HomeMy WebLinkAboutHorton, Curtis WConstitutional Oath
.O...~..~..~..~]....~...e..]:.~..$...~gF..~..°..q ...... do solemnly swear that I will support the
Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that
I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of .... .O..c).l~/l~,.s..~.;~..o.~,.¢.~ .........................
........ ~..*.~..o.~....e..-..~.e..~.. ~.~ .t..?..o..Z..~.. 2~.r~..~.~..s..~.r.~.~..~ ....................................................
according to the best of '~ny ability; and I do further solemnly swear tkat I have not di-
rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised
to contribute, any money or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the
giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have
not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote.
...... ...............
Sworn before me this..../....~.......day
of ..~.r~....~.. .... ~.~ ~^~,~, ~,,~
.'~,~ ................................
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Constitutional Oath
t SS:
Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that
I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ........ .I~.._4 ~.
ding to the bes} of my ability; and I do further solemnly swear that I have not di-
rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised
to contribute, any money or other valuable thing os a consideration or reward for the
giving or withholding o vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have
not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote.
Sworn be{ore me this........~.......do¥