HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Project Summary ReportPLANNING BOARD MEMBERS MARTIN H. SIDOR Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS JAMES H. RICH In DONALD J. WILCENSKI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 RECEIVED February 18, 2011 Christopher Eastman, Land Use Training Specialist New York Department of State One Commerce Plaza 99 Washington Avenue - Suite 1015 Albany New York 12231-0001 Southo[dTown Clerk Re.' Contract C059943 Development of a Transfer of Development Rights Program As discussed the Southold Town Board has decided not to extend the contract. The following are enclosed: 1. Final Summary Report 2. Final Voucher with Products If you have any questions, please contact me at 631-765-1938. Sincerely, Enc. Cc: Town Board j Heather Lanza, Director of Planning Contract C059943 FINAL PROJECT SUMMARY REPORT Use the following outline to complete the Final Project Summary Report: 1. Project Title: Development of a Transfer of Development Rights Program 2. Name of Contractor: Town of Southold 3. Actual Project Costs: State funds expended - Quality Community Funds $50,011.00 a. Local funds expended: $12.502.75 (20% of the voucher amount) b. Other funds expended: $0.00 4. Project Manager: a. Name: b. Title: c. Mailing address: Mark Terry Principal Planner 54375 State Route 25, P.O. Box 1179, Southold NY 11971 5. Federal Tax Identification Number: 6. Project Background: briefly explain in a short paragraph why this project is necessary, what its value is and/or its importance to the community. The Town of Southold is comprised of seven hamlets surrounded by farms and/or woodland. A TDR program is an important planning tool that would allow density to be transferred from one location to another. The receiving area would be more suitable for development than the sending._A successful TDR program would further the following Town Goal(s): 1. Preserve Southold's prime farmland and encourage the continuation and diversification of agriculture as an important element in the life and economy of the Town. (1985 Master Plan Update) 2. To preserve land, including farmland, open space and recreational landscapes. (2006 Hamlet Study) 7. Project Work: briefly describe the work that was done to complete the project. A tremendous amount of work has been accomplished during this effort including: a. A TDR Work Group was established. The group met weekly to produce the Town of Southold Transfer of Development Rights Program Report June 25, 2008 (FINAL DRAFT) b. Draft Local Law - although several drafts ora TDR Local law were attempted none gained support of the Town Board. The Town is however, in the position to develop a Local Law and finalize the program at a future date. c. State Environmental Quality Review Act - Completion of Full EAF Forms 1 & 2. This was accomplished during the DGEIS phase. Project Classification and SEQRA lssuance of Significance/SEQR Seoping Process/Preparation of DGEIS were all completed. d. Processing of DGEIS and Final Supplement EIS/TDR Work Group delivered comments to consultant for integration of the FGEIS. Consultant responded to public comments. Town Board scheduled meeting to discuss DGEIS and accept it. e. Preparation of Findings Statement -Consultant prepared Findings Statement (FS). Town Board adopted FS on 5/5/09 Project Descriptions: use the following guidelines to describe the project and please be concise in the description: a. for a Planning Project, describe the findings strategies recommended DOCUMENTATION FORMS Quality Communities Grant Program CONTRACT # C059943 Expenditures Incurred During the Period 03 / 01 / 09 through 03/31/10 SUMMARY SHEET I. BUDGET/EXPENDITURE DATA ( Total Project Costs, Appendix B, Budget Summary in the Contract) Cumulative Current Expenditures Expenditures Available Budget Documented Documented Balance to Amount this Report to Date Document (I) (2) (3) (1-3) A. Salaries, Wages and Fringe $19,100.00 $507.21 $19606.91 $_(506.91) B. Travel 0 0 0 C. Supplies and Materials D. Equipment E. Contractual Services $55,900.00 $0 $42,907.26_ $12,992.74__ TOTAL $75.000.00 $507.21 $62.514.17 $12.485.83 II. CLAIM TYPE Interim Claim X Final Claim III. CERTIFICATION By signature on the attached voucher, I further certify that: 1) the amounts claimed accurately represent the expenses as recorded in our accounting records; 2) we are in compliance with all applicable provisions of the above-referenced Contract; 3) the attached narrative report (if required) accurately represents project accomplishments; 4) funds received are being used solely for the purposes of the "Project" as described in Appendix D of the above-referenced Contract. FORlVl 1 PROJECT NARRATIVE DETAILING PROJECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS FOR THIS CLAIM ONLY~ INCLUDE COSTS AND DATES THAT GOODS WERE RECEIVED AND SERVICES WERE COMPLETED TDR Program work as follows: Task 3. -Assistant Town Attorney (new hire) Work performed through 3/09 - 8/15/09. Reviewed and researched TDR legislation of East End Towns; review draft of TDR legislation. Town Staff(Principal Planner) reviewed Findings Statement, propose corrections and edits and met with Assistant Town Attorney to discuss different Town TDR programs. Discussed TDR program with new Town Board members. Drafts ofa TDR local law was developed, however, the draft did not gain support of the Town Board. FORM 2 - Expenditure Detail for this Payment Request. Be descriptive and specific. A. SALARIES~ WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS REQUEST 2. 3. 4. 5. TITLE _Assistant Town Attorney 3/09-8/09 _Principal Planner 3/09-8/09 PAY PERIODS FROM - TO AMOUNT CHARGED TO THIS PROJECT $199.91 $307.50 $ SUBTOTAL $507.21 B. TRAVEL (include name of traveler, date, destination and purpose and costs) SUBTOTAL $ 0 FORM 3 C. SUPPLIES/MATERIALS (describe and include dates received and costs) SUBTOTAL $ 0 D. EQUIPMENT (describe and include dates received and costs) SUBTOTAL $ 0 FORlVl 4 E. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES (include name of any contractors/consultants, describe services, dates received, and costs) SUBTOTAL $ 0 TOTAL OF ALL CATEGORIES ............................................. $__507.21__ (SAME AS TOTAL SUMMARY SHEET COLUMN #2) STANDARD VOUCHER Or~ginming Age~-y DEPARTMENT OF STATE 19000 11-6001939 4 Payee Name (Limit to 30 spaces) Town of Southold P-Contract Liability Date Payee Amount (MM) (DD) (YY} MIR Date (MM) (DD) (YY) / I PO Box 1179 Ref/Inv. No. (Limit to 20 spaces) Southold 11952 Claiming reimbursement of expenditures incurred pursuant to Quality Communities Contract #C059943 as detailed on the attached Documentation Forms. 7 A. Total Summary Sheet Column #2 $ 507.21 B. Less Local Share - circle 10% or ~ $. 101.44 C. Total This Claim $ 405.77 1/24/11 Payee Certiflce~o~ I certify that ~ b~ll is just,'t~ue and co~'rect; that no bart thereof has been baid except as stated and that the balance~'.,~c~'atly due a,~, and t~. a~m wflich the State is exempt are excluded. --~-1'~'_ _a'~','9~c-~'~- ' Supervisor Payee's Signature in Ink T~le Town of Southold FOR AGENCY USE ONLY By Aulhcxized Signature TO~ $ 405.77 Discount % "at $ 405.77 STATE COMPTROLLER'S PRE-AUDIT Liquidation Cost Center Code Accurn Objec~ Arn<x~nt Orig. Agency PO/Comract OSC