HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996 ALL NLU49ERS I# THIS REPORT FIUSI BE ROUNDED TO THE · NEAREST DOLLAR. RECEIVED dfiN 5 0 1997 So.old To~ Clea Nam~ of Primary Goverr~ent (Componer~t~ FOR TIlE FISCAL YEAR EHDED Special Purpose Unit STATE OF gEg YORK OFFICE OF TIlE STATE C~4PTROLLER In accordance ulth new reporting requirements pursuant to GASH Statement 1/~, a separa_te report~?_Lbe prepared for each component unit In the reporting entity. Revised 1994 opere~ ina Fund Eat once Sheet ........................................... ~nalys~g of Changes ~ ~und Equity .......................................................................................... p. ~ Dete~t of ReYenueg .......................................................................................................... p. ~ DeteH of Exp~rx:lltureg ...................................................................................................... p. & Capltet Projects Funds gatance Sheet ............................................................................................................... p. 5 Anatysls of Changes in Fund Equity .......................................................................................... p. 6 Detet[ of Revenues and Other Sources end Proceeds of Tong-Term O~[igatfons .................................................. p. 7 Anetysls of Cai?Itel Expendftures for Current Year ........................................................................... p. 8 Enterprise Fund BaLance Sheet ............................................................................................................... p. 9 statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Equity .................................................................. p.lO ststes~ent of Cash Fto~s ..................................................................................................... p. ll Trust and Aflency Funds Bslence Sheet - Agency Funds ................................................................................................ po13 Belence gheet- Expendable Trust Fu~s ...................................................................................... p.14 Ststement of Revenues, Expenditures end Changes in Fund Equity - Expendabte Trust Funds ..................................... p.15 Balance Sheet - Non-Expendable Trust Funds .................................................................................. p.16 state~ent of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Equity - floe-Expendable Trust Furds ................................. p.17 Statement of General Flxed Assets ................................................................................................ p.18 Statement of General Long-Term Debt .............................................................................................. p.19 Notes to Financial Statements .................................................................................................... Maturity Schedute .............................. .................................................................................. p.2] SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Bank Reconciliation ................................................ Certificate of Fisca[ Officer .................................................................................................... p,27 ASSETS .Cash Taxes Receivable (Net) Other Receivables (Net) Stats and Federal Aid Receivables From Other Funds Due From Other Governments Inventories Prepaid Expenses Restricted Assets EDP CODE Accrued I,] abilitle~ Petained Percentages Notes Payable Other Liabilities Due to Other Funds Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Reserved Encumbrances Special Reserves Unreserved Fund Balance - -- _200S -- _205S -- _220S -- _230S _ _245S Total Fund Equity TOTAI~ ASSETS $ l 9 7/ ~ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. ) OPERATING FUNO ANALYS~S OF CRANGES ~ FUND EOUITY ,OR THE F,SCAL YEAR ENDED ~ Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* EDPCOOE _ _400S - _405S $ /el71q.. *Total includes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. Real Property Taxes Rea[ Property Tax Items Non-Property Tax Items Oepartmenta[ Income Intergovernmental Charges Use of Noney and Property Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss #lscel[aneous Local Sources InterfL~d Revenues State Afd Federal TOTAL gEV~Nt~S {nterfund Transfers Proceeds of Oblfgations TOTAL REVENUES ANO O?HER SOURCES - _5OOS - _505S _ _515S - _5~0S _ _5~5S _ _530S _ _535S - _5405 _ _545S - _55O$ - _555S - _560S OPERATING FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES A~ OTHER USES EDP CODE FUNCTIONAL UNIT General Government Support _ _600 Education -- _605 public Safety _ _610 Health _ _615 Transportation _ _620 Economic Assistance & Opportunity _ _625 Culture and Recreation _ _630 Home and Cormmunity Services - _635 EQUIPMENT & TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES CAPITAL OUTi~y OS 1S 2S CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES 4S EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 8S $. Employee Benefits Debt Principal Debt Interest Interfund Transfers TO~XPENDITURES AND OTHER USES ASSETS Cash Investment s Other Receivables ¢#et) State end Federal Aid Receivables Oue From Other Funds Due From Other Governments Inventories Prepaid Expenses ~estrtcted Assets CAPIFAI. PROJFRTS FUND * OALANC[~ SilEET * EDP COOE LIABILITIES AND FUND £QUIIY II100S $ Accmmt~ Payable HI05S Accrued Liabilities Nl15S Retained Percentages Notes payobie N120S Other liabillties N125S Due to Other Funds H130S Due to Other Governments H1355 Deferred Revenues H160g N145S Total Liabilities EDP N200S H210S H215S H220S H2255 N230S Fund Balance - Reserved Enct~brBnces Special Reserves Unreserved Fund Balance - Total Fund Equity N3155 N320S N3255 TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL LiABiLITiES AND FUNO EQUITY CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN fU~O EOUITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED /~f~'/~ Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year* Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Equity - End of Fiscal Year* EDPCOOE H400S H405S *Total inctudes Reserved and Unreserved Fund Balance. Departmental Incense Use of Money and Property MfsceUaneous Local Sources State Aid Federal Aid TOTAL REVENUES Interfund?ransfers Proceeds of ObLigations TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DETAIL OF REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES EOPCODE N515S H525S fl535S N545S H550S H555S N560S General Government Support Education Public Safety #earth ortation Economic Assistance and opportunity CuLture and Recreation Home and Community Services TOTAL EXPENDITURES Interfund Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND DETAIL OF EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES BY ADHINISTRATIVE UNIT EDPCOOE H605.ZS H610.2S H615.2S H620.ZS H625.2S H630.2S H635.2S H655.gs 'ASSETS Investments Other Receivables (Net) State and Federal Aid Receivables From Other Funds Bus From Other 6overnments Inventories Prepaid Expenses Restricted Assets Flxed Assets (Net) ENTERPRISE FUND * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF EDP COOE E__IOOB E__I05S E__120S E__125S E__I]OS E__135S E__140S E__165S E__150S LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Accounts Pnyabl e Accrued Linbll itles Retained Percentages Notes Payable Other Liabilities Due to Other rur~s Due to Other fioverr~nents Bond and Long Term Liabilities Deferred Revenues Total Liabitit les Fu~d Equity Contributed Capital Retained Earnings Total F~ E~fty S $ TOTAL ASSETS $ The Notes to the Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. 9. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Operating Revenues Charges for Services 1ora( Operating Revenues Ooeretin; Expenses Persona[ Services Contractual Expenses Employee Benefits Oepreciation O lota[ ~rating Expenses Operating Income (Loss) #on-ooeratin~ Revenues (Exoenses) Revenues: Use of Honey and Property Sale of Property and Comp. for Loss Expenses: (Specify) Net Non-Oper. Revenue (Expense) Income (Loss) Before lransfers and Taxes Operating lransfers In Operating Transfers Out Rea[ Property Taxes Net income (Less) Fund Equity - Beginning of Year Adjustments: (Specify) Fund Equity - End of Year ENTERPRISE fUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES ~N~/C~NGES IN FUND EQUITY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED /~./~ ~DPCOOE E S E S E E .8S E__60].4S TOTAL $ E__525S $ E__530S E S E S E S S S E__5555 E__655.9S E $ E___~OOS $ E S E S E__405S $ 10. · , ~TATEHEN! OF CASII TLO~g TOH TIlE rlS~^L YEAR INCREASE (DECReASe) It( CASH AND CASH EOUIVAL~HTS C~sh Flows From Operating Activities: Cash Received from Providing Services Cash Payments Contractual Expenses Cash Payments Personal Services & Benefits Other Operating Revenues Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Operating Activities Cash Flows from Non-Capital and Financing Activities: Real Property Taxes ~erating Grants Received Transfers To/From Other Funds Proceeds of Debt (Non-Capital) Payment of Debt (Non-Capital) Interest Expenses (Non-Capital) Net Cash Frovided/(Used) by Non-Capital Financfng Activitieg Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Act~vities Proceeds of Debt (Capital) Principal Payments Debt (Capital) ~nterest Expense (Capital) Capital Contributed by Developers Capital Contributed by Other Funds Payments to Contractors Capital Grants Received from Other Governments Proceeds from sale of Assets Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Capital and Related F~nancing Activities 1I. EDP code E__7133S E__7136S ~__7139S STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CAS}{ AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (Concluded) Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchase of Investments Sale of Investments Interest Income Net cash Provided/(Used) by Investing Activities Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and ~ash Equivalents at Beginning of Year Cash Equivalents at End of Year RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH Operating Income (Loss) Adjustments to Reconcile Operating Income to Net Cash Provided/(Used) from Operations: Depreciation Increase/Decrease in Assets'Other than Cash & Cash Equivalents Increase/Decrease in Liabilities Other than Cash & Cash Equivalents Other Reconciling Items: Total Adjustments Net Cash Provided/(Used) by Operating Activities EDP CODE E__7152S E__7153S E__7159S E__7179S E__7182S E__7183S E__7184S E__7185S E__7185S E__7185S E__7185S E__7188S E__7189S Amount 12. AGENCY FUX~ LIABILITIES EDPCODE cash TAIOOS $ Due to Other Funds TA2255 $ Investments TAI05S Other Agency Funds (Specify) TA235S TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL AGENCY LIASILITIES ASSETS Cash Investments EDPCOOE TEIOOS TEI05S EXPENDABLE TRUST Library Trust Other Expendabte Trust (Specify) EDPCOOE TE]17S TE]17S TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL EXPENDABLE TRUST 14. REVENUES ANO OTHER SOURCES Revenues Depertmenta[ Income Use of Money and Property Miscellaneous Local Sources Total Revenues InterfundTransfers TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Expenditures General Governmental Support Education Public Safety Hearth Transportation Economic Assistance and Opportunity Culture and Recreation Nome and comltlunity Service Emptoyee Benefits Debt Service Totat Expenditures lnterfund Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES FUND EQUITY SEGJNNING OF TEAR EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) EXCESS OF REVENUE AND OTHER SOURCES OVER EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES EDPCOUE TE515S TE52?S TE5355 TE555S TE600.4S TE605.6S TE615.&S TE620.6S TE625.&S TE630.4S TE6~0.SS TE655.95 TE~OOS $ $ $ $ FUND EQUITY END OF YEAR TE405S 15. NON-EXPENDABLE TRUS~T ~[Ui~IS * BALANCE SHEET * AS OF ASSETS Cash EDPCOOE TNIOOS NON-EXPENDABLE TRUST Library Trust Other Non-Expendable Trust (Specify) EOPCOOE TN317S TN317S TBI05S TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL NON-EXPENDABLE TRUST 16. NON-EXPENDABLE TRUST FUNDS STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN FUND EQUITY Others (Specify) Total Revenues Fund Equity Beginning of Year Equity End of Year EDPCODE TN535S TN400S $. TN405S $. 17. EDPCODE K150S EDPCODE Investment in General Fixed Assets K305S 18. · ° GENEBAL LONG-TEBH OBLIGAT]ONS* BALANCE SNEET * AS OF -ASSETS Amount Aveltable in Debt Service Fur~l Amounts robe provided for Long-Term Obtlgetlons EDPCOOE ~1605 EDPCOOE ~240S TOTAL AMOUNT AVAILABLE AND TO BE pROVIDED TOTAL LIABILITIES (Note: This eccou~t group should not i~ciude Long-term Debt of Proprietary Funds) 19. NOTE 1 Basis of Accosting NOTES TO FLNA#CIAL STATEHENTS SLJltnary of Significant Accounting Policies 20. STATEHENT OF DERTEDHES$ Month Current Outstanding Do Hot Include Hene~ets Here outst~ding Final List SeparatetybyOate of Issue ~DPCOOE and Interest Beginning of Issued During Paid Ourir~g Ertl of Maturity Year* Hate Eisca[ Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year ~isca[ Year Oate Tax Anticipation Notes: / / Total Tax Anticipation Notes 2P1861 Revenue Anticipation Notes: / / To:at Revenue Antfclpatton #ores 2P1862 Budget Notes~ / / Total Bu~get Notes 2P1863 Urban Rone~al Notes / / Total Urban Rone~a! Notes 2P1866 EDP CODE STATE COMP USE :apl:al Notes: 2P1865 / 2P1865 / 3:her Debt: (Specify) / eon NEg ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NE~ ISSUE DATE. ON RENEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1996 ~OULD BE 01/96. 21. SIATENEHT OF INDEBTEDNESS -List Separately by Date of Issue EDP COOE EDPCOOE Month and Year* T Current Interest Rate P Outstanding Beginning of Fiscal Year Do Not Include Renewals Here Issued During Paid During Fiscal Year Fiscal Year $ 5 Outstanding End of Fisca~ Year Final Maturity Oate STATE COI4P USE Bond Anticipation Notes: / ! Bond Anticipation Notes 2P1866 **Gans Redeemed From Bond Proceeds 2P1888 Bonds (List by purpose} / / / / ~q~Bonds 2P1867 / Authority Loans 2P1869 i~TAL OF ALL INDEBTEDNESS Please note caLlabLe features of bond issues and any reserve funds available to pay debt (incLude also in the Notes to Financial Statements). eON #EW ISSUES, PLEASE INSERT NEW ISSUE DATE. og REHEWAL, PLEASE INSERT LATEST RENEWAL DATE. PLEASE INSERT 4 DIGITS, IE. JANUARY 1994 ~OULD BE 01/94. 22. EDPCOOE * PURPOSE OF ISSUE For State ComptroIter Use Only 2P3CE TOTAL PRINCIPAL 2P]PR DATE OF ISSUE* 2P3DT / / / / / / '/ / / / INTEREST RATE (In Decimals) 2P3PC 140NTHf DAY and YEAR OFOAL #ATUR 1TY 2P]DM / / / / / / / / / / Amount of Principal Redeemed 2P39& In or to be Redeemed in fiscal Year Ending in 2P395 (PLEASE INSERT YEARS 2P~96 LAST TUO DIGITS ONLY) 2P397 ~P398 ~P399 2P300 2P301 contir~ae om Reverse Side 2P302 2P303 2P306 *PLEASE INSERT SIX DIGITS, FOR EXAMPLE, JANUARY 1, 1994, SHOULD GE SHOUN AS 01/01/94. NOTE: If two or more purposes are combined in a consolidated issue, sho~ the maturity schedule for each purpose. 2]. MATURITY SCIIEDULE BONDS ISSU~/~R/~ YEAR EDP COOE Amount of Principal Redeemed 2P305 in or to be Redeemed fn Fiscal Year Ending in 2P306 2P307 PLEASE I#SERT YEARS LAST TUODIGITS (3lILY 2P308 2P309 2P310 2P$12 2P313 2P~15 2P~16 2P317 2P~18 ZP]20 24. HATURITY SCHEDULE BONDS ISSUEI)/~]I~YEAR EDP COOE ~mount of Principal Redeemed 2P321 In or to be Redeemed in Fiscal Year Ending In 2P322 ~LEASE INSERT YEARS LAST TUODIGITS ONLY 2P323 2P324 2P325 2P327 2P328 2P32~ 2P330 2P331 2P332 ~P333 2P334 2P335 2P336 Tote[ 25. BANK RECONCLLIAF]ON CASH BY FUNDS, PER BALANCE SHEETS Include Petty Cash Operating Fund Enterprise Fund Capital Fund Trust and Agency Funds Debt Service Funds TOTAL CASB TOTAL ALL FUNDS $ * Name and Location of Bank //g~F SANK BALANCES Identify Bank Balances with Funds by Listing the Applicable Code Letters Fund Less Code Bank BaLance Outstanding Checks o ,-l?e _,,7.; 7 0 ~o ~o 0 ~7~ 0 !,')7/.6 Add Cash On Hand Adjusted Bank Balance G 7~ Add: Petty Cash Funds Adjustments (Specify} TOTAL AOJUSTED BANK BALANCE AND PETTY CASH , lqTIq, *These amounts must agree. NOTE: Bank certification forms are not required to be filed with this report. directly with the bank. Nowever, the Office of the State Comptroller may confirm bank balances 26. Pt ease Pr int~ , end that this report, to the best of my knowtedge, flscal condition for the flsca[ year ended ~ 3/ , 19 q/~ . 'TitJe / - ~ Date PLEASE MAiL REPORT TO: State of New York Office of the State Comptroller Bureau of Nuniclpat Research & Statistics Alfred E. Smith State Office Building Albany, New York 12236 iF YOU HAVE GUESTIONS RELATING TO TNIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL ALBANY: (518) 27.