HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcBride, Frank & Anna & Sterling, Ralph & Grace,~,~'{~C~. made the day of Psbrum'y, in the year one thousand nine hundred and thlrt¥-£our, B. STERLING, his wife, all of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, part les of the first part. and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, part y of the second part in manner following. The said part ies of the first part, in consideration of the sum of ~.,,,. ...... THREE THOUSAND ($3,000.) ..................................................................... Dollars, to be fully paid as hereinafter mentioned, hereby agree to sell unto the said party of the second part, ~][[ that tract or parcel of land situate North of, the Village of Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State o£ New York, bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a polnt on the Westerly boundary llne between the premlses herein conveyed and land o£ Albert and Sarah Tuthlll at a polnt 367.~ feet North of the Northerly side of the Middle Road, and running thence N. 43-23~ W. a distance of 483.3 feet to a polnt; thence N. 42°8~ W. dlstance of 973.9@ feet to a point; thence Easterly and on a line parallel wlth the Middle Road a distance of approximately 2?9.4 feet to land of Frank McBrlde; thence SoUtherly along land o£ Frank McBrlde to apoint whlch ls the Southeast corner of Lot #ll as laid out on a certaln map known as Tuthlll Wood situate at Cutchogue, Suffolk County, New York, owned by Ralph W. Sterling and Frank H. McBrlde and surveyed by Philip H. Horton, licensed surveyor, Peconlc, New York, February 24, 1928, to whlch map reference ls made for Identification on~, and thence Westerly on the line following the Southerly boundary llne of Lo~ ~1I and #12 as lald down on said map to the polnt or place of beginning. Containing exactly ten (10) acres of land. BeLug and lntended to be a part of the premlses conveyed by Myra R. Tuthill and others to Frank McBride and Rall~ W. Sterling by deed 'dated January 19, and recorded in the Suffolk County ClerkWs Offlce February 15, 19~8 at 10 A.M., Xn llOer 13~2 of deeds at page 243. Subject to a certaln right-of-way of the Long Island Lighting Company for the maintenance of 1ts transmission llnes over and across sald premises. It belng understood and agreed that the said premises are to be surveyed and a survey delivered to the party of the second part and conveyance to be made according to the description shown by said survey. It is understood and agreed that the party of the second part shall be entitled to take possesalon of the ae~d premises upon the execution of this agreement. Together with a rlgh~-or-way.£or passage on I'oot and with vehicles over a certain three rod road leading from the Middle Road to the prenztses herein described. 2qnb thc aib party of the second part hereby agree s to purchase sale[ premises at the said consideration of ........ THREE THOUSAIID ($3,000.) ............. ......................................... Dollars, and to pay the same as follows~ $1600. is to be paid upon ti~e execution of this agreement, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , and balance to be paid on the day of 19~5, with intereat on any unpaid balance to the date of closing frcm the date of execution of this agreeman t. Rnb thc saib part lesof the first part. on receiving such payment s at the time and in the manner above mentioned, shall at their own proper costs, and expenses, execute, acknowledge and deliver, or cause to be executed, acknowledged and delivered, to the said party of the second part, or to its assigns, a proper deed, containing a general warranty and the usual full covenants for the conveying and assuring' to it ~ftil, the fee simple of the said premises free from all encumbrance it being understood and agreed that the instruments referred to in within contract, to be executed and delivered shall conform to the requirements of the Real Property Law of the State of New York, relating to Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages, so far as the same is applicable thereto, and which deed shall be delivered on the day of x9 , 10 o'clock A. M., at the office of the SuperViSOr of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 1Rents and llnterest on mortgages, if any, are to be apportioned. [i~e oas ~iltures and chandeliers now on said premises are included this sale. in ~DC l~iS[t 0~ [0SS or damage by fire prior to the completion of this contract is hereby assumed by the part of the part. The rents of the said premises (if any) shall be adjusted, apportioned and allowed up to the day of taking title. Kb¢ part£ of the first part agrees that is the broker who has brought about this sale, and agrees to pay said broker his commissions therefore. ~n~> it is unberst00b that the stipulations aforesaid are to apply to and bind the heirs, executors, adminstrators and assigns of the respective parties. Sn llHltte whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set in duplicate their hands and seals,.~he day and year first above written. TOW~ OF SOUTHOLD, Supervisor.