HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982P, UTP. HDBUE - NEW .qLIFFI3LK PARK DISTRICT P, UTCHOGUE, LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 119;3S RECEIVED. JAN 2 4 1987, Town Clerk $outhold YEAR ENDING Dec REGULAR F~ND (Checking Acceunt) Balance en Hand January 1, 1962e. ..... · .............. · ..... RECEIFTS Frem Tewn ef Seutheld Tax Levy $ 1~,820.23 Interest earned en 6 menths C.D. 550.56 Insurance refund 615.00 Refund frem N.Y.S. Secial Security 5.40 Cemmtssien f rem N.Y. Tele~hene Ce. ~0.2~ Tetal Receipts. ........... .. $16,021.~ Tetal Receipts & Balance 16,0Zl. 4 an Mamd ........ ......~21,216,~? DISbURSEMEnTS (sde attached sheets) Balance en Hand Dee, (Checking Acceunt) 31, 1982.. .......... .... $ 3,693,85 Ju~xe 9~ 1982- C D. expired. $10,000 de~eslte~ in Savings Aece~at Balance in S~vings A~ceu. n~ De~. 31, 1952 ' $13 994 55 Cash en Hand Dec. 31~ 1982. ..................... , ' Dated: Jan. OUTDHOGUE - NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT OUTCHOBUE, LONe- ISLAND, N.~Y. 119:~S Check 1&89 169o 1691 1692 1693 1697 1698 lO99 1700 17Ol 1702 17o~ 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 17~4 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 :724 1725 1726 1727 1728 Date ~aid Jan. 9, 1982 # Jan. 18, 1982 Fe~. 4, 195Z Eeb, 6, 1982 Fob. 7, 1982 ?ob. 1~, 1982 Mar. 4, 1982 I Mar. 31,1982 Apr. 2, 1982 ~p~. 6, 1982 "8, 1982 # # A,~r. 26, 1982 A~r. 29, 1582 May 3 , 1982 # May~, 1982 ~ay 10~ 1982 # May 2 7, 1982 June 1, 1982 PaSd Te. Ameunt N.Y.S. Unemp. Ins. $ 7.~7 L.I.Lighting Ce. 21.88 L.I.Lighting Co. 24.80 F~e~ Wo Kaelin, Inc. 25,0~ Reeve Ins, Agency X352.00 L.I.~raveler 3030 West Yub~I~a~ Ce. l~.~O L.I.Lighting Ce. L.l.L!ghting Ce. 7.b?- L.I.Li~hting Ce. 21.35 Pest,aster Surf elk Times L. I. Traveler L.I.Lighting Ce. L. I. Lighting Ce~ N.Y.C. ~ec. Sec. N.Y.C. I.R.~. Frances V.Regers L.I.Lightlng Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce0 L.I.Lig~ting Ce. Frances V.Regers E~war~ Grathwehl Gregory Bey~ Suffolk Times L~I.Lighting Ce~ L.I.Traveler ~tate Insurance F~. L.I.Lighting 02. Roy Reeve Agency L.I.Lighting Ce. June ~, 1982 ~.Z.Traveler June4' 1982 Roy ReeVe Agency ~ E.En~ Supply Ce, " L.I.Lighting Ce. " L.I.Lighting Ce. June 6, 1982 Traveler Printery June 15, 1982 E~. Grathwehl June 30, 1982 N.Y.S. Sec. Security " Int. Rev. Service 3020 3.30 19.51 18,82 36.8% 7.7e 25° O0 22,~7 23. ~6 10,00 125, O0 3.00 3.63 208,69 22, O0 11~. O0 ~,oo 3~o.oo ~.h8 ~0, O0 20, O0 36.~ ~.oo Page 2 OUTr. HmGUE- NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRI~.T CUTCHE)GU'~, LONG ISLAND, N~Y. I~SS Disbursements 1~2 Check Date ~aid 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 173~ 1736 1737 1738 17 ~ .2 17[ 17~ 1 1Ti 2 June 30, 1982 # (check lest-payment stepped) July 2, 1982 July 3, 1982 July b, 1982 # July 8, 1982 July 10,1982 July 13, 1982 # July 15, 1982 17. & 17b,.7 171~9 175o 1751 1752 1753 175~ 1755 17~6 1757 1758 175~ 176o 17~l 1762 17b 17&~ 1766 1767 176~ ,1769 177o 1771 1772 1773 July 16, 1982 July 19, 19~2 July 20, 1982 July 31, # # # # # # # Aug. ~, 1982 Aug. 9, 1982 Aug. 11, 1982 # # # Aug. 1~, 1982 # # # ~aid To Frances V.Regers N.Y.S. Unemp. Ins. Celeen Kelly Arthur Sherrar~ L.I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lig~t~ng Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce. Suffolk Times Jean Bruch Fre~ Kaelin, Inc. E~. Grathwehl L.I.Travele~ Chris Ghimiray Celeen Kelly Jehn Mitchell Davi~ Kaplan N.Ferk Bank& Trust Ce. (Step payment c~arge~ Henry Huecke~ Arthur Sherrar~ Ren Lam~arter Richar~ Stauffer E~. Orathwehl Theresa Pezzella Chria McNulty Jehn Mitchell Davi~ Kaplan Cel~en Kelly Chris Ghimir&y E~war~ Greh. ski Henry Huecker Arthur Bherrar~ E~. Gr~thwehl L.I.Lighting Ce. N.Y.S. Sec. Security Richar~ ~tauffer C.P.Tuthlll Traveler Printery L.I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce. Jehn Mitchell Chris Ghimiray Oeleen Kelly Theresa ~ezzella Traveler Printery Arthur Bherrar~ Ameunt 231.57 7.70 113.36 15~.88 1%88 4.79 19.88 113.36 1067. O0 21.13 226.71 5.00 268.70 1..%1..88 293.89 87.33 113036 lO~.96 200.00 1~4.35 23.23 139.50 25.00 23.92 16.58 275.30 83.97 294.73 21.83 30.00 177. Page I~,UTr. HDGUE - NEW F:iUFFE]LK PARK DISTRICT E~UTmHOGUE. LONG ISLAND, N.Y. 11935 DiSbursements Check 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 178& 1787 1788 1789 1770 1791 1772 1773 1794 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 18e3 18o5 18o6 18o7 18o8 18o9 181o 1811 1812 1813 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 Date FaiA, Aug. 16, 1982 Aug. 18, 1982 Aug. 19, 1982 Aug. 23, 1982 Aug. 25, 1982 Aug. 26, 1982 Aug. 30, 1982 Aug. 31, 1982 # # Sept. ~, 1782 Sept. , 1982 # Sept. 7, 1982 # Se~t. 11, 1982 ept. 15, 19 2 Sept. 30, 1982 # Oct. 2, 1982 # Oct. 5, 1982 Oct. 12, 1982 # # Oct. 26, 1~82 Ney. 1, 1912 Ney. ~, 1982 # # Ney. 6, 1982 Ney. ~, 1982 Ney. 20, 1982 # Nev. 30, PaiATe Hermy Huecker E~war~ Greheski E~warA ~rathwehl Ric~ar~ Stauffer Ctlrls MdNulty Jehn ~i~chell Rebert Mui~ Arthur She~rar~ Chris Ghimiray E~. Grathwehl L.I.Lighting Ce. N.Y.S. Sac. Sec. Rebert Muir Chris Ghimiray Cerrina Blaikie L.I.Lighting Ge. L.I.Lighting Ce. Arthur Sherrar~ Henry Huecker Hey Reeve Ins. EA. Grathwehl RicharA Sta~ffer Greg BeyA Greg BeyA Frances V. Rege~a Int. Rev. Service N.Y.C. Sac. Security N.Y.S. Dept. Laber EA. Grathwehl ~EA. Grathwehl L.I.Lighting Ce. 0.~.Tuthill Reeve Lumber Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce.~ Twin Ferk Fence Ce. L.I.Traveler L.I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lighting Ce. Jehn BeAneski L.I.Lighting Ce. L. I. Lighti~ Ce. Buffelk Times Suffelk Times L.I.Traveler Dale Butler Amount 203.67 150.00 ~.S5 179. 20.9~ aeg.gz 132.$9 13~.35 19.66 351.46 500.00 125.95 2o9.92 21.77 13.31 110.09 206.85 7~7.00 67.18 1185. oo 125. O0 231.57 25. oo i55,'5~ ~. O0 67.18 21.36 8~.eO 7.20 21.35 5.60 2eo.95 2.97 6.~2 22.15 250. oo 3.25 19.37 2.88 21.~8 230.00 I-I. UTCHEIGUE - NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT I-IUT(DHGGUE, LONG ISLAND, N~Y. llg3S Page Dieburse~a Check 1820 1521 1522 1823 1824 182~ 182& 1827 1828 182~ 1830 1831 1832 Date Paid Paid To Amount Neve/30, 1~82 Pinewood Landscape $ Dec. 3, 1902 Twin Ferk Femce Ce. Dec. 7, 1982 Frank B.Regers 25.00 Dec. 7, 1982 Helen Regerm 20.00 Dec. 7, 1982 Jean Mtdgley 20.00 Dec.8~ 1982 L.I.Lighting Ce. 3.71 L.I.Lighting Ce. 20.~ L.I.Lighting Ce. ~ Dec. 9, 1982 Traveler Printery 26.00 Framces V. Regers N.Y.S. ~ec. Security Frances V.Regera West ?ubl~shing Ce. Dec. 13, 1982 Dec. 15, 1982 Dec~ 18, 1982 Tetal Dtsbursememts 231.57 4k. o 16.87 15.00 1982e... .... .........e $17,522.22