HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985 ANNUAL REPORT OF IHE TREASURER OF ,,C~,~V'"F/ 7-/./ C [~k, PARK DISTRICT (NA~ OF DISTRICT) RiC V[ TOW OF JAN 2 4 1986 COUN'~ OP FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECE~ER 31, 19 ~ AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30 of the General Municipal Law "1. ***every*** improvement and special district shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be made by the chief fiscal officer of each municipal corporation***. Such reports shall include the financial transactions of joint services defined by section one hundred nineteen-n of this chapter*~. 5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation, district***. Every such officer shall also, within sixty days after the expiration of his oerm of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, make a report to the comptroller of the financial condition of such municipal rporation~ district, ~ on the date of the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal from office~ as the case may be. The refusal or willful neglect of such officer to file a report as herein prescribed shall be a misdemeanor and subject the financial officer so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyong the slxty days to be paid on demand of the comptroller." STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 Revised 1985 ASSETS Cash Cash Time Deposits Petty Cash Obligations Revenue Anticipation Rotes Fiscal Agent Total Cash Receivable Less: Allowance for Receivables Net Accounts Receivable Due from Other Funds State and Federal, Receivables Due from Other Governments Inventory of Materials and Supplies Restricted Assets Cash Special Reserves Investments Special Reserves Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS PARK DISTRICT FUND * BAI~NCE SHEET * EDPCODE SP200 SP201 SP210 SP220 SP222 SP223 S SP~50 $ SP380 S SP389 ( ) $ SP391 $ SP~IO $ SP~O $ SP445 $ SP230 SP452 $ LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities Due to Emp. Retirement Sys. Total Accrued Liabilities EDPCODE S7600 SP601 SP637 Notes Payable Revenue Anticipation SP621 Budget SP622 Total Notes Payable Other Liabilities - Overpayments SP690 Due to Other Funds $P630 Due to Other Governments SP631 Deferred Revenues SP691 Total Liabilities Fund Balance = Reserved Encumbrances SP700 Inventory of Mat. & Supplies SP720 Repairs SP882 Total Reserved Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-Ensuing Year's Budget Unappropriated Total Unreserved SPglO SP911 Fund Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY s >~.~/ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ s $ $ s Fund Equity - BeEinnin§ of Fiscal Year* Prior Period ADJUSTMENTS: ADDITIONS ADDITIONS PARK DISTRICT FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR TME FISCAL YEAR ENDED ~(L~/~F~6~. ~! ) . EDPCODE SP8021. $ ~.._// 7~/, SP8012 $ SP8012 DEDUCTIONS SP8015 DEDUCTIONS SP8015 Net Prior Period Adjustments RESTATED Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources SP8022 Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses SP802~ Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity = End of Fiscal Year* SP8029 *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. REAL PROPER~f TAXES REAL PROPERTY TAX ITENS Special Assessments (Ad Valorem) Special Assessments (Other) Total Real Property Tax Items DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Total Departmental Income OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Earninss Commissions PARK DISTRICT FUND * DETAIL OF REVEN~ES AND OTHER SOURCES EDPCODE SPiO01 SP1028 SPi030 SP SP SP SP SP2401 SP2450 SP Total Use of Money and Property SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Materials SP2650 Sales of Equipment SP2665 Insurance Recoveries SP2680 Total Sales of Prop. and Comp. for Loss MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures SP2701 ~/z-~o SP Total Miscellaneous Local Sources O INIERFUND NEVENUES SP2801 STATE AID FEDERAL AID ~'-F~ ~_.,'~ "/~'~'~A.~ O,J ~ TOTAL REVENUES $ $ $ s $ $ INTERFUND TRANSFERS TOTAL REVENUES AND OD{ER SOURCES S $ S $ $ SP SP SP5031 FUNCTIONAL UNIT EDPCODS SP SP SP SP PARK DISTRICT FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES TOTAL 0 PERSONAL EQUIPNENT AND CONTRACTUAL EMPLOYEE SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURES ~ENEFITS 1 2 4 8 OEMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SP9010.8 Social Security SP9030.8 Workers Compensation SP9040.8 Life Insurance SP9045.8 Unemployment Insurance SP9050.8 Disability Insurance SP9055.8 Hospital,Medical & Dental Ins. SP9060.8 SP .8 SP .8 Total Employee Benefits DEBT PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SP9710.6 Statutory Installment Bonds SP9720.6 Bond Anticipation Notes SP9730.6 Capital Notes SP9740.6 Budget Notes SP9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notes SP9770.6 Installment Purchase Debt SP9785.6 DEBT INTEREST Serial Bonds SP9710.7 Statutory Installment Bonds SP9720.7 Bond Anticipation Notes SP9730.7 Capital Notes SP9740.7 Budset Notes SP9750.7 Revenue Anticipation Notes SP9770.7 Installment Purchase Debt SP9785.7 Total Debt Prin. and Interest ~AL EXPENDITURES $ $ S S $ $ TRANSFERS TO: EDPCODE Other Funds SP9901.9 $ Capital Projects Fund SP9950.9 SP SP Total Interfund Transfers $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ f 7~,~ '~/ UI~LASSIFIED SC:HEDUL~, Taxpayer For the Year Ended ................................... Address Social Security No. Schedule No. 0-6 Accountants Supply House ASSETS Cash Cash Time Deposits Revenue Anticipation Notes Total Cash Due From Other Funds epoaits with Other Governments State and Federal, Receivables Restricted Assets Cash Special Reserves Investments Special Reserves Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF EDPCODE H201 H222 $ H~50 H391 $ H395 $ H410 $ LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilites Accrued Liabilities Total Accrued Liabilities Notes Payable Revenue Anticipation Bond Anticipation Total Notes Payable Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable H230 H~52 S Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governments EDPCODE N600 H601 H R621 H626 H605 N630 H631 Other Liabilities Earnings on Investments H850 Premium on Securities Issued H8S1 Accrued Interest on Securities Issued R852 Deferred Revenues H691 Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances Capital Reserve Total Reserved ~und Balance - Unreserved Appropriated - Ensuing Year's Budget Unappropriated Total Unreserved Fund Equity TOTAL~IABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY HTO0 H878 Hg10 H911 $ $ $ S S $ S S S $ s /7o44, % Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* Prior Period AD3USI~4ENTS: ADDITIONS ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS DEDUCTIONS Net Prior Period Adjustments RESTATED Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED ~-~-~-~ EDPCODE H8021 H8012 $ H8012 H801§ H8015 H8022 H8024 N8029 *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DETAIL OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES AND PROCEEDS OF LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Other Local Governmengs EDPCODE H2397 CUEP, E N~ YEAR $ $ S S $ S $ / ?~,~ S /7o~,,(. '~ $ $ $ $ USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY Interest Total Use of Money and Property H2&0I H MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Total Miscellaneous Local Sources H H H STATE AID Total State Aid H H N FEDERAL AID ~-~ o ~,.~ ",'~ e3~..5 0A '~ Total Federal Aid TOTAL REVENUES I~IT~RFUND TP~JqSFE RS H5031 PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS Serial Bonds Statutory Installment Bonds Bond Anticipation Notes Bond Anticipation Motes Redeemed from Appropriations Capital Notes Installment Purchase Debt Total Proceeds of ObliBations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES H5710 H5720 H5730 H5731 H57&O H5785 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FOR CURRENT YEAR BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT EDPCODE CURREN~ YEAR GENEKAL GOVERNHENT SUPPORT H1997.2 $ $ $ $ S HOME AND CO[9~UNITY SERVICES Sewer Drain and Storm Sanitation Total Home and Community Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES I I;?I~gRD'U ND I~J%NS FERS TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES H8197.2 H8597.2 H8797.2 H9901.9 TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS ACCOUNT Cash Cash in Time Deposits Total Cash Assets EDP CODE T200 $ T201 TS000 $ ACCOUNT PAYROLL FUNDS Consolidated Payroll Group Insurance State Income Tax Federal Income Tax Income Executions Association and Union Dues U.S. Savings Bonds Social Security New York City Income Tax PERFORMANCE DEPOSITS Guaranty and Bid Deposits Street Opening Deposits Water Customer Deposits Sewer Customer Deposits Park Land Deposits Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable Overpayments and Collections in Advance Total EDP CODE T10 T20 T21 T22 T23 T24 T2S T26 T28 T30 T31 T33 T3~ T37 T71 T72 T808 CASH - BALANCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS BEGINNING BALANCE RECEIPTS ! 3 S DISBURSEMENTS 5 $ $ $ $ S ENDING BALANCE 7 BANK RECONCILIATION CASH BY ~UNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS (Include Petty Cash) FROM TOTAL CASH TRUST AND AGENCY TOTAL ALL FUNDS ~el~is amount should agree with the Total Adjusted Bank Balance and Petty Cash. BANK BALANCES (Identify bank balances with funds by listing the applicable cede letters) LESS NAME AND LOCATION OF BANK FUND CODE BANK BALANCE OUTSTANDING CHEGES ADD CASH ON HAND BANK BALANGE Add: Petty Cash Fund(s) Adjustments (Please specify) TOTAL ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE AND PETTY CASH NOTE: The Offlee of the State Comptroller may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. 10 DETAIL STATE~NT OF INDEBTEDNESS Year Issued Redeemed of Interest Outstanding During During Outstanding Title of Issue Code Issue Rate January 1, 19 Year Year December 31, 19 T P 1 3 5 7 $ $ $ S Bonds: ~-'~?/~ ~ Total $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ Notes: /~/~k/~ Total $ $ S S Note: Please report all sewer district debt above in the annual report of the municipality in which your district is located. CERTIFICATE OF FISCAL OFFICER I, V...,~r~,,_.~/Z_~ /~. '~lc-/'~-'~ ., do hereby certify th.t I ~ the (Please Print or ~e) treasurer of the ~/ ~ ~C ~/p~?CV, in the (N~e of District) and cha~ ~he foregoing ~s a ~rue and correc~ repor~ of ~he said district for the ~9 ~ ~ and ~ha~ Chis repor~ agrees ~lCh ~he official year ended December 31, records. 11