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CUTCHOGUE - NEW .c;UFFOLK PARK DISTRICT I~UTCHOGUE, LONG 15LAND, N,Y, 11935 RECEIVED ANN~ZAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER CUTCHOGUE - NEW SUFFOLK JAN z 6 I981 Town Clerk Sou~old PARK DISTRICT YEAR ENDING DECEMBER ~l,, 1985 REGULAR FUND Balance on Hand Jan. 1, RECEIPTS From Somtheld Town Tax Levy ............ $7,657.45 198e. ................ .......$18,e16.4e From Southol~ Town Tax Levy ............ From N.Y. Telephene Co. .................. From Kaolin Insurance Co. refmn~. ....... 7,657.39 3.49 41.e9 Total Receipts .................. Total Receipts & Balance. ....... 15,359.28 $33,375.68 DISBURSEMENTS Dated: Jan. 17, (see attached sheets) Balance on Hand. ............. 13,$1e.96 Dec. 31,198e... $19,864.72 CUTCHDGUE - NEW F::iUFFDLK ~'ARK DISTRICT OUTCHOG'_]E. LO×G ISL.ANC. N. Y. ll'D3S Check # 1~02 1~03 1404 1407 1409 1410 12 16 19 25 21 22 26 30 .3~ 32 ,33 J6 .37 .38 DISBURSEMENTS 198. Date Paid Paid Te Amaeuat Jan. 8, 1980 Jan. 9, 1980 # Jan. 12,1980 # Feb. 2, 1985 Feb. 5, 1980 Feb. 16, 1980 Mar. 8, 1985 Mar. 29, 1985 Mar. 31, 1985 A~r. 4, 1980 A~r. 8, 1985 Apr. 1980 Apr. 91~. 198. May 5, 1981~ ~tay 9, 1985 May 25, 1985 May 2 7, 1985 June 5, 1985 June 5, 1980 June 9, 1985 June 23, 1985 June 2[, 1985 June 30, 198~ N.Y. 8. S~cial ~ecurity $ 33.72 N.Y.S. Unemployment I~aa. 11.$$ L.I.Lighti~g Ce. 5.70 Fred W. Kaelin, Im¢. 25.$$ The Suffolk Times 2.$$ L.I.Traveler 2.97 L.I.Lightimg Ce. 15.65. I~t. Revenue Service L.I.Lighting Co. 18033 L. I. Lighting Ce. 16.3~ L. I. Lighting Co. 50 U.S. Pest Office 5.$$ L.I. Lighting Ce. 17.73 L.I. Lighting Ce. 5.7~ Academy i~ri~ti~g Frances V.Regers 238.1~ N.Y.C. Soc. Security 33.72. N.Y.S. Unemployment Ins. 5.55 L.I.Li~ting Ce. 5.63 L.I.Lighti~g Ce. 15.72 L.I.Lighting Ce. 15.68 Int. Revenue 8erv. 25.05 Suffolk Times 2.56 Gregory Bey4 125..$ L.I.Traveler 2.97 West Publishing Ce~ 22.55 L.I.Lightimg Ce. · 5.$~ Edwar~ Groheski L.I.Lighting Ce, 15.$1 L.I.Lighting Cee 16.$7 Traveler Printery 85.55 Fre~ W. Kaolin, Inc. 55000 Fred W. Kaolin, Inc. 500.0 L.I.Lighting Co. Pinewood Landscaping 500.00 L.I.Lighting Ceo 17.$6 L.I.Lighting Ceo 6.$5 Fred W. Kaelin, Inc~ 312.18 Frances V.Rogers 19.3~. Griffing Hardware 8.3~ Colleen Kelly 103o'5~ Frances V. Hogers 238.14 N.Y.S. Social Security 57.62 OUTC, HOGUE - NEW ~UFFOLK PAF~K DIST~tCT ~!UTD~-]D~=UE. LDNG iSLANC, N.Y. 1193S DISBURSEMENTS 1985 (continued) Check 11,51 452 1457 z i .67 I .68 vo:l.i 1469 li-7 .7~ ~7~ 1~ 8e 1~ 81 i 82 1.8 :1 ~93 Date Pait june 3~, 1980 July 1, 1985 July 6, 1985 July 7, 1985 July 8, 1985 July 10, 1985 July 15, 1985 July 22, 1980 July 26, 1980 July 31, 1980 Aug. 5, 1985 Aug. 9, 1985 Aug. 15, 1985 Aug. 15, 1980 Aug. 16, 1980 Aug. 21, 1980 Aug. 35r~1 1980 Aug. 31, 1980 Page 2 Gerali Wells $ 112.75 Frei W. Kaolin, Inc. 566.$$ N.Y.S. Umempley. I~s. 9.45 Imt. Revenue Serv. Arthur Sherrarl 16~.7~ Griffi~g Harlware L.I.Lighti~g Co. L.I. Lighting Co. Fred W. Kaolin, Inc. 55.$$ L.I.Lighting Co. 69.~5 Jehu Haurue 43.15 E~. Greheaki 475.$$ Colleen Kelly 274.~ Noreen Kelly 32~ Arthur Shorter/ 146o~ Ellee Dameri 122.53 He~ Huecker 147.87 Charles Na~ma 175.63 C.P.Tuthill, Ime. 332.~2 Elaime Products 154.$$ Colleen Kelly 237~$6 Traveler ~rimtery 18.55 E. Emd S~erting Goods 16~$5 Arthur Sherrard Nereem Kelly 2~7.95 Jemm Bruch 73.21 Henry Huecker 156.55 Charles Hanna 156~55 Reeve L~mber 65.55 E.I.Lighting C®~ 15.81 N.Y.S. Sec. Sec. L.I. Traveler 2.97 L.I.Lighting Co. 16.12 L.I.Lighting Ce. 12~89 Arthur Sherrard 146~44 Terri pezzella 54~91 Noreen Kelly 237e96 Colleen Kelly 256~2~ Eliae Daneri 164.74 Charles Hat, ua 133~25 Henry Huecker Ed. Grathwohl 39.$$ Joan Brmch. 18.31 He~ie Lamparter 18.31 Colleen Kelly 292~8 ~aid Te Amem~t CUTP. HOGUE - N.KW ~UFFOLK PARK DISTRICT ~UTCHOGLiE, LONG I~L,&ND, N. Y. 11935 Check 1~.. 96 1/4.97 :!)4.98 1499 1See 15Q1 1~e2 15Q3 15e4 15e5 15e6 15e7 15e8 15e9 15lO 1511 1512 1513 151B 1516 1517 1518 1519 152e 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1528 1529 ~53e ~53~ 15 ¢ 153~ 153~ ~537 ~38 ~5~9 ~5~0 ~5~ void void DISBURSEMENTS Date Aug. 30, 1980 Se~t. 1, 1985 Sept. £, 1985 ~ept. Sept. 43;19801980 Sept. 1980 S.pt. 11, 1980 Sept. 30, 1980 Oct. 6, 198~ Oct. 9, 198G Ney. 3, 1980 Ney. 8, 198~ Nov. 10, 1980 Nov. 18, 1980 Nov. 21, 1985 Dec. 2, 1980 Dec. 1985 Dec. ~[ 198e Dec. 12, 1980 D*~. 17, 1980 Dec. 23, 1980 Dec. 28, 1980 Dec. 29,' 1980 1980 (continued) Paid Te Elise Daneri Noreen Kelly Robert Muir Charles Harms Henry Huecker Arthur Sh,rrard N.Y.S. Soc. Jecurity Edward ~rathwohl L.I.Lighting Ce~ L.I.Lighting Co. L.I.Lighting Ce. Gregory Bey~ Joh~ Be~nesky N. Fork Variety Robert Muir L.I.Traveler Suffolk Times Frances V.Regers N.Y.S. Sec. Secu~rity C.P.Tuthill, Inc. L.I.Lighting Ce. L.I.Lighting Co. L.I.Llghting Ce. N.Y.S. Unemp. Ins. Int. Rev. Service L.I.Traveler L.I.Lighting Co. Suffolk Times Twin Fork Femce L.I.Lighting Co. ~verson ~OSS L.I.Traveler Jean Midgley Helen Rogers Frank Rogers, Jr~ L.I.Lighting ~est Publishing Co. L.I. Lighting Co. L.I.Ligbting Co. Traveler Printery Frances V.Rogers N.Y.E. Soc. S~carity N.Y.$. Une~po Inso Int. Rev. Service Frances V.Rogers Page 3 219..~ 97.~e 146 2e5.6e 39. ee 7~.6~ 131~ 1Se. ee 19.~ 5~. ~ 2.97 2.88 7~. ee ~7.77 11, t7 18.8~ 2~. ~ 3.63 18.96 55..e 16~81 2e.86 25.~$ 16.86 lle OO 17.56 0.$2 23.ce 33.72 5.5e 20.$0