HomeMy WebLinkAboutWoodhull, G. Thomas Original Oath of Office for Volunteer Fire Policemen (New York State Munleipal Law, Section 209-G.) STATE OF NEW YORK SUFFOLK COUNTY i~T? TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 328 I, ....~.....Z...~/Z::~3..,~...~... ........ ..~,...~-~'-~, .~,,.~,,~...~....., do sole~ly swear (or affirm) (~ or ~t N~e) that I will suppo~ the Constitution of the United Stat~, and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully di~harge the duties of the office of Fire Police~n of the .~~.~ .................... ~...Fire Department, according to the ~st of my ability· Sworn to before me, this .... day Notary ~~of ....... ' · ' NOTARY PUBLI~. Stere ef New 4~.efifled In Suffolk Ceun~y Ne. S2.39G493S Address ..... ~..~..e~. ...... ~..~/.. .................................. Post Office.....~... ~-..'~..~.~T../. ,~.. ,e~. ~T,..~.....,,...../~..-.. t~. .... Original to be filed with Town (Village) Clerk. Copy to be held by Department Secretary. Date filed ..~.'~..././...,~.....~.. ........... //-