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ORIENT-EAST MARION PARK DISTRICT Annual Report 1974 P~CEI._._PT S Town of Southold $6,850.00 Matured Growth Bondm 6,000.00 Intereet on Growth Bondm 373.77 Bench Seee 350.00 Total Recetpte $13,573.77 Balance ffguumry l, 197~- 1,062.~2 Grand Total- $1~,636.19 DISbURsemENTS Salaries $2,809.30 Printing 129.95 Insur.~ce 453.00 Legal Services & Notices 291.29 Sanitation 695.00 Maintenance ~ Re~air 2,887.87 ~pplies & Equipment 285.16 Rent ~.05 Park District Share S.S. 149.73 Miscellaneoue 185. O0 Purchaee of Growth Bends 6,000.00 Total Diel~reemente - $13,930.35 Balance Dec. 31, 1974 - , 705.8~ Total - $14,636.19 William ¥. Terry, Jr. Secret~y/Treaeurer