HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-99.-1-12.1 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: From: MEMORANDUM Leslie Weisman, Chair _Ap Members of the Zoning Board of Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: March 3, 2010 Re' Variance request for JAMES and CHRIS MESKOURIS ZBA#6372 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided that the following best management practices are implemented to meet and further the below listed policies: Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold It is recommended that the Board require the use of gutters, leaders and drywells to control storm water from all impervious surfaces. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystem 6.3 Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. Provide adequate buffers between wetlands and adjacent or nearby uses and activities in order to ensure protection of the wetland's character, quality, values, and functions. Maintain buffers to ensure that adverse effects of adjacent or nearby development are avoided: Maintain buffers to achieve a high filtration efficiency of surface runoff. Avoid permanent or unnecessary disturbance within buffer areas. Maintain existing indigenous vegetation within buffer areas. It is recommended that the Board require the perpetual preservation of all natural vegetation seaward of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line. The width, composition and maintenance activities could ~3e memorialized within a covenant and restriction, A sample definition of a natural vegetated buffer is included for your use. NATURAL VEGETATED BUFFER -- a land area of a certain length and width where existing vegetation occurs prior to the commencement of any grading or clearing activity. Vegetation shall be maintained to achieve a minimum percent ground cover of ninety-five (95) percent. To achieve the percent,ground cover indigenous, drought tolerant vegetation shall be planted Survival of planted vegetation shall be (ninety) 90 percent for a period of three (3) years. Maintenance activities within the buffer are limited to removing vegetation which are hazardous to life and property, trimming tree limbs up to a height of fifteen feet (15') to maintain viewsheds, replanting of vegetation and establishing a four foot (4') wide access path constructed of pervious material to access the water-body. Figure 1. Subject parcel (black arrow). Please contact me with any questions. Cc: Jennifer Andalorc, Assistant Town Attorney Office Location: Town Annex/First Floor, Capital One Bank 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Southold, NY 11971 Mailing Address: 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 http://southoldtown.northfork.net BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTItOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 Fax (631) 765-9064 February 5, 2010 Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold, NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. #6372 (Meskouris) Dear Mr. Terry: We have received an application for construction in Mattituck. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-5D is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~ .:~tdesli'e K. Weisman ~hm. rperson Encls. FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL TO: Architecnologies For: Chris Meskouris (Weimann) P.O. Box 93 Mattituck, NY 11952 DATE: September 3, 2009 Updated: February 4, 2010 Please take notice that your application dated August 28, 2009: For permit to construct new single family dwelling at: Location of property: 530 Sound Beach Dr., Mattituck County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 99 Block 1_ Lot 12.1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed new single family dwelling, on a non-conforming 16,540 (5,150 sq. ft. of buildable) square foot lot in the Residential R-40 District is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124, non-conforming lots, measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size, require a maximum lot coverage of 20%. The survey shows 29% lot coverage of the buildable area. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A. FOP, M NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: September 3. 2009 'FO: Architecnologies For: Chris Meskouris (Weimann) P.O. Box 93 Mattituck, NY 11952 Please take notice that yom' application dated August 28, 2009: For permit to construct new single family dwelling at: Location of property: 530 Sound Beach Dr., Mattituck County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 99 Block _1 Lot 12.1_ ls returned herexvith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed new single family dwelling, on a non-co~!forming 16,540 (5, 150 SCl. ft. of buildable) square tbot lot in the Residential R-40 District is not permitted pursuant to Article XXII1 Section 280-124, non-conforxning lots, measuring less than 20,000 square_ feet in total size. require a lnaximum lot coverage of 20%. The survey shows 29% lot coverage of the buildable area. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above ret'crenced application may require further review by the Sou/hold Toxvn Building Department. CC: lile, Z.B.A. ArrL~UA'I'ION TO TIlE SOUTHOLD TOWN, BOARlY~J:IF-ApPEALS , · vor ctjJtc¢ c~se. c~n~y / j..(~:~ __ · ' Pareel'Ho~eNo..% ~ Street ~ ~ ~a~. ~. namlO~.. DA~D~ ~~:~,.~' ,. .. ....' . . , . - · A~llcan~er(s): ~'~ ~4s "' . . .'~a~hg ~.' . · :. ; -~ . . ' ' . . . .-...: 'A~d~ess~ "~ ..... NO~: In addition ~ ~h~ ~bove please ~mplete b~o~ if ~pJlcation is. si~e~.by appliOnt's a~orney, agent, architect~ build'r, ~on~act ven~ ~t~:a~d 6ameofp~oh.who agent re~r~en~: Autho~efl Reprosent~fiW; ~...~ox.~O~ · ~or~ Owne~, or ( ) Other: Pl.pase check box to specify who you wish eorkespondence to bemailed to, from the above names: -'[] ApplicAnt/Owner(s)' ~f~uth~)rized Re?esentative B'OtAer Nam~Addres~: ~B¥ T~ BUInD~ I~Sp~eTOA D~m~D.~.~PLICATtON DATED ~ ~ ,r. Z ~ Ce~tifieat~ of Occu~cy " " . ~.Pe~mJJ ~or As-Built Con~r~etion. ... Pro. sion o~the ~nlng,0rd~nanee App.~ed: Jadx~te.A~ele> Secfi~n,:Subsechon. of.Zomng Ord~aaeeb~ ~bezs..Do' not qu~te'~he code.. . . A~[~ ~ x I .. Se~o~280~- [ ~ 'Sub.crOn · TYPe'9~ ~pp'~L .An Appeal is.ma~efoe:, '. ' . ~ Va~nce-t9 ~ Z~n~g'~ode or ~g. Map., ~ A ~a~anco'due ~ ~k:of ~e~sreq~i~.~ New York Town LaW~fi~n 28~A. ~ .Ifite~retaflon o~ ~e'To~n Cod~ ~fficle '.' Sectlbn ' ~ Reve~al'0r O.thee. A prior appeal Elhas~fi'lias not been made withrr~Spect.to thls:proper~ UNDER Appeal No. Year. . (Please be s~re to researeli before completing this question or call our office to agslst you.). ~ ~EASONS FOR APPEAL (addition~ sheets maF be'used.with preparer's sign'ature):- "' AREA VA~4~VC~ ~ASO~VS; ':.(1) An undesirable change wilt not l~.produ~ed..i~. th~ C~C~R '0f ~e. ~'ei~hborhood or a . de~ment to nearby prope~.ig granted~ because: .... "..: "(~) The b~flt~ S~ught b~ the applicant C~OT -b~ aehle~d b~ soma method feasible fdr ' ' ' applioa~t to pu~u~,:other thaa an a~ea wrl~nee, bee~aae: ' (3) The amount of~allefrequested fs not substantial because: (4} The variance ~ill ~OT. have an .adver~'effe~t .6r impact ~ (he physical or environmental condition~ ~n the neighborhood or.d~str~ct because: (~ Has the alleged diffl6al~ been self-created? ( )Yes,.O~ ~No. '~re. there Co~en'a~ and~estrictions co~cerning 'thig land: This is the~.M'IN~M that ~s ne~6ssa~ and adequate, and at the same time pFese~e.and protect the ~haracter 'of the neighbo?hood ~nd the' heal~h,'safe~,.a.nd welfare ~f the eommunity~ Check.tMs' b~ ( . ) IFA USE.VAt. CE IS ~ING ~U~STED, ~ P~E~gE'~OMP~T~ THE ~ ~ACH~'USE'V~CE S~ET: '(Please be sure to~eohsuttyour a.orney.) ' 'Swdrn..to, before mi t~i~ C~ stgn~e of Appellant or Auihorizetl Aggnt . BARBARA'H. TAND¥ ' Notury Public, State Of New York No, 01TA6086001 Ot~a i{ied In Suffolk Coun~ i J' ' Commission Expires .01/18J20.J.L. . . APPLIC~NT,$ PROJECT DE$cRIIWION ~ ~ For ZBA R~ference) : L FOr Demolition; Of EXisting Building Areas - ' ' : ' ' 'Plea~dezeribeareas'beingremoved: ~ . ....''. i ' .' ~; ~oposed ~straelion Description (~teratloasSO ' : '- :.~.' :ealcaiatibns of building areas~and iot'cove~age'if~om Survey6v): ' ' '" '" ': .Existing squire f0amge ~fbuildifig~-on yo~ prOpe~: .~ .. ' ' · ' · Proposed· increase'ofbmMing c~ve~ge:' [~:9 ~ va ~- -. T' · : , · · Au~;ilui-~.a~d Daie ~ . ~., - ', - ' . d~presslon or'sloping ele~iio~'.fi~ the ~ea o~'~ro~osed'~ons~O6oh at or below five f~et'above mean sea leeel? ~ .. : ~c there ~y patios, coh~ct~ ba=iers;.b~l~ad~ or fenc~ ~at exit and .o~-~e'su~ey map t~t 'you- are 'submi~ng~-: ~O ~ not sho~ ~leas~ s~c~e~ D6 YOu ha~ any cons~c6on Nking plac~ If yes, ~le~e sub~t a copy of your building pe~itand map as.a ro6e · D~pa~ent and ~ese~Sk: . PP d by ~e Bmldmg 'Do you or · e ~oximi~ of year. lands ' ' ' '~ Y~, plebe, label" . . · on yofff.~ap ~th'tNs'applicafion. A. iNSTRUCTiONS 1. · All 'applicant~.for permits* inclu~2 Ta~ · . · '. : ~. .~- u4 ~oUmOla agencie' " . , proposed'~?o~ ~at ~e sUbjmt ta.~e Tom 0fSofi~bldw~.~_5 ~h~[ ~omplete ~s cc~ for ' ~s~mt ~s mtend~ to ~nlemoflt AmL ix~:__ ..~ V"~:~um cOm~smnoyRehew ~. ~ ' ' .. ·" ' .. · .. · tr., umVa uuo~atlo~ · :'... z. ' ..... .' .: · ' · .. ' B6foto ~ng ~0 qua.riom. ~ '$eeqon' C;"~o prep~er Of '~ · ' ' ~aor a~ion ~s(.'polioi~ md ~l~Om of tach polie~ mnt~n~.~~' shoed rO~Ow ~o exempt' . benefiat~ ~d adage.Off, ts up6n ~e Co~ ~m.(w~ch'ifidlud~ 3.. Iffy qq~on in;S~fion~C on ~s ~ ' '"' ' " ' ' :ac~0voment ' . is ~,r~ of th* L~..po~ay ~tmd~d~ :md ~o~ifio~ Contained in ' - ~ui,' Ee action shohld be ~ed ~ mom .detail '~d, ' ' ' - . - if aicm~,..mo~fi~ prior'tO m~g a- . dete~fion ~a~ it.is comistent 'to ~e m~um ~ds md: ondtttom.- ~ ~ a~tioa :C~6t be ee~ifi~ as conois/ent wi~ ~e L~ poli~y ~[mdards and ~ndifions, it sh~l not be ~akin . ~ copy 0fthe L~ is available ia ~e' followEg place: :(southoldto~ a0~o-~- ....... ' oaline at the Tom Of Southold's ,... · , -~-,,~[/,.mc Bo~d. of Tmst~es . ~mrm~ aq Ih~ ~ Clerk's~ffiCe. - .... me r~ng Depamenq all local 'DESC~PTION OF SITE ~D PROPOSED A~ION Application has,been ~ub~ed to (ch~k appropriate r~ons~): ' ' Bulldog Dept~ "B~ard catego~ ~fTom ofgou~old agen~ at,on "(a) . Action ~de~fl,, ',, ~ ....... ' - ' ' · Jbx · u~a.agenoy [e.g. c~Ital. cons~tion,, t~n · .... .. p g acfl~ty, ag~cy ro~laOo~ I~d ~saction) :~) Fin~ci~. ~i~t~co (e.g. ~ Io~ subsidy) ~c ro . "~- ~e'~d extent ofacO~: . . ............................. ......... ~.~.~ Location of:aCtion: ,. Site acreage:· '~_~. Present land.'u~e:. ~,,,t~to-c co~-, Pre,sent zoifing classification.: . ~._ ~ C) ' :... ' " ¢0) To eph°n · > tl 7_ ~, " ' ' '" "' ' "'~.(d)'AppliCa~on nmb~, if~ '. _. , .. . . Will.~ u "' " ' e action be directly, nde~eh; requif~ ~ad~g; o~ apmoval' b~a state 6r f~d~ra] ageney~ ' C. .'D~V~LOP~D CO~T POLICY Polic~~1- Fosiev a'paR~rn of development in the Town ofSouthold (ha~.enhanceS. co~muni~ chaka~(er,- pr~e~.op:en.spac~ makes ~ffieieni use afin'fras~ruc~re, mak~ beneHc~] u~e 6f a COds/al l~ca/ion~ and minimizes adverse effectsof:development, See L~'Section ' .- 'criteria, ·" . ' · ' ' ' ' ' IH ~Policl~s; Pa,ge2 for'e~hluat~On :If m ~apli~alion for the prop0sed.action ha~ been'filed with.~e Town of S~ '~.n~. ii~iilion sh~l bo pro~ided: e'ncy,' the f011owin~.: (a)..Nam; ofa~plicant: C' _~.'~.-~ ,,,.4'~o,_,.~a' :' ":" ' ' 'lo6licy 3. Entrance visual quality :and. Protect scenic res0urces' thrbagh0at' th'e ToWn ~f S0Uth:oid. 3:. . '..:.'.. ' ' ' "' ...' ..'."..":' '.. '....'.'" "' '"":. ' ollcy 4. · Mintm~e.'lo~s of~hf~.s~uctur~, ahd.natural r~so~rces fi0m flooding and ~ro~ion. see :Poli.~,es'_~es _~. t~21~fo~ evaluation'eriC.erin . .. :~ . .~ · ...': . · "' · , ~ '.'' , ' .' ': ':~. . . ' ' '~' ~ v '-'~.' "' ~ : :-' . ni CantCo. ' ' "' '' ' '~"-' - ~" ~m~a°wn'°t~Ou~oideeO'~'' ' ' · '" :' : .. ~ . . . · ~.~. ,.' ~ - Attach ~ddflsonal sheets if nece~a~y ,-- " . Policy 7. Protectand improve:air quality in the Town of Southold..See LWRP Section III -P01icie~ Pages 3'2 flirough 34 for evah~ation criteri~i: ' · . Policy'9~. Provide for publi; [act~ss to~ and 're~reiti~uai use of,..coastal waters; Public lauds - -' rabu~eS, ~f.t~e T~Wn Of 8outhold, 'S~e"LW~ 8e~t~'on Ri.= POlicies; Pa~es 38 thrb;--~ -; ." and pu?c ..~. ,.-. _,' .. ; '.. .: . .. . ~,, :.,... k:-". .. ,., .,. . . ... .~ ~ "' -" : .. ' ~.ttacb a4ditional sheets if~ecess~ry-~ ~' ' -- ' -- ... . ...-~.maO~e ~se :o~ n?ng marme.re~ou~ees la Long Island Sound~. · .. and Town w.a~ers' See L~ Section ~ ~ PoUetn~. o~_ ~.~. , the Pecomc gstua~ - 'Policy 12. '~roteet agricuRara[ ~fi.d~ in. the, To~-o~ Soa~h01d. S~ U~ S;ee~0a HI '~ P01iet~ p~g~ 62 ' &tt~ beet " --' -- . Poli6y 13. Promote appropriat6 use and 'reated' on S/25/05 l l : 20 /IM ' ' -- ....... ~ ......... :' ' ' ' -:--~=--' -d~-~..~. ' .' ; Amount ot land affected: __. existing or other exJsling lanO use residctions:("~ YES - ( ' · · Wilt proposed';~cl~on comp ywflh ~NO ~-~f Nb.~e~¢dbe b~ef~y: - ' · What Is present. I~nd. use ih.vicinib) of prdjecb (describe); . ~ --. , __ ~Residen(lal '(!:)]~dOst~al ~-')COmmercial. ( ~dcultu'm~ ( )Pa~F°t~UO~en=~ [ )O~er -- ~. ~es a~lon 1~19~ a pe~ltaopro~a or ~ndrng,'n6O or ull ' ' . . . , ~ a~tton fs i~ the Coastal Ar~and you are a state agency, complete the CQastal Asses~ment Fo~ before proceeding with this assessment Special' Bic~t'ion --' --' :'C~gc.of~ne ',. ~ · . . . ~If."O~e~fi~e.~ acfi~: ~ ' - ~e To~ 0fSou~old's Code of Ethics proMbi~ co~ic~ ofint~est on ~e pm of To~ officers and mploye6s. ~e pu~o~ of'this fora is to prohde ~fo~ation, w~eh e~ a!e~ ~e ~om of Poshble. ~ eonflie~ 0f ink.est and agow it to take whatever action is nee~sa~, to avoid' same. · .. --. · ~ - ~umpany~ ~so, !~flm~e the'6~e? ~ n ,,~ name o~ someone, else.or ..... ..... . ' . .: ': · e. . [ company nme.) pann~rslg~hieh the ~A..~ ~.' If yOu an~wered ,e~E~?~ complete the balanee of th~ form and'dote and sign ~here i~dioated Name of person employ~dby the To~ of Southold: Title or position of that' person:_ .To~ OffiCer or ~plo~ee; Either check the ap~op~ate line A'~ofigh D' ~elow) a~or descfi~ ~6 ml~onsMp.in the ~ace pro~ded~ ~e To~ o~eer or 6mployee or apply):'[ ' ' _ - . .- ~ A) ~e °~gr'of~ea~er'~an5% of the sh~es of the ~o~b~ate stock . of ~c applicant (wh~-.~c.aP~lid~t is a ~. B) ~e legal 6r ~nefleial · . ' · o~.of a~ fnt~t ~ a non-co.orate ehti~ (whm the ~aPPl~t is not a cowb~on; ' " . . Submitted this Signature: ~nt Name::~~~" Chris Meskouris 1400 South Beach Dr. Mattimck, N.Y. 11952 917-807-1380 To whom it may concern, Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals. This lette~ is to certify Frank Notaro of Arcbitec~ologics is my agent of representation in getting approvals t~or work to do on my property. 4 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~EN TO ~vsE THIS. .FORM: The form. must be completed by lhe applicant, for any fps ecial Use. _pemi~, site :plan ap~roeal, use vaqtance, or ~ubdt~ion approval ~n pr°Pe~ within an agricultural d~trtct OR ~lhin ' . 500 feet of a fa~ opera~on Ibcated tn ag~c~lmral d~tca 'statement mUSt ~ ~ef~rred ~o '(h~ Suffoa Coun~ De~ent of Plannlng tn acbordanc~ with Sec~°n~ 239- 7) Is ~he parcel within ~ a~e~l~ ~ct? ~No ~Ye~'If ye~, Agricultural DistHct Number 8) Is this-p~l'aetively f~ed? 9} Name and address of any. owner(s) of land wi~in the a~culmral district c0ntai~ng active f~ operation(~)- located 500 feet of the .bound~ oT the proposed pmj~t. (~fo~ation may be available ~0u~ the Tow~ Assessors Office,. Town'H~l location (765-!937) or from any.public computgr at the Town Hall locations by viewing the peril numbers 0n ~ To~n of So.hold Real Pr0pe~y Tax System. Name and Address 6. (Please use back side of page if mole than'six p~opCrty owners are identified.)' The lot numbers may be obtained, in advance, when requested from either the Office of the Planning Board at 765-I 938 dr tl-/e Zoning Board of Appeals at 765-1809 Signatur.~nff~Applicant ' Date ' ' l'. The local board will solicit, enmments fi.om the-owaers of land identified above in order to conside~ the effect of the proposal action 0a their farm operation. $oli~tatJon will be made by gupplying a copy ofthis'stateanent.. ' .' 2. Comments.returned to the local board will be taken into'consfder~fien ns {~art 0fthe ov~aJl review of this npplicatien. 3..Copies. oftbe completed Agricuhm'al Data Statean~nt shah be sefit by applicant ~nd/or the clark of the board to the property owners ' identifi~xl above. The cost.for/'nailing shall be paid by the'app icnnt at the time the appli~atien is submitted for r~vicw. Failure to pay. at .' smch time means th~ application is ~ot complete and cannot bo act~.d upon 'by the board.: ' ' 1-14-09 , .TOW OWNER FORMER OWNER ~1 OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY VILLAGE W S RECORD CARD :::iI,,,ST. SUB,. LOT ~,CR. 'YPE OF BUILDING I, RES'3// x,,J SE~S. LAND /~00 IMP. Tillable Woodland Meadowl~d House Plot Total TOTAL FRONTAGE ON WATER ~"t2 ~ '~ ~ FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH ?' '~; ~ 0.~-/' BULKHEAD N ,, NO TE, SUBSURFACE SEWA6E DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESI6N BY* JOSEPH FI~CHETTI~ P.E. HOBART ROAD $OUTHOLD, I~ Y. 119XI (631) ?65-2954 / / / / / EL I~ Certified to: James Meskouris Chris Meskouris L~wrence J. Silbcrman, Esq. Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation / / FLOOD ZONE FROM FIRM 36103C0139 G MAY 4, 1998. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE FROM COASTAL EROSION MAP PHOTO 59-533-8J. LOT NUMBERS REFER TO BLOCK 2 "MAP OF CAPTAIN KIDD ESTATES" FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON JANUARY 19, 1949 AS FILE NO. 1672. I om fomilior with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL AND CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ond will obide by fhe conditions set forth therein qnd on the permit to construct. Devotions referenced to N.G.V.D. The Iocotion of wells ond cesspools shown hereon ore from field observotions ond qr from doto obtoined from others. ANY ALTERATION OR ADDI770N TO 7~'tlS SUR~1ZY IS A ~OLAEON -~CnON ~209 OF ~E NEW Y~K STA~ EDUCAnON ~ EXCEPT AS PER ~Cn~ 7209-SU~I~ON 2, A~ CERnFICAn~S HERE~N ARE VALID F~ ~IS MAP AND C~IES ~ERE~ ONLY IF SAID MAP ~ C~IES BEAR ~E IMPRESTO ~AL ~ ~E SUR~Y~ ~0~ ~A~RE APPE~S HEREON. AREA-16,540 SO. FT. TO TIE LINE r I' ~tCAL SEPTIC TANK -8'~ 4' LIOUID DEPTH 6' LEACJ~ PQOC$ 8°~ ' Zz D~P WITH 3' SAND COLLAR ISW) 2' ABOVE C~ WA TER / I / / / / / I I I .I 1 LOT COVERAGE* .4REA TO TIE LINE = AREA_-.TO COASTAL EROSION LINE ' 5150 so. lt. rISE. & DECKS - 149~I so. fL .'~194/5150 ' 29% % % R-25. O0 L-JS, 77' SURVEY OF PROPERTY A T )iA TTITUCK INLET TOFN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. I000-~-01-I~.1 SCALE' i'--~0' APRIL 7, 2009 JUL Y ZZ, £00,9 (~ r~ AUG ~ ~9(~.O,H.) AUG, ~009 (LOT COVERA~) TEST HOLE DA TA McDONALD GEOSCIENCE ,~/~/o~ ¸1.. (6J1) P.O. 80X 909 1230 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 49618 ;- 1797 09-1E'1 I1' SCHEMATIC PILING PLAN GIRDER PLAN FE9 ,. 2:010 UVING RM FIRST FLOOR PLAN DECK BATHROOM LAUNDRY RM SECOND FLOOR PLAN FEll, 5 ~10 BEDROOM OFFICE SET I 28.10 NORTH ELEVATION (VARIES) WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION SOUTH ELEVATION [ OFFICE SET I FEB 5 2010