HomeMy WebLinkAboutTuthill, David¢ OilS? ITOT IOIIAL OATH SUAPOLK COUFI~ ?OWN 0!~ SOU'ffHOLD DAVID TUTHILL DO SOLKI~ILY SWIAII THAT I WILL SUPPORT TNB OOllSTXTUXOII O]p '~g ~IX~ STAT]IS AND TH!~ OOIIBTXTUXOII OF THit 8TATB OF flEW YORK, AND THAT I YZLL fA1TIIFOX~Y DISCHARGIt TH~ OFFXO1! OF TIff~JR FOIl PATTi'TUCK lfXRl~ DISTRICT ELECTXOJi8 AC¢ORDX]IO TO ?lEK BEfiT OF J~ A~XLXTY, S¥OARW MEIPORE NB OI THTS ~Otb DAY OF SEPTB~tSBR , 1976 SECT. MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT Constitutional Oath SUFFOLK COUNTY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SS: .O..A...V....~....?..~ .............................. do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of .?.~....~....R......'~....~......J~..~...~...O'..O...~... ........................................................... according to the best of my ability; and I do further solemnly swear that I have not di- rectly or indirectly paid, offered ar promised to pay, contributed, or offered or prornisea to contribute, any money or other valuable t%ing os a consideration or reward for the giving or withholding a vote at the election at which I was elected to said office, and have not made any promise to influence the gJvir~, or withholding any such vote. / Swot before m this 14 day , .%,.,,,,...%. '. .A ......