HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966CUTCHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRIOT OUTOHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. AI~NUAL I~EPORT OF THE TF~ASURER ¢OTO~0QOE - NEW S~I~I~OLX PARK DISTRICT ~ E~DING DEOE~ER 31, 1956 I~ND I~CEIPTS Balance cn Ha~d Jan, 1, 1966 Received fx, o~ 1965-66 Tax Levy Refund fr~m N.Y. Telephone Co, Total Receipts......... Total Disb~sements 1966 (see attached) 2,338.12 Balance Dec. 31,1966.... .... $2,018e32 · 1967 CUTOHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DI-C;TRIOT' OUTOHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. ~GULAR Cheek #lBO 181 182 19o 191 19~ 19 197 190 199 ~oo ~Ol ~o~ ~05 ~06 ~07 218 22O 221 222 DISBURSEMENTS ,1~66 Date Paid To Amount JanS~1966 J=,~_b,1966 Mar. 19,1966 May Z3,1966 ~ay 31,1966 Ju1.2,1966 Ju1.?,1966 # # Jul.9,1966 Ju1.15,1966 Jul. 21,1966 Jul. 25,1966 Jul.27,1966 Aug.3,1966 Aug. 8,1966 Aug. ll,1966 Aug. 16,!966 At~g~19,1966 Au 25,1966 Sept.3,1966 Sept.6,1966 Sept.?.1966 Sept. 26,1966 Sept.30,1966 Oct. 13,1966 0ct.21,1966 Nov.22,1966 Dec. 15,1966 Dec. 15, 1966 # 1J.O0 Fred Kaelin-Treas. Bor~ $ L.I.Traveler-Ballots Van Tmyl & Sons-maps m~.O0 Richard Cron-legal fees ~0.00 Fred Kaelin-Fire,Misc. ins. 42.72 Fred Kaelin-Workmen, s comp. 33.00 Dennis Blaikie-lifeguard sale 60.14 James Mason-C1. bob. painting, etc. 99.00 Vincent B~aone-Z signs 30.00 Frances Rogers, Misc. E~. Dennis Blaikie-sa~ary 51.76 Dennis Blaikie-salar~ 51.76 Dennis Blaikie-salary 51.76 Richar~ Wells-salary 51.76 Dennis Blaikie-salary 51.76 Dennis Blaikie-sala~y 51.76 C. Moriches Paper Co. 10.00 C.P.Tut~ill-plumbing rep. L.I. Li~h~ing GO. 1.~1 N.Y. Telephone Go. 16.45 Dennis Blaikie-salar~ Richard Wells-salax-y 51o76 Dennis Blaikle-salal-y ~6.~6 Dennis Blaikie-salal-y ~8.9~ Dennis Blaikie-salary 51.?§ De~nis Blaikie-salary 22.30 Richard Wells-salary 69.?? N.Y.S.Soelal Security 70.85 Fred Kaelin-Lia~. ins.) 177.~ N.Y. Tel. Co. 9.54 James Mason-Maint. of bch. Geo. Penn~, Inc. (window sash) 21.60 U.S. Treas. Wit~. Tax 9~.60 C.P.Tuthill plumb, rep. 14.75 L.I.Lighting Co. 2.05 Terp,s P~armacy (misc. supp.) 2.05 James Mason (removal & Storing Bench) 36.00 L.I.Traveler (election notice) 8.40 Helen Rogers (insp. elections) 6.00 Jean Midgley (teller " ) 6.00 Frances V.Rogers (aal. as clemk) 273.40 N.Y.S. Social Security 25.20 U.S. Treas. Dept. (WitCh. Tax) 14.00 Total ~isbursements..... ....... ..$2,338.12 OUTOHOGUIS- NEW ~UF'F'OLK PAI~K DI!STI~IOT' OLITOHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. ANNUAL BEPOBT OF TBE TREASURER OF CUTCHOGUE- NE~ SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT Year Ending Dec.31,1966 CAPI?AL FU~D Balance on Hand January 1, 1966 .... ...... ...... ..... ... ...... ...$8§2e84 DISBURSEMENTS Ck. Il~ July 7~1966 Ck. Sept. b, 1966 Ck. Sept. 2b, 1966 Geo. L. Penny (benches) $88.09 ~eo. L. Penny (trash burner) 21.90 McOabe's (cabinet) 52.9~ 162.94 Balance on Hand Dec. 31, 1966.......... $119.90 san. 1966 T~EASURER STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF O~toko~Ae-!~ew SuffolM Park District (Name of District) IN THE TOWN OF ~o,,~.hml ~ COUNTY OF 8uffollt FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 196~ AUTHORIZATION Article 3, Section 30 o/the General Municipal Law "1. *** every *** improvement and special district *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the comptroller. Such report shall be made by the chief fiscal officer of each municipal corporation ***. Such reports shall include the financial transactions of joint services defined by section one hundred nineteen-n of this chapter. 5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the comptroller within sixty days after the close of the fiscal year of such municipal corporation ***. Every such officer shall also, within sixty days after the expiration of his term of office, or his resignation or removal therefrom, make a report to the comptroller of the financial condition of such municipal corporation *** on the date of the expiration of his term of offlcej or his resignao nation or removal from office, as the case may be. The refusal or wilful neglect of such offiner to file a report as herein prescribed shall be a misdemeanor and subject the financial or'inet so refusing or neglecting to a penalty of five dollars per day for each day's delay beyond the sixty days to be paid on demand of the comptroller." DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL ALBANY, NEW YORK RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 1955 -ReguX,r Fund .-. $4,0~?.k6 1 Balance at Beginning of Year ................ C~.t~.~/i...Fii. fi.d .................... ~8'2'~'~"'! .......... RECEIPTS: Real property taxes .19.65=lg.6.O...T~.L~ ........ $ 334-69 Other (specify) N.Y. Telephone ~efund 4- 29 Total Receipts ..................................................................................................... 3 ~8. q0 Total Receipts and Balance .............................................................................. f k,639.28 DISBURSEMENTS: Specify: Regula~ Fund Capital Fund ............. x$2.9~ * Principal on notes .............................................................. *Principal on bonds ............................................................. * Interest on notes and bonds ............................................. Total Disbursements ......................................................................................... Regular Fund -$2,018.32 ) Balance at End of Year Cii~l'~'/i'I'"FdiS~I ................. 3~%'9'~'9'0"') ............ Total Disbursements and Balance ............................................................... , 2.~0z.06 2,138,22 * If disbursements for debt service are made by the superoisor, do not include such in this statement. -2- OUTICHOGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRIICT' CUTCHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. !~G17~AR Cheek # #180 181 182 187 188 189 190 191 192 197 198 199 20O 201 20~ 20 206 207 208 210 211 215 216 217 218 219 ~0 FIJI~ DISBURSEMENTS 1966 Date Janb,1966 Jam~6,1966 Mar. 19,1966 May 23,1966 May 31,1966 Jml. 2,1966 Jul. 7,1966 # # Jul. 9,1966 Jul. 21,1966 Jul. 25,1956 Jul. 27,1966 Aug. 3, 1966 Aug. 8, 1966 Aug. ll,1966 Aug. 16, L966 Aug. 19,1966 Aug. 25,1966 Sept.3,1966 Sept.6,1966 Sept.7.1965 Sept. 26,1966 Sept.30,1966 Oct. 13,1966 I! 0ct.21,1966 Nov. 22,1966 Dec. 15,1966 I! Dec. 15, 1966 Paid To Amount Fred Kaolin-Treas. Bond L.I.Traveler-Ballots Van Tuyl & Sons-maps Richard Cron-legal fees Fred Kaelin-Fire,Misc. ins. Fred Kaelin-Workmen, s comp. Dennis Blaikie-lifeguard sal, James Mason-C1. bch. painting, etc. Vincent Brunone-2 signs Frances Rogers, Misc. Exp. Dennis Blaikie-salary Dennis Blaikie-sala~y Dennis Blaikie-salary Richard Wells-salary Dennis Blaikie-salary Dennis Blaikie-salary C. Moriches Paper Co. C.p. Tuthill-plumbing rep. L.I. Ligh~ing Co. N.Y. Telephone Dennis Blaikie-salary Richard Wells-salary Dennis Blaikie-salary Dennis Blaikie-salary Dennis Blaikie-salary Dennis Blaikie-salary Richard Walls-salary N.Y.S. Social Security Fred Kaelin-Liab. ins.) N.Y. Tel. James Mason-Maint. of bch. Geo. Penny, Inc. (window sash) U.S. Treas. Withh. Tax C.P.Tuthill plumb, rep. L.I.Lighting 1~. 00 4.90 15. oo ~0. O0 2.72 33. O0 60.14 99.00 3O. OO 4.1~ 51. ?~ 5L 76 51.76 51.76 51.76 51.76 10.00 1.51 16.4~x 51.7b 51.76 ~8.9.~ 51.7b 22.30 69.?? 70.85 505. O0 21.60 9 .6o ~.75 2.05 Terp,s P~armacy (misc. supp.) 2.05 James Mason (removal & Storin~ Bench) 36.00 L.I.Traveler (election notice) 8.40 Helen Rogers (insp. elections) 6.00 Jean Midgley (teller " ) 6.00 Frances V.Rogers (eal. as clerk) 273.40 N.Y.S. Social Security 25.20 U.S.Treas. Dept. (Withb. Tax) 14.00 Total ~isbursements..... ......... $2,338.12 CUTCHOGUE- NEW SUFFDLK PARK DISTRICT OUTOHDGUE, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. CA PX~AL I~;I~D July 7e1966 Sept. b, 1966 Sept. R$, 1966 PaZd te Oeo. L. Penny (benches) Oeo. L. Penn2 (trash bux'ner, dowels) MoCab~,e ~tore (£1lo cab.) Amount 88.o 21.90 The North Fork Bank &Trust Company ~a~tituck, ~ew ?ork January 12, 1966 re= Cu~cnogue-New ~Affol~ Park I~strict Frank B. Rogers, Treas. R.F.D. Cutchogue New York 11935 Trois is to certify that The Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District had t~e following balances in ~netr checking accounts as of the close of business December 30, 1966: Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District Outchogue-New Suffolk Park District \ Special Fund 2,057.52 ':~ ~(-~ ~' ~/ - ~ ,~c, 119.90 DETAILED STATEMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS ~ year Tide o~ Issue of lntere~ Outstanding Issued During Redeemed D~ing Issue Rate Janumy 1, 19~ Ye~ 196 ye~ 1966 December 31, 196 6 I Bonds:Cutchogue-New Buff qoh~ ~. ~ $ ~o.~nn. I$ $ 2,g00. $17. gO0. OO Park District Serial Total $ 20,000. S { 2,500. 817,500.00 Notes: Total ~ ~ CLAIMS UNPAID Claims Outstanding and Unpaid: At the beginning of the year ................................................................................................................ At the end of the year ........................................................................................................................... Specify: AMOUNTS DUE DISTRICT, UNCOLLECTED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196 Total Amounts Due District ......................................................................................................... INVESTMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 196 Description purchase Price RECONCILIATION OF BOOK AND BANK BALANCES Bank Balance Outstanding Checks Net Bank Balance Name of Bank December 31, 196 6 December 31, 1960 December 31, 1966 ~.Fork Bk. & Trust Co.-Reg, $ 2s057.52 $ 39.20 * $ 2~018,32 ~.Fork Bk. & Trust Co.-Can. 119-90 none 119.90 Totals ...................................................... $ 2,177.42 $ 39.20 $ 2,138,22 Cash on Hand ...................................................................................................................................... Total Cash in Bank and on Hand ...................................................................................................... $ 2,138g 22 AUTHORIZATION I, Frank B. Ro~ers .................................. ~l~i~'~}l~i'~}' ~'~ ................................... do hereby certify that I am the treasurer of the Catchog~..,e-NewSuffolk Pa~, District , in the Town of ........................................................ (~'~ 'Jr ~i~fi~i) ............................................... .......... ~ .O.]-~,t hold ............................................. County of ............... .~....L~...~ ~.k ...................................... and that the foregoing is a true and correct report of the said district {or the year ended December 31, 196, and that this report agrees with the official records. Cutchogue, L.I., N.Y. 11935 FOR DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL USE ONLY Initials Completed Date I. Acknowledged. 2. Check opening balances with previous year's closing balance. Compare bank balances with bank certificates. 4. Compare bank balances with cash balances in each group of accounts. 5. Compare assessed valuations with previous year's report. Check outstanding debt with report of previous year, adjust for debt 6. retired and new debt incurred. 7. Tabulate revenues and expenses for annual report. -4-