HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/05/1961AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF NEW YORK) Ss:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ALBERT W. RICItMOND, bein~ duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is over 21 years of age; that he resides at Cutchogue, New York; and that on the /~ day of November, 1961, he posted cppies of the notice which is hereto annexed conspicuously in the five (5) public places within the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, which are respectively described as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. On the bulletin board in the New Suffolk Post Office. On the bulletin board in the Cutchogue Post Office. In the New Suffolk Market. In Rysko's Store. In Richmond's Store. Sworn to before me this day of November, 1961. Notice of Annual Election NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual election of the Cutchogue-New Suffolk Mark Distriet will be held on t he 5th day of December, 1951, at the Cutchogue Fire House, New Suffolk Lane, in Cutchogue in said district from 7:00 ~.M. to 10:00 ~.M., for the purpose of electing one co~aaissioner for a term of 2 years to fill the unexpired term of Corwin C. Grathwohl whose term expires on Dec. 31, 19&3. Also one commissioner for a term of 3 years to succee~ Frank B. Rogers whose term expires on Dec. 31, 1~51. Candidates shall file their names with the Secretary of the Board of ~ark Commiss- ioners at least te~ (10) days prioer to the date of the election and nominations shall be submitted in petition f or~ subscribed by twenty-five (25) ~ualified voters of t~e district. Dayed~ Nov. 7, 1~51 By Order of BOARD OF PAI~X COMMIS$IONEI~ CUTCHOGUE- hEW ~UFFOEK ~ARK DISTRIC~ By: Frank B.~o~ers Secretary This Ix to certify that the following is a true count of the Sallots cast in the election of the Cutchogue- New Suffolk ~ark Commissioners on December 5, l?&l at the Cutchogue Fire House. 2 Year Term Basil D'Emo Walter ~owlan~ ~-. ~ Year Term Frank B.~ogers ~ Walter Kaelin L//_~ I~,ector'of ~,'lectio~ Clerk