HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996ALI. NUHgERg IN THIS REPORT MUST BE ROUNDEO TO THE ff~AREST DOLLAR. foR I~attit~ck Park__D. istrict Name of Unit To~n of Southold Name of Primary Government (Component) Please check one ComponeIlt Ur~i t ·Indepe.de,t Special Purpose Unit FOR life FISCAL YEAR ENOED December 31, 1996 STATE OF RE~ YORK OFFICE OF TIlE STATE C~4PTROtLER HIVISIOX OF ~IXICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBARY, NEU YORK 12236 In accordance with new reporting requirements pursuant to GASH Statement 14, a sep_a~re~te report must be prepared for each component unit in the reporting entity. Revised 1994 O~era~ln~ Fu~d ga~ence Sheet ............................................................................................................... ~. I Analysts of Changes In Fu~ Equity .......................................................................................... p. Z Detail of Revenues .......................................................................................................... ~. 3 Detail of Experx~ttura$ ...................................................................................................... ~. ~ Capital Projects Funds Balance Sheet ............................................................................................................... p. 5 Analysis of Changes tn Fund Equity .......................................................................................... p. 6 Detatl of Revenues and Other Sources and Proceeds of Long-Term Obligations .................................................. p. ? Anniyals af Capital Expenditures for Currant Year ........................................................................... p. 8 Enterprise Fund BaIn~ce Sheet ............................................................................................................... p. 9 State~nt of Revenues, Expenses end Changes in Fund Equity .................................................................. p. lO Statement of Cash Flows ..................................................................................................... p.ll TrtlSt and Ageflcy Funds Balance Sheet - Agency Fu~a ................................................................................................ p.13 Betance Sheet - Expendabte Trust Funds ...................................................................................... p.14 State.mnt of Revenues. Expenditures and Changes fn Fund E~it¥ - Expendable Trust Fu~s ..................................... p.15 Balance Sheet - Non-Expendable Trust Fu~s .................................................................................. p.16 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes tn Fund Equity - Non-Expendable Trust Ft~ds ................................. p.l? statement of General Fixed Assets ................................................................................................ p.18 Statemont of Genera[ Long-Term Debt .............................................................................................. p.19 Notes to Finoncia[ Statements .................................................................................................... p.20 DEBT SECTION Statemont of Indebtedness ........................................................................................................ p.21 Maturity ScheduLe ................................................ ....................... - ........................................ p.2~ SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Bank Reconciliation .............................................................................................................. p.26 Certificate of Fiscal Officer .................................................................................................... p.27 OPERATING FUN~ * SALANCS SHEET * AS OF December 31 EDP CODS -- _130S $ 23,404 967 2.433 Accounts Payable Total Liabilities Special Reserves Unreserved Fund Balance - Total Fund Equity , 1996 _ _200S _ _205S -- _225S _ _230S -- _245S _ _320S _ _325S 5,590 11,542 17,132 9.672 9,672 TOTAL ASSETS $ 26,804 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY 26,804 The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. OPERATING FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED December 31~ 1996 Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* EDPCODE - _400S - _405S 188.956 s 9,864- (192) s 9.672 *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. OPERATING FUND - DETAIL OF REVENUES AND OHIER SOURCES Rest Property Taxes Rest Property Tax Items Non-Property Tax Items Departmental Income Intergovernmental Charges Uae of Honey and Property Sa[e of Property and Compensation for toss Htscetlaneoua Local Sources Interfund Revenues State Aid Faders! Aid TOTAL REVE#UEg tnterfund Transfers Proceeds of Obligations TOTAL REVE#UES AND OTHER SOURCES ~p_n c~_~ - _500S - _505S _ _StOa - _520S _ _525S - _5305 _ _535S - _540S - _545S - _550S - _555S _ _560S 176~995 204 4.749 4,559 * 188.764 188,764 OPERATING FHND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES EDP COD~ FUNCTIONAL UNIT General Government Support -- _600 Education _ _605 P~blic Safety _ _610 Health -- _615 Transportation _ _$20 Economic Assistance & Opportunity - _625 Culture and Recreation _ _630 Home and Community Services -- _635 TOTAL OS PERSONAL SERVICES EQUIPMENT & CAPITAL Or'fLAY 25 8,738 96,997 CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES CS $ 72,789 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 85 $. 10,432 Employee Benefits Debt Principal Debt Interest $. 188,956 Interfund Transfers TOT~XPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $. 188,956 ASSETS C~sh Investments Other Receivables (Net) State end Federal Aid Recetvebtee Due From Other Funds Due From Other Soverrd~ents Inventories Prepaid Expenses ~Icted Assets EDP COOE RIOOS NI05S Nl155 H120S H125S H130S H1355 NI~OS H145S Accrued Liabilities EDP COOE 11200S H205S H210S H215S N220S H225S N230S N2655 $ $ Specie[ Reserves Unreserved Ft~d galance - R315S H320S H3255 Total F~d Equity TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO FUND EQUITY CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ANALYSZS OF CHANGES IN FUND EQUIIY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDEO Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* EDPCOOE H400S Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* H405S *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. 6o CAPITAL PROJECTS FUHD DETAIL OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES Departmental Income Use of Honey and Property MisceLLaneous Loco! Sources State Aid Federal Aid Interfund Transfers Proceeds of Obligations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES EDPCOUE H515S H525S H535S H5&SS H550S H555S H560S CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES BY ADH1NISTRATIVE U~IIT General Government Support Education Public Safety #ealth ,rtation Ecorm~ic Assistance and Opportunity Culture and Recreation Hoae and Community Services TOTAL EXPERDITURES lnterfund Transfers TOTAL EXPERDITURES AND OTHER USES EDPCDDE 1t600.2S $ H605.2S H610.2S H615.2S H620.2S H625.2S H630.2S H635.ZS $ H655.9S S ' " ENTERPRISE FUND * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF R~SETS EDP CODE cash E__IOOS $ Investments E__105S Other Receivables (Net) E__115S State smd Federal Aid Receivables E__120S Due Fram Other Funds E__125S D~Fra~ Other Governments E__130S Inventories E__135S Prepaid Expenses E__160g Restricted Assets E__I&5S Fixed Assets (Net) E__15OS LIABILITIES AND FUND EaUITY Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Retained Percentages Notes Payable Other Liabilities Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governments Bond and Long Term Liabi[ttles Deferred Revenues Tatar Liabilities Fund Equity Contributed Capita! Retained Earnings Tatar Fund Equity EDP CODE E__200S E__2055 E__~IOS E__~15S E__~ZOS E__230S E__~40S E__Z&5S E__3OOS E__310S TOTAL ASSETS $ The Notes to the Flmanclat Statements are an tntegret part of this statement. 9. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY ENTERPRISE FUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES~ EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED Operating Revenues Charges for Services Total Operating Revenues O~ereting Expenses Persona[ Services Contractual Expenses Erap[oyee Benefits Depreciation Operating Expenses Operating income CLoss) #on-ooeratinn Revenues (Expenses) Revenues: Use of Money and Property Sale of Property and Comp. for Loss Expenses: (Specify) Net Non-Oper. Revenue (Expense) Income (Loss) Before Transfers and Taxes rating Transfers In rating Transfers Out Real Property Taxes Net Income (Loss) Fund Equity - Beginning of Year Adjustments: (Specify) Fund Equity - End of Year EDPCOOE TOTAL E S $ E S S E .1S S E E .as E__603.4S $ $ E__525S S E__5305 E S E S E S $ $ E__555S E__655,9S E .~S $ E__400S E S E S E__405S S 10. INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EI~UIVALEHTS Cas~ Flows From Operating Activities~ Cash Received from Providing Services Cash Payments Contractual Expenses Other Operating Revenues Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Operating Activities Cash Flows from Non-Capital and Financing Activities: Transfers To/From Other Funds Proceeds of Debt (Non-Capital) Payment of Debt (Non-Capital) Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Non-Capital Financing Activities Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities Proceeds of Debt (Capital) Principal Payments Debt (Capital) Onterest Expense (Capital) Capital Contributed by Developers Capital Contributed by Other Funds Payments to Contractors Capital Grants Received from Other Governments Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Capital and Related Financing Activit~es EDP Code E__TXX9S E__7133S E__7134S STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR TRE FISCAL YEAR ENDED INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH ~ CASH EQUIVALENTS (Concluded) Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchase of Investments Sale of Investments Interest Income Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Investing Activities Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and cash Equivalents Cash and ~ash Equivalents at Beginning of Year Cash Equivalents at End of Year RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH Operating Income (Loss) Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Income to Net Cash Provided/(Used) from Operations: Depreciation Increase/Decrease in Assets'Other than Cash & Cash Equivalents Increase/Decrease in Liabilities Other than Cash & Cash Equivalents Other Reconciling Items: Total Adjustments ,Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Operating Activities EDP CODE E__7152S E__7153S E__7159S E__7179S E__7182S E__7183S E__7184S E__7185S E__7185S E__7185S E__7185S E__7188S E__7189S .;%mount ]2. ASSETS Cash Investments EDPCOOE TAIOOS $ TA105S * AS OF AGENCY FUND LIABILITIES Due to Other Fund~ Other Agency Funds (Specify) EDPCOOE TA225S TA2355 TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL AGEgCY LIABILITIES 13. EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF ASSETS Cash EDPCOOE TEIOOS TE105S EXPENDABLE TRUST Library Trust Other Expendabte Trust (Specify) EDPCODE IE317S TE317S TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL EXPENDABLE TRUST 14.. *, EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS · ~ STATEHENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY Use of Money and Property Miscellaneous Local Sources Total Revenues Interfu~dTransfers TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES EXPENDITURES A#O OTBER USES Expenditures Genera[ Governmente[ Support Education pub[lc Safety Health Transportation Econamlc Assistance and Opportunity Home and Con~unlty Service Employee Benefits Debt Service Totat Expenditures Interfund Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES ANO OTHER USES FUND E~UITY BEGINNING OF YEAR EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) EXCESS OF REVENUE AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND EOUITY END OF YEAR EDPCOOE TE515S TE527S TE5355 TE555S TE600.SS TE605.4S TE610.65 TE615.6S TE620.4S TE625.SS TE630.SS TE635.6S TE660.85 TE66S.6S TE655.95 TE~OOS 15. NON-EXPENDABLE 1RUST FUNDS * BALANCE SNEE[ * AS OF ASSETS Cash EDPCDDE TRIOOS NON-EXPENDABLE TRUST Library Trust Other Non-Expendabte Trust (Specify) EDPCODE TN]17S TN]175 Investments TNIO5S $ TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-EXPENDABLE TRUST 16. EDPCODE Others (Specify) TN5355 Total Revenues FU~Equity Beginning of Year Pund Equity End of Year $ 17. GENERAL FIXED ASSETS ACCOUNTS * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF December 31, 1996 Assets (Net) EDPCODE K1HOS 70,652 EDPCODE Investment in General Fixed Assets K305S 70~652 18. AgSETB A~t Aveltabie In Debt Service Fund Amounts to ~e provided for Lo~g-Term Obtlgetfons EDPCOOE ~155S ~160S LIABILITIES Bond and Long Term li~bititfes EDPCOOE U2~OS TOTAL AMOIJNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE PROVIDED TOTAL LIABILITIES (Note: This account group should not intrude Long-term Debt of Proprietary Funds) 19. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEHENTS Summary of Significant Accounting Poticies NOTE I Basis of Accounting 20. Honth Current Outstanding Do Not Include Renewals Here Outstnnding Fins[ L~at gapers[sty by Date of Issue EDPCODE a~cl Interest Beginning of Issued During Poid During End of Haturity Year* Rate Fiscal Year Fisca[ Year Fiscal Year Fisca[ Year Date T P 1 ] 5 7 Tax Anticipation Notes: / / Toter Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 Revenue Anticipation Notes: / / Tote[ Revenue Anticipation Notes 2P1862 Budget Notes: / / Tote[ Budget Notes 2P18~3 Urban Rene~o~ Notes / / Total Urban Renews! Notes 2P1866 EOP CODE STATE COMP USE Eaplta[ Notes: 2P1865 / 2P1865 / 3thor Debt: (Specify) / *ON NEU ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT & DIGITS, iE. JANUARY 1996 ~40ULD BE 01/94. 21. STATEHENT OF INDEBTEDNESS List Separately by Date of Issue EDP CODE STATE COHP USE Bond Anticipation Notes: EDPCODE Month [ Current and Interest Year* Hate T P Outstanding Beginning of Fiscal Year 1 Do Not lnclnde Renewals Here Issued During Paid During Fiscai Year fiscal Year 3 5 OutstandingI End of Fisca} Year Final Naturlty Date / / TotWNondAnticipation Notes 2P1866 e~Bans Redeemed From Bond Proceeds 2P1888 Bonds (List by purpose) / / / / lo'Bonds 2P1867 / Authority Loans 2P1869 TOTAL OF ALL INDEBTEONESS Ptease note cattabte features of bond issues and any reserve funds available to pay debt (inclnde also in the Notes to Financial Statements). eON NEW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. OH RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT & DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1994 WOULD BE 01/94. 22. ~ · ~ HATURITY SCIIEDULE 'r BONDS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR EDPCOOE PURPOSE OF ISSUE For State Comptroller Use Only 2P3CE TOTAL PRINCIPAL 2P3PR OATE OF IBSIJ~* 2P3DT / / / / / / / / / / INTEREST RATE (in Decimals) 2P3PC ~TN,, DAY ary~ YEAR OFI~AL MATURITy 2P3DM / / / / / / / / / / AmoLqlt of Principal Redeemed 2P39& in or to be Redeemed in fiscal Year Ending tn 2P395 (PLEASE INSERT YEARS 2P396 LAST TUO OIGITS ONLY) 2P397 2P398 2P399 2P300 2P301 Co~qtinue on Reverse Side 2P~302 2P303 2P304 *PLEASE INSERT SIX DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1, NOTE: If two or more purposes are combined in a consolidated issue, ~hoH the maturity ~chedule for each purpose. 23. -' NATURITY SCHEDULE BONDS ISSUED DURING THE YEAR · EDP COOE Aa~unt of Principal Redeemed 2P305 in or to be Redeemed in Fiscal Year Ending in 2P306 2P307 PLEASE INSERT YEARS LAST TkO) DIGITS ONLY 2P308 2P309 2P310 2P~11 2P~12 2P313 2P315 2P~16 2P317 2P318 2P320 24. · ~ HATURI TY SCHEDULE EDP COOE I~l~telt of Prfncfpat Redeemed 2P321 In or to be Redeemed tn Flscat Year Ending In 2P322 PLEASE iNSERT YEARS LAST T~IODIGITSONLY 2P323 2P324 2P~25 2P~26 2P~27 ~P329 ~P330 2P331 2P332 ~P333 2Pll& 2P335 2P336 Total Operating Fund Enterprise Fund Capital Fund Trust and Agency Funds Debt Service Funds BANK RECONCILIATZON CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SIIEETS include Petty Cash TOTAL CASH 232404 TOTAL ALL FUNDS BANK BALANCES Identify Bank Batances with Funds by Listing the AppLicable Code Letters Fund Name end Location of Bank Coda No~th ~o~k ~k~ Mnttituck, NY A Suffolk County National Bank, NattituckA l~BlA/Class~ Armonkt NY A Bank BaLance 956 [2.879 10.058 Less Outstanding Checks /~89 Add Cash On Hand Adjusted Bank BaLance $ ! ? - R7q Add: Petty Cash Funds Adjustments (Specify) TOTAL ADJUSTED BANK BALANCE AND PETTY CASH $ 23.404 *These amounts must agree. NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to be filed with this report. directly with the bank. However, the Office of the State Comptrotter m~y confirm bank balances 26. I, Joh~ A. ~.~i~a~n TT , certify that I am the fiscal officer of the Please Print ]4attitack PaTk Dt~trict, and that this report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions and fiscal condition for the fiscal year ended ])ecealber 31, 19 96 Signature P.O. Box 1/413 Official Ad~re~ Title Jantml"y 28. 1997 0ate Hatt/tuck~ NY 11952 Office Telephone No.(516) 765-4333 PLEASE MAIL REPORT TO: State of Ne~ York office of the State Con~3trolter Bureau of Nunicipal Research & Statistics Rifted E. Smith State Office Building Albany, ge~ York 12216 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS RELATING TO THIS REPORT~ PLEASE CALL ALBANY: (518) 4r~-~o1~ 27.