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P. UTP. HOGUE - NEW SUFFOLK PARK RL%"'L'lVED 1984 DISTRIP. T CUTCHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. llg?I.S ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER CUTCHOGUE - BEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRIC.T' Jan. RECEIPT~ From Roy Reeve Insurance Ca. refund (vandalism ins.) Commissions from N.Y. Tel. Ce. Transfer f rem Savings Account Transfer from Savings Account Dept. Taxation & Finance From Town of Southeld Tax Levy (18;459.52) $10,000 invested in b month C.D. Balance in Checking Account Total Receipts 198~ Bala~wen Hand-Checkin6 Account $ 130.00 12.60 7,000.00 7,000.00 8.50 8, 59.5 $22,blO.62 on Hand $ 3,693.85 Total Receipts & Balance Less Disbursements in 1983 (see attached) .... Balanc~ in checking Account Dec. 31, 1983.....$ 2,746.0? Balance in Savings Accednt Dec. 31, 1983. ..... Invested in 6 month C D.,,, ................... Total Cash Available Jan. 1, 1984 .......... ... 22;610.62 $26,3o4.47 23,558.4q 2,218.87 5;000.00 $9,964.94 Dated: J~n. 25, 1984 Treasurer 1868 1869 187e 1871 1872 187 187 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 MaY 1983 Ma, ~: 1983 May 27, 1983 June 3, 1983 June 7, 1983 # J~e 11, 1983 J~e 1983 State Ins, Fund 15~.21 L.I.Lighting Ce. 24.71 L.I.Lighting Ce. 3-$7 L.I.Lighting Ge. 7-34 L.I.LightingC.. Dale Butler 2 6 Jehn Bedneski,Jr. 400.00 L.I.Lighting Cee 3,~3 L,I.Lighti~ Cee 18,87 L.I.Lightimg Ce, 19,~7 Traveler Printery 85.00 Suffelk Times 2.88 L.I.Traveler 3.35 Rey Reeve Ageney 12%.99 Griffing Hardware 20.15 N. Fork Bank 8.~0 UTC H O [] U E - NEW S U FFO LK PARK DISTRICT OUTOHOGue, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 11935 · &le 2 DZSBU~S,~S 1983 -- Cheek 1882 1883 188~ 1885 188~ 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 189~ 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 19o0 19ol 19o2 19o3 19o4 19o5 19ob 1907 1908 19o9 191o lgll 1912 1913 1915 1916 1917 1918 19~9 19~o 1921 1922 192~ 1924 1925 1926 Date Paid June 16, 1983 # June 22, 1983 # June 23,1983 June 30, 1983 # July 1, 1983 June 20, 1983 July 1, 1983 July 2, 1983 July 5, 1983 July 1983 July 1983 July 10, 1983 July 12, 1983 July 15, 1983 # # # July 16, 1983 July 31, 1983 July 31, 1983 ,A, ug. 1, 1983 Aug. 2, 1983 Aug. ~5, 1983 Aug.b, 1983 Paid Te Amount Frances ~Regers $ 6.28 Edwards 32.98 Grilling Hardware 11.05 Geergeanna Fegarty 40.38 James Fegarty 50.00 Twin Ferk Fire Ext. 75.90 N.Y.S. Unem~.Ins. 7.87 N.Y.S. Sec. SecurityS$.25 Int. Rev. Serv. 40.00 F.V. Regers 309.87 &lyce Gier~i 101.88 Chum. Beyar Walter Kelin xoo. O0 Karen Praus 83.27 Chris Ghimiray 49.25 L.I.Lighting Ce. 20.93 L.I.Lighting Ce. 7.18 Dale Butler 305~36 Arthur Sherrard 176.34 L.I.Lighting Ce. ~.70 G.?.0. Pest # 803 36.5~ L.I.Lighting Ce. 22.33 Eayner & Suter 29.0~ Alyce Giergi 206.56 Pestmaster 109.85 Bill Best 89.57 Chris Ghimiray 98.75 Karen Praue 308.59 Walter Kaelin 201.5~ Arthur ~herrard 176.3~ ~enry Huecker 302.28 Chris Ghimiray 321.50 Williaa Best 114.65 Karen Prams 333.08 Richard Stauffer 352.67 Arthur ~herrard 176.34 Henry Huecker 251~91 N.Y.B. Sec. Sec. 424.71 Frances V. Regers I1.45 L.I.Lighting Ce. 24.31 L.I.Lighting Ce. 11.85 L.I.Lighting Ce. 22.16 Richard Stauffer 176.34 Sidney Beene 2416.00 Sidney Beene 1161~88 I~.UTCHOI~UE- NEW ~UFFOLK PARK DISTRICT I~.UTCHOGU~'-, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 11935 Pa~e 3 DISBURSEME~S 1983 Check 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933. 193 4 193~ 193b 1937 veld 1' ~38 1~ ,9 1~ .0 1~ .1 1' .2 l' 1' 195o 1951 1952 195~ 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 ~969 Date Paid Aug. 8, 1983 Aug. 15,1983 Aug. 16,1983 Aug. 19,1983 Aug. 23, 1983 A~. 25, 1983 Aug. 27, 1983 Aug. 29, 1983 Aug. 31, 1~83 Sel~t. 1, 1983 Sept. 2, 1983 Sept. 5, 1983 Sept. 6, 1983 Sept. 7, 1983 # Sept. 8, 1983 Sept. 10, 1983 Sept. 13, 1983 s.,t. 1983 Sept. 196~ # Sept. 16, 1985 Sept. 19 , 15§3 Sept. 21, 19~3 ~ept. 30, 1983 # Paid Te C.P.Tuthill Agway Karen Praue Chris Ghimiray William Best E.End Sperting Geeds Arthur Sherrard Ne~y Hmecker C~is Ghi~ray Walter Kaelin Rey Reeve Ins. ~rthur Sherrard William Best Jehn Itansen Rayner & Suter Gary Dereski Jes. FudJinski Richard Stauff.r Karen Praue Rebert Muir ·hee. Mc~ulty Arthu~ Sherrard Henry Huecker L.I.Lighting Ce. L,I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce. Walter Kaelin N.Y.S. Sec. Security Jehn Bedneski, Jr. Dale Butler Ingrid Reunis N. Ferk Variety Sidney Beebe Sidney Beebe ~idney Beebe Anita Pylke Matt. Sa~itatien Geergeanna Fegarty Geergeanna Fegarty Frances VeRagers N.Y.B. Sec. Seeurity Int. Reven~e ~ervice 312.09 321.71 86.88 7.38 235.12 73.88 888.00 176.34 67.17 261.70 ~.65 221111.,60 1~0.76 151.15 ~28.25 GO.~ 163.7o 151.15 302.28 26,92 21o68 23.13 28.00 35o. oe 80.00 352.65 6.32 320,00 502.46 2666, 20 125.05 300,00 8.9~ 20.00 3o9.87 287,23 OUTOHOGUE: - NEW .=;UF'F'OLK PARK DISTRIOT CUTr~HOBUE, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 11c~35 Page Check # Date Paid Paid Te Ameunt 1972 197~ 1974 197 197~ 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 199o 1991 1992 199~ 199~ 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2OOl 2002 2003 Oct. 6, 1983 Oct. 7 , 1983 # Oct. 27, 1983 # Oct. 2 9, 1983 Ney. 4, 1983 Ney. 11, 1983 Ney. 1~, 1983 Ney. 26, 1983 Nev. 26, 1983 Dec. 2, 1983 De~' L~,t98~ Dec.~ Dec. 8~' 1983 Dec. 10, 1983 Dec. 13, 1983 Dec. 13, 1983 Dec. 13, 1983 ,, Dec, 2t~ Dec. 23, 1983 Dec. 24, 1983 N.Y.S. Unem~leyment Ins. $166.62 L.I.Lighting Ce. ~6 L.I.Lighting Ce. 23.82 L.I.Lighting Ce. 23.19 C.P.Tuthill 136.82 Walter Kaelin 2~.$0 Rey Reeve Agency 93.55 Arthur 8herrard 70.0~ ~uffelk Times 3.20 L.I.Lighting Ce. 22.41 L.I,Traveler 2.97 Eversen Ress Ce. 88.82 L.I.Lighting Ce. 3.77 L.I.Lighting Ce. 23.19 L.I.Lighting Ce. 16.97 Arthur Sherrard 70.00 L.I.Traveler 23.~ Suffelk Times 20.1~ L.I.Lighting Ce. 22.95 L.I.Lighting Ce. 3.90 L.I.Lighting Ce. 23.71 Dale Butler 159.00 Traveler Printery 30.0~ N.Y.S. Sec. Security 50.25 Int. Revenue Service 40.00 Frances V.Regers 309.87 Helen Regers 20.00 Ginny Pickering 20.00 Frank Regers 25.~0 Gary Dereski 41.69~ West Pu~lishing Ce. 15.0~ N.Y.S. Dept. ef La,or 7.87 Tetal Disbursements 1983..........$~3,558.4$