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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962CUTCHDGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT I~.UTOHDGUE, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF CUTCHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED Dec.31,1962 SPECIAL FUND Sept. 21, 19&2 Proceeds of Serial Bond-Cutchogue- New ~uffolk Park District $27,350.00 DISBURSEMENTS Sept. 28, 1962 Sept. 28, 1962 Purchase of Causeway Property $15,000.00 Nassau Pt. Causeway Assn. (taxes, less $4.00 for recording fees) Sept. 28, 1962 Elizabeth G. Horton (purchase of "Horton parcel) Oct. 30, 1962 William Wickham, Atty. (services re: purchase of Causeway Property) Balance on Hand 36. oo 8Ol.36 2,000.00 18,037.36 $ 9,312.64 Tre~§~r ~ C~UTOHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DI-qTRIOT r. UTCHOGU£, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. ANNUAL REPORT CUTCHOGUE- NE~V SUFFOLK PARK DIST. FISCAL YEAR ENDING Dec. 31, 1952 SAVINGS ACCOUNT June 4, 1952 Deposited to Savings Account from Checking Account Oct. 1952-Accumulated interest Total Cash on Hand Dec. 31, 1952 . ................. $2~000.00 17.5o Basil D,~me Treasurer OUTOHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRIr. T CUTOHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE THEASUHER OF CUTCHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK BARK DISTRICT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1952 RECEIPTS CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance on Hand Jan. 1, 1952 From 1961-1962 Tax Eevy (Jan. 23, 1962) From 19$1-1962 Tax Levy (Feb. 13, 1962) From 1961'1962 Tax Levy (June 7, 1952) Transferred from Savings Account (Jan. 4, 1963 $ 551.82 558.26 1~000.00 Total Receipts $3,593.70 DISBURSEMENTS Fred Kaelin (Bond for Treasurer) $12.50 Transferred to Savings Account 2000.00 Southold G.L.F. (trash cans) 18.12 James Mason (refuse collection) 90.00 L.I. Traveler (legal notices) 18.90 Fred Kaelin(Liability Insurance) · 196.69 Jean Midgley (Inspector of Elections) 6.00 Helen Rogers (Teller) 6.00 Receiver of Taxes (Causeway Prop~ 194.21 Frances V.Rogers (Salary as Clerk) 150.00 Receiver of Taxes (Horton Prop.) 14.94 Total'Disbursements. ..................... Balance on Hand Jan. ~, 1953... ..... ..... $ 2t?OT.3& 88&.34 Treasurer