HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/30/1972STATE OF NEW YORK: : SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: MADELINE S. HAAS, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Secretary of the Mattituck Park District; that on the 16th day of November , 1972, she posted five (5) copies of the Notice of Election for Mattituck Park District, a copy of which is hereto attached, in five (5) public places in Mattituck, SuffOlk County, New York, to-wit: 3. 4. 5. Bulletin Board, Mattituck Post Office, 600 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck, New York. Bulletin Board, Mattituck Firehouse, Pike Street, Mattituck, New York. Bulletin Board, Mattituck High School, Main Road Matti~uck, New York. Public Bulletin Board, located on side of Raynor-Suter Hardware Store~Building, Love Lane, Mattituck, New York. Bulletin Board, Mattituck Free Library, Main Road, Mattituck, New York. Madeline S. ~aas Sworn to before me this 17th day of ~/~, GARY LOU DOROSKI #OTARY PUrJLrC. State of E~-w York No. 52-1000~38 S~f,'elk County C~mmissien Expires M~rch ~, 197~ MATTITUC~ PARK DISTRICT NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given, as prescribed by Chapter 924 of the Laws of New York, 1941, as amended, of a meeting of the legal voters of the Mattituck Park District to be held on the 30th day of November, 19 72, at 7 P.M. Eastern Standard Time at the Mattituck Firehouse~ Pik~ Street, Mattltuck, New York, for the following purposes: To elect a Commissioner for a term of three (3) years to succeed Laurence P. Reeve whose term expires January 1, 1973. To elect a Treasurer ~or a term of three (3) years to succeed Chester B. Melot whose term expires January l, 1973. Polls will be open from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Nominations shall be submitted in petition form, subscribed by 25 qualified voters, and filed with the Secretary at least 10 days prior to the date of such election. Every elector of the Town of Southold who shall have resided in the Mattituck Park D~strict for a period of 30 days next pre- ceding any election of the Park District shall be qualified to vote. Dated: October 30, 1972 Robert L. Bergen, Chairman Laurence P. Reeve Francis J. Murphy Park Commissioner~ Madeline S. Haas Secretary 595 Brower Road Mattituck, New York 11952 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK~ ss: C. Whitney Booth, Jr., being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a punic news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Zraveler-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for ..?~.~A~,.~D;.,,.6z....~,,,~,...,~,.. weeks successively, commencin~ on the Sworn to before me this ..... ~,~,~.~..".~f~ ...... day of ? The undersigned, all being qualified voters of the Mattituck Park District, Mattituck, New York, hereby nominate LAURENCE P. REEVE for Commissioner of Mattituck Park District for a term of 3 years to succeed Laurence P. Reeve, whose term expires January 1, 1973. 21,. 22. 23. 2~. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. The undersigned, all being qualified voters of the Mattituck Park District, Mattituck, New York, hereby nominate CHESTER B. MELOT for Treasurer of Mattituck Park District for a term of 3 years to succeed Chester B. Melot whose term expires January l, 1973. 16. 17. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am a resident qualified elector under New York State Law of the Mattituck Park District in the Town of Southold and that I am eligible to vote at the advertised election of November BO, 1972 of the Mattituck Park District 31 113 ) ~j I _1/? ............................... 14o MATTITUCK PARK COMMISSION Mattltuck, Long Island New York November 30, 1972 We, the undersi~aed appointed Election Inspectors hereby certify the following results as the votes cast at the meeting of the resident taxpayers of the Mattituck Park District on November 30, 1972 from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. at the Mattituck Fire House for the election of a Commlssioner to fill the position of Laurence P. Reeve whose term expires December Bi, 1972 and the election of & Treasurer to fill the position of Chester Melot whose term expires December Bi, 1972 Number--Ballots cast for Commissioner N,,mber Voters registered N~mber Voted Yes - Co"w.~ ~sioner Reeve N~,mber Voted ~ &o,s ~ ~,~ ~) Tot~ N~er of Ba~s Co~ted N,,mber Ballots cast for Treasurer N,,mber Voters registered N,,mber Voted Yes - Treasurer Melot N,~mber Votes ~ ~ N,,mber Void Total Number of Ballots Counted Madeline S. Haas,~Secretary ANNUAL ELECTION OF RESIDENT TAXPAYERS MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Madeline S. Haas Park District Secretary INSTRUCTIONS 1. Mark only with a pen having blue or block ink, or with a pencil having black lead. 2. To vote for a candidate listed, make a cross (X) mark or a check mark in the square opposite his name. 3. To vote for a candidate not listed, write his name correctly in blank space and make a cross (X) mark or a check (V) mark in thesquare opposite his name. 4. Any other mark, or any writing, or any erasure made on the ballot is unlawful. 5. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark the ballot, retum it and obtain another. OFFICIAL BAI J.OT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAIJ-OT MATTITUC:K PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. J VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YF. ARS J I,---t I VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~',E P. REEVJ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B, MELOT U~ r Zt.~lJa~L, J:~za~iJ-U l MAI'rlTUGK PARK DISTRIGT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for o Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOP, 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REI:VI: VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHF..~TER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~:E P. REEVJ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA! J.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRI~'I' NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for o Treosurer for o term of three yeors. Vote for o Pork Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MA'FI'ITUC:K PARK DISTRIC~T NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENiCE P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years, TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MAI'rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B, MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park. Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV;E VOTE FOR ONE I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA!-LOT MATTITUCK PAitK DI$'r~I~T NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV,~ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,,E P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI J.OT MATTITUCK PARK DiSTRiCT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for o Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI.I.OT MA'I'rlTUC:K PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENC, E P. REEV~ OFFICIAL BAI.LOT MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRIGT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of throe years, Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE ×1 I COMMISSIONER FOP, 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEVE VOTE FOR ONE ×1 I TREASURER FOR 3 YEAP`$ CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR. 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for o Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MAI'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER ~0, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Pork Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI.I.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. i~,FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVi~ OFFICIAL BAI-I OT MA'rrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MA'I'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MSLOT Ur.l.~ it..,i,J~.l.I.~.d~l j -U ! MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEV~ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS '~ CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOP, 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVJ VOTE FOR ONE ×1 I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUC:K PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treosurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. I VO~ Z~ FOR 0 COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for (3 term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MAI'rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBrER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three yeors. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEVE VOTE FOR ONE I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI.I.OT MA'I'rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEYE OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. V~TE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS /J LAUREN~£P. REEV'~ I J~J~ J CHEST, P. B. MELOT OFFICIAL B~I.I.OT MA'rrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER J. MELOT OFFICIAL BAIJ.OT MAI'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE Xl COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treosurer for a term of three years. Vote for o Pork Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B, MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Pare Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE ×I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEV~E VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MATTITUCK I~A~J{ DISTP, I~"T NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ I L VOTE FIOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS, J J ~ CHESTER Ii. MELOT I I OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MA'rrITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treosurer for o term of three yeors. Vote for o Pork Commissioner for o term of three yeors. VOTE FOR ONE I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV,~ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA~rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVJ CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'TITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMB'ER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS ~,'~ J LAUREH4'.,E P. REEV~ OFFICIAL BA! J.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRI~r NOVEMBER 30,. 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRIGT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL I~ALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER. FOP~ 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MA'rrlTUCK PARK DISTRI~'I' NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI.I.OT MA'VrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHF. STER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAIJ.OT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for o term of three years, Vote for o Pork Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ OFFICIAL BAIJ-OT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~E I I VOTE FO~ ONE T~EASURE~ FOR 3 YEARS J CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRI~I' NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA~J.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRiCr NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATI'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEV~E VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS; CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MAI'rITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONEP, FOR 3 YEAPS LAUREN~.E P. REF. V~ I JVOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS I-.~ CHESTER B. MELOT I I OFFICIAL BA~J-OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRI~r NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR, 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~E I ~1 CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA~-l-OT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRIGT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~:E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA~ J-aT MA'~riTUC:K PAI~K DiST[I~r NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUIt, EN~,E I~. REEV,~ OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEV~ I J VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS II I OFFICIAL BALLOT MAI'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REL=VZ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS. CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI JOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REL~,E [~[CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI.I.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for o Pork Commissioner for o term of three yeors. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVJ OFFICIAl. BAI.LOT MATTITUCK PAI~K DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three ye(3rs. Vote for (3 Park Commissioner for (3 term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVJ J~IcHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MATYITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I-OT MATTITUCK PARK DIST~,ICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote far a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOP, 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~E I J VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS J CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a ParP. Commissioner for a term of three years. OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI J.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRI~'r NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for o Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FC~ 3 YEARS LAURENiCE P. REEVE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for o Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAl. BAIJ.OT MATrlTUC:K PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA~ J.OT MA~'I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEV~E VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEV~E I VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT' NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN;CE I~. REEW, E VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA~'I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~",E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS X CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'r'rlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOP, 3 YEARS LAUREN;CE P. REEVJ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term' of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENiCE P. REEVJ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRIGT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park. Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOP, 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV:,E I /~l CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI.I.OT MA'I'I'ITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEV~E VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for o Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEV~ CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PAgK DISTRP~'T NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS r~ j/J/ LAUEEN~,E P. REEV~E OFFICIAL BAI-! ~OT MATrlTUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN(',E P. REE~J TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS, CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for o Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for o Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEVJ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.E P. REEV~E TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS C;HESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~GE P. REEY~E CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~:E P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL B~wJ.OT MA'I'rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE vi I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL B~AI-I.OT MATI'ITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Votp for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOT~FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ OFFICIAL BAIJ-OT MATTITUCK PARK DiSTP. ICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three yeers, Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE ×1 I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~:E P. REEVE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENC:E P. REEV,1: I J VOTE FOR ONE T~EASgRER FOR 3 YEARS J CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI-W.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEI~IBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN(:E P. REEVZ I VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS OFFICIAL BAI J.OT MATTITUCK PAP. K DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,,,E P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MAI'rITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAI J.OT MATTITUCK I~ARK DISTI~I~'I' NOVEI~IB'ER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE I I TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years, Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'rrITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years, Vote for a Pork Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.,E P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'rrITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for o Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~.E P. REEVE VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL B~-~-OT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRIGT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for o term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE ×1 I VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~,E P. REEV~ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA~J-OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE I~. REEV~ I JVOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS OFFICIAL BAI-I.OT MAI'rlTUGK lARK NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vo~e for a Treasurer for o term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MA'I'rITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAUREN~CE P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAIJ.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEVZ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B, MELOT OFFICIAL BALLOT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three yeQrs. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR :3 YEARS I..AUREN~E P. REEYE VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS; CHESTER J. MELOT OFFICIAL BALI.OT MATTITUGK PA[~K DiSTRICt NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE ×1 I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEV~ VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS. CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL B~hL~.OT MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. REEY~E VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BA[J-OT MATrITUCK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a term of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS L~UREN~,,E P. REEVZ I/OTE FOR ONE ,, TRF. ASURER FOR 3 YEARS CHESTER B. MELOT OFFICIAL BAIJ.OT MATTITUGK PARK DISTRICT NOVEMBER 30, 1972 Vote for a Treasurer for a term of three years. Vote for a Park Commissioner for a ferm of three years. VOTE FOR ONE I ?1 COMMISSIONER FOR 3 YEARS LAURENCE P. RElEasE J VOTE FOR ONE TREASURER FOR 3 YEARS J CHESTER J. MELOT