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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrathwohl, CorwinConstitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY '~ SS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~..O.~.~;I, .~....Ca-.~p..~..W..o.~..~ ............ do solemnly sweor thor I will support the Constitution of the United Stotes ond the Constitution of the Store of New York, ond thor I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ........ CD.I~,~EJ..~.E..J,.D'niP.,~, ..................... ............... Q~.~h~g~..-.lf.~w...~.~.o. lk..~.~rk..~.s..~r..l.9..¢. .............................................. according to the best of my ability; and I do further solemnly swear that I have not di- rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. Sworn before me this....(J~ ....... day FRED W. KAELI~ I~ofary Pu~li¢,.S.tato.of.~.~,~.yoH(.;,;, ......................... ~o. 52-7135~u0, Suffolk County ~e~rn Ex/~/r~es Uarch 30, 1960 SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Constitutional Oath I SS: Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ..~~~j ~.~~..~....~.~.~~ ....... J~.....~._~ ¢ccording to the~est of my ability; or~d Ida' fSrther solemnly swear that I have not di- rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing os a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not mode any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. ............... Sworn before me o, ~'~7" '~"~'~ .. ~L' 52-32o~120 Suffolk Ccun v e ~ ~p~res ~arch 30, Constitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY I SS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Constitution of the United Stores and the Constitution of the StQte of New York, ond that I will foithfully dischorge the duties of the office of ...~....x;~..~..~.~ ........ rectly or indirectly poid, offered or promised to poy, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, ony money or other voluoble thing es o considerotion or reword for the giving or withholding o vote ot the election et which I wos elected to sQid office, ond hove not mode ony promise to influence the giving or withholding ony such vote. Sworn before me th s..~... ........... day ............. Z...~..~..~..~.~.~.. ......................