HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977PUBLIC OFFICIAL DIVISION THE HARTFORD uoNo NO. N431,9797 HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 Stock Company OFFICIAL BOND Know All Men By These Presents, That we, ALFRED R. NORKLUN of 0RIF~,~T, in the State of N'~e/ YORK as Principal, and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Connecticut, and authorized to become sole surety on bonds in the State of ~ YOP~ , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Orient-Il. Nsrton Park Distriot in the State of New York , in the full and just sum of lilI~ THOUSAND AND 00/100 ............................ Dollars ($8,000.00 ) lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we hind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and sealed this 1~ th day of ],~aroh ,A.D. 19 ?? Whereas, the said Alfred R. Norklun has been duly elected or appointed to the office of TrO&8 Il.POX* in and for the Orient-E. Marion Park Distriot for the term beginning on the J. at day of January ,19 77 and ending on the 31st day of December , 19 77 Now, Therefore, The Condition of the Above Obligation is Such, that if the above bounden Alfred R. Norklun shall, during the aforesaid term, faithfully and truly perform all the duties of his office and shall pay over and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office of Troas~iA~$r as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. In Witness Whereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its officers properffor the purpose the day and year first above written. / ..... HART/~D ACCIDENT ,~ND INDEMNITY COMPANY De~O'~B~'i~n-Atto~ney In Pac~ State of /U',,~g~. ~/~/~/ ] County of D~FF.od/r f ss. Before me, this /~ 7.~/J day of /VA Y , A. D. 19 personally appeared the said Alfred R. Norklun to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he acknowl- edged to me that he executed the same. No. ,~2-7267800 Sufh~lk Cog~ty Term Explre~ March ~0, 197~ Pub, t OFFICIAL BOND BOND NO. HARTFORD ACCIDENT ;AND INDEMNITY COMPANY H~rtford Plaza ltartfor, d, Clonnectlcut 06~115 IHE HARIFgRD On Behalf of In favor of Dated .................................................. ~ ............. 19 ....... Expires ..................................... : .... 19 t Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Hartford, Connecticut Financial Statement, June 30, 976 (Gents Omitted) ASSETS U. S. Government Bonds . Bonds of other Governments . State, County, Municipal and Miscellaneous Bonds . Stocks ........ LIABILITIES $ 849,709 Reserve for Claims 0 and Claims Expense .... $ 805,430,771 Reserve for Unearned Premiums . 408,461,181 1,118,007,569 Reserve for Taxes ..... 10,869,356 442,920,137 Miscellaneous Liabilities 53,601,297 Total Liabilities ..... $1,561,777,415 Real Estate ....... $ 8,971,361 Cash in Offices and Banks. 184,861 Agents' Balances (Under 90 D~ysi 0 Sundry Aasets ...... 42,526,281 Total Admitted Assets . STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUNTY OF HARTFORD, $1,613,459,918 Capital Paid In . Surplus $ 40,000,000 295,097,313 $1,278,362,605 Surplus as regards Policyholders . $ 335,097,313 Total Liabilities, Capital Stock and Surplus ...... $1,613,459,918 H. P. Schoen, President of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, being duly sworn, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the assets and liabilities of said Company as of June 30, 1976 and in witness whereof said President has hereunto signed and caused the corporate seal to be affixed hereto. Acknowledged and sworn to before me this 13th day of August, 1976 Notary Public My commission expires March 31, 1978 Form C8-19 H A & I Printed in U. S, A. Attest: President Vice Prsslden~ and Comptroller ' Hariio Accident and Indemnity coml an r ' POVfgR OF A'I'PORNEy Know all men by these Presents, That the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint ROBERT K. CLAUSEN, DENNIS O'BRIE~, KEZlNETH j. COSTELLO, WILLIAM BRYAN, III, and JOSEPH CARFORA, of MINEOLA, NEW YORK its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attorney(s)-in-fact, in their ~eparate capacity if more than one is named above, to sign, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other .rritings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the company [n its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of p~rsons holding places of public or private trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surety bond. are accepted by states and municipalities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed. and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY and ~ealed and attested by one other of such officers, and hereby ratifies and confirm* all that itB said Attorney(s)-in-faet may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted under and by authority of the following By-Law adopted by the Stcckholders of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 10th day oI February, 1943. ARTICLE IV SECTION 8 The President or any Vice-~dent, aetln with any Secretary or A~datant ~retary shall have power and authority to appoint, for purposes only of executing and attesting bondl anJundertaklngl and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more Resident Vice-Presidents, Resident Assistant Seeretarle~ and Attorneys-in-fact and at any time to remove any such Resident Vice-President, Resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorney-in-fact, and revoke the wet and authorit given to him. SECTION 11. Attorneys-in-fact shall have power and authority, *ubj~et to tie terms and llmitation* of the power of attorney i~sued to them, to execute and deliver on behalf o~ the Company and to attach the seal of the Compe. n thereto any and all bonds and undertakin a, and other wr!tings obligatory in the. nature thereof, and any ~uch instrument executnd by any ~uc~ Attorney-in-fact ~hall be as binding upon [~e This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 13th day of March, 1956. In Witness Whereof, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these pre~ents of January, 1968, STATE OF' CONNECTICUT, Signed and sealed at the City of Hartlord. HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY SEE REWERSE SIDE March ~9 77 Dated the l~;th day ot S~ATE OF NE~ yORK ) COUNTY OF ) SS. Dennis O'Bl'l®n , to me kn<~.-n, So, bei.x by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in Levittown~ New Yol~,kth~= he is the atto~ey-in- NC~{J~RY PUBLIC:, State of New Yore No 30-9820G3 I Comnglston Ex,ms ~arch 30, THE HARTFORD Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 ALFRED R. NORKLUN 0RIENT-E. MARION PARK DISTRICT PUBLIC OFFICIAL BOND S-3323-1 Printed in U. S. A. PUBLIC OFFICIAL DIVISION ~EH~T~RD BOND NO. R~163699'33 HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 A Stock Company OFFICIAL BOND Know All Men By These Presents, That we, Alfred R. Norklun of Village Lane, Orient in the State of Nay York as Principal, and the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the State of Connecticut, and authorized to become sole surety on bonds in the State of lq6~ York , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto0riant ~g. lqarion Park District in the State of l/ex~ York , in the full and just sum Of EIO~ ~8~ ] 00/100 .......... Dollars ($ 8,000.00 ) lawful money of the United States, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed and sealed this 9th day of November , A. D. 1977 Whereas, the said Alfred R. l~lorklun has been duly elected or appointed to the office of Treasurer in and for the Orient E. ltarion Park District for the term beginning on the 1st day of Januar~ ,1978 and ending on the 1st day of January , 1979 Now, Therefore, The Condition of the Above Obligation is Such, that if the above bounden Alfred R. Norklun shall, during the aforesaid term, faithfully and truly perform all the duties of his office and shall pay over and account for all funds coming into his hands by virtue of his said office of Treasurer as required by law, then this obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. In Witness Whereof, the said Principal has hereunto set his hand and seal, and the said HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its officers proper for the purpose the day and year first above written.  _TFORD A~.CIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Kenneth ~torney In Pact State of A~' ~ ~0/~/7 ] SS. County of ?OF£al fi" Before me, this ~ ~SfR. gor~ ' per.nelly appeared the ~id to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and he acknowl- edged to me that he executed the same. FLOYD F. KtNG, j~ Nola~ Public State of N~ York No. 52-7267800 Suffolk Co~ Form s-~7~-0 Printed in U.S.A. Term ~xp fas ~ !arc, 1 ~0, ~ 9~ l/otary Publi~fi' OFFICIAL BOND NO. BOND HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 THE HARTFORD On Behalf of In favor of Dated ..................................................................... 19 ........ Expire~ ................ 19. Form Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Hartford, Connecticut Financial Statement, June 30, 976 (Cents Omitted) ASSETS U. S. Government Bonds . Bonds of other Governments . State, County, Municipal and Miscellaneous Bonds . Stocks ........ LIABILITIES $ 849,709 Reserve for Claims 0 and Claims Expense .... $ 805,430,771 Reserve for Unearned Premiums . 408,461,181 1,118,007,569 Reserve for Taxes ..... 10,869,356 442,920,137 Miscellaneous Liabilities 53,601,297 Total Liabilities ..... $1,561,777,415 Real Estate ....... $ 8,971,361 Cash in Offices and Banks . 184,861 Agents' Balances (Under 90 D~ysi 0 Sundry Assets ...... 42,526,281 Total Admitted Assets . STATE OF CONNECTICUT, COUNTY OF HARTFORD, $1,613,459,918 Capital Paid In . Surplus $ 40,000,000 295,097,313 $1,278,362,605 Surplus as regards Policyholders . $ 335,097,313 Total Liabilities, Capital Stock and Surplus ...... $1,613,459,918 H. P. Schoen, President of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, being duly sworn, does hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the assets and liabilities of said Company as of June 30, 1976 and in witness whereof said President has hereunto signed and caused the corporate seal to be affixed hereto. Acknowledged and sworn to before me this 13th day of August, 1976 President Notary Public My commission expires March 31, 197g Attest: Vice Presid#nt and Comptroller HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COM- PANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, and having its principal office in the City of Hartford, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint ROBERT. K. CLAUSEN, PAUL BERTOLOTTI, K~H J. COSTELLO, WILLIAM BRYAN, III, and JOSEPH CARFORA, of WOODBUR¥, NEW YORK, its true and ~aw/ul Attomey(s)-in-Fact, with tull power and authority to each of said Attomey(s)-in-Fact, in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to s~gn, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other whtings obligatory in the nature thereof on behalf of the company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of p~rsons holding places of public or private trust; guaranteeing the performance of contracts other than insurance poli- cies; guaranteeing ~he performance of insurance contracts where surety bonds are accepted by states and municipal- ities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings or by law allowed, and to bind the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds and undertakings and other whtings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND iNDEMNITY COMPANY and sealed and attested by one other of such Officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This power of attorney is granted by and under authority of the following provisions: (1) By-Laws adopted by the Stockholders of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY at a meet- ing duly called and held on the 10th day of February, 1943. ARTICLE IV (2) Excerpt from the Minutes of a meeting of the Board ct Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEM- NITY COMPANY duly called and held on the 11th day of June, 1976: This power of attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authohty of the following Resolution adopted by the Directors of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND ~NDEMNITY COMPANY at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of August, 1976. In Wltne~e Whereof, the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice-President, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Secretary, this 9th day of August, 1976. Attest: HARTFORD ACC[DENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY STATE OF CONNECTICUT, t ss. A~sistant Wce-,~res~dent COUNTY OF HARTFORD, On this 9th day of August, A.D. 1976, before me personality came Thomas F. Delaney, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, d~d depose and say: that he resides in the Oounty of Hartford, State of Connecticut; that he is the Assistant Vice-President ol the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said he signed his name thereto by like order. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, ~ \~ Gloda Mazotas, Nota/y Public COUNTY OF HARTFORD, CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, Assistant Secretary of the HARTFORD ACCIDENT AND INDEMNITY COMPANY, a Connecti- cut Corporation, DO HERESY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not been revoked; and furthermore, that Article IV, Sections 8 and 11, of the By-Laws of the Company, and the Signed and sealed at the City of Hartford. Dated the 0~:.. day of ~ove~ber 1977 ) ¢oum~ oF Nassau) November 9, 1977 , before me persmm~lly came Kennel:h J. Costello to me known, ~o, bel~S L~V~.~..'~OWI1, ~'~ ; I:hil: he is the el:torney-in- NOTARY PUBLIC, Sfafe oi New yorl~ No Ouallfted in Nesseu County I~omm'lsslon Expires March 30, 19~.~-- THE HARTFORD Hartford Plaza Hartford, Connecticut 06115 ALFR~ I~. NORKLUN OE,~T E. HAItlON PARK DISTRICT