HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986ANNUAL P, EPO~T OF 'fSE TRF~SURER OF (NA~ OF DI~RIC~) ~OR ~l~ FISCAL ~ ~D~D D~CI~ 31, 19 ~/(~ AIJTRORIZA.TI0~ Article 3, Section 30 of the C~nernl ~hntcipal La~ "1. ~eve~aaa ~r~t and spec~l district shall ~ally ma~ a re~rt of its financial c~dttton to ~e c~troller. Such r~rt s~11 ~ ~de by the chief fiscal ofElce~of each ~icipal co~oration~. Such re~rts s~11 include the Eln~ctal transactions o[ Joint se~lces de/lned by section ~e h~dred ninetee~-n of this ch~ter~. 5. All ~rts s~11 ~ certified ~ the] bf~icer ~kin~ the s~ and shall ~ filed ~th the c~troller ~hin sixtl days after t~ close of the fiscal ~ar of ~ch ~icipal' co~ration, districta~a. Eve~ ~ch officer shall also~ ~thin six~ ~ys after the ~piration of his .:~ of office, or his resi~tion or r~al therefr~, ~ke a report to the c~troller of the fimcial cmditi~ of such ~icipal ~atim, district, ~ on the date o[[~he ~piratim of his te~ of office, or his ~sl~tl~ or r~val fr~ office, as the case ~y ~. ' ~ refusal or ~11[ul neglect of ~ch officer to file a report as herein prescri~d shall ~ a stsd~or ~d ~bJect the fi~nci~l officer so relusinl or ~llecti~i to s pe~al~ of five dollars per day for each day's del~ ~yond the sixty ~ys to be paid ~ d~and of the c~troller." DI¥ISION O~ H~ICIPAL ~lllt~ ALBANY, N~ YORK 12236 Revised 198~ ASSETS Cash Cash Time Deposits Petty Cash Oblisations R~venue Anticipation Notes Fiscal Agent Total Cash I stments ~vestment in Securities Investment in Repurchase Agreements Total Investments Accounts Receivable Less: Allowance for Receivables Net Accounts Receivable Dee from Other Funds State and Federal, Receivables Dee from O~her Govermnents Inventory of biaterials and Supplies Assets Cash in Ti~e Deposits, Special Reserves Investment in Securities, Special Reserves Investment in Repurchase Agreements, Special Reserves Total Restricted Asset~ 1DTAL ASSETS PARK DI$~RIC? FU~D EDPCOI~ SP200 SP201 SP210 SP2201 SP222 SP223 * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF $ SPA50 SP451 SP380 8P389 SP391[ SP230 SP231 SP452 SP453 ( ) S S S S $ ° LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Accrued Liabilities SP601 Dee to Emp. Retirement Sys. SP637 Total Accrued Liabilities / Notes Payable Revenue Anticipation SP621 Budget SP622 Total Rotes Payable EDPCODE SP600 Other Liabilities Overpalasenta SP690 Dee to Other Funds SP630 Dee to Other Covermaenta SP631 Deferred Revenues SP6~1 Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances SP700 l~ventory of Hat. Supplies SP720 Repairs SP882 Debt SP88~ Total Reserved Fund Balance - Unreserved Appropriated-EnsuinB Year's Budget SPglO Unappropriated SP911 Total Unreserved Ftmd Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND F~NDE~JI~Y S $ $ $ $ S S s S $ 1 PAR~ DIS~RIC~ FU~I) ~¥s~s o~ CH~S ~ ~NV ~rf F~nd Equity - Soginning of Fiscal Year~ Prior Period ADJIIS~I~IS:(*~) ADDITIONS SP8012 ADDITIONS SP8012 DEDUCTIONS SP8015 vtiVOCTION S $P8015 Net Prior Period Adjustments RESTA~ Fund Equity - BeBirmtng of Fiscal Year Add~ Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Ove, r (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End o£ Fiscal Year* SP8029 EDPCODE ~efotal includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. t-~Ll~ited to adjustments on prev~nusly issued financial state~nts resulting fro~ either changes in accounting principles or correction of errors. P~AL PROPERTY TAXES REAL PROPERTY TAX IT~tS Special:Assessments (Ad Valorem) Special Assessments (Other) Total Real Property Tax Items D~PART~NTAL Total Departmental Inc~ OF I~ONEYAND PROPER~Y Interest and Earnlnss Commissions Total Use of ~oney and Property SALES OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS Sales of Scrap and Materials Sales of Equipment Total Sales of Prop. and Coo~. for Loss ~ISCELLANEOUS LOCAL SOURCES Refunds of Prior Years Expenditures Total H£scellaneous Local Sources FEDERAL AID I NTEP, Ft~ID TRANSF~RS IN~ERFUND lllANSFERS FOR DEBT SERVICE PROCesS OF OBLIGATIONS TOTAL REI~IIlI~S AND ~ SOURCES PARE DISI~IC~ ~ITND ~PCOD~ SP1001 SP1028 $ SPIO~O $ SP SP SP $ sP2z~Ol $ SP2~,50 SP SP2650 SP2665 SP2680 SP $ SP2701 SP 'SP $ SP2801 $ sP $ SP5031. $ SP5050 $ sP57 * D~AIL OF REVENUES A~ OTHER SO~S 3 FUNCTIONAL UNIT EDPCODE SP SP SP SP 0 E~LOYEE BEN~'~TS State Retirement SPgoio. 8 Social Security SP9030.8 ~orkers Compensation sPg0~o. 8 Life Insurance SP9045,8 Une~plo~ent Insurance SP9050.8 Disability Insurance SP9055.8 Nospttal~Nedical & Dental Ins. SPgO60.N ~c~ ~c ~ ~d c~f- SP .8 SP .8 Total Debt Prin. and Interest TO~AL ~A~NVIlllRES Total E~ploy~e Benefits $ DEBT PRINCIPAL Ter~ Bonds SP9700.6 $ Serial Bonds SP9710.6 Statutory Installment Bonds SP9720,6 Bond Anticipation Notes SP9730.6 Capital Notes SP9740.6 Installment Purchase Debt SP9785.6 DEB~ IN~ER~S~ Ter~Bonda SP9700.7 $ Serial Bonds sPg?IO.? Statutory Installment ~onda SP9720.? Bond Anticipation Notes SP9730.? Capital Notes SP9740.7 Budset Hotes SP9750o7 Revenue Anticipation Notes SP9770.7 Instalbeet Purchase Debt SP9785.7 $ PARK DISTRIC~ PJND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES PERSONAL SERVICES 1 EQUIPI~NT ~ CAPITAL OUTLA CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES & Othar Funds, I 8P9901.9 Capital Projects Fund SP9950.9 ; SP Total Inter~tmd Transfers EHPLOYEE BENEFITS 8 UI~I~:LASSIFIED SCHEDUL~Ii Taxpayer For the Year Ended ................................... Address Social Security No. Schedule N~. D-6 Accountants Supply House CAPITAL PROJECTS FU[~ * BALANCE SHEET * ASSETS Cash Cash Time Deposits Revenue Anticipation Notes Total Cash Investment in Securities Investment in Repurchase Agreements Total Investments ED~CODE S200 H201 H2221 E450 N451 Due from Other Funds H391 Deposits with Other Governments State and Federals Receivables Restricte~ Assets Cash, Special Reserves H395 H410 N23o1: Cash in Tlme Deposits, Special Reserves H231{: Investment ia Securities, {~ Special Reserves H452 'Investment in Repurchase Agreements, Special Reserves N453 $ :$ $ Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS AS'OF LIABILITIES AND I~UNDEqUITY Accounts Payable Accrued Ltnbilttes ~ccrued Liabilities Total Accrued Liabilities ' Notes Payable Revenue Anticipation Bond Anticipation Total Notes Payable Retained Percentages~ Contracts Payable DUe to Other Funds l~e to Other Governments Other Liabilities Deferred Revenues Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances Capital Reserve Debt Total Reserved Fund.Balance - Unreserved Appropriated - Ensuing Year*s Budget Unappropriated Total Unreserved Fund Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EC~ITY EDPCODE B600 H601 H H621 H626 N605 H630 H631 H H691 BT00 H878 N884 H910 Hgll S $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ CAPI?AI~ P]~J3BC'I'S FUND ANALYSIS OF CH/dqGES IN FUND E{)UI?Y FOR '[HE FI.</~--~n.L YEi~.R }2qDEI) Ftmd Equity - Beginning o£ Fiscal Yeare Prior Period ~MUS'Illl~S: (**) ADDITIONS EDPCODE H8021 $ H8012 $ H8012 D~UCTIONS H8015 D'il)UCTIONS H8015 Net Prior Period Adjustments RESTAT~ Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: ]~peeditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under)' Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* U8029 $ DEPARTM~IgTAL 1NCOI~ ~ Other Local Governments USE OF HONEY AND PROPERTY Interest Total Use of Money and Property MISCELLANI~OUS LOCAL SOURCES Total Miscellaneous Local Sources STATE AID Total State Aid FEDERAL AID Total Federal Aid INTE~FUND TRANSFERS INTERFUND TRANSFERS FOR D~T SERVICE PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS Term Bonds Serial Bonds Statutory Installment Bonds Bond Anticipation Notes Bond Anticipation Notes Redeemed from Appropriations Capital Notes Installment Purchase Debt Total Proceeds of Obligations ED~CODE CURR~T YEAR H2397 H2401 $ H $ H H $ H $ H H $ H H $ $ H5031 $ H5050 H5700 H.5710 H5720 H5730 H5731 1{5740 B5785 $ $ TO~AL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES SUPPORT CAPITAL PI~JECTS FUND ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURF~ FOR CORRIHqT YEAR BY ADHINISTRATIVE UI~IT EDFCODE CURREN~ yF~.R R1997.2 $ CULTURE AND RECREATIO~ Recreation H?197.2 $ Culture H7497.2 Total Culture and Recreation $ TOTAL EXpIIIDITURES INTERFU[~ ~ltANSFERS TOTAL EXPI}IDITURES AND OTHER USES H9901.9 $ ~SETS Cash Cash Time Deposits Total Cash Investments Investment in Securities Investment in Repurchase Agreements Securities and Mortgages Accrued Interest on Securities Acquired Personal Property Real Property Cash and Securities with Deferred Comp. Plan Provider Tofal Inyestments Restricted Assets Cash, Special Reserves Cash in Time Deposits, Special Reserves Investment in Securities, Special Reserves Investment in Repurchase Agreements, Special Reserves Total Restricted Assets TOTAL ASSETS fDPCODE TA200 TA201 TA4~0 TA451 TA4~5 TA4 ~ TA4 ;? TA4 ~8 TA4 ~0 TA2 i0 TA2 If TA412 TA4~3 $ $ S $ $ $ $ TRUST AND AGENCy FONDS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS AGf~CY FUE~ LIABILITIES fDI~ODE Consolidated Payroll TAiO Deferred Compensation TA17 State Retirement TA18 / Disability Insurance TA19 Group Insurance TA20 New York State Income Tax TA21 Federal Income Tax TA22 Income Executions TA2$ Association and Union Dues TA24 U.S. Savings Bonds TA25 Social Security Tas TA26 New York City Income Tax TA28 Guaranty and Bid ~eposits TA$O ' Street Opening Deposits TA$1 ~ater Customer Deposits TA33 Sewer Customer Deposits TA34 Park ~and Deposits TA37 Retained Percentages, Contracts Payable TA71 Overpayments and Collections in Advance TAT2 TOTAL AGf~CY LIABILITI~ $ $ 9 STATEI.8~NT OF INDEBTEDNESS WATER ANI) OIl{ER PUP, FOSES EI(EMI~I~ FROI'{ CONSIXTUTIONAL DEBT LINiT List Separately by Date of Issue Tax Anticipation Notes: Total Tax Anticipation Notes Revenue Anticipation Notes: Total Revenue Anticipation Notes Budget Notes: Total Budget Notes Urban Renewal Notes Total Urban Renewal Notes Capital Notes: Total Capital Notes EDP Code State Comp Use EDPCODE 2P1861 2P1862 2P1863 2P1864 Month and Year* Interest Rate P Outstanding Beginning of Fiscal Year 1 Do Not Include Renewals Here Issued During Fiscal Year 3 Paid During Fiscal Year 5 2P~865 2P~865 2P&865 2P1865 Outstanding End of Fiscal Year 7 Final Haturity Date *ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LA~EST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1986 WOULD BE 01/86. 10 STATE~N'I~ OF INDEBTEDNESS WATEH AND (Y~IER PURPOSES EXEHPT FROM CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LI~IT List Separately by Date of Issue Bond Anticipation Notes: EDP Code State Co~p Use Total Bond Anticipation Notes *~Bans Redeemed From Bond Proceeds EDPCODE 2P4866 Month and T 2P4866 / 2P6866 / 2P4866 2P4866 2P~866 2P~866 2P1866 2P1888 Interest Rate P Outstanding Beginning of Fiscal Year 1 Do Not Include Renewals Here Issued Doting Paid During Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 3 5 Outstanding End of Fiscal Year 7 Final Maturity Date / / / / Total Bonds 2P1867 / Authority Loans 2P1869 *ON NEN ISSUES; PLEASE INSERT NE~ ISSUE DATE. ON RENE'JAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1986 ~OULD BE 01/86. 11 STATE~NT OF INDEBIEDNESS ; INDEBTEDNESS NOT E~g~T FRO~ CONSTII'OTIONAL DEBT LIHIT List Separately by Date of Issue EDPCODE Honth . Current and Interest Year* I~te T p Outstanding Beginning of Fiscal Year 1 Do Not Include Renewals tlere Issued During { Paid During Fiscal YearI Fiscal Year 3 5 Outstanding End of Fiscal Year 7 Final Haturity Date Capital Notes / / / / / / / Total Capital Notes 2P1875 Bond Anticipation Notes: / / / / / / ~otal Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1876 / **BANS Redeemed From Bond Proceeds 2P1888 ~ ~ON NEW ISSU~ PLEASE INSEP~ NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAl, DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1986 WOULD BE 01/86. Z2 STATE~NT OF INDEBTEDNESS INDEBTEDNESS NOT E)~HPT FROH CONSTITUTIONAL DEBT LIMIT List by Purpose EDPCODE Honth and Year· T Interest Rate P Outstanding Beginning of Fiscal Year 1 Do Not Include Renewals Here Issued During ] Paid During Fiscal Year~ Fiscal Year Outstanding End of Fiscal Year 7 Final Maturity Date Bonds: / / / Total Bonds 2P1877 State or Authority Loans 2P1879 TOTAL OF ALL INDEBTEDNESS Please note callable features of bond issues and any reserve funds available to pay debt (include also in the Notes to Financial Statements). **ON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NE~/ ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSEP~T LATEST RENEWAL DA2~. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1986 WOULD BE 01/86. [lil~JRI 1~/ SCHEDULE t BONDS ISSUED DURI~ TUE YEIR EDPCODE PURPOSE OF ISSUE For Sta~e Comptroller Use Only 2P3CE [O~AL PRINCIPAL 2P3PR INTEREST RATE (In Deci~als) 2P3PC ~ONTH, DAY end YEAR )P PI~ ~zu~.i~ 2P~t / / / / / / / / '/ / ~ount of Principal Redeemed 2P386 tn or to be Redeemed in Fiscal Year Ending in 2P387 (PLEASE INSERT YEARS 2P388 LAST T~O DIGITS ONLY) 2P389 2P390 2P391 2P392 2P393 2P39~. 2P395 2P396 *PLEASE INSERT SIX DIGITS, FOR EXAHPLE, JANUARY 1, 1986, SHOULD BE SHO~N AS 01/01/86. NOTE: If tvo or more purposes are combined in a consolidated issue, sho~ the maturity schedule for each purpose. BONDS ISSUED DURING TiE YEAR EDPCODE Amount of Principal Redeemed 2P397 in or to be Redeemed in Fiscal Year Ending in 2P398 2P399 PLEASE INSE]~ YEARS [~ST 1~0 DIGITS ONLY 2P300 2P301 2P302 2P303 2P30~ 2P305 2P306 2P307 2P308 2P309 2P310 2P311 2P~12 BANK RECONCILIATION CASII BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS (Include Petty Cash) FROI4 TOTAL CAStl GENERAL FUND $ CAPITAL FUND TRUST AND AGENCY TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ · ~his amount should agree with the Total Adjusted Sank Balance and Petty Cash. BANK BALANCES (Identify bank balances with funds by listing the applicable code letters) NAt"~i AND LO,~A, TION OF BANK LESS FIIND CODE BANK BALANCE OUTSTANDIND CHECKS Add: Petty Cash Fund(s) Adjustments (Please specify) TOTAL ADJUSTEDBANK BALANCE AND PETI'Y CASH ADD ~ASH ON HAND $ ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE The Office of the State Comptroller may confirm bank balances directly with the bank. 16 CEP~IFICA~E OF FIS~L OFFICER (Please Print or l~rpe) treasurer o ~ in the (Name of District) of ~ ~ , ~u~ty of ~ff~[~ and that ti year ended records. Date foregoing is a true and correct report of the said district for the ecember 31, 19ff~ , and that this report agrees with the official (Signature of Ireasurer) Zip Code 17