HomeMy WebLinkAboutFogarty, Annetta G Constitutional Oath COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SS: n I, ..i~......~....:..~.~....~....~.. do solemnly swear that , w,I, support the Ce st'tut'on of the United States and t~ Const'tution o/~the State of New York. andthot I will faithfully discharge the duties of the o' ffice of ...~ .......... according to th~best of my ability; and I~'o further solemnly swear that I have not di- rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other ¥oluable thing as o consideration or reward for the [living or withholding o vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not mode any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. Sworn before me this..~...' ........ day Constitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD , SS: onstitution of the United States ~-~ffd the~Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ~?~,m ~x/ .......... , ~¢.~. ~. ,~. ~-~.~. ~.. ............... ....... accoraing to the best of my a'bility; an~'J do further solemnly swear tJ~at J have not di- rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vot~ at the election at which I was elected to sa,id office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. Swor~ _before me this.....~..~. ........ day .................... ....... Constitutional Oath ' SUFFOLK COUNTY } TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SS: I Annetta Fogar ty .................................................................... do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of .......................................................... Commissioner - Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park District according to the best of my ability; and J do further solemnly swear that J have not di- rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to s~id office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. Sworn before me this.....7..t;,h.....day of ............. onstitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SS: C 'tut'an of the United States and ~ Constitution of the State of New York, and that faithfully discharge the duties of the office of ...... ~r. ....... I will rectly or indirectly paid, offered or promised to pay, contributed, or offered or promised to contribute, any money or other valuable thing as a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to ~id office, and have not made any promise to influence the giving or withholding any such vote. Sworn before me this...~....C~......day of~... 19....'?.L __-