HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 FZt/~NCZAL REPORT FOR L'OF~IENT UNITS ICUFR! OR ZNI)EPE~)EFfl' SPECIAL PURPOSE UI~TS (SPUFR! FOR MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT flame of Unit TOWN OF SOUTHOLD l~me of Prlm~ry Gover~mn~ (Cmmonent Units Only) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR EHDED December 31, 1993 STATE OF NEH YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COt~PTROLLER DZVZSEO~4 OF M~JZCZPAL AFFAIRS ALBM~'Y, NEH YOI~ 12Z36 m~tlty. T~BLE OF CONTENTS Capital Proj~ois 'Funds ~n~ly$is of Chm~l~s in Fund Equlty .......................................................................................... p. 6 Detail of Rev~ms m~i Ot~ Se~s ~ng P~c~mts of Lq-Tir~ ~bli~tion$ .................................................. p. 7 · n~lysls of C~plbl [~m~ditur~s for Cu~t YMt ........................................................................... p. 8 Enterprise Ft~d Balance 5h~t ............................................................................................................... p. 9 $tmi~mnt o~ Rever~es, E~penset ~nd Ch~$ in F~ Equity .................................................................. p.lO Simt~t of bsh FIo~s ..................................................................................................... p. I1 Trust m~d A~.-,~y F~.~ds Balm ~eet - Agenoy F~ds ................................................................................................ p,13 Balm~e Sheet - Exp~x~ble Tr~si F~ds ...................................................................................... Statement of Revenues, Expenditures ~nd Ch~ges in ft~d Equity - ExpencJ~ble Trust Funds ..................................... Balma~e ~heet - Non-Expencbble Tf~st Ft~ds .................................................................................. Statement of Rs~ntms~ Expe~dltur~s ~nd Changes in Ft~ld Equi~. - bk.~Extricable Tr~st Frogs ................................. p.17 $tst~t o{ ~r'sl Fix~ Assets ............................................................................................... p.18 $'te'tmmen~ of ~ener~l Lon~-Ter~ Beb'~ .............................................................................................. p,19 DEBT SECT/ON St~t~nt of Ind./rain.ss ........... p. Zl SUPPLEHENTAL INFORHATZON p.~3 ~k R~.~.;i llmiim .............................................................................................................. p. Z6 ~r.'~ifio~te of Fisa~! Offioer .................................................................................................... P'~? OPERAT/I~ FUND · BALANCE S~EET # AS OFDecembar 31 , lqq~ ASSETS EDP COOE C.h _ _IOOS * 51 ~ 056 Inv. ~,nta _ _lO.SS Texas R~iv~ble (Net) _ _I1~ S~e ~ F~I Aid - _12~ R~I~ . ,, F~ O~r F~ - _1~ ~ F~ O~e ~a - _1~ P~d E~ _ _~ 6,391 Res~rlc~ As.~ - To~l Li-a-ilitles F~d B~lm'toe - Reserver Encue~m~s ~e~ial Reserves 320S 9,682 9,682 47.768 To~l F~ncl Equity ~7,768 · OULASSETS ~ 57,450 TOTAL LIABIL?I/ES AND FUNO EGU~TY 57,450 ~E RAT/HG FUND ANALYSTS OF CHM4GES TH ~JND E~JZTY FGi~ THE FISCAL YEAR EHDED December 31 , EOPCO~E 1993 $ 67~924 187,436 207.592 (20,156) 47,768 ~*To~l includes R~,~v~d ~d Unr~e,~rv~d F~'xl OPERAI'ZNG FUND - DETA/L OF REVEI~JES ~ OTHER SOURCES SSOS 169.950 67 5,830 4,151 3~911 5O4 3,023 187,4~6 187,436 OPERA'T/NG FUND · DETA/L OF EXPEHDT~JRES AND OTHER USES EDP CO~E Public Safety _ _610 Health - _615 Transportation - _620 Economic Assistanoe & Oppor~ity - _6~5 CuXture and accretion - _630 Home and Comnmity Sar~ic~s - _635 EE~/pHEHT & CONTRAC~JAL TOTAL PER:S4~AL SERVZCES CAPZTAL OUTLAY EXPENO[TURES EHPLOYEE BENEFZTS 207,592 78,396 15.035 105.764 8.397 ~t Prir=ipal _ _6~.5.65 Interest - _650.;$ TOTAL EXPEHDZTURES 207,592 Transfers TO~EXPENDTI~JRE$ ,~ND, OTHER USES $ 207~592 CAPZTAL PROJECTS FUND # BALANCE SHEET # AS OF EDP CODE HIOOS HIOAS Hll..;S HXEOS HlZ.6S H130S H135S H140S LZABZLZT/ES AND ~ E~JZTY RetiLned percentages HoLes PByable Ohr Liabilities Due to o~h~r Ft~ds Du~ to O'dmr De~err~ Total tid~illt i~ Fund Balence - Reserved Encs~rm~es Specie1 Reserves Unreserved Fu~d Balance - Tota! F~r~ Equity EDP CODE HEOOS NEOSS H210S HEXES H2ZOS H225S H230S HE4_KS H3X.KS H320S H32~ TOTAL .ASSETS $ TOTAL LZABZLZT/ES M~ FUND EGUZTY Notes to ~he Firm~i=l Statements ,re ~n integral part of this CAPZTAL PROJECTS FUND AH~LYSt'S OF CIIMtGE$ ZN FUH[I EI;IU/TY FGI~ THE FZSCAL yEAR ENDED Fund Equ~.ty - b~innin~ of Fism! Ye~r~ EDPCOOE A~cl: R~llrS ~ O~r Sour~s Deduct: E~ndi~ur~s a~d O'(her Uses Rever~JeS m~d O~her Sm~rces Over (Underl Ex~d~ures and O~her Uses F~nd Equ~'~ - End of F~s~l y~r~ ~Total includ~ R.erv~l ~ Unreserved F~d bla~ce. CAPTTAL PROJECTS FUN~ DET~TL OF REVEI~JE$ MJD OTHER S~URCE$ Transfers of Obliptions TOTAL REVEI~JES M4D OTHER SOURCES H560S EDPCOOE H600.~S H605.~S H610.~ H6~O.~S H635.~S CAPXTAL PROJECTS FUND DET&/L OF EXPEND]rllJRES AND OTHER USES BY ADHZN[STRATXVE UNiT C~sh O~her Receivables INet) S~e~e m~ F~ A~d ~ F~ O~r F~s F~ O~r ~e~s P~d E~ses Res~r~c~ Asse~s F~x~ Asse~s EHTERPRZSE FUND ~ BALMICE SHEET ~ AS OF EDP CODE E_ZOOS E_IOSS E_11~S E_120S E_I]OS E_ILqS E_le,.6S LTJ~ZLTTZES AND FUND E~UZTY Accosts Notes Parle O~r L~abili~ies O~ ~o O~r F~ ~ to O~r ~e~s Oefer~ Total Lisbiliti~s Fund Equity ContrlbJt~d Capi~l Retained Esrnings Total Fund Equity EDP COOE E_200S E_EO~S E_ZiOS E_21ES E_Z20S E_2Z~S E_230S E_Z40S E_300S E_$105 TOTAL ASSETS $ TOTAL LZ~BZLZTZES AND FUND E~UZTY The Notes to ihs Eimr~ial Sttt..~nt$ mre ~n integrsl p~t of this Oper~tir~ Revenues Charges for Services Total Op~r~tlng Rm~nt~s O~.r~ting Expenses personal Services Contractual Expens~s Depreciation Total Operating Expenses Operating lnco~ {LossZ Expenses: Net Hon--Oper. Rev~ t Expense ) Ir~ome ( Loss ! B~fore Transfers and Taxes Opera,lng Transfers Tn Oper~tlng Transfers Real property Taxes Ne~ lncoee ( Loss ) F~d Equity - ~gimi~ of Year Fc~d Equity - End of Ymr EDPCODE E S E S E .1S E .iS E .8S E_605.4S E S E $ E $ E_555S E .~ E S E S E_~O~ EHTERPRZSE FUNDS STATEHENT OF REVEMJES, EXPEHSES AND CHAHGES lg FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED · -- TOTAL $ $ 10. STATEMENT OF C~SH FLONS FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR ENDED ZNCREASE ! DECREASE ) ZN CASH AND CASH EEA~VALEHTS Cash Flo~s Fro~ Oper~tlng O~r R~I P~rty P~s of Cash FI~s C~ital C~tri~t~ ~ O~r F~ Pa~ts to C~t~cto~ P~s f~ ~le of As~ts EDP E_711ZS E_?ll3S E_7119S E_7121S E_712ES E_712~S E_71Z4S E_71Z-;S E_71~6S E_71~9S E_7151S E_7152S E_71555 E_715~S E_713ES E_7156S E_7157S E_7138S E_7139S 5,830 95~682 86~793 4~136 (172,509) ~ 164~178 3,527 , 167~705 15,035 (15,035) STATEHENT OF CASH FLONS FOR THE FZSCAL YEAR ENDED ZNCRE~L~E (DECREASE) TN CASH MiD CASH E~UZVALEtITS (Cor~lud~d) purchase of lr~est~e~ts Sale of Ine~s~t$ Interest I~ ~t I~sa (D~m.) in ~sh ~ h~ i~ivalmis Cash ~ Cash E~i~l~ts 'a~ ~i~i~ of Y.r O~r~tlng lnoo~ ;Loss) Adiust=e~ts to R--'Y>~'~ile Opertting l~ to ll~t ~h Pro~id~i/iUs~d! fr~ ~per~tims: O~preciatio~ Add I/ltl~l~]i~=rease in Assets Ot~r ~ C~sh & Cash Equivalents Add Ir~reas~ in Liabilities other th~. Cash & Cash Equivalents Other R~.~,~iling Items: Total Adjus~ts EDP code E_?ISZ$ E_71E$S E_71595 E_7179S E_71815 E_716Z$ E_716~S E_7185S E_7185S E_7185S E_718ES E_7188S E_7189S 4,151 4,151 (15,688) ~6.744 51,056 (20,156) 4,078 (1},688) 12. AGENCY FUNDS # BALANCE SHEET ~ AS OF EDPCOOE TAIOOS AGENCY FUND LZABTLZTZES Du~ to Other Funds Other Agency Fc.~cJs ISpecJfy) TOTAL AGENCy LZABZLZTZES EDPCOOE TA2~-6S TA23~S EDPCO~E TEZOQS TEIOSS EDPCODE TE317S TE317S TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL EXPEHDABLE TRUST EX~EHDABLE TRUST F1JNDS STATEHEHT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES ~ND CHANGES TN FUND E~JXTY REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Use of Hormy and P~r~y Total R~s [n~erf~ T~nsfe~ E~E~ES ~ O~ER ~ES E~ic Ass~s~a~ ~ In~erf~ T~nsfers TOTAL E~E~Z~ES ~ ~ER ~ES FLeD E~JXTY BEGIf~ZNG OF YEAR EXCESS (DEFTCTENSY) EXCESS OF REVEMJE ANO OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDZTURES AND OTHER USES F~D E~JXTY END OF YEAR EDPCODE TEE3SS $ TE&O0.4$ TE610.~S TE&2S.~S TE&3E.~S TE645.6S $ TE655.9S $ TE400S $ TE~OES 15. NON-£XPENDABLE TRL~T ~ · BALMtCE SHEET EDPCOOE .EDPCOOE TNIOOS Library Trus~ Other Hon-Expen~ble Trust I~ifyl Ir~es~ne~t$ TNIO~S TOTAL HQN-EXPEN~ABLE TRUST 16, NON-E~ENOA~LE I~IST FI]~S STATENEHT OF REVENI~S, E~PEHSES AND CHM4~ES 'lrN FUND EE/U~TY EDPCOOE O~mrs I Specify ) Totll Rmvmrp~ms L Equi~ 8sgimi~g of Fund Equ~y End of Year 17. GENERAL FZ~D ~S~ETS ACCGUI'~TS ~ BALANCE SHEET # AS OF December 31 , lqq~ Assets (N~t) EDPCGOE KISOS 69,359 EDPCODE K30.6S 69,359 18. EDPCODE LZ~ZLZTIE$ EDPCO~E Aam~t Available in Debt Service Ju.o~t$ ~o ~ p~ for HI&OS Long T~r~ Li~billtl. #2~0S TOTAL AHOLINT AVAZL~B. LE ~ TO BE O PROVZDED TOTAL LZABZL'rTZES This m~ount group should not include Long-term D~i of proprietary Funds) 19. NOTE 1 Basis o~ See Attachment NOlliSTO Fllt~ClAL STAT~FENI'S Mattituck Park District Notes To The Financial Statements For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1993 I. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The financial statements of the Mattituck Park District have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the government's accounting policies are described below. A. FINANCIAL REPORTING ENTITY The Mattituck Park District, which was established in 1941, is governed by the Local Municipal Law and other general laws of the State of New York and various local laws. An elected Board of Commissioners is the body responsible for overali operations, the chairman of the Board of Commissioners serves as Chief Executive Officer and the Treasurer serves as Chief Fiscal Officer. Basic services provided include the provision and maintenance of recreational facilities located within the District. B. BASIS OF PRESENTATION - FUND ACCOUNTING The operations of the District are accounted for within a set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balance/retained earnings, revenues and expenditures/expenses. The Account Group is used to establish accounting control and accountability for general fixed assets. The account group is not a "fund". It is concerned with measurement of financial position and not results of operations. The General Fixed Assets Account Group is used to account for land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, and equipment utilized for general government purposes. C. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING/MEASUREMENT FOCUS Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures and the related assets and liabilities are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus. Measurement focus is the determination of what is measured, i.e. expenditures or expenses. Modified Accrual Basis - All District operations are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay Liabilities of the current period. Material revenues that are accrued include real property taxes, state and federal aid, sales tax and certain user charges. If expenditures are the prime factor for determining eligibility, revenues from federal and state grants are accrued when the expenditure is made. Expenditures are recorded when incurred except that: a. Expenditures for inventory-type items are recognized at the time of the disbursements. b. Principal and Interest on indebtedness are not recognized as an expenditure until due. Account Groups - General fixed assets are recorded at actual or estimated cost or, in the case of gifts and contributions, at the fair market value at the time received. No provision for depreciation is made. D. PROPERTY TAXES County real property taxes are levied annually and become a lien on December 1. Taxes are collected during the period December 1 to May 31. Taxes for county purposes (apportioned to the area of the county outside the Town of Southold) are levied together with taxes for Town, Park District and other special district purposes as a single bill. The Town, the Park District and the other special districts receive the full amount of their levies annually out of the first amounts collected on the combined bills. The county assumes enforcement responsibility for all taxes levied in the Town (and for unpaid county taxes in the Town). E. BUDGETARY DATA 1. BUDGET POLICIES - The budget policies are as follows: a. No later than July 15, the Board of Commissioners prepares detailed estimates of the anticipated revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year commencing the following fiscal year. b. No later than August 1, the Secretary of the District calls a meeting of the resident taxpayers for the purpose of modifying the proposed budget and/or voting to adopt the final budget. 2. BUDGET BASIS OF ACCOUNTING Budgets are adopted annually on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. F. CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES There have been no changes in accounting policies. G. DEPARTURES FROM GENERALLY ACCEPTED ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES (GAAP) There are no departures from generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). H. INSURANCE The District assumes the liability for most risk including, but not limited to, property damage and personal injury HabiHty. Judgements and claims are recorded when it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. II. STEV~ARDSHIP, COMPLIANCE, ACCOUNTABILITY A. MATERIAL VIOLATIONS OF FINANCE RELATED ACTIVITIES There are no material violations of finance-related provisions. B. DEFICIT FUND BALANCES There is no deficit fund balance at December 31, 1993. C. OVERDRAWN APPROPRIATIONS There are no overdrawn appropriations. III. DETAIL NOTES ON ALL FUNDS AND ACCOUNT GROUPS LEASE COMMITMENTS AND LEASED ASSETS The District leases a dump truck under a lease agreement. Total expenditures under the agreement for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 were $6,324. Future obligations over the term of the agreement as of December 31, 1993 are for 1994 and 1995, $6,324 each year, and for 1996, $1,054. At the end of the lease term, the District will take full title to the vehicle at no additional expense. VI. CONTINGENCIES The District has received State and Local aid which is subject to audit by agencies of the State and Federal Governments. Such audits may result in disallowances and a request for a return of funds to the Federal and State governments. Based on past audits, District administration believes disallowances, if any, will be immaterial. · STATEItENT OF TNDEBTEDNESS Hon~h Curr~nt Ou~s~.~ding Do Not Include Iten~ls Here Ou~t~ndir~ F~nal L~st Sq~r~tely by hte of lssm EDgE K lnt~t ~imi~ of Iss~ ~ri~ hid ~i~ E~ of ~ri~ T P I 3 5 7 Tota~ ~ ~tes 2P1863 EDP COOE STATE COHP USE C~pi~l Notes: ~'P1865 / Other Debt: (Specify) / L~s~ S~oarwt:ely by Dl~e of ~'ssue EDPCOOE ~ L ~r~ ~cl Tnteres* T P Fiscll Year F~sca]. YearJ F~sc~ Year EDP STATE C~viP USE End of FLscal Year 7 Final 8o~ds (LLst b~ ~ose) To~al Bo~cIs 2P1867 / ~.k Au~hori~ Loans 2P1869 ~*ON NEH Z-~-"~S, PLEASE ZNSERT HEH ZSSU~ DATE. ON RENEHAL, PLEASE ZHSERT LATEST REHEHAL DATE. PLEASE ZHSERT ~t DIGITS, ZE. JAMJARY 1993 HOULD BE 01/93. · HA1/JR.TTY SCHEDULE ~ B~N~S ZS~U~D DURZI~ THE YEAR EDPCOOE PURPOSE OF ISSUE For. $*L~'~e Comptroller. Use 0n1¥ "PSCE rOTAL PRZNCT PAL bATE OF ZS~UE# EP3DT / / / / / / / / / / [HTEREST RATE ! Tn Decimals ]1 :~P3PC rFZDAY end YEAR HAL HATURTTY EP3DH / / / / / / / / / / ~oun'~ o'f Pr.inc~.p,al Rm~mmd ~'P39'~ in or. to be Rt,~l,,,,-,md ~isc~l year. Ending J.n [PLEASE IHSERT YEARS LAST THO DZGZTS GHLY ) ZPg96 EP597 ZP3~8 EP3~ .l~m ~P300 . ~inue on RAvl~se ~P301 EP30Z ~P303 #PLEASE TNSERT SZX DZGZTS, FOR EXAtlPLE~ JANUARY 1, 199~, SHOULD BE SflGI4~ AS 01/01/9~. EDPCODE ~ of Principal P.~ta. ee~d ~P30~ in or ~o be R~ in ~P30~ 2P310 ZP313 ~P3~ ~P3~6 · , HATURZTY SCHEDULE B4]I*~S ZSSUED DURlrN~ T~E YEAR Oper~ting F~d C~pit~l F~d Trot ~nd Af~.:¥ D~bt S~rvice F~ds BM4( RECOHCZ LZAT~ON CASH BY F~tlDS, PER BALM4CE S~EET~ ln=lude Petty C~sh TOTAL CASH 51,056 TOTAL ALL F~xlD$ $ 51~056 BN~ BALN4CES F~r,d Less North Fork Bank) Mattituck) NY A Fleet Bank) Southold) NY A Suffolk County National, Cutchogue, NY A MBIA/Class. Armonk. NY A 8,766 1,590 9.300 6.798 $ 2.004 1.590 RR.167 Petty Cash F~ds Adjust.~nts TOTAL A~JUSTED BAh~ BALANCE ~ PETTY CASH $ 51,056 * ~mse a~ts must agree. NOTE: ~ ;tr~ifi;ttim for.s am r~t rtquirtd to i~ fil.d .ith this r~pert. directly ~ith the b~nk. li;.~r, th* Offl, of ~i~ Strife Comptroller .~y canfir~ bank balances 26. CERTZFZCATE OF FZSCAL OFFZCER l, John A. Cushman II , Pl~se Print Mattituck Park District r~ort, to the b~st of ~7 }~x~l~l'~ · infor~tian and belief, is a tr~ ~nd ~orr~ot December 31 . 19 93 PO Box 1413 Officiml Address Treasurer Tibia February 16, 1994 Date Mattituck~ NY 11952-0997 offi~ T,l,~n~r~ N,. (516) 765-4333 PLEASE HA!L REPORT TO: 27.