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All ~r~ in this r~port must be r~tm~d to th~ rm~rest dollar RECEIVED FEll 2 ~'! 1993 Southold Town Cleric w,~ UN/FO~4 ~U44UAL FI'NM4CIAL REPORT ~ of Unit: MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Locst~ in C~.~t¥ of: SUFFOLK For ;isc. l Y~r Ended.' 12 / 31 / ~997 STATE OF HEN yORK OFFICE OF THE STATE CQNPTROLLER DI~rI$ION OF HUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, HEN YORK I~2B& John A. Cushman II , c~r~ify t~t z ~, ~ c~lef FA~10ffl~r of ~ Mattituck Park District fjs~l ~ti~ for ~ fi*~l y~r ~ December 31 , 19 92 . P.O. Box 1413 o~icil! Add,ss Treasurer ~516) 765-4333 ~,t~ February 24, 1993 Mattituck? NY 11952 , PLEASE JttXL REPOIIT TO: S?&TE OF HEN TOMe O~rtrlCE OJ: THE STATE COflPTROLLE~ DIVISI~H OIr ~t4ICXPAL RESEARCH AHD STATISTICS IF Y~J #AV~ qUESTIONS R[LAI'ZHG TO THE jLf44UAL trIHANCZAL I~PORTz pLEAS[ CALL ALBAHYt ISIS) ~,74-MZO BALA,'qCE SHEET . AS OF December 31 66,744 10~311 161 TOTAL LZABZLTTXES , 19 92 7P600 7P601 7P&9! 7P&20 ?P&Z8 7P&q9 EDPCC)OE $ 3,520 5,772 9,292 Fixed Assets t Co~t AccumJb ted Oep~iot Jarl 14~t Fixed Assets Obr Assets 7P1~9 Emq~rY ?PSO0 ?p909 $ 67, ~2Z~ TaFAL ASSETS t ~ 77,216 ~,DA~F $77,216 EQUITY BEGIfO4ZJ~ Of YEAR lncmse in f~r,d RE~S ~ OT~R bio of R~I p~r~y Use of ~ ~ p~rly Slate Aid Fd~J Aid Total R~ STATEf~flT 0r REVEhq~[S At~ O1H[R SOt~CES, EXpEM)i~Es/EXPEH-~ES ANU CHAM)ES ZH E~JII~' ~ 33~65~ ?P8012 7P801S 7P1030 ~4. 970 4,367 5O ?P4 9qq 4,964 7p238~ 5?433 7P27~q And contractual .c_,pit,. L _oyt._~:~ ~_?_?i tures 7pqqq9 7P&q~9 7P?99q . 69?287 9,679 7psqq~ 7PgOQ9 Employs4 ~an~flt Totml 8 t 79,889 7,484 Debt B4md - Pri~ipmt 84md - Interest Notes - Principel Notes - Interest Oepr~cietion TOTAL EXPEHOITLq~ES/~XPEHS~ S 7P802~ 166 339 t 67,924 _ STAIT~T OF INDEBTEDNESS Honth Current Outotsndin! Do Hot Include Reneesls Here Outer.riding Final Lilt Seperetnly by Dote of Issue Yeer* Rets Fffeol Yeor Flocel Yeer Ptacol Year 'Floes! Year Dote T P 1 3 $ 7 Fox Antiofpetion Hotee~ ! reset Tmx Anttcipetion Rotes 7P188! Revenue Anticipation Notes / , ! Totel Re~:: AnticLpetiofl ~ ?PIS82 :u~Gt Rotes / ! ~otel ~-~=~ ~G~G; 7P1883 Urban ~ .... Hotel / Totel Urbon K~GI Rotes 7P188~ ~1~ ISSUES, PLEASE IHSERTHE~ ISSUE DATE. Off REHEgAI., PLEASE INSERT LAI~STREHE~AL DATE, PLEASE 1HSERT & DTGITS. EXhaLE JAHUARY, 1986 M~UT,D SE 01/86. STA~t4T OF If~UEBTEDFlESS Honth Current OutstandinS Do Rot Include Renevals Here OuCatandins Plnnl List Separately ~P~DE and Interest ~8tnnins of :osued ~rtn8 Paid ~rlns End of by Date of Issue Year* Rate Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Date ~pitol / / / / Total ~p~ta~ ~tes ~d Anttetpatl~ Hates I / ** · OWNEN ISST;ES. PLEASE INSERT NEN ISSUE DAILY. ON REtinAL, PLEASE INSERT 1.AT,ST RENENAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT & DIGITS. EXAHPLRt Janueryo I986 SFlOUI~ Rs. 01/86, STAI~NI' O~ INDEBTEDNESS Honth Current Outltandins Do Not Include Renevlll Here Dotstanding Final Lilt by Purpole EDPC~)E ind Ioterelt i Be~lflnins o! Illued DurinK Paid gurlnS End O[ Hatur/ty T* p ~ 3 S 7 ~do I / Total ~o 7P1897 ~AL lnu~a Please note callable features of bond issuea ind Iffy reserve ~undl available to pay debt. ~ NL~f ISSU~So PLEASE INSERT ~ ISSU~ DAT~. ON RENI~AI., PLEASE INSERT LATEST REREWAL EXA~'LE~ JANUARY 1986 ~1OUI.I1 SE 01/86. Nome of Unit: MATTITUCK PARK DIST. NOTICES OF ~ORT CLAIHS PO~ THE FISCAL YEAR ~ml~ 19 9~2 TOTAL NUMER OF CLAIM EDP ~ TOTAL AHOiJNT OF CLAII~ 2~FAL AHOUNT PAID ON CLAIM EDP CODE AHOUIiT EDP CODE AH~Jt: Claims fendin8 - Bestnnln$ of Year fnvolvtn! Codefendant~l~lrd Party Defendant 71*X~IO Other CInlms ?PTRI5 ?PTRIt 7PTR16 Unticea Paled Durin8 the Year Involvtn$ Codefendunt/~hird Party Defendunt ?PTH20 Other Claims 7PTR25 7PTH2I ?PT~2S Claims disposed of during ton year prior to coouenceuant of court nctfont °By Unit 'By Insurance Carrier 7PTH30 7PTR3I 7PTR32 7PTR&O 7PTR&J. 7P3~&2 Clnfms disposed of durin! the ~enr niter, commencement of court notions · By Unit 7PTRSO eBy Insurnncn Carrier 7PTR60 'By Judaemunt 7Priam -Other ( ) 7PTRaO 71*rRS]. 7PTH52 7FrR6! 7PTH62 7PTR7X 7PT~72 7PTHS]. 7PTH82 Equelst Claims Pendtn8 - End of Year %nvolvtns Codefendanc~trd Party Defendant Other Claims 7PTRgo 0 7PTHgt 7FFRg$ 0 7FTR96 AU~IORI~ATION Article ~, Section $O-f of the General Hunlcipsl "3. a. each officer ehsrsed with the duty of usktn8 and keepin! the record of elslms shall make sn annual report thereof, In summary, to t 8overning heard of much municipal corporltion or of such authority or commimufon and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the state compare within sixty dip after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation or of such authority or commtmulon. A municipal corporation, thority or commission reqwired by section thirty of the general municipal law to file in annual report of its financial condition with the state comptroller shall file the report required by this subsection With such ftnnncisl report.*' NOTE: It Is not necessary to furnish any additional Information or detail9 on the above claims or notices mi claims. If there ~ere no notices Tort Claims Iliad or disposed of, please state **HONE** mud return this report witii the Annual Financial Report. SCII~D~.E OF TZt~ OEPOSZTS AHO Xff~ES~I~NTS flAI~ET VALU~ BOOK VAL~E (COST! AT BALAI~E SHEET DATE COLLATERAL EDP COOE _~1' ~EOP C~E EDP C~E czsh in Time Geposits 7)2qqZ $ 66,744 LC)C:AT~OI S~CURI~ A · LI Li Cash in Ti~q40eposits - To ir~l~b il! interest beiri-g acc~ts, ia., savlr~s, ~r~l~, s~q~er ~a~, moray mlr4~et ac~o~Jn(s, ~ c~rtlfic~as of Coll,ter~l - Ins~ ttrDlC, etc! ~nd sec~ritias. A - S. arity in possession of loc~! gov,r~entBl ~it. B - e~cu~itY h~ld by third potty ©u~todial C - ~ocurity hold by lroding percher. LI~CAL GOVEI~I~ENTAL 4J~I1FT GAJ~ST%I~qHAZRE l. 1s m~ ,t,v~ml finoflciml report p,~pored for yoq~ go~err~ufl*m% ~,~it? EDP COOE ! yes, 7PIAFR lq h mfls~Jr to quostion I is yes, plooso miller I if y~Jr req2or! is p~2or~d interr~lly or 2 if your req2or* ~s pt~q)arod by uti it~bq~arvb~Wito~ 7P%PREP 1 timne of Fi?m Ackfs'~ss of Fir~ 7P:~lC0 Nm,us of Cenloc~ AH tho firdf~iml t~ofl~tiard~ for ~ l~l ~t ~i~ ~t~ ~ ~ ~ici~li*y in i(m ~1 fi~iel ~rt? If yes plmae specify ~ of ~1~ m~r*icipeli*y __ l0 r~porting financial ~r~msectlcns for your tmlt. B~I$ OF ACCOUNTING r-sh Hod~ fled Accrue! FuI! Accrual REdE / 1 3 EDPCOOE RE$~E #ill or h~ve ~h~ official s~t~nts for your ~riifi~ ~lic ~_~t for ~is fis~l y~r. EDgE RES~E Enter 1 if ~s, Enter Z if If ~ ~r ~o ~t~m I ~e is ~s, pl~se ~i~te ~ foll~i~ info~ for ~ pri~i~l ~{~or: ~EPE~E~ ~cript~ R~i~ Info~ EDP~E A~[~ ~E 7PZ/AC ~ of ludlting Firs: lddrmm of J~diting Firs: Ci~ Zip ~ ~ of Cm~t EDP ~E RE~ Enter I if ~, ~6C01 Enter I if ~ 11 ~ of ~.i~: MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT pleose m~.J~r tho follaMing q~asficfls to nssis~ ~ offi~ of ~ Stats C~f~ller in pl~i~ ~riafe f~ini~ for ~1 officials. Pl~so list h ass~ioti~ ~h~ ~ or ~ ~ici~l ~ti~y bl~ to ~i~ ire ~l~Mt ~o h ~tlos ~ ~or o~r stiff ~IA~ p~ ~ER IODRE~ ~0~ plnise list tho c~flforencos ~ training s~.~Gls atforwJod by y~ ~or by of~r staff for ~ses of p~fessi~l ~el~ ~1~ C~FERE~E ~ ~ p~ ~E~ NONE 9. If y~Jr local gaverfls~flt u~it is recluirod to ~ort finoflcill truflsoctiofls to N~ york State of trod~rol Agaflci°S plmse list NONE IZ PARK DISTRICT -~.~- · nih Penci(~! of the quentlou~.lrn In u.end t~ qip.l.ate nu.r aniline lint for your orlanlsntlon! gould you please COmplete this Inlorustton an Instructed below, Your reply to thl~ request yell insure that ill anilines and Inquiries vii! b* directed to the proper Individual and address. Instructional l. Please print or typo nil lnfomntloo Include the nmsea of the officials ~hone titles are nh~d~ hereon, bbs viii nerve your orsnnlzatlon* the exact title nhmm, please Indicate a sluilar title. 3. ~e address listed ih~ld ~ the place ~ere the Indtvtd~! vtihed to receive all official ual1. If your ordanlnstlon does not use Tnfo~tlon Required NnM of Individual Chief Fiscal Officer _Orssntxatton Official hills Address City, Stnte! Zip Code _ Telephone Ho. (Ares Code~ A John A. Cushman IIo~ Chief Pincer Officer Mattituck Park District P.O. Box 1413 ~attitu~k. NY (516) 765-4333 11952 Hame of Individual Chief Executtve Officer Orsantaation .- Orate s Ho n Address CityI Stetsa Zip Code ~elephene #o. (Area Code) A Edward Adams 18 Chairman Chief Executive Officer M~r~i~,~k Park District P.O. Box 1413 Mattituck~ NY 11952 (516) 298-1136