Ia exempt, are net Included; and that the amount ~laimed ie a~t~ally due, 8101/10 ~'..~. Date Signature PAGE 13 11/23/2010 (Ele~ronio ~,ignature) Hra Rate: Expensee. Amount 3.5 $ 2B0.00 $ 875.00 1.8 $ 2~0.00 $ 450.00 0,5 $ 2~0.00 $ 125,00 o,8 $ 2~o,oo $ 2oo.oo $ $ 1,6~0,00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Name Vendor Address Ve r Telephone Number Invoice Invoice Invoice Vendor N~)~N I Number ~'31 Date Net Total Discount Amount Claime~ I I Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) docs hereby certify that the foregoing claim is line and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes fi.om which the Town is exempt are excluded. Company Name ~'~ ~ Date Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that thc quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved· Client: Southold NY Metro PCS 12585 Sound Ave Mattituck SCTM #1000-141-3-38.1 Invoice #:53136-003 Date: 10-A ug Invoice The Center for Municipal Solutions 70 Cambridge Dr. Glenmont, NY 12077 Description (518)439-3079 prepare for meeting with Applicant and client 1/4 of time attend meetings with applicant, town staff and 11-Aug town attorney 1 l-Aug 1/4 of trevel time 1 l-Aug 1/4 of tolls 1 l-Aug 1/4 of meals 11 -Aug 1/4 of mileage 121 ~ $.50 per mile review email and notes on 8/11 meeting from Winser and 23-Aug speak to her 23-Aug dratt recommendation letter to Board TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ $ 978.36 I, Richard A. Coral, certify that the above account in the amount of $ 978.36 is true and correct; that the items, services and disbursements charged were rendered to or for the municipality on the dates stated; that no part has been paid or satisfied; that taxes, from which the municipality is exempt, are not included; and that the amount claimed is actually due. 9/01/10 ~,,~. (~.,~,~ Date Signature 9/25/2010 0.5 $ 250.00 $ 125.00 1.0 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 0.6 $ 250.00 $ 150.00 2.4 $ 125.00 $ 300.00 $ 6.89 $ 10.97 $ 60.50 $ 78.36 $ 900.00 (Electronic Signature) Hrs Rate: Expenses~ Amount 0.3 $ 250.00 $ 75.00 MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: May 24, 2010 Re: Check The attached check is a consultant fee for a wireless facility review. Please deposit into a deferred account. Thank you. Apgl icant /Project Name & Type MetroPCS at Penny Lumber T~x Map ~ Amount 141-3-38.1 $8,500 Check bate/No. 5/20/10 - #5662 LR 5/20/201C '8.500 O0 I Town of Southo d METROPC~ NEW YORK~ LLC Town of $outl~old Escrow Fee NY7312 5/20/2010 5662 8,500.00 NY Imprest Town of Southold Escrow Fee NY7312 Escrow Fee NY7312 5/20/2010 8,500.00 5662 8,500.00 NY Imprest Escrow Fee NY7312 8,500.00 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: April 23, 2010 Re: Payments Please deposit the attached checks into a deferred account. They represent fees for a wireless application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name & Tax Map Amount Check Date/No. Type # Authorization Code Metro PCS Mattituck SP fee 141-3-38.1 $1,000 3/23/10 - #5325 Metro PCS Mattituck SP Special Exc. 141-3-38.1 $1,000 3/23/10 - #5324 LR Atts, LLC 3/23/2010 5324 *'1,000 O0 $ 12 k,-i~O~cs NEW YO.K, -LC Town of Southold Special Exception Permit App. Fee NY7312 3/23/2010 5324 1,000.00 NY Imprest Special Exception Permit App. Fee NY7312 1,000.00 METROP~8 NEW YORK, LLC Town of Southold Special Exception Permit App. Fee NY7312 3/23/2010 5324 1,000.00 NY Imprest Special Exception Permit App. Fee NY7312 1,000.00 ~1 u~P~ ~,,~CUECK IIIIIIIIIlllll[tlll 39287 · METROIK~ NEW LLC 5 SKYUNE DRIVE HAWTHORNE, I~' 10532 3/23/2010 5325 *'1.000 O0 'A.R~T~O~FE Town of Southold I $ ' One Thousand and 001100 ................................................................................................. Town of Southold ..iOFCS NEW YORK, LLC Town of Southold 3/23/2010 Site Plan App. Fee NY7312 5325 1,00QO0 NY Imprest Site Plan App. Fee NY7312 1,000.00 T~OPC~ NEW YORK, LLC Town of Southold Site Plan App. Fee NY7312 3/23/2010 5325 1,000.00 NY Imprest Site Plan App. Fee NY7312 1,000.00 u~ ~.,~ C. ECK IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII 39287 LASER FICHE FORM Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SPFile Type: Approved Project Type: Site Plans Status: Final - Pendin.q Inspection SCTM #: 1000- 141.-3-38.1 Project Name: MetroPCS, NY, LLC/Penny Address: 12585 Sound Avenue, Mattituck Hamlet: Maff. ituck Applicant Name: Dan Olmetti, MetroPCS, New York, Owner Name: GeorRe L Penny, Inc. Zone 1: LI Approval Date: 2/14/2011 LLC OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: 2/14/2011 Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: SC Filin,q Date: C and R's: Home Assoc: R and M A,qreement: SCAN Date: SCANNED FEll 2 7 2011 Records Management TAX LOT ?g TAX LOT TAX ~ ~ ~ ~.s's LOT ~ 37. 2010 CONCRETE CURS ~ ~ DROP CURS WALL '~ '~ EDGE OF PAVEMENT OH OVERHEAD W/RES ~ STRUCTURE -- MANHOLE BOUNDARY BOUNDARY 1. SEED REFERENCE LISER 9212 PACE LIBER 50.32 PACE 57B ~ LISER $37S PAGE 44.9 2* LOT AREA m 168,744- SQ.FT. OR 3. S7 ACRES. ADJACENT TAX LOT INFORMATION SHOWN FOR INFORMATION PURROSES ONLY. 4. THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED W/THOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT. S. SUBSURFACE AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS WERE NOT EXAM/NED OR CONSIDERED AS PART OF THiS SURVEY. 6. TH~S SURVEy WAS PREPARED FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE, ANO IS NOT INTENDED TO BE USED FOR A TRANSFER OF TITLE OR ANY FINANCIAL PURPOSE. 7, EASEMENTS, RIGHTS--OF--WAY OF RECORD, iF ANY, ARE NOT SHOWN. 8. PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS WERE,* NOT PLACED AS PART OF THIS SURVEY, g, THE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN FROM THE STRUCTURES TO THE PROPERTY LINES ARE FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE AND THEREFORE ARE NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE IN THE ERECTION OF FENCES, RETAINING WALLS, POOLS, PAT~OS, PLANTING AREAS, ADDIT~ONS TO BUILDINGS OR ANY OTHER CONSTRUCTION. ,,/ ~w,a~ AJ ~r.a ~ PR I a,.a~ b~ WJB Barrelt Bonocd ,& Van Weele, PC Engineers 175A Commerce Dr. www.bbvpc corn Tax Map No.: DISTEICT 1000 SECTION 141 BLOCK 3 IO1'38.1 "~"~ SURVEY JUNE30,2007 1"= ~0' ^02""" 1 of I etro ** =' DESIGN0 m GROUP5 ~FmXmlXmmR E N G I N E E R I N F Y, L P.O. I {~I ~ ' ) ~ ~ ~ I HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 ~ i . ilI m ~ TEL: 732.888.6210 ~ F~: 732.847.4335 .... / Lou Moglino, A~ Robert W. Toms, P.E. ~ ~ ~ ARCHITECT STRUCTU~L ENGI~ER ~ NJ - ~ A113345 NJ - ~ GE 36209 ~ ~ - ~ 075384 ~/25/Oq RB/15EP PER 6klE~T 60HHENf5 I . DATU~ [ PRQPE~TT O~NER: PBNN~ LUMBE~ HA~HORNE, NY 10532 ~ SCALE: NTS / ~ SOALE; NTS 12585 50UND AVENUE / T-I TITLE SHEET // THESE DOCUMENTS A~E ~N CO~PLI~NCE ~ ALL CONSTRUCTION TO ~E IN ~CCO~D~NCE UITH THE FOLLOUIN~ CODES ~ SITE l/ STANDARDS, LATEST EDITION5 A5 APPLICABLE: P~OPZRTT OONTAOT JEPF PENNY - ~N I ~ENZ~AL NOTE~ - /I - 2¢¢3 INTE~ATIONAL ~UlLDIN~ CODE A-I ~ITE PLAN /I - 2¢¢3 [NTE~ATIONAL ENE~ CONSERVATION CODE UTILITY OONTAOT: LON~ iSLAND A-~ EQUIPMENT PLANl/il ' 2¢¢~ INTE~ATIONAL EXISTIN~ B~[LDIN~ CODE AUTHO~IT~ ~ A-4 OADLE ~OUTINO * OADLE PO~T ~ETAILS/ . - 2OOa INTE~ATIONAL MECNANICAL CODE 5 SK~LINB HA~THO~N~, N~ ELEVATIONS ~ OPS ~OUNTINO ~ETAIL ~ - 2¢¢3 INTE~ATIONAL PLUM~ING CODE DESION UTILIT~ .2~3 INTE~ATIONAL p~OPE~TT MAINTENANCE CODE ' ,, A-6 FOUN~AT ON ~ETAILS a EQUIPMENT ELEMATIONS II 2¢~3 INTERNATIONAL ~ECIDENTIAL CODE ~F ENOINEER: ~A~I~ A~DAKANI ..... U'P' ENT SPEO F OAT ONS II -TIA-222-F 5TANDA~5 "STrUCTUrAL STANDARD5 FO~ STEEL ANTENNA TO~E~5 AND 5~PPO~TIN~ STRUCTURES" MINIH~M q14-5~2-qBI2 ~-, ;~, m II BASIC ~IND SPEED OF ~B MILES/NOUR5 (~¢ MILE5/HO~ IN CONJUNCTION BITH ¢.1~ INCNE5 ~ ~ADIAL ICE). ~F-I ~F INFOrmATION ~ CONSTRUCTION ~AN~ 5AN~]LIPPO D~. ~-I ELECTRICAL NOTES ~ INFO~ATiON~ / MANA~E~, ~LECT~ICAL PLAN/ I ~Ho 55~ 08/02/0q E-~ ~OUN~IN~ DETAILS/ ~ ~AO ~UPE~VI~O~, POU~ HALL (51~)-~12-1462 SHEET TITLE E-4 ~OUNDIN~ DETAILS / TI TI ~ ~~ I ............... SHEET NUM~E~ ¢~.~ ~) INNYC/LI ~ 'd ~ JUN 30 2010 ?~' ~ TM~E ~O~[N~ DAY5 ~EFO~E YOU PI5 ~ i [ .;r, lu,01d ]o',,¢11 / I. ALL CONSTRUCTION, LABOR AND MATERIAL SHALL COMPLY HITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE BUILDIN~ (,,ODES, ORDINANCES AND ACtOr',DANCE HITH MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. ALL SURFACES CONTAMINATION SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO PAINTIN® TO THE RULES AND R,E®ULATIONS OF ALL ACENCIES HAVIN~ JU~ISOlOTION. THE NE~ SU~AOES. ALL ~ALVANIZE~ SURFACES SHALL HAVE ONE COAT OF PE~ADONO DONOlN~ ACENT, ~HILE STILL APPL~ ONE COAT OF SHER~IN ~ILLIA~S FLAT LATEX PAINT, LET ~Y THEN A SEOON~ COAT OF FLAT LATEX PAINT. 2. THE CONT~AOTO~ ~UST VISIT THE SITE AN~ DE ~ESPONSIDLE FO~ VE~IPYiN¢ ALL Oi~ENSION$ ANO CONDITIONS. ANY ,i,,,,, GROUP5 RE~UI~EP TO COMPLETE THE INSTALLATION. O~NE~. P. O. BOX 3 ' AZLET, NEWJEESE 077]0 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DE ~E~PONSIDLE FO~ ADEQUATE D~AOIN¢ AND PROTEOTIN~ OF ALL HoRK OU~IN~ CONSTRUCTION 22. CONTRACTOR ~UST INSTALL ~F ~A~NIN~ SIGNS AT ALL ENTRY POINTS TO EQUIPMENT AREAS. THBS~ ARE TO INOLUOE, BUT TO AVOID OAHA~E, COLLAPSE, DISTORTION, MISALI~NMENT, VOI~IN¢ ~OOF~N¢ ~UA~ANTEES AND ~A~RANTIE5, ETD. PROTECTION NOT LIHITE~ TO, INTERIOR FACES OF ~OOF ACCESS DOORS / HATCHES. AND EXTE~IO~ FACES AT COMPOUND ACCESS ~ATES TEL: 7 3 2 . 8 8 8 . 6 2 10 ¢. ALL MATERIALS 5HALL BE INSTALLED AD PER THE MANUfACTUrERS SPECIFICATIONS. I. 5OIL HAS AN A~SUMED DEARIN¢ CAPACITY OF 2,500 POUND5 PER 5~UA~E FOOT. E~TIMATEP BOTTOM OF FOOTIN¢ ARCHITEcTLOU Mo~no, A~ s2UCTu~LR°bert W. Toms,ENGi~ER ELEVATIONS A~E SHO~N ON FOUNDATION PLAN. THESE ELEVATIONS SHALL DE ADJUSTED TO THE ACTUAL LEVEL5 OF NJ-¢ A113345 NJ- ¢ GE 36209 APPROVE~ ~EARIN~ STRATA FOUND UPON EXCAVATION. AN% UNUSUA~ CONDITION5 5HALL DE OALLE~ TO THE 075384 7. ~O NOT 5GALE P~A~IN~5. ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT/ENgINEER. ~' ~ 028992-1 CT- ¢ 22375 ~. THE CONTRACTOR 5HALL DEAR FULL ~55PONSIDlLITY FOR THE MEAN5 AND METHOd5 OF OONST~U~TIN¢ THE ~ORK SHO~N ON '" PA- 061412 THE APPLICATION SUCH AS, B. BOTTOM OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4'-O" BELO~ FINISHED CRAPE Fo~ F~OST PROTECTION. NO SHALL DE PLAOE~ ON F~OZEN ~ROUNP OR HATER. ALL FOOTINGS SHIALL BE PROTECTED F~OM F~OST, AS /FN I2/IO/Oq REVISED PER CLIENT COHMENT5 des TENANT'S TO THE 5LTE. -TH5 DUIL~IN~'5 ~1~5 5A~ O~ ~HALL NOT 6~EATE ANY ~I~E HAZArd5. INTegRiTY SAFETY OF THE ~UIL~JN~. fE~ 9q/2q/0q REVISE~PERCLIENTCOMHENT5 ~No -THERE SHALL NOT DE AN~ CREATION OF NOISE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL HOURS OF 7 AM TO 6 PM, UNLESS OTHERWISE ACRDEO 4. MAXIMUM SLOPE BETWEEN BOTTOM OF ADJACENT FOOTINSS SHALL BE ONE (I) VERTICAL TO (2) HORIZONTAL ALL UPON ~ITH THE O~NE~. FOUNDATION HALLS SHALL BE ADEQUATELY BRACED TO ~ITHSTANO BACK PILLIN~, EARTH P~E55U~D, AND -THE BUILOlN¢'S SEOU~IT~ SHALL DE ~AINTAINEO IN O~ER TO P~DVENT ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS PROH ENTERING THE CONSTRUCTION LOA~S UNTIL ALL E~UIP~ENT A~E INSTALLED PER THE CONSTRUCTION ~A~IN~S.~ 05./25/0q REVISEDPE~GLIENTGONHENT5 ~%~ -TH~ BUILOlN¢'S UTILI~'S (ELECTrIC[T%, ¢A¢, ~ATE~ AND OTHE~ UTILI~'S) SHALL NOT BE INTErrUPTED OU~IN~ THIS ' O~/OI/Oq REVISEDPERCLIEMTCOHHENTS ~O~ -ALL MABON~ PENETRATIONS SHALL DE DONE USIN~ ~OTARY ACTION ONLY (NO HAMME~IN~ ACTION). CONCRETE INS"FITUTB (ACt) DU[LDIN¢ CODE FOR ~EINFO~OED CONCRETE, LATEST AHENDMENTS. R~VISION DRA~N q. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, AT ALL TIMES, KEEP THE PREMISES ~RE~ FROM ACCUMULATION OF ~5T]E, CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL REAOY MIX CONCRETE ASTM 0~4 8 AOI-~OI ANO ~UBBISH. UPON COMPLETION, ALL DEBRIS SHALL DE ~5HOVEO AND THE P~EHISES LEFT IN A "D~ooH CLEAN" CONDITION. bONO~ETE A~E~ATE ASTM CD~ /~ ALL RUBBISH SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN A LECAL HANNE~. OEFOR~EO BILLET STEEL BAR ASTH A615 ~HE~E ~ISTU~DEO DY N~ ~O~K o~ AS RE~UI~EO DY THE OF D INCHES, AND A HAXIMUM OF 5 INCHES. It. OONT~AOTO~ 5HALL PATCH EX~¢TIN¢ CONDITION5 PLANS.AT NO APPITIONALALL EXISTIN~oosTA~EASTo THEOF O~NE~.THE BUIL~IN~ ~A~A~E~ BY THE OO~TRAOTO~ 5HALL BE ~ESTOREP TO O~I~INAL CONdiTION 5. P~OPO~TIONIN~ OP THE OONORETE HIX 6HALL BE BY THE 5PEOI~IO ~RAVIT~ HETHO~. COP~Is~TTH~5 POCU~ToF TH~IS~T~T~SI~%~%%~P~SIe~' ~2. ALL ELEOT~IOAL ~ORK 5HALL BE PERPORHEP B~ A LIOENSED ELEOT~IOIAN ANP CONFORH TO ALL BUIL~IN~ OOZE AND co~5~T oF T~E O~ATO~ ~5 CT~OTL~ ¢~O~5~TE~ LOOA~ UTILITY'5 ~E~UI~E~ENTS. ~, HINI~UM A¢~E~ATE SIZE 5HALL BE ~/4" ALL RESPECTS. THE HOST RESTRICTIVE NOTES SPECIFIED A~E TO TAKE PRECEOENCE. CEMENT CONTENT OF 5.~5 BA~5 PER CUBIC YARD. CONCRETE EXPOSED TO HEATHB~ SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED, SLUMP ~ LL6 -2¢¢5 rNTE~ATIONAL FI~E CODE ~w Jo~. N TDI2 -2S~5 ~NTE~ATIONAL FUEL ~A5 CODE II. ALL ~IN~ORCIN~ DA~S SHALL D~ DEFORMED BARS OF NEH DILLET STEEL OON~ORMIN~ TO ASTN SP~O ASIa, - 2~ INTE~ATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE 60, COLD ORA~N ~1~ FOR ~EL~E~ ~I~E MESH SHALL GONFORM TO ~E~UI~EMENTS O~ "SPE~S ~0~ COLO O~A~N ~1~ ~T~ UO~ O MPSTSOII -2~6~ INTE~ATIONAL PLUM~IN~ CODE OR CONC~ET~ R~INFO~CE~ENT" (ASTN A52-70), OR "SPEC FOR HELOED STEEL ~I~E FA~IO FO~ ~ONORETE SITZ INFORMATION - 2~ INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE ~INFO~CE~NT, (AST~ AI8~-70). ~EINFO~OIN~ SHALL ~E S~CU~EL~ TI~O TO PREVENT OlSLOOATION ANO P~ THE - 2~ INTErNATiONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE OETAILIN~ MANUAL. TIA-222-F STANOA~OS "ST~UOTU~AL STANOAROS FOR STEEL ANTENNA TO~E~S ANO SUPPO~TIN~ STRUOTUR~S" MINIMUM DASIO ~INO SPEEO OF 8~ ~IL~S/ HOURS (50 MILES /HOU~ tN OONJUNOTION HITH 0.7~ INOH~S OF ~AOlAL IOE,). 12. ALL DA~S ~ARKED ~ONTINUOU~ (CONT.) SHALL ~ LAPPEO 40 X ~A~ OlAMETE~ AT SPLtC~S AND OORNERS AND 12~ ~OUN~ A~NU~ ~5. ALL PROPOSED STRUGTURAL STEEL SHALL DE FADRIGATED AN~ ER~OTEO IN AOOO~OANO~ ~ITH ,ALSO O0O~ AN~ ASTH HOOKED AT NON-OONTINUOUS ~NOS. LAP TO~ ~A~S AT OENT~ ~T~E~N SUP~ORT~ AN~ LAP OONTINUOUS DOTTOM AT SUPPORTS. MATTITUCK, l iq 2 ~PEGIFIGATIONS, LATEST EDITION. -~1~ FLANGE SEOTIONS SHALL CONFORM TO AST~ A-q~2 I~. ALL OONSTRUCTION JOINTS SHALL DE THOROU~HL~ CL~AN~, ~ERR~D ANO SLUSHED ~ITH CEMENT ~ROUT JUST -~15~. STEEL SHALL ~ONFORM TO ASTM ANT-D6 DEFOR~ PLAOlN~ N~ OONC~ET~. THE CONCRETE AND ~ASON~Y CONTRAOTO~ SHALL INSTALL (OR ~IVE OTHE~ ~Z~I~N T'd~: -ALL STEEL PIPES SHALL GONFORM TO TO ASTN ANT-~OI O~ ANT-~D, ~RAOE D. -OONNECTIONS SHALL MADE USIN~ ~1~1~ ~LO~ ANO ~L~IN~. ELECTRODES E-7OXX OR Sp~O~IE~ HIgH STRENSTH DObTS TRADES AMPLE OPPORTUNITY TO IN~TALL) ALL ANOHOR BOLT~, PLATES, $LOTS, OHASES, NAILERS, INS~TS, ~TO. AS R~UI~ED D~ OTH~ T~AOES. TH~ OONTRAOTO~ SHALL VZRIF~ ALL ~iM~NSIONS DEFORE SETTIN~ SHALL ~E ASTM AD25. THreADS A~E EXOLU~EO F~OM THE SH~A~ PLANE. AN~ FOR~S. GO-LOGATION 16. -ALL SHO~ ANO FIELO ~ELOlN~ SHALL D~ OON~ ~ ~EL~E~S QUALIFIED AS DESC~I~E~ IN TH~ "AMERICAN SOOtET~'~ STAN~A~ ~UALIFIOATION ~O~U~E" TO ~E~FO~M THE P~OPOSE~ ~O~K. 14. P~OVIDE ~INIMUM OONO~ET~ COVE~ FO~ ~IN~O~OIN~ DA~ A~ FOLLOW5: ~XPOSED TO 5RA~ FOOTINGS (~"), ~A~N ~T. CHEGK~D ~T. DATE~ -D~ HOT ~PPE~ ~ALVANIZED AFTER FAD~IOATION (ONLY ~XPOSE~ TO MO[STU~ AP~LIOATIONS) P~ ASTM A-12~. ALL INT~IO~ FA~E$ OF ~ALL~ (1"), EXTERIOR FAG'S OF ~ALL~ (I-I/2"), ~LA~ TOP AN~ ~OTTON BAR5 (~/4"), BEAN5 (I-I/2"), ~A~A~ES SU~FAO~S, ~LDE~ A~EAS AN~ AUTHO~IZE~ NON-~ALVANIZE~ ~E~S O~ ~A~TS (N~. O~ OLd) SHALL ~ ~AINT~ SLAD ON ~OUbO DOTTON (~"), ~OLUMNS, AN~ PA~S AN~ (2") TO V~TIOAL DA~S. ~Ho ~ 0~/02/0~ ~ITH T~O (2) ~OAT~ O~ Z~ ~OLD ~ALVANIZlN~ OOMPOUN~ ~ANU~A~TU~P D~ A~O CHEMIOAL P~O~UCT~. 15. ~H~VE~ ~ONO~ET~ SU~FA~ES A~UT O~ A~ VEN~E~E~ ~ITH ~ASON~, P~OVI~ VE~TIOAL ~OV~TAIL INS~TS SH~T TITLE -ALL PIPE 51ZE5 INDI~ATE~ HEREIN A~ NOMINAL DIAMETER (IN~I~ ~IA~ETE~). FO~ MASON~ ANCHORS ~PAOE~ AT 2'-0" 0.~. MAXIMUM. I~. ALL N~ ANTENNA A~PLI~ATIONS MOUNT~ TO EXTE~IO~ ~ALLS ~HALL ~ S~ALE~ AT THE TOP ~N~ ~I~ES ~ITH ~0~ ~N~AL NOT~ CO~NIN~ OL~A~ SILI~ON~ SEALANT O~ APP~OME~ ~QUAL. THE ~ILIOONE APPLICATIONS SHALL D~ TOOLE~ TO MAINTAIN A 16. TH~ OONTRACTOR SHALL APPL~ A NON-SLIP D~OOM FINISH IMME~IATEL~ AFTER THE T~O~EL FINISHIN~ PHASE. FINISHED APPEARANCE. I~. THE OONT~ACTO~ SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTION5 IN ORPE~ TO P~OTEOT THE CONCRETE 18. ~HE~E IN~IOATED ON THE PLAN5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PAINT ALL NE~ ANTENNAS, 5H~OU~ AND ~ELATED HOUNTIN¢ PREHATURE CURIN~ A5 SOON AS THE FORMS A~E ~EHOVED, ESPECIALLY DURIN~ THE F~RST 24 HOUr5. SHEET NU~DE~ HA~D~ARE TO MATCH THE EXICTIN¢ ADJACENT SURFACES. ALL PAINT SHALL BE SHE~IN ~ILLIAM¢ o~ APPROVED E~UAL. THE FILL CONTRACTOR 5HALL NOT USE A HETAL BASED PAINT ON THE ANTENNAS. ANTENNA5 5HALL HAVE ONIE P~IMER COAT OF POLANE I. ALL FILL UNDE~ coNCRETE 5LAB5 TO BE ~5% COMPACTED EARTH, ~ELL TAMPED AND 4" COMPACTED 2.~ PLUS FIL P~IH~5 P~IME~ IN ACCORDANCE ~ITH MANUFAOTU~E~'5 INSTRUCTION5 ANU THEN APPL~ ONE TOP COAT IN e~AVEL. ALL BACK FILL MATERIAL SHALL S~ P~E DP AN~ O~eANIO MATTE~.n--~=~ [~'~' ~) ~' 0 I OP. MAT ION IS TAKEN FROM THE FOLLO!'IlNO: - A DRA~IN5 TITLED DOUNDAR¥ DESIGN° PREPARED ~OR HETRO P~S DY DARRET . (~ '~ (~ 5~// . = P~OPOSED YELLO FROH ZXIST[N6 ~6 CADINET 5ROUP, lNG. AT A 51TE VISIT ON O4-[4-0q ~ N ~** x * .:z t,/ / , p ~%Ok~/ ~ NOT~, HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 kN~ xx <~ ~ ~ N ,,¢~5,¢~;- / % o },,,/,/ ,%, ,/ %~/~ A. -ALL LOCAL AND STATE DUILDINe OODES. F~: 7 3 2.8 4 7.4 3 3 5 ~ % ¢/~./ / 5, /,/~/0-. ~ ' / L3T ~ -THE ENEROY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION x ~o,~ ,,,=,~o: / /'~ / - / ~ ~ / ,, %< coDE OF NYS. Lou Mog~no, AM Robert W. Toms, P.E. ARCHITECT P x ~7 N ~/~ %, O / STRUCTU~ ENGI~ER ~EVBEU PER CLIENT COMMENT5 MT~ RXiSTINe BUILPlHO (TYP)d I lixIq SOALE: I" = D~' 24xD~ 50ALE: I" = qO' ......... ' I'1 GADINETGoNG~TESEGU~DsLAB oNTOuNISTRuTPROPOSED flk,~ ~ ' / N~ ~ ' xx / / ' ~ZLET,P' O. BOXNEw3 JERSEY 07730 F~ME MOUNTED TO ~ALVANIZED / x /~ TEL: 7 3 2.8 8 8.6 2 1 0 POST5 ~TH ~ORK LIGHT ABOVE ~/ F~: 732.847.4335 (5,E,ETA'LI/A-5),~'Nx~ N//~/'-%__ 0 x x~ x x x x x', x x x x ,, 1, x x ,. ., ,, 0 t ' ' LouMog,no.A, RobertW. Toms. P.E. "~ ~ // , ARCHITECT STRUCTU~ ENGI~ER X ~N / ~ ~N h / ' ~ / / NJ - ¢AI 13345 NJ - ~ GE 36209 .. , ] -. ~ EXiSTIN~ e'-O" FENCE ..... ~ - ~ 028992-1 " : ~ =~ ~ I CONO~TE SLAB (160 5Q PT TOTAL / I x I ¢ / LEASE AREA) (SEE DRAHIN5 A-&) ) ~ B'-°" ~' z , Oq/2q/OqREVISED PER CLIENT COM~ENT5 ~Ho J~ PROPOSED 10'-12' HI¢H (HIN. ~ -; ~ EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE > ~ ' "' ' / ~ PROPOSED METRO POS ANTEKNA (~P OF I ' - ' f a ~ ] ~ PROPOSE~ METRO POS ~UIPMENT CAD~NETS I( SEAL - . - (~P. OF 4) MOUNTED ON PROPOSED STEEL r ' ~ PROPOSED HETRO POS COAXIAL x, ' ~ ~! '~ 7 ;' OA~LE~ *OUTEO ALON~ NE* OADLE ..... -- -- PROPOSE~ METRO PCS UTILI~' OONDUIT5 ~x / / , % / /" I "IO'-O" CONCRETE SLAB ROUTEDELEOTRiGALUNOER¢ROUNDORAHiN¢5 TOFoREQUiPMENTDETAIL5)~N(SEE / ~ > ~'N XN //'~/1'///'/// OUPLIOATION OR USE ~ITHOUT ~X.*~S$ X~ITTEN ~ C { ~ ' eoL~ 5 S~LINE DRIVE uos . N TDI2 125 5 SOUN AV NU ' J 7 ~ . , $EOTOR ~ESI~N T~PE: I 60-LOOATION :; BETA / x ~ ~ / (O" X )( N X )< X N ;, .. X .. )( X )( X X )( )( j~ )( X X X ); 0 ~x~X ~/ ~l,/~/ / i ~A~N~oBY. CHEOKE~T: O~/02/o~ATE' NOTE: A STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF= THE EXISTING MONOPOLE FIAS PERFORi'dED iN CONFORMANCE FILTH TIA/EIA-222 REV P AND NY STATE BUILDINb CODES ON 08.11,0~ DY SEMAAN ENblNEERINb SOLUTIONS, LLC. THE ANALYSIS CONCLUDED THAT THE MONOPOLE IS STRUCTURALLY CAPABLE OF SUPPOP-,TINb THE EXISTINb AND PROPOSED ANTENNAS. EXISTING ANTENNAS (BY OTNERS) TOP OF EXISTING POLE mJ2z IOO'-O"± ABOVE GRA~2E CENTER OF PROP. METRO PC5 ANTENNAS "/5'-0"+ ABOVE bRADE PROPOSED METRO PCS ANTENNA (TYP OF I PER SECTOR, 3 TOTAL) MOUNTED OUTSIDE EXISTINb POLE (SEE DETAIL PROPOSED METt~,O PCS bPS UNIT ON PROPOSED CABLE BRIDGE (SEE DETAIL 2/A-5) EXISTING CSt CABINET PROPOSED METRO PCS COAXIAL CABLES ROUTED ALONb NEFI CABLE BRIDbE TO EXISTINb POLE (tJSE EXISTINb PORT) (SEE DETAIL I-4/A-4) PROPOSED METRO PCS EQUIPMENT CABINETS (TYP. OF 4) MOUNTED ON STEEL RAILS ANCHORED TO NEFI CONCRETE SLAB (SEE DRAFIINGS A-6 ~ ES-I) PROPOSED METRO PCS PTC CABINET SECURED TO PROPOSED CONCRETE SLAB ON UNISTRUT FRAME MOUNTED TO bALVANIZED POSTS FILTH FIORK LIGHT ABOVE (SEE DETAIL I/A-5) TOP OP PROPOSED EQUIPPIENT CABINETS T-2"J: ABOVE GRADE APPP-.OXIP'ATE PROPOSED HETRO PCS I0'-0" x 16'-0" CONCRETE SLAB (100 5Q PT TOTAL LEASE AREA) (SEE DRAFIINb A-6) I,=OLE ELEk/ATJON (SOUTHWEST) PROPOSED METRO PCS COAXIAL CABLE5 ROUTED UP IN EXISTINO POLE: ¢JSE EXISTINb PORT) EXISTING EQUIPMENT (BY OTb E=-,S) EXISTING 0'-0" HISH FENCE TOP OF PROPOSED bPS ANTENNA I1'-0"± ABOVE bRAPE TOP OF PROPOSED --PROPOSED 12'HIGH CHIN) EVERbREEN LANOSOAPE SOREENINO AROUND EXISTLNb COMPOUND SECTOR BETA SECTOR 40" ALPHA SECTOR PROPOSED VALMONT Tf~I-SECTOt~ CHAIN MOUNT KIT APPROVED EQUAL) 2'5/8" O. D, ANTENNA MOUNINCi PIPE ? PROPOSED METRO PCS ANTENNA ("P~P OF I PER SECTOR, 3 TOTAL) MOUNTED OUTSIDE EXISTINb POLE (SEE RP-I POR ANTENNA HODEL ¢ 2 I ANTENNA dOUNT ETAIL Iixl"/ SC, ALE: 3/4": I'-0" [ 24xBO 5GAL'=: I I/2" = ['-0" NOTE: ALL NEW ACCE86 HOLES 5HALL BE P-,EINFO~CED LLIITH t.lJELDED RIM5 THAT APE COMPATIBLE tlJITH THE POLE. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE LUITH POLE MANLIFACTURER. HAND-HOLE RIM FOR BASE OF POLE HAND-HOLE RIM FOR TOP OF POLE J-HOOK5 FOR 5tJPPORTINd* COAX LINES MICt~OFLECT MODEL HAND-HOLE DESIGNu GROUP z ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 TEL: 732.888.6210 FAX: 732.847.4335 Lou Moglino, AL& ARCHITECT NJ - ~ A113345 NY -/~ 028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P.E. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NJ - # GE 36209 NY - ~ 075384 CT - ~ 22375 PA - # 061412 12/21/0q SSUED FOR FILING 12/lO/©q Oq/2q/0q 0~/25/0q ~)ATE metroPCS New York, LLC 5 SKYLINE DRIVE HAWTHORNE~ NY 10532 SITE INF©F~NATI©N 12~ ~OUNIZ) AVENUE MATTITUGK, N'f 11~2 I?ESION CO-LOCATION BHo SSt SHEET TITLE 06/02/0q IvfONOPOLF= ELEVATI ON ANTENNA MOUNT DETAILS MICt~OFLECT MODEL ~I~l&4~ HAND-HOLE SHEET NU'P,dBE~ ~ I ENTR'T' PO~T DETAIL (IF' P--,E~UIP-,,ED) .4 I EXIT POf:P-..T DETAIL (IF= fP,,EOUIRED)- -- ~ Ilxl~' SC, ALE: 1/16"=1'-0" 24x30 SC, ALE: I/8"=1'-0" Ilxl~ SC, ALE: [/6" = I'-0" 24x~0 SCALE: I/4" = I'-O" Ilxlq' SCALE: I/8": I'-0" 24x~0 SC, ALE: I/4" = I'-0" ON PROPOSED CABLE BRID~E .... *EEDET*L=A-* D E S I G ~ I ~~~ EmUAL ~OV~m~ 5UF~O~T ~OST5 ~ A ~ C ~ I · ~ C =. I ~ '~ ~ I ~'-0" ON GENTE~ MAXIMUM I ~4 ( ~ ENGINEERING I ~OAXIAL ~ABLE5 ROUTE~ ~ P.O. BOX 3 I ~ I ALON~ CA~L~ ~lm~ "--- -- HAZLET, NEWJERSEY 0~30 I( / ~ I ~AT~N~ ON ~A~Z~ '~ "-_--- -_ TEL: 7 3 2.8 8 8.6 2 1 0 "~-~ I/2"~ ANOHOR ~ET 4 I/4" INTO HILTI-HITF~: 7 3 2.8 4 7.4 3 3 5 ~ ~ ..... %"~'~% f HY-150 57STEM (SEE MANUFACTURER'5 Lou MogHno, AIR Robert W. Toms, P.E. - ~ t/2"¢ SCHEDULE 40 ~'~ ~ %%~ ~ ~ ~'~ P~OOEDU~E) (~PIOAL OF 4 PE~ PLATE) NJ- ~ A113345 NJ - ~ GE 36209 N H POST, AT ~'-o" PROPOSE~ VALMONT ~ ~ ' SPECIFICATIONS FOR iNSTALLATiON ARCHITECT STRUCTU~L ENGI~ER ~ , MAXIMUM ON CENTER CABLE BRIPCE ASSEMBLYi¢ = , OR APPROVED E~UAL. SEE ~ ' ~ < '/ ~ - ~ 075384 _, . MANUFAO~RER5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~ 028992-1 CT- ~ 22375 ~ ' ~ ~- COAXIAL GABLE5 ROUND UP GADLE SPECIFICATIONS FOR % % BRIPeE POST ON VAL~ONT DOUBLE INSTALLATION CUI~ELINE5 ~%~~ - o- ~ I/2"¢ ~EEP HOLE PA - ¢ 061412 ~ ~ ~ ~ T-LINE BRACKETS OR APPROVED ~' ~.-* ~, ,. * * * ...... ~' I~'~j, ~' ~ 12/21/oq ISSUED FOR FILIN5 " ~ ~ : II % ' II ~ PROPOSE~ CONCRETE 5LAB , ~ ~ ~ P~OPOSED VALHONT ~ ?~( ~ %~( ~ =" ~ ~ k u , ' (CEE DETAIL ' ' ~(~=,~ ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' Oq/2q,/Oq REVISEDPERCLIENT60MMENTS: -, *- *', (~PIOAL) ~' ~ /~'V; ' I"' ' ' ' ' ~ ~' ~ PROPOSED COAXIAL CABLE5 ~ (~PtOAL) ~ *~k ~ I'-O"¢ CONCRETE FOOTIN~ (SEE DETAIL5 HAN~E* ~ITH STANDARD , k~~'/"" x* SNAP-IN CLIPS DEAL ~ ~4/A-4 FOR WOUNTIN¢ T0 SLAB) ,, ~ ~ ,,~ ~ .// PROPO~E~ 6" THICK LAYER ~/4" PlA, CRUSHED STONE ,;=,:,,o,, New York LLC 5 G~LINE DRIVE HA~HORNE~ NY ~0532 / PROPOSED CONCRETE SLAB SITE INFOrmATION ~ ~t~ PROPOSEPOOAXIALOABLE5 I~ ~OUN~ AV~N~ ~$A¢; ~m ~ (~PIOAL) SECUREPTO WATT]TUCK, N~ I Iq~2 ~ -- PROPOSE~ D 1/2"¢ SCHEDULE 40 CABLE DRID~E CABLE ~RID~E [[~ . ~ DOUBLE T-LINE BRACKET ~--¢ ~ ~ ~ SUPPORT POST *ELDED ONTO ~"xD"xl/2" BADE SUPPORT POST ~ITH STANDARD SNAP-IN ~ ~ PLATE (WPIOAL OF 2) (DEE DETAIL l/A-4) CLIPS ~EOI~N ~ ~, ' ~ P~OPOSED COAX{AL CABLES ~ ~ ~ , ~ OOUDLE T-LINE D~ACKET ~ITH -~ -: -: - ~-- ~oPos~o VAL~ON~ OOU~L~ OO-LOOAT~ ON ~ (g 5" 'L ~ k ~ PROPOSED VALMONT DOUBLE , ~'-O" ON CENTER (AS 1% ~ , ,, ~1" I/2"e ANCHOR SET 4 I/4" INTO HILTI-HIT HY-150 (SEE DETAIL I/A-4) T-LINE BRACKET OR ~ REQUIRED) ~HO ~ SYSTEM (SEE MANUFAC~RER'5 APPROVED EQUAL SPACED ¢ e" ~,, , SPECIFICATION5 FOR INSTALLATION B'-O" ON CENTER (AS ~HEET TI TLR MIN. = PROOEPURE) (TYPICAL OF 4 PER PLATE) RE~UIRE~) CA~LF ~OUTI N~ ~ .... ~HEZT NU~E~ ~EV. Ih '. ,,, ~, JuN an 2ma ,¢-,J ~ 4I pASEPLATE PETAIL AT GONORETE SLAB D ~ BRAGKET PLAN 6 ~ BRAOKET ELEVATION r ~ ....... -- = Ilxll SOALE: B/4"=I'-O" 24xB6 SOALE, I I/2"=l'-O" Ilx17 5OALE:N.T.5.124x~6SOALE, N.T.S. Ilxll SGALE;N.T.S. ~ 24xB6 SOALE: N.T.S. e~,,,q¥,, ......... \L. SEE LINES T ~'"~O'©OO'OOOO6~ OR I S'-O" = .... I '6,6 6 6 6, ,0 ,© ,O dj ' I ~pOO0,,6©, , ~ ' L Ill I. ALL MATERIAL TO BE HOT-DIPPED ~ALVANIZED 2, SECURE EQLqPHENT TO UNISTRUT BP, ACKBTS UTILIZIN¢ UNISTRUT CHANNEL NUTS. ,. E*,PMENT SHALL BE O*TED TO UN,S UT FRAME AS PER ,'*'* D E S I G N CAP (HELD ALL AROUND) .~ -- ~ ARCHITECTURE -/ '~'~ E N G I N E E R I N G ~ JCTO ~E OPERATED ON g &~ MINUTE TIMER) ~ZLET, NEWJERSEY OW30 x S PROPOSED LITNONIA I~W LAMP P.O. BOX 3 TEE: 732.888.6210 B F~: 732 847.4335 ~ II I ¢~SALVANIZED UNtSTRUT P~O00 .., ' II J [ /(~PIOAL) OUANTI~ AND LOOATION "' - ' Lou Mog~no, A~ Robert W. Toms, P.E. ~'~* I11[ /// A5 ~E~UI~EP TO MOUNT E~UIPHENT '%N. ~CHITECT STRUC~LENGINEER NJ-2 NJ-2 AI 13345 GE 36209 ~ .~ - - ~ ~- g 028992-1 CT- g 22375 N ~ ~~ UNIST~UT) ~~ 7 ~ PA - ~ 061412 CABINET ON A ~ I _ ~ ~ Oq/2q/Oq ~VIGE~ PER 6LIENT 60HHENT~ PROPOSED TIMER 5~ITGH REVISION ~AH~ OH~ I I III~IA~T~ SCHEDULE 40 PiPE ~ITH I I ~ *gv OATE OESORIPTION ~ ii / 8"x8 xl/2' BASE PLATE h/(4) I/2 $ HILTI ~. I / I I UTILIT SOUX, New York, LLC Ilxl~ HA~HORNE~ NY 10532 ~OTES: I. THE ELEVATION AND LOOATION OF THE ¢P5 ANTENNA 5HALL BE IN ACCORDANCE AITH THE FINAL RF REPORT, SITE do~. N~I~ 2. THE ~P5 ANTENNA HOUNT 15 DESIGNED TO FASTEN TO A 5TANDARP I-I/4" ~OHJ~AL PlAHETER, 5OHEPULE 40, ~ALVA,NIZED STEEL OR 5TAINLE55 STEEL PIPE. THE PiPE HUST ~OT BE THREADED AT THE ANTENNA HOUNT END. THE PJPE 5HALL BE OUT TO THE RE~UI~ED LENOTH Hz~ doBm (HINIHUH OF J8 INSHES) USIN¢ A HA~D O~ ROTARY PIPE OUTTER TO ASSURE A 5HOOTH AND PE~PENDIOULAR OUT. A HACK 5A~ 5HALL NOT BE ~IT~ INPO~ATION USED. THE OUT PIPE END 5HALb BE PEBUR~ED ANP 5HOOTH IN ORPE~ TO SEAL A~AI~ST THE NEOPRENE CASKET ATTAO~D TO THE ANTENNA HOUNT. B. THE HO~NT[N¢ PLATE 5HALL BE PABRIOATED A5 5HORN AND ATTAOHED TO THE APPROPRIATE 5~PPO~T STRUCTURE DSIN¢ U-BOLTS. THE SUPPORT PIPE 5HALL THEN BE ATTACHED TO THE HOUNTIN~ PbATE USIN~ THE OVERSIZE U-BOLT5 P~OVIDED TO ALLO~ APJ~STHENT. IT 15 ORITIOAL THAT THE ¢P5 A~TENNA i5 HOUNTED 5UOH THAT iT 15 ~ITHIN 2 DE~EE5 OF VERTIOAL AN~ THE BASE OF THE ANTENNA 15 ~ITHIN 2 ~ ~O~N~ DECREE5 OF LEVEL. ~ ~P5 A~TEN~A ~ATTI TUCK, ~ (SUPPLIEP BY LUOENT) I/4" THIOK PLATE ~ , 4"~,, 5" 2" r'~"'~(T) ~SI~N ~..~ / BURNDY ~PE CAR (~P 2 PLO5) WP'' X--WI8 x7,¢ SLOWEPHOLE ~2A*OBOH.--%~__~ Ililr ~__--OABLETOPIPEOONNEOTORTiLT HOLE5 FOR ILL OF ~ TE~I LS ,, ,, (~ APJUSTH~NT(2 '~ 60-LOOATION , , , DIAMETER PIPE BRAOKET ~"=" ' I'1'1]~--(4) QUANTIT~ DRA~N BY, CHECKE~ BT ~ATE, , ~ ~ CABLE B~ID¢E ~1/2"* OOAX 5ADLE HINIHUH BENDIN~ ~H~% ,/' 1'-4~" =~ SUPPORT2 HOLE Lu*POST(~P) ///,.X~/~'~--, RAPlU~ PER HANUFAOT~RER'~ 5TANDARP ~ PLATE I/4 X ~-1/4 X 1~-1/4" L*. *ALV.(A-38) I //" , *e AA6 e~oUNPIUe KIT CABLE UT ILIT~ FRAME ELEVATION5 ~ ~2 AH~ UGH ' / ¢ ~, (PROVIDED ~ITH KIT) ~ 5TD. U-BOLT FOR ~ I/2" NOMINAL DIAMETER 5OHEDULE 40 PIPE 2 '/'/ ~ /~ ~/DOUBLE HEX NUTS AND ~ADHER, 6ALV, ~ ~P~ ~OUNTIN~ ~TAIL MOUNTIN~ BRACKET PLATE GiSBE 5ROUND BAR~ / '~ TO MICE ~/1~" x 2-~/6" ~LOTTED~ ¢2 A~¢ BGH / ~, STP. U-BOLT ~OR I I/4'" NOH[NAL DIAHETER PIPE ~/DOUBLE HEX HOLE FOR B I/2" NOHINAL NOTE: ~P5 ANTENNA HOUNTIN¢ B~ACKET~ NUT5 AN~ HASHER, ~ALV. (SEE NOTE 3) 2 ~H~ NU~ ~. ~IAHETE~ 5OHEDULE 40 OVERSIZE U-BOLT PROVIDED TO NUT5 AND ~ASHERS. (~P.) AGHi~V~ TOLErANCe. , I~p$ au~ ao 2o~o ~/ 2 I HOLE FOR I/2"¢ BOLT i ~. i E i: (: ( ~ E EARO CAB,NET -.. [ D E S I G N© ~ ~ i ~ ~ i i~ ~ - '- ARCHITECTURE ~l~ ii MOPCELLPROPOSED ~ I I~ I I MODCELLP~OPOSED II Ii ~ATTERyPROPOSED I~ I I~ I ~ATTERyP~OPOSEP II ~7~-, ~ ~ ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ ~ ~ E N G I N E E R I N I ~ I ~ I I ~xl~ I I I~ I I ~%~-~==~-~-~ P.O. BOX 3 , ~ ~,~ ~ZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 I * 21~ P~OPOSEO ~ PROPOSED PROPOSED ~ PROPOSED - ~ ~ ~ BATTERT i ~ ~ATTERT = ~: 732.888.~210 L _ _ _ J I I ~' (WP.) ~' ~%~x'~Nx%~ ~ ~ Lou MogHno, AIA Rob~t W. Toms, P.E. ~--- / ' ~b-~ ~ / I ARCHITECT STRUC~L ENGI~ER em ~ ,'/ ,', '/ ~ NJ - ~ A113345 NJ - ~ GE 36209 , ~ - ~ 075384 .... ' .... ' ' CT 22375 ~ ' ' ' ' . ' "* //~ PA - ¢ 061412 F~ONT OF C~INET5 , <_: ,~- . .... : ,~ CO~¢RETE PAP (SEE 5TA~ER BOLT5 AT "/ --' /,/ ..PE~AIL D/A-6) x,k 2/lO/OqREVISED PER CLIENT COMMENTS I. TOP OF STEEL ELEVATION I¢"+/- ABOVE ~PE LEAL. DETAIL ~/A-8) 2. FOR MOUNTINO HOLE LOCATION5 SEE DETAIL 2/A-& Db/25/Oq REVBED PER CLIENT COHHENT5 MTs II E UIPMENTOUPPORT F~AME PLAN 2IMOUNTINg, HOLE LOCATION PLAN /k REVISED FER al. lENT ¢OMNENT5 Ilx17 SCALE= 5/~"=1'-0" I 24x5¢ SCALE= ~/4"=P-O" {Ix17 SCALE= ~/~"=1'-0" I 24x58 5/4"=1'-O" ~EVISION ~A~N CHK~ L4x4xl/4 (~EYOND) EXI~TIN~ ~RADE ~ REV DAT~ ~ESC~IPTION PROPOSED ~" THIOK 4000 PS1 CONCRETE 5LAB ~ITH~,, 2 LAYERS OF 8x8-~/~ ~LDED ~IRE FABRIC. SEE x (TTP.) '-~. /- STEEL TO BE PLUMB PLANS FOR PAD SIZE (TOP TO BE LIGHTLY B~SHED) ~ BI~ (TTP.) '"'~. ," '~' AND LEVEL, 51~ xx SEAL NON-SHRINK G~OUT ' k~ '~5/4"e HSD-X (TYPJ ORUSHE~ 5TONE BASE /./ (~EYOND) (TYP.) EXISTIN5 UND[STORDEP /~ EHBEDHENT. 5TAGGER ~OLT5 AT ~ DETAIL D/A-~) VIRSIN 50IL / ~'-¢" O.C. EAC~ 51DE OF DEB~ - ~ ~MN~ ~RIV~ 5I :TAIL 4I~ETAIL 5I~TAILr HA~HORNE, NY 10532 I~x]~ ~/~"= I'-~" -- i ~1~]~1~1~ I ~ - ~ -- ' CO-LOCATION MODCELL MODCELL DATTERT BATTERY P~A~N DY. CHECKED BY. PATE: CA~INET CABINET CABINET CABINET , DHo O6/O2/Oq %, ~/ Top oF CO~C,~T~ PAP i~ SHEET TITLE CONCreTE FAO (5~ / (L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-" SI=I~ET NUMDE¢ REV. DETAIL ~/A-6) / JU~ B 0 20]0 .~' & I ELEVATION (F~ONT VIE~) sm,fimWTm~n I/4"=1'-0" 124x58 5GALE= I/2"=t'-O" SCALE: M REAR OF CABINET5 ~ ,tN -- -- -I- m I I l-- I * *~ T~ *~- I I I WCxl5 I I I I I ~ I I I I ~l I :~ I PROPOSED ~ I I PROPOSED I I PROPOSED ~1 PROPOSED I ~ i MO~O~bM ~ I I MODCELL I I BATTER~ ~l BATTER% I I ~ I I ~xl~ I I ~ I I ~ F ~ mmm ~ I I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ IIi I J I_ IT ~ - ~ 1 ~ ~ I I I I I L ~ _ _ ~ I I ~ 4'-~" ,' (W~.) ,' ~m~ 411 MT-15¢ ti)liN ~,*' MiN. CONCRETE PAD (SEE -- I ~lD~l~lt~l~ I ~n MODCELL Mol)CELL ~SATTERT BATTERY CA~INET CA~INET CABINET CABINET , j TOP / 5)/ DESIGN© : C GROUP5 5 ~.~. '~ ARCHITECTURE FLOOR CONTAGT HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 AREA [!11i I ~. .,~' TEL: 732.888.6210 PLAN ~ E~UIPMENT ¢ABINET ~ = % % Mog~o, a~ Robe~W. Tom, PX. 2 2'-, s/o" ~ , 4; ,, I1~{'' ~iii ~CHITECT STRUCTU~LENGI~ER - NJ - ~ A113345 NJ - ~ GE 36209 ~2-4~3/1~ ~ 13/lO" ~-~028992-1 CT-~22375 I %%. ~~ ~1~ 12 POSITION TERMINAL BLoOK (OPTIONAL) ;~/OI/Oq R~VISE~ PER CO~ENTS ~-. (O~UONAL) " 5E¢U~ NE~ HErO PCS ~QUIPHENT CABINET SEAL TO NE~ STEEL DUNNASE AS PER MANUFACTURERS 5PEC~IOATION5 (~P.) HULTIPOINT SROUND BAR ¢~NOT TO SCALE~ I lxl~ ~AL~, l/4"= I'-0" J 24xB6 SOALE: I/2"= I'-0" . T~ POCU~T ~ T~ OESleN. P~OP~ . PROPOSEO AREA~ ,~, ~o~ (,) ~,,,~,~ ~,~,~, - ~.~.. ~ :~.~.. = ~.~ ~o. ,. New-- ~Vor~, LLC ~EA FO~ (l) PTC CABINET - ~0" x ~2" = 25 S~, FT, _~ ~'-6" ~ 4'-4" TOTAL A~E~ OF C~BINETS - 1.~1' + ~,1~' + ZS': ~&O~ 5~. ~T. ~~ ~ 5 S~LINE DRIVE ' ~. ~ HA~HORNE, NY 10532 ~ 2'-0 3/IO" ..4 5/le" PLAN ~ PTC BOX~~***~ ~/16" ~ 2~-~ ~/16" ~ ~ = v 2'-~" == _ . ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~OUNTINO BRACKET TEMPLATE CO-LOCATION - N / - HOUNTINe TEHPLATE ~ ~¢ DHo SSt 08/02/0~ ~ SECURE NEH SHEET TITLE PLAN ~ BA ~' ~'ERY C~IN~T ~ET~O PCS PTC CABINET TO NEN UNISTRUT ELEVATION SPECIFICATION5 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS I Ilxll SCALE; I/4"=1'-0" 124x5~ 56AL~: l/2"=1'-0" Ilxl~ 56ALE: J/4"=l'-O" 124x~0 SCALE: I/2"=1'-0" *'"'""1%':.5' I ANTENNA SCHEDULE CABLE DGHEDULE MDT O° ~DT ~X/TX TX lDO FT.~ ~/g" 2 ~eO ~ N O I N ~ E ~ I N G MDT ~o ~DT ~X/TX ~X I~O FT.~ ~/&" ~ R~D HDT O° ~T RX/TX TX lDO PT.~ ~/&" ~ ~ ~OPOSED 'CDHA' PANEL ANTENNA: ~AZLET, NEWJERSEY 07730 KATN~EIN MODEL NO. SO~-I¢~O4 T~: 7~ 2.888.6210 ~OT 0° EDT ~X/TX KATH~E~N - &00-10504 RX I~0 FT.~ ~/~" [ BLUE ~,~h HDT 0° E~T~X/TX TX IBOFT.~ ~/~" 2 mLUE 81" o~" LouMogliao, AlA AobertW. Toms, P.E. _~' ,IL ARCHITECT STRUCTU~L ENGI~ER I CT - ~ 22375 i PA - ~ 061412 12/10/0~ ~ ~ONT VIED ANTENNA SCHEDULE CABLE DGHEDULE BECTOip` ~.X/TX MANUPACTUI~J=t~. MO[DEL~¢ OA~L~ L~N~TH ~IA. LABEL ~T S° ~DT ~X/TX ~ATH~EIN - ~00-10504 ~X I~0 FT.~ ~/~" I ~D MDT ~o ~DT ~X/TX TX I~O FT.~ ~/~" 2 ~ED MDT O° EDT ~X/TX RX I~0 FT.~ 7/&" ~ ~ED MDT O° EDT RX/TX TX IBC FT.~ 7/~" 4 REP MOT O' ~DT *XCX KATH*~N - bO0-10504 *X I~O FT.~ ~/¢" ~ ~LU~ MDT O° ~T *X/TX TX I~O FT.~ ~/~" 2 ~LU~ SEAL BILL OF MATERIALS NO. ST'r'. DEBGP, IPTION I HANUFAe*TUP,EP, I 2 HOPe*ELL LUCENT I 2 2 EZBFO BATTERY CABINET LUCENT ALPHA BETA CAHMA ~ 1560' ATO'/SJSO g/8"¢ AIROELL 60AXlAL GABLES T~ILOeY COMMUNICATIONS, lNG ANTENNA ANTENNA ANTENNA 4 24 OFA01850 ~/~"¢ ~/[~ ~1~ (F) CONNECTOR T~ILOCY OOHMUNIOATION5, lNG 5 24 ~K-S18AO 1/8" 6ROUND KIT TRILOGY 60MHUNIOATION5, lNG ZH~5 oocu~Z ~S T~ 0~5~. P~OP~ . 6 24 05-UI218 1/8" ~EATHE~PROOFIN6 KIT TRILOGY 60MMUNIOATION5, lNG ~o~ z~ Exc~u~lw u~ 1 ATI55JSO I 5/5"¢ AIRGELL COAXIAL CABLE5 TRILOSY COMMUNICATIONS, lNG /~ ~~ OOND~NT OF TH~ CR~ATO~ I* ST~IOTLr P~OHIBtTED. 8 DFAIS850 15/8"¢ ~/16 DIN (F) OONNECTOR TRILOGY COMMUNICATIONS, lNG L I0 GD-UI25& I 5/5" ~ATHERPROOFIN~ KIT TRILOGY COMMUNICATIONS, IN6 - New LLC II 24 ~ JAUOI2PHDH8 I/2"¢ JUHPEA ~/18 P;N (~) CONNECTOA5 ~ILO¢% COHNUN~OATIONS, tHO ~ 12 B REMOTE ELECTRICAL TILT ~ATHREIN ~ ITEH PA~T NUMBER ~. 5 S~LINE DRIVE 13 B ANTENNA - HO~EL ~ ~ATHREIN - ~OO-IO504 KATH~IN CABLE I gSO IOO3¢ (1~4 ~T.) 2 HA~HORNE~ NY 10532 14 ~ ~EP CABLE 2 ¢~O Iooo; (13 ~T.) 2 5~T~ JO~ II BLUE OABLE D ~0 IO00q (15 FT.) 2 ROU &&O 10025 ~ ~ITE INFORHATION ANTENNA OABLIN¢ NOTE5 I. COLORED ELEOTRIOAL TAPE 5HALL HARK EAOH END OF EVERY GABLE A5 6LOSE TO EACH END AS PANEL ANTENINA TEP,MINATE iN 12555 50UND AVENUE POSSIBLE. PPG OAB~NET ~/8'-0' $TANOARO 2. IN ADDITION TO TAPE HARKINeS, EAOH END OF %/ ~ AT BT5 MATTI TUCK, N~ II 'EVEP,Y CABLE 5HALL ALSO BE LABELED AITH B~55 ¢~.~TX TAe5 (SUPPLIED BY OANER) INSCRIBED ~ITH NU~BER ~/~'-0'~ STANdArD THE ABOVE SCHEMATIC. THIS $YS~H 15 TO BE U$ED x% BT5 FOR ALL COLOP,5. o ~ ~ O0-LOOATION ~. ALL TAPE HARKINe5 SHOULD BE DONE IN SEQUENCE FROH THE NORTH AORKIN¢ GLOGKAISE A5 TYPIOAL SECTOR GABLE ROUTIN5 SHOHN IN THE SCHEMATIC ABOVE. DRA~N ~% OH~GKED DY: PATE. 4. THE OONT~OTO~ SHALL INSTALL ANTENNA AND HINIHUH GABLE DEN~[N¢ ~ADIU5 ~Ho ~ UNDESIRABLE ~ATER RUN-OFF. sHEET TITLE 5. THE 60NTRAOTOR SHALL INSTALL A~DITIONAL CABLE SUPPORTS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM I/2"¢ (ATOI2J~O) ¢" ~ I NFO~ATI ON SPACINS oF 3'-O" oN C~NT~. e, CONT~ACTO~ AILL ~CO~O THE LOCATION ANO ~/e"¢ (ATO~ed~O) IO" SERIAL NUNBERS OF ALL AN~NNA$, ANTENNA I-~/8"¢ (ATI~Sd~O) 60NT~OLLE~ MOTOr5, AND THEI~ OO~ESPONDIN~ ) ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: ~ SH~T NU~5~ ~. INSTALLED LOOATION AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. I~;¢~ ....... ~] ~ 1. ALL ANDREA5 MOTOR5 A~E eENDER SPECIFIC, AND ~ / ~ ~ ~ ] AILL BE ~IRED 5TARTIN5 AITH THE HALE ENO O~ THE ~ ~(I JUN 30 200 ?.-/, : :. = 6ADLE AT THE BT5 ANO CONTINUE ALON~ THE RUN ~ L. ~ J" '~i 0 THE "FEMALE UP ROLE". ~ ~ ANTENNA GASL5 SCHEMATIC ! .;,,,/,;,7~ FOLLOHIN¢ L I Ixl3 5OALE: NOT TO 5GALE124x5 5OALE: I BILL OF MATERIALS NO. ST'r'. DEBGP-.IPTION [ HANUFAe*TUP,EP, I 2 HOPe, ELL LUCENT 2 2 EZBFO BATTERY CABINET LUCENT ~ 1560' \TO'ISJSO 1/8"¢ AIRCELL COAXIAL GABLES TRILOGY COMMUNICATIONS, lNG 4 24 DFAO'1850 'W8"¢ 'Wi6 DIN (F) CONNECTOR TRILOGY COHMUNICATIONS, lNG 5 24 ~K-S'/bAC 1/8" rap,OUND KIT TRILOGY COMMUNICATIONS, lNG 6 24 e*S-UI2'18 '//8" HEATNERPROOFIN~ KIT TRILOGY COMMUNle*ATIONS, lNG 1 ATISbJSO I 5/8"¢ AlP, CELL COAXIAL CABLES TP,ILO~Y COHHUNICATIONS, INe* 8 DFAI5850 15/8"¢ 1/16 DIN (P) CONNECTOP, TRILOGY COMMUNICATIONS, lNG q 6K-SI58AC I 5/8" Cap,OUND KIT TRILOGY OOMMUNICATION5, I0 05-UI258 I 5/8" ~ATHERPROOPIN5 KIT TRILOSY OOMMUNIOAT/ON5, lNG II 24 6~ JAUOI2DMDMb I/2"¢ JUMPEP, 1/16 PIN (M) CONNECTOr5 ~ILOCY 60MMUNIOATION5, lNG 12 ~ (EMOTE ELEOT~IOAL TILT KATHREIN I~ ~ ~NTENNA - MODEL ~ KATHREIN - 800-10504 KATH~IN 14 ITEM PAP, T NUMBEt~. QTY. CABLE I 860 IOOBB 064 FT.) 2 CABLE 2 860 10004 (18 PT.) 2 CABLE B 860 10004 (19 PT.) 2 I~,CU 860 1002B 6 I. ELECTRIC: PROVIDE AND INSTALL A 208V OP, 24OV, 2P, D ~IF=,E CIRCUIT FROM A RELIABLE SOURCE TO THE COMMUNICATION CABINET. THIS APF ABOVE FINISHE~D FLOOR MSE~ EASTER 5ROUND BAR LiNE TO ~IN~. 'P 'T I~ NOT BET*E~* THE ~PECIPIE* VOLTAGE, THEN CALL THE A*OHIT*OT. ALL ELEOT*IOAL E~UI**ENT ~HA~ DE LAbiLE* *ITH O OON*UIT N NEDT*AL ~ E O E~T ELECT~IGA~ HETALLI6 PNL PANEL HETE~ AND TAP LOCATION PRIOR TO IN$TALLATION. THE A~OHITEOT BE~IN5 THE PAPE~O~ ~ITH TME VARIOUS UTILITT OOHPANIE$ AND CAN TEMPORARY PO~ER CONNECTIONS. HOP MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL R~S Rl¢lO ~ALVANIZEO STEEL TEL: 732 88 8 6 2 1 0 Oo~sOOPE P~OH THE COHHUNICATIONS CABINET TO THE HAIN ~EHARCATION POINT. FROH THE PPG CABINET TO THE ETS, PROVIDE Jumper: THE MAIN DEMARCATION POINT ALLO~5 FOR THE LEAST AMOUNT OF NOISE ANO THE MOST AMOUNT OF P~OTEOTION. FO~ COST SAVINGS, A ARCHITECT STRUC~LENGI~ER CLOSER OEMA~OATION POINT MA~ ~E SPECIFIED IN MULTIPLE STO~ ~UILPlN~S ~ITH THE APPROVAL DP THE TELEPHONE COMPANY. PO~ NE~ NJ- ¢AI 13345 NJ- ~ GE 36209 TELEPHONE SERVICES IN NJ, NY 4 CT, PROVIOE A 4" OONOUIT ~ITH A ORASLINE P~OM THE SPECIPIEO UTILJT~ POLE TO THE LOCATION OF THE NE~ ~-¢028992-1 ~-¢075384 CT - ¢ 22375 ~EMA~OATION POINT. PA - ~ 061412 4. CONDUIT ~OUTIN~, THE ROUTINe OF THE OONOUIT SHALL BE SUCH THAT THE EASIEST ANO MOST PRACTICAL METHOOS A~E USE~ ~ITHOUT IMPAOTIN~ THE BUtLOIN~ O~NER AND THE AESTHETIC APPEAL OF THE ~UIL~IN~. BECAUSE THE ~ORK BEIN~ DONE IS ~N EXISTIN~ STRUCTURES, IT IS ~ IO/gl/0qiSSUED FO~ FILING IMPOSSIBLE TO SHO~ EVER~ JUNCTION BOX, LB, CONDUIT BEN~, ETC. IN A T~O DIMENSIONAL PLAN. IT IS POP THIS REASON THAT THE / N - - CONTRACTOR MUST VISIT THE SITE ~EPORE AOOEPTIN~ THE O~FER AND UNOE~STANO THE TRUE INSTALLATION O~STAOLES THAT ARE UNIQUE TO THAT BUILOIN¢. 12/lO/0qREVBED PERCLIENTCOHHENTS ~0~0~/25/0~ ~EVISEO PER 6LIENT O0MMENTS WIRING METHODS LEGEND I. ~ENERAL, ALL ~IRIN¢ IN FINISHED A~EAS SHALL DE CONCEALED UNLESS NOTEO OTHER~ISE. IN UNFINISHED AREA5 SUCH AS BASEMENTS, IDZNTIFIE~ DESCRIPTION IDENTIFIER DESCRIPTION ~Ev. mATE REVISION DRA~ HEOHANIOAL POOHS, ELECTRICAL CLOSETS, ETO. ~I~IN~ SHALL DE ROUTE~ ON THE INTERIOR SURFAO~. NO ~IRIN~ ~HALL DE ROUTED ON THE OEDCRIPTION OUTSI~E SURFACES OF THE DUILOlN¢ UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED. ALL NEC AND LOCAL ~L~OTRIO CODES SHALL DE A~HEREO TO. ALL E EXISTIN¢ ELECTRIC NT NE~ TELEPHONE SEAL OONDUOTO~S SHALL DE OOPPE~ UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ~ELO~ CRAPE (UNDErgrOUND IN [EARTH OR FILL): ALL CONDUITS SHALL HAVE A HINIHUH BURIAL ~EPTH OF 24". BRANCH CL~CUITS SHALL NE NE~ ELECTRIC NT NE~ UNOER~ROUNO CONDUITS. ALL ELBOWS USED ~ITH PVO CONDUIT SHALL BE SCHEDULE 80 PVO. ALL CON~UIT INSTALL. EO ABOVE FINISHED ~RAOE SHALL BE ELECTRIC T EXISTIN~ UNOE~OUNO SCHEDULE 80 PrO. PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, A UTILITY HA~ OUT SHALL DE DONE TO LOCATE EXISTING UNDER'ROUND UTILITIES. PICTURE5 SHALL TELEPHONE ABOVE SUSPENOED CEILINGS O~ ~ITHIN DRY ~ALLS SHALL CONSIST OF TYPE NC ~ETAL CLAD CABLE IF ALLO~ED ~T CODE. CONNECTIONS TO T - EXISTIN¢ TELEPHONE T~¢ OOCUM~NT IS THE OE~IGN. PROPER , COmmUNICATION CABINETS ANO VIDRATIN~ E~D~P~ENT SHALL CONSIST OF PULLED CONDUCTORS IN FLEXIBLE ~ETALLiC OON~UIT, ~AXIMU~ 6~ IN OOPTRIBHT OF 'THE NTH DESISN CROUP. lNG.' L~N~TH, OUPLICATION OR USE ~ITHOUT EXPRES5 ~RITT~N LIQUID TI,HT ~LEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT, ~AXI~U~ 8' IN LENS TH.I I I1~~' New York, LLC 5 S~LINE DRIVE HA~HORHE~ NY 10532 SPECIAL EMPHASIS, CONCERNS AND LIMITATIONS SYMBOLS I=ss5 60~UNIGATION IPENTIFIE~ PESO~IPTION IPENTIPIER DESCRIPTION I. THE A~OHITEOT $HALL BE NOTIFIEP I~EDIATEk~ UPON DISOOVE~ OF A P~OBLE~ O~ OONFklIOT. CONTRACTOR $HALk P~OHPTkY ~ $AFETY $~ITCH ~ ~EOEPTAOLE I~ENTIFY ONE OR MORE PROPOSED SOLUTIONS BUT SHALL NOT PROOEEP UNTIL ~O AUTHO~IZE~. OO-LOOAT[O~ ~ PANEL BOARP ~ NE~ UTIklTY POLE LI~ITATION$ ON PO~NTI~E ~ ELECTRIC ~TE~ ~ EXISTIN¢ UTI~T~ POL~ DRABN BY. OHECKEP BY, DATE. I. OOORPlNATE ALL Pi$OONNEOTION$ ANP INTERRUPTION$ OF ELECTRICAL SERVICE AN~ ~ROUNPiN~ $Y$TEH ~ITH THE O~NER. A $CHEPULE OF INTErrUPTIONS AND SHUTDOWNS SHALL BE SUbmITTED TO THE O~NZR FO~ APPROVAL. TH~ SCHEDULE OF INTERRUPTIONS SHALL DE ~ ~ ELECTRICAL ~I~IN~ ~Ho ~ SUBMITTED TO THE O~NE~ A ~INI~UH OF T~O ~EE~S PRIO~ TO AN% ANTIOIPATEO INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE AND SHALL DE APPROVED (TURNIN~ ~ ELECTRICAL (TURNINe OO~N) ~L~OT~ICAL NOTES CONTRACTORS ~ COMMUNICATIONS CADINET AN~ [. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL SEOU~E ANO PAY FO~ ALL ~EQUI~ PERMITS AN~ SHALL A~RAN¢~ ALL ~EQUI~O INSPECTIONS. _- _ .... ---=- ,- 2. EACH CONTRACTO~ SHALL COORDINATE HiS ~O~K ~ITH THE ~ORK OF ALL OTHER CONTrACTOrS AND EXISTIN5 FIELD CONOlTIONS. , , DAOKBOA~ (~ {/ ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ~_.' ~",,~ SHEET NU~DE~ REV. ,, , I<,E'r NOT,ES ('Scjmbols C), (~), ~ ~ I. ~XI$TIN~ 6SO 6ASIN~T. GROUP ':' " ~ E N G I N E E R I N G ' b5///'/,,~ ]- , ~ [ :', A~OV~ M~T~ ~O~K~T HAZLET, NEWJERSEY 07730 z~ ,//Z 'd I I TEL: 732.888.6210 r ~, ,~ , :~ ~. P~OVl~ N~ 2OOA, 2~OV, N~MA ~ FU$~ F~: 732.847.4335 ; *~,,- ~ : ' Lou Mog~no, AlA Robert W. Toms, P.E. ; ~ ~, -- O~ PTO GA~INET ~AOK. PRQVISE (2) 2OOA, , ARCHITECT STRUC~ ENGINEER , " " 2~OV FUSES. NJ - $ A113345 NJ - ~ GE 36209 ' ~ ~ :: = :: 12/lO/Oq REVISED PER CLIENT O0HHENTE des ¢~a% %' I . ,, :: TINNE~ CROUNP ~I~ES TO NE~ CROUN~ RIN~. , oq/2q/0q REVISEDPEROLIENTOOMME~T5 BHo des ' ~ ,, I0. PROVIDE 5/8"X10' OOPPE~ ~ROUN~ ~0~ SEAL :: 12. ~2 5OLI~ TINNED OON~UOTO~ (TYP) TO BE : ~ 15. P~OPO$EP TELOO OONDUITS ~4. PROPOSED E~EOTR~OAL 60N~UITS , New York, LLC :~ 5 S~LINE DRIVE ~ HA~HORNE~ NY 10532 NOTE, 6ON~UIT ROUTIN~ ON PLANS IS , CONCEPTUAL, ACTUAL ~OUTIN~ TO BE BASEDSITE INFORMATION ' L ON FIELD CONOITIONS. I I~O~OUN~ LA~OUT Al~ AND OON~UIT LE~EN~ I~D~ SOUNO A~NU~ ~T~I~UO~, N~ ~ES<C~IPTION ~l~E CONOUIT FLOOD L!SHT ~ITH IOO AATT ~I~N TYPE: QUARTZ LAMP. ~ ~ 200 AMIP FEEDE~ D~D/O ~ I~D~ (2) ¢12 ~12~ - ~/4" OON~UIT ~OO AHP FEEDER ~2 * I'eS 2" CO-LOCATION 0-4 HOUR ~EOHANIOAL TELOO DEMA~C TO SEE E-I 2" ELECTRICAL PLAN EQUIPMENT (ASOV~ ~OUNP) SH~T NU~E~ TROUGH ~ ~ 6A~INET CROUN~) Ilx17 SCALE: N.T.5. 24xD6 5GALE: N.T.S. (l: ,[ .... Ubl 31 ~1 CA~INET I I ATTACHED TO ®ROUND P-.IN® T~ST SECTOR &ROUND DAP- Ilx17 SCALE: NTS. COAX ®ROUND KLT AT ANTENNA KIT UNINSULATED COAX ®'ROUND KIT AT ANTENNA :¢6 ~OUND K. iT COAX CABLE COAX CADLq COAX CROUND KIT UNINSULATED ~OUND DAI~, COAX CABLE SOLID 2:¢2 SOLID ATTACHED TO EXISTJN~ CROUND RIN® WELL bITS. 2 IANT1ENNA ®P-,OUNE)IN® PETAIL Ilx17 SCALE: NTS, 94xS6 SC, ALE: HTS. ONE LINE I 24xS6 SCALE: E)IA® AM ~ ¢~OUND ROD THREADED HELL FINISHED PVC INSPECTION TESTLN® hELL 3 I TEST !AIELL Ilxl'7 SCALE~ NTS. IIxL7 SCALE; NTS. E ETAIL 24xS& SCALE: NTS. Min. P-.O ETAIL PINISH ®RASE LOOP I 24x56 SCALE: FOR-, TESTIN® CAD ktELD' FINISHED ®ROUND CONNECTION ('TO DE VERIFIED~ NTS. iAHERE ICE BRI~ES AND ICE SHIELDS ARE BOND ALL POSTS VIA ~2 SOLID TINNED TO THE ~ROUND RIM®. FOR NEP, I 'FENCE INSTALLATIONS BOND ALL CORNER PENCE POSTS FROM ®ROUND RIM® TO A ""'" TYPE CAD,ELD TO FENCE POST VIA CLAMP. (THOMAS ~ BETTS #2 OR APPROVED EQUAL) BON:~ ALL ®ATE POSTS AND ®ATE FRAMES HITH A MINIMUM O~ I/0 COPPZ~ ~LEX AN~ ERIO0 E~UAL. ALL OOAXIAL CABLES SHALL BE ¢~OUN~EO TO A UNIHCULATED ~ROUND ~A~ V~A OA~LE E~UAL. THIS ~OUNP BAR 5HALL BE LOOATE~ JUST ~ELO~ THE POINT ~HERE ALL OABLE5 OOZE TO~ETHE~ AN~ ~ESOEN~ ~O~N THE TO~,ER, THIS ~OUNO DAR SHALL BE ATTAOHEO OiRZOTLY TO THE TO~E~ MIA BEA~ CLAMP. ALL COAXIAL CABLES LEAk/IN® THE COMMUNICATION CABINET SHALL BE ®ROUNDED TO A UNINSULATED ®ROUND BAR VIA CABLE ®ROUND KITS. NE!AlTON INSTRUMENT COMPANY OR EQUAL. THIS ®ROUND BAR SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE POINT HHERE THE CABLES MAKE A NINETY DE®REE BEND OFF THE TOP4ER. 2~'2 SOLID TINNED COPPER CONDUCTOR FROM THE INSULATED ®ROUND BAR TO THE ®ROUND RIN® VIA "Y" TYPE CAD,ELD. 5/8"~X10' ®ROUND ROD CAD ~ELDEO TO ~2 SOLID TINNED OOPPER INSTALLED IN 8" PVC TEST !AIELLS. ~2 A!Ai® SOLIDS CONTINUOUS TINNED COPPER FqlRE EXTERIOR ~OUNO ~IN~ TO BE PLAOEO 2'-0" A~AY FROM ALL FOUNDATIONS. SEE SPEOIPIOATIONS. 5/8"~, X I0' COPPER-CLAD STEEL ®ROUND 'ROD. I'dO~E THAN 2/D OF THE ROD LEN®TH MUST BE BELOY~ THE LOCAL PROST LINE. NOTES (S~m~ools (~, (~), :'='cc.) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. IO, II. ANTENNA. (SCHEMATIC REPRESENTATION, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRA~iN®S 'FOR I,dOUNTIN®.) MABT. ANTENNA JUMPER. COAX ®ROUND KIT. DO BEN,DS. CAi:3~HELD TYPE "MS". NOT INSTALL ON ANTENNA COAXIAL CABLE. TO C,,ONMUNICATION CABINET. 2 BARREL HYDRAULICALLY COMPRESSED CONNECTION PANDUIT CATALO® ::4: CTAP 2-2,X. *~0 I NTE®RAL ®ROUND CONDUCTOR PROM ®ROUNDIN® KIT TO S®D. ~¢2 BOLID TINNED COPPER ®ROUNDIN® CONDUCTOR 8" MINIMUM RADLUS. 2 BARREL HYDRAULICALLY COMPRESSED CONNECTION PANDUIT CATALO® ~ CTAP 2-4,Q. TO NEXT ANTENNA. TO ESI Nu ROGUp5 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING P. O. BOX3 HAZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 TEL: 732.888,6210 FAX: 732,847.4335 LouMogHno, AIA AECHITECT NJ - ~ A113345 NY-¢ 028992-1 Robert W. Toms, P.E. STEUCTUP~AL ENGINEER NJ-¢GE36209 NY-# 075384 CT- ¢ 22375 PA-¢ 061412 12/21/0q ISSUED FO=-. FINNS 12/lO/Oq REVISED PER CLIENT COMMENTS 0q/2q/0q RE¥1SEP PER CLIENT COMMENTS ON25/O~RE//15EP PER CLIENT O0MMENf5 OVOI/Oq REVISED PER CLIENT COMMENT5 SEAL metroPC& New York LLC $ SKYLINE DRIVE HAWTHORNE, NY 10532 SIT* .~0,*. N"r'T512 XT* Jo**, OeII',,IPSTSOII SITE I NFOt~.N1ATION 1~5~5 ~OLJNE::) AVENUE I'-dATTITUE. K, N'Y 1l~2. CO-LOCATION SHEET TITLE I~ATE. Ob/O2/Oq C- t~---- © U N :Z::::> I NO SHEET NUhflBEP-. I-I/4"MAX.~IA. ANTENNA CABLE Iq--b DESIGNo ~EATHERPI~-.OOFIN®~"--.IT /-- GROUP5 AN=R:N "22121D A R C H I T E C T U R E ~6 A~ STRANDED CO~PER SROUN~ ~IR~ (~OUN~E~ TO ~ROUN~ BAR) 200 AM~ MAiN 24 CirCUIT 120/24OV ~ZLET, NEW JERSEY 07730 (STAN~A~ AN~ ~OUN~IN~ KIU I TEL: 7 3 2 8 8 8 6 2 10 I 2 ' · · CONNECTION O~ OADE~ ~OUN~ KIT $PAR~ ~O ICc MO~O~LL ~O~R F~: 732.847.4335 5 4 TO Lou Mog~no, A~ Robert W. Toms, P.E. ,, : ~O~PTAOL~ 15 5 & 20 L IOHT ARCHITECT STRUCTU~ENGINEER PTC PANEL 200 AMP MAiN .24 CIE`CUlT 1'~0/240V I 2 SPAP. E 80 loc MO~CELL POWER. 5 4 :RECEPTACLE 15 5 6 20 LIOHT ~ 8 SPACE ES~ AG UNIT ~ I0 S~AGE ~A~ II ~3 14 SPACE SPACE Iq 21 22 SPACE SPACE 2~ 24 SEAL 7 8 SPACE NJ - # Al 13345 NJ -/~ GE 36209 ACCA ~ EB~.E AC UNIT 15 q lO NY - # 028992-1 CTNY-' # # 22375075384 2 I/2" ~IA. 2" _, _ 0" SPACE PA - ~ 061412 MAX. ' = ~ I - SPA6~ II 12 ~- J $~A6~ S~A6~ Oq/Eq/0q R~VISE~PERGLIBTGOMNENFS ~Ho des (STANOA~I~E (O~OUN~E~ANO~E~TO OROUNO~ROUNPlNCBA~)KiT) SPACE 23 24 SPACEI/x o5/25/0q RB/15EO PER CLIENT COMMENTS A I~'~¢~%x 01/OI/Oq REVBED PER CLIENT COMMENT5 6ABLE TO PiPE 60NNEOTOR MAIN 6[ROUIT ~AKE~ RATIN~ - 22,o00 DURNO% TWPE CA~ NOTE: Do NOT INSTALL CABLE ¢~OUNO KiT AT A DENO (TYP 2 PLOS) TO GROUND BAR. I 2 IOONNEOTION OF GABLE ®P-.OUNZ:> KIT 3 IPTO PANEL SCHEDULE / IIxl7 SCALE: NTB. I 24xSS SCALE: NTB. IIxl7 SCALE; N.T.S. I 24×,e SCALE: N.T.S. : KE'¢ NOTES (Sumlools (~, (~), E~c.) I~UPLICATION OR US* ~qlTHOUT NXP*=5S kqP-ITTEN ~-~ -l/2"~ OOAX GABLE I. ALL COAXIAL CABLES LEAMIN~ THE I BAR CABLE (PROVIOEO ~ITH ~IT) O~ E~UAL. ~B-6142 (~OUNO BAR 20" X 4" X BO~ ~~ ~TO HI~ I/4"), ~O~1-4 (INSULATORS), ~OI5-8 (5/8" ~ ~l~ ~l~ LOOKNASHERS), ~A-OOD6 (~ALL MOUNTiN~ HA~HORNE, NY 10532 ~ 5~OUNO~5 CONOUC ~OLTS). SITE JO** NYES I2 xm uo**. OefNIPSTSOil PAN 2. HYOP. AULICALLY COh'iPR`ESSE~ LON® SITE INFOrmATION 2-HOLE ®ROUNZXN® LU~ FOR` ®P. OUNZPIN® CONIDUCTOP. S BET/'qEEN CABLE AN~ THE ~ASTER CROUND BAR TERNINAL. THOMAS o o O DETTS ¢54811~E OR EQUAL. o O ~ATTJ TU~, ~ D. H~O~AULIOALL~ COMP~ESSEO LON~ NAIl **c DA~L 2-HObZ ~OUN~IN~ ~AIN ~OUN~IN~ ~O~N 60N~UOTO~ DZT~EEN TH~ ~ASTE~ ~OUN~ TZ~INAL AN~ THZ ~AIN ~OUN~IN~ ~_~ ~AIN ~OUNDIN~ DO~N 60NDUOTO~. ( ~ ZL~OT~O~. THOMAS a D~TT$ ~54862D~ O0-~OOATION ~ I_ O~ EQUAL. 4. 5/8" STAINLESS STEEL DIAMETE~ BOLTS TO ~,~x B~: OHEOKE~ ~. ~ATE, CONNECT ®F~OUNZ~IN~ LU® TO THE ®R`OUNO BHo SSt 06/02/Oq BAR. (TYPICAL). SHEET TITLE 5. ~/8" STAINLESS STEEL ~IAMETER PLAT NASHE~ (TYPICAL). 6. 578" STAINLESS STEEL ~IAMET~ LOCK ~ ~ ~ASH~R SHEET NU~BE~ ~. D/~" HEX HEA~ STAINLESS BTEZL NUT 8. Pt~,OVI~E LOCKTITE THP-..EA~ LOC~E_~EP TO_ -- ~=