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HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/05/1965STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ~ATHRYN M. COX, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Secretary of Mattituck Park District; that on thel9th day of July, 1965, she posted five copies of the ~otice of Budget Meeting, a copy of which is hereto attached, in five public places in Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, bo wit: 1. 2. 3. 5- Matt~tuck Post Office, Love Lane, Mattituck, NoY. L & L Food Market, Love Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. Bulletin Board, Love Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. W. V. Duryee, Love Lane, Mattituck, N.Y. Mattituck Free Library, Main Road, Mattituck, N.Y. ~worn to before me this of July, 1965. NOTARy PUBLIC, State of H~ York No, 52-6905650 ~alified in Suffolk Coun~ · COX MATI~V~UCK PARK DII~TFACT NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING Notice is hereby ~iven of a meetin~ of the residsnt ~xpayers of the Matti- tuck P~k D~s~ict to ~ held on the 5th day of Aunt, 1~5 at 7 P. M. ~ter~ Daylight Sav~g ~e a~ the Mattituck ~re Hou~, Pi~ Street, Mattituck, Ne~ York, for the p~e of voting u~ the praised budge~ for the fi~ year ~ginni~ Jan- u~ 1, 19~. Polls will ~ kept open from 7 P. M. ~o 10 P. M. ~e Commissioners of the Mattitucl~ P~k District have submitt~ the fol-- 19wi~ estimate of ex~ndltur~ for ~id final year and the ~me ~ ~ld buret. ~nt of ~nds $ 2,~-~ In~t ~ ~n& ~-~ I~an~ on Hol~gs 2.~.00 Tre~'s ~ ~.~ ~ret~'s Sal~y ~.~ ~al ~s ~0.~ L~e G~ at ~y and Maint~ of ~rk ~tes 6,~.~ Im~ovement ~ ~r~ Sl~s lt~.~ ~'~ Legal Notices Custodian's Salary 1~0.00 10,000.00 Total Appropriation from Oravel Funds Amount to tie raised by '1'axes Dated, July 15, 1~65 Robert L. Bergen, Chairmaa~ Laurence P. Reeve ~ra~k Murphy Park Commissioners Kathryn M. Cox ~,cretary COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~, ss: STATE OF NEW YORK C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATrlTUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the a:nnexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for ...~...~,~.....~.~...J..... weeks successively, commencing on the ............ ~.~...~,~f. .... day of ~.~...x~,.,,~f....../~...., ,19~.~1.. Sworn to before me this ...... ~.~.~... ......... day of ,...., ........ ........... ~. 52 30,'~000 19~ ~.,7 The annual Budget meeting and election was held at the Mattituck ~ire ~ouse Thursday August 5,1965 fre~ ? P.M. t~ 10 P.M. 29 ~ote8 cast 28 ~ee 1 No Election inspectors were Clarence Bennett,Walter $. Courts and Martin Surer. Xathryn M. Cc.,Sec MATTITUCK II:lARK C~OMMISSlON MATTITUEK, LON~ IBLAND NEW YORK I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I a~ qualified ~der the New York State To~n Law, S175, ~ubdivision 2, to vote as a Resident ?a~pa~e~ in the meeting of the Mattit~ck Pa~k District of August 5, 1965 on the propose~ b~dget for 1966o I£ I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am qualified under the New York State Town Law, S175. Subdivision to vote as a Resident Tax. eye. in the meeting of the Nattituek Pa~k District of August 5. 1955 on the propoee~ budget for BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MA'I'TITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. ~ox Padc Di.trict Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only wfth ~ pencil h~ving blaek lead. To vote Yes on the ~roposltion n~e · cross X mark in ~he square opp0sfle~ 3. To vMe No on ~he l)roposiflon mske~ a eros8 X m~rk in the squm-e opposite. Any o~he~ mar~ or any wrliln~', o~ any erasure n~de on the ballot is unhwruL It you t~ar, or de~,ee, or wrongly mark the b~]lo~, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance an, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745~00 OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'FITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, ]965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PAIRK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,7-4~.-00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Yes [--] No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget ~nd to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA:RK DISTRICT GOMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Kothryn M. Padc DMrict Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with & penefl lmvln~ bM lead. To vote Yes on tim Proposition m~tre aeross X ma~k Jn the square opposite~ 3. To vote N'o on the Proposition m*Uq a erom X n~rk in the square opposite. 4. ~ otheT ]]]AI~ Of Ally Writlng~ or ally erasUl~ ]1~ 011 the ballot h l~nl~WfllL S. If yOU tear, or de, ace. or wrongly mark the ballot, return It ami obtain snother. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes i-1 No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and sl~311 the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $2],745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at B(~y and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Perk Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION [ res No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................... ~ ............................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance or~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, ]965 Kothryn M. Cox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the ZJroposition make a cross X mat~ in. the square opposite, 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a eroas X mark in the square opposite. Any other mm~ e~ any wridnL or any erasure made on the ballot is If you ~ear, or dehce~ or wrongly mark the b~llot, ~turn it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 _Yes /I--1 No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance or~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Koth~n M. Cox Padc Di.trlct Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. ~ only with a pencil h~ving black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the ~ropositlon n~xke zs eross X maflt in the square oppoMte~ 3. To vote No on the Proposition m*b~ ~ crom X mark in the square opposite. Any other mark, or any writing, or an~ erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If ~ou tear, or ded~t~e, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it ~nd obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA, RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MA'I'FITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST $, 1965 Kothryn M. Cox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with ~ pmzell hsvinw bM ~ To vote Yes on the I~ropositlon make a erom X m~ in the sqtmre opposite~ 3. To vGt~ No on the Proposition rake aeross X msrk in tho square opposite. Any othel' m~14~ or &n~ writing, or any erasure made on the b&ilot is n~lmw~tlL & If you te~, ~r de~e, or wronwly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to lev'/ a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Impravement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING. OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Podc District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with st pencil lmvinw blaek lemL To vote Yes on the l*roposltton make s eross X nm~ in the square opposite, 3. To vote No on the Proposition mak(~ aeross X mark in the ~luare opp~dte. 4. Any other mor~ or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is If you tear, or detaee, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and o~taln another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'VI'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745~00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Podc District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only wi~h ~. peneil hsvlng bhek lead. .~ To vote Yes on the 1)roposlUon make ~. eross X mark in the square opposite, 3. To vote N'o on the Proposition m~]t,a a, eross X mark in the square opposite. ~ Any other mark, or a.n,v writing, or any erasure on the bsllot is u-J-wl'uL & ~ ~ou tear, or dehee, or wzongly ~k tie Im~ot, return it and obtain ~nother. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST $, 1965 PROPOSITION / Yes I-I No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Grovel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745~00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, ]965 Kathryn M. Cox Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with s pencil having blaek lead. 2. To vote Yes on the ~rolmsition make a cross X ma~ In the square opposite~ 3. To vole No on the Proi~dthm mak(~ ~ e~oss X mark in the square opl~slie. Any otheF maz~ or any writing, or any ernsur~ made on the ballot is unlawful If you tear, or def~e~ o~ wrongly mark the b~Ilot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSJ'rlON Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted os the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA'RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ..................................... :. ......................... 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ........................................................................ '. ............. 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kotbryn M. Cox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with ~ peneil hsvinw bM lead. To vote Yes on tim Proposition make s eross X n~fk in the square op~osite~ 3. To vote No on the Proposition make ~crom X mark in the square opposlt~ 4. An~ other mini, or a~y writtnw, or any erasure made on the ballot ts unlawful S. If you tear, or ded~e, ot wro~'ly mark the baJIot~ return it an~l obtain anot]zer. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted os the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PAIRK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance o~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Kathryn M. Gox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mo. rk only with a, IMmell h~Lvlnf bM lead,, To voee Yes on the ~ropositJon ma~ke &eross X ma~k in the square opposib~ 3. To vote ~o on the l)ropo*dtlon make a, erofs X mark in the squsre opposite. ~ OtheT ~ or ILny wl'i~llg, or ~ ero~Jx~ nJ~de ol3 the b&J~ot ifs unlmw~oL If you tear, e~ deduce, or wronwly n~.rk the baJlot, return it &nd obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to lev,/ a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PAIRK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Gox Pa~ District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. MRx~ only with ~ pencil havinw black kmd. :~. To vote Yes on tim ~roposltion ma~e ~ eross X mz~ in the sim oppos~t~ 3. To vote ~o on the Proposition lnaJiet &eross X nLq. rk in the ~tuare opposite. 4..Andy other mazl[, or any writinL or any erasure me~de on the baJlot is ~. Xf you tear, or dehce, or wTonwly mark the bsllot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA*I'I'ITUCK PARK DISTRIGT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRIGT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance or~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Lega~ Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Boy and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRIGT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with ~ l~neil hsvin~ black lead. 2. To vote yes on the ~ropositJon make ~ cross X mark in the square oppostt~ 3. TO vote NO on the Proposition mak(~ a cross X m~rk in the ~u~re opposite. 4. Any othe~ mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful If you tear, or d~ce, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it ami obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices ......................................................................... : .... 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only wif~h a. peneil having blaek lead. To vo~e Yes on ~ Proposition make a, eross X ma4k in the squ0~re oppostie~ To VOte No on the ~roposltlon nmke a cross X m~ in the squm'e oplmslte. A~y other ~ or a~y writing, or any erasure nmde on the ballot ts unlawful If ~ou t~Lr, or dehee, or wrongly mark the Mot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRIG~F AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance or~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00' BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST $, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Pa~ District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mzrk only with a. ~ lmvlng blaek lead. Z. To vote Yes on the l)ropositlon make a. erom X nmi in the square oppo~te~ 3. To Vote ~To on ~he l~oposltlon m~q a ~ X ]~ql*k in the squ~re opposite. An~ othe~ ~ oF M0~y wrii~nL or ~ ~ misde on the lxdZot Js & Ir ~ou tezr, or defoe, or wronfl~ m~rk the b~,~ot~ return it and obtsln ~nother. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes I--I No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January ], 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PAIRK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's S~lary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bey and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites ................. ; ........................................ 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kothryn M. Cox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with s pencil havinf black lead. To vote Yes o~ the Proposition n~ke a cross X ina~i~ in the square op~q~lte~ 3. To vote No on the Proposition make a cross X mark in the square opposite. Any other marJ~ or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is nn~*wful. I~ you t~ar, or de~ee, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .............................. L...: .............................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING. OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. ~L~rk only ~th & penoll ]L~vln~ bla~k ~ TO vote Yes on the l*rop~sition nmke a cross X mill in the square opposite~ 3. To vole No on tim Proposition make a cr~m X nmrk in the square opposite. AZz7 otJ2es' mark, or an7 wrltinw, or any erasure made on the baitot is .nlAW(tlL & If you teaa', or de,ace, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on. Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Pork Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be reised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kothryn M. Cox Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS OFFICIAL BALLOT MA~rlTUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSIT4ON Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be rQised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MA'I'TITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kothryn M. Cox Park District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a p~mcil havinr black lead. To vote Yes on the *Frop~tion make a cross X nm~ in the ~luare oppos~te~ 3. To vote No on the Proposition make serom X mark in the square opposite. 4. Any othe~ ~ o~ any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unhw~u]. Ir you tear, or de2aee, or wrongly mark the ballot~ return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Yes 1--1 No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 2,50.00 Life Guords at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 hAalntenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be ro,ised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATFITUC:K PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Kothryn M. Cox Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Ma~k only with a iM~il havtn~ bhek lead. ~. To vote Yes on the l~)positlon mAlre a cross X max~ in the square oppo~te~ 3. To vote NO on the PropoMtion FAslr~l ~ ~ X mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writtn~, or any erasure made on the .ballot is unlawful & If you *esr, o~ ded~ace, or ~rron~ly mark ~he ballot, return it and ~ another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Yes [-] No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted os the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ..~ ................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Park District Secr~ory INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with ~ p~ncll haviug blaek lead. To votm Ye~ on the IZroposltion make a ero~s X ma~k in the square opposite~ 3. To vote No on the Propo~ltion make a cross X mark in the squ~re opposite. Any other marl~ or any writJng, or any e~asure made on the ballot is ~nz~q~ul, ~r you tear, or de~aee, or wrongly mark the Imllot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .............................................................. $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745~(J0 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with s pencil havl~ bM lead. To vo~e Yes on ~e l~roposlUon make ~ cross X ma~ in the square opposite~ 3. To vo~ No on the Proposition make a ~ X m~k in the square opposite. Any other ma~k, or any wrttinL OF any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful & If you Mar, or deface, or wrongly mark the ba~ot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRIC:T AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Fork District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and sh~ll the Park District Commissioners be authorized and emp. owered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance or~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745~00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MAT~ITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Pa~k District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with s penell hsvlnf blaek lead. To vote Ye~ on the J'ropo~tion make 0. erom X mark in the square opposite, 3. To vote No on the Proposition n~m, ke a, erom X mark in the square opposite. 4. ~ ~ ~ OF ~ wrifA~g, or &i~ erasllge made on the bailo~ Is nnlawfl]l. It you t~.r, or de,ace, or wronfly mark the b~ots return it ami obis. in snof, her. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION .[ Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA:RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 94§.00 Insurance or~ Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745~00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUGK PARK DISTRIGT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Park Di~tdct Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. ~ only with s p~efl lmvJn~ black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition rake ~erom X nt~ in the square oppo~te~ 3. To vote ~o on the Prop~oltlon nmke a eros~ X mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasu~ made on the ballot is unl~wfuL If you tear, or defaee, or wrongly mark the b~llot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRIGT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 Kothryn M. Cox Pork District Secretory INSTRUCTIONS 1. ~hrk only with s penefl hsving black lead. To vote Ye~ on the ~roposition make ~ cross X ntg~ in the square opposite~ 3. To vote ~To on the Proposition make a eEMS X mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, e~ any writing, or any eramre made on the ballot is .nI.w~lL S. If you tear, or ded~e, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January I, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance or~ I-Ioldings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST S, 1965 Kothryn M, Cox Park District Secretary iNSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pencil havtuw bM lead. To vote yes on the ~rop~tion make a cross X ma~ In the mluare opposi~ 3. To vo*e No on the Proposition make a er~ss X m~r~ in the square opp~lte. Any oihe~ mark, or ~ny wriUu~, or any erasu~ m~de on the T~llot is unlawful If ~ou t~lr~ or dehee~ or WTQ~ly ~ the b~llot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MA~I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 PROPOSITION Yes No Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Pork District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PAIRK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... ' $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MA~'I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST $, 1965 Kathryn M. Cox Pork District Secretary INSTRUt~FIONS 1. Mar~ only with & peneil h&vin~ black 2. To vote Yes on the l'roposltlon make ~ eM X mz~ in the square opposite. 3. TO vote No on the Proposition make a eros8 X mark in the square opposite. 4* Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is .nl~Fful. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 5, 1965 No PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Park District be adopted as the Budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1966 and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $21,745.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS Retirement of Bonds .................................................................... $ 2,000.00 Interest on Bonds ........................................................................ 945.00 Insurance on, Holdings ................................................................ 2,000.00 Treasurer's Salary ...................................................................... 200.00 Secretary's Salary ........................................................................ 200.00 Legal Fees .................................................................................. 250.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound .................................................... 2,000.00 N~aintenance of Park Sites .......................................................... 6,500.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................................ 14,500.00 Utilities ...................................................................................... 350.00 Legal Notices .............................................................................. 100.00 Custodian's Salary ...................................................................... 2,700.00 Total .......................................................................... $31,745.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds 10,000.00 Amount to be roised by Taxes ............................................ $21,745.00