HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/1996YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commissioners beauthorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable ~roperty in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe BenefiLs 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utiliti~ 18,350 Insurance 18,000. Facility R~pairs 10,000 · Equipment Repairs 6,000 L~gai Council 3,000 Commissioners Fe~s 750 Miscellaneous 1,3 I0 Total Appropriations $200,910 Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permits 5,100 Ivfiscellan~ous I JO0 I.~ss: Total Revenues 11,800 Dated: Le~s: Appropriatexl Fund Balance Amouat to b~ Rais~cl in Taxes August 8, 1996 31300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Sabat Park Commissioners Madelins S. Haas, Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or bladk ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the e~uare opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (x) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th9 ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of e~enditures of the M&ttituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year begi~ing January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commission6rs be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable ~roperty in said District. . ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONE~R: ,~997 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipment J,O00 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities 18,350 Insurance 18,000, Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipmcnt Rcpairs 6,000 Lega/Council 3.000 Commissioners Fces Miscellaneou$ 1,310 To~l Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permits 5, 100 Miscellaneous 1,700 Less: Total Revenues Less: Appropriated Fund Balance Amoum to be R~sed in Taxes August 8, 1996 $200,910 11.800 3~300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Comm~ssio~ers Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, ballot is unlawful. (X) mark or (X) mark or check or any writing, or any erasure made on the 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th9 ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commission~re be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for eaid budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n~ the taxable Property in said - District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONER,s: 3997 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93.850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipmcm 5,000 Supplies &.Matcrials 15,850 Utilities 18,350 Insuranc~ 18,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 F-.quipment Repairs 6,000 L~gal Council 3,000 Commissioners F~ 750 Misc~llane, ous 1,310 Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permits 5 100 Miscellaneous 1,'700 Less: Total Revenues l.~ss: Appropriated Fund Balanc~ Araoum to b~ Raised in Tax~s August 8, 1996 $200,910 11,800 31300 $188,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chaii-man Gerard Goehringer Walter Sabat Park Commissioners Madeline S. Maas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (x) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th? ballot, return At and obtain another. MATTITUCK PAR/( DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the M&ttituck Park District bm adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commiseicn6rs be. authori~ed and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810%!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor updn. the taxable ~roperty in said District. . ESTIMATE 'OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe BenefRs 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipmem 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities 18,350 Insurance 18,000 Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 L~g~l Council 3,000 Commissioners Fees 750 ~iscellaneous 1,310 To~al Appropriations S200,910 Dated: Anticipated Revenues: Interest x, Earnings Permits Mis~llan~ous Less: Total R~venues l.~ss: Appropriated Fund Balance Amotmt to be Raised in Tax~s Auqust 8, 1996 $5,000 5,100 I~700 11,800 3~300 EDWARD ADAMS, Chaii~an Gerard Goehringer Walter Sabat Park Co~issioners Madelins S. Haas! Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PA~/( DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the M&ttituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONER~: ,~997 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10.800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities 18,350 Insuranc~ 18,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 I~gal Council 3.000 Commissioners Fees 750 lviiscellaneous 1,110 Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & ~amings $5,000 Permits 5,100 Nfisc~llan~ous 1~700 Less: Total Revenues l~.ss: Appropriated Fund Balanc~ Amount to b~ Rais~l in Taxes August 8, 1996 $200.910 11,800 3~300 $185r810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chaii-man Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Commissioners Madelins S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another~ MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST B, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commission~rs be authcri~sd and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: ~9~7 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Si:c Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities' 18,350 Insuranc~ 18,000. Facility R~pairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 Legal Council 3,000 Commissioners Fe~s 750 Mi$c~llane. ous 1,310 Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permits 5,100 Miscellaneous 1,700 Less: Total R~venues -- Less: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be Raisezl in Taxes Aug%/st 8, 1996 $200,910 11,800 3~300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Commissioners Madelins S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (g) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th? ballot, return it and obtain another. _ i MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituok Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year hegin~ing January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District co~ssion~rs beauthori~e~ and empowered to raise the said s -um of $185,810%!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable ~roperty in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONE~M: ,~?77 Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Sitc Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 1 $,850 Utilities' 18,350 Insurance 18,000. Facility Repairs t0,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 Legal Council 3.000 C, omndssioners Fees 750 Miscellaneous 1,310 Total Appropriations $200,910 Dated: Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permits 5,100 Miscellaneous .. 1,700 L,ess: Total Revenues Less: Appropriat~ Fund Balan~ Amount to be Raised in Taxes August 8, 1996 11,800 3~300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chaii-man Gerard Goehringer Walter Sabat Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th~ ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginnin~ January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commiseion6re beauthorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable property An said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERE: 1997 Datedt Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities' 18,350 Insurance 18,000. Facili~, Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 L~gai Council 3,000 Commissioners Fees 750 Iviiscellaneons 1 ~310 Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest ,et Earnings $5,000 Permits 5,100 Miscellaneous 1,700 Total Revenues Less: Appropriated Fund Balance A-mount to bo Raised in Taxes Auqust 8, 1996 $200,910 11,800 3~300 S185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Commiesio~ers Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or bla6k ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th@ ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commiesion6rs be. authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable Property in said DistrAct. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COM)fISSIONERR: 1997 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10.800 $itc Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities' 18,350 lnsuranc~ 18,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 Legal Council 3,000 Commissioners Fees 750 Miscellaneous 1,3 I0 To~al Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & ~amings $5,000 Permits 5 100 Miscellaneous I~700 Less: Total Revenues Loss: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to bo Raised in Taxes August 8, 1996 $200,910 11,800 31300 $185.810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chaii-man Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park commissioners Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (x) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituok Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.!00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONER~= 1997 Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipmem 5,000 Supplies & lviaterials 15,850 Utilities 18,350 Insurance 18,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 L~gal Council 3,000 Commissioners Fees 750 Miscellaneous 1,310 Total Appropriations $200,910 Dated: Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings Per. ts Miscellaneous Less: Total Revenues Less: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be Raised in Taxes August 8, 1996 $5,000 $,100 1,700 11,800 3,300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Sabat Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (x) mark or check (g) mark in the square opposite. 4. My other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th~ ballot, return it end obtain another. ~ MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year begill~ing Japery 1, 1997 and shall the Park District ccmmission6rs be &u~orismd and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable Property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITLTRES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONER~: Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15.850 Utilities' 18,350 Insuran~ 18,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 L~gai Council 3,000 Conunissioncrs Fees 750 Miscellaneous I ~310 Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Intcrest& Earnings $5.000 Permits 5,100 Mi,scellaneous 1~700 I.~ss: Total Revenues l.~s: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be Raised in Taxes August 8, 1996 $200,910 11,$00 3~300 $1851810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary v ¥E$ NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark th9 ballot, return it and obtain another. ~ MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District bs adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Com~issioners be euthorised and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810'.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n. the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERR: 1997 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site lmprovcrncnts 18,000 Equipmen! 5,000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities 18,3'i0 Insurance 18,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6.000 L~I Council 3,000 Commlssioncrs Fees 750 Miscellaneous 1 ~310 Total Appropriations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permi~ 5,100 Miscellaneous 1,700 Less: To,al Revenues Less: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be F,.aisext in Taxes August 8, 1996 $200.910 I 1,800 3~300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMS, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas~ Secretary YES NO MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 1996 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, pencil having black lead. or with a 2. To vote Yes on the Referendum, make a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. S. To vote No on the Referendum, made a cross (X) mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 4. A~y other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST B, 1996 Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1997 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $185,810.i00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefor up6n the taxable Property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSION~n: .~9~7 Dated: Appropriations: Payrolls $93,850 Fringe Benefits 10,800 Site Improvements 18,000 Equipment 5.000 Supplies & Materials 15,850 Utilities 18,350 Iasuran~ 1~,000. Facility Repairs 10,000 Equipment Repairs 6,000 I.~gal Council 3,000 Commissioners Fees 750 Miscellaneous 1,3 I0 Total Appropr/ations Anticipated Revenues: Interest & Earnings $5,000 Permits 5,100 Miscellaneous 1,700 Less: Total R=,,enues " l..~.~s: Appropriated Fund Balance Amount to be Raised in Taxes Augl/st 8, 1996 $200,910 11,800 3,300 $185,810 EDWARD ADAMs, Chairman Gerard Goehringer Walter Saber Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas, Secretary