HomeMy WebLinkAboutRetirement of the Riverhead Town code Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Officer February 17, 2011 Suffolk County Planning Department L.I. State Park Commission Town of Southold Town of Southampton Town of Brookhaven ENCLOSED HEREWITH please find the following resolution which were adopted by the Riverhead Town Board at a Regular Town Board meeting on February 15, 2011 Res. #140-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST A PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 37 ENTITLED "RETIREMENT" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Article II) Res. #141-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST A PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 37 ENTITLED "RETIREMENT" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Article III) Res. #142-AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST A PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 37 ENTITLED "RETIREMENT" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Article IV) If you have any questions, please call Carol Del Vecchio at 631-727-3200, Ext 262, or Diane Wilhelm at Ext. 260 Sincerely, % Diane M. Wilhelm Town Clerk 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 Ext. 260 ~ Fax (631)208-4034 Office of the Town Clerk Diane M. Wilhelm, Town Clerk Registrar of Vital Statistics Records Management Officer Marriage Office, February 17, 2011 We would appreciate your signing this letter acknowledging receipt of this Resolution and returning it to the Office of the Riverhead Town Clerk. (Resolutions# 140, 141 and 142 bom Town Board Meeting 2.15.1 I) Sincerely, Signature: DW:cd Diane M. Wilhelm Town Clerk 200 Howell Avenue - Riverhead, New York 11901- (631)727-3200 ExL 260 ~ Fax (631)208-4034 02.15.2011 ADOPTED 110140 TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 140 AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST A PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 37 ENTITLED "RETIREMENT" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Article II) Councilwoman Gi.qlio offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Dunleavy RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish the attached public notice once in the February 17, 2011, issue of the News-Review, the newspaper hereby designated as the official newspaper for this purpose, and also to cause a copy of the proposed local law amending Chapter 37 entitled "Retirement" of the Riverhead Town Code to be posted on the sign board of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a certified copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Giglio []Yes r-lNo Gabrielsen [~]Yes I--INo Wooten [~Yes [--~No Dunleavy []Yes [--~No Walter []Yes DNo The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted Z:McCormick~RESOLUTIONS~2-15-1 l Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article I1 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public hearing will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead, at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on the 1st day of March 2011 at 2:25 o'clock p.m. to consider a local law amending Chapter 37 entitled "Retirement" of the Riverhead Town Code as follows: CHAPTER 37 ARTICLE II EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR ELIGIBLE NON-UNION FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES Section 37-8 Legislative Intent and Findings: The Town of Riverhead is pleased to offer an early retirement incentive program ("ERIP") in order to bdd,qe budget deficits. This plan is strictly voluntary, and is designed to support positive employee morale by reducing or eliminating the need for involuntary lay-offs. This ERIP will allow the Town to achieve financial goals and objectives while supporting those employees who wish to move into retirement. Section 37-9 The Eligibility Group: The eligibility group is the set of individuals who will be offered the opportunity to participate in the ERIP. Section 37-10 Eligibility Requirements: Full-time Non-Union employees who: (i) have at least 20 years of credited service in the New York State Employees Retirement System (the NYSERS") as of March 15, 2011; (ii) are eligible for and actually retire and vest into the NYSERS on or before May 26, 2011; (iii) are at least 55 years of age at the time they retire into the NYSERS; (iv) are employed by the Town on the day before the effective date of their retirement; (v) are not resigning for purposes of retirement pursuant to any pdor Stipulation of Agreement with the Town or any State-offered retirement or separation incentive or similar program; and (vi) are one of the employees to fully comply with all of the terms and conditions set Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONS~2-15-11 Setting Public Heating to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article II forth in the Incentive. Those employees shall be eligible to participate in this Incentive and shall be referred to as an "Eligible Employee." The Eligible Employee must deliver to the Supervisor, by no later than May 2, 2011, an unaltered irrevocable letter of resignation for retirement purposes in the form attached to the Town Incentive-related documents prepared by the Town, referencing that resignation is to be effective on or before May 26, 2011. In order for this Incentive to be activated, a minimum number of non- union Eligible Employees, to be determined by the Town in its sole discretion on or about May 2, 2011, must opt for the incentive. In the event the incentive is not activated, any resignation letter tendered by an Eligible Employee will be deemed null and void and the Eligible Employee may continue working in the Town. The Eligible Employee may also elect to resign his/her position for retirement purposes, but will not receive the Incentive. This Incentive is effective solely for the 2011 calendar year. The Eligible Employee must, at the time of submitting the unaltered irrevocable letter of resignation for retirement purposes referenced in Section 37-10 (B) above, execute the unaltered Waiver and General Release of Claims form attached to the retirement incentive-related documentation prepared by the Town. An Eligible Employee shall forfeit eligibility for this Incentive if he/she opts for any retirement or separation incentive offered pursuant to New York State law during the 2011 calendar year. Additional eligibility requirements are set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. Section 37-11 BENEFIT: A. Fully paid health insurance premiums by the Town for a period of 48 months following an Eligible Employee's retirement for all Eligible Employees who ara enrolled in a family health insurance plan at the time of their retirement and who remain enrolled in a family health insurance plan for this 48 month period. In the event an Eligible Employee dies during this 48 month period, the Town shall pay 75% of the cost of health insurance for the deceased Eligible Employee's dependents, at the time Z:McCormick\RESOLUT1ONS~2-15-11 Setting Public Heating to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article II B. of death, for the remaining months of this 48 month period of time, in accordance with applicable provisions of the New York State Health Insurance Program and applicable law. After the first 48 months, the Town's contribution of health insurance premiums shall be as per current Town policy and/or contract which established the Eligible Employee's terms and conditions of employment. C. A lump sum payment of $400 per month, payable in quarterly installments, for a pedod of 48 months following an employee's retirement for all Eligible Employees who are enrolled in an individual health insurance plan at the time of their retirement, for which the Town contributes 100% of the premium cost, and who remain enrolled in an individual health insurance plan for this 48 month period. In the event an Eliqible Employee dies dudng this 48 month period, the Town shall continue to make these payments to the Eli.qible Employee's estate for the remaining months of the 48 month pedod of time. Eligible Employees shall remain eligible for all payments for unused accumulated leave time pursuant to current Town policy and/or contract which established the Eligible Employee's terms and conditions of employment. Payment will be made within 30 days following the Eligible Employee's retirement date, as determined by the NYSERS, for all time which does not exceed an amount of paid time which equates to the value of the full time weeks (to be determined by the Eligible Employee's regular work week as of the date of retirement) remaining in the calendar year following the Eligible Employee's retirement. Payments for leave which exceeds the value of full weeks remaining in the calendar year will be paid in January 2012. E. INAPPLICABILITY OF OTHER CONTRACTUAL INCENTIVES: Notwithstanding any Town resolution, policy or procedure to the contrary, any Eligible Employee who opts for this Town Incentive shall be deemed ineligible for any resignation or retirement incentive provided for in that resolution, policy or procedure. F. RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL: The terms and conditions of this Incentive were ratified and approved by the Town Board on March 15, 2011. Z:McConnick\RESOLUTIONS~-I 5-11 Setting Public Heating to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article II G. INVALIDITY OR ILLEGALITY: If any provision of this Incentive is deemed to be invalid by any court, administrative agency or other neutral of competent jurisdiction, then this entire Incentive shall be deemed null and void from its inception. Underline represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York February 15, 2011 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M. WILHELM, TOWN CLERK Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONS~2-15-l 1 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article 1I 02.15.2011 110141 ADOPTED TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 141 AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST A PUBLIC NOTICE TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 37 ENTITLED "RETIREMENT" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODE (Article III) Councilman Dunleavy offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Wooten RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish the attached public notice once in the February 17, 2011, issue of the News-Review, the newspaper hereby designated as the official newspaper for this purpose, and also to cause a copy of the proposed local law amending Chapter 37 entitled "Retirement" Of the Riverhead Town Code to be posted on the sign board of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a certified copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Giglio J~]Yes [--INo Gabrielsen [~Yes [--INo Wooten [~Yes [--INo Dunleavy []Yes [--INo Walter []Yes [--INo The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONSk2-15-11 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article III PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public headng will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead, at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on the 1st day of March 2011 at 2:30 o'clock p.m. to consider a local law amending Chapter 37 entitled "Retirement" of the Riverhead Town Code as follows: CHAPTER 37 ARTICLE III EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR FOR ELIGIBLE FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE CiVil. SERVICE EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, INC. Section 37-12 Legislative Intent and Findings: The Town of Riverhead is pleased to offer an early retirement incentive program ("ERIP") in order to bridge budget deficits. This plan is stdctly voluntary, and is designed to support positive employee morale by reducing or eliminating the need for involuntary lay-offs. This ERIP is the result of a cooperative effort between the Town and the Civil Service Employees' Association, Inc., Local 1000, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Riverhead Unit of the Suffolk Local #852 ("the CSEA"). Section 37-13 The Eligibility Group: The eligibility group is the set of individuals who will be offered the opportunity to participate in the ERIP. Section 37-14 Eligibility Requirements: A. Full-time CSEA bargaining unit members who: (i) have at least 20 years of credited service in the New York State Employees Retirement System (the NYSERS") as of March 15,2011; (ii) are eligible for and actually, retire and vest into the NYSERS on or before May 26, 2011; (iii) are at least 55 years of age at the time they retire into the NYSERS; (iv) are employed by the Town on the day before the effective date of their retirement; (v) are not resigning for purposes of retirement pursuant to any Z:McCormicE~R. ESOLUTIONSL2-15-I 1 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retire~aent Article III prior Stipulation of Aqreement with the Town or any State-offered retirement or separation incentive or similar program; and (vi) are one of the employees to fully comply with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Incentive. Those employees shall be eligible to participate in this Incentive and shall be referred to as an "Eligible Employee." The Eligible Employee must deliver to the Supervisor, by no later than May 2, 2011, an unaltered irrevocable letter of resignation for retirement purposes in the form attached to the Town Incentive-related documents prepared by the Town, referencing that resignation is to be effective on or before May 26, 2011. In order for this incentive to be activated, a minimum number of unit members, to be determined by the Town in its sole discretion on or about May 2, 2011, must opt for the incentive. In the event the incentive is not activated, any resignation letter tendered bv an employee will be deemed null and void, and the Eligible Employee may continue workin.q in the Town. The employee may also elect to resign his/her position for retirement purposes, but will not receive the Incentive. This Incentive is effective solely for the 2011 calendar year. The Eligible Employee must, at the time of submitting the unaltered irrevocable letter of resignation for retirement purposes referenced in Section 37-14 (B) above, execute the unaltered Waiver and General Release of Claims form attached to the retirement incentive-related documentation prepared by the Town. An Eligible Employee shall forfeit eligibility for this Incentive if he/she opts for any retirement or separation incentive offered pursuant to New York State law during the 2011 calendar year. Additional eligibility requirements are set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. Section 37-15 BENEFIT: A. Fully paid health insurance premiums by the Town for a period of 48 months following an Eligible Employee's resignation for all Eligible Employees who are enrolled in a family health insurance plan at the time of their retirement and who remain enrolled in a family health insurance plan for this 48 month period. In the event an Eligible employee dies during this 48 month period, the Town shall pay 75% of the cost of health Z:McCormick~O,.ESOLUTIONSL2-15-I 1 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article Ill B. insurance for the deceased Eligible Employee's dependents, at the time of death, for the remaining months of this 48 month period of time, in accordance with applicable provisions of the New York State Health Insurance Program and applicable law. After the first 48 months, the Town's contribution of health insurance premiums shall be as per Article X(1 )(C) of the parties' collective bargaining agreement. C. A lump sum payment of $400 per month, payable in quarterly installments, for a period of 48 months followinq an Eligible Employee's retirement for all Eligible Employees who are enrolled in an individual health insurance plan at the time of their retirement, for which the Town contributes 100% of the premium cost, and who remain enrolled in an individual health insurance plan for this 48 month period. In the event an employee 'dies D= dudng this 48 month period, the Town shall continue to make these payments to the employee's estate for the remaining months of the 48 month period of time. Eliaible Employees shall remain eligible for all payments for unused accumulated leave time pursuant to the parties' collective barqaining agreement. Payment will be made within 30 days following the Eligible Employee's retirement date, as determined by the NYSERS, for all time which does not exceed an amount of paid time which equates to the value of the full time weeks (to be determined by the Eligible Employee's regular work week as of the date of retirement) remaining in the calendar year following the Eliqible Employee's retirement. Payments for leave which exceeds the value of full weeks remaining in the calendar year will be paid in January 2012. E. INAPPLICABILITY OF OTHER CONTRACTUAL INCENTIVES: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the collective bar.qaining agreement(s) between the Town and the CSEA, any Eligible Employee who opts for this Incentive shall be deemed ineligible for any resignation or retirement incentive provided for in that collective bargaining agreement. RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL: The terms and conditions of this Incentive were ratified and approved by the Town Board on March 15, 2011. Z:McConnick\RESOLUTIONS~2-15-11 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article Ill G. INVALIDITY OR ILLEGALITY: If any provision of this Incentive is deemed to be invalid by any court, administrative agency or other neutral of competent iurisdiction, then this entire Incentive shall be deemed null and void from its inception. · Underline repmsentsaddition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York February 15, 2011 BY ORDER Of THE TOWN BOARD Of THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M. WILHELM, TOWN CLERK Z:McCormickLRESOLUTIONSL2-15-11 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Refirement Article Ill 02.15.2011 110142 ADOPTED TOWN OF RIVERHEAD Resolution # 142 AUTHORIZES TOWN CLERK TO PUBLISH AND POST A PUBLIC NOTICF TO CONSIDER A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND CHAPTER 37 ENTITLED "RETIREMENT" OF THE RIVERHEAD TOWN CODF (Article IV) Councilman Wooten offered the following resolution, which was seconded by Councilman Dunleavy RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to publish the attached public notice once in the February 17, 2011, issue of the News-Review, the newspaper hereby designated as the official newspaper for this purpose, and also to cause a copy of the proposed local law amending Chapter 37 entitled "Retirement" of the Riverhead Town Code to be posted on the sign board of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, that all Town Hall Departments may review and obtain a copy of this resolution from the electronic storage device and, if needed, a certified copy of same may be obtained from the Office of the Town Clerk. THE VOTE Giglio [~Yes [--INo Gabrielsen [~Yes [-]No Wooten ~;~Yes r-~No Dunleavy [~Yes I--INo Walter [~Yes I--]No The Resolution Was [] Thereupon Duly Declared Adopted Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONS~-I 5-11 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article IV PUBLIC NOTICE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a public headng will be held before the Town Board of the Town of Riverhead at Riverhead Town Hall, 200 Howell Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on the 1st day of March 2011 at 2:35 o'clock p.m. to consider a local law amending Chapter 37 entitled "Retirement" of the Riverhead Town Code as follows: CHAPTER 37 ARTICLE IV EARLY RETIREMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM FOR ELIGIBLE FULL-TIME POLICE OFFICERS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE RIVERHEAD POLICE BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, INC., (PBA) Section 37-16 Legislative Intent and Findings: The Town of Riverhead is pleased to offer an early retirement incentive program ("ERIP') in order to bridge budget deficits. This plan is strictly voluntary, and is designed to support positive employee morale by reducing or eliminating the need for involuntary lay-offs. This ERIP is the result of a cooperative effort between the Town of Riverhead ('~the Town"), and the Riverhead Police Benevolent Association, Inc., ("the PBA"). Section 37-17 The Eligibility Group: The eligibility group is the set of individuals who will be offered the opportunity to participate in the ERIP. Section 37-18 Eligibility Requirements: A. Full-time PBA bargaining unit members who.' (i) have at least 20 years of credited service in the New York State Police and Fire Retirement System ('1he NYSPFRS") as of March 15, 2011; (ii) are eligible for and actually retire and vest into the NYSPFRS on or before May 26, 2011; (iii) are employed by the Town on the day before the effective date of their retirement; (iv) are not resigning for purposes of retirement pursuant to any prior Stipulation of Agreement with the Town or any State-offered retirement or separation incentive or similar program; and (v) are one of the employees to fully comply with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Incentive. Those employees shall be eligible to participate in this Incentive and shall be referred to as an "Eligible Employee." Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONSL2-15-11 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article IV The Eliqible Employee must deliver to the Supervisor, by no later than May 2, 2011, an unaltered irrevocable letter of resignation for retirement purposes in the form attached to the Town Incentive-related documents prepared by the Town, referencing that resignation is to be effective on or before May 26, 2011. In order for this incentive to be activated,, a minimum number of unit members, to be determined by the Town in its sole discretion on or about May 2, 2011, must opt for the incentive. In the event the incentive is not activated, any resignation letter tendered by an employee will be deemed null and void, and the Eligible Employee may continue working in the Town. The employee may also elect to resign his/her position for retirement purposes, but will not receive the Incentive. This Incentive is effective solely for the 2011 calendar year. The Eligible Employee must, at the time of submitting the unaltered irrevocable letter of resignation for retirement purposes referenced in Section 37-18 (B) above, execute the unaltered Waiver and General Release of Claims form attached to the retirement incentive-related documentation prepared by the Town. An Eligible Employee shall forfeit eligibility for this Incentive if he/she opts for any retirement or separation incentive offered pursuant to New York State law during the 2011 calendar year. G. Additional eligibility requirements are set forth elsewhere in this Agreement. Section 37-19 BENEFIT: Fully paid health insurance premiums by the Town for a period of 48 months following an Eligible Employee's retirement for all Eligible Employees who are enrolled in a family health insurance plan at the time of their retirement and who remain enrolled in a family health insurance plan for this 48 month pedod. In the event an Eligible Employee dies during this 48 month pedod, the Town shall pay 75% of the cost of health insurance for the deceased employee's dependents, at the time of death, for the remaining months of this 48 month period of time, in accordance with applicable provisions of the New York State Health Insurance Program and applicable law. After the first 48 months, the Town's contribution of health insurance premiums shall be as per Article II1(1)(A) of the parties' collective bargaining agreement. -or- Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONS~2-15-I 1 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article IV A lump sum payment of $400 per month, payable in quarterly installments, for a pedod of 48 months following an employee's retirement for all Eliqible Employees who are enrolled in an individual health insurance plan at the time of their retirement, for which the Town contributes 100% of the premium cost, and who remain enrolled in an individual health insurance plan for this 48 month period. In the event an Eligible Employee dies durinq this 48 month period, the Town shall continue to make these payments to the Eligible Employee's estate for the remaininq months of this 48 month period of time. Eligible Employees shall remain eligible for the "Severance" payment pursuant to Article XV of the parties' collective bargaining agreement except that Eligible Employees shall not be required to provide four months notice of their intent to retire. Instead, Eligible Employees shall receive the "Severance" payment provided they comply with the notice provisions of the Incentive set forth in Section 37-18 (B) and (E) above. D. INAPPLICABILITY OF OTHER CONTRACTUAL INCENTIVES: Notwithstanding an~hing to the contrary in the collective bargaining agreement(s) between the Town and the PBA, any Eligible Employee who opts for this Incentive shall be deemed ineligible for any resignation or retirement incentive provided for in that collective bargaining agreement. E. RATIFICATION AND APPROVAL: The terms and conditions of this Incentive were ratified and approved by the Town Board on March 15, 2011. INVALIDITY OR ILLEGALITY: If any provision of this Incentive is deemed to be invalid by any court, administrative agency or other neutral of competent jurisdiction, then this entire Incentive shall be deemed null and void from its inception. Underline represents addition(s) Dated: Riverhead, New York February 15, 2011 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF RIVERHEAD DIANE M. WILHELM, TOWN CLERK Z:McCormick\RESOLUTIONS~-15-11 Setting Public Hearing to Amend Chap.37-Retirement Article IV