HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/1999 MA 1'111 UCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING NOTICE is hereby given ora meeting of the resident taxpayers of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 5th day of August, 1999, at 7:00 P.M. Daylight Saving Time, at the Mattituck Park District Office, Main Road, Mattituck, New York 11952, for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1,2000. Voting will take place at the Park District Office, Main Road, Matti- rock, New York, and polls will be kept open from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. on August 5, 1999. The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and pro- pose the same as said budget: 2000 Appropriations: Payroll Fringe Benefits Site Improvements Equipment Sup. plies & Materials Utthties Insurance Facility Repairs Equipment Repairs Legal Counsel Commissioners~ Fees Debt Service Miscellaneous Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues Interest & Earnings $ Permits Miscellaneous Less: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be Raised by Taxes $113,800.00 Il,100.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 15,150.00 20,600.00 18,000.00 12,000.00 5,500.00 1,500.00 400.00 45,000.00 360.00 $264A10.00 4,700.00 4,600.00 1,500.00 10,800.00 238,610.00 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Sabat, Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas, Secretary 1X-8/16, 19,26/99 (209) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK ss: Patricia C. Lo[lot, being duly sworn, says that she is the Production Coordinator, of the TRAV- ELER WATCHMAN, a public newspaper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the no- tice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Traveler Watchman once each week for ........................................ ~.~... ......................... weeks successively, commen~ing on the ....../...~ ....... Sworn to before me tins ......... 2 ............... day of Notary Public BARBARA A, SCHNEIDER NOTARY PUBUC, State of New York No. 4806846 Qualified in Suffolk Coartty / MAiTHUCK PARK DISTRICT A~u~t 5, ~999 1. Mark only wi~h & Pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. Tove~eYESonth~Rderendum, make a cross OO mark or check (~ matk in the squ,~e opposite. 3. To vo~z NO on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check 6~nmk in the square opposite. 4. Any other mnrk, o~ any wrlting or any eresure msde on the b~llot is unlawful. 5. If you test, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, rea~m it and obtain another' OFFIC/AL BALLOT MA'I'I'ITLtCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mat~uck Park District be adopted aa the Budge~ for th~ Fiscal Year begitmi~ Jnn.~y 1, 2000, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise th~ ~id sum of $238,610,00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in 'mid Distr.. ESTIMATE OF ~ITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONER.~ Appropriations: Payroll $ l 13,800.00 Fringe Benefits I 1,100.00 Site Improvements 20,00o.00 Supplies & Materials Utilities 20,600.00 Repairs 12,000.00 Equipment Re.ira 5,500.00 ~ Counsel 1,500.00 Commissioners' Fees 400.00 D~t S~rvice 45,0OO.0O M~scelianeous 360.00 Total Approbations= $264,410.00 Anticipated Rev~ues: Imer~t & F. amin~s $ 4,700.00 Pmnits 4,600.00 Mi~llaneous 1.500.00 10,S00.00 Le~s: Appropriated Fund Balance 15.000,O0 Amount to be Ra/sed by Taxe~ $238,610.00 ED~ARD,4D.4M~; C/a~frnmn F/alter ~abat, Parl~ Cotnt#lssloners l~._ ltne S. Ha~ Secretary MA'/-I'rt'iJCK PARK DISTRICT Ausust ~, 1999 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil havin8 black lead. 2. To v~.e YES on the R~ferendum, make a ~ross 00 mnrk or check (~ mark in the square opposite. 3. To vo~e NO on the Refereudu~ m,dre a c~oss (X) mark or check 6/j/mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other ma~k, or any writh~ or any e~amre made on ~ tudlot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, de'ace or wrongly nuu'k tim ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MAT'I'ITLTCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 PROPOSmON Shall the estimate of expenditures of the ~ck Park District be adopted ns the Budget ~or the Fiscal Yen~ besinnin8 Samm~ 1, 2000, and shall the Park District Comm;msioners be authorized and empowered to raise t{~ said sum of $238,610.00 ~or maid budget and to levy & ~x therefor upon the taxable property in said Dintri~t. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMiVO.~{ONERS 2OOO Appropriations: Payroll $113,800.00 Frinse BeheSts 11,100.00 Site Improvements 20,000.00 Supplie~ & Materials 15,150.00 Utilitie~ 20,600.00 Insurance I%000.00 Legal Counsel 1,~00.00 Commissioners' Fees 400.00 Debt Service 45,OOO.OO ~scellaneous 360.00 To~al Appropria~ms: $~,4~0.00 Int~rem & Ear~s $ 4,700.00 PernUts 4,600.00 Miscellaneous ~0,800.00 Le~: Approl~iated Fund B~ance lS.000.O0 Amount to be Raised by Taxes MA'i'flTIJCK PARK DISTRICT Ausust 5, 1999 1. Mark only with n pen Imvin8 bhe or black ink, or with a peodl havin8 black leed' 2. To vote YES on tbe Refetendum, makeacross00markorcheck~/~matkinthesquareoppo~e. 3. To ve~e NO on the Referendum, make a cros~ 00 mark or check (v~/mark in tbe squate opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writins, or any eramre made on the bellot is unlawful. 5. If you teer, deface or wroNlly mark tbe belloL return it and obtain anotber* OFFICIAL BALLOT MATT1TUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shall the estlmnte of expenditu~e~ ofthe Matlltuck Park Disuict be adopted n~ tbe Bud~t for the Fiscal Year be~innin~ January I, 2000, and ~d~nll the Park District Commi~ioners be authorized nnd empowered to rnise th~ ~aid sum of $238,610.00 for said budget and to levy a tax ~ upon the taxable property in said Distr,. ESTIMATE OF EXPEND~S OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONF~ .~ 2OOO Appropriations: Payroll $113,~0.0O Fduse Benefits l 1,10O.00 Site i,~p, ~,~nents 20,0O0.00 Supplie~ & Mnte~inh 15,150.00 Ufilitie~ 20,600.00 Equipment Repa~ 5,500.00 Comm|$~,iol~'~' Fees 400.00 De~ Service 45,OOO.0O Tmal Appropriations: $264,410.0O Pen~.s 4,6OO.OO Misuellaneous 1.500.00 10,80O.0O Les~: Appropda~d Fund Baianee 15.o0o.oo Amount to be Raisad by Taxes $'238,610.00 Wal~ ~ P~k ~l~ ~. H~, ~ MA'ITfTLICK PARK DISTRICT 1. Mark only wlth a pen having blue or black ink, orwithapeacil hnving black lead. 2. To vo~e YES on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (v~mark in the square opposite. 3. To ve~e NO on the Referendum, m~eae~'o~OOnn~rkorch~{~ra~kinth~lU~r~oppo~e. 4. Any other mark, or any writin~ or any e~asure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you t~r, de~nc~ or wqously um4~ tl~ ballot, return i~ ~nd obtain am~l~' OFFICIAL BAl.! OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 ESTIMATE OF F_20~qDITURES OF PARK DISTR~f~T COMI~S!ONER,~ 2OOO Appropriations: Payroll $113,800.00 Fringe Benefits 11,100.00 Site ~ments 20,000.00 Supplies & Materials 15,150.00 Utilities 20,600.00 Mi~llm~om 360.0Q Total A~-ol~i~ion~: $264,410.00 !,~_~ & E~min~ $ 4,?00.00 Permits 4,600.00 Mi~llan~us 1.$00.00 ~0,800.00 L~s: App~vl~riat~d Fund Balan~ 15.000.00 Amount ~ be Raised by Taxes $238,610.00 EDWARDADAM~ Chams~ ~ Go~hnnger Watter Sab~ Park Commi~o~m ~llne. S. Hafts, Stcretary MA'PtrlLtCK PARK DISTRICT Au~_,~ 5, 1999 1. Mark only with a pen havin~ blue or black ink, or with a pencil imvin8 black lead' 2. To ve~e YES on the ~m, make a cross (X) mark or check (~n~'k in the square opposite. 3. 4. AnY ofl~' m~iq or ~mY writi~ or ~ny ~um u~d~ on th~ I~llot i, unl&wfnl. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, nmjm it and obtain anothor. OFFICIAL BAt .I OT MAi=ri'rOCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted a~ the Buclset for the Fiscal Year bo~i_'nnin$ Jnml~ry 1, 2000, and shall the Pa~k District Commi~ione~ b~ authofi~d ~ empow~q~d to raise tho said sum of $238,610.00 for said budset and to levy a tnx therefor upon the taxable prope~y in said Disuict. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT 2OOO Payroll $113,~00.00 Fringe Benefits 11,100.00 site ~vements 2o,ooo.oo Supplies & Materinls 15,150.00 Utilities 20,600.00 Equipment ,soo.oo Commi~siOIler$' FOeS 400.00 Debt Sen4ce 45,0O0.0O Total Appropriations: $264,410.00 Interest & F..,~ninga $ 4,700.00 Pmnit$ 4,600.00 MisoellaneoJs 1.$00.00 10,800.00 Les~: Approp~ed Fund Balance Amount to be Raised by Taxes $238,610.00 EDIE4P, D ADAM~ P/a~r Park Com~ntssioners /~a~li~ S. Hoas, MAI-IiTOCK PARK DISTRICT Au~us~ 5, 1999 1. Mark only with n pen having blue or bhtck ink, or with a peocil lmvin8 bh~k lend' 2. To vo'~ YES on the Referendum, m'kee~ro~(X)markorcheck(~markinthesquareoppmite. 3. To vote NO on the Referendum, 4. ~mY ofl~ n~rk, or ~my writins, or ~ny ~um n~l~ on tl~ I~llot i~ unl,,wfnl. 5. If YOU tear, de~tce or wrongly mark the ballo~ return it and obtain anoiher. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA2~TI~CK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shnll the mtimnte of expenditures of the M~__~u~ ck Pa~k District be adopted ns the Budset for the Fiscal Year b~'nn!n~a J~ltla/y l, 2000, ~ ~8l! the Park District Commi~ion~'~ b~ to raise ~e s~id sum of $238,610.00 for ~'d bud~t and to levy & tax ~r upon the taxable prope~ in ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONI~ 2OOO Payroll $113,~00.00 Fringe Benefits 11,100.00 Site t .m~o~ents 2O,00O.OO Equipment ~,000.00 Supplies & M~__.yials 15,150.00 U~iliti~ 20,600.00 Insurance I$,000.00 Deb~ ~ 4S,000.00 Interest & Earaln~s $ 4,700.00 Permits 4,6OO.0O Mi~ellaneo~ 1.500.00 10,800.00 Le~s: Ap~-o~ Fund B~lnnce An~unt to be P. ais~d by Taxes $238,610.00 EDWARD AD~. Ch~r~m Wai~ ~ P~k C~rs MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT 1. Mark only with n pen havin~ blue or bla~ ink, or with a pencil lmvin8 black lead' 2. To vo~e YES on the Referendunt, make a cross (X) mark or check (~ mark in the square oppodte. 3. To vote NO on the Re~ make a cross (X) mark or check (v~madt in the squm~e oppodte. 4. Any other mark, or any writin~ or any e~mure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, defac, e or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck park District be adopted as the Budget ~ ~ Fi~ Year b~ti_'nning ~'lt~ 1, 2000, and shall the Park District Commi~.sionea's be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $238,610.00 for said budget and to levy a ta~ therefor upon the taxable prope~ in ESTIMATE OF ~FI~tJRES OF PARK DISTRICT COMbfl.~.~TONER .~ Appropriations: Payroll $113,800.00 Fringe Benefits 11,100.00 Site Improvements 20,000.00 Suppli~ & biatefials 15,150.00 Utilitie~ 20,600.00 Commission, s' Fees 400.00 Debt Service 45,000.00 Miscellaneous 3~0.00 Total Ax o ations: $2 4,4 0.00 Interest & Em-nings S 4,700.00 Permiu 4,600.00 Miscellaneous 10,800.00 Amoun~ to be Raised by Taxes $238,610.00 EDWARD.4D~ Cha~nsan F/alter Sa6a~ Park Cor~mlssioners MATffrUCK PARK DISTRICT Ausu~ 5, 1999 1. Mink only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having blac, k lead' 2. To vote YES on th~ geferendum, m~k*acToss(X)nmrkorcheck(~markinthosqu~reopposite. 3. To vot~ NO on the Referendum, make a cross 00 mark or check (~mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writins, or any e~asm~ n~de on the ballot is unlawful. 5. ffYOU tear, de~ce or wrongly mark tho ballot, re~urn R and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shall the estimat~ of expenditures of the Mn~ituck Park District be ndopted as the Bud~t for the Fiscal Year be~_'nnin$ Jan,~ry 1, 2000, sad slmll the Park District Commlssione~ be authorized ~nd empowered to raise the said sum of $238,610.00 for said budget and to levy a ~ax therefor upon the taxable prope~ in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPE2qDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS 2OOO Payroll $113,~00.00 Frinse Ben~fits 11,100.00 Site Improvements 20,000.00 Equipment 1,000.00 Supplim & Materials 15,150.00 Utiliti~ 20,600.oo Insurance 18,000.00 Co.sol ,S00.00 Commi~siolte~' Foe~ 400.00 Debt Serv~e 45,0O0.0O Miscellaneous 360.00 Total ~: $264,410.00 Pm~ts 4,6oo.00 Misoellaneo~ 1.500.00 oo Le~s: Appropriated Fund Balance 15.000.00 Amount to be Raised by Taxes $238,610.00 Wa/~r Sab~, Park Cor~nlssioners ~l~ne $. IIa~, Secretary MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT Augu~ $, 1999 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil Imvin8 black lead. 2. To vo~e YES on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (v~ mnrk in the sqtmre op~ite. 3. To vote NO on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check 6fmark in the square opposite. 4. Any other made, or any writing or any e~asure ntnde on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If YOU tear, de~ace or wrongly mark the ballot, rettu~ it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'l~'rrrOCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 Shall the estiwuat~e of expenditures of the Matfituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Yem' b~'.~_;,~ Sanuagy 1, 2000, and ahn!~ the Park Disuict Commissioner's b~ authorized snd empowered to raise the ~id sum of $238,610.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable prope~ in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONE~ Appropriations: :~000 Payroll $113,800.00 Frinse Benefits 11,100.00 Site ~mvements 20,000.00 Equipment 1,000.00 Supplies & Materials 15, i 50.00 Ufilitie~ 20,600.00 Insuranc~ Legal Counsel 1,500.00 Commissioners' Fees 400.00 Debt Service 45,OO0.00 M~scellaneous 360.00 Total Ap~-opAations: $264,410.00 ~mr.t& ~..arninss $ ~,7o~.oo Permits 4,60O.00 Miscellaneous 1.500.0Q 10,800.00 Less: App~ol~at~ Fund Balance 15.000.00 Amount to be Raised by Taxes $238,610.00 EDW.4P, D .4D~.~, Park Co~tmtssloners Madellne S. Hoas, MAFiI'HJCK PARK DISTRICT 1. Ma~k only with a pen having blue or blnck ink, or with a pencil bevin8 blnck lead' To vote YES on tbe Refe~endum, makeacro~(X)markorcheckdmnrkintbesqunreoppodte' 3. To vote NO on the Ref~-endu~ make n cro~ (X) mark or cbeck (~/mszk in the squate opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writin~ or nny efamre mnde on tbe ballot is unlawful. 5. If YOU tent, defnce or wrongly mnrk tbe b~llot, return it and obtain anotber. Oi~ICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1999 PROPOSmON Shnll the estimat~ of expe~itm~ of the Mattituck Pnrk Dimiot be ndopted ns the Budi~t for the Fiscnl Y~' b~_'nn[-g_ ~n.~ 1, 2000, amd shell the Park Dimi~t Commi~ioll~f~ be ~uthorJ~d ~ empowel'~d to rsis~ tbe Mid sum of $238,610.00 for snid budge~ and ~ levy a tax therefor upon the taxable propen'y in  /ESTIMATE OF EXi~END~S OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS [~pplx~on~: Payroll $113,~00.00 [ ,,~l Frinse Beneltts 11,100.00 ] ~ ~X Si~ ~g, iovemmts 20,000.00 y '\ Squ n ,ooo.oo ~ Supplie~ & Materials 15~150.00 ~ Counsel l,SO0.O0 Commisdon~s' Fees 400.00 Debt Service 45,000.00 Mi~ellaneous 360.00 Totnl App~ations: $'2~4,410.00 ~ & F..~nin~s $ 4,700.00 Permits 4,600.00 Mi~ellaneo~s 1.500.00 10,~00.00 Less: Appropriated Fund Balance 15.000.00 Amount to be Raised by Taxe~ $238,610.00 EDWARD~ID~,~ Ckamna~ Walter 8abat, Pwrk C~l~rs ~1~ ~. H~ ~