HomeMy WebLinkAboutGIS Needs Assessment Final Report 01/26/2011Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 235 East Jericho Turnpike PO Box 109 Mineola, NY 11501-0109 Phone: 516-746-2350 Fax: 516-747-1396 www.bownegroup.com FINAL Town of Southold and Village of Greenport GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 Version 1.3 [This page is left blank intentionally] Bowne Management Systems, Inc 2 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................1 2.CURRENT ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................8 3.TYPICAL GOVERNMENT SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT.............................................10 3.1Public Safety Software......................................................................................10 3.2Land Management Software.............................................................................10 3.3Asset Management Software............................................................................11 3.4Case Management Software.............................................................................11 3.5Tax Software....................................................................................................12 3.6Business License Software...............................................................................12 3.7Constituent Response Software........................................................................12 3.8Document Management Software.....................................................................13 3.9Geographic Information System Software.........................................................13 3.10Relational Database Management Software.....................................................13 3.11Business Intelligence Software.........................................................................14 4.NEEDS ASSESSMENT................................................................................................16 4.1Key Findings....................................................................................................17 5.GIS APPLICATIONS.....................................................................................................19 5.1Local Government Uses for GIS.......................................................................19 5.2Categories of GIS Usage..................................................................................20 5.2.1Browse................................................................................................20 5.2.2Simple Display.....................................................................................20 5.2.3Query and Display................................................................................20 5.2.4Map Analysis (Map Overlay)................................................................21 5.2.5Spatial Modeling..................................................................................21 5.3GIS User Matrix................................................................................................21 5.4GIS Applications...............................................................................................22 5.4.1Existing GIS Products and Applications................................................23 5.4.2Application Summary...........................................................................25 5.4.3New York State Municipal GIS Applications..........................................33 6.CONCEPTUAL GIS DESIGN........................................................................................35 6.1Enterprise GIS..................................................................................................35 6.2Proposed Network Infrastructure.......................................................................35 6.3Database Planning and Design.........................................................................37 6.4Managing and Maintaining GIS.........................................................................37 6.5GIS Data Model................................................................................................38 6.6Hardware Needs...............................................................................................38 6.7Software Needs................................................................................................40 6.8GIS Data..........................................................................................................43 6.9Organizational Infrastructure.............................................................................44 6.9.1Conceptual GIS Governance Model.....................................................44 6.9.2Committee Structure............................................................................44 6.9.3Supporting GIS Organizations..............................................................45 6.9.4GIS Staffing.........................................................................................46 6.10GIS Associations..............................................................................................47 7.IMPLEMENTATION PLAN............................................................................................49 7.1Phase I.............................................................................................................49 Bowne Management Systems, Inc i Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 7.1.1Organizational Structure.......................................................................49 7.1.2Hardware Acquisition...........................................................................49 7.1.3Software Acquisition.............................................................................49 7.1.4Hardware and Software Design, Installation, and Configuration............49 7.1.5Data Acquisition, Load, and Conversion...............................................50 7.1.6Data Maintenance Procedures.............................................................51 7.1.7Application Implementation..................................................................51 7.1.8Staffing Needs.....................................................................................52 7.1.9Training................................................................................................52 7.1.10Phase Benefits ...................................................................................52 7.1.11Implementation Costs..........................................................................53 7.2Phase II............................................................................................................54 7.2.1Organizational Structure.......................................................................54 7.2.2Hardware Acquisition...........................................................................55 7.2.3Software Acquisition.............................................................................55 7.2.4Continued Data Maintenance...............................................................55 7.2.5Application Implementation..................................................................55 7.2.6Staffing Needs.....................................................................................55 7.2.7Training................................................................................................55 7.2.8Implementation Costs..........................................................................56 7.3Phase III...........................................................................................................57 7.3.1Software Acquisition.............................................................................57 7.3.2Continued Data Maintenance...............................................................57 7.3.3Application Implementation..................................................................57 7.3.4Staffing Needs.....................................................................................57 7.3.5Training................................................................................................57 7.3.6Phase III Implementation Costs............................................................58 INTERVIEW NOTES – APPENDIX A.........................................................................................59 Town Assessor’s Office.................................................................................................60 Town Attorney’s Office..................................................................................................66 Building Department......................................................................................................71 Accounting & Finance Department................................................................................76 Highway Department and Department Public Works......................................................79 Village of Greenport Interviews......................................................................................85 Human Resource Center...............................................................................................91 Land Preservation Department......................................................................................97 Land Management Coordination.................................................................................103 Planning Department..................................................................................................114 Police Department.......................................................................................................121 Recreation Department Interview Meeting...................................................................125 Southold Town Solid Waste District.............................................................................134 Town Supervisor’s Office............................................................................................142 Board of Town Trustees..............................................................................................145 Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA)...................................................................................164 MAP PRODUCTS PRODUCED BY TOWN – APPENDIX B.....................................................170 Trails of the North Fork................................................................................................171 Seaview Trails Map.....................................................................................................172 Farmland Protection Strategy Map..............................................................................173 Protected Lands Map..................................................................................................174 Hashamomuck Pond Preserve Trail Map.....................................................................175 Arshamomaque Preserve Trail Map............................................................................176 Downs Farm Preserve Trails.......................................................................................177 Town Trail Overview Map............................................................................................178 Bowne Management Systems, Inc ii Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Laurel Lake Preserve Trail Map...................................................................................179 Bowne Management Systems, Inc iii Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 – TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WAN COMMUNICATIONS.................................................9 FIGURE 2 – GOVERNMENT SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT......................................................15 FIGURE 3 – PHASE I PROPOSED ENTERPRISE GIS CONFIGURATION...............................36 Bowne Management Systems, Inc iv Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1 – GIS USER MATRIX.................................................................................................22 TABLE 2 – GIS USERS.............................................................................................................42 TABLE 3 – PHASE I IMPLEMENTATION COSTS.....................................................................53 TABLE 4 – PHASE II IMPLEMENTATION COSTS....................................................................56 TABLE 5 – PHASE III IMPLEMENTATION COSTS...................................................................58 Bowne Management Systems, Inc v Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Town of Southold and Village of Greenport received a grant from the New York State Archives to perform a cooperative Geographic Information System (GIS) needs assessment. This report is the result of interviews which Bowne Management Systems (Bowne) conducted with Town and Village departments identified as most able to benefit from an enterprise GIS. The primary objective of the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport, in undertaking a GIS needs assessment, is to develop a shared GIS environment that extend the current records management program to improve the quality of services delivered to residents as well as increase overall efficiencies. As with many municipal organizations, GIS data is distributed throughout the Town and Village and access to such data is limited and at times cumbersome. A disproportionate amount of time and resources are spent obtaining the necessary information needed to perform everyday tasks. And in some cases, the necessary information, while available, is not obtained or duplicated. This being said, there has been a tremendous amount of GIS data and GIS related products produced within both municipalities, however, it simply lacks an enterprise focus. Before moving forward with expansion of the use of GIS technology within individual departments or agencies, it is essential that the Town and Village develop an overall shared vision for the deployment GIS technology. This vision must have GIS technology as a core component of the Town’s enterprise records management infrastructure with access available to the Village of Greenport. In the past, GIS technology was implemented for a particular department or mission need. While this traditional, silo approach can be effective to solve a department or mission need in the short-term, it may not be the most cost-effective over the longer term. Resulting inefficiencies can include systems and data redundancy, lack of defined work process to keep operational data current, and inability to share data with other departments or agencies. Recommendations to expand the Town’s and Village’s GIS capabilities should be based on the unique and specific needs and requirements of the Town and Village as identified by this project’s information gathering process. This information gathering process has clearly demonstrated that GIS is a vital tool that can and is being used to support the daily operations of government. Integrated within the workflow of the government workforce, an enterprise-focused GIS provides tools to further any municipality’s goals toward effective government, controlled spending, red-tape reduction and economic development. It can be used to further workflow effectiveness and smart deployment of the Town and Village workforce, coordinate development and open space preservation activities within the Town and Village, and help to preserve and protect our environment. GIS technology, when effectively deployed within the Town’s and Village’s workflow, provides the ability to analyze and present information spatially and visually; increasing the effectiveness of the delivery of municipal services. To achieve this vision, it is necessary to integrate GIS within the core business functions, processes and workflows of the Town and Village while seeking to exploit Bowne Management Systems, Inc 1 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: opportunities that increase effectiveness and efficiency, and thus increase the Town’s/Village’s return on investment. While some departments have effectively integrated GIS technology with their daily work processes, there are more that have not and it must be assumed that a significant amount of data currently being managed in the Town and Village is being done in a manual and isolated fashion. As the Town and Village, like most other local governments, are being asked to do more with less, technologies such as GIS can be implemented to help achieve this goal. Geographic data will always exist and continue to increase in size, however, without the proper technology tools, the Town and Village will struggle with efficiently using and managing this data. Federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and State agencies such as Office of Cyber Security (OCS), State Emergency Management Office (SEMO), Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Department of Health, etc., are all employing GIS technology and there is a continually growing expectation that local governments will do likewise in order to be better able to communicate with other agencies and be better prepared to provide the services constituents expect on a daily basis and in an emergency. At the same time towns, villages, fire departments and other local organizations are also becoming more dependent on the availability of accurate spatial information as contained within GIS systems. Neighboring governments in Suffolk, Nassau, New York City and Westchester County are also heavily committed to, and are dependent on their GIS systems. There is a growing demand for these various government entities to develop common spatial data frameworks to increase the degree of interoperability regarding GIS. The shared GIS vision will be to promote the use of GIS and GIS-based technologies to improve analysis and decision making, aimed at improving internal and public services and products through the Town and Village. The GIS mission is to provide proactive support and assistance, in terms of both technology and staff, to acquire, convert, integrate, maintain, document, analyze, coordinate, and distribute geographic information for a variety of Town and Village needs. The report is divided into six (6) sections. What follows is a brief overview of each Section contained in the report. ?? Current Environment ?? Needs Assessment ?? Potential GIS Application ?? Conceptual Design ?? Staffing Recommendation ?? Phased Implementation Plan Bowne Management Systems, Inc 2 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Current Environment What makes the Town of Southold an excellent candidate for an enterprise GIS is a well designed and implemented network infrastructure. This infrastructure is designed and maintained by the Data Processing Department under the direction of the Network and Systems Administrator, Lloyd Reinsenberg. Having this groundwork in place lowers the cost of implementing an enterprise GIS system. However, this being said, additional hardware and software will be required to implement an enterprise GIS within the Town. The use of GIS technology within Town has evolved over time and has become integral to the business functions and operations of a few Town and Village departments. This growth in the use of GIS technology has resulted in a distributed environment of computer hardware, software and network components as well as robust data holdings, organizational infrastructure, and skilled personnel within individual Town departments. While there has been effective use of GIS technology within individual departments, when viewed with an enterprise focus, there are opportunities for the more effective use of GIS technology within the Town and Village. There are also a number of work tasks and processes on-going within the Town and Village government that can be automated through the use of GIS technology, allowing Town and Village services to be provided more effectively and with less labor effort. Needs Assessment Interviews were conducted with personnel from seventeen (17) key departments. The most common GIS related themes were as follows: ?? The availability and accuracy of certain spatial datasets (basemap, land records, infrastructure, public safety, environmental, and human services) required to perform everyday functions is not clear in certain departments; ?? The organization of and access to certain spatial datasets is not clearly defined on a enterprise-wide level, which leads to confusion and inefficiencies; ?? Desktop GIS tools are needed to enable simple and complex analysis within many departments; ?? The capability to quickly produce map products does not exist for all staff who need it to accomplish daily (and often time-sensitive) tasks; ?? The ability to link operational data (i.e., scanned records and database attributes) to an asset or land based map feature exists only in a limited fashion; The Town has made significant progress in making land based spatial and non-spatial information available in MapInfo, however, this only represents a portion of an enterprise GIS. Additional resources, software, and hardware are required to properly develop a complete enterprise GIS environment that will enable the Town and Village to become more efficient within their daily operations, provide enhanced constituent services, and keep pace with GIS developments in the Town and throughout the state. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 3 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: GIS Applications The goal of any GIS is to provide users with tools to facilitate their daily tasks. Potential GIS applications were identified within this report. Additional applications would be developed as Town data collection efforts continue. Access to both spatial and non- spatial data through GIS applications will enhance the productivity of Town and Village personnel, and improve the delivery of services to residents. Conceptual Design Various approaches for providing shared GIS services to the Town and Village were evaluated. A desktop (thick client) design is discussed and the advantages and disadvantages considered. The strengths and weaknesses of a web based (thin client) design are discussed in detail. After considering the existing Town infrastructure, existing resources, and using the insights gained from the needs assessment, a combination approach was recommended. However, in order to successfully implement an enterprise GIS, it is critical to create a secured, centralized GIS database that will be used as the foundation to support both the desktop and web based GIS environments. An enterprise GIS database should include the following spatial components: ?? Basemap features (i.e., planimetric, building footprints, hamlet boundaries) ?? Land records features (i.e., parcels, lots, parcel centroids, subdivisions, zoning) ?? Infrastructure features (i.e., railroad, transportation, traffic, water, drainage) ?? Public safety features (i.e., fire, police, emergency management) ?? Human services features (i.e., zip codes, census, electoral boundaries) ?? Environmental features (i.e., water storage facilities, public supply wells) Currently, the Town has many basemap, land, infrastructure, and public safety features available in MapInfo, some basemap and land features available in RPS and MapInfo, some public safety features available in the Town’s CAD system (HTE), drainage information relating to MS4 in MapInfo, environmental features available MapInfo, and some human service features available in paper based maps. This information, while available, is not centrally located, maintained, and/or distributed to the user community. A key component of a successful enterprise GIS implementation is the feedback and support of the user community. An organizational model is proposed which would put the responsibility for the continued growth of GIS in the hands of a Steering Committee comprised of key department leaders within the Town and Village. This group would be responsible for obtaining feedback on the existing system and prioritizing future GIS initiatives (including data development activities). Funding requirements to support these GIS initiatives would be presented to the Town Board and Village Trustees for review and approval. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 4 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Enterprise GIS An enterprise GIS is an integrated environment that provides users with ready access to spatial data and technology. The enterprise GIS model involves centralized management of GIS development and operations coupled with decentralized use. The components that are centrally managed include the database environment, the system environment, participant and user coordination, and often GIS budgetary control. The enterprise approach is best suited for organizations in which widespread data sharing is necessary and the costs of the data and system are relatively high. Local governments, for instance, make big investments in spatial data and technology and need to integrate spatial data and activities. The enterprise approach enables such entities to optimize their data environment and leverage system and data development resources. By creating a shared GIS environment for the Village of Greenport, we can further leverage system and data development resources and extend them to agencies who typically do not have the required funding or available staff. Staffing Requirements As the Town currently has limited “Technology” and “GIS” resources, part of our analysis includes staffing requirements to be addressed to properly implement and maintain an enterprise GIS within the Town. New GIS work activities as well as an increase to existing GIS work activities will be introduced into the Town as a result of implementing an enterprise GIS. These work activities include: ?? Increased GIS data maintenance activities; ?? Increased GIS mapping activities; ?? GIS data uploading activities; ?? Increased desktop support services for desktop GIS application; ?? Increased server support services for GIS server environment; ?? Increased Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) support services for GIS server environment; ?? Increased application development activities to distribute GIS; ?? Increased “Help Desk” support for desktop and web based applications. These activities are critical to continued operations of a GIS. If these work activities are not addressed, the Town may not be successful in their efforts. However, given current fiscal constraints within the Town, the ability to hire new staff members dedicated to support GIS will be a challenge. New and increased GIS activities will initially have to be distributed among GIS resources within Land Management, Land Preservation, Planning, and Engineering. Critical activities performed by these resources (such as comprehensive planning, MS4 and Laserfiche support) will have to be closely monitored to ensure their continued success. In addition, the Town should evaluate all potential Bowne Management Systems, Inc 5 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: new staff members for their ability to support current resources handling these GIS activities or the new staff member’s ability to directly support a GIS activity. Primary Recommendations A large number of potential additional uses of GIS technology within Town and Village government were identified in the GIS Needs Assessment and are documented in this report. To support these uses fully and effectively, it will be necessary to grow and enhance the Town’s existing GIS resources. This section identifies a range of recommendations that, if implemented, will allow the Town and Village to realize a wide range of improvements in operational efficiency and in the quality and accuracy of information available to support planning and decision making as well as savings in terms of staff time, cost avoidance and improved delivery of services. These recommendations have been defined and organized in a series of major categories and were then used to define a conceptual system design and a phased implementation plan. The underlying principles behind these recommendations are to implement an enterprise GIS that: ?? Is easily usable by Town and Village departments and agencies that require it; ?? Is sustainable both technically and financially; ?? Results in greater efficiencies in government operations; ?? Results in improvements in the delivery of services to the public; ?? Results in short term successes that are visible to the GIS user community, ?? Has a long term plan for maintenance, growth and expansion that will continue to enhancing the use and management of GIS technology. Phased Implementation Plan The proposed implementation plan is a three-phase approach. This will enable the Town and Village to spread the ultimate cost of implementation over a number of years, while at the same time having a powerful GIS data repository and GIS viewer in place at the end of Phase I. In Phase I, the hardware and software necessary to support an enterprise GIS will be purchased, installed and configured. The data identified as part of our analysis will be loaded into the GIS data repository. Training will be provided to end users for accessing the data as well as to technical staff for administering and properly securing the data. GIS related applications will be implemented to promote the distribution and use of GIS related data and support GIS functionality. A governance model will be recommended that will allow the Town and Village to effectively manage GIS initiatives as well as prioritize and recommend new initiatives. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 6 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: In Phase II, additional software will be required to effectively distribute GIS data contained within the GIS data repository to Town users. Additional training will be provided to end users on how to use the applications as well as technical staff for administering the applications. Through the established governance model, GIS initiatives (including mobile, data development, applications, and map products) can be prioritized and recommended for funding. Strong considerations should be given to integrating GIS technology with existing records management software products such as Laserfiche, Municity, and RPS. In Phase III the Town would expand the availability of GIS by refining, expanding, and creating new GIS applications and spatial data. In addition, the Town may consider making these systems available to residents via the Internet. The cost estimates for each Phase are included in this report. Once the backbone of the system is in place, potential uses will be discovered by the user community and the number of GIS applications will continually grow. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 7 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 2. CURRENT ENVIRONMENT The Town of Southold has in place an IT infrastructure which includes a Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN). The Town supports multiple Mainframe, Microsoft Access and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) products. The WAN communications include a LightPath 10Mb dedicated managed fiber redundant Ethernet ring, a LightPath 7Mb dedicated data Internet connection and an Optimum Online BOOST cable Internet connection. The Village of Greenport has in place a small IT infrastructure which includes a Local Area Network (LAN). The Village has a file server and accesses the Internet through an Optimum Online BOOST cable Internet connection. The details of these communications are depicted in Figure 1. All Town data is maintained on servers which are backed up routinely. Off site backups are performed for critical data. All departments within the Town have access to the network. This design lends itself to the sharing of GIS data between departments. All Village data is managed by a third party technology firm who support the LAN and data back-ups. The Town has successfully implemented many Town-wide document scanning initiatives that include scanning documents, implementing an application to search, store and retrieve scanned images (Laserfiche), and implementing a web-based public portal (Laserfiche WebLink) for internal and public access to scanned images within the Town. The Town most recently, working with and including the Village of Greenport, deployed a Land Management COTS software product called Municity to support various land management tasks and activities within the Town and Village. While the Village has different business processes that support their land management needs, the Town of Southold is hosting the application and Greenport’s “version” of their rules is providing access via a secured VPN connection. This project is an effective pilot to ensure data can easily and securely be managed within the Town and accessed by the Village. Although the Town currently has a GIS desktop solution in MapInfo, the overall functionality available within the desktop product does not meet their needs. In addition, limited use of MapInfo within the local municipal region has made it difficult to collaborate with other municipalities and leverage resources and applications. The local municipal region currently uses ESRI products for their GIS needs and it is logical for the Town to consider migration to this environment. The Town, with its solid IT infrastructure, is poised to take advantage of an enterprise GIS. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 8 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Figure 1 provides an illustration of the Town’s current Wide Area Network (WAN) communications among the various Town facilities. In addition, the Village of Greenport’s connection to the Town is displayed. Figure 1 – Town of Southold WAN Communications Bowne Management Systems, Inc 9 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 3. TYPICAL GOVERNMENT SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT In an effort to understand how GIS software “fits” into a typical government software environment, the following section will provide an overview of each typical governmental software component and how GIS supports that component. It should be noted that the Town of Southold currently has Public Safety Software, Land Management Software, Business Licensing Software, Document Management, Geographic Information Systems and Relational Database Management Software in place and operational. Recommendations for this report will include improvements that can be made to GIS technologies as well as GIS components within existing or new software products. 3.1 Public Safety Software Public Safety software is used within the Town’s Police Department and typically involves the following components: ?? Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Systems ?? Records Management System (RMS) ?? Motor Vehicle Accident Reporting System (MV104) ?? Automated Vehicle Locator (AVL) ?? Computer Statistical Reporting (COMSTAT) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is used in all these components to effectively and efficiently support their functions. It is critical that an enterprise GIS and centralized GIS database are integrated with public safety software components. Within the Town of Southold, who also provide police services to the Village of Greenport, GIS functionality is supported within the various public safety software components from HTE, but not fully integrated. 3.2 Land Management Software Land Management software is used to support the Town and Village’s Planning, Building, Zoning, Code Enforcement, Assessor, Trustee, and Land Preservation functions. Land related information that is associated with a parcel is typically included within a Land Management Software product. In addition to these functions, the concept of a workflow process that involves all these process is included within a Land Management Software product. Geographic Information System (GIS) is used in all these components to effectively and efficiently support their functions. Given the large degree of information tied to a parcel within a local municipality, it is critical that an enterprise GIS and centralize GIS database are integrated with land management software components. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 10 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Within the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport, a COTS product named Municity is implemented to support these functions. GIS functionality currently has limited support within this product. In addition, the Town of Southold uses a COTS product named RPS is used to support the Town’s and Village’s assessment needs. While GIS functionality is available within RPS, it has not been implemented the Town. 3.3 Asset Management Software Asset management software is used to support the Town and Village’s Public Works and Highway functions. Assets that the Town is responsible for managing include roads, street lights, drainage, beaches, boat ramps, parking lots, municipal buildings, pavement markings, sidewalks, guiderails, trees and fences. Work related information associated with an asset is typically included within an asset management software product. In addition to these functions, the concept of work order management to support the maintenance of assets is included within an Asset Management Software product. In many municipalities the Asset Management System is used to support inventory and vehicle maintenance as well. Geographic Information System (GIS) is used in all these components to effectively and efficiently support their functions. Given the large number of assets that a local municipality is required to maintain, it is critical that an enterprise GIS and centralize GIS database are integrated with asset management software components. Within the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport, there is no COTS product implemented to support these functions. GIS data and products are available for asset related information, but done so in a stand-alone fashion. 3.4 Case Management Software Case management software is used to support the Town’s human services operations. Case related information associated with health and human service programs is maintained within the type of software. The software typically allows for applications to be completed, plans to be developed and a tracking component to ensure plans are being followed appropriately. In addition to these functions, the concept of a business rules engine to support the approval and tracking process is included with an Enterprise Case Management Software product. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is used in all these components to effective and efficiently support their functions. Given the large number of elderly residents within Southold, it is critical that an enterprise GIS and centralized GIS database are integrated with case management software components. Within the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport, there is no COTS product implemented to support these functions. GIS data and products are available for case management related information, but done so in a stand-alone fashion. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 11 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 3.5 Tax Software Tax software is used to support the Town’s and Village’s tax data. Tax data and payment information is maintained within this type of software. Often this type of software can be extended to support on-line payments by constituents. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be used in a limited capacity to effectively and efficiently support certain functions within the Receiver of Taxes Office. As a common query from constituents involves some sort of tax related data, there are some advantages to including tax data for each parcel within the GIS database. Within the Town of Southold, a product by the name of iTax is implemented and provides the functionality required to support the Town’s tax needs. GIS data products are not available for this product. 3.6 Business License Software Business License software is used to support the Town Clerk’s operations for business licenses, permits, and vital records. Business licenses include games of chance, bingo, and dogs. Vital records include birth certificates, marriage licenses and death certificates. Licenses/Permits include disposal, beach, shellfish, junkyard, peddlers, and trailer. Often this type of software is tightly integrated with an electronic document management system for storage of official documents generated from the Town. Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used in a limited capacity to effectively and efficiently support certain functions within the Clerk’s Office. Within the Town of Southold, a product by the name of Municipal Clerk Licensing System is implemented and provides the functionality required to support the Town’s needs. GIS products are not available for this product. 3.7 Constituent Response Software Constituent Response software is used to support inquiries from the constituency, track complaints, requests for service, and work orders, and ultimately provide a method for tracking performance on services provided to the constituents. Constituent Response software typically sits on-top of your operational systems (i.e., Asset Management, Land Management) and integrates with these products to obtain information for tracking and reporting back the constituents. Constituent Response software can also related to 3-1- 1 call centers. 3-1-1 was a three digit number assigned by the Federal Government for non-emergency calls, however, over the past few years has evolved into more than just somewhere to place non-emergency calls. It has evolved into an easy to remember number that any constituent can call to make an inquiry about a service, request a service, complain about a service not provided and request a status on a service. This information is being used to evaluate performance levels in all service areas. Currently on Long Island, the Town of North Hempstead, Town of Brookhaven and Town of Babylon have 3-1-1 related operations in place. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 12 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Geographic Information System (GIS) is used in all these components to effectively and efficiently support their functions. Given the large number of constituent interaction required within a local municipality, it is critical that an enterprise GIS and centralize GIS database are integrated with constituent response software components. Within the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport, there is no COTS product implemented to support these functions. This type of information is managed in various format and departments in a stand-alone fashion. 3.8 Document Management Software As paper based information is widespread through any municipal environment, document management software is critical. The Town of Southold has made significant strides in document scanning and document access/retrieval through the use of LaserFiche. While documents are now available electronically and can easily be searched and accessed through a web-based portal, they are not linked to the GIS and cannot be accessed through the GIS. In many municipalities, the GIS database becomes the centralized database and environment to relate all operational data (including images). This occurs as up to 90% of all data managed within a typical government has some sort of location association. 3.9 Geographic Information System Software Geographic Information System software is necessary in all municipal environments. The Town of Southold has made significant strides in the use of GIS software and development of GIS data, however, access to this data is limited and the number of trained GIS users is small. GIS software includes database management software, image management software, desktop analysis software and web-based software. 3.10 Relational Database Management Software A relational database management system (commonly referred to a RDBMS) is a database management system that is based on the relational model. Most popular commercial and open source databases currently in use are based upon the relational database model. A RDBMS is a database management system in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables. The Town currently has a host of RDBMS including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and Sybase. While AS400 related data is not maintained in a RDBMS, the Town has tools to support the management of this type of data in an RDBMS. Additional GIS related database products will be recommended for initial implementation and used to support the enterprise GIS environment. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 13 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 3.11 Business Intelligence Software Business Intelligence (BI) software is used to analyze operational data stored in different database software. Common functions of business intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics. Business intelligence aims to support better business decision-making, thus BI software is also known as a decision support system (DSS). Common Business Intelligence Software typically includes enterprise reporting functionality and is available from companies such as IBM (Cognos), SAP (Crystal Reports), and Microsoft (SQL Server). Any technology purchase that includes enterprise reporting should be done with Business Intelligence capabilities in mind. It should be noted that the Town of Babylon purchased and configured Cognos to support their 3-1-1 dashboard reporting needs. Cognos (as well as other BI solutions) can be configured to pull data from all types of databases (including AS400 based). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 14 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town of Southold and Village of Greenport Residents s s t l s l a e n s C u to n q y i t i e caa R n l m p e r me g o c r of i ev n C m r I e E S Public Safety Software (HTE) 9-1-1 Dispatch Center3-1-1 Contact Center CADRMSGIS Constituent Response Software (3-1-1) (TBD) Land Case Asset Business Tax SoftwareManagement Management Management Licensing Software Software SoftwareSoftware (BAS)(Municity & Town User Town User (TBD)(TBD)(BAS) RPS) Document (Records) Management Software (LaserFiche) l t e e c s Records r s a A P Administrator y y b b k k Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Software n n i i L L (ESRI & GeoServer) GIS Coordinator Relational Database Management Software (SQL Server) Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) Routines Spatial Data Engine Software (ESRI) Aerial Image Warehouse (ESRI) Business Intelligence (BI) Software Enterprise Reporting Tools Dashboard Reporting (TBD) s e r g u n s i a k e a M M s u e t n c a o n t i S a s mi c e r D o Systems & Network fPerformance Management r e P AdminstratorCoordinator Town Board & Supervisor’s Office Figure 2 – Government Software Environment Bowne Management Systems, Inc 15 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 4. NEEDS ASSESSMENT A needs assessment is the first step in implementing a successful GIS within any local government. A needs assessment is a systematic look at how each department functions and the spatial and non-spatial data needed to do their work. One of the most important elements of developing a GIS is finding and utilizing the appropriate data. The form of the data is critical to the overall database design and the success of any future analyses performed within the system. The quality of the results produced by GIS and its applications ultimately resides in the quality of the data. This needs assessment involved the Town of Southold and the Village of Greenport. The Village of Greenport is the only incorporated village within the Town. This needs assessment will assess the needs and provide implementation recommendations that will support of both the Town and Village. Working closely with The Town of Southold, sixteen (16) departments were identified within the Town which could potentially benefit from the use of GIS. ?? Board of Assessor’s Office ?? Town Attorney’s Office ?? Building Department ?? Accounting & Finance Department ?? Department of Public Works ?? Highway Department ?? Human Service Center ?? Data Processing ?? Land Preservation Department ?? Land Management Coordination ?? Planning Department ?? Recreation Department ?? Solid Waste District ?? Supervisor’s Office ?? Board of Town Trustees ?? Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Bowne Management Systems, Inc 16 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Working closely with the Village of Greenport, four (4) departments were identified within the Village which could potentially benefit from the use of GIS. ?? Utilities Department (includes Lighting, Sewer, and Road Divisions) ?? Clerk’s Office ?? Treasurer’s Office ?? Village Administrator (includes Recreation, Building/Code Enforcement, and Housing Divisions) The interviews were conducted at the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport beginning November 16, 2010 and concluding on December 14, 2010. Follow up questions and responses were communicated via email. 4.1 Key Findings Perhaps the most important findings derived from the interviews were the availability of data and the need to access data. Departments within the Town and Village are intricately bound together. The data most requested by Town departments are assessment, tax information, building permits, zoning maps, district boundary maps, and building plans. The ability to have data from diverse departments available in one centralized repository would increase the efficiency of all departments. Land Management departments including Planning, Land Preservation, ZBA, and Board of Trustees have made great strides in the development of valuable GIS data and map products, however, the availability and distribution of this data is limited. Many departments within the Town could improve their efficiencies for many tasks if easy access to this data was made available. The Town has implemented Municity, a COTS land management software solution. The ability to view land based information stored within Municity via a map would provide a great benefit to many department. Additionally, by relating this data spatially, many additional analysis tasks could be performed. For Assessment, the Town uses the New York State RPS system. These records are of key importance to virtually every other Town department. The integration of these spatial and non-spatial datasets into a centralized GIS database would be a major step toward data sharing. Currently, the RPS GIS data is not integrated with the Town’s GIS; it is a standalone GIS data set. Additionally, property based data attributes only available on paper-based property cards is not available within RPS. If availability of this data would increase the opportunity for GIS related analysis, functionality and mapping. The Fire, Police and Emergency Services departments do not appear to leverage existing GIS data and could benefit from integration within existing software products to support analysis and decisions. Given the large elderly population in Southold and Greenport, the use of GIS data and products could further support the Town’s ability to save lives in the event of an emergency. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 17 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: For Tax information, the Town uses commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software from Business Automation Systems (BAS). These records are also of key importance to virtually every other Town department. The integration of this non-spatial data into a centralized GIS database would be a major step toward data sharing. The creation of buffer maps and the ability to export address information for mailing lists would benefit a number of departments and save a significant amount of time. Many departments feel that they could use this type of tool to better target services to residents. As with many other local governments, the accumulation of paper records and documents has become a burden. The storage and retrieval of these records is becoming increasingly difficult. The Town of Southold, having recognized this issue, has been using Laserfiche for many years. However, the ability to view scanned images that are associated with a property by simply selecting the parcel in the map has not been implemented. The process of linking Laserfiche images with a parcel identifier would improve the overall use of Laserfiche and increase the overall efficiency of many tasks within many departments. Another item identified within the interview process was the value of census data (i.e., human services spatial data). This data would not only help identify immediate needs but enable the Town to improve their long term planning capabilities. The power of census data can only be fully realized when used by GIS. Overall, the Town has a wealth of GIS related datasets, however the lack of an enterprise approach to GIS has limited their ability to be successful throughout the entire Town. Within Greenport, the lack of funding and resources has made it difficult, if not impossible, to obtain any GIS related datasets and products. The implementation of a shared enterprise GIS will greatly benefit both the Town and Village and will establish a shared model that will serve as the standard for many New York State municipal regions. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 18 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 5. GIS APPLICATIONS GIS applications are one of the most powerful tools available to local governments. These applications provide the increased ability of governments to deliver public services. They also increase the efficiency with which these services are delivered. What follows is an overview of the uses of GIS in local government and the categories of usage. 5.1 Local Government Uses for GIS In general, geographic information in local government is used to: ?? Respond to public inquiries; ?? Perform routine operations such as application reviews and permit approvals; ?? Provide information on the larger policy issues requiring action by the Town; These are typical local government activities which benefit from a GIS. The development of GIS will facilitate the present geographic information handling tasks and should lead to the development of additional applications of benefit to the local government. There are also other computer systems in local governments that perform GIS-like functions (as defined in Section 3). The variety and diversity of GIS applications are what make the definition of a GIS very difficult. Basically, any computer system where the data have one or more spatial identifiers or that perform spatial operations can be classed as a GIS. For example, a system containing street addresses and census tract codes and that has the ability to place a given street address in the proper census tract is a GIS whether or not map boundaries are part of the system. There are two important points here: ?? Approximately 90% of local government data does have one of more spatial identifiers, and therefore has the potential of being part of a GIS. ?? Other, existing systems with GIS data or performing GIS-like functions must be integrated into the overall system design. GIS should not be developed as a separate system. Whether a local government unit is considering or planning a "full, multi-purpose GIS" or is only interested in a limited or single function system, the database planning and design considerations are the same. Only the magnitude of the analysis and design activities differs. Some GIS users believe that smaller and simpler applications, such as a school bus routing system, do not require a formal planning activity. There are, however, several reasons to conduct such a planning activity for the smaller applications: ?? To ensure that the user requirements will be fully met Bowne Management Systems, Inc 19 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? To develop documentation, especially data documentation (metadata), needed to use and maintain the GIS ?? To be in a position to participate in data sharing programs with other agencies as additional applications are developed ?? To create a permanent record of the data and its use to document agency plans and decisions, and to meet data retention and archiving requirements. ?? To use as a base for building a larger, multi-function at some later date. The level of effort needed to complete a GIS plan can be kept commensurate with the scope and size of the intended GIS. 5.2 Categories of GIS Usage The use of geographic information systems by local government falls into five major categories: ?? Browse; ?? Simple display (automated mapping); ?? Query and display; ?? Map analysis; ?? Spatial modeling. 5.2.1 Browse This function is equivalent to the human act of reading a map to find particular features or patterns. Browsing usually leads to identification of items of interest and subsequent retrieval and manipulation by manual means. For single maps, or relatively small areas, the human brain is very efficient at browsing. However, as data volumes increase, automated methods are required to effectively extract and use information from the map. 5.2.2 Simple Display This GIS function is the generation of a map or diagram by computer. Such maps and diagrams are often simple reproductions of the same maps used in a previous manual oriented GIS environment. Examples of this type of use are preparation of a 1:1000- scale town map, a sketch of an approved site plan, maps of census data, etc. 5.2.3 Query and Display This function supports the posing of specific questions to a geographic database, with the selection criteria usually being geographic in nature. A typical simple query would be: "draw a map of the location of all new residential units built during 1989." A more Bowne Management Systems, Inc 20 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: complex query might be: "draw a map of all areas within the Village where actual new residential units built in 1989 exceeds growth predictions." Such a query could be part of a growth management activity within the Village. Queries may be in the form of regular, often asked questions or may be ad hoc, specific purpose questions. The ability to respond to a variety of questions is one of the most useful features of GIS in its early stages of operation. In the long run, other more sophisticated applications of GIS may have a higher value or benefit, but to achieve these types of benefits, users must be familiar with GIS and its capabilities. Such familiarization is achieved through the use of GIS for the simpler tasks of query and display. 5.2.4 Map Analysis (Map Overlay) This involves using the analytical capabilities of GIS to define relationships between layers of spatial data. Map analysis is the super-imposition of one map upon another to determine the characteristics of a particular site (e.g., combining a land use map with a map of flood prone areas to show potential residential areas at risk for flooding). Map analysis (often termed overlay or topological overlay) was one of the first real uses of GIS. Many government organizations, particularly those managing natural resources, have a need to combine data from different maps (vegetation, land use, soils, geology, ground water, etc.). The overlay function was developed to accomplish the super- imposition of maps in a computer. The data are represented as polygons, or areas, in the GIS database, with each type of data recorded on a separate "layer." The combination of layers is done by calculating the logical intersection of polygons on two or more map layers. In addition to combining multiple "layers" of polygon-type data, the map overlay function also permits the combination of point data with area data (point-in- polygon). This capability would be very useful in a village for combining street addresses (from the Assessor's files) with other data such as parcel outlines, census tract, environmental areas, etc. Many facility sighting problems, location decisions, and land evaluation studies have successfully used this procedure in the past. 5.2.5 Spatial Modeling This application is the use of spatial models or other numerical analysis methods to calculate a value of interest. The calculation of flow in a sewer system is an example of spatial modeling. Spatial modeling is the most demanding use of a GIS and provides the greatest benefit. Most spatial modeling tasks are very difficult to perform by hand and are not usually done unless a computerized system, such as GIS, is available. These models allow engineers and planners to evaluate alternate solutions to problems by asking "what if" type questions. A spatial model can predict the result expected from a decision or set of decisions. The quality of the result is only as good as the model, but the ability to test solutions before decisions have to be made usually provides very useful information to decision makers. Once again, this type of use of a GIS will evolve over time, as GIS is implemented and used. 5.3 GIS User Matrix Based on the results of department interviews the follow GIS user matrix was developed. The first three user categories (“Browse”, “Simple Display” and “Query and Display”) can be accommodated through the development of an intranet based thin Bowne Management Systems, Inc 21 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: client Viewer which would combine GIS data available from County, State and Federal sources with Town data created from existing Town databases and maps. Those users who will be responsible for editing Town data and performing sophisticated analyses would be using a desktop software product such as ESRI’s AcrEditor. Table 1 – GIS User Matrix GIS USAGE TOWN DEPARTMENT Simple Query and Map Spatial Browse Display Display Analysis Modeling Board of Assessors ????????? Building Department ????????? Engineering ?????????? Highway ????????? Public Works ????????? Police Department ?????????? Planning ?????????? Land Preservation ?????????? Solid Waste ????????? Board of Trustees ?????????? ZBA ?????????? Town Attorney ???????? Recreation ????????? Human Service Center ????????? Supervisor’s Office ????????? VILLAGE Simple Query and Map Spatial Browse DEPARTMENT Display Display Analysis Modeling Utilities Department ?????????? Clerk's Office ???????? Treasurer's Office ???????? Administration ?????????? 5.4 GIS Applications As a direct outcome of the needs assessment interviews and key findings analysis, a list of potential applications has been developed. In accordance with the conceptual design these applications should be available to every Town department through a thin client web based viewer. Key personnel from each department would edit and maintain the data using thick client desktop software. Access to various layers would be determined by the Town whereas sensitive data such as crime statistics, code and fire code violations would be restricted using database level security. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 22 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 5.4.1 Existing GIS Products and Applications The existing GIS products and applications that are currently being used within various Town departments include the following. Please see Appendix B for map products that are available on the Town’s website. MapInfo Professional MapInfo Profession is current the GIS desktop tool used within the Town, however, only a few users are familiar with the product and limited functionality has reduced the need for the software in the future. Google Maps As Google Maps has more current orthophotography (2010) than the Town currently owns, many departments are using this website to support their GIS needs. Bing Maps As Bing Maps has more current oblique imagery than the Town’s currently owns, many departments are using this website to support their GIS needs. Google Earth As Google Earth enables more functionality than that of Google Maps, a few departments have downloaded and installed Google Earth to support their GIS needs. Pictometry Viewer A version of a Pictometry Viewer is available to a few departments, however, the application is difficult to use and does not have the most current oblique images. Town Zoning Maps The Town maintains their zoning maps using MapInfo Professional. Zoning maps are available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. HALO Zone and Hamlet Center Maps The Town maintains a set of HALO Zone and Hamlet Center maps using MapInfo Professional. These maps are available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. HTE LookingGlass The Police Department has purchased licenses for this GIS extension to HTE's public safety product suite, however, required data has not been provided to vendor to support implementation. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 23 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Village Tax Map The Village maintains a wall-size map of all Village parcels. This map includes parcel boundaries and tax map numbers. This map was created by a GIS consultant and is not being maintained by the Village. Village Zoning Map The Village maintains a wall-size Zoning map. This map was created by a GIS consultant and is not being maintained by the Village. Protected Land Map The Town maintains the Protected Land Map using MapInfo Professional. These maps are available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. Community Preservation Fund Map The Town maintains the Community Preservation Fund Map (CPF Map) using MapInfo Professional. These maps are available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. Active Farmland Inventory Map The Town maintains the Active Farmland Inventory Map using MapInfo Professional. Critical Land Protection Study Map The Town maintains the Critical Land Protection Study Map using MapInfo Professional. Farmland Protection Strategy Map The Town created the 1999 Farmland Protection Strategy Map using MapInfo Professional. These maps are available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. Nature Trail Maps The Town maintains various nature trails maps that exist within the Town. Many of these maps are available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. Bike Trails The Town has available on their website a bike trails brochure that identifies the different bike trails available in the Town. This brochure is available on the Town’s website as a printable PDF image. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 24 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Landfill Maps A map of the Town’s landfill was created by a consultant and provided in hardcopy to the Solid Waste District. The map was created in AutoCAD. Creek Maps The Town uses a set of paper based Creek Maps to support various activities with the Board of Trustees. Data Collection Mobile Applications Various efforts have been completed by Town employee and Town interns in support of collecting GPS and attributes in the field. Video Log of Shorefront Structures Cornell Cooperative Extension completed a project that resulted in a video log of all structures that exist along the Town’s shoreline. 5.4.2 Application Summary The following potential applications and functions should be evaluated for development by the Town and Village. These applications were noted as desirable among the Town and Village departments, and based on our assessment of the GIS needs of the Town Bowne recommends that the following GIS applications be evaluated for implementation. These GIS applications can be implemented as part of a third party commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product or custom developed. GIS Portal Implement a GIS Portal that will serve as the central location for Town and Village employees to access GIS information, project descriptions, static maps, interactive maps, links to other GIS related information, and GIS data available. An enterprise open source content management system can be used to support the development of this portal. Technology such as QScend (http://www.qscend.com/), Jumla (http://www.joomla.org), Plone (http://plone.org), and Mambo (http://mambo- foundation.org/) are popular solutions, however, as the Town is considering upgrading their website, the technology and/or vendor selected as part of that project should be considered to support the GIS Portal. Centralized Spatial Data Management System Implement a centralized spatial data management system that will be used to store all spatial data within the Town. This system should include the ability to store and manage both vector and raster data obtained and maintained by the Town and Village. While the main purpose of this system will be to maintain spatial data, operational data that is related to a spatial identifier can also be stored with the appropriate relationships Bowne Management Systems, Inc 25 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: defined as well. This will help support enhancements to functionality within any of the developed or implemented GIS Viewers. The system may be a collection of software products. It is recommended that the centralized spatial data management system be installed on the recommended GIS database server and managed at the Town of Southold. Access to the data will be given to the Village based upon security privileges. While the server operating system and network connections will be managed by the Town’s Data Processing Department, the configuration and data management responsibilities will be provided by the Town’s GIS coordinator. Implement Address and Intersection Locator The street centerline, parcel, and address point layers are critical GIS layers to be maintained by the Town. While the Town typically receives this data from an external government agency (such as Suffolk County or New York State), there are updates to these datasets that need to be completed. An address and intersection locator will provide the Town with a geocoding tool that is validated against Town maintained data. These geoprocessing tools can be used in GIS desktop applications as well as web- based GIS solutions. The development of these tools should not occur until a defined GIS data maintenance procedure is developed and implemented at the Town for the street centerline layer, parcel layer, and address point layer. These data maintenance procedures should be developed in conjunction with Suffolk County and New York State to ensure data is updated appropriately and to determine if any collaborate resources can be used to support the maintenance activities. Land Records GIS Viewer Implement a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should have your standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in, zoom out, print, identify, search by address, search by intersection, and search by tax map number. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. The GIS Viewer should make available GIS and land based data from both the Town and the Village whereas access to the data can be controlled by security privileges. This viewer should be accessible as a website. As the Town and Village have implemented Municity as their Land Management software solution, it should be noted that Software Consulting Associates (SCA) is currently in the process of updating their thick client GIS solution to a thin client web- based solution. While it is not recommended that the Town or Village utilize the SCA’s thick-client solution, it is recommended that the Town mirror SCA’s technology Bowne Management Systems, Inc 26 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: architecture so the transition to the new product will be done with the least amount of effort. In speaking with SCA representatives, their thin-client solution will be based upon GeoServer and Open Scales; both open source GIS technologies. Land Based Proximity GIS Functionality Implement functionality that can be utilized within the desktop GIS platform or web- based GIS platform to support proximity searches. This is typically referred to in many municipalities as an abutters notice. The functionality should include the ability to select a map feature (i.e., parcel) and identify a buffer or proximity distance whereas all features within the proximity are highlighted and displayed in a list. The attributes of this list will include tax map number, owner name, and address. The functionality will provide the user with the ability to export the list out in a defined format (i.e., csv). The resulting list can be used to generate mailing labels or used in a mail merge. As the Town and Village have implemented Municity as their Land Management software solution, it should be noted that this functionality is scheduled to be deployed in a future release of the Municity product. Asset Management GIS Viewer Implement an “Asset Management” GIS Viewer that contains parcel owner information, street lighting data, utility data, MS4 data, roadway data, sewer data, street names, work order locations, work order history, snow plow routes, sanding routes, Town boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should be provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should have your standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in, zoom out, print, identify, search by address, search by intersection, and search by tax map number. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. The GIS Viewer should make available GIS and asset based data from both the Town and the Village whereas access to the data can be controlled by security privileges. This viewer should be accessible as a website. As the Town and Village do not currently have an asset management software solution, the capabilities identified for this GIS Viewer should be included in any requirements definition used to support the selection of an asset management software solution. Crime Analysis GIS Viewer Implement a Crime Analysis GIS Viewer that contains incident points and various thematic mapping capabilities for crimes that occur within the Town. As the Police Department is responsible for policing the Village and Town, all GIS related data that exists for the Town and Village should be incorporated into the GIS application. This viewer should have your standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in, zoom out, print, identify, search by address, search by intersection, and search by tax map number. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 27 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: The Town Police Department has purchased a product named LookingGlass (LG) which can serve this purpose, however, GIS related datasets need to be produced and made available to the vendor prior to implementation of the software. Motor Vehicle Accident Reporting System Implement a motor vehicle accident reporting system that would include GIS capabilities for locating high incidents for certain types of motor vehicle accidents (i.e., accidents involving a deer or animal). The Town Police Department does not currently have a software solution that provides this functionality. Human Services GIS Viewer Implement a Human Services GIS Viewer that contains the location of all residents within the Town and Village that are receiving some sort of human related services (i.e., meals on wheels). This viewer would also contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, SLOSH zone data, FEMA zone data, census data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should have your standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in, zoom out, print, identify, search by address, search by intersection, and search by tax map number. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. As the Town and Village do not currently have an enterprise case management solution, the capabilities identified for this GIS Viewer should be included in any requirements definition used to support the selection of an case management software solution. Emergency Planning GIS Viewer Implement an Emergency Planning GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, resident’s special needs, SLOSH zone data, FEMA zone data, emergency evacuation zones, emergency evacuation routes, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should have your standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in, zoom out, print, identify, search by address, search by intersection, and search by tax map number. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. Constituent Response Tracking GIS Viewer Implement a Constituent Response Tracking GIS Viewer that includes pin and thematic mapping for all open service requests and/or complaints within the Town. This viewer should have your standard mapping tools that include pan, zoom in, zoom out, print, identify, search by address, search by intersection, and search by tax map number. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 28 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: As the Town and Village do not currently have an enterprise constituent response solution, the capabilities identified for this GIS Viewer should be included in any requirements definition used to support the selection of an case management software solution. General Public GIS Viewer Implement a Public Geographic Information Website that allows a constituent to enter their address and the website returns all the geographic information available for that address. Information includes: ?? Elected Officials ?? Parcel Zone ?? Road Management Authorities ?? School District ?? Fire District ?? Park District Information will be returned based upon a GIS spatial query performed on the address entered. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. Public Park Facility & Nature Preserve GIS Viewer Implement a Park Facility and Nature Preserve GIS Viewer that would contains data on parks, beaches, boat ramps, nature trails, bike trails, park districts, and golf courses. The facility viewer would allow a user to enter an address and view the closes park facility data as well as view inventory data for certain parks (i.e., ball field, benches, trails). The viewer would also allow a user to select a specific park facility or nature preserve and obtain inventory information about that park and dynamic directions. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. Enterprise Geocoding Web Service Based upon the address and intersection locators identified previously, an enterprise geocoding engine should be implemented to support individual and batch geocoding of address data. Data would be validated appropriately and a coordinate will be established for each validated address record. The functionality can be exposed using a web service and should serve as the standard in the Town for validating addresses for use within all applications (including RPS, Municity). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 29 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Southold Map Template The migration to ESRI from MapInfo will require a new map template to be developed that can be used by all Town GIS users. This template will be built using the ESRI desktop tools and adopted as a standard template for use in map productions and map presentations. The template should clearly display the Town’s logo, copyright information, disclaimer information, information about who printed the map and date/time/version information. Road Index Map Create a road index map that contains map sheets in a traditional 8.5 x 11 book. The book would contain layers specific to each department as well as a street name index. The map book could be produced for the Police Department, Highway Department, Public Works, Assessment Office, Building Department, Board of Trustees and Fire Departments. Currently, Hagstroms and paper drawn maps are being used to support this need in various departments. General ETL Functionality As a tremendous amount of data is stored in various RDBMS and AS400 related databases, the ability to general extract, transform and load data into the Town’s centralized geodatabase is critical. Microsoft’s SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) technology can support this functionality. SSIS packages can be developed and implemented by Town staff or consultants to support as needed ETL needs. ETL Routine for Municity As a tremendous amount of parcel related data is stored in Municity, develop an Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) routine that will transfer key parcel data attributes to the parcel GIS layer on a periodic basis. ETL routines should allow the Town to control the data elements and parcels to be updated. Data would be loaded into the centralized spatial database management system on a period basis (setup automatically). This approach is more desirable than directly accessing the Municity database so as not to affect performance of the production system. ETL Routine for RPS As a tremendous amount of parcel related data is stored in RPS, develop an Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) routine that will transfer key parcel data attributes to the parcel GIS layer on a periodic basis. ETL routines should allow the Town to control the data elements and parcels to be updated. Data would be loaded into the centralized spatial database management system on a period basis (setup automatically). This approach is more desirable than directly accessing the RPS database so as not to affect performance of the production system. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 30 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Laserfiche Integration Integrate Laserfiche with GIS. Once developed a user can easily search for and access documents from within a map interface OR obtain spatial information from within their document management program. This could be done with Laseriche WebLink and made available to the public. Property Change Finder Purchase a product called ChangeFindr and PoolFindr from Pictometry. These products are derived from two sets of orthophotography and provide changes within building footprints. For example, if an extension was added to a property in 2009 and the two sets of orthophotography used were 2007 and 2010, the product would identify this parcel (along with the tax map number) with a change. The Building Department could follow-up using Municity to determine if this property filed for the appropriate building permits and if not, address accordingly. The same results can be achieved for pools that were recently installed within the Town. This product is estimated at approximately $7,500 and, if the Town was interested, could be completed every three (3) or six (6) years. Orthophotography imagery is available from New York State (and subsequently Suffolk County) every three years. It should be noted that the Town of Southampton purchased this product and was able to significantly increase their permit revenues as well as increase their overall tax roll due to increased assessments. Right of Way Digital Imaging Purchase a service and product from an authorized vendor that would create a spatially enabled video log of the Town’s right of way. Once the digital imagery was taken, the imagery could be integrated with the Town’s Asset Management system (including GIS Viewer) or used to define various assets along the right of way (i.e., street lights). This imagery while similar to Google Street View, provides much higher resolution imagery and allows for more detail to be obtained. This service and product is estimated at approximately $30,000 and, if the Town was interested, could be completed on a period basis as the imagery is static in nature. This type of GIS implementation should be done in conjunction with data verification in the field. It is possible for imagery taken from a moving vehicle at a point in time to be incomplete thus requiring field verification. However, purchasing this type of service and product would greatly reduce the need for field data verification and collection using GPS devices (for assets only). Mobile GPS Application Implement a mobile GPS application to support data collection efforts within the Town. Data collected using this software should always be loaded into the centralized spatial database management software. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 31 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Incident Location Mapping Implement functionality that would accept an incident location and provide a pre-defined emergency response incident location map. The map could be geared toward fire incidents (including water mains and hydrant locations) or police incidents. Data from the centralized spatial data management system will be used to support this viewer. Tax Map Conversion Web Service Implement a reference database that accommodates for retired Suffolk County Tax Map numbers. Ideally, the reference database should go all the way back to the first tax map and not just be day forward. Currently, this functionality is being tested within Municity, however, a GIS based solution would be far superior and less manual work. Village Historical Building GIS Viewer Scan in the Village’s historical building inventory and index each image to a tax map number. Once scanned and indexed, load into the centralized spatial database management software and make available as its own GIS Viewer for the Village or as an additional functionality within Land Management GIS Viewer. Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) Technology Implement AVL technology within the Town. This could support emergency response activities within the Police Department as the unit closed to the incident could be called into action immediately. In addition, this type of technology could be used for legal purposes to verify a police officer was at a specific location at a specific time. Pictometry Integration Integrate the Pictometry GIS functionality (which include walking man, zoom in, zoom out, print, view from north, view from west, view from east, view from south, elevation, height tool, distance took, area took, and bearing tool) within the Town’s GIS Viewers. The oblique images should be stored, if possible, within the centralized spatial database management software. LiDAR Integration Obtain LiDAR data from Suffolk County and load into centralized spatial database management software. Purchase or download technology to support the analysis of Southold LiDAR data and development of various GIS datasets. Shoreline Structures Video Integration Evaluate the video log produced by Cornell Cooperative Extension of shoreline structures to determine if spatially enabled. If not spatially enabled, look to spatially enable video and incorporate into centralized spatial database management software. Additionally, develop processes and procedures for updating the information based upon inspections completed within the field by the Board of Trustees. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 32 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Build Out Analysis GIS Tools Develop GIS tools within the ESRI desktop environment to support the efforts of the Planning Department in performing build out analysis planning. Character of Neighborhood Reporting Develop a report that utilizes information contained within RPS, Municity, and various GIS layers to define the character of the neighborhood. This type of reporting would be very useful in many different departments, however, is dependent upon data that is not available in RPS (only available on paper based property cards). Therefore, until data from the property cards is entered into RPS, this functionality may not be available. However, once the data has been entered, RPS and Municity functionality should be evaluated to determine if this type of reporting can be implemented within their products as opposed to developing a customized approach to this need. Sales and Assessment Comparable Tools Develop or implement tools that will allow users to perform sales and assessment comparable searches. This type of searching would be very useful in assessment and zoning, however, is dependent upon data that is not available in RPS (only available on paper based property cards). Therefore, until data from the property cards is entered into RPS, this functionality many not be available. However, once the data has been entered, RPS and Municity functionality should be evaluated to determine if this type of reporting can be implemented within their products as opposed to developing a customized approach to this need. Develop Impervious Surface GIS Layer Develop an Impervious Surface GIS Layer using free extensions to ArcGIS called Impervious Surface Analysis Tool (ISAT). Develop Watershed and Sub-Watershed GIS Layers Develop watershed and sub-watershed GIS layers using the Spatial Analyst extension to ArcGIS. To complete this task, training in the use and operation of Spatial Analyst will be required to key employees at the Town. 5.4.3 New York State Municipal GIS Applications As the Town moves toward an enterprise GIS environment which aligns with Suffolk County, Nassau County, and New York State, additional benefits can be achieved through intergovernmental collaboration. As software is developed at the County and State level, the Town can acquire that software a little to no cost. This also applies to GIS data maintained at the County and State levels. Some examples of GIS products, built using ESRI and Microsoft technology, which could be implemented within the Town include the following: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 33 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Map Maintenance and Notification Tracking (MMNT) The NYS Streets and NYS Address Points GIS data sets are widely used and keeping these data sets up-to-date benefits all data users while minimizing duplication of data maintenance efforts. CSCIC is very interested in working with County and local governments on maintenance of the Streets and Address Points data, primarily through notification of needed changes to the data sets using the free web-based application, Map Maintenance, Notification & Tracking (MMNT). MMNT allows authorized local government partners to view the most up-to-date data and submit street, address point and municipal boundary changes affecting their municipality (county, city, town, and village). MMNT is free and is an excellent tool for government offices to communicate address information between each other as well as easily share that information with CSCIC for incorporation into the State's Streets and Address Point data sets. Users only need an Internet connection to access the application. County and local governments interested in learning more about a potential partnership opportunity to share street and address changes with CSCIC should contact Cheryl Benjamin Bowne Management Systems, Inc 34 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 6. CONCEPTUAL GIS DESIGN 6.1 Enterprise GIS The purpose of a Conceptual Design is to provide the Town and Village with a blueprint for the implementation of a successful shared enterprise GIS. Understanding that the Town and Village have limited staffing and financial resources, the system design attempts to maximize the impact of a GIS system while minimizing long term costs. Two basic designs were considered. The first design involves the purchase of desktop GIS application software (thick client). This would allow a limited number of people to begin creating geodatabases for Town and Village data. The advantage of this design is that it would involve a smaller upfront expenditure on the part of the Town. The drawback in this design is that the ability to share data is very limited. In addition the software requires a fair amount of training before useful results can be attained. Data which is used by many Town departments would need to be replicated and updates would need to be performed in multiple places. The second system design for the Town and Village involves the creation of a central database repository for all GIS data that can be housed by the Town and shared with the Village. By installing spatial database software on a dedicated server with the appropriate amount of storage for growth, the Town and Village will have a secured shared environment that can serve as the foundation for an enterprise GIS. All purposed applications would be web based (thin client) and available on every desktop PC via the Town intranet or Village VPN. Because the Town of Southold has invested in developing a secure and extensive network, making GIS data available through a browser is a natural solution. Although the short term expenditures for this type of design are higher than a thick client approach, the return on investment will be significantly higher and will result in a more robust and flexible long-term solution. The remainder of this section will provide a detailed description of the proposed design. 6.2 Proposed Network Infrastructure Since there is a well established network infrastructure in the Town, an enterprise GIS can be easily incorporated into the existing environment. This approach makes use of the existing infrastructure while centralizing the GIS data, whether newly created or acquired from external sources, in a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). The data will be widely accessible, unlike standalone desktop deployments, due to the creation of a secure central repository. All related GIS applications proposed will use this repository to “serve” the necessary data to thin (browser based) or thick (desktops) clients. Although the initial cost of deploying this type of system may be slightly more costly than individual desktop deployments the benefits of giving every Town and Village employee access to vast amounts of data through the use of a web browser will result in the Town and Village realizing long term savings. A natural extension of this approach is Bowne Management Systems, Inc 35 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: to make a version of the GIS Viewer available to Southold and Greenport residents via the internet. This approach should be considered in later phases of the implementation. There are a number of advantages to this implementation approach: ?? Security: Having the data stored in a central repository will enable the Town and Village to institute role based security. This will ensure that access to the data will be controlled by the Town. This database will be backed up nightly along with other Town servers. ?? Data Maintenance: Data maintenance will be greatly facilitated using a data repository. Data loading and editing can be done simultaneously by multiple users. In addition during these operations end users will have full access to the web based viewer. ?? Software Maintenance: A server based thin client implementation makes software upgrades and patches easy to install. There is no need for redundant installations to all desktop PCs throughout the Town. ?? Performance and Expansion Capability: Today’s RDBMS can support extremely large amounts of data without degrading performance. Utilizing RDBMS the Town will have a scalable system able to accommodate its future needs. In addition, given the large amount of imagery (historical, orthos, pictometry), LiDAR data and vector data acquired over the years, a network attached storage (NAS) Landfill, Highway, Human Resource, and Recreation Town Hall Town Hall Facility Town Hall Annex ` New GIS Town Police Department Web Server Town Client Browser (Thin Client) own onnected via T C r Managed Fibe ` Secured VPN ` Connection Town ArcGIS Desktop (Thick Client) Access to GIS Database Town Client Browser Internet for Map Display (Thin Client) Village Hall Secured VPN Connection Connected Via Town Managed Fiber ` ` New GIS Village Client Browser Town ArcGIS Desktop DB Server (Thin Client) (Thick Client) ` Village ArcGIS Desktop (Thick Client) Figure 3 – Phase I Proposed Enterprise GIS Configuration Bowne Management Systems, Inc 36 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: This represents the first phase of the proposed enterprise GIS configuration. All spatial data is loaded into a centralized GIS database and accessible via thick or thin client tools. Since the Town maintains Microsoft SQL Server databases for Laserfiche, it is suggested that SQL Server be used for the proposed system. ArcSDE is ESRI’s gateway to the database and is recommended for the proposed system. ArcSDE is an advanced data server for managing and accessing geographically referenced data in the RDBMS. ESRI software is currently the standard GIS software used in Suffolk County, Nassau County, and New York State. This configuration is the backbone of the proposed system. To reduce the overall long term costs for providing GIS solutions at the Town and Village, the use of open source technology for deploying GIS over the web (or via a thin client) is recommended. At the current time, the use of GeoServer is an ideal open source technology available to support the needs of the Town and Village. In addition, through open source rich internet mapping solutions, web based GIS products can be developed as Rich Internet Application (RIA). All database related software mentioned above will be installed on the database server and map display technology will be installed on the web server. The specifications for the proposed database server and web server are detailed in the implementation section of this report. 6.3 Database Planning and Design One of the main design objectives for the GIS is to create one central repository for all of the Town’s and Village’s data. The data will be kept in a secure location backed up on a regular basis. Departments throughout the Town and Village will have shared access to the data. One immediate benefit of data sharing is that it eliminates the need to maintain multiple and sometimes redundant data sources. Through the utilization of a single seamless database all departments will have access to the most accurate and up to date information. The goal of a data sharing strategy is to maximize the utility of data while minimizing the cost of maintenance to the Town. It is important that all parties involved have clear and realistic expectations as well as common objectives to make data sharing work effectively. An additional purpose of this phase of the GIS development process is to specify how the GIS will perform the required applications. Database planning and design involves defining how graphics will be symbolized (i.e. color, weight, size symbols etc.). How graphic files will be structured and how non graphic attribute files will be displayed. Decisions will be made on management and security restrictions with respect to limiting access to data. Access to sensitive information can be limited only to authorized users. 6.4 Managing and Maintaining GIS Various approaches to maintaining and updating the GIS exist. Options include having individual departments responsible for updating their own data, or forming a central Bowne Management Systems, Inc 37 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: committee to coordinate the maintenance of the system. A combination of these approaches might also be used as well. Whichever approach is taken a schedule will need to be established for performing updates to the system. The goal is to have the latest and most accurate data available. In addition some related data (tax rolls, buildings, and parcel changes) may need to be updated simultaneously to keep all views of the data consistent. 6.5 GIS Data Model For improved organization of the Town’s GIS datasets, it is recommend that the Town adopt a GIS Data Model that groups GIS data into functional categories (or nodes). Suggested categories are: ?? Base Map ?? Land Records ?? Public Safety ?? Environmental ?? Infrastructure ?? Town Data ?? Village Data These categories are preliminary and careful evaluation by Town staff should confirm each category assignment based on each dataset’s functional need and expected use. Once complete, this logical data model can be used to organize the physical storage of the data on the computer storage devices and will provide for easier data access by system users. As the GIS expands it may also be necessary to define additional categories (or nodes) to the data model. As the Town prepares for expanded use of GIS, such a data model not only improves the organization and ease of access to the data, it also provides a framework for improved data management. This framework should include: ?? Policy and standards for GIS spatial and attribute data. ?? Definition of procedures for data administration. ?? Finalization of responsibilities for data ownership, maintenance, access control, and security. ?? Integration with existing legacy systems and data. 6.6 Hardware Needs An important part of the system design is hardware. It is recommended that a database server, a web server and Network Area Storage (NAS) with the following minimum Bowne Management Systems, Inc 38 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: specifications be purchased. As the Town has standardized on rack mounted servers, the purchase of a hardware rack will be necessary to house the newly procured servers. Database Server An ideal candidate for the database server, based upon the standards in place with the Town Data Processing Department, would be Dell PowerEdge R510. ?? Windows Server 2008 R2, Enterprise Operating System; ?? Dual core Xeon Processor; ?? 48GB Memory; ?? 2.4 TB of storage; ?? RAID 5; ?? Dual Port 1GbE NIC; ?? 3 Year ProSupport; Network Area Storage (NAS) Given the enterprise GIS environment proposed as a result of this needs assessment is a shared environment with the Village of Greenport coupled with the large amount of historical imagery, LiDAR, and oblique imagery currently available as well as anticipated in the future, an inexpensive NAS is recommended for back-up purposes. This allows the Town to back-up all data to the NAS as opposed to a more costly solution that involves a tape drive and endless amounts of tapes. An ideal candidate for the NAS, based upon the standards in place with the Town Data Processing Department, would be 8.0 TB TeraStation III Rackmount Network Attached Storage. Web Server An ideal candidate for the web server, based upon the standards in place with the Town Data Processing Department, would be Dell PowerEdge R410. ?? Windows Server 2008 R2, Enterprise Operating System; ?? Dual core Xeon Processor; ?? 12GB Memory; ?? 450 GB of storage; ?? RAID 5; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 39 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Dual Port 1GbE NIC; 3 Year ProSupport; Server Rack Given the standards in place within the Town’s Data Processing Department, a Dell PowerEdge Rack 4220 would be an ideal candidate to support the mounting of the required database server, web server and NAS. Large Format Color Plotter While the Town currently has a large format color plotter, it is over 13 years old, outdated, and has numerous technical issues. However, since the plotter is operational, it is not recommended to purchase a new color plotter in the first phase of implementation. Within the second phase of implementation, however, as more GIS data becomes more readily available, it will be critical for the Town to purchase a new color plotter. This purchase is recommended in the second phase of the implementation plan. Additionally, as the Village becomes more efficient in the use of the GIS desktop products and increases their use in the web based products, it may be necessary for the Village to purchase a large format color plotter. This procurement can be performed in a subsequent phase of the implementation. 6.7 Software Needs In order for the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport to successfully implement the proposed GIS, we recommend that the Town standardize on the world’s leading GIS product suite, which is provided by ESRI for desktop editing, map production, and data management. Most municipal governments in NYS, and the nation, have standardized on ESRI’s GIS technology. The ESRI product suite is a powerful toolset that includes desktop mapping products (i.e. ArcGIS), web based mapping solutions (i.e. ArcIMS and ArcGIS Server) and spatial database products (i.e. ArcSDE, ImageServer). The ESRI product suite is supported in a variety of operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and a variety of UNIX variants (e.g. HP/UX, Linux, Solaris). We recommend that the Town stay in the Microsoft environment. One of the key components of an Enterprise GIS is the ability to use relational database technology (RDBMS) to store and access geographic objects. RDBMS technology provides a level of security, scalability, and redundancy that is typically not provided by file based GIS. There are several RDBMS products that the Town can use in deploying its Enterprise GIS, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Informix. We recommend that the Town use Microsoft RDBMS technology (SQL Server). The following specific products should be acquired by the Town in Phase I: ESRI Software: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 40 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? ArcGIS 10.x (ArcView) Concurrent Use License (CU) ?? ArcGIS 10.x (ArcEditor) Concurrent Use License (CU) ?? ArcGIS 10.x (ArcInfo) Concurrent Use License (CU) ?? ESRI ArcGIS 10.x – Spatial Analyst Extension ?? ArcGIS Server Enterprise Basic Edition 10.x (ArcSDE) Microsoft Software: ?? Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 ?? Microsoft SQL Server 2010 Standard CAL Licenses (5) Symantec Software: ?? Symantec Backup Exec 2010 for Windows Server ?? Symantec Backup Exec 2010 Agent for Microsoft SQL Server All software purchase requirements, and associated estimate costs are shown in the Implementation plan section by Phases. It is recommended that the Town migrate from MapInfo to ESRI tools for desktop editing, spatial analysis, spatial data management, and map production. While MapInfo is a capable GIS desktop tool, it lacks some of the more complex spatial analysis tools required to support the needs of the Town. Additionally, as the majority of neighboring municipal communities (including Town of Riverhead, Town of Southampton, Town of East Hampton, Town of Islip, Town of Babylon, Town of Huntington, and Suffolk County) are currently using ESRI technologies, the transition from MapInfo will increase the Town’s ability to support collaborative projects and will allow the Town to leverage data, maps, applications and knowledge developed in the ESRI environment. The Town can continue to edit and view data in AutoCAD, however, it is recommended that the existing AutoCAD data is converted into an ESRI Geodatabase. AutoCAD should still be used for design, surveying, and computer aided drafting (CAD) activities. While CAD technology has been extended with some limited “GIS-like” features, it still is deeply rooted in two-dimensional drawings and is best suited for design and not planning activities. ESRI’s ArcGIS is rooted in data management and has a great facility for managing geographic features and their related attributes in a computer database. GIS is database-oriented and thus tends to handle data in a single seamless database. GIS employs the concept of layering and segregating different kinds of features into more easily managed layers, typically one layer per feature type. Layers can have different data requirements and behaviors based upon different business rules. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 41 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ArcGIS software has features that enable integration of CAD data, despite the difference in data models. GIS can use CAD data without conversion. ArcGIS can display CAD data in DGN, DWF, and DWG files directly and in the same map display as GIS layers. ArcGIS symbolizes CAD data as defined in the CAD file. In addition, if you chose to convert your CAD files, the GIS database can impose additional data quality by checking CAD attributes against the business rules for a GIS layer. To determine the number of desktop GIS users that will require licenses for the ESRI ArcGIS product, an evaluation of all employees interviewed during our assessment was conducted. The evaluation was cross referenced with Table 1 – GIS User Matrix. Table 2 – GIS Users Town Employee Department Web ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo ?? Bob Scott Assessor's Office ???? Claire Glew Assessor's Office ?? Martin Finnegan Town Attorney ?? Jennifer Andaloror Town Attorney ?? Lori Hulse Town Attorney ?? Lynne Krauza Town Attorney ???? Bob Fisher Building Department ?? Mike Verity Building Department ?? Damon Rallis Building Department ?? John Cushman Accounting & Finance ?? Connie Solomon Accounting & Finance ?? Peter Harris Highway ?? Curtis Davids Highway ?? Jim McMahon Public Works ?? Joan Sinramm Highway ?? Loretta Stromski Highway ???? Jamie Richter Engineering ???? John Sepenoski Land Management ?? Karen McLaughlin Human Resource Center ???? Jacqueline Martinez Human Resource Center ???? Melissa Spiro Land Preservation ?? Melanie Doroski Land Preservation ???? Heather Lanza Planning ???? Mark Terry Planning ???? Tamara Sadoo Planning ?? Carlisle Cochran Police ?? Martin Flatley Police ?? Ken Reeves Recreation Bowne Management Systems, Inc 42 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town Employee Department Web ArcView ArcEditor ArcInfo ?? Judy McCleery Recreation ?? James Bunchuck Solid Waste ?? Scott Russell Supervisor ?? Phillip Beltz Supervisor ?? James King Town Trustees ???? Lauren Standish Town Trustees ?? Elizabeth Cantrell Town Trustees ?? Leslie Weisman ZBA ???? Vicki Toth ZBA ?? Lucille Cappabianca ZBA ?? Elizabeth Neville Clerk ?? Lloyd Reisenberg Data Processing ???? Eileen Wingate Greenport Totals 41 3 7 2 While all the Town employees interviewed during this project will benefit from a general web-based GIS application, approximately 12 of the 41 users would have a potential need for the GIS desktop software. And of those 12 users, three (3) would benefit from the ArcView product, due to their basic GIS needs, seven (7) would benefit from the ArcEditor product, due to their data editing and manipulation needs, and two (2) would benefit from the ArcInfo product, due to their advanced GIS needs. As the desktop software is available in a concurrent use license format, it is recommended that the following concurrent use license quantities are purchased for the Town and Village. ?? One (1) Concurrent Use License for ArcInfo Version 10 ?? Two (2) Concurrent Use Licenses for ArcEditor Version 10 ?? One (1) Concurrent Use License for ArcView Version 10 6.8 GIS Data Data represents the core of any GIS system. Due to the significant cost associated with data creation and maintenance, many government agencies have started “data sharing” initiatives or coordination programs. These include government agencies such as New York State Office of Cyber Security (OCS).In addition Suffolk County offers range of GIS data that can be accessed by the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport. Data available from Federal agencies can also be used to reduce implementation costs. The Town of Southold will utilize data resources from all available sources. This will provide a strong foundation on which to build a comprehensive GIS. In most cases this data is available at little or no cost. As part of the first phase of implementation, data conversion will be performed on Town data and included as part of the GIS. Data Bowne Management Systems, Inc 43 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: collection, on the part of the Town, in Phase II will not only enhance the system but ensure its ongoing development. The initial geodatabase design represents the base of the shared enterprise GIS. Additional data identified during our dataset analysis will be added to this design during the geodatabase design efforts in phase one. 6.9 Organizational Infrastructure 6.9.1 Conceptual GIS Governance Model There are a number of GIS organizational paradigms in use throughout various levels of government (State, County, Town etc.). One very successful approach provides the necessary hierarchical structure while also providing the flexibility needed to adapt to changing needs of the GIS community. This is the recommended approach for the Town and Village 6.9.2 Committee Structure The GIS Steering Committee The GIS Steering Committee would be comprised of a small number of technical and executive users from various departments and the Village. The GIS Steering Committee should have a set of executive members that will act as the supervisory body for the committee. It is recommended that at least one executive member be part of either the Town Board or Town Supervisor’s Office. The GIS Steering Committee will provide for recommendations for initiatives stemming from the direct needs of the user community. In addition the Steering Committee would also be responsible for: ?? Preparing recommendations on budget, staffing and projects for the Village Administrator, Village Trustees, Town Supervisor, and/or Town Board; ?? Coordinate the GIS activities of the Town and Village; ?? Create subcommittees as needed and within established guidelines; ?? Manage and coordinate the activities of its subcommittees. It is recommended that the GIS Steering Committee meets on an as needed basis, depending upon level of GIS activity ongoing within the Town and Village. Meeting agenda’s and meeting minutes should be taken by a committee member and posted to the GIS Portal. Suggested GIS Steering Committee Members Based upon the interviews conducted as part of this GIS user needs assessment and various discussions with GIS, IT, and Executive personnel, the following personnel should be considered for the GIS Steering Committee: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 44 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Phillip Beltz (Executive Member) ?? Chris Talbert (Executive Member) ?? John Sepenoski (Executive Member) ?? Lloyd Reisenberg (Executive Member) ?? Elizabeth Neville (Executive Member) ?? Robert Scott – (Assessor) ?? Lauren Standish (Board of Trustees) ?? James Richter (Engineering) ?? Eileen Wingate (Village Administration) ?? Curtis Davids – or designee (Highway) ?? Karen McLaughlin – (Human Service Center) ?? Heather Lanza and/or Mark Terry (Planning) ?? Leslie Weisman (ZBA) ?? Melissa Spino (Land Preservation) ?? Chief Carlisle Cochran,Jr. or designee (Police Department)) 6.9.3 Supporting GIS Organizations East End GIS Committee Given the unique nature of municipalities located on the East End of Suffolk County along with their proximity to Suffolk County’s County Seat in Hauppauge, it is recommended that the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport engage these municipalities to initiate an East End GIS committee. These municipalities include the following: ?? Town of Riverhead ?? Town of Southampton ?? Town of East Hampton ?? Town of Shelter Island ?? Village of Southampton Bowne Management Systems, Inc 45 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Village of East Hampton ?? Village of Sag Harbor ?? Village of North Haven ?? Village of Quogue ?? Village of Sagaponack ?? Village of Westhampton Beach The proximity of these municipalities to one another and their knowledge/use of GIS to solve regional issues similar to Southold and Greenport could serve to be very beneficial and an excellent opportunity for identifying opportunities for additional shared services. It is suggested that this committee meet on a quarterly basis. 6.9.4 GIS Staffing Given the employee staff size within the entire Town of Southold and Village of Greenport, it is very difficult to support full time dedicated GIS staff members. As such, many employees within both municipal organizations have taken on GIS related activities in addition to their normal every-day responsibilities. They include employees from Land Management, Land Preservation, Planning and Engineering. Our recommendations will be to increase the amount of training to these employees. This additional training will enable these employees to do GIS related activities more efficiently thus increasing the overall amount of GIS related activities within the Town and Village. Additionally, the transition to ESRI products to support data development, data management, data analysis, and mapping will enable personnel involved with GIS activities to leverage data, knowledge, and templates completed by neighboring municipalities. In addition to performing GIS related tasks and projects, Town staff members will also be responsible for administering, configuring, and supporting GIS software and hardware components. It is our recommendation that: ?? The administration and general support for the database server, web server, and NAS is provided by network administrative personnel with the Data Processing Department. ?? The configuration and user support associated with the ESRI products (including ArcSDE and ArcGIS) is provided by the GIS Coordinator. ?? The management of all GIS related data is provided by the GIS Coordinator. ?? The administration and general support for the GIS Portal software be provided by network administrative personnel within the Data Processing Department. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 46 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? The content of the GIS Portal be managed by the GIS Coordinator. While additional training and the shift to ESRI tools will certainly increase the Town’s ability to perform GIS related activities, it will only do so in a limited fashion with the current shared GIS staffing levels. While the overall quantity and quality of GIS products will increase, not until dedicated resources are added/shifted to support GIS will a significant increase occur. The current shared GIS staffing personnel in Land Management, Land Preservation, Planning and Engineering will continue to perform their daily responsibilities as a priority until other resources can be leveraged in support of GIS. That being said, the recommended implementation plan outlined in this plan will serve as a solid foundation for the Town to effectively move forward. And as the overall quantity and quality of GIS products increase, the Town will have the ability to determine when and how many additional staff members are necessary to continue the success of GIS within the Town. 6.10 GIS Associations ?? New York State GIS Conference – Annual 2-3 day event held in October somewhere in upstate New York. Multi-track agenda with dozens of presentations and specialty topic meetings/work sessions. Participants include federal, state and local government, the non-profit community, academia and private industry. URL: http://nysgisconf.esf.edu; ?? New York State GIS Association – Formally incorporated in April 2006, the NYS GIS is a not-for-profitprofessional organization whose goal is to assist, educate, coordinate and guide the implementation, development and maintenance of GIS technology in the State of New York. URL: http://www.nysgis.org/. ?? New York State GIS-LIS listserv – Over 1,000 people have joined the NYS GIS-LIS listserv, which is an e-mail-based forum for communication among GIS users across the state. Topics include notification of upcoming GIS events and educational opportunities and technical discussions. Interested individuals can sign-up for the list-serv at: http://lists.plattsburgh.edu/mailman/listinfo/nys-gis-lis. There are numerous other but less relevant opportunities and channels for participating in the GIS industry. These include: ?? The annual New State Geospatial Summit conference is normally held in June (http://www.nysgis.org); ?? The annual Northeast Arc Users Group conference which is usually held in November (http://www.northeastarc.org); and, ?? The ESRI International User Conference held during the summer in San Diego (http://www.esri.com/events/uc). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 47 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 48 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 7. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 7.1 Phase I The first phase of any project implementation is the most critical. It is important to have the active and enthusiastic participation of Town and Village personnel. The commitment to establishing and maintaining a GIS organization is essential. This phase of implementation consists of initial activities and tasks that relate to organizational structure, the purchasing of hardware and software, staffing and training needs, data acquisition, and data conversion. 7.1.1 Organizational Structure GIS implementation is no different than any other Information Systems or Technology implementation project. The Town of Southold’s GIS implementation will require leadership and ownership. Therefore the following is recommended: ?? Formation of a GIS Committee – The committee should consist of the department heads or a designated member form each department. The committee should meet on a regularly scheduled basis. ?? Selection of a GIS Coordinator - The GIS Coordinator will take the lead in implementing the project plan. They will be responsible for acting as the interface between the GIS Committee and any outside consulting organizations. In addition, the GIS Coordinator will act as the liaison for the Town Board. ?? Formation of the East End GIS Committee – The committee should consist of GIS professionals in the east end municipalities. The committee should foster GIS discussions and encourage cooperative GIS initiatives. 7.1.2 Hardware Acquisition As specified in the conceptual design, the Town will need to purchase a GIS database server, a GIS web server, a NAS and Rack. The hardware specifications are detailed in Section 6.6. 7.1.3 Software Acquisition As part of the first stages of implementation, the Town would need to purchase GIS software. The software specifications are detailed in Section 6.7. 7.1.4 Hardware and Software Design, Installation, and Configuration The following tasks and activities will be performed through the use of Town IT personnel and potentially outside consultants: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 49 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Server Installation The new GIS database and web server must be installed and configured by the Town. The Town may consider employing the services of a GIS professional to assist with the installation of the server. Install and Configure SQL Server and ArcSDE The Town must install, configure, and test ESRI’s ArcSDE 10 and Microsoft’s SQL Server 2008. Once ArcSDE is successfully installed, the appropriate SQL Server security roles will be implemented. The Town should employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task Geodatabase Design The Town must review and update the geodatabase design identified in the available GIS data section of this report and implement the geodatabase model’s structure within ArcSDE. The implementation should include required SQL Server security. The Town should employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task. Install and Configure ArcGIS Desktop Software The Town must install and configure PC workstations with ArcView 10, ArcEditor 10, and the ESRI Spatial Analyst extension. The Town can perform these services with in- house personnel. 7.1.5 Data Acquisition, Load, and Conversion To form the base of the shared enterprise GIS, data available from the Town, Village, County, State and Federal sources (with direction from the GIS committee) would be incorporated into the GIS database for use in various GIS applications. Metadata for each of these datasets would be obtained. Information contained within the GIS Data Analysis section and the Available GIS Data section should be used as the basis for identifying which data should be included and where it should go within the GIS database. The GIS Data Analysis section indicates that approximately 150-200 GIS feature classes are useful to the Town and should be loaded into the GIS database. This effort, however, assumes that no editing or conversion will be required on these GIS feature classes to successfully load them into the Town’s GIS. As previously mentioned, the Town should strongly consider converting their existing MapInfo and AutoCAD data into an ESRI geodatabase. This effort will require additional analysis of existing AutoCAD data as well as the development of a methodology to perform the conversion. As the New York State Archives Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) only allows for up to $5,000 per project for vendor or personnel costs related to data conversion, acquisition, development, or cleansing for GIS implementation projects, the Town will be required to fund this conversion effort internally. This is based upon the assumption that the $5,000 will be required to load the required GIS feature classes. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 50 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: In addition, once all spatial data is stored in geodatabase format, the Town will be in a much better position to share data with the Village and other local municipalities. 7.1.6 Data Maintenance Procedures Core Dataset Procedures Upon successfully converting and loading all the available spatial datasets into the Town’s centralized spatial database system, a set of data maintenance procedures should be developed for the following critical Town and Village datasets: ?? Street Centerline – which includes street names, centerline lengths, right of way delineation, road ownership; ?? Addresses – which include points for each address within the Town; may or may not have a link to tax map number; ?? Tax maps – which includes tax map numbers, parcel lines, ownership data; The Town may consider using Map Maintenance and Notification Tracking (MMNT) described in Section 5.4.3 to support street centerline and address data maintenance. However, New York State should be contacted to determine the available options for the Town and Village. These available options should be reviewed with the GIS Committee and a determination should be recommended. All data maintenance procedures defined should be posted to the GIS Portal. Versioned Dataset Procedures Once the Town and Village have agreed to the appropriate data maintenance procedures for the core spatial datasets, a versioned environment should be setup and configured within ArcSDE to support these procedures. 7.1.7 Application Implementation As part of the initial phase of this implementation, there are a few application implementation activities that will greatly benefit the Town and Village and provide the necessary exposure to GIS to enable its continued success. These application implementations should include the following: ?? GIS Portal – using an agreed upon open source content management technology, implement a GIS portal that provides access to GIS related information to all Town and Village employees. The implementation of the GIS Portal should be completed with in-house technical resources. ?? Land Records Viewer – using the data loaded into the centralized spatial database system, develop a general web-based land records viewer that can be distributed to all Town and Village users. The Town should employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 51 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Extraction, Transformation, and Load Routines – to further support the land records viewer, develop ETL routines from Municity that will enable users to access basic data from Municity directly from the Land Records Viewer as opposed to Municity. The Town should employ the services of a GIS professional to assist with this task. ?? Address and Intersection Locators – built on critical GIS datasets available and maintained at the Town, develop address locators to support simple geoprocessing functions. The implementation of the Address and Intersection Locators should be completed with in-house technical resources 7.1.8 Staffing Needs The designation of a GIS coordinator and the creation of the GIS Committee will be essential at this phase. The roles of certain individuals within certain Town departments (i.e., Planning, Land Preservation, Assessor, Greenport, Trustees) should also be expanded to include mapping and limited editing capabilities. 7.1.9 Training Training is essential to guaranteeing to success of any GIS initiative. The training needs in this phase would be: ?? User Training – With increased use of the existing and new GIS viewer applications are in place, users from each department should attend training in the use of the Viewer. User training should be conducted using the ESRI desktop products with an ESRI certified training and should include both beginner and advanced training. ?? GIS Administration Training - IT staff will receive advanced training in the administration of ArcSDE with SQL Server. ?? Town and Village GIS Knowledge Transfer – after the GIS portal has been successfully implemented, consider having a meeting with key Town and Village employees to review the GIS Portal and provide an update to GIS initiatives. 7.1.10 Phase Benefits At the completion of this phase, the Town will have addressed the following issues: ?? Data access – all GIS data will be stored in a central GIS repository ?? Data security – all GIS data will be secured in the central GIS repository ?? Data availability – all GIS data will be defined, validated, and available ?? GIS user training – a group of employees will be trained on the GIS desktop software enabling them the ability to perform mapping and analysis on existing data in a secured fashion. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 52 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? GIS committee – a GIS committee will be formed and led by the GIS coordinator to properly guide the Town’s GIS initiative. ?? Data distribution – basic GIS data will be distributed throughout the Town and Village and support everyday functions within all departments. 7.1.11 Implementation Costs Table 3 – Phase I Implementation Costs Quantity Phase I Activity/Task Unit Cost Total Cost Hardware 1 Dell PowerEdge Web Server $4,290.81 $4,290.81 1 Dell PowerEdge Database Server $12,269.79 $12,269.79 1 Network Attached Storage (NAS) $1,695.31 $1,695.31 1 PowerEdge Rack $2,623.29 $2,623.29 Subtotal for Hardware $20,879.20 Software 1 ESRI ArcGIS – ArcInfo 10 CU $7,320.00 $7,320.00 2 ESRI ArcGIS - ArcEditor 10 CU $5,738.00 $11,476.00 1 ESRI ArcGIS - ArcView 10 CU $2,882.00 $2,882.00 1 ESRI ArcGIS - Spatial Analyst Extension $2,040.00 $2,040.00 1 ESRI ArcGIS Server - Enterprise Basic Edition Version 10 $8,185.00 $8,185.00 1 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 $2,266.99 $2,266.99 1 Symantec Backup Exec 2010 Software - Base $678.29 $678.29 1 Symantec Backup Exec 2010 Software - SQL Server Agent $678.29 $678.29 1 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard CAL (5) $129.67 $648.35 Subtotal for Software $36,174.92 Setting up the System & Data Loading Install and Configure MS SQL Server, ArcSDE, ArcGIS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Design and Develop Database $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Load Data into the Database $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Subtotal for Application Development $9,000.00 Training - ArcGIS End User Training – Beginner (2 days) $4,000.00 $4,000.00 ArcGIS End User Training – Advanced (3 days) $5,000.00 $5,000.00 ArcSDE with SQL Server Training (3 days) $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Subtotal for Training $13,000.00 Application Development - ETL Development $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Develop Land Records GIS Viewer - Intranet $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Subtotal for Application Development $19,000.00 Total for Phase I $98,054.12 Bowne Management Systems, Inc 53 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 7.2 Phase II Upon successfully completing Phase I on the GIS implementation plan, the following components should be evaluated by the GIS Steering Committee. Recommendations from the GIS Steering Committee should be made to the Town Board and funding should be allocated to support the recommendations. 7.2.1 Organizational Structure Upon successfully implementing a GIS Steering Committee, a GIS Coordinator and establishing an East End GIS Committee, coordination efforts should continue with Suffolk County, Nassau County and other Town on Long Island. The following personnel can be contacted from these organizations to help foster continued GIS coordination: ?? James Daly, County GIS Coordinator Suffolk County Department of Information Technology, GIS Division o ?? Steve Kelly, County GIS Coordinator Nassau County Department of Information Technology o ?? Dave Geneway, Town GIS Coordinator Town of Islip Department of Planning & Development o ?? Laura Feitner, Town GIS Coordinator Town of Smithtown Engineering Department o ?? Joseph Arma, Town GIS Coordinator Town of Brookhaven, Department of Information Technology o ?? Aidan Mallamo, Town GIS Coordinator Town of Huntington, Department of Planning o ?? Barbara Jaeckel, Town IT Director Town of Babylon, Department of General Services o ?? Steve Boryk, Town GIS Coordinator Town of Oyster Bay, Comptroller’s Office o ?? Frank Prisciandaro, Town IT Commissioner Bowne Management Systems, Inc 54 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town of North Hempstead, Department of Information Technology o ?? Arthur Prim, Town IT Director Town of Hempstead, Department of Information Technology o 7.2.2 Hardware Acquisition Additional hardware for printing and GPS data collection should be considered in Phase II of the implementation plan. 7.2.3 Software Acquisition Additional software to support storage of Town historical imagery should be considered in Phase II of the implementation plan. This software should be compatible with the spatial data engine software purchased in Phase I of the implementation plan (ArcSDE). Additionally, software such as ArcPad from ESRI should be considered to support the GPS data collection hardware recommended for purchase. In addition to new software procured, the Town will be responsible for software maintenance costs associated with the software purchased as part of Phase I of the implementation plan. 7.2.4 Continued Data Maintenance Leveraging data maintenance procedures set in place in Phase I of the implementation plan, the Town should continue to maintain core and other datasets that exist within the Town. 7.2.5 Application Implementation As part of the second phase of this implementation, the overall list of potential GIS applications should be evaluated by the GIS Steering Committee. GIS applications that will provide the biggest benefit to the Town at the time of evaluation should be recommended for implementation. 7.2.6 Staffing Needs As previously mentioned, GIS staffing needs should be carefully monitored during phase I of the implementation plan. Additional staffing needs should be considered as necessary to support Town activities in phase II of the GIS implementation. 7.2.7 Training As training is essential to guaranteeing to success of any GIS initiative, it is recommended that continued user training is provided during phase II of the implementation plan. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 55 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 7.2.8 Implementation Costs Table 4 – Phase II Implementation Costs Quantity Phase II Activity/Task Unit Cost Total Cost Hardware 2 Mobile Device $2,500.00 $5,000.00 1 Large Format Plotter $12,000.00 $12,000.00 Subtotal for Hardware $17,000.00 Software 1 ESRI Software Maintenance $9,686.00 $9,500.00 1 ESRI ArcGIS Image Server Version 10 $8,160.00 $8,000.00 1 ESRI ArcPad $500.00 $500.00 Subtotal for Software $18,000.00 Training - ArcGIS End User Training $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Subtotal for Training $5,000.00 Application Development - Application Development $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Subtotal for Application Development $15,000.00 Total for Phase II $55,000.00 Bowne Management Systems, Inc 56 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 7.3 Phase III Upon successfully completing Phase II on the GIS implementation plan, the following components should be evaluated by the GIS Steering Committee. Recommendations from the GIS Steering Committee should be made to the Town Board and funding should be allocated to support the recommendations. 7.3.1 Software Acquisition The Town will be responsible for software maintenance costs associated with the software purchased as part of Phase I and II of the implementation plan. 7.3.2 Continued Data Maintenance Leveraging data maintenance procedures set in place in Phase I of the implementation plan, the Town should continue to maintain core and other datasets that exist within the Town. 7.3.3 Application Implementation As part of the third phase of this implementation, the overall list of potential GIS applications should be evaluated by the GIS Steering Committee. GIS applications that will provide the biggest benefit to the Town at the time of evaluation should be recommended for implementation. 7.3.4 Staffing Needs Additional staffing needs should be considered as necessary to support Town activities. 7.3.5 Training As training is essential to guaranteeing to success of any GIS initiative, it is recommended that continued user training is provided during phase III of the implementation plan. Additionally, GIS administration training should be considered to further support the Bowne Management Systems, Inc 57 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 7.3.6 Phase III Implementation Costs Table 5 – Phase III Implementation Costs Quantity Phase III Activity/Task Unit Cost Total Cost Hardware 1 Mobile Device $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Subtotal for Software $2,500.00 Software 1 ESRI Software Maintenance $12,500.00 $12,500.00 Subtotal for Software $12,500.00 Training ArcGIS End User Training – Beginner $4,000.00 $4,000.00 GIS Administration Training $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Subtotal for Training $5,000.00 Application Development Application Development $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Subtotal for Application Development $25,000.00 Total for Phase III $45,000.00 Bowne Management Systems, Inc 58 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: INTERVIEW NOTES – APPENDIX A Bowne Management Systems, Inc 59 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town Assessor’s Office Date/Time: November 23, 2010 @ 1:00PM ?? Bob Scott – Town Assessor ?? Claire Glew – Senior Assessment Assistant ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Department Responsibilities (Taken from Website) DUTIES OF THE ASSESSOR The assessors prepare an assessment roll of all real property, vacant and improved, within the Town of Southold, establishing the condition, value and taxable status of each parcel of property. The valuations determined by the assessors are then used to apportion the amount of the Town, County and school taxes to be levied against each parcel of real estate. Important assessment dates are as follows: ?? Taxable Status Date = March 1 ?? Tentative Roll = May 1 rd ?? Grievance Day = 3 Tuesday in May ?? Final Roll = July 1 The Town of Southold handles assessment activities for the Village of Greenport. SERVICES AVAILABLE Assessed Value: The assessed value reflects a percentage of current market values. The assessment roll lists the assessed value for each parcel in the Town, organized by a parcel identification number. In addition to the assessment, the assessment roll lists the type of property, property size and any exemptions currently being received by the owner. Property record cards: There is an inventory card for all real property within each municipality. The data on the property cards include but is not limited to detailed information on the improvements located on the property, sales history, building permit numbers and a sketch of the building(s) footprint OTHER SERVICES Exemptions: There are a variety of real property tax exemptions administered through this office, which you may or may not be eligible for. Below is a list of exemptions currently available: ?? STAR Exemption Bowne Management Systems, Inc 60 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Senior Citizen Exemption ?? Alternative Veterans Exemption ?? Cold War Veterans Exemption ?? Clergymen Exemption ?? Persons with Disabilities and Limited Income Exemption ?? Agricultural Exemption ?? Non-profit Organization Exemption ?? Volunteer Firefighter and Ambulance Worker Exemption Please Let Us Know: To ensure that our assessment records reflect the most current mailing address and to ensure that our tax bills are sent to the correct address please notify this office of any mailing address change. Where Can I Go With Questions: The assessors are continually communicating with the public, answering questions and reviewing property data. Informal meetings with one of the assessors can resolve most assessment questions. To learn more about the assessment process, please call or e:\mail one of the assessors. FORMS AVAILABLE ?? STAR Exemption First Time Application ?? STAR IVP ?? STAR Renewal Application ?? Agricultural Exemption First Time Application ?? Agricultural Renewal Application ?? Lease Affidavit for Agricultural Exemption ?? Instructions for Alternative Veterans Exemption ?? Alternative Veterans Exemption ?? Instructions for Cold War Veteran’s Exemption ?? Cold War Veteran’s Exemption ?? Instructions for Persons with Disabilities Exemption ?? Persons with Disabilities Exemption ?? Clergy Exemption ?? Firefighters/Ambulance Worker's Exemption ?? Senior Citizen's Exemption First Time Application ?? Instructions for Senior Citizen's Exemption ?? Senior Citizen Exemption Renewal Application Department Metrics The Office conducts approximately 4,000 – 5,000 property inspections per year. Inspections are typically generated based upon a building permit. The Office handled approximately 1,450 grievances in 2009, whereas there were only 5 reported in 1990. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 61 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: The Office handled approximately 600 small claims (for 1, 2 and 3 family homes) cases. Department Staffing The Office has a total of 5 ½ employees; 2 ½ clerks and 3 assessors. The Office uses the Town’s version of Pictometry in a very limited capacity (only works for one Assessor). The Office has indicated they have not received any GIS related training, however, indicated they would be interested in receiving any GIS related training offered by the Town. Reporting The Office runs reports in RPS by property class, school district, price, and class code (waterfront or not) as needed. These reports are only attribute based without any maps. Exemptions are not tracked using RPS or other software, it is tracked using a combination of paper records and a spreadsheet. Occasionally the Office uses the addressing data in RPS to generate mailings for other Town government (i.e. non-Assessor) purposes Reference Keys The Assessors use State format of the Tax Map Numbers. Spatial Data The Office utilizes paper based Tax Maps from Suffolk County Real Property Tax Services Agency (RPTSA). There are approximately 18,000 parcels in the Town of Southold. The Town is broken up into three (3) regions; each Assessor handles one region. Non-Spatial Data All paper property cards, containing inventory, assessment information, and diagrams are associated with a parcel in the Town. Sales are recorded in three places: 1) in RPS, 2) on the property cards and 3) in one copy of the Suffolk County Tax Map books (sales are color coded by year with notation of sales data and price – note: vacant land sales are not recorded in this way) 4) Win Total The office is responsible for grievances, small claims, and certiorari paperwork. Software The office uses the following software: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 62 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Real Property System (RPS) Version 4 (from NYS ORPS) ?? Google Earth ?? WinTotal for appraisals ?? Building System (AS400) ?? Laserfische ?? Municity (Software Consulting Associates) ?? iTax (Business Automation Services - BAS) ?? Digital Image software (to support digital cameras) ?? Microsoft Office products (including Outlook, Excel, Word) ?? Pictometry (only used by one Assessor as it doesn’t work for others) While the Town, as a whole, has approximately 50 seat licenses of RPS (for a annual fee of approximately $1,600), the GIS module for RPS is not currently being used. RPS contains all assessment related information except for inventory data and diagrams. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Thematic mapping for sales, color coded by year (that does not include vacant land sales). This is currently done manually on the Tax Map books from Suffolk County RPTSA. ?? Thematic mapping based upon assessed value for parcels. ?? Functionality to support comparable Sales based upon geographic location. ?? Functionality to support comparable assessments based upon geographic location. ?? Develop a geographic layer that represents each of the three (3) assessment regions. ?? Evaluate aerial imagery from two years (for example, 2010 and 2007) and determine what properties have been added, modified, or demolished. This is a product that can be offered to the entire Town which could support the Assessor’s Office, the Building Department, the Trustees, Land Preservation, and Planning. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 63 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, FEMA zones, development rights, town ownership designation, town owned property acquisition and sales data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. Impediments to GIS Usage The Office requires GIS software and training to support their GIS needs. IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Interactions with Village of Greenport The Town Assessor is responsible for publishing the Village’s assessment roll. The Village does not have RPS. The Town Assessor received building permit data approximately 1-2 times per year and uses that information to perform inspections within the Village. Small claims and Certiorari claims are sent to the Village, however, the Town Assessor’s Office represents the Village on small claims and certiorari claims. Data Exchanges and Interactions The Office exchanges data with the Village of Greenport, Suffolk County RPTSA, and New York State Office of Real Property Services (ORPS). The Office provides support to many Town departments for tax map number look-up. Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? Building permits typically drive new inspections for the Assessment Office. ?? Building Construction that is partially completed is assessed based upon the percent complete of the construction. ?? Some residents never obtain their certificate of occupancies (COs). ?? There have been an increased amount of foreclosures noted recently. ?? There are no trailer parks in the Town. ?? The Town does have co-ops and condos. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 64 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? It was discussed that a periodic update of GIS related items would be helpful to the Assessor’s Office. This would be similar to a GIS “newsletter”. ?? The last revaluation was performed in 1967. ?? There is no software currently being used to support grievances, small claims, or certiorari claims. ?? A certiorari claim is a legal process by which a property owner can challenge the real estate tax assessment on a given property in an attempt to reduce the property’s assessment and real estate taxes ?? The Assessor’s Office would like access to ZBA, Planning, and Trustee (i.e. new permits) data electronically to increase efficiencies. ?? The Tax Receiver’s Office is closed from July to December. The Assessor’s Office handles any calls for tax amounts during that period. ?? Fisher’s Island has approximately 1,000-1,200 parcels with large assessed values. The Assessor’s Office takes 1-2 trips to Fischer’s Island each year. ?? The Assessor’s Office uses RPS to generate the Town Roll. ?? By May of 2011, the tentative assessment roll must be posted to the Town’s website. The roll does not have to include specifics about property’s inventory data. ?? Majority of Town staff need access to assessment data in RPS that includes the owner’s name, address, and tax map number. ?? Digital pictures are taken for almost all inspections performed by Assessors. ?? It was suggested that barcode technology could be used to more efficiently handle exemptions with the Office. ?? The Land Management Coordination Department handles running the rolls, batch updates, annual reports, sales reports, etc… for the Assessors. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 65 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town Attorney’s Office Date/Time: November 23, 2010 @10:00AM ?? Martin Finnegan – Town Attorney ?? Jennifer Andaloro – Assistant Town Attorney ?? Lori Hulse – Assistant Town Attorney ?? Lynne Krauza – Administrative Assistant ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems, Inc. ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems, Inc. Taken from Website The Town of Southold is a municipal corporation. Like any other corporation, it needs an attorney to handle its legal affairs. The Town Attorney represents the Town in all legal matters. Among other things, the Town Attorney handles the Town's litigation, contracts and administrative hearings. The Town Attorney drafts Town laws and provides advice to all Town departments. The Town Attorney works closely with the Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board and Board of Trustees. The Town Attorney also acts as prosecutor of criminal violations of the Town Code as well as represents the Town in small claims and collection matters. Department Tasks The Town Attorney’s Office handles all legal issues in many areas including: ?? Prosecuting violations of the Town Code. This includes zoning, wetland and building violations; ?? Litigation; ?? Working with ZBA to review variance applications. This includes researching the “character of the neighborhood”; ?? Vehicle and traffic (V&T) enforcement. This includes parking tickets. ?? Working with Board of Trustees to review wetlands/coastal erosion applications and permits. In addition to handling these types of cases, time is spent evaluating new code requirements (i.e., new noise code) and new regulations imposed on the Town (i.e., MS4, Sign Retroreflectivity) as well as numerous amendments to the existing Town Code. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 66 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Department Metrics The Attorney’s Office does not typically compile or provide any formal metric data for the department. Department Staffing The Department has one (1) Town Attorney, two (2) Assistant Attorneys, and one (1) administrative assistant. All employees have limited knowledge of GIS and have used commercial GIS products (i.e., Google Earth) in a limited capacity to complete certain tasks. Reporting The Attorney’s Office provides quarterly status reports to the Town Board regarding all Town Code violations and litigation. In addition, the Town Attorney’s Office provides quarterly status reports to the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Trustees regarding litigation matters. When a formal map report is needed, resources from the Planning Department support the department by generating the required maps. Reference Keys Cases are typically referenced by address whereas a translation (from address to Tax Map Number) is required. This is accomplished by contacting the Assessor’s Office. Spatial Data The department uses the following spatial data: ?? Tax Maps (from Suffolk County Real Property Tax Services Agency) – paper based; ?? Road ownership information – paper based; ?? Zoning and Land Use Maps – paper based; ?? Aerial Imagery from Google; ?? Wetland Maps (includes locations of moorings, docks and construction within the 100 foot line) – paper based; ?? Permits data associated with a location – electronic, but not geocoded; Non-Spatial Data The department uses the following non-spatial data: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 67 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Legal papers; ?? Case law information; ?? Building and Zoning and wetlands/coastal erosion Applications and Permit documentation; Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? MinuteTraq by IQM2 to support tracking minutes from board meetings; ?? Google Maps/Earth to obtain aerial imagery, property setbacks, size of property, size of structures, location of structures, and various distances. ?? Laserfiche to view scanned images; including permits; ?? Real Property System (RPS) to view history of building permit numbers on a property; ?? Building Permit System (custom AS400 based program) to view the details of building permits on a property. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Creation of map layer that delineates the Town right of way (ROW) and where it lies on the sidewalk area. Given that there are little to no sidewalks, this information is difficult to obtain, but exists. ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? Provide functionality within “Land Management” GIS viewer to report on character of neighborhood. This report would have to be defined in conjunction with ZBA and the Attorney’s Office. ?? Provide functionality to associate any digital pictures taken in the field (in support of a case to a property) to a parcel. May want to consider a GPS camera to capture location coordinate information. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 68 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Develop an “Asset Management” GIS Viewer that contains parcel owner information, sign data, street lighting data, MS4 data, roadway data (including ownership), sewer data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should be provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? The ability to translate a tax map number to an address or an address to a tax map number; ?? Location mapping for parking tickets to determine clustering. This can help support sign replacements and/or enhancements in certain “high volume” areas; ?? An inventory of signs, their locations, and type would be helpful when addressing various sign related litigation; ?? The ability to flag a resident’s location where a resident (address and Tax Map number) of that location has an overdue unpaid fine or overdue unpaid ticket. When a resident applies for a service from the Town, the Town employee would evaluate this official GIS map viewer (that contains this flag) to determine if the service should be provided or denied. ?? The ability to print professional quality maps for legal proceedings. This should include the development of Town map templates to use for all “official” map prints; IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). In addition, given security needs of the department, office staff shares access to a secured network directory that only their office can view. Interactions with Village of Greenport All contracts that involve both the Town of Southold and Village of Greenport are administered by the Town’s Attorney’s Office. These contracts include the following: ?? East-West Fire Contract ?? Bay-to-Sound Contract ?? Municity Implementation Contract (with Village) ?? GIS User Needs Assessment Contract (with Village) Data Exchanges and Interactions While all departments interact with the Town Attorney’s Office on legal matters, the Building Department, Code Enforcement, Board of Trustees, Assessor’s Office, Zoning Bowne Management Systems, Inc 69 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Board of Appeals, Highway, Public Works, Town Board, Planning Board and Police Department command the most interactions. There is some exchange of information with the Town Police Department, however, most of this interaction is employment and personnel issues. The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office handles all criminal prosecutions for the Town Police Department. The Town Attorney’s Office also interacts with the Suffolk County Health Department for approvals on septic tanks and availability of public water. The Town Attorney’s Office sometimes contacts the Suffolk County Water Authority to determine the availability of public water in certain locations. Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? There is relatively little work due to “trip and falls” since the Town maintains very few curbs and sidewalks. ?? Pool permits are not a priority issue for the Attorney’s Office. ?? The Town Attorney’s Office would like to have access to the Town Code and parking ticket database used by Justice Court for efficiency purposes. ?? While Laserfiche is used throughout the department, they feel that searching capabilities are limited. ?? The department would like to have more information more readily available. ?? The department would like to have access to tax assessment records and history (note: the property cards are not scanned at the present time) ?? The department currently uses Suffolk County tax map books to obtain property dimensions and to determine ownership. One key piece of information available on the Tax Maps is land identified as “owned by Town”. ?? There is some limited use of scanning within the department, but the nature of most of the materials handled makes it easier to keep most information in paper files. ?? There is some concern with scanning documents considered “confidential”. ?? Fine collections could be improved if technology were applied to drive post-letter follow-up to achieve an increased rate of fine payment (lost revenue) ?? It was suggested that tens of thousands of dollars in uncollected fees could be obtained through the use of increased technology. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 70 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Building Department Date/Time: December 9, 2010 @ 10:00 AM ?? Bob Fisher – Fire Marshal ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Note – Michael Verity and Damon Rallis were unable to attend our interview. Department Responsibilities The Building Department processes applications for various types of permits, including building permits for residential and commercial property, sanitary permits, sign permits, tent permits, flood plain development permits, accessory apartment permits, and bed and breakfast permits. It also provides information t the public about building codes and zoning regulations. A file is opened when a building permit application is received. It includes the application and supporting documentation, including surveys and drawings. New documents are added to the file as inspections are performed or other matters arise. Records are scanned into the Laserfiche system when a file is closed (i.e., when a certificate of occupancy is issued or when an application is denied without any likelihood of being reopened). All closed permit applications files from 1957 to the present have been scanned into Laserfiche. The digital images are indexed by tax map number, the property owner’s name, and permit number. Paper files are retained following scanning. They are sometimes consulted when a property owner wants to see an entire file. The Building Department is responsible for historical preservation. The Town has over 200 properties that are designed as local, state, or national historic landmarks. These properties have protected status and must be considered when applications for building permits and other types of permits are reviewed. One of two properties are added to the landmarks list each month. Files are maintained for recently designated landmarked properties, but some landmark3ed properties pre-date the filing system. Some landmark files have been scanned. The Building Department is also responsible for all enforcements of the Town Code except for those matters that are handled by the Police Department. If the Police Department encounters a code enforcement issue when visiting a property, it will refer it to the Building Department for investigation. A case file is opened when a complaint about a possible code violation is received. The Building Department investigates the matter and, if warranted, a notice of violation is issued. The property owner is instructed to inform the Building Department when the problem is resolved. Approximately 30-40 cases are under investigation at any given time. A spreadsheet and work log of complaints is maintained by the Department. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 71 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Department Metrics ?? The Building Department processes approximately 1,250 permits each year. ?? The Fire Marshal is responsible for approximately 1,500 commercial properties. ?? There has been on fire violations within the Town for over six (6) years. ?? The Building Inspectors perform approximately 300 inspections per year; inspection types include foundation, framing, insulation, plumbing, electrical, and final inspections. ?? The Building Department takes approximately two (2) weeks to issue a permit. Department Staffing The Building Department staff consists of 1 chief building inspector, 2 full-time building inspectors, 2 full-time plan examiners, 2 full-time and 1 part-time clerical employees, and 1 part-time fire marshal. Reference Keys Properties are referenced by their Suffolk County Tax Map Number. In the event a property is identified by the address, a translation is required to the SCTM Number. For fire marshal inspections, some tax lots have multiple units (i.e., strip mall) and the smaller units are identified in addition to the tax map number. Spatial Data The Department utilizes paper based Tax Maps from Suffolk County Real Property Tax Services Agency (RPTSA). The Department uses FEMA flood zone maps and elevation maps as needed. Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? Microsoft Word for Inspection Reports ?? Laserfiche to view scanned images; including permits ?? Real Property System (RPS) to view history of building permit numbers on a property; ?? Building Permit System (custom AS400 based program) to view the details of building permits on a property. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 72 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? MapInfo is installed within the Department, however, does not appear to be used by any staff members. ?? Municity supports case management within the office. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, FEMA zones, development rights, town ownership designation, town owned property acquisition and sales data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? A map atlas book created using the Town’s GIS datasets for street centerline, hamlet boundaries, and fire district boundaries would be helpful for easily locating inspection locations or fire incidents. ?? The ability to display and possible print out an incident map for the fire marshal when responding to a fire incident. The map display should include access to the most current orthophotography and oblique imagery as well as a street view of the property. ?? Evaluate aerial imagery from two years (for example, 2010 and 2007) and determine what properties have been added, modified, or demolished. This is a product that can be offered to the entire Town which could support the Assessor’s Office, the Building Department, the Trustees, Land Preservation, and Planning. ?? The ability to evaluate commercial properties yearly to determine which properties are vacant and remove them from the list of properties that require fire marshal inspections. ?? The ability to analyze code violation clusters within the Town based upon different parameters (type of violation, date of violation). IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Many of the computers in the Building Department are older computers and Data Processing has been upgrading memory within the computers to improve performance. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 73 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Interactions with Village of Greenport While the Building Department interacts with the Village of Greenport on an as-needed basis for information and knowledge, the Village has their own Building Department who is responsible for permits, inspections, and code enforcement. Data Exchanges and Interactions The Building Department interacts with the following Town Departments: ?? Zoning Board of Appeals ?? Land Preservation ?? Planning ?? Board of Assessors ?? Board of Town Trustees ?? Town Attorney’s Office Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? At times, the Fire Marshal has shown up at fires within the Village of Greenport due to the close proximity of the fire to the Village/Town border. ?? Previously, their ability to obtain a list of expired permits in the AS400 based permit tracking system is limited. This restricted their ability to obtain additional funds for permit renewals. The implementation of Municity with the Department has provided them this increased capability and enabled them to increase their overall ability to process expired permits. ?? A building inspector is not allowed to go onto a resident’s property without permission. A fire marshal has the authorization to go onto a resident’s property under certain conditions. ?? There are a few corner properties in the Town that have two addresses. ?? Fishers Island is visited once a month. The fire, building, and electrical inspectors visit the Island and perform the required inspections. They take the ferry to Connecticut and then to Fishers Island. It winds up being at least a 12 hour day when they visit Fishers Island. ?? The fire marshal has a list of commercial properties, some of which are vacant, that are inspected on a periodic basis. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 74 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? There are some types of construction that do not require permits whereas in other Towns they do typically require a permit. In some situations, these include fences, driveways, and columns. ?? Berms are becoming more and more prevalent in the Town. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 75 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Accounting & Finance Department Date/Time: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 @ 11:00AM ?? John Cushman – Town Comptroller ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Taken from Website The Accounting & Finance Department is responsible for the following: ?? Town Operating Budget Preparation and Publication ?? Town Capital Budget Preparation and Publication ?? Administering Yearly Financial Audits ?? Town Personnel; Handbook, CSEA, PBA, Health Insurance, Retirement System ?? Procurement Reference Keys Properties are referenced by either their Suffolk County Tax Map Number or street address. Spatial Data Currently, the Office does not maintain any data in a spatial format, however, do maintain data within the AS400 that has a spatial reference. These datasets include: ?? Town owned properties, acquisition and/or sales data for Town owned properties; ?? Land development rights tied to parcels; ?? Streetlight inventory (based upon type of light); ?? Road inventory; ?? Capital improvement projects; Non-Spatial Data The Accounting & Finance Department maintains a tremendous amount of financial, personnel, purchasing, procurement, and other non-spatial data within the Office. In Bowne Management Systems, Inc 76 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: addition, all document scanning is performed by the Clerk’s Office and images are stored within Laserfiche. Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? Capital Asset Program in AS400; ?? Other AS400 programs to support office responsibilities; ?? Laserfiche to view scanned images; Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, FEMA zones, development rights, town ownership designation, town owned property acquisition and sales data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? Develop an “Asset Management” GIS Viewer that contains parcel owner information, street lighting data, utility data, MS4 data, roadway data, sewer data, street names village boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should be provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This Viewer should be integrated with the Town’s AS400 Capital Asset program on the AS400. ?? The ability to translate a tax map number to an address or an address to a tax map number; ?? The ability to obtain development rights information, if exists, for a given parcel. Development rights are currently maintained by the Accounting & Finance Department in a AS400 based application; IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 77 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Interactions with Village of Greenport The Village has very little interactions with the Village of Greenport. Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? 8-10 years ago, the Accounting & Finance Department went through a GASB effort which resulted in the capture of Town asset related information including description and tax map number. Since that time, the Accounting & Finance Department has kept the acquisition and sales data for the assets up-to-date. ?? The Accounting & Finance Department occasionally uses a Suffolk County Tax Map book as a reference. ?? All of the Town’s capital projects are capitalized and entered into the AS/400. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 78 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Highway Department and Department Public Works Date/Time: December 14, 2010 @ 1:00PM ?? Peter Harris – Highway Superintendent ?? Curtis Davids – Deputy Superintendent of Highways ?? Jim McMahon – Department of Public Works ?? Joan E. Sinramm – Highway Department Secretary ?? Loretta Stromski – Highway Department Clerk Typists ?? Jamie Richter – Town Engineer ?? John Sepenoski – Southold ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Department Responsibilities The Department of Public Works has the following responsibilities: ?? Buildings & Grounds for the entire Town; ?? Parks & Beach maintenance for all town owned parks and beaches; ?? Maintenance for all Town owned facilities; ?? Maintenance of all Town street lights (approximately 1,400 street lights); ?? Maintenance and plowing for all municipal parking lots; ?? FOIL request. The Department of Public Works utilizes a paper-based work order system to support the required tasks to be completed on a daily basis. The Highway Department has the following responsibilities: ?? Maintenance of all Town owned signs; ?? Maintenance of all Town owned roads; including pavement and pavement markings; ?? Maintenance of all Town owned sidewalks; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 79 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Maintenance of all Town owned drainage; ?? Maintenance of all Town owned guiderails; ?? Maintenance of all Town owned trees; ?? Maintenance of all Town owned snow fences; ?? Street sweeping on all Town owned roads; ?? Snow plowing and sanding on all Town owned roads; ?? Seasonal Leaf pick-up; ?? FOIL requests. The Highway Department currently uses an Access based system to enter complaints and manage work order assignments. This system has been in place for approximately one month. The previous system used Microsoft Outlook. Department Metrics There are approximately 402 lane miles of Town owned road that are maintained by the Highway Department and Department of Public Works. Department Staffing The Highway crew at present consists of 27 men, 25 operate from the Peconic Highway yard (275 Peconic Lane) as well as 2 other men who are stationed on Fishers Island. There is a part-time Labor Crew Leader who supervises work on Fishers Island. The Department of Public Works crew at present consists of 14 men. Reference Keys While physical addresses are sometimes used to provide a landmark for certain assets these departments are responsible for maintaining (i.e., sign or street light), the specific location of that asset is the relevant reference to the location. Spatial Data Spatial Data such as road measurements, street centerlines, street names, street ownership, asset locations, snow plow routes, and sanding routes are used within Highway and Public Works. Sidewalks at Fisher’s Island have been digitized by an inventory. Software The following software programs are being used within the department: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 80 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? Microsoft Access database for Phone Calls, Complaints, and Work Orders; ?? Laserfiche to view scanned images; ?? Real Property System (RPS); ?? Building Permit System (AS400) to view history of building permit numbers on a property; ?? Accounting System on AS400; ?? MinuteTrack; ?? MapInfo; Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? A map atlas book created using the Town’s GIS datasets for street centerline, hamlet boundaries, and fire district boundaries would be helpful for reference when responding to a work order. ?? Develop an “Asset Management” GIS Viewer that contains parcel owner information, street lighting data, utility data, MS4 data, roadway data, sewer data, street names, work order locations, work order history, snow plow routes, sanding routes, Town boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should be provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website for all Town employees. ?? Develop or implement mobile application that would have a GPS/GIS component that would allow field crew members (in Highway and/or Public Works) to add a new “asset” to the GIS (using GPS) database, modify an existing “asset” in the GIS (using GPS), define type of asset, rate the condition of the asset, include notes of work performed, include dates of work performed, and indicate if MS4 related. The data collected in the field could include sidewalk locations and sidewalk conditions, drainage locations and drainage details (including type of drainage structure, general condition), street sign locations and conditions, street light locations and conditions, guiderail locations and conditions, and tree locations and conditions. ?? Perform a pavement condition assessment of all Town owned roadway (using the Town’s street centerline GIS layer and assigning condition assessments to street segments). The condition assessment can be broken up into hamlets and Bowne Management Systems, Inc 81 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: maps of pavement conditions can be displayed for each hamlet. Based upon the information obtained from the assessment, roads that do not meet a certain minimal level of pavement conditions will be identified for pavement projects in the short term and a projected budget can be defined to help identify the costs for pavement projects over the next 5 to 10 years. ?? As Orient had a pavement condition assessment performed and is available in paper, convert that data to an electronic format and migrate to the Town’s GIS. ?? Develop a report that would automatically generate the MS4 related work activity that needed to be reported up to NYS. The report would be developed against the GIS database that contained MS4 related work order activities within a specific period of time. ?? Develop or implement a complaint tracking system (as part of a larger Asset Management System) that would utilize a standard set of Town addresses, parcel owner names, street names, and asset locations. This system should be used to log service request (or complaints) and verify a work order is required. An Asset Management System could then be used to effective support the work order management activities for all assets within the Town. ?? Evaluate paper based drainage maps for the purpose of digitizing drainage features and migrating to the Town’s GIS database. ?? Perform a digital inventory of the Town’s right of way. This would include obtaining digital images (that are spatially registered) of both sides of the Town’s right of way. This imagery could be integrated with the Town’s GIS and made available in a web-based viewer (similar to Google’s street view). ?? Once an accurate list of street light locations and lamp types has been established, create a report that can be provided to LIPA that accurately define street light changes to ensure the Town is being properly billed. ?? Incorporate Fishers Island’s sidewalk inventory into the Town’s GIS database. IT Infrastructure There are four (4) computers at the Highway yard that are attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). There is one computer that is in the Highway yard (shop) that is connected to the Internet, but not to the Town’s WAN. Interactions with Village of Greenport Interaction with the Village of Greenport is limited as the Village has their own staff, however, there are some overlaps. There are some agreements in place where Southold provides Greenport with salt and sand and Greenport provides plowing services on agreed upon “border” roads. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 82 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? It was indicated that road measurements have been conducted manually in the past. ?? A paper based road index map was developed in the early 70’s and is currently be used by Highway and Public Works. An AutoCAD based version of this index (atlas) map was started, but never completed. ?? The ability to provide timely inspections for MS4 reporting requirements was identified as a need that technology (including GIS) could help support. ?? LIPA provided the Town with a list of lights owned by the Town, however, after evaluating the list, there were incorrect entries. ?? Asset management software packages have been researched in the past, but a product has never been selected or implemented at the Town. ?? For any asset management software pursued by the Town, it was agreed that it must be flexible to handle all types of assets (including obscure assets such as bird houses) and a Town administrator should have the ability to edit screen and database elements as needed to support their operations. ?? It was discussed that a pavement management project, conducted by an independent consultant, should be pursued by the Town to effectively and efficiently rate all pavement conditions on Town owned roads. ?? It was indicated that Orient had completed a paper-based pavement condition assessment. ?? Contractors are routinely used within Highway and Public Works. ?? Foreman areas within the Town are loosely defined and therefore, not lend itself to being digitized and included within the GIS. ?? Street sweeping is performed on an ad-hoc basis and is assigned based upon need by Highway management. ?? One computer is available in the shop that allows Highway personnel to search the Internet for required parts. ?? It was agreed that GPS or AVL technology would not be necessary in Highway or Public Works. ?? It was mentioned that construction on the Town’s right of way (ROW) with items such as vegetation, Belgian blocks, mail boxes, and large rocks is creating Bowne Management Systems, Inc 83 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: problems with the Town. Where necessary, code violations are brought to the attention of Code Enforcement. ?? The Highway Department typically performs two (2) complete trips around the entire Town to pick-up leaves throughout the year. ?? It was suggested that Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) data would be beneficial to the Town engineer for elevation data. ?? It was suggested that recent staff reductions have made it difficult to effectively support typical maintenance activities and almost impossible to support special projects (such as twig and branch pick-ups). ?? Cell phones and radios are commonly used to communicate with Highway and Public Works crew members in the field. ?? The Microsoft Access database currently in place within the Highway Department does not allow for wildcard searches. This has created an issue with staff members as if the exact spelling of the name is known or used, the proper results are not returned. A more flexible search would be more beneficial to the Department. ?? As the Microsoft Access database was recently implemented, a concern was noted of records that were previously entered into Microsoft Outlook (previous system). It was suggested that some sort of conversion be performed on these records to ensure records are not lost moving forward. ?? Given the fact that complaints and work order information is maintained on paper, within Outlook and in Microsoft Access, when a FOIL request is received, a tremendous amount of time is required to research all these possible locations for the required information. ?? Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) guidelines for sign retro-reflectivity were discussed during our meeting. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 84 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Village of Greenport Interviews The Village of Greenport is located within the Town of Southold and has approximately 2,200 residents. The Village is approximately one (1) square mile in size. The Village has four (4) major departments/managers that report to the Mayor’s Office and Village Trustees. Village of Greenport Departmental Organization Chart Mayor Utilities Village Clerk’s OfficeTreasurer’s Office Department Administrator Recreation Building/Code Light DepartmentSewer DepartmentRoad DepartmentHousing Authority DepartmentEnforcement Clerk’s Office Date/Time: November 18, 2010 @ 12:00PM ?? Silvia Pirillo – Village Clerk ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems Building/Code Enforcement Date/Time: November 18, 2010 @ 10:00AM ?? Eileen Wingate – Village Building Inspector ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems Information Technology Date/Time: November 18, 2010 @ 11:30AM ?? Tom Cybulski – Assistant Director of Utilities ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Bowne Management Systems, Inc 85 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems Clerk’s Office Tasks The Village Clerk’s Office is responsible for the following: ?? Registrar ?? Permits – Mass Public Assembly ?? FOIL Requests ?? Election Information ?? Ad-hoc Committees: Arts & Culture o Alternative Energy o Carousel o Greenhill Cemetery o Greenport Improvement o Tree o Zoning Advisory o Application for Records ?? FOIL Request ?? Genealogical Services ?? Copy of Birth Certificate ?? Copy of Death Record ?? Application for Public Assembly ?? Dock Application ?? Handicap Parking Permit Application In addition to the above, the Clerk is the Records Management Officer (RMO) for the Village and manages the following spatial data in paper formats: ?? Office Village Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 86 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? AutoCAD Drawings for Utilities Department (Lighting, Sewer, and Road) ?? Sewer and Water connection maps from Utility Department As the Clerk is the RMO for the Village, it was suggested that the Village should pursue their own Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) through New York State. However, since the Town and Village will be pursuing a cooperative GIS implementation grant in 2011, the Village will not be able to apply until 2012. This assumes that the Town and Village does not apply for another cooperative grant in 2012. The Clerk has a tremendous amount of paper records that need to be inventoried and addressed. The Town Clerk has offered support to the Village Clerk in records management. Building/Code Enforcement Department Tasks The Building/Code Enforcement Department is responsible for all building permits, certificate of appropriateness, certificate of occupancies, site plan review, applications for use, zoning reviews, and code enforcement (including building and fire). Wetland permits are processed in this department. The Department interacts with the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Historical Preservation Commission and the Village Trustees. Electrical inspections are outsourced to an external company. All real property related documents (i.e., permits, applications, certificates of occupancies) are maintained in file cabinets located within the Building/Code Enforcement Department. As the Town has approximately 1,005 parcels, the amount of documents is relatively small and can be managed within a few filing cabinets. The Building Department also performs all title searches for the Village. Department Metrics There are little metrics that were reviewed as part of our interviews with Village staff members. Department Staffing The Village of Greenport has approximately 40 employees (including elected and appointed officials). As many departments have a limited number of employees (with some departments such as Building/Code Enforcement have one employee), the use of GIS and technology in general is limited. The Building/Code Enforcement Department is familiar with GIS and used public websites and previously provided paper-based maps to support the GIS needs of the Village. Reference Keys Suffolk County Tax Map Number and address are used by the different departments as reference keys. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 87 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Spatial Data Spatial data available include Tax Maps, Zoning Maps, Historical Images, AutoCAD drawings of sewer and road projects, AutoCAD drawings for water and sewer house connections and the official village map. Software The Village has IBM’s Lotus Foundations – which includes email, calendars, contacts, office productivity tools, network security, remote access, file and print sharing, backup and disaster recovery. The Village uses both Microsoft Office products and Corel Office Software (e.g., WordPerfect. KVS Financial software is the Village’s financial software package (http://www.kvsinfo.com/financials.html). As part of a cooperative grant obtained with the Town of Southold, the Village owns Municity (as land management software package) which is configured to meet their Land Management software needs (i.e., planning, building, zoning, code enforcement). Potential Uses for GIS The following potential GIS uses were discussed during the meeting: ?? Create digital copies of zoning map; ?? Create digital copies of drainage and sewer maps; ?? Scan all historical photos and content from Historical Building Inventory, index by Tax Map Number, and link to parcel for display in GIS Viewer (Land Management Viewer described below); ?? Obtain electronic copy of RPTSA maps from Suffolk County; ?? Develop centralized street name GIS file to be used by all GIS applications and maintained by the Utility Department; ?? Create geocoding service to address locate all code violations for anlaysis purposes; ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data, street names, village boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website for all Village employees. ?? Develop an “Asset Management” GIS Viewer that contains parcel owner information, street lighting data, utility data, MS4 data, roadway data, sewer data, street names village boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district Bowne Management Systems, Inc 88 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should be provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website for all Village employees. ?? Obtain ability to access historical imagery for the Village and incorporate into internal GIS Viewers. ?? Link digital photos (taken from the field for building related services and code enforcement) to a parcel and display in “Land Management” GIS viewer. IT Infrastructure ?? The Town has one building (located at 236 Third Street in Greenport). ?? The Village employees the services of the North Fork Computer Group to service the Town’s file server and manage the Town’s IBM Lotus Foundations. ?? The Village uses Optimum online for Internet services (does not include Boost). ?? The Village’s server will be upgraded within the next 1-2 weeks. This upgrade will make Virtual Server technology available. ?? The Village does not have any Virtual Private Network (VPN) software and/or hardware capabilities. Interactions with other Government Agencies The Village interacts with the Town of Southold as needed. In situations where a resident is seeking services outside the Village boundaries, but inadvertently calls the Village, the Village employee refers the call to the Town (and in some cases calls the Town directly on-behalf of the resident). The Village will call the Town for guidance on certain building related issues. The Village will coordinate with Suffolk County Department of Health Services (DHS) for Zoning Board of Appeal issues. The Town handles property assessment within the Village and provides printed reports to the Village. Miscellaneous Comments Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? The Building/Code Enforcement Department was provided a spreadsheet containing SC RPTSA ARIES data that included Tax Map Number and owner information. This information was provided a few years ago and is outdated. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 89 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? The Building/Code Enforcement Department takes a lot of digital photos. ?? The Building/Code Enforcement Department uses Google Earth and Bing Maps to view aerial imagery. ?? Suffolk County has recently purchased aerial imagery services for a fly-over in 2010. This data will be made available to the Town and Village sometime in early 2011. ?? The Town has an active tree program and it was suggested that GIS could help support that program. The tree program is run by a volunteer tree committee that is chaired by John Quinlin. ?? The Village has Sanborn maps containing historical aerial imagery. ?? The Village has a Building Inventory that contains a profile (including pictures and text) for each building (completed in 1977 and 1998) in the entire Village. ?? The Village has 82 books containing vital records. These records are stored at the Village and not available electronically. ?? The Village does have a scanner, however, no software to support digital storage and retrieval functionality. ?? The Village does not have a disaster management plan in place. ?? The Village does not have an off-site storage facility for records. ?? Jim Daly, the Suffolk GIS Director can be contacted at james.daly@suffolkcountyny.gov or (631) 853-6045 by the Village at any time to discuss the County’s Land Management GIS application (http://gis.co.suffolk.ny.us/landviewer/index.html) ?? The Internet speed, checked periodically fluctuates greatly from day to day. ?? According to Lloyd at Southold, the Village recently upgraded their Internet to Optimum Boost. ?? It was suggested by some Town representatives that consolidation of additional technology services such as RPS, Laserfiche and Exchange could be provided by the Town as a service to the Village. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 90 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Human Resource Center Date/Time: November 16, 2010 @1:00PM ?? Karen McLaughlin, Director ?? Jacqueline Martinez, Manager ?? John Sepenoski – Town of Southold ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems Department Mission (Taken from Website) All services are located at the Human Resource Center in Mattituck. The Human Resource Center is a place where a professional staff is available to assist residents with the complexities of changing health, financial alternatives, entitlements as well as an array of other services. We want you to take advantage of the programs and services we offer. All programs are funded by Southold Town, Suffolk County Office for the aging and New York State Office for Aging. The agency is thirty-six (36) years old. Department Services (from Website) The Senior Nutrition Programs are a vital part of Senior Services. The Congregate Dining Program provides a hot nutritious meal to senior participants age 60 and older (and spouses of any age) five days a week at the Human Resource Center, 750 Pacific Street, Mattituck. Meals are served at 12 noon and transportation is available. The voluntary contribution is $4.00 per meal. Sign up is before 11:30 a.m. Home Delivered Meals are available to homebound residents 60 or older (spouses and disabled dependents of any age). This program provides a nutritionally well balanced meal to help maintain health and well being as well as daily contact which offers vital support to the functionally impaired elderly, their families and caregivers. Hot meals are delivered Monday through Friday between 10:00 AM – 12 noon and frozen meals are available for individuals who need nutritious meals for the weekend. All home delivered and frozen meal participants receive a complete in home assessment by our program staff to determine eligibility for home delivered meals as well as other benefits and services they may be entitled to. Assistance is provided by our staff in completing benefit applications for eligible seniors. Suggested donation for each meal is $4.00. Residential Repair Program - Southold Town has a Residential Repair Program for Seniors aged 60 and older. The labor is free, and the Senior pays only for parts and materials. Repairs include, replacing faucet washers, rewiring lamps, Installing grab bars and safety rails etc. Call the Human Resource Center at 298-4460 for more information. Program funded by Southold Town, The Suffolk County Office for the Aging, and the NYS Office for the Aging. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 91 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Seniors aged 60 and older can participate. The best part is, the labor is free, the Senior only pays for parts or materials used to complete the repair. We offer this service to both homeowners and renters and there is no income requirement. We handle the type of jobs that don’t require a licensed craftsman. These include: ?? Replacing faucet washers ?? Rewiring lamps, replacing light switches & plugs. ?? Installing grab bars and safety rails ?? Caulking and weather stripping. ?? Patching concrete including steps ?? Lock repair or replacements. ?? Changing light bulbs and batteries in smoke detectors Call and ask us, we’ll make every effort to assist. All Seniors are also given the opportunity to make a voluntary and anonymous contribution which is used to expand this popular and important program. Contact our office at 298-4460 for more information and to schedule an appointment today Senior Adult Day Care provides a full day of care from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Monday through Friday) in a protective setting for frail or cognitively impaired elderly adults 60 and older who cannot remain alone. The program provides socialization, recreation, assistance with personal care and nutrition. This program offers respite for caregivers while providing a meaningful day for participants. Voluntary contribution is $25.00/per day for residents and $50/per day for non-residents. Transportation is available for a fee. Breakfast, a noon meal and afternoon snack will be provided. Please call 298-4470 and speak to Jean DeLorme, Adult Daycare Supervisor. The Caregiver Support Group meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 1:30 PM at the Human Resource Center in Mattituck. We provide information and education to families while offering mutual support. If you are a caregiver and would like more information, please call us at 298-4460 and we can help you. Case Management, including benefits and entitlement counseling, long term care planning, information and referral services, and application assistance and advocacy. Community outreach and education regarding various programs and services are also provided and are available to community groups upon request. For further information, please call 298-4460. Advocacy Suffolk County Office for the Aging provides a Senior Advocate, Pam Kreutz to our nutrition site in Mattituck. Pam Kretuz is available to assist senior participants with application for various entitlements and benefits and is available here one day monthly. To schedule an appointment please call 298-4460. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 92 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: The Telephone Reassurance Program (RSVP) Retired Senior Volunteer Program – For seniors in Southold who live alone, telephone contact assures well-being. Volunteers call Monday through Friday to any homebound senior who requests this service. There is no fee for this service. Please call 631-288-0754 to register. Emergency Management Committee Karen McLaughlin is a member of the Town’s Emergency Management Committee. The Human Service Center (located at 750 Pacific Avenue in Mattituck) is an emergency evacuation shelter within back-up generators. Department Metrics Meals and transportation service totals are accumulated for monthly and yearly periods. The Office provides approximately 14,000 one-way passenger trips and 45,000 meals on a yearly basis. Department Staffing The department has fifteen (15) full time employees and twelve (12) part time employees. There are a few full time employees that have good experience with Microsoft Office products and technology in general. These employees would be candidates to help support GIS initiatives within the Department. Currently the Department does NOT have any employees with GIS experience. Reporting The Department provides a number of different types of reports that include statistics for various programs. Reference Keys Data is stored by physical address, not by Tax Map Number. Spatial Data Spatial data, including name and address, of seniors living in Southold is currently maintained in various formats within the Department. In addition, name and address information is obtained from State and County systems for certain types of programs. Census related data, while not available to the Department electronically, is desired to support various types of analysis and grant opportunities. The location of emergency shelters is maintained within the Department. Software The Department currently uses Microsoft Office products to support their office productivity needs. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 93 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Potential Uses for GIS The following potential GIS uses were discussed during the meeting: ?? Plotting Southold residents and the services they are provided (i.e., meals on wheels) on a map (either paper based or interactive); ?? Work with SC FRES, Southold PD, and Southold Fire Departments to develop and maintain a list of all seniors (and handicapped) persons within the Town to support mapping and analysis. ?? Support grant applications; ?? Evaluate residents being serviced against SLOSH zones, FEMA zones, Emergency Evaluation Zones, Emergency Evaluation Routes; ?? Develop centralized database of all residents requiring special assistance in the event of an emergency and plotting on a map (developed in conjunction with SC FRES, Southold PD, SC PD, and Southold Fire Departments); ?? Development of emergency evacuation route plan to support evacuation of residents that require special assistance (developed in conjunction with SC FRES, Southold PD, SC PD, and Southold Fire Departments); ?? Evaluate residents being services against Census demographic data (i.e., population over 55, population over 85); ?? Generating optimized routes for transportation services; ?? Mapping emergency shelters and providing ability to search for nearest shelter based upon address and/or hamlet; It should be noted that Suffolk County has a website that displays emergency shelters on a map with the ability to search by address and/or hamlet : http://gis.co.suffolk.ny.us/website/flood/viewer.htm ?? Have a “Caregiver’s Corner” on the Town’s website that would have various geographical layers to support caregivers in providing information to seniors. IT Infrastructure The Human Services Center (HSC) has approximately eight (8) computers that are connected to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Interactions with Village of Greenport Services provided under this department are provided to Village of Greenport residents. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 94 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Data Exchanges and Interactions The Department interacts with Suffolk County Office of Aging, Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services (FRES), Suffolk County Police Department, Suffolk County Department of Social Services, New York State Office of the Aging and Southold Police Department. Miscellaneous Comments Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? Karen has expressed their desire to update the Town’s website. This includes providing the Human Service Center the ability to make content changes to their pages. ?? SAMS Program used to generate as-needed reports which included income, ethnicity, etc… This program ensures all applicable entitlements are being used by senior. ?? Currently, 28.7% of the Town’s population is over 55 as compared to 15% nationally. ?? The projected population over 55 in the Town is 44% in 2014. ?? Given the large population of over 55 and over 85, the New York State Office for Aging looks to Southold for ideas and program approaches. ?? While the Department applies for many grants (both independent and cooperative), the use of GIS would be a big help in applying for these grants. ?? Suffolk County Joint Emergency Evaluation Plan (JEEP) program includes a database that is used to identify individuals with certain physical and mental disabilities who may require assistance in the event of an evacuation. The Town is not getting new registrants and additional information is kept at Police Department. Collaboration is required among these groups to support the development and maintenance of a centralized database. ?? Department is interested in developing a mailer (with return postage) to get information out to seniors. ?? Department is interested in developing an Internet-Chat capability on the Town’s website that would provide instant messaging capabilities. May want to consider creating a Facebook page for Department and using Facebook’s instant messaging functionality. ?? Link to the United Way’s 211 website - https://211longisland.communityos.org/cms/ Website provides searchable database for various types of health and human services programs. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 95 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? The ability to use GIS to evaluate demographics in certain areas would be helpful. For example, census tracts that meet the requirements for Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC) – 50% of households headed by a person aged 60 or older. ?? Additional demographic data that would be useful to the Department includes minority status, population over 85, and income levels. ?? All meals delivered/distributed from the Town have to be distributed within two (2) hours. ?? Department has eighteen (18) vehicles used for various transportation needs (i.e., meals on wheels, grocery shopping, medical transport, etc…) ?? The ability to map handicapped residents and measure miles to the nearest bus stop would be helpful. ?? Department is interested in sharing services with Shelter Island. ?? Department is providing services to Fishers Island. ?? The Town’s program year runs from April 1 to March 31 each year. Their fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31. Suffolk County Emergency Shelters Interactive Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 96 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Land Preservation Department Date/Time: December 3, 2010 @ 10:00 AM ?? Melissa Spiro – Land Preservation Coordinator ?? Melanie Doroski – Senior Administrative Assistant ?? John Sepenoski – Chairman, Land Preservation Committee ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Department Overview The Land Preservation Department is responsible for preservation of farmland and open space within the Town. Preservation of farmland and open space is a pillar of the community-wide dedication to continuation of a rural life style enjoyed in the Town of Southold. Preservation is accomplished under the Farmland program, the Open Space program and under the Community Preservation Fund program. Partnerships with Suffolk County, New York State, the Federal Government and not-for-profit land preservation groups add to local efforts. Efforts to date have preserved over 4,900 acres of the Town’s farmland and open space. Department staff assists the Land Preservation Committee and Town Board in the Town’s management of farmland and open space. The Town’s Land Preservation Committee is a group of volunteers appointed to make specific recommendations to the Town Board concerning farmland and open space preservation. Committee meetings occur approximately once every two weeks and 4-5 applications are normally reviewed at each meeting. Department Responsibilities A property owner who is interested in land preservation submits an application, which is reviewed by the Land Preservation Department and referred to the Land Preservation Committee. There are several different types of preservation applications including those for open space, farmland preservation and applications for structures and uses on preserved lands. Participation in the program by land owners is voluntary. The property is appraised and an offer is made, subject to approval by the Town Board. If the purchase is approved, a contract is prepared, and following a public hearing, the contract is signed and executed,. A title search is performed, a survey is ordered and an Environmental Site Assessment is conducted and ultimately a real estate closing is held. The Town purchases both interests in and fee title to properties. With farmland, it typical to purchase the development rights. These rights restrict commercial and residential development, but allow most agricultural uses,. Once the Town owns the development rights, if a land owner wants to build a farm structure, they need to apply to the Land Preservation Committee in addition to applying to the Building Department and Planning Board if applicable for a permit or site plan. The Department is hoping that the current Bowne Management Systems, Inc 97 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: The Municity software will assist the Department in resolving any permits being issued for properties with a Development Rights Easement prior to Land Preservation Committee review and approval. The Department maintains and would like to devote more attention to refining the Town’s Community Preservation Plan. The Department monitors easements held by the Town. If there Town were to establish scenic easements or façade easements, there is the potential that these would be managed by the Department also. In performing their review responsibilities, they use baseline data including orthophotography (current and historical), soils, wetlands, zoning, building permits, ROWs, ZBA and covenants. Department Metrics The Department typically completes 5 to 10 transactions per year – note: there are usually a couple of dozen projects open at any time, but some of these may not result in a land acquisition. Department Staffing This department has two full-time staff members. Reporting One or more staff reports are compiled for each application – 4 to 5 staff reports are normally generated in each two week cycle between meetings. The Department submits data to the Land Management Coordination Department for the quarterly report which also includes input from the Building department - the Department is not responsible for compiling the report itself. Reference Keys The primary spatial identifier used by the Department is the Town’s Section, Block and Lot (SBL) designation. I don’t understand this section at all, town SBL is the same as county SBL. Am I misunderstanding something? I deleted this whole section. The Department maintains a spreadsheet detailing the status of each project, including County projects. Spatial Data Spatial data is used by the Department now for: ?? Understanding the neighborhood context of a property – the Department uses both MapInfo Professional and Google Maps for this need, but neither “tool” Bowne Management Systems, Inc 98 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: gives them access to all of the relevant and available GIS and related tabular data; ?? Providing an interactive map for use during board and other meetings ?? All protected lands are mapped and attributed in GIS format – this includes all Suffolk County, New York State and federally-protected lands; ?? The Department maps sub-parcel development rights I don’t know what sub- parcel development rights means. and scenic easements – note: the Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency (RPTSA) has not traditionally mapped this information, but has recently agreed to do so – RPTSA has also agreed to store information about the historical state of the lot configuration; ?? The Department has created the “Town of Southold Protected Lands Map” (maintained by John Sepenoski with MapInfo Professional) [map is attached]; ?? The Department has created the “Community Preservation Fund (CPF) Map” (maintained by John Sepenoski with MapInfo Professional) – this map depicts the tax lots that the Town wants to buy or obtain development rights on – the parcels highlighted (in orange) are those that Town can purchase with the “2% funds” [map is attached]; ?? The Department has created the “Active Farmland Inventory Map” (maintained by John Sepenoski with MapInfo Professional) – this map tracks farm type by tax lot; ?? The Nature Conservancy / Peconic Estuary Program (TNC/PEP) created the Critical Lands Protection Strategy (CLPS) – the Department updates the Southold portion of this as needed; ?? The Department has created the “Farmland Protection Strategy Map” (maintained by John Sepenoski with MapInfo Professional) [map is attached]; ?? The Department generates other site and corridor-specific maps on an as- needed basis (by John Sepenoski with MapInfo Professional); ?? The Department maintains a GIS farmland inventory dataset (last updated summer 2010) – the data is by crop type and parcels are often split to account for multiple crops - for parcels that are being farmed, the farm land inventory supersedes the Assessor’s land use codes for the tax lot; ?? The Department has developed a GIS dataset that depicts the New York State Department of Agriculture’s easements with three photos taken at each corner of each property; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 99 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Non-Spatial Data A folder is opened for each project. The folder contains sub-files for various aspects of a project including real estate information, property photos and (eventually) an environmental site assessment, title insurance, a contract and closing documentation. Projects are identified by tax map number and name. Some documents are also stored electronically. The Department does not have any databases that were developed specifically for tracking land preservation projects. When a preservation project is complete, the Department assembles a separate file that contains copies of the most important documents, which are known as “baseline documents”. These documents are scanned and made available to the public. The complete folders, which contain some confidential records, are not available to the public. Software John Sepenoski uses MapInfo Professional to create and maintain maps and data. Melissa also makes occasional use of MapInfo Professional (e.g. for presentations). The Department staff make use of Microsoft Office. The Department is constrained by current Town-wide limitations on the size of e-mail mailboxes and the size of attachments allowed on a single e-mail. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, protected lands, FEMA zones, development rights, town ownership designation, town owned property acquisition and sales data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? Use GIS to identify all properties that are adjacent to those that are already protected to help with outreach planning. ?? Create a GIS dataset with prioritized properties for outright purchase or development rights acquisition and attribution of why it has a priority. ?? Compare and synchronize the Department’s development rights data with the development rights data maintained by the Accounting Department in their AS400 database. ?? Develop mapping to assist with easement monitoring – it was suggested that Melanie could do this work if she was provided with software and training. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 100 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Provide a mobile solution that can be used by Department staff while completing their field work. ?? Develop a mobile computing solution for mapping and updating the New York State Department of Agriculture’s easements and photos taken from the property corners ?? Capture highly accurate (i.e. sub-foot) GPS coordinates for the property corners of all Town-owned properties Impediments to GIS Usage The Department staff rely heavily on help from outside the department (specifically John Sepenoski) and would like to be do more themselves. Department staff have not received any formal GIS training. IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Interactions with Village of Greenport The Department has limited as-needed interaction with the Village of Greenport at the moment. Data Exchanges and Interactions The Land Preservation Department and the Planning Department regularly exchange information and consult with each other regarding their projects. The Planning Department, for example, needs to know whether parcels adjacent to a proposed subdivision or development site are protected. The Land Preservation Department consults with the Planning Department regarding covenants and other restrictions that are applicable to individual properties. Conservation subdivisions in particular require significant coordination of the two department’s activities. The Department also has routine interaction with Suffolk County government, the SCWA, NYS government, the federal government and not-for-profit organizations. Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? When a property is acquired through Department activity, the Department publishes a plan for the maintenance of the property (e.g. mowing, structures maintenance, allowable uses) - DPW manages and maintains the Town’s parks and other Town-owned open spaces and DPW does not always follow the plan; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 101 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? The Recreation Department accepts applications for use of Town land. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 102 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Land Management Coordination Date/Time: December 9, 2010 @ 1:00PM ?? John Sepenoski – Technical Coordinator, Land Management ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Responsibilities John Sepenoski is the technical coordinator under Land Management Coordination. John works with various departments in support of technology initiatives, tasks, and activities. Many of these activities include GIS technology or products. The tasks include: ?? Maintain Zoning layer and Official Zoning Map; ?? Maintain Tax Map layers (synchronized with Suffolk County); ?? Maintains Town Tax Map Number schema (variation of Suffolk County format); ?? Rough registers parcel splits based upon surveys; ?? Maintain Street Centerline layer (originally received from Suffolk County); ?? Maintain drainage system layers (including manholes, basins, inlets, pipes, etc…) through MS4 project; ?? MS4 reporting; ?? Provides support to Mark Terry in MS4 grant development and maintenance; ?? Manages storage of all historical and current imagery. Imagery includes: 1930 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – missing Plum & Gull o Islands); 1938 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – only about 50% o registered); 1947 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – about 40% of o mainland); 1960 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered); o 1961 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – missing some o sections); Bowne Management Systems, Inc 103 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: 1962 black & white aerial imagery (orthorectified – missing some points); o 1966 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – plum island & o fishers island only); 1966 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – portions of Town); o 1969 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – missing Gull island o and Fishers Island); 1969 black & white aerial imagery (orthorectified); o 1970 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – missing Orient Point o to Gull Island); 1972 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – portions of Town); o 1974 black & white aerial imagery (rough registered – Tidal wetland areas o only); 1978 black & white aerial imagery (orthorefectified); o 1980 black and white aerial imagery (rough registered – portions of Town); o 1984 black & white aerial imagery (currently being worked on by SCWA); o 1985 black & white aerial imagery (possibly from CEHA blue toned maps); o 1988 Town prints; o 1993 Town prints; o 1994 infrared aerial imagery (rough registered – missing Plum Island) ; o 1996 color aerial imagery (rough registered); o 1999 color aerial imagery (rough registered); o 2001 color aerial imagery (rough registered); o 2004 color aerial imagery (rough registered); o 2007 color aerial imagery (rough registered); o ?? Scanning & georeferencing various plans and engineering drawings (from AutoCAD); ?? Maintain DEC layers (including freshwater wetlands); ?? Obtains updates of FEMA Flood Zone layers; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 104 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Supports Mark Terry in performing any updates to the FEMA Flood Zones; ?? Create parcel level FEMA Flood Zone attributes; ?? Maintain zip code layer (originally received from Suffolk County); ?? Maintain hamlet layer (originally developed by the Town of Southold); ?? Maintain fire districts layer (originally received from the County); ?? Maintain school district layer (originally received from the County); ?? Maintains Protected Lands Map; ?? Maintains Community Preservation Fund Map; ?? Maintains Farmland Protection Strategy Map; ?? Supports farmland grant opportunities; ?? MapInfo System End-User Support Liaison; ?? RPS System End-User Support Liaison; ?? Laserfiche End-User Support Liaison; Miscellaneous Below are some comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? The primary recommendations discussed within our meeting for the Town include; centralization of data storage and management; data maintenance and synchronization; GIS training, and publishing GIS data to Town employees through web-based application (which is easy to use). ?? As part of the GIS UNA provided, a three year implementation plan will be provided. ?? As part of the GIS UNA, a prioritized list of hardware, software, data development, and application development will be included. ?? Subdivisions maps that are created within the Town are scanned into Laserfiche and the original maps are filed in the vault. ?? The Town has been very successful in using Interns (via LWRP grant from NYS DOS) to support MS4 and other field data collection efforts. ?? A GIS capital fund was put into the 2011 capital budget in the amount of $100,000. ?? John receives tax map updates from Suffolk County Real Property Tax Service Agency (RPTSA) in the form of a shape file as needed throughout the year. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 105 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: John was informed that a web-based viewer is being deployed by RPTSA that contains the tax map layer. Map services used to support this viewer may be able to be consumed by the Town for internal applications. ?? The Town would want access to Suffolk County tax map digital layer if snap-able and copy-able. ?? The Assessor keeps a list of tax lot mergers. ?? The Town has disagreements with RPTSA on certain lots (e.g., underwater land). The Town maintains their own version of these parcels (which differs from the County). ?? Preserved land information from the County or Riverhead (on property in Riverhead adjacent to Southold) would be helpful to the Town. ?? The Town has not attended Long Island Geographic Information Systems (LIGIS) conferences in a few years. It was suggested that attending these conferences (usually once or twice a year @ Brookhaven National Lab) may increase collaboration efforts with other Towns as well as help support different GIS initiatives within the Town. ?? The Town is not a member of the NYS Data Sharing Cooperative. It was suggested that the Town should participate in the cooperative. ?? It was agreed that Light Detecting and Ranging (LiDAR) data would be very helpful to the Town, especially within the Planning Department. Suffolk County has LiDAR data and is willing to provide to the Town. ?? As part of the Town’s MS4 efforts, the street centerline file has been updated to reflect incorrect geometry, incorrect street names, and proper ownership. ?? As part of the Town’s MS4 efforts, digital maps exist for most of the known inlets and outfalls, some of the manholes and recharge basins and only a few pipes. ?? Drainage maps available from Planning and Engineering can be used to digitize drainage pipes and pipe directions, however, the maps will have to be located, organized, scanned, geo-referenced and digitized. This effort should be considered to comply with MS4 requirements and regulations. ?? In general, the Town is ahead of schedule for MS4 mapping requirements. ?? To support MS4 reporting, more efficient automated reporting should be developed “on top of” the GIS. ?? Training in the use and operation of advanced GIS technology (such as Spatial Analyst) would provide the Town with the required skills to define watersheds and sub-watersheds within the Town. This is another MS4 requirement needed within the immediate future. ?? The DEC’s MS4 year ends March 9 every year. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 106 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? It was suggested that the paper property cards should be scanned (at a minimum) and information contained on those cards should be entered into RPS. ?? As there is no official “GIS Coordinator” title assigned to a Southold employee, certain departments are unsure who to direct their GIS related issues, concerns, or requests to. ?? There is a large amount of redundant GIS data storage that needs to be reduced and/or eliminated. ?? Given the various building locations at the Town, it was suggested to consider GIS database replication in the Annex and Police Department. ?? Storage space is limited at the Town and a high volume of storage requirements is needed to support an enterprise GIS database. ?? The Town does not currently use external Web map services. ?? The use of GIS technologies (such as comparing building footprint outlines from orthophotography over two years – 2007 and 2010) would help support increased revenues as construction efforts done without a permit can more easily be identified. ?? The Planning Department is in need of digital data for building footprints, square footage, number of stories/floors, etc. This data would greatly support zoning adjustments. ?? It was suggested that the use of GIS could effectively support analysis of septic flow issues currently present when working with the Suffolk County Health Department. Currently, much of the key data is on paper and a Town-wide analysis cannot be performed (using GIS). One of the Town’s goals is to improve commercial zoning. ?? It was suggested that a GIS Steering Committee is needed at the Town. It was agreed that the committee should be sized appropriately and have key departmental members. ?? It was indicated that an Information Technology (IT) Steering Committee was tried at one point in the past, however, was unsuccessful. It was suggested that a GIS Steering Committee could be a sub-committee to an IT Steering Committee. ?? While capital funds have been identified in 2011, operating funds in subsequent years should be identified to effectively support GIS initiatives. ?? As part of a previous project with the Board of Trustees, a video log of Town shoreline properties was completed. This video log should be spatially registered and integrated with the Town’s centralized GIS geodatabase. ?? Currently, The Assessor’s Office takes digital pictures in the field and uses a voice recorder to identify the location of the property. An assistant in the office replays the voice recording to identify the location of the property and uses that Bowne Management Systems, Inc 107 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: address to link the digital photography in RPS. The use of GPS enabled cameras could be used to more efficiently complete this work. ?? In general, the use of GPS enabled mobile devices (which include camera capabilities) could be used by many departments in the Town to increase overall efficiencies for many tasks. ?? It was agreed that the use of geodatabase versions would be beneficial. Versions would be created for different users (and/or layers) that would allow editing to be performed outside the “production” database whereas version could be posted after edits are completed. GIS Layer List Below is a list of various GIS layers that have been created and/or being maintained by the Town of Southold. ?? Audubon Important Bird Areas ?? Seaview Bike Trails (multiple layers) ?? Town Preserve habitat types (multiple layers, multiple preserves) ?? CCE historic eelgrass (multiple layers – 1930, 1947, 1969, 1980) ?? CCE eelgrass restoration sites (multiple layers) ?? CCE existing eelgrass ?? CCE eelgrass restoration model ?? Visual inventory (shoreline structures, photos, videos) ?? Coastline (multiple versions) ?? Fire districts ?? Flood map (old version) ?? Municipal boundaries ?? School districts ?? Special Groundwater Protection Area ?? SLOSH map ?? Zip codes ?? Streets Bowne Management Systems, Inc 108 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Soils (from County soils book) ?? CPF updates (multiple layers) ?? Critical Environmental Areas ?? DEC 1974 Tidal Wetlands Inventory ?? DEC CEHA ?? DEC current NYNHP ?? DEC old NYNHP ?? DEC tidal wetland loss ?? DEC water quality classification ?? DEC WI-PWL (multiple layers) ?? DEC fresh water wetlands ?? DEC shellfish closures ?? Bird Conservation Areas ?? Nature Trails ?? Mile Markers ?? Significant Trees ?? Land Preservation photo points ?? GPS (various field work, various departments) ?? MS4 catch basins ?? MS4 conveyances ?? MS4 outfalls ?? MS4 recharge areas ?? MS4 parking lots (street sweeping) ?? Streets (edited by TOS) ?? Long Island Sound Study area Bowne Management Systems, Inc 109 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? LWRP boat ramps ?? LWRP marinas ?? LWRP golf courses ?? LWRP parks ?? LWRP shellfish seeding ?? LWRP reaches ?? LWRP estuary access ?? LWRP shellfish productivity ?? Fresh water wetlands (in house) ?? Tidal wetlands (in house) ?? NWI wetlands ?? Archeo sensitive areas ?? Old circles and squares (archeo) ?? Beach nesting species areas ?? DOS Significant Coastal Habitats ?? PEP Critical Lands Protection Strategy ?? PEP Critical habitats (multiple layers) ?? PEP duck habitats (multiple layers) ?? PEP hardened shoreline (updated by TOS) ?? PEP Land cover ?? Land cover (non PEP area, created by TOS) ?? PEP hydrology ?? PEP eelgrass (multiple layers) ?? PEP SAV ?? PEP groundwater contributing areas Bowne Management Systems, Inc 110 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? PEP Benthic (multiple layers) ?? USGS Quads ?? SCWA water mains (multiple layers including older versions) ?? SCWA hydrants (multiple layers, not ground truthed) ?? SCWA properties ?? Tax map (edited by TOS, includes Protected, Community Facilities, build out, etc.) ?? Tax map archive (tax map is archived at the end of each year and used for depicting changes through time, e.g. Protected lands) ?? Tax map (section of Riverhead adjacent to TOS) ?? Farm land inventory (multiple years) ?? Ag District ?? Ag District buffer ?? Nematode quarantine ?? Underwater lands ?? County master preservation lists (farm land and open space) ?? NYS Open Space preservation list ?? HALO ?? Hamlet center ?? Hamlets ?? Historic register ?? Historic districts ?? SPLIA ?? Park Districts (TOS draft) ?? Subdivisions (depicts boundaries of subdivisions, about 90% complete) ?? Zoning (multiple layers) Bowne Management Systems, Inc 111 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Watersheds/subwatersheds (multiple layers from TMDLs, PEP, etc.) ?? Cell towers ?? Water protection zone ?? Archive layers (multiple layers archived for various projects) ?? Topo (5 foot contours, old County version) ?? Docks ?? Waterfront parcels (multiple layers) ?? Easements (very early version) ?? Fishers Island mosquito treatment areas ?? Fishers Island sidewalk hazards ?? Geo Features (water body names, points, lighthouses, etc.) ?? Town Deer management program (multiple layers) ?? LIPA ROW (approximate center line) ?? LIPA towers ?? Police map references (GIS map of areas defined in dispatch program) ?? Bay to Sound project (multiple layers, proposed trails, kiosks, clean up sites, etc.) ?? Osprey nests ?? Phragmites (multiple layers) ?? Plum Island IBA surveys (multiple layers) ?? RPS Sales (multiple layers) ?? Waste water district ?? Watershed improvement strategy areas ?? Moorings (Town wide map with trustees numbering) ?? Many other project specific layers (usually some sort of analysis e.g. buffers, watershed, proposals, need for variances etc. Too many to list but point is that Town needs the ability to continue being able to work this way. This is a lot of the “on the fly” stuff I mentioned during our meetings). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 112 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 113 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Planning Department Date/Time: December 2, 2010 @ 1:00 PM ?? Heather Lanza – Director of Planning ?? Tamara Sadoo – Planner ?? Mark Terry – Principal Planner ?? John Sepenoski – Town of Southold ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Department Responsibilities The Department is responsible for: ?? Reviewing site plan and subdivision applications; ?? Reviewing Environmental Impact Statements (EIS); ?? Maintaining the Town’s Comprehensive Plan; ?? Performing zoning build out analysis; ?? Managing the Hamlet Stakeholders Initiatives; ?? Managing the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP); ?? Support on MS4 project; Department Staffing The Department has six (6) staff at the present time – this includes the director, three planners and two administrative staff. All three (3) planners and the director are knowledge on GIS technologies; however, the use of GIS varies from planner to planner. MapInfo is used by most staff members in the Department, however, not everyone has been adequately trained on the software. All staff members utilize Google and Bing to support some of their GIS needs in addition to MapInfo. Reference Keys The Department uses both Suffolk County Tax Map number and street address as reference keys for data maintained within the Department. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 114 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Spatial Data The Department makes use of the following data: ?? Town tax mapping – this information is accessed in both digital and hardcopy forms and is needed in both forms day-forward; ?? The Town’s GIS street centerline dataset; ?? Orthophotography, including both current and historical; ?? Wetlands, including DEC freshwater, DEC 1974 tidals, National Wetlands Inventory (NWI); ?? Flood plains; ?? 15% slopes and 20% slopes (current data is fairly poor quality); ?? Soils; ?? Significant trees; ?? Woodlands; ?? Archeological/historic structures/sites; ?? Wireless facilities including cell phone towers; ?? Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities (SPLIA) list; ?? NYS DEC Coastal Erosion Map; ?? Restricted land; ?? Town and utility easements layer; ?? Cemeteries; ?? Covenants and restrictions (usually focused on density on a parcel); ?? MS4 data; ?? CAD drawings; ?? Sidewalks, curbs, etc; ?? Utility infrastructure – e.g. sewer system, SCWA’s fire hydrants and water mains; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 115 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Non-Spatial Data The Department uses the following non-spatial data: ?? Laserfiche for property information ; ?? The Department maintains an Access database to track their projects. Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? MapInfo Professional – there are five (5) licenses of MapInfo available within the Department (of which, only one is upgraded to the current version 10). ?? RPS; ?? Building Permit System; ?? Laserfiche; ?? Google Earth (including Street View); ?? GPS Pathfinder Office software (only used by Land Management Coordination) Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? Develop a “Public GIS Viewer” that contains various land management and asset management data layers to answer various types of public questions such as “what is my tax lot number?” or “is my road public or private?” or “what zone is this parcel in?” ?? Provide ability to develop (or modify) any dataset in a versioned environment that can be posted to a production database once completed. Datasets in a versioned database will only be accessed and edited with appropriate security privileges. This includes the Tax Map layer; Bowne Management Systems, Inc 116 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Review SPLIA data and provide link to RPTSA Tax Map number for all identified properties; ?? Develop an easement map; ?? Develop a layer for covenant restrictions layer to display, among other things, density restrictions, buffers, and use restrictions. ?? Develop tools to support build out mapping that includes tax map data, zoning data, covenant restrictions, protection status and other layers; ?? Ortho rectify historical imagery that is either rough registered or not registered at all; ?? Store and maintain all Town imagery (including historical imagery, orthophotography, and oblique imagery) within a centralized database; ?? Incorporate traffic count data (usually intersection based) into GIS database. This can be very useful for SEQR analysis; ?? Develop watershed and sub-watershed boundary GIS layer; ?? Develop an impervious surface GIS layer using Impervious Surface Analysis Tool (ISAT); ISAT is free of charge from the NOAA Coastal Service Center. After creation of the GIS layer, compare against watershed and sub-watershed boundaries; ?? Migrate mooring map in MapInfo to the centralized GIS database; ?? Evaluate and migrate Cornell Cooperative video of all shoreline structures into centralized GIS database and make available as georeferenced dataset within GIS web-based viewer. ?? Perform advanced spatial analysis (with new GIS software) using existing GIS data layers to support various planning efforts. ?? Develop a reference database that accommodates for retired Suffolk County Tax Map numbers. Ideally, the reference database should go all the way back to the first tax map and not just be day forward. Currently, this functionality is being tested within Municity, however, a GIS based solution would be far superior and less manual work. ?? Scan paper-based drainage maps, geo-reference and digitize drainage features in support of the MS4 project within the Town; ?? As a tremendous amount of parcel related data is stored in non-GIS systems (i.e., RPS), develop an Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) routine that would transfer key parcel data attributes to the parcel GIS layer on a periodic Bowne Management Systems, Inc 117 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: basis. ETL routines should allow the Town to control the data elements and parcels to be updated. ?? Field verify fire hydrant data from Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) given the poor quality of current electronic data; ?? Use GIS-skilled interns for various data collection efforts (either continuing on previous projects or developing new datasets); ?? The Planning Department would like the ability to catalog important view sheds and analyze potential impacts to them. Impediments to GIS Usage The currently available desktop GIS software is not sufficient in functionality and licensing to support efficient and effective use of GIS. The Department has had minimal formal GIS training. IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). The computers within the Department are a few years old and could use an upgrade (CPU and/or RAM). The ability to store large dataset on the network is limited. The Town’s master GIS data is hosted at Town Hall, but network bandwidth constraints have compelled some GIS data to be stored locally in the Town Hall Annex. This will have to be addressed when evaluating the overall proposed GIS infrastructure to support the Town and Village’s GIS needs. Interactions with Village of Greenport The Department coordinates with the Village for subdivision and site plan review on the border. The Department also has contact with the Village regarding utilities. One key issued identified is the ability to know where the Village sewer system is, especially the components that are directly outside the Village boundary in the Town. Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? All applications come in paper form now – scanning only occurs at Town Hall ?? As the current GPS hardware for the Town is outdated, the purchase of updated hardware and software would increase their ability to more effectively collect and verify data in the field. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 118 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? A Land Tracking Report (measures development) is produced on a quarterly basis. ?? John is current attributing the Town’s street centerline GIS dataset with ownership (e.g. Town, County, Federal, Private). ?? The Town was able to get data maintained by NYS State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). However, the Town has not been able to receive detailed records or the radius circles (from archeological resources ) in a GIS format. ?? The Department is in the very early stages of compiling information for an easement map. They will need to go through all Trustee approvals, all Planning approvals, all records of easements and flag the associated parcels. ?? The Department wants to move towards digital submissions of CAD drawings. ?? The Department does not have CAD software at the present time. ?? The Department expressed interest in developing a “Google style” movie that would simulate a visual tour of a particular area. ?? The Department is supporting efforts to map the Town’s storm drainage; specifically the surface features (manholes, catch basins and drop inlets) and pipes. ?? The Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities (SPLIA) list is maintained by a summer intern (if available) for the Town’s Landmarks Preservation Board; ?? The Department expressed an interest in a secure FTP that would allow them to store large files internally or provide to an external user for use. One of the contributing factors for this request is the limited size on email attachments for all Town employees. ?? The Department expressed an interest in an Information Technology Steering Committee that would help support various IT related initiatives. ?? The Department expressed confusion with the appropriate contact for GIS support. ?? It was discussed that the Town should consider a policy where a contractor or vendor is not paid (for the final payment on a contract) if electronic GIS datasets are not received within the required format. ?? The Town recently installed an overhead projector in the Town Board Room, which the Department anticipates using for presentations. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 119 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? The Department expressed interest in Smart Board technology to be used in conjunction with GIS to help support the increase use of visual aids in board meetings. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 120 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Police Department Date/Time: November 29, 2010 @ 1:00PM ?? Carlisle Cochran, Chief Southold Police Department ?? Martin Flatley, Captain Southold Police Department ?? Scott Mastellon, Bowne Management Systems Taken from Town Code Per the Town’s code, the Southold Town Police Department (STPD) and its police members have the power and it is their duty to: A. Protect life and property. B. Prevent crime. C. Detect and arrest offenders. D. Preserve the public peace. E. Enforce all laws and ordinances over which the Police Department has jurisdiction. The Chief of Police is the chief executive of the Police Department, subject to the rules and regulations prescribed by the Town Board. The government and control of the Police Department and its members is vested in the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police shall be appointed by the Town Board of the Town of Southold to exercise command of the Police Department and its members. It is the duty of the Police Department and the members of the Department all times of the day and night to protect life and property, prevent crime, detect and arrest offenders, preserve the public peace and enforce all laws and ordinances over which the Police Department has jurisdiction. PSAP The Town is one of the County’s Primary Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and responds to all 911 calls received for Police, Fire, and Ambulance services within the Town of Southold. The Town of Southold provide dispatch services for the Town of Shelter Island. Department Metrics There is no formal departmental metrics or computer based statistics (sometimes referred to as COMPSTAT) compiled by the Police Department. Crimes and operations are evaluated by the Department’s senior management (includes Police Chief and Police Captain) and decisions are made based upon the team’s experiences and local knowledge of the region. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 121 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Department Staffing There are a total of eleven (11) Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) operators. While these operators have access to commercial GIS products such as Google and Bing, they do not have any access to GIS products developed specifically for the Town, nor have they received any training on GIS related technology. There are approximately forty (40) police officers within the Southold Town Police Department. Reference Keys Calls and incidents are reported based upon physical address. Spatial Data 9-1-1 calls and non-emergency calls are reported to the Police Department typically with a physical address. Police incidents are managed in HTE's software. The Town is broken down into operational patrol sectors. Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? HTE Public Safety Software (SunGard) for CAD (AS400 based) ?? HTE Public Safety Software (SunGard) for Records Management (AS400 based) ?? HTE CrimeMap (LookingGlass) – for Crime Mapping Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? The ability to map crime incidents (from HTE) through LookingGlass software. GIS data must be provided to HTE in a format compatible with this product. ?? The ability to view updated imagery (both orthophotography and oblique) would help support the Department’s ability to effectively respond to certain types of incidents. While 2010 orthophotography will be available to the Town in 2011 (and is available in Google today), oblique imagery (offered by a company such as Pictometry) is only available from 2006. ?? The ability to print out a crime incident map as needed would help support the Department’s ability to effectively respond to certain types of incidents. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 122 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? As the current HTE system does NOT have a motor vehicle accident reporting module, a system that would provide the PD with the ability to enter and map motor vehicle accidents. ?? The ability to map locations of motor vehicle accidents involving deer within the Town. Locations could be evaluated to determine if enough and/or proper signage is posted. ?? The ability to develop parade route planning maps would help the Department in their ability to more effectively support parades without the Town. ?? The ability to map locations of elderly and special needs residents within the Town would be helpful in case of an emergency (in a local area or within the entire Town) that would involve the need for evacuations. ?? Use of Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) technology within Police vehicles. IT Infrastructure The Police Department is connected to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). All 9-1-1 dispatchers and required personnel have personal computers connected to the WAN. The Police Department has a dedicated server located within the Police Station that is used to host the HTE products. A redundant Police server is located at Town Hall in the event of a failure. Interactions with Village of Greenport The Village of Greenport is serviced by the Southold Police Department. The Village is simply another part of the Town and is treated as such. Data Exchanges and Interactions Information and data is exchanged with the following agencies: ?? Suffolk County Police Department Headquarters ?? Town of Riverhead Police Department ?? Town of Shelter Island Police Department ?? Local Fire Departments (Orient, East Marion, Greenport, Southold, Cutchogue, Mattituck, Fishers Island, and Plum Island Animal Disease Center) ?? Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services (FRES) ?? New York State Department of Criminal Justice ?? Southold Human Resource Center Bowne Management Systems, Inc 123 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office ?? Suffolk County Probation Miscellaneous Comments Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? Zack from Data Processing provides IT related services to the Town. Zack spends a minimum of one day a week at the STPD. ?? There are some properties within the Town that require significant additional travel after exiting the main road (e.g., a .5 mile long driveway). The ability to view imagery or print out incident maps would help support their ability to know this prior to arriving at the location and be in a better position to address the needs of the call properly. ?? While GIS could help to support the placement of sexual offenders who reside within the Town of Southold, current (according to the New York State Sex Offender Registry), there are only two (2) sexual offenders who live within the Town (one in Southold and one in Fisher’s Island). ?? The STPD employees bay constables that are responsible for inspecting trustee permits. ?? Reporting from within the HTE system can be difficult for certain types of reports. ?? While Suffolk County is current implement Traffic and Criminal Software (TraCS); mobile computer technology that enables law enforcement to electronically issue tickets and write accident reports, it is not currently being pursued by the STPD. However, in the event funds from Suffolk County Headquarters are being used to support the TraCS implementation, the Town of Southold is entitled to a portion of those funds for implementation within the Town. ?? The STPD is currently evaluating a product by the name of IMPACT to support various police related functionality. STPD is working with Data Processing to perform the required analysis. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 124 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Recreation Department Interview Meeting Date/Time: November 16, 2010 @10:00AM ?? Ken Reeves – Recreation Supervisor ?? Judy McCleery– Part Time Employee Clerk ?? John Sepenoski – Town of Southold ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems Department Mission (Town Website) The Southold Town Recreation Department offers year-round activities, programs, special events, concerts, bus trips, educational courses, sports, etc. for residents of all ages. The department strives to maintain and enhance the quality of life for all residents of Southold by providing park, recreation and leisure opportunities through organized programs and by maintaining, preserving and enhancing recreation areas, open spaces, and facilities in the most cost-efficient manner. Our staff constantly pursues excellence and dedication in providing the best possible services within resource and budgetary limits. Quarterly brochures are published throughout the year listing all activities and programs that are being offered. We believe in creating quality life-long recreation experiences for all of our residents. Department Tasks The following are the responsibility of the Recreation Department: ?? Recreation Programs & Activities – over 50 programs and activities are available to all Town residents and non-residents that include (but are not limited to) lifeguard certification program, belly dancing, digital camera workshop, international folk dancing, quilting class, and many more. The Recreation Department is responsible for scheduling of all programs and events and contracting with instructors to provide these services. A full ?? Reservation Requests for Recreation Center – Requests to reserve the Town recreation center are received, approved, and scheduled by the Recreation Department. ?? Reservation Requests for Town Green Facility – Requests to reserve the Town Green Facility are received, approved, and scheduled by the Recreation Department. ?? Reservation Requests for Parks Facilities – Requests to reserve Park Facilities are received, approved, and scheduled by the Recreation Department. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 125 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Applications for Wedding Ceremony on Southold Town Beaches – Requests for Wedding Ceremony’s are received, approved, and scheduled by the Recreation Department. ?? Town Parks – The Recreation Department is responsible for scheduling events on two (2) Town parks; Jean Cochran & Tasker Park. Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of parks. ?? Town Beaches – There are a total of six (6) beaches within the Town that the Recreation Department provides lifeguards. Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of beaches. ?? Town Boat Ramps – There are a total of ten (10) boat ramps within the Town that the Recreation Department supports. Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of these ramps. ?? Preserves & Trails – There are a number of trails available within the preserves within the Town. ?? Beach Permits – ALL BEACH PARKING PERMITS ARE HANDLED BY THE CLERK’S OFFICE. ?? Park, Beach, and Boat Ramp Maintenance – ALL MAINTENANCE AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ARE HANDLED BY PUBLIC WORKS. Parks & Beaches The Town of Southold has been fortunate in its coastal location which has been able to supply recreational opportunities for residents. The waters and beaches of Long Island Sound and Peconic and Gardiners Bays, taken with the multitude of creeks that enter the bay on the south shore of the Town have provided some of the bounties of nature's assets. Opportunities to swim, to launch a boat, to fish and gather shellfish, to enjoy scenic vistas and the use of the beaches have been, readily available to residents for over two centuries. ?? Tasker Park: is located on Peconic Lane in Peconic and has 3 baseball fields, 3 tennis courts, a playground and restroom facilities. – [TOWN OWNED PARK] ?? Laurel Park: is located on the Main Road (Route 25) in Laurel and houses an information center, 2 baseball fields, a playground and parking for those who wish to use the adjacent state land for fishing. (NY State Fishing License is required to fish here & can be obtained at the Town Clerk’s Office) – [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? New Suffolk Beach: is located on Jackson Street in New Suffolk and provides lifeguards and beach attendants. A boat launching ramp and ample parking facilities are available, by town permit only, for the general public. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] Bowne Management Systems, Inc 126 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Goldsmith Inlet, Peconic: is Sound front property along west side of Goldsmith's Inlet opposite the County Park on Mill Road, Peconic. This property does not have lifeguards. Parking by Southold Town permit only. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? Goose Creek: This facility, off North Bayview Rd. in Southold, overlooks Southold Bay and has lifeguards, a playground and restrooms. Parking by Southold Town permit only. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? Kenney's Beach: is located at the end of Kenny’s Road in Southold. The beach overlooks the sound and has lifeguards and restrooms. Parking by Southold Town permit only. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? McCabe's Beach: is located ½ mile east of Kenny’s Beach, on North Sea Road in Southold. The beach overlooks the sound and has lifeguards and restrooms. Parking by Southold Town permit only. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? Town Beach: is located on the North Road (Route 48) in Southold, overlooking the sound. This is the most used town-owned beach. Facilities include restrooms, playground, a picnic area and a beach wheelchair for disabled patrons. Parking by Southold Town permit only. Beach has lifeguards and beach attendants on duty during the summer. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? Skipper Horton Park: is located on the Main Road (Route 25) in Greenport with an information center & picnic area. - [TOWN OWNED PARK] ?? Norman E. Klipp Park: is located on Manhanset Avenue in Greenport and is also known as Gull Pond Beach. The beach overlooks Shelter Island and contains a large parking area, playground and has lifeguards and beach attendants on duty in the summer. Parking and boat launching by Southold Town permit only. - [TOWN OWNED BEACH] ?? Strawberry Fields – Park that is owned by the County and maintained by the Town. Park offers lacrosse, soccer and other facilities. – [COUNTY OWNED, TOWN MAINTAINED PARK] Park District Parks & Beaches There are a number of beaches and parks and beaches that do not come under the Town’s jurisdictions. Permits can be obtained at the district beach when it is open for the season. CUTCHOGUE-NEW SUFFOLK PARK DISTRICT This Park District has the following beaches and parks: ?? Nassau Point Beach Bowne Management Systems, Inc 127 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Pequash Avenue Beach (Fleet Neck Beach) MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT This Park District has the following beaches and parks: ?? Breakwater Park ?? Bailie’s Beach Park ?? Wolf Pit Lake ?? Mattituck Creek Boat Launching Park ?? Aldrich Lane Park ?? Mattituck Park District Beach Yacht Club ?? Marratooka Lake ?? Bay Avenue Park ?? Veterans Memorial Park ORIENT-EAST MARION PARK DISTRICT This Park District has the following beaches and parks: ?? Turman’s Beach SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT This Park District has the following beaches and parks: ?? Triangle Park ?? South Harbor Park ?? Founders Landing ?? Horton’s Pt. Lighthouse Park Concrete Boat Ramps The Town of Southold maintains the following concrete boat ramps: ?? New Suffolk Boat Ramp, Jackson Street, New Suffolk (Peconic Bay) ?? Parkers Landing Road Boat Ramp, Peconic (Richmond Creek) ?? Cedar Beach Road Boat Ramp, Southold (Peconic Bay) ?? Pine Neck Road Boat Ramp, Southold (Jockey Creek/Town Creek) Bowne Management Systems, Inc 128 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Norman E. Klipp Park Manhassett Avenue, Greenport (Gull Pond) ?? Narrow River Road Boat Ramp, Orient (Hallocks Bay/Long Beach Bay) ?? Mill Creek Boat Ramp, Bayview Avenue-South, Greenport (Mill Creek) ?? Mattituck Creek Boat Ramp, (Route 48), Mattituck (Mattituck Creek) ?? Gagen's Landing Road Boat Ramp, Southold (Goose Creek) ?? Sandy Beach Road Boat Ramp, Greenport (Sterling Basin) North Fork Trails The Town of Southold has the following trails: ?? Mill Road Preserve – The Mill Road Preserve is a 25-acre parcel with the trailhead located on mill Road, Mattituck. The Trail winds through 8 acres of grasslands/shrub lands and then into 17-acreas of mature woodlands. ?? Laurel Lake Preserve – Laurel Lake Preserve encompasses 495-acres of preserved land. The trailhead for the Preserve is located on Route 25, Laurel. The existing nature trail is 2.1 miles long, is marked with green arrows and wanders through mature woodlands, grasslands, shrub lands, by vernal ponds, freshwater swamps and overlooks Laurel Lake. ?? Downs Farm Preserve – Downs Farm Preserve is a 51-acre wooded parcel that is the site of Fort Corchaug, a Native American fort, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Downs Farm Preserve has a mile of passive recreation trails and adjoins productive farmlands and the tidal wetlands of Downs Creek. ?? Goldsmith Inlet County Park – Goldsmith Inlet Park is a 35-acre parcel with a ½ mile trail leading to Long Island Sound, from the trailhead, located on Sound View Avenue. The mature woodlands, tidal wetlands, Goldsmith Inlet Pond and 1500 feet on Long Island Sound are great for bird watching. [COUNTY OWNED] ?? Cedar Beach County Park – Cedar Beach County Park is a 68-acre park with over 2,800 feet on Shelter Island Sound. The park provides the visitor with great vistas of Shelter Island Sound and the mudflats, sandbars and the saltwater marshes of Cedar Beach Harbor. [COUNTY OWNED] ?? Arshamomaque Pond Preserve – Arshamomaque Pond Preserve is a 54-acre wooded preserve with several trails that wind through the mature woodlands, by vernal ponds and along the saltwater wetlands of Arshamomaque Pond. ?? Arshamomaque Preserve – The Arshamomaque Preserve is a 120-acre preserve owned by the Town of Southold and Suffolk County parks. The Bowne Management Systems, Inc 129 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: preserve has 1.3-miles of nature trails that wander through mature woodlands, freshwater wetlands and open fields. ?? Inlet Pond County Park – Inlet Pond County Park is a 55-acre park with 1.6- miles of trails leading to Inlet Pond and Long Island Sound. The North Fork Audubon has a visitor’s center and offers nature programs during the year (Hours and programs are posted on the kiosk). [COUNTY OWNED] ?? Ruth Oliva Preserve at Dam Pond– Dame Pond Maritime Reserve is a a 36- acrea parcel owned by the Town of Southold and Suffolk County Parks. The preserve encompasses a small, protected bay, maritime shrub land, grasslands, tidal flats, saltwater marshes and mature woodlands. The trail that wanders through the preserve is 1.2-miles long. ?? Orient Beach State Park – Orient Beach State Park has 45,000 feet of frontage on Gardiner’s Bay and a rare maritime forest with red cedar, blackjack oak trees, and prickly-pear cactus. Visitors can swim, picnic, play ball, go hiking or biking or walk a nature trail. [STATE PARK] ?? Orient Point County Park – This 48-acre park at the tip of Southold Town has a mile-long beach with a 1/2 –mile hiking trail. Bird watching, surfcasting, and great views of Long Island Sound are available at this County Park. Parking is located on the north side of Route 25. [COUNTY OWNED] Note: The Town is currently looking to work cooperatively on a trail project with the County and Village of Greenport. Town Golf Courses There are NO Town owned golf courses with Southold. Bike Trails The Town maintains bike trails along public streets. The Town is responsible for maintenance of the trails, signage, kiosks, and brochures (“Seaview Trails” brochure). Department Metrics The Department provides monthly reports that include statistics regarding the number of programs and people/residents enrolled within those programs. Department Staffing The Recreation Department has one (1) full-time employee; Ken Reeves (Supervisor), one part time clerk (Judy) and approximately 45-50 seasonal employees (lifeguards and beach attendants). All program instructors are contracted by the Town. Judy has some GIS experience in her days working with Southampton, but Ken does not have any experience with GIS. No other employees have any training or experience with GIS. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 130 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Reference Keys Beaches, Parks, Boat Ramps, Preserves, and Trails are all identified or referenced by name. Residents that enroll in programs offered by the Recreation Department are identified by physical address, not Tax Map Number. Spatial Data While the Recreation Department does not maintain any spatial data, spatial data pertaining to parks, beaches, boat ramps, preserves, and trails are available and could be made available on the Town’s website. It should be noted that there are six (6) trails mapped and available as a PDF image on the Town’s website. As an example, a map of all the beach locations along with the ability to obtain directions to those locations could be available on the Town’s website. In addition, another example could be a map of a park facility along with the services/facilities offered as part of that facility (i.e., swings, ball parks, tennis courts, restrooms). The Town of Brookhaven has a website that contains maps and information on parks, beaches, and golf courses. It can be found @ http://www.brookhaven.org/Departments/ParksRecreation.aspx The Department maintains a tremendous amount of address data for individuals who attend programs and activities. While this data is spatial, it is not mapped for analysis purposes. Non-Spatial Data The majority of non-spatial data maintained in Recreation Department is the program schedules. Software The Department is not currently utilizing any software other than office productivity software (i.e., Microsoft Office). Potential Uses for GIS ?? Create an interactive map on the Town’s website that contains locations for all parks, beaches and boat ramps. The site can include pictures of the locations along with information about the facilities (i.e., lifeguard info, ball parks, bathrooms, parking permit info, boat ramp information, etc…). ?? Create ability to get directions to a park, beach, or boat ramps. ?? Mapping of additional trails (not previously mapped) and ability to display on Town’s website. ?? Create an interactive map for trails on the Town’s website. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 131 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? A Park location website that would allow the user to enter an address and would return the nearest beaches, parks, boat ramps, fishing spots, and nature trails along with information about the location, who can attend, and what jurisdiction. This would be similar to Nassau County’s website @ http://www.nassaucountyny.gov/wps51/portal/MyNassauInfo IT Infrastructure The Department, housed in the Recreation Center, has two (2) computers that are connected to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN) via Lightpath. Interactions with Village of Greenport The Village of Greenport has their own parks and beaches and do not interact with the Town. Miscellaneous Comments Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? The County performs all water quality sampling (through Department of Health Services) of Town Beaches. ?? Ken indicated he is not aware of a Town Beach ever being closed. ?? The ability to register for activities and programs on-line would be something the Recreation Department would like to consider. A content management system (CMS) was discussed as a possible solution. ?? When a program or activity is canceled (due to weather), Ken notifies Lloyd to update the town’s website. While this process is working, the ability to do this at the Recreation Center might be something to consider. ?? John Sepenoski has and maintains a street centerline GIS file containing road ownership (i.e., County, Town, State, Village, Private). ?? Non-residents can receive services and register for programs and activities. ?? While the Department does NOT do any mass mailings, they do offer a mailer that lists all programs and activities that gets inserted in the local newspaper. ?? The Recreation Department would consider sending mass “emails” regarding certain programs and/or activities. ?? Channel 22 is local government channel that contains information about programs, activities, schedules, cancelations, beaches, and parks. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 132 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? The Recreation Department can process credit cards for payments. ?? The Recreation Department has consulted IT to assist in setting up on-line registration capabilities. Trails of the North Fork Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 133 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Southold Town Solid Waste District Date/Time: November 30, 2010 @ 10:00 AM ?? James Bunchuck – Solid Waste Coordinator ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Brief District History and Overview In the past, solid waste was a part of the Town’s Highway Department, however, a Solid Waste District was created as an independent organization in 1992. In 1993 the Town’s Landfill was closed (there was no lining, so the landfill could not meet NYS’ environmental requirements). The Solid Waste’s district’s facility at 6155 Cox Lane in Cutchogue is currently a transfer station. There is a regional trend of moving solid waste disposal from landfills to incineration over the past several decades. The Long Island incinerators currently have 60% capacity relative to demand. The remaining demand is transported off Long Island. The District has a contract with Trinity Transportation to have the vast majority of the incoming solid waste trucked to landfills in other states (including Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania). The Town’s Solid Waste district personnel are responsible for the following: ?? Trucking construction and demolition debris (“C&D”) to Brookhaven for disposal. ?? Trucking recyclables to which ever company is paying the most at the time. ?? Trucking newspaper to the Town of Islip under the terms of an inter-municipal agreement. ?? Trucking co-mingled (containers and plastics) debris to Babylon under the terms of an inter-municipal agreement. ?? Trucking cardboard to several different locations. Currently, Fisher’s Island is NOT part of the Town’s solid waste district and is handled separately. Taken from Website The Town of Southold maintains a transfer station to accept household and commercial garbage and recyclables, along with a yard waste compost facility that accepts leaves and brush for disposal. The compost facility also produces compost and woodchip mulch for public use. Open 7 days a week, both facilities are operated by the Southold Bowne Management Systems, Inc 134 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town Solid Waste Management District (SWMD, or “District”). They are located adjacent to the old Town Landfill (which is now capped and closed) on Cox Lane in Cutchogue, north of Rt. 48 (the North Road). THE TOWN DOES NOT PROVIDE CURBSIDE PICKUP OF TRASH. Residents either bring their own waste and recyclables to the Transfer Station themselves (“self-haulers”), or hire a private carter for curbside pickup. This system limits the tax burden on residents and allows people to determine for themselves how best to handle their waste. While there is a property tax assessment dedicated to the District, District operations are mainly funded through user fees. These consist of bag fees (the famous TOWN GARBAGE BAG PROGRAM for residential garbage), tip fees on disposal, annual permit fees for vehicles, and single trip entry fees for vehicles that do NOT have a permit. These are described in more detail below. Town Facilities The Town’s facilities are strictly for handling municipal solid waste (MSW) generated within the Town: 1) the Transfer Station accepts household or commercial garbage, recyclables, and construction debris (C&D), and 2) the yard waste compost facility accepts all leaves and brush. Both facilities are located on Cox Lane in Cutchogue and both are open 7 days a week, from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, except holidays The new Transfer Station (completed in 2006) provides a clean, convenient, and protected facility for the drop-off of refuse and recyclables, which are then ‘transferred’ for ultimate disposal and/or recycling at out-of-Town facilities. The compost facility, opened in 2004, is similarly available to all Town residents and commercial landscapers for the disposal of leaves and brush, which are then processed at the facility into compost and woodchip mulch. The Transfer Station is available both to “self-haulers” (i.e., residents who wish to bring their own garbage, recyclables, and C&D), and to commercial carters. THE TOWN DOES NOT PROVIDE CURBSIDE PICKUP OF ANY GARBAGE OR RECYCLABLES. Residents who wish to have their garbage and recycling picked up must make their own arrangements with a private carter for this service. Self-haulers with Town “Yellow Bag” garbage and recyclables will access the facility from the residential or “parking lot” side, where there are spaces to back up to the building under a large overhang for protection from the elements. These users will not actually enter the “tipping floor” of the building, but will deposit their items over a wall into a bunker in the building located at a lower level. Unless the vehicle has no permit (SEE BELOW), there are no fees collected for yellow bag garbage or recyclables. Self-haulers, as well as commercial users, who have debris that must be weighed at the vehicle scales, will enter the building from the “commercial side” after weighing. Please follow directions of signs and attendants to deliver your debris/recyclables to the appropriate location. Compost Site/Free Compost Bowne Management Systems, Inc 135 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: The compost site is available for yard waste disposal as well as the pick-up of compost and woodchip mulch. Town residents are allowed 500 pound per year of compost and/or woodchips FREE OF CHARGE (proof of residency required). Yard Waste Disposal The compost site is also open both to self-haulers and commercial landscapers and is for LEAVES AND BRUSH ONLY! Leaves means leaves, i.e., raked up after falling off the trees. Brush means branches, twigs, woody stemmed plants, tree limbs, tree trunks, and stumps (free of dirt). Leaves may be delivered in one of three ways: 1) in special, bio-degradable leaf bags sold by the Town in much the same way as the Town “Yellow Garbage Bags”, or by stores; 2) loose in the vehicle; 3) and , leaves also be LEAST PREFERREDmay delivered in plastic bags, but these bags MUST be emptied before the leaves are dumped. Leaves delivered in the bio-degradable leaf bags are NOT charged a tip fee at the scales at any time. Leaves delivered loose, or brought in plastic bags, are charged a fee. Brush must pass over the scales, where a fee is charged by weight (SEE BELOW). THE WASTE DISTRICT MAINTAINS A ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY WITH REGARD TO LITTER OR OTHER NON-YARD WASTE DEBRIS BEING DUMPED AT THE COMPOST SITE. Loads found to contain non-acceptable debris will be charged at the full rubbish rate. CAMERAS RECORD ALL SCALEHOUSE TRANSACTIONS. Availability of Compost and Woodchips The Compost site produces a range of products that it returns to the taxpayers for the free residential program, as well as for sale at reasonable, competitive prices. THESE ARE ALL NATURAL, LOCALLY GENERATED, HIGHLY ORGANIC MATTER THAT CONTRIBUTE TO HEALTHY SOILS AND PLANTS, AND REDUCE THE NEED FOR CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS. They are priced according to the processing effort required to produce them (SEE CURRENT PRICES FOR EACH BELOW). These products are: 1) screened leaf compost/mulch; 2) unscreened leaf compost/mulch; 3) screened wood chips; 4) double-ground woodchips; 5) shredded leaves; 6) ground brush. Residents are entitled to a TOTAL COMBINED WEIGHT of 500 pounds per year of compost or woodchips. After 500 lbs, these items are priced as noted below. Ground brush is free, no limit. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A TOWN RESIDENT TO PURCHASE COMPOST OR MULCH. Compost site personnel will load any truck free of charge with a bucket loader. Only open trucks will be loaded. We will not load vehicle trunks or any cans or pails. PLEASE NOTE: When loading, no specific weight can be guaranteed. THOSE WISHING TO TAKE NO MORE THAN THEIR FREE 500 LBS MUST LOAD THEIR OWN VEHICLES. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 136 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: PLEASE CONSIDER USING COMPOST AND MULCH TO STRENGTHEN YOUR PLANTS, IMPROVE OUR SOILS AND REDUCE NEGATIVE IMPACTS FROM FERTILIZERS AND HERBICIDES. Special Notes . . . ALL USERS MUST COVER OR CONTAIN THEIR LOADS SECURELY. Failure ?? to do so is a violation of the Town Code, and contributes to unsightly roadside litter. One of the things that distinguish Southold from much of the rest of Long Island is its clean roads. Please help keep it that way. ALL VEHICLES USING THE SCALES MUST STOP AT THE SCALE HOUSE ?? before proceeding. As mentioned, the Town DOES NOT provide curbside pickup of refuse or ?? recyclables, with the sole exception being the yard waste cleanup service provided by the Highway Department every spring and fall. All curbside pickup of trash is provided by private carter. The Town “Yellow Bags” have handle ties built into them. These are intended to ?? close the bag, not necessarily to lift the bag. Please close the ties to avoid litter. The Transfer Station is a busy place, frequently with lots of moving vehicles. ?? CHILDREN UNDER 10 YEARS OF AGE MUST REMAIN IN VEHICLES that are using the facilities. ALL PETS MUST BE KEPT IN VEHICLES (unless required for handicapped ?? use). The Town YELLOW-BAG Program In a further effort to minimize the tax burden, the Town has implemented a volume- based pricing system for everyday household garbage. Basically, this consists of the required use of “Town” garbage bags – yellow in color and with the Town imprint - which come in three sizes, and are priced to cover the cost of handling the garbage that is put in them. (The garbage is shipped in long-haul trailers for out-of-state disposal). The bags are intended only for everyday trash, kitchen garbage mostly. (Bulky, hard to bag items - we call it “rubbish” - can also be accepted at the Transfer Station, but must be weighed at the Station’s vehicle scales before being disposed). Municipal recyclables (cans, glass bottles, plastic containers, news and mixed paper, and corrugated cardboard) are free, and should NOT be put in the Town bags. The Town garbage bag program is a user fee, much like that charged for other utility services. Those who generate the most trash pay the most. Those who generate less, pay less. Of course, the program also promotes increased recycling, for which there is never a charge. Tip Fees Bowne Management Systems, Inc 137 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Residential trash that cannot be bagged (i.e., the bulky “rubbish” items mentioned above), all commercial garbage, all construction and demolition debris (C&D), and much of the leaves and brush that are delivered to the Transfer Station and Compost Site are charged a “Tip Fee” at the vehicle scales, based on the weight of the debris delivered. Tip fees vary according to the type of debris. Forms of payment accepted at the scales are cash or check ONLY. Credit cards are not accepted. Commercial users may open a charge account with the District and be billed monthly for charges accrued. Permit Fees Frequent residential and commercial users may choose to purchase an annual permit for entry to the waste facilities. Resident permits are valid for the calendar year for which they are sold. Commercial permits are available to any company doing business in Southold Town, and are valid for one year from the date of purchase. Commercial permits come with an account that allows the permit holder to charge tip fees for disposal, as well as any purchases from the compost site. ALL PERMITS MUST BE PURCHASED AT THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE IN TOWN HALL, 53095 MAIN RD., SOUTHOLD. THEY ARE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TRANSFER STATION. Single Entry Fees Permits are NOT REQUIRED to use the waste facilities. However, vehicles without permits are charged a single-entry fee based on vehicles size, for each trip. The single entry fee for all cars, and trucks with less than a one-ton hauling capacity, is $5 per trip. The fee for trucks with greater than one-ton capacity is currently $30. Other Fees Major home appliances are charged a separate fee for disposal, per item ?? Propane tanks are charged a separate fee for disposal, per item ?? Vehicle tires are charged a separate tip fee ?? The District sells compost and woodchips for a fee based on weight or volume ?? FREE ITEMS (i.e., no fee collected) Household Hazardous Waste (HHW). The District holds HHW drop off days ?? every year, that is free to residents only. See below for this year’s schedule. All Municipal Recyclables ?? Fluorescent light bulbs, may be dropped off free of charge at the residential drop ?? off “sidewalk”. E-Waste Bowne Management Systems, Inc 138 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: DID YOU KNOW that electronic waste (old computers, monitors, printers, televisions, fax machines, CD and DVD players/recorders, stereos, etc.) often contains toxic metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury? Since most trash either gets buried in a landfill or sent to an incinerator, including these items in your regular garbage can contribute significantly to groundwater and air pollution. To help avoid this risk, the Southold Town Department of Solid Waste now requires that E-Waste be separated from your regular trash for special handling. At the Transfer Station, residents with E-Waste will be directed to weigh the item(s) at the scales and deposit them in a designated area. The fee for E-Waste is the same as other household rubbish. E-Waste is accepted at the Transfer Station during normal business hours. Since 2007, Southold has collected nearly 100,000 lbs of electronic waste for safe disposal through this program. Please continue to help keep heavy metals from polluting our environment by disposing of E-Waste safely and responsibly. Rules for Pickup of Leaves During Seasonal Yard Waste Cleanup The Southold Town Highway Department performs FREE curbside pickup of Yard Waste (leaves only in the Fall Season) each Spring and Fall. Please note the following requirements for LEAVES placed out for this collection: Compact Fluorescent Bulb Disposal & Handling (see Brochure) Department Staffing The District is comprised mostly of truck drivers and attendants to support the transfer stations. There are five (5) drivers available, however, three (3) drivers typically handle the majority of the trucking responsibilities. The District has no GIS software and no staff with any GIS experience or training. Reporting The District submits a monthly report to the Supervisor’s Office (and Clerk’s Office to ensure that the report is included in the Board’s agenda) – this report documents key activities, issues and includes a summary of the volume of solid waste handled by type. The District submits other reports to the Supervisor and/or Town Board as requested. Reference Keys There is no reference keys used within the Solid Waste District. Spatial Data There is no spatial data maintained by the Solid Waste District. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 139 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel);\ ?? WasteWorks for the Transfer Stations Scale operations; ?? Lotus Freelance Graphics program to crate brochures and charts; ?? The District expects to receive Crystal Reports software soon to support custom report development. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Detailed mapping of the facility’s boundaries would help the District manage encroachment issues with a neighbor at the Cox Lane Facility. ?? Conversion of AutoCAD based maps, developed by H2M, to a GIS format. This would allow Town to print out map on large scale plotter with aerial photography as a background layer. ?? GIS could be used to help with the District’s planning and decision making – e.g. if the Town considers providing residential and/or commercial collection services, GIS could be used to analyze the service area and to divide it into routes. ?? AVL technology could be used to track truck locations. Impediments to GIS Usage The District has no GIS software, experience or training. IT Infrastructure All staff members associated with a desk within the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). The District has fixed cameras onsite (e.g. for capturing license plates) and a portable digital camera (used for documenting encroachment by neighbors). Interactions with Village of Greenport The Town’s transfer station accommodates the needs of the Village of Greenport residents. The District does limited interactions with the Village of Greenport. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 140 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? H2M did site mapping in 2008 (published with AutoCAD) – included contours and the gas and groundwater monitoring wells. ?? H2M delivered an associated Excel spreadsheet (with the above noted 2008 map). The DEC requested a specific format for the information to be presented, however, Jim is not familiar with how to modify the spreadsheet to accommodate DEC’s request. ?? The District would like to be able to track and report on revenues better than it currently can. ?? Town code says residents must use the District’s yellow bags available for purchase at the Town. ?? An out-of-Town carter (Go Green Sanitation) is currently offering an alternative to the “yellow bags” and recycling requirements that appears to contradict with the Town’s code. If allowed to stand, this service would result in the diversion of waste to alternate out-of-town facilities and, therefore, in lost revenue to the Town. It could also potentially undermine the District’s NYS-approved Solid Waste Plan, which would put in jeopardy the Town’s solid waste facility permits required by DEC. ?? The Town’s current annual recycling revenue is approximately $350,000 per year. ?? Solid Waste suggests there is a need for additional human resources support from within Town government. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 141 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town Supervisor’s Office Date/Time: December 1, 2010 @ 10:00 AM ?? Scott Russell – Town Supervisor ?? Phillip Beltz – Special Projects Coordinator ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems ?? Jim Hall – Bowne Management Systems Department Responsibilities The Supervisor is the Chief Administrative and Fiscal Officer of the Town and presides at all meetings of the Town Board. The Supervisor is elected for a four (4) year term and is responsible for administrative duties set by Town Board resolution for both town and improvement district affairs. A Deputy Supervisor is duly appointed to act in full capacity as the Supervisor’s designee in his/her absence. DEPARTMENTAL MISSION AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Supervisor is responsible for the overall management of Town government operations, including establishing goals, problem solving, authorization, implementation, and evaluation. The Supervisor is the Chief Executive Officer of the Town and its administrative head. The Supervisor is the Treasurer and fiscal officer of the Town and improvement districts. The Supervisor may transfer accounting duties and financial record keeping activities to the Comptroller. The Supervisor is to receive and have custody of all town money, regardless of which other officer first received it. The Supervisor is authorized to make payments using Town funds only after Town Board audit and approval. The Supervisor presides over the meetings of the Town Board. He is a member of the Town Board with a vote on all matters. The Supervisor is empowered to appoint committees consisting of members of the board to aid and assist the Town Board in the performance of its legislative, fiduciary and management duties. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, FEMA zones, development rights, town ownership designation, town owned property acquisition and sales data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and Bowne Management Systems, Inc 142 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? Develop an “Asset Management” GIS Viewer that contains parcel owner information, street lighting data, utility data, MS4 data, roadway data, sewer data, street names village boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should be provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. ?? Develop a “Constituent Complaint” GIS viewer that contains parcel owner information and points representing complaints received from Town residents. This view should have additional basemap layers as needed and provide thematic mapping capabilities for open and closed complaints by zip code, hamlet, or special district (i.e., fire, police, park). ?? Ability to generate custom maps to show infrastructure, demographic and other GIS data to support planning and decision making within the Town. IT Infrastructure All staff members in the Office have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Interactions with Village of Greenport The Supervisor’s Office is supportive of expanding interaction with the Village. Miscellaneous ?? The Supervisor’s Office expects that the Building Department, the Zoning Board and the Planning Department will be the heavy users of GIS technology. ?? The Supervisor’s Office expects the need for Asset Management software and GIS related technology to grow quickly within the Town. ?? The Supervisor’s Office expressed interest in grant management software. The Town has several multi-departmental initiatives and the associated grants need to be tracked (e.g. due dates). ?? The Supervisor’s Office expressed interest in “311” or constituent response software. ?? The Supervisor’s Office expressed interest in additional ways of providing information to constituents. Channel 22 and the Town newspaper helps, but additional methods should be investigated. It was discussed that perhaps Bowne Management Systems, Inc 143 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: proactive e-mails or a mass calling phone system could be used to support increased communications. ?? Facebook and Twitter could be additional modes for communicating with the constituents. This item was not discussed in our meeting. ?? A three (3) year GIS capital fund for $100,000 has been adopted as part of the Town’s Capital budget for 2011. ?? In addition to the GIS capital fund, the Town will be applying for GIS funds from NYS as part of the next round of the LGRMIF grant (up to $100,000). ?? It was discussed that a GIS Advisory or Steering Committee will be recommended as part of this study and a representative from the Supervisor’s Office should be a member of that committee. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 144 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Board of Town Trustees Date/Time: November 19, 2010 @ 10:00PM ?? James King, Vice-President, Board of Town Trustees ?? Lauren Standish, Secretarial Assistant ?? Elizabeth Cantrell, Clerk ?? Jim Hall, Bowne Management Systems Organizational Overview The Board of Town Trustees was established in the 1800s to originally oversee the use of underwater lands – the organization’s role has been expanded since then. The Board has five (5) members who are elected to four year terms. The Board has the following responsibilities: ?? Enforce the provisions of Chapter 111 (Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas) of Town code ?? Enforce the provisions of Chapter 275 (Wetlands and Shoreline) of Town code From Website MOORINGS All moorings approved or transferred after June 6, 1991 by the Southold Town Board of Trustees that are not used for at least thirty (30) days per year, shall be subject to revocation by the Board of Trustees pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 32 of the Town Code. ?? No boats over 35' will be approved for a mooring in any Southold Town Creek. ?? Only one mooring per person per creek. ?? Only two moorings per person per town. ?? No boats over 18' will be allowed on stakes MOORING APPLICATION: $25.00 ANNUAL MOORING FEE (TOWN WATERS): st Due December 31 of each year otherwise will be cancelled immediately. ?? 1. Less than or equal to 20 ft. $2.50 per foot ?? 2. Greater than 20 ft. up to and inclusive of 25 ft. $5.00 per foot ?? 3. Greater than 25 ft. up to and inclusive of 30 ft. $6.25 per foot ?? 4. 31 ft. $7.50 per foot Bowne Management Systems, Inc 145 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? 32 ft. $8.75 per foot ?? 33 ft. $10.00 per foot ?? 34 ft. $11.25 per foot ?? 35 ft. $12.50 per foot Town pump out boat offers a free service which is available weekends between Memorial Day and September 30. It can be contacted on VHF Channel 73. We want to protect the life of our bay, and pumping raw sewage into the bay causes pollution, algae blooms, possible diseases for shellfish areas, and can close areas for swimming. The following pump-outs are located in the Town of Southold: Cutchogue Harbor Marina, Wickham Creek, Cutchogue ?? Brewer’s Marina, Greenport ?? Sterling Harbor Marina, Greenport ?? Port of Egypt Marina, Southold ?? Brick Cove Marina ?? The costs for pumping out your boat varies. Some of the marinas have obtained grants from the state to pay for these facilities and it will only cost the boat owner a small fee. Others don’t have the grants and the boat owners are charged a per gallon fee for pump out. Please check with the marina for updated information. Department Tasks The Board and their support staff perform the following activities: ?? Provide permits for construction within 100 feet of a wetland boundary – this includes both over water and upland construction (the Board has been permitting since the 1950s) Note: a wetland boundary can be the coastal waterline (of the Sound or Bay), creeks, ponds, wetlands or bluff lines. Note: approximately 50 years ago the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) delineated the 100 foot line relative to the coastal waterline - the alignment of this line has not been adjusted over time, which has resulted in areas where the line now extends over open water or, in opposite situations, the line is well beyond 100 feet from the coastal waterline. Note: for wetland delineation, the Board generally relies on the services of DEC or other experts, who use vegetation and soil conditions to demarcate the extents. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 146 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Oversee all wharves, docks and moorings in Town waters; ?? Conduct monthly scheduled field inspections; ?? Hold monthly public Board meetings. Department Metrics For 2009, the Board issued the following number of permits by type: ?? Coastal erosion permits - 13 ?? Mooring permits – 26 ?? Duck blind permits - 10 ?? Wetland permits – 182 Of course these numbers vary by year. Department Staffing The five Board members are supported by two staff – a secretarial assistant and a clerk. Beyond occasional use of Google Maps or similar sites, none have significant GIS experience or training. Reporting The Board and support staff prepare these regular reports: ?? The Board submits a monthly report to the Town Board of incoming fees from the permitting - the information is presented in summary form by category (not by homeowner name or permit number); ?? An annual income report is also submitted to the Town Board. It is not expected that mapping would enhance the Board’s current reporting. Reference Keys An important identifier is the Board’s permit number - permits are numbered in a sequential manner since the start of the program (in the 7,000s now). The permit number is an integer and does not include any reference to a year, address, hamlet, zip code, or tax map number. Information is spatially located by: ?? Street address Bowne Management Systems, Inc 147 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Parcel ID (SBL) ?? Coordinates ?? Colloquial name (e.g. “Goldsmiths Inlet”) Spatial Data The Board and support staff use the following hardcopy map sets: ?? The DEC’s Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Maps – there are 49 of these – they were compiled at 200 scale (i.e. 1”=200’) – the feature content includes the DEC’s “Landward Limit” lines laid over an orthophoto basemap ?? The DEC’s Tidal Wetlands Maps – there are about 50 of these – they were compiled at 200 scale - important: these maps delineate the extents of different types of marsh, including salt/high marsh, intertidal marsh and coastal fresh marsh overlaid on an orthophoto basemap Note: the Board is using hardcopy versions of these two afore mentioned map series originally obtained from the DEC over twenty years ago. ?? Creek maps – about a dozen (one per creek) are maintained in hardcopy form by the Board’s support staff – mooring locations are marked, but the positional accuracy and completeness are both of concern – the scale of these maps varies from map to map The Board has no digital spatial (i.e. GIS) data. Non-Spatial Data Legal notices, field inspection agendas work session agendas and minutes are stored in the Town’s Laserfiche system. Software The Department currently uses Microsoft Office products to support their office productivity needs. No desktop GIS software is currently available for use. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses of GIS technology have been identified: ?? Provide a general purpose GIS viewer application that includes access to the following data: General basemap layers – e.g. roads, property lines o Georeferenced and/or orthorectified (preferred where available) historical o aerial photography Bowne Management Systems, Inc 148 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: The DEC’s 100 foot line o Saltwater and freshwater hydrology and wetlands o The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Electronic o Navigational Charts (ENC) Location of moorings and any other available data for waterfront infrastructure o This application should include the ability to search by address or parcel ID. o ?? Enable the support staff to maintain the Creek Maps in digital form – this would involve obtaining desktop GIS software and training in its use and digitizing the mooring locations (which can be digitized from the Creek Maps and/or mapped in the field). ?? Enable the support staff to generate ad-hoc maps to support monthly scheduled field inspections, monthly Board meetings and other day-to-day needs – this would involve either a) obtaining desktop GIS software and training in its use or b) defining a general use map template for use through a browser-based GIS viewer/application. ?? Provide desktop GIS software and training sufficient to enable support staff to answer infrastructure and environment questions such as “How many docks are on the Bay?” ?? Provide access to GIS and attribute data in the field to assist in inspections and other field activities. ?? Enable use of GPS data collection – obtain a GPS data collector and provide the ability to post process (either on the collector or on a PC) and publish the data in a GIS data format – this is relevant to Board-maintained data such as moorings. IT Infrastructure The two support staff each has a Windows PC on their desk. All PCs are connected to the Town’s wide area network. No field computing technology is in use. Interactions with Village of Greenport Interaction with the Village government is limited. Data Exchanges and Interactions Information and data is exchanged with the following agencies: Bowne Management Systems, Inc 149 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) ?? United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) ?? Suffolk County Department of Health Services (DHS) ?? The NYS Department of State’s Coastal Management Program Town of Southold Waterways The Town has the following waterways: ?? Long Island Sound ?? Greenport Harbor ?? Cutchogue Harbor ?? Mattituck Inlet and Mattituck Creek ?? Shelter Island Sound ?? Fishers Island Sound ?? Hashamomuck Pond ?? Goldsmiths Inlet ?? Gull Pond ?? Plum Island ?? Great Peconic Bay ?? Southold Bay ?? Orient Harbor ?? Gardiners Bay ?? Little Peconic Bay ?? Pipes Cove (i) Long Island Sound. All that area within a one-half mile radius of the sewer outfall located at Lat. 41° 6' 30" N. and Long. 72° 23' 9" W. and serving the Greenport Sewage Treatment Plant. Such outfall is located five hundred feet offshore of the westernmost rock jetty on the Village of Greenport Property southwest of Inlet Point and Bowne Management Systems, Inc 150 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: approximately five hundred feet easterly of the shoal marked "Parker Rock" on N.O.A.A. Nautical Chart No. 12358. (ii) Greenport Harbor. (a) All that area, including tributaries, lying northerly and westerly of a line extending northeasterly from the northeasternmost corner of the Long Island Railroad Dock (located at the Greenport Railroad Station, local names, local landmarks) to the southwestern end of the large dock serving the Greenport Yacht and Shipbuilding Company (located at the southern foot of Carpenter Street, local names, local landmarks). (b) All that area, including tributaries, lying northerly and westerly of a line extending northeasterly from the white painted flagpole (located at the eastern foot of Central Avenue on the property of the Stirling Cove Condominiums, local names, local landmarks) to the northwesternmost end of the wooden bulkhead protecting the shoreline at the eastern entrance to Stirling Basin off of Sandy Beach Lane, local names, local landmarks. (iii) Cutchogue Harbor. (a) Schoolhouse Creek. All that area including Schoolhouse Creek (local name) being the creek located northerly of Orchard Street (local name) in New Suffolk, lying west of a line extending northerly from the eastern end of the rock jetty which projects off the Bowne Management Systems, Inc 151 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: shoreline immediately south of the creek (local landmark) to the eastern end of the dock which projects off the shoreline immediately north of the creek (local landmark). (b) East Creek, Mud Creek, Haywater Cove, and Broadwater Cove. () Broadwater Cove. During the period May 15th through October 31st, all that area of 1 Broadwater Cove lying west of a line extending southerly from the southeast corner of the house located at 8000 Skunk Lane (local name) to the opposite shore. () East Creek and Mud Creek. During the period January 1st through December 31st, 2 both dates inclusive, all that area of East Creek and Mud Creek west and north of a line extending northerly from the southernmost dock on East Creek to an osprey nest platform on the opposite shoreline and continuing northeasterly to the southernmost end of the boat ramp at the western end of Mason Drive. () East Creek, Mud Creek and Haywater Cove. During the period of May 1st through 3 November 30th, both dates inclusive, all that area of East Creek, Mud Creek and Haywater Cove southerly of a line extending northerly from the southernmost dock on East Creek to an osprey nest platform on the opposite shoreline continuing Bowne Management Systems, Inc 152 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: northeasterly to the southernmost end of the boat ramp at the western end of Mason Drive and then proceeding southerly to the intersection of Haywaters Road and Landing Road (local names). Cutchogue Harbor. During the period of May 1st through November 30th, all that (4) area of Cutchogue Harbor within 500 feet in all directions of the mouth of the East Creek, Mud Creek, Haywater Cove and Broadwater Cove Complex (local names). (c) Wickham Creek. All that area of Wickham Creek including tributaries. (d) New Suffolk. During the period May 15 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of the marina, located at the eastern end of New Suffolk Avenue (Main Street, New Suffolk), within the confines of the stone breakwater protecting said marina, and all that area lying easterly of the stone breakwater within 150 feet of the southernmost point of the breakwater on the northern side of the marina basin entrance. (iv) Mattituck Inlet and Mattituck Creek. All that area including tributaries, lying southerly and easterly of a line extending northeasterly from the northern end of the rock jetty protecting the western side of the entrance to Mattituck Inlet (local landmark) to the northern end of the rock jetty protecting the eastern side of the entrance to Mattituck Inlet (local landmark). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 153 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: *(also see: Mattituck Creek Conditional Program) That portion of Mattituck Creek designated as a conditional area remains uncertified when there is no conditional program in effect, and during any period when the conditional program is in the "closed" status. (v) Shelter Island Sound. (a) All that area of Shelter Island Sound and Dering Harbor south and east of a line extending southwesterly from the westernmost point of land at Dering Point, Shelter Island to the southernmost point of land at Fanning Point, Southold and continuing southeasterly to the westernmost corner of the ferry dock at Shelter Island; and all that Bowne Management Systems, Inc 154 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: area of Shelter Island Sound extending seaward 1000 feet from mean high water from the ferry dock to a line extending westerly from the yellow house at 34 Prospect Avenue, Shelter Island to the foot of Island View Lane, Southold (local names, local landmarks). (b) Sage Pond. During the period May 15 through October 31, all that area within Sage Pond (local name) and all tributaries. (c) Budds Pond. During the period May 15 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Budds Pond (local name) including all tributaries. (d) During the period May 15 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area within the Goldsmith Boat Shop boat basin and all that area within the Mill Creek Inn Restaurant and Marina boat basin (local names, local landmarks). (vi) Fishers Island Sound. (a) Outer West Harbor. During the period May 15 through September 30, both dates inclusive, all that area of West Harbor lying southerly of a line extending southeasterly from the easternmost point of land at Hawks Nest Point to a flagpole located on the eastern shore of West Harbor on the property of Grey Gulls Estate, also known as the Bowne Management Systems, Inc 155 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: DuPont House (local name, local landmark). Said flagpole is situated between the shoreline and the residence. (b) West Harbor and Pirates Cove. All that area of West Harbor lying south of a line extending east from the northeasternmost corner of the natural shingled house located at the northern end of Hedges Street, said house is located on Murphy's Beach, to the northernmost corner of the two storied brown wood shingle house with a large antenna located on Peninsula Avenue (local names, local landmarks). (c) Island Pond. All the area of Island Pond and tributaries. Note: All reference points, except local names and local landmarks, on Fishers Island in the Town of Southold are taken from NOAA Nautical Chart No. 13214, 23rd Ed., dated February 3, 1990. (vii) Hashamomuck Pond. (a) During the period January 1 through December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Hashamomuck Pond and Long Creek lying westerly of a line extending southerly from the orange marker located at the southern end of Beverly Road (local name, local landmark) to the orange marker located on the opposite shore. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 156 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: *(also see: Hashamomuck Pond Conditional Program) That portion of Hashamomuck Pond designated as a conditional area remains uncertified when there is no conditional program in effect, and during any period when the conditional program is in the "closed" status. (b) During the period May 1 through November 30, both dates, inclusive, all that area of Hashamomuck Pond and Mill Creek lying northerly and easterly of a line extending westerly from the stack (a brick chimney) near the shoreline of Shelter Island Sound east of the entrance to Mill Creek and south of Goldsmith's Boat Shop (local landmark) to the most landward point of the fixed dock at "The Old Barge" Restaurant at 750 Old Main Road, Southold (local name, local landmark). (c) During the period January 1 to December 31, all that area of "The Clay Pit" and its tributaries lying east of a marker approximately 540 feet east of the LIRR trestle over Mill Creek (local names, local landmarks). (viii) Goldsmith Inlet. All that area of Goldsmith Inlet and tributaries. (ix) Gull Pond. During the period April 1 through December 14 (both dates inclusive), all that area of Gull Pond, including tributaries lying northerly and northwesterly of a line extending northeasterly from the southeastern end of the wood bulkhead-jetty protecting the southwestern side of the entrance to Gull Pond to the southeastern end of the wood Bowne Management Systems, Inc 157 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: bulkhead-jetty protecting the northeastern side of the entrance to Gull Pond (local landmarks). (x) Plum Island. (a) Plum Gut. All that area of Plum Gut, Plum Gut Harbor, and tributaries lying northerly and easterly of a line extending westerly from the southernmost point of land exposed at mean high water at Pine Point to buoy GR "MS" (said buoy is located near Midway Shoal) and thence continuing northerly to Fl 2.5 sec 5M PA. (b) Long Island Sound. All that area of Long Island Sound within 500 yards of the most seaward portion of the shoreline exposed at mean high water, from the westernmost point of lands on Plum Island to the easternmost point of land on Plum Island. (c) Gardiners Bay. All that area of Gardiners Bay adjacent to the southern shore of Plum Island, including tributaries, within 500 yards of the most seaward portion of shoreline exposed at mean high water, from the westernmost point of land on Plum Island to the easternmost point of land on Plum Island. (xi) Great Peconic Bay. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 158 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: (a) All that area of Brushs Creek, including tributaries and the entrance canal, and all that area of Great Peconic Bay within a 300-yard radius of the southwesternmost corner of the bulkheading protecting the northern shoreline of the entrance to Brushs Creek. (b) During the period May 1 through November 30, both dates inclusive, all that area of James Creek, including tributaries and the entrance canal. (c) During the period May 1 through November 30, both dates inclusive, all the area of Deep Hole Creek lying north and west of a line extending due north from the northernmost tip of Marratooka Point (local name), exposed at mean high water, to the opposite shore. (d) During the period May 1 through November 30, both dates inclusive, all the area of Halls Creek, including tributaries. (e) West Creek. During the period of May 1 through November 30 (both dates inclusive), all that area of West Creek including all that area of Great Peconic Bay within 750 feet in all directions of the southernmost point of the jetty on the east side of the mouth of West Creek. (xii) Southold Bay. (a) Boat Basins. (1) During the period May 15 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of the Paradise Point Boat Basin and all that area of the combined Reydon Shores and the Plock property boat basin (local names). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 159 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: (2) All that area of the boat basin north and west of Harbor Lights Drive and all that area of Southold Bay within 250 feet of the mouth the boat basin. (b) Jockey Creek and Town Creek. (1) During the period January 1 to December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Jockey Creek lying westerly of a line extending southerly from the highest point of the chimney on the residence at 3415 Wells Avenue to the white flagpole with the sailboat ornament, between the shoreline and the residence at 405 Pine Creek Rd. (local names, local landmarks). (2) During the period April 15 to December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Jockey Creek, Town Creek and tributaries, lying west of a line extending southerly from the south end of Terry Road directly to the opposite shore. (c) Petty's Pond. All that area of Petty's Pond (also known as Beixedon Creek) and all that area of Southold Bay within 500 feet of the mouth of Petty's Pond (local names). (d) Goose Creek. During the period April 15 through December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Goose Creek lying south and west of the Goose Creek Bridge (local Landmarks). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 160 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: (xiii) Orient Harbor. (a) During the period May 15 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Orient Harbor lying east of a line extending northerly from the tip of the northwesternmost dock of the Orient Yacht Club to the northernmost corner of the bulkhead at the shoreline at the foot of the Harbor River road. (b) Narrow River. All that area of Narrow River and tributaries lying northerly of a line extending easterly from the southern end of the seawall located on the western shore of Narrow River near the junction of Narrow River Road and King Street (local names) to a pole with an osprey nesting platform on top located on the southern tip of Barnsfield Point. *(also see: Narrow River Conditional Program) That portion of Narrow River designated as a conditional area remains uncertified when there is no conditional program in effect, and during any period when the conditional program is in the "closed" status. (c) Hallock Bay. During the period May 1 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of the canal lying north of a line extending northeast from a pole with an Bowne Management Systems, Inc 161 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: osprey nesting platform on top located on the tip of Barnsfield Point to a pole with an orange marker located on the opposite shore. (d) Little Bay. During the period May 1 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Little Bay lying north and east of a line extending southeasterly from a pole with an orange marker located on the tidal wetlands on the north shore of Little Bay to a pole with an orange marker located on the opposite shore in Orient Beach State Park. (e) Spring Pond. During the period January 1 through December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Spring Pond including tributaries. (f) During the period January 1 through December 31, both dates inclusive, all that area in Orient Harbor within 500 feet in all directions of the southeastern end of the easternmost bulkhead at the entrance to Spring Pond. (xiv) Gardiners Bay. During the period May 15 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Gardiners Bay within the Orient by the Sea boat basin. (xv) Little Peconic Bay. Richmond Creek. During the period April 1 through October 31, both dates inclusive, all that area of Richmond Creek lying west of a line extending north from the easternmost point of land at the south side of the mouth of Richmond Creek to the opposite shore. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 162 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: (xvi) Pipes Cove. All that area of the unnamed creek northwest of Fanning Point and east of Silvermere Road, Southold, and all that area of Pipes Cove within 100 feet of the southernmost point of the eastern bulkhead within the mouth of the unnamed creek. Note: All reference points, except local names and local landmarks, in the Town of Southold, with the exception of Fishers Island, are taken from N.O.A.A. Nautical Chart Number 12358, 16th Ed., May 12, 1990. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 163 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Wednesday, November 24, 2010 @9:30AM ?? Leslie Weisman – Chairperson, Department Head ?? Vicki Toth – ZBA Assistant ?? Lucille Cappabianca – Legal Stenographer ?? Scott Mastellon – Bowne Management Systems Taken from Website The Zoning Board of Appeals is a five-member board, a quasi-judicial body authorized under New York Town Law to hear Appeals of applications that have been reviewed and issued a denial by the Building Inspector under Chapter 280 (Zoning) of the Town Code. The ZBA has original jurisdiction to consider uses specifically permitted by reference under Chapter 280 (Zoning) by Special Exception application, such as Accessory Bed and Breakfasts, Accessory Apartments in an accessory structure, certain commercial uses, motels, inns, and other specifically referenced uses when all requirements referred to in the Town Code and New York Town Law have been met. Typical submission for processing shall include an original and seven (EIGHT sets total) or NINE sets for waterfront or freshwater wetland or commercial parcels. a) Application form with owner’s address and telephone number, signed by the owner before a notary public. (If the applicant is not an owner, a written consent is required from the owner, with the owner’s mailing address and telephone number, authorizing another person to sign in behalf of the owner.) b) Filing fee check payable to the Town of Southold. Please see Code fee schedule with application forms, or call before submitting your application (once a written Notice of Disapproval has been received). c) Project Description Form: please explain your project and attach additional pages as an addendum, if desired. d) Questionnaires: SEQRA form, and building permit activity or wetland inquiry form. e) Diagram showing the proposed construction area on a site map (or copy of the survey data labeling the new areas on a separate diagram); include driveway and sanitary locations, parking area, other buildings on the property if not shown on the available survey. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 164 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: f) For B&Bs and Apartments, please include diagram of floor plan layout, identifying bedrooms for owner or guests, and describe other rooms, please furnish size of livable floor areas for each area. g) Available survey, to scale (not reduced in size) prepared by a licensed surveyor which shows all existing buildings, driveway, all distances from building area to closest lot lines and existing and proposed lot coverage. h) Site Plan to scale, showing the proposed area of construction or alterations to existing building. If application is for an "as built" area, please label the "as built" area with dimensions and setbacks as exist and provide details with time periods construction took place. i) Photos of the "staked" area proposed for construction, and yard areas under consideration are helpful, especially for areas between the new construction and boundary lines (such as boundary of road, or edge of wetlands, high-water mark). j) Statement as to the status of other agency applications, or copies of other agency permits and agency stamped surveys or site plans. k) Copies of Building Inspector’s Notice of Disapproval, building permit application form (or building permit if obtained). Copies of all CO’s or Pre-CO covering all structures on the property. l) Copy of Property Assessment Card (or copy of current deed with photograph of current buildings on the property). m) Elevation diagram confirming height to top of roof ridge of new and existing construction, measured from natural finished ground, with diagram of new foundation area below finished ground elevation. Department Staffing The department has one (1) full-time employee and two (2) part-time clerical staff. The department is located in the Town Annex. Reference Keys Properties are referenced by their Suffolk County Tax Map Number. In the event a property is identified by the address, a translation is required to the SCTM Number. Spatial Data Currently, the Department does not maintain any spatial data, however, does utilize Google Earth to view aerial imagery of properties involved with variances and special events (e.g., determine available parking on property for a proposed public outdoor event at a winery). Bowne Management Systems, Inc 165 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: In addition, paper based Tax Maps from Suffolk County Real Property Tax Services Agency are used in the office. Non-Spatial Data An index card is currently maintained when a file is opened and assigned a case number by the ZBA. New index cards are created for all cases and multiple cases for one property are not consolidated under one file. A custom developed Access database has been developed to replace the index card filing system, but the physical index cards are still maintained. Software The following software programs are being used within the department: ?? Office productivity software from Microsoft (i.e., Microsoft Office, Excel); ?? Microsoft Access Database for Case Files ?? Laserfiche to view scanned images; including permits ?? Real Property System (RPS) to view history of building permit numbers on a property; ?? Building Permit System (custom AS400 based program) to view the details of building permits on a property. ?? All case management needs will be handled through Municity. Potential Uses for GIS The following potential uses for GIS were identified during our meeting with the department: ?? Develop a “Land Management” GIS Viewer that contains RPTSA data, tax data, parcel owner information, permit data, code violations, zoning data, ZBA data (variances), wetlands, FEMA zones, development rights, town ownership designation, town owned property acquisition and sales data, street names, hamlet boundaries, fire district boundaries, school district boundaries and orthophotography. This viewer should provide access to Google Street View, Bing Maps (for oblique imagery), and measurement capabilities. This viewer should be accessible as a website. ?? Provide functionality within “Land Management” GIS viewer to report on the physical characteristics of the neighborhood, such as, typical setbacks, including waterfront properties, lot size, accessory structures and lot coverage. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 166 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Provide functionality to associate any digital pictures taken in the field (in support of a case to a property) to a parcel. May want to consider a GPS camera to capture location coordinate information. ?? The ability to translate a tax map number to an address or an address to a tax map number; ?? The ability to print professional quality maps for board meetings. This should include the development of Town map templates to use for all “official” map prints; ?? The ability to display interactive GIS maps in a presentation mode during a board meeting; ?? The ability to use measurements tools to support accurate setback calculations; ?? The ability to use measurement tools to support accurate height calculations for various structures. This should include the ability to define elevations for that same area; ?? The ability to view building footprints within a parcel and calculate total percentage of lot coverage on the subject parcel; ?? The ability to view road ownership (i.e., County, Town, State, Private) for all roads within the Town; ?? The ability to obtain development rights information, if it exists, for a given parcel. Development rights are currently maintained by the Comptroller’s Office in a AS400 based application; ?? The ability to sketch up aerial photographs of areas that are proposing special events to determine the amount of space required for parking for example. Impediments to GIS Usage The office currently has a limited number of staff members with little to no training on GIS technology. IT Infrastructure All staff members in the department have a computer that is attached to the Town’s Wide Area Network (WAN). Interactions with Village of Greenport The Village has their own Zoning Board of Appeals and the Town ZBA office does not typically interact with the Village. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 167 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Miscellaneous Below are some miscellaneous comments made during our meeting that may have relevance to the overall GIS UNA and are documented as such: ?? As parcels are split and merged, the SCTM number changes, however, this change is not always reflected in the ZBA’s currently index card system. The ability to track SCTM number changes and relate older numbers to their current number (or set of numbers) would be helpful to the Office. ?? The ZBA receives, reviews and issues written decisions, after public hearings for area and use variances, sign and flood law variances, and special exceptions for code permitted uses such as; accessory apartments, bed and breakfasts and winery events. ?? The ZBA interprets the Town’s zoning code on an appeal of a building inspector Notice of Disapproval. ?? Appeals may be filed by a neighbor. ?? Currently, zoning variance applications can be applied for before, after or concurrently in the Trustees’ office. ?? Only requests for special exceptions can be submitted directly to the ZBA without a Notice of Disapproval from the Building Department. ?? The ZBA submits information needed for the quarterly land tracking report to the Land Management Coordination Department. This typically includes accessory apartments, variances that impact allowed density on parcels and any subdivisions of land that create new tax map numbers. ?? The business process for variance applications is as follows: A property owner submits a variance application and supporting o documentation when a building permit application is denied. The ZBA office performs a technical review to confirm that the building o inspector has addressed all code areas. The applicant will be contacted for additional information as needed. o The application is calendared for a public hearing, surrounding property o owners are notified, and a notice of the hearing is published. If the application is approved, a building permit can be issued. o When a case is closed, the file and the original decision is scanned into o Laserfiche. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 168 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: ?? Index cards are updated and scanned into Laser fiche. ?? The ZBA office reviews applications that sometimes overlap with a required site plan approval by the Planning Board, a Trustee’s permit (wetlands) and/or a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Landmarks Preservation Committee. ?? The ability to view easements from an aerial prospective would be helpful. ?? Recently, responsibility for special exceptions for wireless facilities was transferred to the Planning Department, unless an area variance is also required from the ZBA. Bowne Management Systems, Inc 169 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: MAP PRODUCTS PRODUCED BY TOWN – APPENDIX B Bowne Management Systems, Inc 170 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Trails of the North Fork Bowne Management Systems, Inc 171 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Seaview Trails Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 172 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Farmland Protection Strategy Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 173 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Protected Lands Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 174 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Hashamomuck Pond Preserve Trail Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 175 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Arshamomaque Preserve Trail Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 176 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Downs Farm Preserve Trails Bowne Management Systems, Inc 177 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Town Trail Overview Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 178 Town of Southold and Village of Greenport FINAL 1.3 VERSION: GIS Needs Assessment January 26, 2011 DATE: Laurel Lake Preserve Trail Map Bowne Management Systems, Inc 179 Bowne Management Systems, Inc. 235 East Jericho Turnpike PO Box 109 Mineola NY 11501-0109 Phone: 516-746-2350 Fax: 516-747-1396 www.bownegroup.com ??? ? 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