HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984 5EP 2, S 19~5 Town C e~ seut~oh't'. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER OF Revised 12/83 TOWN 'OF COUNTY OF ~C~//~"~"~2-/~----.. FOR THE FISCAl. YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 19~L/ AUTHORIZATION ArHele 3, Seetlen 30 ef the Generel STATE OF NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE STATE COMPTROLLER DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12236 GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Co.h 200 Co.h in Time Dope.lt. 201 Petty Ca.h 210 Cash from Budget Notes 220 Cash for Revanue Anticipation Nata. 222 Cash for Bond Inter~.t and Matured Bonds 223 Cash, Special Re.~rv~ Fund. 230 Total Cash Accounts Raceivabl® 380 $ Oua from Other Fund. 391 State and Federal Governments 410 Due from Other Government. 440 Total Receivables Inventary of Material. and Supplies 445 $ Temporary Investments 450 Inwstments, Special Reserve Funde 452 Total Inve.manta TOTAL ASSETS 8009 .. ,G LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Acca~nta Payable 600 S Customer. D~poeita 615 Revenue Anticipation Notae Payable 621 Budget Hotal Payable 622 Bond Intm~st and Matured Semis Payable 629 Due ta Other Fu~le 630 Due to Other Govimminta 63~ Overpayments and Collections in Adwca 690 Total Liabilities Relerve for Encumbrances. Cu~eflt YaM 700 $ Reeei'v/~ foe Encumbrances, Prior Year. 701 ReiMY~ for Invintm? of Materials and S~pplias 720 RolM'Ye for ~ccouitt$ Receivable 730 Rele~ve for Repairs 882 Re.erve for Bonded Debt ~84 T~al Re.arras Fund Balance 909 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES &ND FUND BALANCE 8019 -1- REAL~ PROPERTY TAX ITEMS: Real Propeffy Taxes Speciol Assessments Tetal R~I P~ T~ DEPARTMENTA~ INGOME: REVENUES loo, 1030 S Toro! Dmrm~efltal In~e USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY: Int~f~st and Earnings Tmol Use of Mefley and Pm~ty S~.E OF PROPERTY AHD COMPEN- SATIOH ~OR ~O~ ~ies ef E~tp~t Fund Pu*d Tmal State Aid PEDERAJ. AID~ Total Fmim,d Aid Totai DI strict Reqmmm8 (Transit. to page 4) NO~4. REVENUE RECEIPT~ ToNd Ne~-Rev~nue Re~etl~t~ 5999 6OO0 S S S 777, -2- EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES: Total Operating Expenses PERSONAL SERVICES 1 EQUIPMENT 2 --S, $ $ S EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: State Retirement 9010.8 Social Security 903Q.8 Workmens ~mpensetlon 9040.8 Life Insurance 9045.8 Unemployment Insurance 9050.8 Disability insurance 9055.8 Hospital/Medical Insurance 9060.8 Total Employee Benefits 9199.0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS: Transfer to Fund __ Transfer to Fund __ Total Intorf~nd Transfers DEBT SERVICE: PRINCIPAL: Serial Bonds 9710.6 S. Statutory Bonds 97~0.6 Bond &aticipatlon Notes 9730.6 Capital Notes 9740.6 Bu'~gat Notes 9750.6 Revenue Anticipation Notos 9770.6 Total Principal INTERESTz Serial Bonds 9710.7~ S. Statutory Bonds 972Q.7 Bond Anticipation Notes 9730.7 Capital Notes 9740.7 Budget Notes 9750,7 Revenue Anticipation Notes 9770.7 Total Interest 9899.7 Total Debt Service Total District Expenees (Transfer to page 4) 9900.0 NON-BUDGETARY DISBURSEMENTS: CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 4 TOTAL 0 Total Non-Budgetary Disbursements 9998.0 Total Disbursements 9999.0 4 S S -3- ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANG£ Fund Sol,mca - Beginning of Fiscad Year Add: Revenues (from page 2) Totol Deduct'. ~i~gpfopriation Expenses (~xa page 6021 8O22 8023 8024 8025 Adjustmentm Oth~ &dditioflsz (s~clfy) O~dNffDedu~iN~ (xpecl~) Fm~d Balamm. End ef Plipad Year 8026 8O27 -4- CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Nc,me ef Account Cede Cash H200 Cash in Time Deposits H201 Cash for Revenue Anticipation Notes N222 Total Cash Due from Other Funds Deposits with Other Governments Total Receivables H391 H395 Temporary Inveatmeflts H45Q Obligations Authorized, Unissued H470 Financing to be ~mvided from Other Funds H471 Financing to be Provided from State Sources H472 Financing to be Provided from Federal Sours:es H473 Financing to be Provided from Other Sourcas H474 Encumbrances N521 Total Other Debits TOTM. ASSETS H800~ LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND BALANCES Acc~unto Payd~la Retained Petcentogas, Contracts Payable Rme ~tlcIp~ion Nates Bo~ ~ticip~i~ N~es P~le Due ~ O~ E~l~s ~ De. sits md Te~ P~lme ~ Sec~ltle~ I~su~ Ac~ In--ct on ~curlties T~ol ~t~ri Unlined ~lmce~ of T~ai ~h~ ~ito Capital Rosco TOT&~ ~JABI~ITJES, SERVES AND BAlANCeS H605 N621 H626 H630 H63 ! H8S0 HBS1 HIS2 N890 N911 H920 H8019 -5- CAPITAL FUND CASH RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUES PROM OTHER LC)CAi. Intrust E~ings Gi~ md Don~ton~ INTERPUNO REVENUES: T~sf~ ~ STATE AID FOR CAPIT~ PROJECT~ Total State Aid. FEDERAl. AID FOR CAI~ITAL PROJR~rSz (spe~l~) Tetat Feder~d Aid NON-REVENUE RECEIPTS~ Advances fro., Other Funds his ~ In,restraints H2397 H27QS H2710 H2710 H2770 H2 H2 H2 H2 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 H3 N4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 H4 HSQT5 HSQ~ HSOg5 S~iQl Bonds H5710 C~itd hms H57~ TOTAL C~H RECEIPTS CASH BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF FISCA~ YEAR H8061 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND BA~ANC~ H8O~ s -6- CAPITAL FUND CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND ENDING BALANCE Capital Project Cash Payments INTERFUND TRANSFERS: (Unneeded Aatkorizatlofls, Interest Earnings, Premium and Accrued Interest) Transfer to Transfer to Transfer to Transfer to Tatol Interfund Transfers Total Capital Projects and Interfund Transfers NON-PROJECT EXPENDITURES: Redemption of Bond Anticipation Notes Redemption of Revenue Anticipation Notes Repayment of Advances to Other Funds Payment of Ratclined Percentages Purchase of Investments Accounts Payable Other (specify) Fund H Fund H Fund H Fund H EDP CODE H9930.5 H9970.5 H9975.5 H9977. 5 H9985, 5 H9995. 5 Total Non-Project Expenditures TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS CASH BALANCE AT END OF FISCAL YEAR H8067 TOTAL CASH DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCE H806~ ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURES C~l~itol Proieats (fpeclfy) Total Col)ital Projects H H H H H H H H H H H H H H9000 CAPITAl. 0 UTI,.AY .2 S -7- TRUST AND AGENCY FUNDS BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash T200 Cash in Time Deposits T201 Total Cash Aisets T~0QQ Total Fund B~lance (T10-T72) T8019 CASH - BAL. AHCES, RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS BEGINNING BA~.AHCE BECmPTS DISBU RSEM B4 TS ENDING BJJ M4CE PAYROLL FUNDS Ca11,d Id~Nd Plyllll T10 G~W IniuNn~e T20 S*M. I,,~* Tax T21 Fmle~d IncMle Tax T22 Inhere Exe~-utien. T23 J41ecleflMI end UniM~ s~lN S.cu,tq T2~ Hew YMk Clt~ IKe,N Tix T21 P ERFORMAHC:E DEPOSITS G~afamy end Bid Depe.ita Ot~ (~eclfr) Re*MM PM~entagel, CaMNC~ Paydde T~md '!'30 T T T T T T71 S $ $ $ S I S -8- SUMMARY OF CASH - ALL FUNDS SINGLE ENTRY Cash Balance Cash Cash Cash Balanc~/ TiHa EDP Januae/ 1, ~/'1 Receipts DisbursemlntS December' 31,/~ Code 1 I 3 5 7 Ca,itel Fu~d 8308 T~at end Agency 8312 CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS DOUBLE ENTRY Title Fund Total Cede Gefleml Fund 8301 $ Capital Fund 8308 Trust end Agency 8312 ' Total All Funds S I BANK BALANCES Bank Balance. , Outstanding Checks N.m. of Bank D.c__be, 31. f~_L~ D.c.mbe, 31, ~ D.c.mbe*N .t Ban k Bolan)'~.l ,31, ~ ch'r~;.n- ~cuT- 8 7~?,£(- ' 7~,~,I~ 8 ?~_?. ?li- Cam on Hand .............................................................................. .. .................... T'"'ce"''n''n''"'nH'd .................................. ,30,.. DETAIL STATEMENT OF iNDEBTEDNESS Teml S S S S $ iS $ $ T*~I S S S S Hof~ Pleese ~ ~ll wefef dls'lfic~ de6t dH~,e any net In the Su~r4,1~r's Ann~fal Ro~ fo~ Towns. &UTNORIZATION that this mIN,ff ~8 wl~ the efflclal re~eds. P. O. Adding8 .................................... .10.