HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/2011ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town Hall Annex. 54375 Route 25 P.O Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (63 I) 765'1809 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: !. II. Iil. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distribution to Supervisor Russell and Town Board Members) Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Department Head COMBINED MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD AND NEW APPLICATIONSfFEES REPORT for: January, 2011 February3,2011 Requires Immediate Attention: Carryover: Workplace Violence/Harassmenl A solution to improving workplace safety for employees in the ZBA office remains undetermined. The initial decision to install an intercom from the Building Department counter to the ZBA office has not been implemented at this time. It is our understanding that suitable imercom equipment is currently available within another Town Hall Depa~ment at no charge. While we recognize that the location of the ZBA oflicc limits our options for creating a second Form o£egress, we respectfully request that the Towa~ Board and the Workplace Safety Committee continue to work on reaching a decision about how best to handle the issue and advising our office as ~o the proposed resolution. Items of Concern: None at this time Board and Office Policies and Practices: ZBA Work Session discussion on interpretation of Town Laws in the area vm'iance balancing test and code definitions of"front yard" In our continuous effort to improve Board Members' skills and knowledge, at the request of the Chairperson, the Board met with Asst. TA Andatoro at the Special Meeting on January 19, 2011 for two purposes I. To review case law defining the basis fbr Town [,aw §267-b(3Xb)O - "sell:created hardships," and to discuss how best to address Town Law §267-b(3)(b)(4) - defining adverse impacts on the physical or environmental conditioas in a neighborhood, when writing confidential draft decisions. 2. The Board frequently reviews applications lbr variance relief on properties where the Notices of Disapproval from the Buildiag Department cite non-confbrming front yard setbacks and/or front yard locations. To bener understand how these interpretations of the code are made mad written by Building, the Board reviewed, with the Assr 'FA, the two IV. places in the code that define "front yard, "one citing only frontage, the other referring to the requirement of physical and legal access to a private or public mad or R.O.W. It is our recommendation that both code citations consistently refer to access as a criteria, since this could improve the qualilb' and accuracy of applications fi.om property owners and likely eliminate some of the applications for swimming pools, sheds etc that come betbre the ZBA on properties with "two front yards." The Chairperson will send a memo to the Asst 'FA so stating. Financial/Budget/Personnel Issues: Increases in ZBA Fees At the January 18, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Town Board, Council Members voted by unanimous resolulion to increase ZBA fees. We thank the Board for their support of this proposal and will keep you informed on a monthly basis as to the additional revenues generated once the increases take effect. Re-appointment of Leslie Weisman to the ZBA I would like to thank the Town Board for enabling me to continue to serve the people o1' Southold Town by m-appointing me on January 4, 2011 to the Board of Appeals for another 5 year term and as a Chairperson/Department Head for 2011. Change in iob title for Elizabeth Sakarellos to Senior Clerk Typist The Chairperson and Board would like to thank the Town Board for reclassifying part time Clerk Typist Elizabeth Sakarellos to part time Senior Clerk Typist at the Regular Meeting on February 1,2011, in recognition that she worked beyond her job description throughout 2010 to provide assistance in training our new' Board Assistant Vicki Toth. Activities of the Board/Accomplishments: Regular Meeting: Date: Jan. 6, 2011 Call to Order: 9:00AM Adjourned: 4:06 PM Public Hearings: Total: 11 Number of new applications heard: 8 Nm~lber of Carryovers from previous hearings: 3 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 5 Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: t Number adjourned to another date: 5 Nmnber adjourned w/o a date: 0 Number of Resolutions passed: 13 Number of decisions made: 0 Next Regular Meeting: February 3,2011 Special Meeting: Date: Jan. 19, 2011 Call to Order: 5:00 PM Adjourned: 6:40 PM Number of assigned draft findings discussed: 7 Number of decisions made: 7 Number of Resolutions passed: 10 Number of Site Inspections made b',, Board members: 1 Ix 5 = 55 Meetings attended/initiated by ZBA Chairperson/Department Head · 01/4 - Meeting with Chairperson/Dept. Head and ZBA staff · 01/05 - Supervisor m: ZBA permnne[ and workplace saf~y · 01/11- Asst TA re: applications before the Board/litigation · 01/1 t- Building Inspector re application before the Board/clarification of ND · 01/18 Town Board Public Hearing on ZBA Fees Increase · 01/19 - Departmem Head Meeting · 01/19 - Assr TA re: applications before the Board/litigation · 01/20 - Special Events Committee · 01/20- Asst TA re: litigation · 01/25- Asst TA re: applications before the Board · 01/31 - Town Attorney re: ZBA personnel Staff Activities Number of people a~ssisted at the counter: 49 hours spent assisting: 11 hrs. (Assistance includes filling out new applicalions, mailings and postings, providing copies o. f decisions. FOIL requests and other materials, and general inquiries) Meetings attended by ZBA staff · 01/4 - Meeting with Chairpet~orffDept. Head and ZBA stall' ¥1. MONTItLY REPORT ON NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES l'otal Applications Received for the month of January, 2011: 6 Total Fees Collected n January 2011: $2,400.00 Respectfully Submitted Leslie Kanes Weisman Chairperson/Department Head