HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/16/1976STATE OF NEW YORK: : COUNTY OF S~FOL~K: SS.: MADELINE S. HAAS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Secretary of the Mattituck Park District; that on the 30th day of July, 1976, she posted five (5) copies of the Notice of Budget Meeting for the Mattituck Park District, a copy of which is hereto attached, in five (5) public places in Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, to-wit: 1. Bulletin Board, United States Post Office Love Lane, Mattituck, New York. 2. Bulletin Board, Mattituck Fire House Pike Street, Mattituck, New York. 3. Bulletin Board, Mattituck-Cutchogue U.F.S.D. (Mattituck High School) Main Road, Mattituck, New York. 4.Bulletin Board, Mattituck Free Library Main Road, Mattituck, New York. 5.Bulletin Board, The North Fork Bank & Trust Company 245 Love Lane, Mattituck, New York. Sworn to before me this 30th day of July, 1976 MA,R¥ LOU NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New No. ~-1~ 8~ff~k ~nty ~lon [xpk~ ~h ~ 1~ ~TTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the _eslaent tax- payers of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 16th day of August, 1976, at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, at the American Legion Building, 600 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York, for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1979. Polls will be kept open from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. The Commissioners of the Mattituck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said_budget: Retirement of Bonds. Interest Insurance. . Treasurer's Salary . .~ . Secretary's Salary . Legal Fees Life Guards at Bay and SOUnd Maintenance at Park Sites. Improvement to Park Sites· Utilities. Legal Notices'and Printin~ Expense Custodial Services Patrol . Breakwater Beach~hvirc~mental St,~es &Permits~ .$ 4,000.00 600.00 3,900.00 450.00 450.00 950.00 3,750.00 · 10,000.00 9,000.00 2,400.00 200.00 15,000.00 2.100.00 5,000.00 Total:S57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds. .$ 2,800.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes .$55~000.00 Dated: July 15, 1976 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Co~missioners Madeline S. Haas Secretary MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOTI~DGET MEETING Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the resident taxpayers of the Matt;tuck Park District to be held on the 16th day of August, 1976, at 7:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, at the American Legion Building, 600 Wickham Avenue, Mattituek, New York, for the purpose of voting on the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1977. Polls will be kept open from 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. The Commissioners of the Matt;tuck Park District have submitted the following estimate of expenditures for said fiscal year and propose the same as said budget: Retirement of Bonds $ 4,000.00 Interest 600.00 Insurance 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary 450.00 450.00 Secretary's Salary 950.00 Legal Fees Life Guards at Bay and Sound 3,750.00 Maintenance at Park Sites 10,000.00 Improvemen'~ to Park Sites 9,000.00 Utilities 2,400.00 Legal Nonces and Printing Expense 200.00 CustoS;al Services 15,000.00 Patrol 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total: $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds $ 2~800.00 Amount to be raised by Taxes $55,000.00 Dated: July 15, 1976 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Frank Murphy Park Commissioners Madeline S. Haas, Secretary 2T-8/5, 12 TY OF SUFFOLK [ ss: ~ OF NEW YORK j erley Katz, being duly sworn, says that she is an of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN, newspaper printed at £outhold, in Suffolk County; the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, ~n published in said Long Island Traveler-Watch- ce each week for ......... .crT... ........................... weeks rely, commencing on the ......~.. ................................ Sworn to before me this o;w or ..... · BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (st) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square Opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget f_or the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retiremen,t of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintencmce of Park Sices .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55t000.00 Ye$ [-1 No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted o's the Budget fgr the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF P,~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Mainten(~nce of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................. :.$55f000.00 Yes No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be ado~ted as the Budget fgr the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintonc~nce of Park Sices .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Exper~e ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $5~5f000.00 OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION No Shall the estimate of expenditu,res of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget fgr the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,0C)0.00 for said budget and to lev,/ a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55,000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with o pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District C~mmissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Siees .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gr~vel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes ................................... ;$5~5,000.0~0 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS 2. 3. 4. 5. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork Distr/ct Secretary INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (4) mark in the square opposite. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget f_or the Fiscal Year beginning January I, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 · Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55~000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (¢) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditu,res of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget ~r the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXI:~ENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: O Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Cu.stadial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gra*el Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55~000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretory INSTRUC'FION$ 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (V) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Cc~mmissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF P,~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: [ Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodi,~l Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $5~5,000.0~0 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS 2. 3. 4. 5. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUGTIONS Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (ff) mark Jn the square opposite. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (ff) mark In the square opposite. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget f_or the Fiscal Year beginning Jan,uory 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. I-] No ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park SiCes .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $5§t000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X~) mark or check (4) mark Jn the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (4) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain onother. Yes No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget f_or the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................. :.$55t000.00 · BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS 2. 3. 4. 5. MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork Distrh:t Secretary INSTRUCTIONS Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X~ mark or check mark in the square opposite. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and: shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax ~erefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bands ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintena~nce of Park Si~es .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55~000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X~ mark or check (V) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check (V) mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditu,res of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District C(~mmissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. No ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes ................................... ;$55t000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X'9 mark or check mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ( mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum Jt and obtain ar~ther. Yes No OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted os the Budget fgr the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Retiremen.t of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Si~es .................................... I0,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custadial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $5~5t000.00 BUDGET MEETIN~0F RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary IN5TRUC'FIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (¢) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Pmpasition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If yOU tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Cc~mmissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF P,~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park 5ices .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriaticm from Gra~/el Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55~000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUGTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X~ mark or check (~) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget f_or the Fiscal Year beginning Jan:uary 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 fo.r said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park SJees .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Cu.stodiol Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Grovel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55,000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS i. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a crass (X9 mark or check (4) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If yOU tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted os the Budget f_or the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and: shall the Park District Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PS, iRK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes I-] No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Day and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gra~el Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55t000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTION5 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (¢) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditu,res of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Cc~mmJssioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the laxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55~000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make a cross (X9 mark or check (~/) mark in the square opposite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check ( mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, return it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District Cc~mmissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy o tax therefore upon the taxable property in said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PARK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Sites .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................. ;.$55,000.00 BUDGET MEETING OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 Madeline S. Haas Pork District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or black ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote Yes on the Proposition, make o cross (X~ mark or check (~/) mark in the square oppasite. 3. To vote No on the Proposition, make a cross (X) mark or check mark in the square opposite. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unl~ful. 5. If you tear, deface or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT AUGUST 16, 1976 PROPOSITION Shall the estimate of expenditures of the Mattituck Park District be adopted as the Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 1977, and shall the Park District C~mmissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the said sum of $55,000.00 for said budget and to levy a tax therefore upon the taxable property Jn said District. ESTIMATE OF EXPENDITURES OF PA~RK DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS: Yes No Retirement of Bonds ................................................ $ 4,000.00 Interest .................................................................. 600.00 Insurance ................................................................ 3,900.00 Treasurer's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Secretary's Salary .................................................... 450.00 Legal Fees .............................................................. 950.00 Life Guards at Bay and Sound ................................ 3,750.00 Maintenance of Park Siees .................................... 10,000.00 Improvement to Park Sites ........................................ 9,000.00 Utilities .................................................................... 2,400.00 Legal Notices and Printing Expense ........................ 200.00 Custodial Services .................................................... 15,000.00 Patrol ...................................................................... 2,100.00 Breakwater Beach Environmental Studies & Permits 5,000.00 Total .................................................. $57,800.00 Appropriation from Gravel Funds ............................ $ 2,800.00 Amount to b raised by Taxes .................................... $55~000.00 MATTITUCK PARK COMMISSION Mattituck, Long Island New York August 16, 1976 We, the Undersigned appointed Election Inspectors hereby certify thee following results as the vote cast at the annual budget meeting of the resident taxpayers of the Mattituck Park District on August 16, 1976 from 7 80 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. at the Ammerican Legion Hall for the adoption of a budget for the 1977 year commencing January l, 1977. Number Ballots cast Number Voters registered Number Voted Yes Number Voted No Number Void Total Number of Ballots Counted