HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/1966MATTITUOK I~Af~K I~OMMISSION MATTITUCK~ LONla ISLAND NEW YORK · m~ust 9, 1966. '#e t~e undersi:~ed appointed election inspectors hereby certify the following results as the vote cast at the meetin~ of the resident taxpayers of the Mattit~c~ P~rk District on ~tgust 9, 1966 from 7:00 P. M. to 10:00 P. M. &t the Mattitack Fire House on the propose~ budget for the fiscal year beginnin~ Jen~ary 1, 1967. l~u~ber of b&llots oa~t *-~ .................. llu~ber of w,$ere re~ietered ......................... l~aber voted yea Nmaber wte~no · ot&l nmaber of b&llots coante~ ...................... I, the undersi-gned, do hereby certify that I am qualified under the New York State To~n Law, S175, Subdivision 2, to vote aa a. Resident Taxpayer of the Mattituck Pa~k District at the meeting to be held on August 9, 1966 at the Mattituck Fire House for the purpose of voting upon the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967, It the undersigned, do hereby oeo'tlr2 that ! a~ qualified unde~ the ~ew Yo~k State Town Law, Sl?S, Subdivielea 2, to vote aa a Resident Taxpaye~ of the Hattituok Pa~k Dist~iet at the ~eeting to be held on August 9, 1~$6 at the Mattitu~k Fire House fo~ the ptu-pose of voting upon the proposed budget for the fiscal yea_- beginning January 1, 1957. l, tho undo~ai~nod, do hereby oertify that I o~u qualified under tho Now YoFk St&to ?obrn Law, ,ql?S, Subdivision 2, to vote as · Resident Taxpayer of the Mattituck Pa~k District at the meeting to be held on August 9, 19b6 at the Hattituok Fl~e H~ae for the pu~ose of vo~g upon the p~po~ed budget fo~ the fisc~ ye~ beg~g J~u~ 1~ 1967. the unde~aisned, do hereby oortif2 that X am qualt£1ed under tho Now Yo~k fltato Toun La¥~ 9X75~ Subdivision 2, to vote ao & Resident Taxpayer of the Mattl~uok Pa~ Dlatriot at the moot~ to be held ~ A~t ~ 1~ at ~he ~t~l~ F~o H~e ~o~ b p~mo of vot~ ~ t~ p~p~ ~et fo~ the ftsc~ ~ begln~ Jn~ 1, 1~7. BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. M~rk only with s penefl having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition mnlte ~ cross X mark tn the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cr~s X m~trk in the squar~ opposite. 4. AAly other n~, or any writing, or any erasure made on the b~tllot is *ml~wfuL If you tear, or deface, or wrongly turk the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'rrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9,1966 PROPOSITION [-] Yes No SJ~all the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds ................................. : .................................. $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District' Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only wi~h a pencil having bhek le~d. 2. To vote Yes on the Prop~iflon nuke ~ cross X m~rk in the squ~r~ opposite. To vote No on the Proposition rake a cross X m~rk in the squ~r~ opposite. 4. Any other m~rl[, or any writing, or ally eFssure nll~le on the ba]lo~ is unl~w~lL Ir you tear, or dereee, or wrongly n~rk the ballot, return tt and obtain ~not~er. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bey and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,.500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a l~ncil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition m~k~. a cro~ X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cr~s X mark in the square opp~lt~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot frs unlawfuL If you lear, or deface, or wrongly mark gm ballot, return it a~d obtain &hotbed. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of ~ JJllllJ~ $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore I I upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Pork District Secre~ary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil havln~ black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make s cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ oppoMt~ 4. Ally Other mark, or any writing, or any eramlre made on the b~llot is unlawful. 5. If yOU tear, or de~ace, or wrongly ma~k the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Yes PROPOSITION I--J No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Katkryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly ma~k the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Yes I-] No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, ]967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition ma~e a cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ opposit~ Any othe~ mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is u~lawfuL 5. If you te~, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballo~, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION I-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with a pencil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squ~r~ opposlie~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the b~llot is imlawful. ~/ you fear, or deface~ or wrongly mark i~e ballot, return it and obtain anotller. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'KrlTUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes Sholl the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, ]967 and shall the Pare District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of r- ~l~ff~ $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore / upon the taxable property in said District, ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Solon/ ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards et Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Pork Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $3 ] ,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proportion make a cro~s X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square oppeslt~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any eramlre made on the ballot is u~awfoL 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballo$, return it ~nd obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'r'FITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes I--] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to P~rk Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be ra.ised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. To¥1or Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squ~re opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark hi the squar~ opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface, or wTongly mark the ballot, return It and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION V~ Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be S adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of r--1~"No $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with s l~neti having black leod. To vote Yes on the Proposition m~ke a cross X mark in the square opposlt~ 3. To vote No on the l*roposition make a cross X mark In the square oppesite. Any other m~v~, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is tmlawfuL 5. Xf you teitr, or deface, or wrongly mark tcbe ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance an Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1, Mark only with s pencil having blaek lead. e. To vote Yes on the Propadtion rake a cross X mark in the square oppo~te. 3. TO vote NO on the X*roposltion make a cro~s X mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or ~ny erasure made on the baAlot is unlawful. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it a~d obL31n another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raJse the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Grovel Fur~ds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with a pencil h~vini' blaok lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition maiie s cross X mark in the squsre opposite. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark In the squar~ opposlt~ OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'I'ITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION I Yes Sh.o,I the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of F~ ~l~ff~ $24,725.00 for said budget and to lev,/ a tax therefore I I upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION E res [-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, ]967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds ....................................................................$ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings ..................................................................2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Grovel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kethryn M. Taylor Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with s pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square oppo~te. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ opposite. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes Sho. I the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of ~ ~Jl~ff~ $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore I I upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Pork Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. To¥1or Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having 51ack lead. ~. To vote Yes on the Proposition snake a cross X turk hz the squsre opposite, 3. To vote No on the l~ropo~ition rake a cross X n~ hz the squar~ opp~t~ OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Yes PROPOSITION No Sholl the estimate of expenditures of the Pork District be adopted os the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ], ]067 and shall the Pore District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy o tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a pencil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition rake a cross X mark in the square opposite~ 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposit~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is tmlawfuL 5. If you tear, or de~aee, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes {-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. To¥1or Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with a l~nefl having black leal To vote Yer on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ opposlt~ Any other mark, or any writing, or ~ny erasure made on the baJlot is *ml~wful. If you tear, or deraee, or wrongly m~rk the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'rrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION [Vg~ Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be S adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of r-'-I N~ $24,725.00 for sa. id budget and to levy a tax therefore I J upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to P~rk Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be ra. ised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Toylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a penefl having ~lack lead. ~*. To vote Yes on the Proposition make ~ cross X ma~k in the square opp~te. 3. To vote No on the Froposition make a CFOSS X maxk in the squat~ opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ba]lo~ Is tmlawful K If you tear, or de/ace, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS M~rk only with & penoll having ~lack lead. To vote Ye~ on the Proposition make ~ crom X mark in the square oppose. To vote No on the Proposition make a cros~ X mark in the squar~ oplmslt~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is uula~inL If you tear, or deface, or ~rongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a pencil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposfle. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ oPlt~te. 4. Any other m*~, or any writing, or any erasure made on the b~llot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted, as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS M~rk only with ~ pencil h~ving blaek lead. To Vote Yes on the Proposition m~ke a cross X mark in the square opposite. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark tn the squar~ oppostte~ Any other mark, or any writing, or a~y erasure made on the ballot is unlawful Ir you tear, or deface, or wrongly nmrk the ballot, return it a~ad obtain ~nother. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ..................... i .................................................. 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ............................................... ......................................... 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only wi~h s penefl having blaek le~d. To vote Yes on the PropeslUon n~ke s eross X nmrk in the squa~ To vo~e No on ~he Proposition m~ke ~ cross X mark in the squar~ opposit~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot la unlawful $. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it trod obtain anoth~. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes I-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at B~y and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ ]2,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kethryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS L ~trk only with ~ IMnCfl h~ving blaek lead. ~. To ~ Y~ on ~e ~ffon ~e a cr~ X ~ ~ ~e q~ op~ 3. To ~ No on the ~p~tlon rake a eM X ~ h ~ q~ o~ · ~y o~ M, or an~ ~, or ~ ~ ~e on the ~ot h lml~ ~ ff ~ ~, or d~a~, or ~ly turk b b~o~ ~tum it ~ ob~n s~w. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION E Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Pork District be adopted os the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ], ]967 and shall the Pork District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy o tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and 5ound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Grovel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS L Mark onl7 with ~s pencil having bhek lead. ~. To vote Yes on the Proposition make s cross X mark in the squsre opposite. 3. To vote No on the Froposition make s cross X mark in the squar~ opposlt~ 4. An~' other m~s-k, or any writing*, or rely el*asure made on the bGllot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return It sn~ obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ' 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of r--'l ~Jljl~l~ $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore I J upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS I. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a croes X mark in the square opposite. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the b~llo~ is unlawful 5. /f you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Pork District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ], 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Day and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $3 ! ,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretory BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secr~ory INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with is penefl h~Lving black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make s cross X mar~ in the square oppo~te. 3. 'Fo vote No on the Proposition n~ke a cre~s X mark in the square oppofdte. Any of, her mark, or any writing, or &ny erisure made on the baJlo~ is unlswfu]L Ir you tear, or detaee, or wrongly mark the ballot, re~urn i~ and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9,1966 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be es adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of I ir"-1 No $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insuronce on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 /V~aintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to P~rk Sites ............................................................ ]2,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $3 ] ,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a l~nefl having black lemL 2. To Tote Yes on the Proposition make ~ cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote N'o on the Proposition make ~ cross X mark in the squar~ opposite. Any other mal~, or any writ, lng', or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it am1 obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes [-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Pork District be adopted os the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation fram Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square oppmdte. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark In the squar~ opposite. Any other ma~, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it ~nd obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA~I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Yes No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Katbryn M. Taylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition m~ke a cross X mark in the square opposit~ 3. To vote ~o on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ opposite. Any othe~ mark, or any wrltln~, or any erasure made on the b~llot Is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it ami obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATrlTUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Yes PROPOSITION I--] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Pork District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for sa. id budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Grovel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secr~tary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition rake a cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote Zqo on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the b&llot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or deface~ or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes I-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adapted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ], 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds ....................................................................$ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings ..................................................................2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenonce of Pork Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ ]2,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legol Notices ................................................................................ I00.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Pork Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with 8 penefl having bL~ek lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition m~ke a cross X mM-k ill the square opposite. 3. TO vote No on the Proposition make ~ cross X m~rk in the square opposite. 4. Any other m~r~, or any writing, or any ermmre made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. /f you tear, or defaee, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes I-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insuronce on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lea~L To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark In the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X m~trl~ hl the 9q~l~ opposi~ 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is ..l~wfuL S. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes [-] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Grovel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. M~rk only with & pencil havin~ blaek lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition rake a cross X mark in the ~quare opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful If you tettr, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes [-'J No Sh.all the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ], ]967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for sa. id budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds ....................................................................$ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings ..................................................................2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ................................. : ...................................... 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Pork Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition rake it cross X mark in the square oppoMt~ 3. To vote No on the Proposition make aeross X mark in the square opposit~ 4. Any other mltrk, or any WTiting, or filly erasure made on the ha]lot Is n~lawfuL 5. If you tear, or de/ace, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 [ Yes PROPOSITION No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay end Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to P~rk Sites ............................................................ ]2,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M, Taylor Park District Secre~ary INSTRUCTIONS l. Mark only with &peneil having black lea& ~. To vote Yes on the Proposition m~ke a cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Pork Commissioners Kothryn M. Taylor Secretory BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kotbryn M. Taylor Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS L Mark only with a pencil h~vinr black lead. 3. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square oppo~te. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cro~s X mark in the squar~ oppocit~ OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes I--] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kathryn M. Taylor Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the squar~ opposit~ Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawfuL 5. Xf you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST ~ 1966 Yes PROPOSITION I-'] No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and skall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 Kothryn M. Taylor Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with G penell h~vlng' black lead. To vote Yes on the Propo~iUon make s cross X mark in the square opposite. 3. TO vote No on the X~ropositlon rake a cross X ma~k In the squre opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful 5. If you tear, or de/ace, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 9, 1966 PROPOSITION Yes ['-J No Sh.all the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1967 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $24,725.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds .......................................................................... 875.00 Insurance on Holdings .................................................................. 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................... 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ...................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ............................................................ 12,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................................ 400.00 Legal Notices ................................................................................ 100.00 Custodian's Salary ........................................................................ 4,700.00 Total ............................................................................ $31,725.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ................................................ 7,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $24,725.00 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Taylor Secretary